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Good cheap shampoo for oily hair. Apivita Propoline with nettle and honey. Components that regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands

Disruption of the sebaceous glands leads to increased oiliness of the scalp. The reason for this may be hormonal imbalances, bad habits, abuse of chemical and thermal hair treatments, as well as improper care of strands. The problem must be dealt with comprehensively. First of all, you should choose a special shampoo. Some recommendations will help you buy the best shampoo for oily hair.

Main selection criteria

  • Avoid buying the first product you come across that is labeled “for oily hair.” Most products are too aggressive. Their use often has the opposite effect. Immediately after washing, the hair looks clean and free of oil, but the sebaceous glands will react to the harsh impact by releasing even more sebum. A good shampoo contacts the scalp carefully, trying to deal with the cause of the problem, not the effect.
  • The composition of the anti-fat product must include extracts of medicinal plants and vitamins. If dandruff is added to the fat content, then components such as sulfur, zinc or tar will not be superfluous.
  • Therapeutic products cleanse curls of fat and prevent the problem from recurring. After using the right product, the strands comb well, squeak, and do not become greasy by the evening.
  • Only high-quality shampoo, which has an appropriate price, can normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. There is no room for savings here. You can seek professional advice from a competent hairdresser. The specialist will recommend a product and also tell you about special rules for caring for oily hair.
  • The transparent color of the shampoo indicates less chemicals.

It is important to know! Even the best anti-oily hair shampoo cannot cope with the problem if the cause is a disruption in the functioning of the body. It may be worth contacting a trichologist who will prescribe treatment.

The most popular anti-greasy shampoos

Sleek and Shine Shampoo from Mulsan Cosmetic. The undisputed winner of the rating. The highest quality composition. No – SLS, SLES, as well as their substitutes, parabens, silicones, dyes! Most experts consider the composition to be unique, like all products from Mulsan Cosmetic. You can view the full list of products in the official online store Affordable price 389 rubles.

  • Estelle shampoo is incredibly soft. It carefully cleanses curls of fat, making them light, airy and voluminous. The secret weapon of the product is the Butterfly complex and panthenol. "Estelle" belongs to the category of professional products. Economical consumption compensates for the high price of the product.

  • Siberika shampoo has proven itself well in the fight against the problem of oiliness. The product can restore the natural balance of the skin and normalize fat production. Good results are achieved thanks to the presence of arctic raspberries and dwarf cedar in the composition.

  • The Shauma product is affordable, but is not inferior in effectiveness to professional series. "Shauma" copes well with regulating the function of the sebaceous glands in the early stages of the problem. Shampoo copes poorly with advanced situations.

Tips from professionals to help you choose the right shampoo for oily hair:

  • “Green Mama” is a natural shampoo containing nettle, black currant and a large amount of vitamins (A, B, C, P). The use of the product leads to a reduction in oil content and dandruff removal. The affordability of the product is its additional advantage.

  • The professional series "Vella" allows you to regulate the secretion of sebum in the most gentle way. The curls do not dry out, they become clean, strong and healthy. Vella is fighting the very root of the problem.

  • The Schwarzkopf company has long earned a good reputation in the cosmetics market. The product effectively cleanses hair and scalp from grease. The product is suitable for daily use and is not addictive, whereas other shampoos are recommended to be changed once every 2-3 months.

  • The professional product “Vichy” normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, soothes and softens the scalp, and strengthens curls. "Vichy" belongs to the category of medicinal products.

  • Herbal shampoo is based on herbs, which allows the product to be gentle on the scalp. As a result, fat metabolism is restored, and sebum begins to be released in normal quantities.

Which shampoo is best for oily hair can only be determined after testing, because each case is individual. Additionally, you can take advantage of the experience of traditional medicine and get advice from a specialist. The problem of oily hair should be treated only in a comprehensive manner. Review your diet and lifestyle.

Many owners of luxurious curls turn to cosmetologists or consultants with a request - to recommend a high-quality and inexpensive shampoo for oily hair.

This cosmetic product must meet several criteria:

  • professional or homemade shampoo must thoroughly cleanse the dermis of the scalp of excess sebum;
  • the product should regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • take care of your curls - give them strength, elasticity, moisturize, nourish.

Before choosing a suitable shampoo for oily scalp, you need to carefully familiarize yourself with the chemical composition of a particular cosmetic product. Optimal products do not contain parabens or soda laureth sulfates. True, such products against oily curls are quite expensive.

Other signs that you really have the best shampoo for oily hair:

  • a cosmetic product has a short shelf life - this means that it contains many natural ingredients;
  • You should always pay attention to the color as well as the texture of the shampoo. The product must be transparent and have a liquid consistency - only with this product at home can you remove excess fat particles from the dermis of the head.

What are the main tasks facing medicinal or caring compositions for oily curls? Funds must :

  • carefully, without damaging the structure of the hair shaft, clean it of excess fat;
  • do not cause increased dryness of the dermis of the head, and this, in turn, can lead to additional activation of the functions of the sebaceous glands;
  • establish the water-salt balance of the dermis.

Shampoo ingredients

Cosmetics for oily curls should contain the following components:

  • vitamins K, A, C;
  • proteins of plant origin;
  • seaweed;
  • various minerals;
  • zinc molecules.

Medicinal plant extracts are another important component of shampoos for home use. It is better to give preference:

  • calamus;
  • nettle;
  • chamomile;
  • aloe;
  • mint;
  • oak bark.

Sometimes it is difficult to navigate in a pharmacy or specialty store and quickly choose the right remedy for oily curls. Therefore, we will designate professional shampoos that experts recommend for use at home:

  • Vichy Darcous Technique is the most expensive, but at the same time effective shampoo. The product corrects the functioning of the sebaceous glands. If you use it regularly, you will be able to wash your hair much less often.
  • Shiseido extra gentle - this shampoo contains vitamin complexes of groups A and C, as well as silk proteins. Lecithin and beneficial amino acids, which are contained in the product, make it a choice for care for owners of colored strands.
  • Carita Haute Beaute Cheveu - the product is suitable for oily, weakened and thin hair. Makes hair thick, voluminous and light. It is also worth choosing a product for those who are faced with the problem of dandruff.
  • Burdock shampoo from the Mirolla brand is the best product for caring for damaged and weakened strands at home. If you wash your hair regularly with this cosmetic product, the active components of the product strengthen the hair follicles and protect the ends from splitting.
  • Loreal Pure Resource - a product that combats dandruff and removes remaining fat from the dermis of the head. If you wash your hair with it daily, it protects your hair from the negative effects of limescale and hard water.

Most cosmetologists agree that one of the best shampoo options for use at home is organic cosmetics. It is made on the basis of natural ingredients, which:

  • have a bactericidal effect;
  • have a tonic effect on the dermis of the head;
  • have anti-inflammatory properties.

The positive characteristics of such cosmetics are obvious:

  • rid the hair of excess fat without drying out the curls;
  • form a light protective film for each hair shaft;
  • protect strands from premature contamination.

Professional products

On pharmacy shelves you can find other effective, but quite expensive shampoos for caring for oily strands:

  • Herbal Shampoo WT - Methode - herbal composition for regulating the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Cleanses the scalp and has an antibacterial effect on the dermis.
  • Evinal - a product that fights against increased oiliness in curls, prevents baldness, and cares for the dermis.
  • Purifying Scalp Londa – shampoo based on jojoba oil and white tea. Carefully cares for oily hair and scalp dermis. Has an anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Doctor Nature is a shampoo based on natural extracts of medicinal plants. Contains active Dead Sea minerals. Reduces the oiliness of curls, removes irritation to the dermis. It is recommended to wash your hair with this product every day.
  • Sim Sensitive No. 4 is a treatment product for the care of oily strands, intended for those with sensitive scalp dermis. It has one drawback - it forms little foam, so it is consumed very quickly.
  • Kerastase Specifique is a caring shampoo with an exfoliating effect. Fights dandruff, regulates the salt and water balance of the skin, and corrects the functioning of the sebaceous glands. With regular use of the product, you have to wash your hair much less often.
  • Natura Siberica is a natural product without dyes and parabens. Contains vitamin C, regenerates skin cells.
  • Dessert Essence is a product based on green tea, lemon and aloe extract. Does not dry out curls and maintains optimal water balance.
  • Green Mama – lotion – shampoo with extracts of rosehip and yarrow. The product takes good care of oily hair, gives it a healthy shine and a pleasant aroma.

Consumer choice

Most modern users are inclined to use shampoos for oily curls based on burdock oil

Here are examples of such tools:

  • "The Magic of Herbs";
  • "Home Recipes";
  • "Clean line";
  • "Agafya's thick shampoo."

These shampoos take good care of oily hair; you can wash your hair with them every day. Cosmetic products contain bioactive substances that restore the structure of the strands and nourish the dermis of the head.

Another group of popular cosmetics designed specifically for oily curls are shampoos based on natural herbal ingredients. Here are some of them:

  • Lush Juniper – contains lavender, lime, lemon extracts and juniper oil. The product cleanses the scalp well, tones and nourishes it.
  • Lush exotic - the product contains extracts of kiwi, pineapple, papaya and other exotic fruits. Most trichologists and consumers agree that this is the best shampoo for home care for oily locks.
  • Wella Regulate is a product based on mineral clay that cleanses well but does not dry out the hair.
  • Loreal Pure Resource is an effective professional shampoo for oily curls with vitamin E and active antioxidants. The ingredients of the product regulate the fat and water balance of the dermis of the head and nourish it. The product has a small side effect - it dries out the skin.

Homemade formulations for oily strands

You can also wash your hair with special cosmetic mixtures that can be easily prepared even at home. Here are some recipes from which it is recommended to choose the most suitable one:

  • In a water bath, mix a large spoon of mustard powder with two large spoons of clean water. You can wash your hair every day with this remedy against oily curls.
  • Combine one glass of decoction prepared from horsetail with pharmaceutical white clay (two tablespoons). It is recommended to wash your hair with this composition daily.
  • Pour 100 ml of any cognac into three egg yolks and add a glass of decoction prepared from hop cones to the mixture. This composition is the most effective shampoo for oily hair, as well as an excellent mask for strands.

Tar for oily curls

You can wash oily strands at home with the following mixture against excess sebum:

  • grate simple baby soap;
  • the finished product is combined in equal parts with birch tar;
  • heat the composition in a steam bath;
  • after the composition has cooled, original balls are made from it and wrapped in plastic film;
  • Use this dry homemade shampoo for oily hair every other day.

The shelves of pharmacies and specialized cosmetic stores are filled with effective shampoos designed to care for oily strands. You can find a product of any composition and at a suitable price.

Sebaceous glands are located not on the hair, but on the skin. She's fat, not hairy. The grease quickly spreads through the curls, and it seems that the hairstyle was done quite recently, immediately after washing, and a day later the hair looks dull and sticky. Touching such curls, as well as looking at them, is quite unpleasant.

Good shampoo for oily hair

Although such curls are protected much better than dry ones from the negative effects of external factors, they also have to make much more effort to maintain an attractive appearance. It is much easier to cure this type of curls than damaged and weakened ones. You just need to follow the rules and know how to care for oily hair.

My oily hair according to the rules

Washing every day is not the solution. According to trichologists, it is important to wash your curls regularly, and not every day. It is necessary to use only specialized means. Too frequent washing leads to even greater activity of the glands, and hard water with aggressive components of shampoos destroy the protective water-fat film and the hair becomes oily faster, and irritation appears on the skin.

The optimal solution is to wash your hair once every three days. It is recommended to first find out the reason for the increased activity of the sebaceous glands. If it is caused by malfunctions of the endocrine system, then cosmetic preparations alone will not be enough, since the help of specialists will be required. Caring for oily hair at home consists of cleansing, moisturizing and additional nutrition as needed.

It is important to wash your hair correctly, twice. The shampoo is foamed by diluting with water. It is better to take the liquid a little cooler than warm. Hard moisture is softened or boiled. If it is impossible to rinse your hair in such water, then it should be used at least during rinsing.

When rinsing, the water is acidified for dark curls with one large spoon of ordinary vinegar per liter of liquid, and light ones with a couple of chamomile-colored tablespoons per half liter of water with citric acid or lemon juice. To prevent hair from becoming oily, cold water is used, which narrows the pores and prevents the release of fat; rinsing with mineral water with a pH below seven is acceptable.

If your curls become oily too quickly, you can apply shampoo only to the roots so that the ends are less and less likely to be damaged. The product should not be rubbed into the skin, and it should be washed off not immediately after foaming, but after waiting five minutes. Frequently changing shampoos will cause unnecessary stress. To be sure of the effectiveness of the product, it is wiser to purchase everything for care in professional stores. If you have the opportunity to purchase a sample, it is better to take advantage of it.

What is the best shampoo for oily hair?

How to wash very oily hair? Transparent shampoos are most suitable for such hair. A light shade is a sign of the absence of additional ingredients that increase fat content, settling on the hair after washing.

Therapeutic and professional shampoos against oily skin

Nettle extracts normalize skin balance, and curls will remain clean longer when using Korres nettle and licorice shampoo. Carita Crystal Jelly product gently cleanses the skin, soothing it. To add volume to your curls, you can use L’Occitane shampoo for oily curls. If your skin is oily and your curls are dry, Rene Furterer shampoo for oily skin is suitable. This is a good shampoo for oily hair; judging by the reviews, it gives volume and lightness to the hair, effectively removing all impurities.

It is advisable to change shampoo once every couple of months to avoid habituation. It is desirable to contain herbal extracts of horsetail, calamus, nettle or algae, as well as microelements and vitamins. It is better to choose high-quality shampoos for everyday washing with a soft base: softer ones are preferable. It is advisable to use professional products.

Natura Siberica is very effective. "Natura Siberica" ​​does not contain any dyes, parabens, or sulfates. The normal balance of the skin is regenerated much faster due to the use of arctic raspberry juice, and dwarf cedar makes curls voluminous and soft.

Desert Essence was created specifically for oily hair. It restores skin balance thanks to the natural components of the composition. Any burdock shampoo is suitable for oily hair. Such products contain many bioactive substances that perfectly care for the skin and stimulate metabolic processes.

The regulator product from Wella and LifeTex “Balance Anti-Fat” will also help you get rid of fat. They don't dry out your hair. What shampoo to wash oily hair with? “Shauma seven herbs” is effective. In just a month of use, the skin becomes drier and the hair takes on a healthy appearance. Thanks to calendula extract, Clean Line shampoos can control oiliness. The delicate aroma of herbs and only natural ingredients is the secret to the success of the line of products.

Tar shampoo will also help get rid of grease. But the aroma of tar can last up to a day. Much nicer is Sante with almonds. D-panthenol will cleanse and nourish the skin. An effective shampoo for very oily hair is Green Mama “Currant and Nettle”. It will soothe irritated skin and reduce oil production within a few uses. Shampoo-lotion from the same manufacturer with rose hips and yarrow gives good results.

Double effect shampoos

Shampoo from Clarifiant is also effective for oily hair. It normalizes lipid balance, cleansing the skin. Goldwell's skin balancing products and cleansers from Schwarzkopf Professional with the Keune line and dual-action bath shampoo will help restore hair structure.

Many products will help get rid of the unpleasant feeling of greasy hair after washing, the main thing is to choose something that matches the type of hair and suits it. Be sure to use balms and conditioners to make your curls more manageable. But be sure to apply them without affecting the roots.

A single series shampoo with conditioner works well. Examples are Klorane, Dercos, regulating shampoos with firming soft balms, as well as natural products from Siberika in the Volume and Balance line.

Dry shampoos

Dry shampoos will help quickly eliminate oiliness without washing. They will help you quickly get yourself in order if you don’t have time to wash. The spray in powder form is applied to the hair, distributing evenly along the length. Particles of the product absorb excess oil, and the curls look less greasy.

But you should use such express products only when absolutely necessary, since it is impossible to replace full washing with dry shampoos. Products are offered by Oriflame “Expert-Balance”, Syoss “Anti-Fat”, Sephora “Dry Shampoo Express”.

Cosmetics for moisturizing curls

After washing your hair, moisturize. It is necessary for excessive activity of the glands, as it helps to redirect their activity in the normal direction. Only the right product can cope with the problem of oiliness. For this reason, pharmacy shampoos and professional series have gained the greatest popularity.

Professional series

Nouvelle products prevent hair from becoming greasy, perfectly cleansing curls. The tonic also has an anti-inflammatory effect.

The Vichy pharmacy series represents the development of Vichy oil control specifically for oily hair. The product soothes irritations and restores lipid balance. You can use it only a couple of times a week, leaving it to act for two minutes.

If you have dandruff in addition to oily curls, a medicated shampoo containing EX Moltobene clay will help. It contains the most necessary components: healing herbal extracts, sea salt, vitamins and silk proteins. Fat content is noticeably reduced after a week of using this natural product.

EX Moltobene shampoo-mask regulates sebum production. Extracts of clay, citrus, rosemary and red juniper will help cleanse impurities and nourish curls.

Products with hydrolipids and moisturizing natural ingredients will help moisturize. Among them, KADUS Sebo Control shampoo retains its leading position, as well as professional products from L’Oreal, Revlon and Redken Oil Detox cleansing shampoo.

Sulsena paste will also help, but not everyone likes its specific aroma. The products from the Alerana line are not suitable for everyone, although if they match your hair type, they show very good results.

How to care for oily hair: additional care

Additional products are applied as needed. But it is important to use such products wisely on oily hair. Masks, fluids, creams, serums and sprays are distributed over the fingers before applying to the hair. Distribute care products not on wet, but on well-wrung-out curls, but they should not be applied either to the skin or to the roots.

Wash-off formulations are kept for no more than the specified time, then rinsed off thoroughly. The length of the hair determines the amount of product used, but excess is unacceptable in any case. Usually a pea is enough.

You should not use anti-oily shampoos on colored or damaged hair: the skin is not able to accept such an abundance of nutrients. It is not recommended to make cleansing masks, peelings or apply creams before dyeing.

Do not get carried away excessively with mousses, foams and sprays: they weigh down the curls, absorbing all the dirt. But a high-quality lotion for regulating sebum secretion will not be superfluous in your care.

If you don’t want to get brittleness in addition to fat content, you should not use the hot mode when drying. The cold air function is most preferable in caring for oily scalp.

It is advisable to trim the ends of long locks regularly and treat them with special products. It is better to choose indelible ones. It is better to avoid head massage, as well as frequent combing with brushes. It is advisable not to comb oily hair or do it as rarely as possible, using soft and sparse-toothed combs.

Additional care is not considered mandatory, but it often becomes necessary for oily curls. Specialized creams, serums, balms and sprays contain many nutrients, acids and vitamins with sebum-regulating components. They reduce oil production and improve the appearance of curls. The hair becomes matte and remains attractive longer.

It is important to apply serum to curls in small doses twice a week. There is no need to rinse off the products. Naturica's regulating serum, Biomed Naturica Mask for Oily Scalp, works well. Masks are applied before washing. After the soaking time is completed, they must be washed off with warm water. It is recommended to apply to curls twice or thrice a week.

Salon care at home

Cosmetic concerns offer peelings and scalp treatments. The best ones are those that are applied before washing. These include Kadus sebum-controlling cream, deep cleansing peeling before Schwarzkopf Professional shampoo, toning the skin. After using these products, be sure to wash your hair with a specialized shampoo.

A good solution is to use a product for sensitive skin. It is quite possible that this is the best homemade shampoo for oily hair. You can also use salon treatments. They are usually produced in a single dosage: Soft Peel cleansing care from L’Oreal Professionnel, peeling clay from Revlon Professional to prevent dehydration, or clay-containing Specifique Masquargil from Kerastase to add freshness.


Cosmetic oils are also indicated for oily curls. They must be used just before washing. After rubbing into the skin, peach, grape seed, argan, almond, and sesame oils are left for ten minutes.

The products are perfectly washed out and help reduce sebum production. After use, the curls become shiny and smoother. You can add the product to shampoo by first squeezing the latter into your palm and enriching it with a couple of drops of burdock, cedar, lemon, grapefruit, sage or cypress oil.

Popular care products

Balms, conditioners, and masks should not be applied to the skin for oily hair. The products should give smoothness and manageability to the hair. If the composition contains silicones, then this threatens the curls with a film that is difficult to wash off, aggravating the problems. When making assurances that the balm fully complies with the code, it is better to carefully read the composition so as not to harm yourself.

Melvita conditioner with sage, rosemary, and magnesium will help make styling easier. L'Occitane's revitalizing balm with sweet almonds and five oils provides special care for oily hair.

Keune scalp lotion liposomes will give strength to curls and regulate sebum production. After washing, the product is sprayed onto the skin, lightly rubbed in and, without rinsing, begin styling. After several uses, your curls will become less greasy.

Carita stimulating serum will cleanse the skin, enrich cells with oxygen, and improve blood microcirculation. Apply the product before professional shampoo.

Folk recipes

Rinses will help reduce oiliness and help your hair regain its beauty. For birch, pour a couple of tablespoons of finely chopped tree leaves into a glass of boiling water and leave for a quarter of an hour, filter and rinse twice or thrice a week for a month.

Rubbed in after each wash, a decoction of oak bark consisting of three tablespoons of its powder and a liter of water, boiled for a quarter of an hour and strained, can also be used as a rinse.

It is advisable to remember that women are not recommended to use men's shampoos for oily hair. We must not forget that curls suffer from weather conditions. Therefore, wearing hats is mandatory.

Oily curls are a solvable problem. Excessively dry skin, according to trichologists, is a much more serious problem. With an integrated approach to the solution, you can be sure that everything can be corrected successfully and quite quickly. And curls from the main problem will turn into the main decoration.

Not everyone can afford a universal shampoo; some have to choose a special wash product due to oily hair. Unlike dry curls, they require special care and look rather unaesthetic if they are not washed. In such a situation, you need to contact a specialist, but most prefer to use shampoos against oily hair.

When choosing the best product, you should pay attention to the following criteria:

  1. Compound. It is better if the shampoo formula contains tar, sulfur, seaweed and minerals, as well as herbal extracts and amino acids. It is recommended to choose a product without silicones and parabens.
  2. Price. Don't skimp on shampoo. A quality product will not be cheap.
  3. Type of shampoo. It can be domestic or medicinal. You need to choose a product based on a specific case. It is worth purchasing combined formulations if, in addition to greasy hair, you are worried about, for example, dandruff.

These parameters, as well as customer reviews, are taken into account in the rating of the best shampoos against oily curls.

The best inexpensive shampoos for oily hair

To the hackneyed question about whether it is worth spending money on expensive shampoos, professional trichologists answer in the affirmative: it is worth it. It is believed that expensive detergents use high-quality raw materials, while cheap ones use low-grade ones. However, this is not the main thing. The fundamental difference between expensive products and cheap ones lies in the proportion of components included in the shampoos. Manufacturers of cheap cosmetics cannot afford to maintain scientific laboratories, and the proportions of ingredients in their shampoos are often selected “by eye.” That is why the cheapest shampoos for oily hair act aggressively, drying out the hair and scalp. Now it’s clear why doctors and hairdressers are categorically against cheap cosmetics from unknown brands. It’s a completely different matter if we are talking about inexpensive brands of large manufacturing enterprises, whose name and products have long been heard. Below are the best cleansers for oily hair that actually work and won't damage your hair.

3 Natura Siberica Volume and balance

The most popular
Country Russia
Average price: 348 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

For several years now, Natura Siberica products have been breaking sales records. The reason for its popularity is its natural composition. According to the manufacturer, these cosmetics are completely organic, so the soap base of the shampoos does not contain sulfates, parabens and other unnatural substances. The shampoo does an excellent job of delivering on its promises, does not weigh down hair and does not pose a health hazard with constant use. The active ingredient in this shampoo is arctic raspberry extract, rich in vitamin C, which normalizes the balance of the scalp. Let us list the remaining advantages and disadvantages of this tool.


  • safe for long-term use;
  • makes hair soft.


  • sometimes causes allergies;
  • the most expensive among budget funds in the ranking;
  • does not rinse hair the first time;
  • uneconomical.

2 Clear vita Abe Ultimate Control

Best scalp care
Country Russia
Average price: 246 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Shampoo “Oil Balance” fights hypersecretion of fat and effectively removes dandruff. Clear vita Abe Ultimate Control is a cumulative shampoo: regular use of the product is necessary to achieve lasting results. According to buyers, this shampoo is the best among inexpensive ones for scalp care. After the first use, it becomes moisturized and the hair is filled with life. This effect is due to a special shampoo formula called Nutrium 10. Nutrium 10 is a combination of 10 nutrients that saturate dry scalp and hair with essential nutrients.


  • conveniently opens;
  • gives comfort to the scalp;
  • is used sparingly;
  • has a pleasant consistency;
  • washes hair well.


  • difficult to wash off from hair;
  • cumulative action.

1 Green Mama

Cleans perfectly
Country Russia
Average price: 246 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

The manufacturer managed to create an effective formula with a minimum content of aggressive surfactants (the washing formula is represented by lauryl glucoside, lauryl sulfate and cocamidopropyl betaine). According to buyers, this shampoo keeps hair clean for up to 4 days. At the same time, it does not dry out the hair and scalp. An additional advantage of the product from Green Mama is that it is completely free of silicones, which accelerate the process of hair contamination and deprive it of its fullness. Let us outline other valuable qualities of this shampoo.


  • contains natural ingredients;
  • Available in 400 ml cans;
  • has a low cost;
  • effectively cleanses hair.


  • does not foam well;
  • uneconomical.

The best shampoos for oily hair: price – quality

In the ranking of the best shampoos for oily hair, product quality is of particular importance. The fact is that preventing the rapid growth of hair is a medical task, because shampoo should not only wash away fat, but also normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Pharmacy and professional products cope with this task most effectively. Shampoos in these categories are distinguished by their ability to cleanse hair very efficiently and, at the same time, have a caring effect. Pharmacy cosmetics usually do not contain aggressive surfactants, give lasting results and do not cause dry scalp even with prolonged use.

3 Kapous Professional Treatment

The best care effect
Country Russia
Average price: 324 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Kapous Professional is a Russian brand of salon hair cosmetics, which is produced in factories in Western Europe. Shampoo for oily hair from Kapous is a leader in our rating for its care qualities. Vitamins A and B, as well as orange extract, included in the product, restore natural moisture, elasticity and shine to the hair. According to reviews, this shampoo gives unsurpassed comfort to the scalp, eliminates irritation and itching. The shampoo also contains plant substances that have astringent properties and normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands.


  • inexpensive;
  • foams very well;
  • perfectly washes hair;
  • has a pronounced caring effect.


  • small jar volume (250 ml);
  • The time between washing your hair increases gradually.

2 Vichy Dercos regulating

Acceleration of hair growth
Country: France
Average price: 809 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Vichy Dercos belongs to the category of pharmaceutical cosmetics, therefore it does not develop its effect immediately, but gradually. Designed to regulate the functioning of the sebaceous glands and restore normal balance on the surface of the skin. According to reviews, Vichy Dercos effectively relieves irritation, gives hair volume and friability, but the effect of its use disappears after replacing it with shampoo for normal hair. The active components of the composition are salicylic acid and Vichy thermal water. Salicylic acid promotes rapid hair growth, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and thermal water moisturizes the scalp and nourishes the hair roots.


  • Safely cleanses hair of oil;
  • does not contain silicone and parabens;
  • gives hair healthy volume;
  • accelerates hair growth;
  • has a pleasant creamy texture.


  • the effect does not appear immediately.

1 L"Oreal Professionnel Pure Resource

Gentle cleansing
Country: France
Average price: 720 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Pure Resource is a shampoo from the L"Oreal professional series. Designed for all hair types, but most suitable for washing combination hair - oily at the roots and dry at the ends. It is a multifunctional product because it cleanses, nourishes and protects the scalp from the effects of styling products products and bad water, forming a hydrolipid film on the surface.Vitamin E, which is part of the shampoo, is an antioxidant that helps eliminate itching and dryness.


  • effectively removes styling cosmetics residues;
  • hair is easy to comb without conditioner;
  • economical;
  • nourishes the scalp and hair roots.


  • does not reduce the time between washing your hair;
  • Not recommended for washing very oily hair.

The best dry shampoos for oily hair

Dry shampoo allows you to cleanse dirty hair of oil, dust and epidermal cells without using water. The main active ingredient is an absorbent that absorbs pollutants. After applying the product, its residues are removed, and the hair looks clean and lifted at the roots. Natural ingredients (starch, corn, oat or rice flour, kaolin, cocoa, carob) or synthetic (cyclodextrin, silicon dioxide, polysaccharide) can be used as an absorbent. In addition to the absorbent substance, the shampoo may contain vitamins, oils, plant extracts, fragrances and preservatives. The use of dry shampoos containing talc is not recommended by trichologists, because it clogs pores, thereby forcing the sebaceous glands to work actively, producing more sebum (sebum). The presented rating of dry shampoos includes the safest and most effective products for oily hair.

4 Batiste Original

Does not cause allergies
Country: UK
Average price: 510 ₽
Rating (2019): 4.5

Dry shampoo in the form of an aerosol Batiste Original is suitable for oily hair and contains an absorbent that quickly removes oil from the surface of the curls and is instantly removed after combing. Judging by customer reviews, it does not replace regular hair washing, but it is a fairly convenient product that can prolong hair cleanliness.

The advantages of Batiste include the volume of curls, easy combing, and the absence of an allergic reaction. It is equally suitable for both women's and men's hair. Its action lasts for the whole day.

3 Dove Hair Therapy

The most popular
Country: Germany
Average price: 375 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.6

Unlike previous products, Dove dry shampoo can be purchased at any mass market. This explains the great popularity of the product. Dove Hair Therapy uses aluminum octenyl succinade as an absorbent. Behind such an intricate name lies modified starch - the same one that manufacturers often add to food products and cosmetic creams to give them a uniform texture, thickness and silkiness. Cosmetics with this component are considered completely safe if its concentration does not exceed 30% of the volume. In addition to GM starch, the shampoo contains essential oils, aerosol gases, fragrances and preservatives. The shampoo effectively cleanses hair of grease and dust, gives it root volume and has a pleasant smell. The product is comparable in effect to pharmaceutical and professional products, so it deservedly occupies a place in our rating.


  • widely spread;
  • effectively cleanses hair.


  • makes hair stiff;
  • noticeable on dark hair.

2 Kapous Professional Studio Fast Help Dry

The most affordable
Country Russia
Average price: 264 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.7

Professional dry shampoo from Kapous is indispensable when you need to urgently tidy up dirty hair: just 5 minutes and your hair looks as if your hair has just been washed and styled in a beauty salon. The effect of cleanliness and volume, however, does not last long - by the evening the hair becomes dirty again. But, this is typical for most other dry shampoos. Fast Help Dry contains a natural absorbent - rice flour and is the leader in our rating in terms of cost among other dry shampoos.


  • affordable price;
  • economical consumption;
  • does not dry out hair;
  • natural ingredients in the composition.


  • volume is quickly lost;
  • has a pungent odor.

1 Klorane with nettle extract

High quality
Country: France
Average price: 630 rub.
Rating (2019): 4.8

Klorane nettle dry shampoo is sold only in pharmacies. Cyclodextrin and polysaccharides are used as an absorbent. According to reviews, the shampoo very easily and effectively cleanses hair of grease and dust. In addition, Klorane with nettle has a sebum-regulating effect and helps increase the time between washing with liquid shampoos.


  • does not clog skin pores;
  • has a pleasant aroma;
  • washes off easily.


  • deprives hair of its natural shine;
  • quickly consumed;
  • leaves hair feeling dirty;
  • noticeable after removal on dark hair.

The best sulfate-free shampoos for oily hair

Sulfate-free shampoos are becoming increasingly popular. Manufacturers use them for less raw material consumption and better foaming. However, these substances are harmful to the hair and wash out the keratin dye. Therefore, you should pay attention to the best sulfate-free products.

3 Planeta Organica SAVON NOIR

Best price
Country Russia
Average price: 125 ₽
Rating (2019): 4.6

Shampoo for oily hair from Planet Organic gently washes strands, eliminating the unpleasant feeling of dirt and heaviness. It contains only natural elements that provide a protective effect. The product helps to regulate the level of secretion of the sebaceous glands. It does not dry out or tighten the scalp.

Buyers note that with this shampoo, curls always look perfect. The product has an antiseptic effect and soothes irritated skin. A big advantage is the absence of sulfates and preservatives in its composition. The price of the product is quite affordable, so it is very popular among buyers.

2 Nano Organic

Natural composition
Country Russia
Average price: 289 ₽
Rating (2019): 4.7

The shampoo is optimal for those who are tired of greasy hair. The sulfate-free product is sold in stylish matte packaging. All the necessary information is on the shampoo label. It states that the composition includes extracts of oak bark, hop cones, horsetail, burdock root, castor oil, lactic acid, and vitamin A. These plant substances give the composition a pleasant smell and a brown tint.

In their reviews, customers note an excellent result after creasing the head. Hair becomes shiny and crumbly. However, you can’t do without balm for better combing.

1 Kapous Professional Studio Professional Caring Line Daily

Anti-inflammatory and strengthening effect
Country: Italy
Average price: 171 ₽
Rating (2019): 4.9

The product from the Italian manufacturer is suitable for all types of hair, including oily hair. The shampoo is based on orange extract and fruit acids. It gives hair volume, makes it softer and more elastic. Healthy oils and vitamins combat the problem of oiliness and improve the appearance of your hair.

Kapous Professional is non-addictive and suitable for frequent use. Thanks to it, the hair follicles are strengthened, and the curls are easy to comb and remain clean for a long time. Buyers note that the product has an anti-inflammatory effect and has a pleasant smell.

The problem with oily hair is that within a few hours after washing it loses its appearance - greasy strands reappear. According to statistics, 30% of the population has oily hair. It is very important to choose a good shampoo that will help your hair look well-groomed and fresh for several days. The industry produces a wide range of similar products, but not everyone knows what the best shampoo is and how to choose it from this variety of products.

If it is not possible to choose the best shampoos for oily hair on your own, you can contact your hairdresser; he knows the structure of his client’s hair better and will help him make the right choice. A good product must meet certain requirements:

  1. It should not contain large amount of nutrients, since the hair follicles will secrete even more sebaceous secretions.
  2. A quality shampoo should work well remove fat.
  3. Aggressive substances, such as salicylic acid, denatured alcohol and acetone in the composition can cause redness on the skin.
  4. Alcohol concentration for very oily hair it should not be higher than 42%. If the hair is medium oily, this figure is up to 20%.
  5. Reagents also include extracts medicinal herbs. Their main task is to normalize the fat balance and narrow pores. The following plants are effective: mint, chamomile, aloe extract and rosemary.
  6. Must be present in the lineup essential oils citrus and coniferous plants, tea tree, rosemary. They have an antiseptic effect. Jojoba and coconut oils - only in small quantities, as they weigh down the strands.
  7. A good shampoo must contain mineral supplements and vitamins, strengthening and nourishing hair, making it elastic.
  8. Detergent content alkalis- Necessarily. It perfectly destroys the fatty film. Presence lactic and citric acid necessary to normalize the secretion of sebaceous glands.

Surfactants should be present in shampoos in minimal quantities. Let's look at the list of the best shampoos for oily hair according to the rating according to the portal.

10 classic remedies

Classic shampoo is a water-based detergent designed for washing hair. It contains many active ingredients aimed at strengthening, restoring, nourishing, and degreasing strands. It also contains essential oils, flavors, preservatives, and inorganic salts. This category highlights the best shampoos for classic hair types.

This cosmetic detergent is a product of the French company Bioderma, founded in the 70s of the last century.

Bioderma Node is used for both preventive and therapeutic purposes.


  • can be used daily;
  • the presence of juniper and salicylic acid - scales are removed from the skin, the skin is protected from their recurrence
  • education;
  • suitable for all hair types, including oily strands;
  • is hypoallergenic;
  • has an unobtrusive pleasant aroma;
  • the components included do not disturb the hydrolipid balance of the skin;
  • After washing your hair, your hair gains volume and shine.

Some consumers point to the small volume of the tube in which the product is sold. However, this disadvantage is compensated by economical consumption.

Price: 1197 rub.

Prices for Bioderma Node Shampoo:

2. L'oreal Professionnel Pure Resource

This is a professional cosmetic product used for washing oily hair.

The composition contains a special formula - aqua-crystal, which allows you to effectively remove fat, soften water, and normalize sebum production.

With regular use, there is no need to wash your hair every day. The shampoo foams beautifully, emits a pleasant aroma, and is used sparingly. After the treatment procedure, the hair acquires a beautiful shine and radiance, becomes soft, and acquires good volume.


  • eliminates fat;
  • economical consumption;
  • volume and healthy glow.

This shampoo is not suitable for those with dry hair. It can dry them out even more. It is also not recommended for use by people with mixed hair types prone to split ends.

Price: 588 – 2663 rub.

Prices Shampoo L'oreal Professionnel Pure Resource:

The product is a Russian manufacturer, which compares favorably in price and packaging with similar cosmetics made in Israel. The shampoo washes hair well, while normalizing the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

The composition contains black currant extract - a storehouse of vitamins of groups: “A”, “B”, “C” and “P”, which nourish and heal the skin. Thanks to their presence, the skin tissues are strengthened, the hair becomes soft, elastic, and the fat hydrobalance is normalized.

The polysaccharides and enzymes contained in the shampoo effectively and gently cleanse the strands without disturbing their structure. The presence of nettle has a strengthening effect on hair, enhances its growth, prevents dandruff, has a stimulating effect on blood circulation, and gives hair a healthy look and shine.


  • nourishes and heals the scalp;
  • strengthens the hair structure;
  • prevents the occurrence of dandruff.

Disadvantages: none found.

Prices: 269 rub.

Prices Shampoo Green Mama Blackcurrant and nettle:

The shampoo is produced in Greece. It contains only natural ingredients. It should be applied to damp hair and gently massaged into the scalp. After completing the procedure, rinse thoroughly with water.

The composition uses the innovative Apivita formula, thanks to which the secretion of the sebaceous glands is significantly reduced. At the same time, gentle care is taken for dry ends.

Aloe and honey promote hydration, and the essential oils included in the product make the hair beautiful, silky and shiny along its entire length. The shampoo is safe, does not cause irritation, and has a tonic effect due to the presence of rosemary.


  • normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • moisturizes, adds shine;
  • does not cause irritation.

Disadvantages: high cost.

Price: from 19.9 $

Prices Apivita Propoline shampoo with nettle and honey:

“Little Marseilles” - this is how the name of the shampoo produced in France is translated. The company approaches the creation of its products responsibly, using only natural ingredients. The products are released into production after clinical trials.

The creamy consistency gently cares for the condition of the hair, removes fat well without forming a weighty layer on the surface of the strands. This effect is achieved thanks to white clay, which helps normalize fat balance.

Moisturizing is provided by the presence of jasmine. After washing your hair, it becomes soft, silky, maintaining freshness for several days.


  • a safe product that meets European quality standards;
  • high efficiency;
  • moisturizing, gives softness;
  • affordable price

Disadvantages: none identified.

Price: 100-120 rub.

Prices Shampoo Le Petit Marseillais “White Clay and Jasmine”:

These products from Russian manufacturers have aroused increased interest among consumers. The name itself contains its decoding. The components contained in it are collected in Siberia, a region with environmentally friendly nature.

Arctic raspberries, rich in vitamins, in combination with dwarf cedar, give amazing results when caring for oily hair. They help restore the acid balance of the skin. After use, the hair acquires a beautiful shine, becomes manageable, smooth, freshness and volume appear.

Nettle extract strengthens strands along the entire length. Chamomile and string have an anti-inflammatory effect.

The shampoo contains no aggressive substances, which reduces the production of sebaceous glands and relieves irritation.


  • restores the acid balance of the skin;
  • healing and strengthening;
  • anti-inflammatory effect;
  • does not contain aggressive substances.

Some people experience allergic reactions. This is due to the body’s individual intolerance to individual components.

Price: 359 rub.

Prices Shampoo Natura Siberica Volume and balance:

This brand belongs to the Russian brand “Clean Line”. When creating cosmetics, unique technologies are used, which are based only on natural ingredients extracted from plants living in Russia. Thanks to specially developed formulas, the shampoo is completely safe. During the manufacturing process, control is exercised over each technological stage, which eliminates the possibility of low-quality components.

Suitable for combination type hair whose strands are dry at the ends and oily at the roots.

Skin cleansing occurs gently and carefully. The components contained in the product normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, giving volume and vitality to the hair.


  • safety;
  • only natural ingredients;
  • careful care;
  • efficiency;
  • Suitable for combination type.

Disadvantages: none identified.

Price: 123 rub.

Prices Shampoo Clean Line Regulating:

The shampoo has a thick, viscous, non-sticky structure. It is intended for oily hair; it is not recommended for other hair types. The composition contains 100% natural substances and safe synthetic components.

A powerful remedy aimed at combating increased fat secretion. That is why it is not indicated even for combination hair types.

The foam formed during the washing process is soft and does not dry out the scalp and hands. Cleans well and removes grease in one go. Hair combs perfectly, has shine, looks fresh and healthy. It has a pleasant aroma thanks to the content of extracts of kiwi, pineapple, mango and other fruits.


  • high efficiency;
  • does not dry;
  • gives hair a healthy look without tangling it;
  • economical spending;
  • Suitable for everyday use.

On the part of consumers who used the product in accordance with the recommendations, no disadvantages were identified.

Price: 320 rub.

Prices Shampoo Lush Exotica:

This shampoo is designed specifically for men. It contains a complex of vitamins and a cooling formula, giving you a feeling of coolness and freshness for the whole day.

Its composition includes citrus fruits, menthol, glycerin, guarana extract, castor oil.


  • perfectly cleanses hair, makes it soft and smooth;
  • leaves a light, pleasant cooling effect;
  • does not contain active surface substances (SLS), the shampoo is intended for long-term use;
  • actively eliminates dandruff;
  • foams well;
  • has an affordable price.


  • with prolonged use it can dry out the skin, this depends on the individual characteristics of the male body;
  • should not be used for normal hair types, despite the fact that the manufacturer allows this possibility.

Price: from 104 rub.

Prices Nivea Men Extreme Freshness Shampoo:

The cosmetic product of the Russian brand is deservedly popular among women and men. The company's laboratory has developed a special complex that allows you to actively combat oiliness and dandruff of the scalp.

Despite the fact that the composition contains synthetic components, the cosmetic product does not cause allergic reactions.


  • qualitatively cleanses strands of dirt, removing fat;
  • helps get rid of dandruff;
  • has a refreshing effect;
  • maintains cleanliness for a long time;
  • foams well, is used economically;

Disadvantages: consumers did not identify any disadvantages as such, except for the imperfect bottle cap and its instability.

Price: 265 rub.

Prices Shampoo Clear Vita ABE Men “Oil control”:

5 dry shampoos

Dry shampoo is a powder designed to be applied to the hair. It perfectly cleanses them of dirt, removing excess fat along with the particles. Mainly available in spray form. This product is great in cases where it is not possible to wash your hair with water.

It is difficult for a person with oily hair to step over the psychological barrier by giving up daily hair washing. A revolutionary cosmetic product came to the rescue - dry shampoo from French manufacturers.

It perfectly absorbs dirt from the hair, removes fat from it, giving lightness and airiness to the strands.

Has a pleasant subtle herbal aroma. Normalizes blood circulation and lipid metabolism of the skin, and the presence of powder in the composition of the product gives it an adsorbing effect.


  • cleanses effectively;
  • eliminates fat;
  • adsorbing effect.

Disadvantages: none found.

Price: 479 – 990 rub.

Prices Shampoo Klorane 5 dry shampoos:

The Dove brand product is a dry shampoo designed to cleanse hair of fat deposits and dirt. It is packaged in a can and is securely closed with a lid that prevents accidental pressing of the spray bottle.


  • strong pleasant aroma of freshness, which captures subtle fruity notes;
  • well-groomed appearance;
  • does not have a negative effect on the structure of the strands;
  • maintains the effect of clean hair for a long time;
  • easy to use.

Despite the excellent effect, oil is not removed from the hair, and the product is difficult to wash off.

Price: 375 rub.

Prices Dove Hair Therapy Shampoo:

3. Osis+ Refresh Dust Bodifying

The high quality of this shampoo is unconditional, as it is produced in Germany. It is easy to use, just spray a small amount of product onto your hair from the can.


  • removes oily shine and gives a clean look;
  • allows you to fix your hair, clearly separate the strands, and update your styling;
  • is evenly distributed on the hair due to its powdery consistency;
  • adds volume;
  • has a pleasant delicate aroma.

Disadvantages: small volume, which is enough for 5-6 times of use.

Price: 1318 – 1470 rub.

Prices Osis+ Refresh Dust Bodifying Shampoo:

4. Batiste Original

These products are presented by British manufacturers. The Batiste brand shampoo is very popular among women, as evidenced by numerous positive reviews.

It can be used by people with different hair types and shades.


  • due to the presence of starch in the composition, it is effectively absorbed from the surface and roots of the hair;
  • has antiseptic and bactericidal properties due to silicon and limonene;
  • pleasant, light aroma;
  • within a few minutes the hair acquires a beautiful appearance;

Disadvantages: high cost and difficulty of acquisition.

Price: 353 – 501 rub.

Prices Shampoo Batiste Original:

5. Syoss Anti-Grease

Shampoo is an excellent option for those people who do not have time or are not able to wash their hair in the traditional way. It is contained in a spray can.


  • refreshes, strengthens, adds volume:
  • removes and absorbs oily shine from strands:
  • has a good lasting effect;
  • eliminates dandruff;
  • shampoo is invisible on the hair.

Disadvantages: strong smell.

Price: 170 rub.

Prices Shampoo Syoss Anti-Grease:

Shampoo is a necessary cosmetic product that allows you to care for your hair, nourish it, strengthen it, give it smoothness and volume. You should choose the best shampoo for oily hair taking into account your own preferences, individual characteristics and financial capabilities.

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