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Photo of a beautiful and graceful eyebrow shape. Correct eyebrows according to the shape of the face. Light eyebrow shape

Supermodel Linda Evangelista once said that no one came into this world with perfect eyebrows. And, of course, the fashion industry diva is right: nature gives a woman recommendations and advice, but the perfect shape of eyebrows is the personal merit of every beauty.

“Eyes are the mirror of the soul,” “untinted lips are bad manners,” “the basis of beauty is ideal skin.” Certain parts of a woman's face receive a lot of attention. Of course, this is completely justified, but no amount of makeup will make your appearance harmonious if your eyebrows are too thin, too wide, unnaturally short, grotesquely upturned, or have never been taken care of at all.

How to choose the right eyebrow shape?

It is impossible to get neat and effective eyebrows without tweezers - every woman has extra hairs on the bridge of the nose and the fixed part of the upper eyelid. But if you overdo it with plucking, you will get a comical (or, in fact, tragic) result. How to choose the right eyebrow shape? What features of appearance should you pay attention to?

The first is the initial eyebrow growth line. All you can do is just correct it. If you have completely straight eyebrows, you shouldn't try to make them round. Triangular ones can become straight only by losing half their length. Fortunately, in the vast majority of cases, the natural shape of the eyebrows is close to ideal. Nature is a talented artist.

Interesting to know: Among the inhabitants of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome, the so-called unibrow was held in high esteem - that is, a densely overgrown bridge of the nose. This was considered a sure sign of intelligence and passion. In the Middle Ages, women, on the contrary, shaved off their eyebrows completely and drew new ones: Japanese women - to raise their line higher, and European women - to visually enlarge their forehead.

The second is the proportions of your face. They determine both the length and width of the arc. Large, rough features do not combine with string eyebrows, and thin, small ones are lost against the background of thick and massive ones.

Third is the shape of your face. Eyebrows, due to their graphic nature, have the ability to visually stretch or, conversely, reduce its oval.

Facial geometry: how to choose the shape of the eyebrows

Eyebrows have several types of shapes:

  • Straight
  • Curved
  • Soft corner
  • Sharp Angle
  • Rounded

Each of these shapes can look different depending on the height of the brow arch (the distance between the bottom and top points of the arch) and its width.
The face shape is presented in a slightly larger number of options, and each has its own ideal eyebrow shape.

Oval face

This face shape is considered the most harmonious. Almost any eyebrows will suit its owners, but curved ones are best. Example: Halle Berry, Courteney Cox.

Long face

The oblong shape is well compensated by straight eyebrows - they create a balancing horizontal line. Sharp angles and pronounced roundness of the arches will make such a face more elongated. It is also important to have a sufficiently wide distance between the eyebrows so as not to focus the gaze of others on the bridge of the nose and thereby narrow the oval even more.
Example: Sarah Jessica Parker.

Square face

This form is characterized by a somewhat heavy jawline. Eyebrows with an expressive bend will help compensate for this. The angle can be either sharp or soft, and the width of the eyebrows can be medium or thin. Example: Paris Hilton, Penelope Cruz, Marilyn Monroe.

Round face

This shape also requires angularity of the eyebrows: it does not need additional smoothness. Curved, clear lines will add the missing sculpture to the face. Example: Drew Barrymore, Charlotte Church.

Triangular or heart-shaped face

To balance out a face with a sharp chin, it's best to give your eyebrows a soft, rounded shape. The wider the face, the higher the brow arch can be. Example: Scarlett Johansson, Victoria Beckham.

Diamond-shaped, or “Diamond”

A distinctive feature of this form is pronounced cheekbones. To give your face a harmonious look, give your eyebrows a dramatic, arched shape of medium width. Example: Rihanna, Sophia Loren.

Beautiful eyebrow shape: determine the length and angle

You may have heard about this new product - an eyebrow stencil. It would seem a different idea: attach, circle, remove what does not fit into the frame - and that’s it! But don’t rush to make this mistake - your face is different from everyone else in both proportions and size. A beautiful eyebrow shape does not require templates or stencils.

The beginning, end and break points of each woman’s eyebrow arches are determined individually. Eyebrows, even the most well-groomed and “fashionable” ones, will not look good if you do not take into account the width of your nose, the size and location of your eyes. To draw a perfect line, you will need a regular thin pencil or a straight stick.

  1. Place the pencil on the side of your nose so that it passes exactly through the inner corner of your eye. The point where this line intersects the eyebrow is the correct beginning for it. The average distance between the eyebrows is approximately equal to the width of two fingers (if the eyes are close-set, it decreases, if they are widely spaced, it increases).
  2. Connect the wing of the nose with the outer edge of the iris (of course, you need to look straight ahead). Where the pencil crosses the brow arch should be the top of its curve.
  3. In a similar way, connect the point at the nose with the outer corner of the eye to determine the end of the eyebrow line.

Take these measurements for each eye separately. For convenience, mark the resulting points with a pencil. Comb your eyebrows with a brush in the direction from the beginning to the top of the corner and from the top to the end. Remove excess hairs with tweezers, while trying not to touch the upper edge of the eyebrow. Then direct all the hairs upward; carefully trim those that are too long.

The right eyebrow may be different from the left. If the hairs at the beginning of one of them lie in the wrong direction, do not try to correct the situation by plucking: straighten them to the desired boundaries with scissors and, if necessary, fill in the gaps with thin strokes of a pencil.

How to shape your eyebrows? Take advice from makeup experts:

  • To draw eyebrows, use a well-sharpened soft pencil slightly darker than their natural tone or matte shadows.
  • You can tint your eyebrows using special wax or gel - these products will also fix the hairs in the required direction.
  • The higher and thinner the eyebrows, the smaller the eyes appear.
  • The closer they are to the bridge of the nose, the larger the nose looks - however, this does not mean that a five-centimeter distance between the eyebrows will make it smaller.
  • To visually lift the arch of the eyebrow and make the look lighter and more expressive, apply a highlighter or light shadow with a soft satin shine to the fixed upper eyelid.

Fashion for the shape and width of eyebrows changes quite often, and radically. If you want to always stay on trend, stick to the golden mean: not too straight, but not too round eyebrows of medium thickness always look feminine and trendy.

You cannot be beautiful, fashionable and modern without well-groomed and neat eyebrows. But grooming is one thing - everyone can pluck eyebrows - but doing this not only in accordance with fashionable canons, but also taking into account the individual characteristics of the face is not given to each of us. In this article we will share the secrets of creating the right eyebrows that suit you, which will become the object of envy and your personal pride.

Thin, predatorily arched eyebrows, which were popular for so many seasons in a row, not only lost their position, but were also frankly recognized as bad manners. Therefore, ladies who were proud of their eyebrows like thin laces should henceforth abandon this disastrous shape.

The elegance of the eyebrows was replaced by their thickness. Today's girls have finally breathed a sigh of relief, because now there is no need to spend hours rubbing their brow ridges, plucking out hair. But this does not mean at all that you should forget about your eyebrows and grow lush hair.

You still need to adjust the shape, but when doing this, keep the width of the main line as wide as possible. At the same time, it is important to work through everything unnecessary well.

Another super fashionable trend of the year is scouse eyebrows. They are very similar to the eyebrows of teenage boys - with appropriate thickness and individual hairs sticking out. But this type of eyebrows is not suitable for everyone - only for girls with light and red eyebrows.

It’s worth mentioning separately about eyebrow tinting. If you should pluck as little as possible, then tint as much as possible. Eyebrows should stand out well and be a bright accent on your face. At the same time, keep in mind that the color of your eyebrows should be in harmony with the color of your hair.

Correct eyebrow shape

Trends change at the speed of light, but the main rule in makeup always says: do no harm. Therefore, you should approach the choice of eyebrow shape from the perspective of common sense and your personal facial features. After all, fashion is an abstract concept and sometimes it does not fit in with real life.

Chasing the latest trends and blindly making eyebrows ala Brezhnev is fundamentally wrong, because not everyone suits this natural eyebrow shape.

So, we have decided that for every woman there is a special eyebrow shape. Creating such correct eyebrows is a whole science, since it is necessary to take into account a lot of factors, but everyone, without exception, can comprehend this knowledge. If you want eyebrows that are harmoniously combined with your facial features, then follow the following instructions when creating them.

How to shape your eyebrows?

Before you start plucking your eyebrows, you need to take into account the important proportions of your face. There is no need to do any mathematical calculations - the makeup artists calculated everything for us.

  1. Initially, determine the inner border of the eyebrow. To do this, place some flat object (pencil, ruler - whatever is at hand) so that it passes through the inner edge of the eyebrow and the wing of the nose. The line must be absolutely straight.
  2. Mark with a cosmetic pencil the point where it touches the eyebrow. This is where the beginning of your eyebrow will be.
  3. The raising of the eyebrow is determined as follows: place the same pencil diagonally from the wing of the nose and through the center of the pupil. The intersection of the pencil with the brow ridge is the point of highest eyebrow lift. We also put an end here.
  4. The external angle is determined similarly. From the wing of the nose, apply the pencil to the outer edge of the eye and place a third dot where it intersects with the eyebrow.
  5. The last step is to connect all three points with a solid line.

And only after all the described manipulations can you take tweezers and trim the resulting line, giving it the required shape.

Eyebrows according to face shape

There are several types of faces that are traditionally compared to geometric shapes. It is noteworthy that owners of different face shapes need to select different types of eyebrows that will highlight their strengths and brighten up their weaknesses.

There are five main face types:

  • square
  • triangle
  • heart

According to makeup artists, girls of all these types will suit the classic eyebrow shape, in which the eyebrow line takes a bend from the end. Otherwise, each face shape has its own shape that is ideal for its owner.

Eyebrows for a round face shape

Chubby girls should never pluck round-shaped eyebrows - otherwise your “globularity” will worsen. Your option is a triangular eyebrow shape with an acute angle, which will visually lengthen the face. You don't need to invent a wheel: just make the bend of the classic eyebrow more clear and your face will only benefit from it.

It is also important not to overdo the height of your eyebrows, because if they are set too high or low, you will take on a comical look. You should not bend the ends of your eyebrows too much or make them too long, otherwise your face will always show a sad mood.

Eyebrows for oval face shape

Oval is considered the most successful face shape, as it is the most balanced. As already mentioned, the oval shape also suits the classic eyebrow shape, but here too it is important to take into account the features of the face. If your face is too long, you can round it out by rounding your eyebrows.

If your face shape is too narrow, then straight eyebrows will suit you. At the same time, try not to overdo it and make them very straight, otherwise you will look like a mime.

Eyebrows for a triangular face shape

For those with this face shape, it is very easy to find the perfect eyebrow shape. You just need to make a beautiful, smooth bend and work some magic on the length - the eyebrow should not be too long. On the other hand, you should never have straight eyebrows, as this will upset the existing proportions of your face and turn it into a caricature.

Eyebrows for a square face shape

But for a square face, long eyebrows with a nice, surprised arch are just right. The main thing is to add grace to your eyebrows and this will soften the severity of the lines.

Eyebrows for the face with a heart

The peculiarity of your face is that the chin is too narrow and often elongated. Neat, rounded eyebrows of medium width will help brighten up this flaw.

Eyebrow shape according to face type

In addition to a certain shape, a face may have other important features that influence the choice of one or another eyebrow shape. Here are some points worth paying attention to:

  • A too narrow face can be expanded with straight eyebrows, but they should not be too thick or thick.
  • If your eyes are too close to each other, this can be easily corrected - just make a larger indent from the bridge of your nose to the inner edge of each eyebrow.
  • If, on the contrary, the eyes are set too far, then the eyebrows will help solve the problem in the same way. Make the distance between the eyebrows and the bridge of the nose smaller. At the same time, one should not forget about plucking this area and growing Caucasian eyebrows, converging on the bridge of the nose into lush thickets.
  • The shape of the eyebrows can be made shorter if they are too long, but it is not necessary to pluck half the eyebrows. It is enough to make a moderately curved shape.

How to correct the shape of your eyebrows at home?

If you decide to make eyebrows of the correct shape yourself, it will not take much time and effort. First of all, before creating the shape of your eyebrows, you need to prepare your eyebrows for the procedure, or rather, grow them. For this purpose, forget about tweezers for two or three weeks.

Before directly plucking, you need to thoroughly steam your face over a bowl of hot water, due to which the pores will become wider and the hairs will be pulled out more easily. You can use a nourishing cream for the same purpose, but it will make the hairs slippery, which can make the process much more difficult if your tweezers are not of good quality.

In addition, think in advance about what pain reliever you will use. As such, you can use an ice cube, which should simply be used to wipe the brow ridges. If your pain threshold is too low, then in order not to turn plucking your eyebrows into torture, use pain-relieving creams, ointments, and wipes.

Decide right away how you will shape your eyebrows: yourself or using stencils. If you are not sure that you can handle it or are plucking your eyebrows for the first time, then of course it is better to use a stencil. There are a huge number of them - for every taste and color - moreover, you can even choose the shape of the eyebrows of one of the celebrities (in the USA this practice is incredibly popular and many American women wear the eyebrows of Madonna or Angelina Jolie).

If you decide to act without a stencil, then a cosmetic eyebrow pencil will help in correcting the shape. Just comb your hairs, draw the desired shape on your eyebrows in advance and pluck out any excess.

But just don’t overdo it - try to process the upper line of the eyebrows to a minimum, because this will lead to the fact that the eyebrow can “move” down and change the proportions of the face.

At the same time, you should not leave the upper line of the eyebrows unattended - you should still pluck it. Simply remove all excess hair, making the line smoother and clearer.

If you are afraid to correct the shape of your eyebrows, then you can contact a specialist in the salon, who will show you which shape suits you and give recommendations for subsequent home correction, which you will do yourself.

Change yourself, improve your appearance and do not forget that eyebrows are an extraordinary detail of your face that cannot be ignored. It is the right eyebrows that can transform your appearance into a complete, harmonious image, add self-confidence and express your character traits.

Video: Fashionable eyebrow shape 2016

Not all girls can boast naturally. Most people have to be content with what they have. By periodically adjusting the shape, the hairs look natural. However, if you skip several procedures, over time they will spoil even the most flawless makeup.
To know how to choose the shape of your eyebrows, you need to correctly determine.

Eyebrow shape: how to choose according to your face type?

Before picking up tweezers, it is advisable to pay attention to facial features. This is important, because thin arcs of hair on a round face or straight ones on a rectangular face look ridiculous. Facial features need to be played to advantage, and he will cope with this task perfectly.
Round face
If your face resembles a circle, then you should not follow the contours of your face by adjusting the shape of your eyebrows. In this case, a line with a break will do. It is desirable that they be wide with a narrow tip, and also raised high. However, an overly thin tip is also bad. You need to choose a middle ground, and then your facial features will be more expressive.
Oval face
A too high waist for girls with this type of face is inappropriate. The shape can be slightly rounded, but at the same time without making them too thin.
Square face
A curved arch raised upward is the best option for choosing the shape of the eyebrows for girls with this type of face. Thin eyebrows are completely inappropriate here.
Triangular face
If the contours of the face resemble a triangle, then slightly raised eyebrows with a smooth curve will be the best option. However, if you overdo it with a break, it will give a sad and despondent expression.
If girls have an elongated face shape, then you can model straight eyebrows. This will help visually round out the contours.

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How to choose the right eyebrow shape: the ideal formula

Despite the fact that cosmetologists and makeup artists recommend choosing an individual eyebrow shape, there is a universal formula that will allow you to model your eyebrows correctly, from the point of view of symmetry. Every girl can do this without visiting a salon. All you need is a regular pencil.
In order to determine the place where the eyebrows should begin, you need to place a pencil parallel to the wing of the nose. Thus, an imaginary line will pass through the inner corner of the eye. The place where it intersects with the growth line can be considered their beginning.
Next, the pencil needs to be rotated 45 degrees so that the line passes through the center of the eye. The second intersection point is the break point.
If the eyebrows are too rounded or falling down, it will ruin the whole picture. You can also determine where they should end by turning the pencil so that it touches the outer corner of the eye. The point of intersection with the hairs will be the ending point. It is advisable to adhere to such a modeling scheme so that they look perfect (see photo).
To choose the right eyebrow shape yourself, do not forget that:

  • a line that is too low towards the temples makes you look old;
  • thick and give gloominess;
  • exaggeration into a comma shape risks imprinting an expression of permanent surprise on the face.

The distance between the eyebrows is equally important. Those set close together are capable of making a sullen and angry expression on their face. Wide-set ones are also not able to highlight your features favorably. The ideal distance is two fingers. If the eyes are close set, then a little less.

The correct eyebrow shape will help any girl look more attractive. The look will be visually more open, the face will be more expressive. If a mistake is made when choosing the correct shape, then the eyes will appear smaller and the face will become less symmetrical. But there is no single answer to the question “how to properly shape your eyebrows?” The right choice depends on the type of face, the depth of the eyes and current trends.

Types of eyebrows

Professionals conventionally divide the eyebrow into 3 parts: head, body and tail. The length and height of each part determines the look as a whole. There are several most common types of eyebrows:

Correct eyebrows according to your face shape

Making eyebrows of the correct shape at home is not difficult if you correctly determine the type of oval face. Typically, makeup artists distinguish 5 main types:

Oval is the most symmetrical face type. If you draw a line along the boundaries of the face, you will get almost an oval - not very elongated, with a narrower chin and forehead compared to the cheekbones. The correct eyebrow shapes for an oval face are arched, horizontal and ascending types. Select the thickness based on the size of the forehead - the smaller it is, the thinner the eyebrows need to be made;

Square - with this type of face, the forehead, as well as the cheekbones and jaw are almost the same width. The chin in this case is massive and very pronounced. The main goal of properly chosen eyebrows is to blur the angularity of the face and make imperfections less expressive. The correct eyebrow shape for a square face type is horizontal or universal arched;

Round - the cheekbones with this shape are wider than the forehead, jaw, vertically the face is almost equal to its horizontal. The correct eyebrow shape for a round face is like a triangle, with a slight bend angle. Also, a good choice is the arched type;

Triangular, or as it is also called - heart-shaped. It is distinguished by a prominent, elongated chin, and cheekbones and forehead approximately equal in width. From the cheekbones the face line gradually decreases, the jaw is usually small. The most expressive on this type of face are eyebrows in the shape of an arc, with a small break height.

When choosing the correct eyebrow shape for different face types, you need to pay attention to the height of the forehead, the shape of the eyes, and the depth of their setting. Length is also of great importance - with a successful selection, the face will either become more symmetrical or lose its natural appearance. For a better result, you can look at a photo with the correct eyebrow shape so that the choice is more correct.

How to choose eyebrow length

Length is key when choosing the right eyebrow shape. Too short ones will visually expand the face, and too long ones will narrow it beyond recognition. When choosing a length, it is important to focus on the golden mean.

In order to choose the correct length, you must use a pencil or an even brush with a length of more than 10 cm.

  1. To find out the starting point of the eyebrow, you need to place the brush to the corner of the nose.
  2. To determine the break point, you need to place the brush to the edge of the nose and draw a line through the pupil. It is important to look straight while applying the pencil. At this point the line should become narrower and move to the tip.
  3. The next step is to lift the brush up through the corner of the eye. The point obtained at the height of the eyebrows will be their beginning. This rule should be deviated from in case of non-standard eye placement. If your eyes are set close, then you need to move your eyebrows slightly apart from each other. If your eyes are set too far apart, move them. Using this trick will visually improve the appearance of your eyes.
  4. The end point is determined in the same way, through the application of a pencil, only through the point of the outer corner of the eye. At this point, the eyebrow should thin out and end.

How to shape your eyebrows correctly

Once the correct eyebrow shape has been selected according to the shape of the face, the starting, ending and highest points have been marked, you need to begin correction. It is more convenient to draw the selected correct shape with a pencil, so to speak, to separate the desired hairs from the rest. Next, you need to prepare tweezers - they should be comfortable and sharp. The skin in the hair removal area and the tweezers themselves must be disinfected to avoid infection.

You need to remove hair one at a time. If you pull out several hairs at a time, then, firstly, the procedure will be much more painful, and secondly, there is a possibility of disturbing the correct shape and tearing out excess hairs. It is highly undesirable to remove hair above the eyebrow; it is better to limit it to the lower half.

If the pain is too severe, you can stock up on a special pain relief product. This can be found in any pharmacy in the form of a cream, or you can walk over the skin with an ice cube before the procedure. Cooling always helps relieve pain.

It is better to carry out the correction procedure in front of a magnifying mirror, and with bright lighting - this makes it easier to see and remove every hair. Otherwise, there will be many shortcomings after the procedure. It is important to remember that after plucking the skin will turn a little red, so it is better to carry out the procedure in the evening, when you are no longer going out anywhere.

If you are not confident in your abilities, you can go to a beauty salon, where specialists will carry out the procedure quickly and carefully. In addition to standard hair removal with tweezers, the procedure can be carried out with wax (which is much faster) or with thread. Removing hair with a silk thread is less painful, and there will be no irritation after such an operation.

Don't get carried away with plucking - thin eyebrows are not in fashion now. According to the latest trends, thick, natural eyebrows of the correct shape are the most popular option for fashionistas.

Eyebrow Makeup

In addition to hair removal, it is possible to shape it with cosmetics. Mascara, pencils, shadows and various application brushes - all this can, when used correctly, significantly improve the length, height and thickness of hairs.

To give the correct shape, you need to comb the hairs, then carefully fill the gaps between them with a pencil or shadows. The color of the product should be chosen a little lighter than the natural shade of the hair. After filling, you need to add volume with mascara. Next, secure the result with a final coating - a special wax finish.

The most current way to paint your eyebrows is to fill them in with movements at an angle of 45, raising them a little higher than their natural position. The tail should be a little splayed. A proper eyebrow should look as natural as possible, with neatly drawn hairs.

Video tutorial on creating the correct shape

As a visual example, it is convenient to watch how to create the correct eyebrow shape in the video. A professional will tell you how to properly pluck, color your hair and give it the desired shape.

One way to quickly transform your appearance, visually hiding “problem” areas of the face, is to change the shape of your eyebrows. Unfortunately, if it is chosen without taking into account individual characteristics, even the most attractive face can take on an unnatural, dull, gloomy or overly surprised look. How to properly correct and color eyebrows?


Eyebrows can change your facial expression beyond recognition. That's why it's so important to learn how to choose the right shape. Eyebrows that are too thin or unnaturally shaped make the face look artificial. For girls with small facial features, excessively wide eyebrows should become a taboo; they look comical.

Eyebrow correction can be done either independently or by a professional.

In general, the procedure cannot be called complicated if you equip yourself with the appropriate tools and the necessary knowledge.

Conventionally, correction can be divided into long-term and short-term. By long-term we mean microblading, tattooing, the effect of which lasts for a period of one to several years.

The short-term correction will last until the hairs begin to grow back. On average, this is 2-3 weeks.

Eyebrow correction is a procedure that violates the integrity of the skin, so it is important to ensure its safety. We are talking about disinfection of the work area, hands and materials, as well as disinfection of the eyebrow area after the procedure.


There are several common eyebrow shapes, but before we look at their features, we need to define some terms. The origin, or head of the eyebrow, originates at the bridge of the nose. The middle part or body is the main area of ​​the eyebrow and includes the arch. The tip is also called the tail; it is usually narrower than the head and body of the eyebrow.

Regardless of the chosen type, the ideal shape assumes that 2/3 of the eyebrow falls on the head and body and only 1/3 is the tip of the eyebrow after the break.

Depending on the points at which the head and tip lie, the following forms are distinguished:

  • Straight. In this case, the head and tail lie in the same plane, thanks to which it is possible to visually make the forehead wider and “correct” an overly elongated face.
  • Rising. The head is located slightly above the tip, the latter is usually directed towards the temples. Thanks to this shape, it is possible to slightly narrow the face and lengthen it.
  • Descending. The tip of the eyebrow is slightly higher than the head - this shape is usually not used, and if this is a natural look of the eyebrows, then it is better to correct it. The fact is that they give the face a sad expression.



In addition, it is customary to distinguish the following forms:

  • Rounded. They are characterized by a smooth arched bend, rounded beginning and tail. Usually this form is found in women of the oriental type. Suitable for square, diamond-shaped and rectangular faces, it allows you to hide excessive “angularity” and roughness of features.
  • Triangular. Also called a “house”, with moderate bending and proportions this form looks elegant and flirty. If these rules are not followed, the face acquires an astonished and unnatural expression.
  • Curved. These are eyebrows with a break, a pronounced break. They never fail to catch the eye and, with varying arch shapes and proportions, they suit almost every brow type.

Broken eyebrows allow you to divert attention from “problem” areas of the face and make you look younger.




How to choose according to face type?

The most harmonious face shape is considered oval. All other types, far from it, can be made more attractive with the help of various makeup tricks and the right eyebrow shape.

Thus, for chubby girls, eyebrows with a pronounced bend can be recommended. They are characterized by a thin tip, the decrease in volume of which begins from the middle of the eyebrow. It is important to achieve a natural bend, and not turn your eyebrows into sharp “ticks”.

If you have a round face shape, you should avoid both too wide and narrow eyebrows. The former make the face even more massive and round, while the latter give the face an unnatural expression.

For a square face, eyebrows with a noticeable bend are also recommended; they should be made smooth and rounded at the base. The bend should be above the middle of the eye or its outer corner. If necessary, it is recommended to extend the tip; the eyebrow should be slightly longer than usual. The tip should be directed towards the temples. As for the width, it should be medium or slightly wider. Thin eyebrows look unattractive on a square face, making the already large lower part even more massive.

This shape is also suitable for a rectangular face. Wide straight eyebrows will look good on such a face. It is important not to move them too close, otherwise the face will take on an even more elongated shape. The tip of the eyebrow should be slightly sharpened and directed towards the temples.

With a triangular face type, the eyebrows should be slightly shorter, but at the same time quite thick, with a natural bend. The tip can be slightly curled inward, giving it a more rounded shape.

If you have a heart-shaped face, it is important to choose eyebrows that will strike a balance between the top and bottom of your face. For this, rising eyebrows with a pronounced arch are optimal. They should not be directed to the lower part of the face, but should be directed to the temples. Do not choose eyebrows that are too wide and thick, as they will weigh down the forehead area.

A pear-shaped face requires a visual increase in volume in the forehead and temples to balance these parts with the expanding lower cheek and chin area. Wide and thick arched eyebrows are suitable. The less expressive the eyes, the more noticeable the “arch” should become.

The bend should be shifted closer to the outer corner of the eye.

For a diamond-shaped face, you should choose a rounded eyebrow shape or an option with a subtle bend. An arch that is too sharp will only emphasize the “angularity” of the face.

It is not for nothing that the oval shape is considered one of the most successful, so its owners can afford almost any shape. Medium thick eyebrows with a soft bend are considered classics. Arched ones give the image softness and romance. However, you should carefully consider the width of the eyebrow and the bending point. Otherwise, the eyebrows will turn into “houses”, giving the face an unnatural expression of constant amazement. Wide, upward eyebrows will suit an oval, but too thin, elongated face. They will make it visually a little more rounded.

When choosing a shape, it is important not only to select it taking into account the shape of the face, but also focusing on facial features. So, with close-set eyebrows, it is recommended to increase the space between the eyebrows in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose and make the eyebrows themselves thinner. At the same time, it is important to ensure that in the area of ​​the bridge of the nose there remains a space free from hairs no wider than two fingers (index and middle fingers joined together).

As for the color, it should match the shade of the hair, and for blondes it should be 2-3 shades darker. Today, stylists say that even brown-haired and black-haired girls are not recommended to choose black eyebrows. They look rough and even vulgar, adding several years to the face.

When correcting the shape of your eyebrows, it is important to remember their natural appearance. As a rule, professionals only slightly correct the natural shape, so that the face retains its natural attractiveness.

How to determine proportions?

To build a proper eyebrow, you need to choose a white cosmetic pencil (in principle, you can take a colored one, but dark lines can be distracting). First you need to select 3 points - the beginning of the eyebrow, its highest point and the end.

The first can be found by placing a pencil from the wing of the nose to the eyebrow. This will be the beginning of the eyebrow. Next, from the wing of the nose through the middle of the pupil, you need to draw an imaginary line to the eyebrow. This will be the highest point. At the same time, you need to look straight ahead so that the location of the pupil does not shift. Finally, placing the pencil on the side of the nose, draw a line through the outer corner of the eye to the eyebrow. This will be the end point.

If you decide to radically change the shape of your eyebrows, you can apply foundation to their entire surface, and then make the necessary “markings”. After this, you should draw a suitable shape and shade it with a brown pencil. This way you will have a rough idea of ​​how the new shape will look on your face.

From the beginning to the middle of the eyebrows, a uniform thickness should be maintained, narrowing begins at the break point or a little earlier. Working with both eyebrows at once allows you to achieve proportionality. It is wrong to pluck one eyebrow first and then the other.

The correct shape involves removing hair from the lower part of the eyebrow. Plucking the hairs from above can result in a heavy look. In addition, this method does not significantly change the shape. Finally, the hairs above the eyebrow grow slowly, so if you pluck the excess, you risk permanently changing the shape.

Design methods

Eyebrow shaping is usually done using tweezers or threads. The first method is considered more painful, but is accessible to almost everyone, while the thread removal technique requires possession of certain skills.

In addition, the work will require a mirror. Its dimensions should be such that the entire face is reflected in it. It is better when the mirror has a stand, so your hands will remain free. Specialists use a mirror with a magnifying glass, which allows them to see even small hairs.

In addition, you should prepare a disinfectant solution that is used to treat work areas, hands, and tools. If you have makeup on your face, you will also need a makeup remover.

In case of severe pain, you can also use pain-relieving applicators and special creams. If they are unavailable, you can use a warm chamomile solution, as well as ice cubes.

Correction in the salon

Correction in a salon can be analogous to plucking at home. It’s better to trust the professionals; if this is your first time making a correction, real professionals change the shape taking into account the individual characteristics of the face and select the appropriate shade. In the future, you will be able to maintain it yourself or undergo repeated professional corrections.

Eyebrow correction and architecture - this is the name of the service in most salons, involves coloring hairs, selecting and giving them the desired shape.

Most masters work with tweezers; removal is also possible using threads.

If there are too many hairs above the eyebrow, essentially already on the forehead, the artist may first use wax to achieve smooth skin. It should not be used in the area close to the eyes, especially in the lower part of the eyebrow.




If you want to achieve an ideal shape for a long time, we can recommend tattooing. The master selects a suitable shape, after which pigment is injected under the skin to a depth of 0.5 mm. At first, these eyebrows look unnaturally bright, but after a week they look quite natural. The results last for several years.

Today there are the following tattoo techniques:

  • Shotting. It involves drawing the contour of the eyebrow and filling the resulting shape with pigment. This method is inferior to other technologies, since the result is not the most natural.
  • Voloskovy. Allows you to achieve attractiveness and naturalness due to the fact that individual hairs are drawn.
  • Combined. Allows you to achieve the most attractive result, as it combines the advantages of shading and hair technology.




If tattooing is carried out using a special device (working on the principle of a tattoo tool), then the microblading technique, which is popular today, is carried out manually. First, the master draws the shape with a pencil, after which he manually draws individual hairs with a thin sharp needle with a coloring pigment.

The depth of penetration of pigment during microblading is slightly less than 0.5 mm, and excess pigment that appears on the surface of the skin is immediately removed. When you contact a professional, you will get a better and more natural result compared to tattooing. However, such eyebrows will last for an average year.

When using European microblading technology, it is possible to achieve the effect of thick, wide eyebrows, since the master draws hairs of the same length and thickness. However, upon closer inspection, it is clear that they are not real.

Eastern technology takes into account the characteristics of hair growth and direction, which is why eyebrows look more natural. However, it is impossible to significantly change their shape using this technique.

Finally, there is an eyebrow extension method that allows you to achieve thick and beautiful eyebrows in a couple of hours. However, they are difficult to distinguish from natural ones. The essence of the method is the same as with eyelash extensions.

For one natural hair, from 1 to 3-4 artificial ones are attached, which are as close as possible to yours in color and structure.

How to draw by yourself?

If you carry out the correction yourself, you need to remove makeup and cleanse your face. Prepare all the necessary tools at once and decide on the choice of shape. Schemes and methods for determining suitable proportions and shapes have been given in the corresponding section of this article.

Today, eyebrow stencils are available for sale. It is enough to select a suitable “contour” and outline it, and then remove all the hairs that extend beyond the boundaries of the pencil lines. The advantage of this method is that it allows you to quickly obtain an almost ideal eyebrow shape. Why "almost"? Such stencils do not take into account the individual characteristics of the face.

Before plucking, the hairs need to be combed up a little, using a special brush or an old and well-washed eyelash brush. If the procedure is too painful, you can precede plucking by applying chamomile lotions.

To do this, pour a teaspoon of dried chamomile flowers into a glass of hot water and leave for 10-15 minutes. Soak a cotton swab in the infusion while it is warm enough for the skin to tolerate, wring it out and place it in the hair removal area for 2-3 minutes.

Under the influence of heat, the pores will open and the hair will “slip out” faster and more painlessly. Chamomile infusion is also characterized by analgesic, bactericidal and wound-healing properties.

If you use tweezers, you need to grab the hairs one at a time, slightly stretching the skin in this area and pulling the hair with a sharp movement in the direction of its growth. If you do not take into account the direction of growth, the procedure will be more painful and threatens with ingrown hair.

For the same reason, you should grab the hair closer to the base, which will avoid its breakage and further ingrowth. After the procedure, the skin is disinfected. For severe inflammation, you can use an anesthetic or cooling gel. The main thing is that it has a light water structure.

Another option is threading, that is, removal using threads. This method requires some skill and skill, but has a number of advantages. With one grip of the thread, you can remove several hairs at once, and irritation after this procedure goes away faster. An important advantage is that the hairs become softer and thinner over time.

You need to use a special thread called Arabic. It is quite dense, but glides well through the hairs without tearing or stretching.

From this thread you should cut a “piece” half a meter long and tie its ends.

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