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Effective treatment of nail fungus with drugs and folk remedies. Treatment of nail fungus with folk remedies. The best remedy for nail fungus

According to research, every third person experiences fungal nail diseases. Moreover, nail fungus was quite rare a few decades ago.

According to researchers, the disease has become so widespread thanks to the benefits of civilization: the high availability of swimming pools, public saunas, gyms - everything that was created to strengthen human health. But when building muscle mass or losing excess weight, a person rarely pays attention to the threat that is next to him: pathogenic fungi that are just waiting to become one with a new “host”.

The consequences (and not only of an aesthetic nature) are not long in coming. Darkened, loose, peeling nails, unpleasant odor from feet and shoes are far from the worst manifestations of the disease. Without treatment, the fungus can spread to neighboring areas of the body, reduce local immunity and promote secondary infection - penetration of pathogenic bacteria into the tissues and blood, and also cause infection of others. Members of the patient's family are at risk - people whose skin comes into contact with surfaces on which microscopic particles of infected skin remain. It is for this reason that purchasing an effective nail fungus remedy for your home medicine cabinet is a great idea, especially if you go to the gym, swimming pools and other public places where there is a high risk of fungal infection.

So, what are the best remedies for nail fungus that the modern pharmaceutical industry and traditional medicine offer us?

The best medicines for nail fungus



Cost of a 10 ml bottle. about 650 rubles, tubes weighing 30 g - 400 rubles.

The active substance of Exoderil - naftifine - has a high “cumulative” effect. This means that when using the drug, naftifine accumulates in the tissues of the nail plate, and gradually reaches its maximum concentration, which is harmful to fungi. The excipients included in the drug facilitate the penetration of naftifine into the nail tubules, through which the fungus actually spreads.

Advantages. In addition to its antifungal effect, the drug prevents secondary infection of affected tissues, relieves itching and quickly relieves inflammatory processes caused by fungal infections.

Flaws. Clinical studies of the drug that would confirm or refute its harmlessness have not yet been conducted. Therefore, today Exoderil is contraindicated for the treatment of children, pregnant and lactating women, as well as people with intolerance to any component of this drug.

Grade. The complex action of Exoderil is its only, albeit significant, advantage, which provided the drug with 9 points out of ten in the ranking of the best remedies for nail fungus.

From reviews:“I treated fungus on the nails and on the skin between the fingers with Exoderil. Frankly, the fungus is survivable, but the itching it causes is not. This drug literally relieved the itching within a day, although I treated the fungus itself according to the instructions - until the nail completely grew back.”



The cost of a tube weighing 20g. about 400 rubles. Analogue - Mycozoral (15g/180 rubles).

The active ingredient of Nizoral - ketoconazole - has a strong antimycotic effect and is effective against most yeast-like, mold and other fungi. Penetrating into the nail tissue affected by the fungus, ketoconazole disrupts the metabolism in these organisms and destroys their cell membrane, which becomes a stopping factor for the formation of fungal colonies and their further reproduction.

Advantages. The high effectiveness of Nizoral has been confirmed by clinical studies, but the percentage of cure for nail lesions was taken into account last: the main attention was paid to fungal skin diseases. For this reason, it is difficult to say whether the cream is as effective for onychomycosis as for seborrhea of ​​the scalp. But what has really been proven is that when Nizoral is used topically, its active ingredients are not detected in the blood even with prolonged use of the drug. Therefore, this cream is approved for the treatment of nursing, pregnant women and people with any kidney or liver diseases.

Flaws. The not very convenient scheme for using the cream (twice a day) in combination with its consistency - not thick and oily, can cause difficulties. This is especially true for those whose treatment took them on the road or away from home.

Grade. Overall, Nizoral deserves 10 points out of ten. But insufficiently large-scale clinical studies regarding the issues that interest us here and now - the treatment of nail fungus - still reduce its rating. Therefore, we will focus on 9 points.

From reviews:“I liked Nizoral shampoo when I was treating oily seborrhea of ​​the scalp. Therefore, when I discovered a fungus on my nail, I immediately bought a cream of the same name. I haven’t noticed any obvious results on my nails yet - I only started treatment a week ago, but the skin around the nail started to look healthier.”



The cost of a 15 ml bottle is about 350 rubles.

The active ingredient, terbinafine, inhibits the growth and activity of various types of fungi, including those that cause nail damage. When the drug is used correctly according to the instructions, a concentration of terbinafine is created in the nail, which for a long time prevents re-infection.

Advantages. The convenience of Lamisil lies in the possibility of choosing a dosage form in the form of a spray, solution, gel or cream. All forms of Lamisil are equally effective. With proper use of the drug, obvious improvements are observed after 2 weeks.

Flaws. The high-quality treatment that this drug provides is due to the powerful action of terbinafine. But it is for this reason that Lamisil treatment of nail fungus in nursing, pregnant women and children under 12 years of age is contraindicated.

Grade. One of the best remedies for nail fungus, popular all over the world, but requires strict adherence to the “rules of the game.” Deserves 10 out of 10.

From reviews: “I think Lamisil is overpriced, although using it in spray form is really convenient. The fungus went away as the nail grew, I used Lamisil for about a month.”

The best varnishes for nail fungus


Varnishes for the treatment of nail fungus use various active ingredients, and the cost of such drugs varies widely:

  • Lotseryl (amorolfine). The cost of a 2.5 lm bottle is about 1300 rubles;
  • Batrafen (cyclopiroxolamine). Price for a 2.5 ml bottle is about 1570 rubles;
  • Demictene (formic acid aldehyde). The cost of a 2.5 ml bottle is about 280 rubles;
  • Mikozan (complex of active ingredients). The cost of the set is about 650 rubles.

These are the best and most popular nail polishes for treating fungal nail infections, and they all share the same advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages. Each of the active ingredients - amorolfine, cyclopiroxolamine, etc. - are strong antimycotic agents that inhibit the growth and activity of fungi. The convenience of using varnishes leaves no doubt - periodic or one-time treatment of the affected nail before the first (or each) use of the product, and then all that remains is to follow the instructions: “touch up” the nail once or twice a day or even once a week (as Loceryl promises).

Flaws. Unfortunately, despite all the effectiveness of the antimycotic substances included in the varnishes, they are ineffective against deep fungal infections, as well as when the fungus is localized under the nail plate. This deficiency is to some extent compensated by the ability of the nail to accumulate medicinal substances, which spread deeper over time. But even taking this into account, there is no guarantee that a few months after completing the course of treatment, the fungus will not appear “out of nowhere.” It is known where: from areas of the nail into which the active substances could not penetrate.

Grade. The inability to predict the effectiveness of treatment immediately deprives even the best varnishes for treating nail fungus of several rating points. But they immediately return, since Lotseryl, Batrafen, Demicten, Mikozan, etc. are the best means for the prevention of fungal infections. Therefore, those who visit public swimming pools, saunas and gyms will be interested to know the “dual” assessment of varnishes: we give them 7 points out of 10 as drugs for treatment, and 10 out of 10 as means for the prevention of nail fungus.

From reviews of varnishes against nail fungus: “I treated fungus on my big toe with Demikten - the effect was absolutely zero. True, I did not have the opportunity to steam my leg; I applied the varnish on a dry one. A few months later I bought Mikozan and did not regret it: the fungus had just begun to destroy the nail, I did everything according to the instructions. After 2 months there was no trace left.”

Tea tree oil
best folk remedy for nail fungus


The cost of a 10 ml bottle is about 140 rubles.

Tea tree oil contains terpenes, which serve as the basis for the antiseptic, antiviral and anti-inflammatory effects of the product. And viridoflorene, a powerful antimicrobial substance, has been identified only in tea tree oil to date, which makes it truly unique.

Advantages. Considering the 100% natural origin of the oil, it can be indicated for the treatment of fungal diseases of the nails and skin of the feet, even in pregnant women, breastfeeding women and children. It has a pronounced antimycotic effect, suppressing the growth of fungi, and thanks to the antimicrobial effect, it prevents secondary infection of areas weakened by the activity of pathogenic microorganisms.

Flaws. A strong scent that some describe as pleasant and fresh, while others find it somewhat "medicinal". The spectrum of action of tea tree oil is wide, but some types of mushrooms are resistant to viridoflorene, which makes this remedy useless in the treatment of some fungal infections. Also, the oil is not recommended for persons with individual intolerance to the components of this product.

Grade. The almost complete absence of contraindications, effectiveness, complex action - all this allows us to call tea tree oil the best folk remedy for nail fungus and award it 10 points out of ten.

From reviews: “I had to treat a recurring fungus on my legs during pregnancy. I was afraid to use synthetic drugs and preferred tea tree oil. I can say that I have never had a better remedy for nail fungus: from the “root” the nail began to grow smooth and pink. Now I constantly disinfect the inside of outdoor and indoor shoes with this oil - I’ve forgotten about the fungus for about 7 years now.”

What you need to know when treating nail fungus?

The effectiveness of nail fungus remedies can be significantly increased if you use the following “tricks”:

  • Before applying the product, wash your feet thoroughly in moderately warm water and soap (it is better to use baby soap or regular laundry soap), then change the water to hot and steam the affected nail for at least 5-7 minutes. This procedure will “open” the cells of the nail, which will allow the varnish or cream to penetrate deeper into its tissue. Just remember that hot foot baths are contraindicated for varicose veins, hypotension, and elevated body temperature.
  • Make sure that the overgrown nail is cut off in a timely manner. The protruding, “free” part of the nail plate should be removed as it grows in order to free up access for the drug to the soft tissues of the nail bed.
  • Treat not only the nail, but also the surrounding areas of healthy tissue. “Seize new territories” without hesitation, at least 1 cm from the nail: the fungus is able to survive a drug attack in nearby tissues, and at the end of the course of treatment return as if nothing had happened.
  • If the fight against fungal infections has become your way of life, and you live in the “remove the fungus - rejoice at the recovery - find the fungus again” mode, be sure to consult a doctor. Most likely, you will need a microscopic examination of a nail sample in order to identify the pathogen and subsequently prescribe drugs to which “your” fungus has not yet acquired resistance.

Attention! There are contraindications, consultation with a specialist is required

Quite a few people have encountered such a disease as onychomycosis. At first glance, the name is complex and not everyone will understand what it is about. In fact, this is the most common nail fungus. Treatment of the disease is quite complex, so therapy is required already in the first stages of the disease. The main symptoms that should indicate that danger is approaching are the appearance of white spots on the nail plate and inflammation of the skin around the nail. If you start this process, then in the future the disease will lead to the death of the nail plate with further spread to other nails, as well as to the entry of pathogenic organisms into the bloodstream. In general, the human body is able to overcome a fungal infection when infected, but is not able to resist it when the immune system is weakened. Thus, pathogenic fungi multiply and the disease intensifies. In order not to delay the treatment process (and this can last a whole year), it is necessary to select an effective therapy.

Nail fungus varnish Batrafen

If the first manifestations of onychomycosis have been noticed, then the development of the fungus can be blocked with the help of antifungal varnish. The first thing to note is the price, it is quite high, but the product is considered very effective. In general, the price is quite justified by the quality. The varnish works quite simply: you only need to apply it once a week and it will last for seven days. The product tends to accumulate, so the result intensifies with each application. The main active substance in the composition is ciclopirox. It is this that is capable of quickly blocking and subsequently influencing the fungus.

Please note that the varnish must be applied to pre-treated nails (steamed and cut). Consequently, the active substances of the product will penetrate deeper into the tissues faster. As a result, complete disappearance of the fungus can be expected within a few weeks after treatment.

This tool can also be used to carry out preventive measures. As you know, infection with fungal spores occurs in the most crowded places where the foot comes into contact with an open surface (baths, saunas, gyms); you can often acquire a fungal disease on the beach. Therefore, before going to a public place with high levels of moisture, it is recommended to apply antifungal varnish. The practicality of the antifungal agent lies in the fact that it can be applied under regular manicure polish and not feel any discomfort.

Mikozan new antifungal serum

Antifungal serum Mikozan

The product appeared relatively recently, but is already in great demand among patients. The serum is applied daily in the dosages prescribed by the mycologist. The fungus is eliminated with its help very easily and at the same time quickly, and there are practically no cases of recurrence of the disease. That is why the product is recognized as one of the most effective.

Mikozan is very easy to apply and is not visible on the nails. Experts note that it is better to start treatment with this remedy at the earliest stages. But there are cases when mycologists prescribe Mikozan already at an advanced stage. It’s only in such cases that it is supplemented by taking oral medications. If we talk about cost, then the serum falls under the average pricing policy. At the same time, only one bottle of the product is required for one course of treatment.

Nailivitis painless plate removal

Just a couple of decades ago, surgery was required to cure onychomycosis. This procedure was not even the key to successful treatment; relapses and then long courses of therapy were often observed. But medicine has stepped forward and given people suffering from fungal diseases painless nail removal using a special product. Thanks to Nogtivit, you can quickly remove a deeply affected plate. This remedy is prescribed by dermatologists or mycologists when the disease is in a very advanced form (spores have penetrated deep into the tissue, and medications are difficult to pass through the roughened nail plate).

Means for painless nail removal Nogtivit

Please note that Nogtivit is a unique medicine that not only removes the plate, but also promotes the regeneration of a new and already healthy nail. This is explained by the composition of the drug. It contains propylene glycol and urea, which soften the nail and make it susceptible to filing. Also, one of the components of the drug is tea tree oil (it is recognized as the best antiseptic of natural origin). Thus, disinfection and treatment of tissues occurs.

Apply Nogtevit to already prepared nails. Therefore, you should first steam your feet in a soda-soap solution and file off the affected part as much as possible. After such manipulations, you need to cover the contact tissues with adhesive tape to protect them from the effects of the drug. And, only after all the procedures have been completed, you can apply Nogtevit in a small layer. After application, the surface of the nail must be sealed with an adhesive plaster and left to act for four days, while it is forbidden to wet the affected area with water. After time, the finger comes unglued and is subjected to repeated steaming in a soda-soap solution. After this, the softened plate is removed using manicure instruments (they must be individual, and the nail file must be changed during the treatment period each time after treating the nail). In some cases, re-application of Nogtevit may be necessary. Please note that the product is very affordable and its price can fluctuate within one hundred rubles.

Fluconazole is a strong blow to onychomycosis

Systemic drug for nail fungus Fluconazole

When drugs for local action on the fungus are no longer effective, then heavier artillery comes to the rescue - oral drugs. Medicines can be available in the form of capsules or tablets. However, all such drugs are taken with extreme caution, since they have a strong effect on the body. The tablets easily cope with almost any type of mycosis, even at the most advanced stages, but at the same time they have a very toxic effect on the body. Consequently, the drug is prohibited for the treatment of people suffering from kidney diseases, any liver ailments, pregnant women, as well as young children under three years of age.

The result is observed after the first course of treatment with Fluconazole. Relapses after taking oral medications are not observed at all, since the active substances accumulate in the body. For maximum results, the effect of the tablets can be supported by the use of topical medications.

Lamisil cream for nail fungus

Antifungal cream Lamisil

Onychomycosis is such a complex infectious disease that it requires complex treatment. Therefore, the effect of oral agents must be supplemented with various antifungal ointments or creams. A strong effect on fungal spores of Lamisil cream was noted. Treatment will take several weeks depending on the severity of the disease. The frequency of application is twice a day.

The cream gives a particularly stable result in the early stages of the disease. For more advanced fungal diseases, it must be combined with stronger therapy. The important thing is that the use of the product should be regular and continuous throughout the course. Otherwise, there will be no result and the therapy will be delayed. The thing is that after using Lamisil in the first days, there is a noticeable improvement in the condition and all unpleasant symptoms are relieved. This misleads the patient and creates a false feeling that the fungus has been cured. Therefore, many patients stop using Lamisil cream. But, in fact, treatment of onychomycosis, even with the most powerful drugs, lasts at least one month.

Lamitel anti-fungal sprays

Spray against fungus Lamitel

If the condition of the nails is alarming and there is a suspicion that a fungus has crept under the nails, then it is necessary to purchase first-acting drugs. In the early stages of the development of the disease, Lamitel spray is ideal.

The product is applied to pre-steamed nails (this manipulation is required for better penetration of the active substances into the tissue). The regularity of application should be at least once, and in more complex cases - twice. Spray treatment lasts two weeks.

It is worth noting that the drug should be used with caution, since if it comes into contact with healthy tissue, it causes redness and irritation. In rare cases, itching may occur. If such a reaction occurs, it is better to consult a dermatologist and question the use of the drug. There are also restrictions on who is allowed to use the spray. Treatment with Lamitel is not recommended for pregnant women and children under twelve years of age. If no individual intolerance or allergic reaction is noted to Lamitel, then the treatment will be as effective as possible without further relapses. The price for the spray is determined within two hundred rubles.

Onychoplast antifungal patch

Application of antifungal patch Onychoplast

This remedy is rightfully considered the longest-lived of all antifungal medications. The patch has been used since ancient Soviet times. The main effect is to soften the nail plate for its subsequent painless removal. To do this, you need to change the patch three to four times a day.

Before gluing the nails, they are first prepared - steaming procedures are carried out in a soda-soap solution (it works best on the affected areas) or in a vinegar solution. Then they are thoroughly filed and sealed with adhesive tape. Onychoplast should be used until the diseased nail is completely removed. After removing the infected plate, treatment will speed up and give a more lasting effect.

There are many effective remedies that will help get rid of annoying fungal diseases in a short period of time. But the course of treatment and combination of drugs should be determined only by a mycologist or a dermatologist after a detailed diagnosis. Since self-medication can only aggravate the condition and delay therapy for many months.

Video: Review of the most effective remedies for nail fungus

Treatment of nail fungus with folk remedies is the safest and cheapest method of getting rid of fungus. In this article I will describe several simple and effective recipes for treating nail fungus with folk remedies.

Nail fungus

This is an infectious disease that is very easily transmitted from person to person. There are many ways of transmitting the fungus - through shared shoes (for example, indoor shoes used by guests), public places such as showers, swimming pools, gyms, baths, etc.
A nail affected by fungus may not be immediately noticeable. And having noticed, they often simply do not pay attention to the fungus until it reminds of itself with itching or loss of the nail.
It is very important to remember that in addition to its extraordinary vitality in the environment, nail fungus quickly develops immunity to the substances included in the main antifungal drugs.
That is, if the fungus was not treated, or re-infection occurred, for example through old shoes, then treatment with the previous drug will no longer be as effective. It is necessary to select a drug with a fundamentally different mechanism of action, for example, the innovative Mikozan serum based on rye enzyme filtrate, which has high antifungal activity and does not form an addiction in the fungus. This serum destroys the fungus in the deep layers of the nail, thereby reducing the risk of relapse.
Meanwhile, the sooner a person infected with a fungus begins to treat it, the easier it is to get rid of it. Those who have suffered from nail fungus and gone to the hospital know that the doctor will prescribe an expensive ointment that will need to be used for several weeks or months, and then prescribe another one if the first one does not help.
Of course, you can treat it this way. Or you can help these ointments, or even completely replace them with the use of traditional medicine recipes. Moreover, there will definitely be no harm from them.

Treatment of nail fungus with folk remedies

- Mix 10 g of propolis and 100 g of alcohol. Make a foot bath in a saturated solution of potassium permanganate, then dry your feet and try (as much as possible) to stuff a mixture of propolis and alcohol under your nails, and then tie your fingers with a bandage. This dressing should be changed every other day. Usually 3 procedures are enough for the fungus to leave you.
- In 1 liter of 9% vinegar you need to infuse 1 pack of pharmaceutical dry celandine. The longer it sits, the better (you can keep it ready for months). Then strain and add 3 - 5 tablespoons of salt. At night, after washing your feet, pour this infusion into the bath and soak your feet there for 5 minutes. Then dry your feet (do not scrub) and go to bed. First, the interdigital fungus will disappear, and then the nail fungus. To enhance the effect, you can do such baths twice a day.
- Nail fungus on the hands can be cured in a week by doing the following procedures at night: soap the nail with tar soap, dip it in table salt and tie it with a bandage overnight.
1 Best price
2 Convenient way to use
3 Quick effect

Nail fungus- a common problem. You can become infected in a swimming pool, the shower of a sports club, and even in an expensive beauty salon. Nails affected by fungus change color, becoming dull, gray-yellow, may thicken, or, conversely, become thinner and begin to crumble. The problem is not limited to just cosmetic flaws. Developing in the subungual space, the fungus is able to penetrate the lymphatic system and spread throughout the body, causing general allergization.

Those who are faced with this disease will have to prepare for long and painstaking treatment. Nail fungus needs to be treated until a healthy nail plate has completely grown back. If the arms are affected, this can take up to six months, legs – up to a year.

Remedies against nail fungus can be general or local. General drugs are taken orally, local ones are applied to the affected nails. The use of local remedies is most effective if 1-2 nails are affected and the area of ​​the fungus does not exceed 1/3 of the nail plate.

Before offering an overview of the best remedies against nail fungus, let us recall the general rules for their use.

  • Treatment should be carried out daily (with the exception of varnishes, more on them below).
  • Before applying the product, you need to remove as much of the affected area of ​​the nail as possible. To remove, use a disposable or disinfected file.
  • You need to apply the anti-fungal agent not only to the nail itself, but also to the areas of skin next to it (with the exception of products with urea).
  • Be sure to continue treatment until a clean, healthy nail has completely grown out.

And now, as promised, let’s talk about specific means.

There are contraindications. Consult your doctor.

The best cream against nail fungus

Cream products are not the most convenient way to treat nail fungus. The drug must be rubbed into the nail plate twice a day, which, given the duration of treatment, becomes tedious. After application, it is recommended to seal the nail with a plaster, so the cream will remain on the nail plate longer.

3 Terbinafine

Best price
Country Russia
Average price: 129 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.4

The third line of our rating is occupied by Terbinafine, cream for external use 1%. The active ingredient of the drug, terbinafine, blocks the enzymes of fungal cells, which causes their death. This product has won the strong love of customers at an affordable price. Being a generic, that is, a copy of a medicine for which the patent has expired, terbinafine is 5-10 times more economical than the original, which is important, considering the treatment time for nail fungus. For the same reason, it is good to use it for prevention - visiting swimming pools and public showers. The negative side of terbinafine, like any generic drug, is that quality and effectiveness can vary greatly depending on the manufacturer. The product should not be used to treat children under 10 years of age, pregnant or lactating women.

2 Lamisil

European quality
Country: Switzerland
Average price: 495 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

In second place among the best creams for nail fungus is Lamisil cream 1%. Available in tubes of 15 and 30 grams. The active ingredient in Lamisil is terbinafine hydrochloride, which we just talked about. Lamisil is the original drug. That is, it is produced by the exact company that invented the substance, and has passed all the necessary studies to prove its effectiveness. This is confirmed by numerous positive reviews from both doctors and patients. Proven effectiveness and Swiss quality could provide the product with first place, but the high price forces it to “move” on the pedestal.

There are many different remedies available to effectively treat fungal nail diseases. They differ in release form, principle of action, active component, composition, cost, method of application, etc. Some of them are intended for use at the initial stage of the spread of infection, others at an advanced stage. We found out what the pros and cons of each type of antifungal agent are.




Beautiful coating

The most convenient application

Disinfecting effect

Is a cosmetic, not a drug

Natural remedies

The highest quality composition

Useful components

Have no contraindications

Excellent skin softening

Completely get rid of fungus only in combination with other means

High price


Economical consumption

Fast absorption

High performance

There are contraindications

Requires frequent use (2 times a day)


High efficiency

The most powerful impact

Strong anti-inflammatory effect

May negatively affect the liver and gastrointestinal tract

Many contraindications


Low cost


Slowest flow

Good efficiency

Takes too long to absorb


Optimal consistency

Good preventive and therapeutic effects

Inconvenient method of application (rub in several times a day, cover with adhesive tape)

1 Exoderil

Greatest attention to the consumer
Country: Austria
Average price: 407 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The original drug produced by the Austrian company Sandoz. The active substance, naftifine, disrupts the structure of the wall of fungal cells, which causes their death. It has not only antifungal, but also anti-inflammatory and antipruritic activity, which can be important if the fungus has spread beyond the nail. A white, shiny cream with a faint characteristic odor is available in tubes of 15 and 30 g. It has good reviews from practicing doctors. Included in the Federal clinical guidelines for the treatment of skin and nail fungus.

Contraindications for use: pregnancy and lactation.

Exoderil has its own mobile application. It tells you when to apply the product, allows you to monitor the effectiveness of treatment, and compare the condition of your nails.

Despite the relatively high (but still lower than Lamisil) price, Exoderil, based on its combined merits, is the best cream against nail fungus.

The best polish against nail fungus

The most convenient form of treatment for nail fungus. The varnish is applied 1, less than 2 times a week to the nail surface that is as clean as possible from affected masses and degreased.

3 Demicten varnish

Easiest to use, good efficiency
Country Russia
Average price: 360 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.5

Among varnishes against nail fungus, Demicten occupies a special place. This remedy is suitable even for children and pregnant women, because... produced on a natural basis. It is applied in small quantities to the nails, feet and surrounding skin, forming a protective film. It serves as a kind of barrier to infections and bacteria. The effect of the varnish is based on activating the growth of healthy cells and stimulating the immune system.

The product has a powerful antiviral, bactericidal and antiseptic effect. A tube of 35 g lasts for 2-3 months. The consistency of Demicten is similar to glue - it is applied in a thin layer and dries quickly. Important advantages are: harmlessness, natural composition, high efficiency, optimal cost, excellent reviews. Disadvantages: The film may cause slight discomfort.

2 Oflomil varnish

Best price
Country: India
Average price: 857 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Produced by the Indian company Glenmark. The active substance, amorolfine hydrochloride, damages the membrane of the fungus, causing its death. Penetrates into the subungual bed within 24 hours after application, the effective concentration lasts for a week.

The product is sold as a set. Each set contains 2.5 ml of varnish, 6 applicators, 12 nail files, 12 sachets with tampons soaked in a degreasing and disinfecting solution. The varnish should be used once a week, based on this, 1 set is designed for 12 weeks of use. It is not recommended to use the product during pregnancy and while breastfeeding.

Being a generic, Oflomil has a relatively low price, about a quarter cheaper than the original medicine. Despite this, in terms of price and duration of possible use, it is inferior to its competitor.

1 Loceryl varnish

Optimal price-performance ratio
Country: France
Average price: RUB 1,393.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Product produced by the French company Galderma. The active ingredient is amorolfine. Being an original drug, it has proven effectiveness against nail fungus. Available in sets containing 2.5 or 5 ml of varnish.

A bottle containing 2.5 ml of polish includes 5 applicators, 15 nail files and 30 antiseptic swabs. Thus, costing a quarter more than its competitor, Loceryl is designed for 15 weeks of use. That is, in terms of a week of use, the cost of treatment is approximately equal to that of a generic drug. But the original French quality allows the product to come out on top in terms of the combination of effectiveness and price.

The best natural remedy for nail fungus

This category of products may be suitable for those who, for some reason - temporary or permanent - cannot use synthetic antifungal drugs. Natural remedies are generally less convenient to use and do not always achieve the goal of completely eliminating nail fungus. However, they also have their fans.

Natural remedies can be used without any restrictions during pregnancy and breastfeeding. They are also suitable for those who fundamentally do not want to use “chemistry”. But those who are prone to allergies need to be especially careful. Natural remedies themselves are often allergenic, plus they require the use of large amounts of preservatives, which can also cause an allergic reaction.

3 Gehwol Med Protective Nail and Skin Oil

Highest quality
Country: Germany
Average price: 1400 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Gehwol oil is one of the best remedies for combating fungal diseases on nails. The main components are: wheat germ concentrate, chamomile plant extract, vitamin E, panthenol. Each of them brings great benefits to the affected areas, and together they effectively fight fungus, restore nails to a healthy appearance, add shine, nourish and get rid of unpleasant odor.

To achieve the best effect, apply a few drops of oil and rub it in with massaging movements for about two minutes. It comes in 15 ml glass packaging and is consumed very slowly. The advantages include an excellent composition, a unique effect on the affected areas, excellent care for nails and cuticles, and convenient packaging. The disadvantage is the high price.

2 Stop-Active gel

The most natural
Country Russia
Average price: 990 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The medicine contains mumiyo, beaver stream and stone oil. Mumiyo-asil has a disinfectant effect and relieves sweating, which indirectly stimulates the development of fungus (like any mushrooms, nail fungus loves moist heat). Beaver stream, or beaver musk extract, is a natural antiseptic. Stone oil, or white mumiyo, from a chemical point of view, is a complex of minerals that has antiseptic properties. Thus, it is assumed that long-term exposure to natural antiseptics will stop the growth of the fungus. According to the instructions, you need to treat not only the nail, but also the entire skin of the feet for a month. According to doctors, treatment for such a short period of time can get rid of the fungus from the skin, but not the nails.

Advantages: completely natural composition. Disadvantages: high price, possibility of allergies, not suitable for vegans (beaver stream cannot be obtained without killing an animal).

1 Nailitis

The best remedy for mechanical elimination of fungus
Country Russia
Average price: 261 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

A product intended for mechanical removal of nails affected by fungus. Before the era of synthetic antifungals, complete surgical removal of the nail was the only way to get rid of fungus. From this point of view, Nogtivit is a return to origins, except that nail removal is done more carefully.

The product contains 20% urea and tea tree oil, plus excipients. A high concentration of urea allows you to soften the nail for painless removal; tea tree oil has a slight antiseptic effect. Reviews about this product are contradictory. Someone was able to use it to literally remove the nail “down to the meat”, completely clearing the nail bed of fungus; someone claims that a regular bath of soda softens nails no worse.

The best solutions against nail fungus

Using a solution against nail fungus is almost as convenient as using polish. “Almost” because you still have to use the solution more often than varnish: 1-2 times a day. But the alcohol, in which the active substance is usually dissolved, quickly evaporates, the surface of the nail dries, and there is no need to rub in the medicine and then cover the nail with a band-aid. In this case, the active substance quickly penetrates the nail plate. Considering that literally 1-2 drops of liquid are required to treat a nail, this form of antifungal agent is very economical.

3 Exoderil

Best quality
Country: Austria
Average price: 1000 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

The drug "Exoderil" is available in the form of a solution, which must be applied to the affected area once or twice a day. The glass tube has a volume of 20 ml. The action is based on suppressing the activity of a certain enzyme, which slows down the synthesis of a substance that is part of the cell membrane of the fungus. To effectively combat the fungus, the drug is used for at least six months.

Consists of 3 components: ethanol, propylene glycol and water. The solution penetrates inside, creating antifungal concentrations. Relieves inflammation and relieves discomfort. One package lasts for several months. The advantages include effective fight against fungal infections, slow consumption, good reviews. Disadvantages include the presence of contraindications (pregnancy, childhood) and high cost.

2 Nitrofungin

Best price
Country: Czech Republic
Average price: 258 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

A bright yellow solution in a white glass bottle. The bright color of the product allows you to immediately see which part of the nail has already been treated. Chlornitrophenol, the active ingredient of nitrofungin, has not only an antifungal effect, but also a bactericidal effect. In their reviews, patients talk about the good effectiveness of the medicine, inexpensive price, and ease of use. The relatively low price and low consumption would make this product the leader of our rating, if not for one “but” - it cannot be used during pregnancy. The disadvantages also include side effects and painting the nail a bright yellow color, which is not convenient when you go to public places (swimming pool).

1 Mycosporus

The best combination of effectiveness and safety
Country: Germany
Average price: 524 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Solution for external use. The active substance - bifonazole - disrupts the functions of the fungal cell membrane, which leads to its death. The product is practically not absorbed into the blood, therefore it is approved for use from the 2nd trimester of pregnancy. And this fact immediately puts Mikospor at the forefront of our rating, since there are very few similar products with proven effectiveness in treating nail fungus. Mycospor is produced in Germany by Bayer. The vaunted German quality is at its best here too, which is confirmed by numerous positive reviews from those who have tried this drug.

The best tablets against nail fungus

Tablets against nail fungus are recommended for use in advanced stages of infection. They have the most powerful action and composition. Penetrating inside the body, they have a strong anti-inflammatory effect. The advantages of tablets include convenient use. Most often, such drugs should be used once a day or a month. But there are also disadvantages. Among them: the presence of a large number of contraindications and possible side effects.

3 Lamisil

Quick effect
Country: UK
Average price: 2000 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Lamisil is one of the most popular medicines for nail fungus. The active component here is terbinafine, which suppresses the development of infection in the early stages. The drug is produced in an English laboratory from the highest quality ingredients. Conducted studies confirm high efficiency.

One package contains 14 tablets, which are enough for two weeks of use. Reviews indicate good performance of the product. Doctors recommend Lamisil for fungal diseases of any severity. It quickly restores a healthy appearance to nails. The advantages include reliability, quick results, targeted effective action, excellent reviews and recommendations from doctors. Disadvantages: high price, availability of cheaper analogues.

2 Diflucan

Convenient way to use
Country: France
Average price: 400 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Anti-fungal tablets "Diflucan" contain the powerful active substance fluconazole, which copes with even the most advanced infections on the legs. The drug is quickly absorbed (after 30 minutes) and provides the best antifungal effect. Available in packs of 1 or 7 capsules. You only need to take one tablet per month. The duration of treatment depends on the severity of the disease. Allowed for children over 3 years old.

Doctors often recommend starting this drug if you have nail fungus. It acts directly on the cell membranes of the infection, blocking the possibility of further spread. The main advantages can be considered active, fast action, powerful components, effective elimination of the disease, positive reviews, the most convenient use, and the ability to be taken by children. Disadvantages include contraindications.

1 Terbinafine

Best price
Country Russia
Average price: 250 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

Terbinafine tablets actively affect the source of fungal infection, quickly destroying it. They effectively fight any type of nail fungus. The drug has a convenient dosage - adults only need to take 1 tablet per day. Available in packs of 14 pieces. Terbinafine consists of effective components.

A large number of buyers leave excellent reviews about the effectiveness of the drug. The first results are observed after just a few weeks of use. The advantages include: visible results, effective fight against infections, quick impact on the lesion, optimal price, doctor’s recommendations, convenient dosage. The disadvantages include: many contraindications and side effects.

The best ointments for nail fungus

Ointments for the treatment of toenail fungus are in high demand. They have a fairly oily consistency, contain petroleum jelly and have an excellent anti-inflammatory effect. Such means are used at any stage of the spread of infection. Their main advantages are: low price and availability. The duration of treatment depends on individual characteristics. They have virtually no contraindications. The rating includes the best ointments for nail fungus.

3 Salicylic ointment

The most affordable
Country Russia
Average price: 25 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Salicylic ointment is the most affordable product in this category. It consists of 100% salicylic acid, which is a non-steroidal substance. Easy to use and effective in combating various fungal diseases. Experts recommend applying the ointment in the classic way or as a compress at night.

Available in 100 g jars, which last for a long time. The drug has no contraindications and is harmless. It cannot be used as the only treatment for toenail fungus. Salicylic ointment has an anti-inflammatory effect only at the initial stage of the lesion. Important advantages are safety, inflammation relief, antibacterial effect, economical consumption, best price. Among the disadvantages, low effectiveness for deep lesions should be highlighted.

2 Clotrimazole

Excellent value for money and quality
Country Russia
Average price: 90 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

The ointment contains a highly effective substance, clotrimazole, which affects the infection by disrupting cell synthesis. This leads to the rapid destruction of connections and prevents further spread of infection. 20 grams or one package of the product is enough for a long time, because... It should be applied in a thin layer. Has a powerful antibacterial effect.

The required dosage is about 3 times a day. Effectively copes with fungal infections of various sizes. It has virtually no contraindications and is suitable even for children. The composition is supplemented with propylene glycol and nipagin. The advantages of the product include effective components, good results, safety, and slow consumption. No deficiencies found.

1 Mikozan

The most convenient application
Country: Netherlands
Average price: 900 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.9

"Mikozan" is a unique remedy for the treatment of nail fungus, which includes an ointment for external use and 10 special files of different sizes. Penetrating inside, the drug creates a protective barrier against various fungi, improves the density of the nail plate and effectively fights lesions. Allowed for children over 4 years old. The ointment is presented in the form of a 5 ml tube and is equipped with a convenient brush.

The file from the set is used once a week, and the product itself is applied in thin layers 2 times a day. Absorption occurs in 1-2 minutes. Experts recommend using Mikozan not only for treatment, but also for prevention. The advantages are: the most convenient use, high quality, special files included, quick absorption, reliability. The disadvantages include high cost.

Mikozan for nail fungus is available in a special tube with a brush in the form of an applicator. Additionally, 10 files are included for one-time use (one side of the file with a fine abrasive, and the other with a coarse abrasive).

pharmachologic effect

Antimycotic agent . Mikozan creates a water-soluble film when applied to the nail plate. The protective film penetrates deeply into the thickness of the nail, forms a water-soluble coating that covers the entire surface of the nail plate. The film created by Mycosan protects nails from the aggressive effects of pathogens and creates conditions that have an adverse effect on their growth and development. During treatment, the porosity of the nail plates decreases and their density increases. The principle of action of Mikozan is based on the destructive effect of the active substance on the lipid membrane of the fungal cell, which leads to the death of the mycotic agent - the fungus. Nail fungus varnish prevents the further spread and growth of fungal infection along the nail, allowing natural regrowth.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The manufacturer has not provided a detailed description of the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of the antimycotic agent.

Indications for use

Mikozan varnish is used to eliminate fungal nail infection , to prevent the development secondary fungal infection . The drug can be used to nourish and strengthen nail plates with excessive delamination and increased fragility.


  • age barrier – up to 4 years of age;
  • gestation

Side effects

Skin reactions such as rashes And .

Mikozan instructions for use (Method and dosage)

The medication is used externally only. The consistency is applied to the affected areas of the nail plates after thoroughly cleaning the plate and removing the varnish. The package includes a special file for one-time use, which is used to clean the nail once a week. This cleaning system helps fight fungal infections even in advanced forms of the disease.

Instructions for use of Mikozan recommend applying the medication to the entire nail after cleaning twice a day. The course of antimycotic therapy is designed for 3-5 weeks. After applying the consistency, you must wait for it to dry (approximate time - 2 minutes).


The clinical picture and specific treatment when using antifungal medication in large quantities are not described by the manufacturer.


Mycosan does not enter the systemic circulation, because It is used externally, there are no drug interactions with other drugs.

Terms of sale

Antimycotic means can be purchased at a pharmacy without presenting a special prescription form from a doctor.

Storage conditions

The effectiveness of the medication is maintained when stored in the original packaging at room temperature.

Best before date

36 months

special instructions

Mycosan for nail fungus is used externally only. The product cannot be transferred to other persons to avoid development cross infection . Each file is used only once and only for one nail plate.

Prevention and treatment of fungal infections of the nail plates

Feet and hands should be kept dry, and after taking a shower, dry thoroughly, paying special attention to the folds between the toes. When diagnosed mycotic infection Only individual clean towels should be used. It is unacceptable to remove cuticles on your own. Nail plates must be trimmed with a slight rounding at the tips in a straight line regularly. Do not bite/gnaw nail plates. Feet should be ventilated and shoes should be comfortable. It is unacceptable to wear shoes made from synthetic materials. If it is elevated, frequent changes of socks are recommended. During treatment, only cotton socks should be used (keep feet fresh and cool). Regular disinfection of shoes is required. In public places (locker rooms, baths, showers, swimming pools) you must wear special slippers. Fungal infections multiply intensively in warm, damp rooms (swimming pools, showers, public baths). It is unacceptable to apply nail polish, despite the apparent sensation of creating protection for the nail from fungus. The varnish is capable of retaining moisture. Mandatory use of individual tools when performing manicure/pedicure.

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