Sport. Health. Nutrition. Gym. For style

Game program “Holiday of colorful bows. Funny ditties about school subjects. School ditties about deuces

Almost no holiday in kindergarten and primary, as well as high school is not complete without cheerful and sparkling ditties. Children usually really enjoy performing these funny ditties to the music, and parents and teachers enjoy listening and observing what their students were able to learn. Often in educational institutions Various competitions are also held for best performance ditties. Especially for such competitions, parents together with their children come up with fun and funny texts on a specific topic, think over the image in which the baby will perform, sew or purchase fancy suits and many many others.

For older preschoolers and first-graders, school topics are very relevant. On the topic school life you can come up with a huge number of ditties that will help children get to know the topic better long period who awaits them ahead; accept the changes happening to them calmly and with humor. In this article we will present several interesting, including little-known versions of ditties on school theme, which may be useful to you while preparing for graduation party in kindergarten or a holiday at school.

I'm sitting in class
I look at the teacher
The more he loads,
The more I slow down.

Has begun academic year,
The clock ticked
And the question bothers me:

Valya tormented the comb,
I was getting my hair done for school.
I tormented, tormented,
And it turned out to be a stuffed animal!

Time with a friend on April Fool's Day
Changed it - what fun! —
At school we are on the floor
All signs are “M” and “F”.

Who's hustling at the buffet?
Forging ahead? —
Have pity on Ira, children,
Give Ira a sandwich!

Vova is late for school
Explains simply:
- And study, Marivanna,
It's never too late!

Firewood lies on the grass,
And on the chair there is a button.
The head overlooked
And the butt suffers!

All the guys in our class
They love to distinguish themselves.
Who draws, who sings,
Just not to study.

School ditties about teachers

Thank you for science,
Wise teachers.
Because we understand
You didn't chase us in vain.

Our teacher is very strict
We didn't go to class!
How happy he was
What has been freed from us!

They came to school as sparrows,
Now we are soaring like a swallow.
We love teachers very much
We say thank you to everyone.

Me teacher on the blackboard
Wrote an assignment
Well, I'm sitting in sadness,
There is suffering on the face.

And Irina Nikolaevna
He loves silence very much.
Why doesn't he like to make noise?
Well, I just don’t understand.

For the teacher first
I don't regret good words
After all, she managed to understand
How to keep us in school.

I go to school in the morning
The teachers are waiting for me.
They will torture you in class -
I will torment them too.

Being a teacher is not easy
Only read your subject.
The teacher must teach
How should we act in life?

Congratulations on Teacher's Day
We have come today for you.
Wish you great success,
So that they teach better than us.

I'm sitting in class
I look at the teacher.
I like the teacher
When he's not swearing.

School ditties about being late

Centipede ant
Met on the path.
And while he pressed his paws,
I was late for class...

Mom woke me up:
“Get up quickly, son.”
And I turned on my side
And I slept through one lesson!

Reason for being late
Roma quickly composes:
He saved Yana from the wolf,
It was a meteorite that was found.

Vova is late for school
Explains simply:
- And study, Mary Ivanna,
It's never too late!

I was walking along the road to school,
Moving your feet slightly.
Here are the steps. Here's the threshold.
This is where the lesson ends!

School ditties about love

Kostya follows Ilona
Every day he tries
Waiting for Ilona to tell him
Suddenly he confesses his love!

At school I fell in love with Zhenya
Behind beautiful eyes.
But then I fell in love with Sasha,
Here's a dragonfly.

Petya beat Katya
- I even got tired:
He beat me with a textbook,
Maybe he fell in love?

A lesson about love
I read prose.
Suddenly Seryozhka came up,
Gave me a rose.

Masha looked at me,
I beamed with happiness
And when she winked at me,
I tripped and fell.

Every day is like going into battle
My friend Kolya.
But school is not going well,
The reason for this is Olya!

School ditties about friendship

If you are my friend,
Rescued from misfortune:
Lift up rather a hand,
So that they don't call me.

It's hard to study suddenly -
Let him help best friend!
Mom, dad, teacher
Ask for a little help!

My friend at school is modest,
Well, at home - like crazy.
Run, jump and frolic
He is ready any day now.

Ditties about school

Our dear school
Lets them out of their desks
Mendeleev, Coulomb...
The world will be very happy with them!

Past school number ten
Well, how can I not pass:
Or I'll wash the windows,
Or I'll sweep the yard.

Of course we love school
Our dear school!
Although they drag me to this school
Some by force.

We live very friendly
We sing songs happily.
Better good school our
We won't find it anywhere in the world!

Our school is the best
And in the dining room they feed everyone,
And we have a gym here,
And we have countless guys.

School ditties about the diary

My diary is like true friend,
He tried for me.
I didn't learn my lesson
He stayed at home.

There are many books in my briefcase,
But the diary got lost in it,
The diary always gets lost
How the deuce appears.

My day is planned according to notes,
I am an exemplary student!
Why on Saturdays?
Is my dad dreaming about my diary?

If, Petya, you then
You will be a deputy
Then your diary can become
Terrible compromising evidence!

We went to the circus as a class,
We saw some tricks.
After everyone's tricks
The diaries are missing!

School ditties about fighters

Heard here and there at school
Rooster noise and din.
Fights happen here
We have our own roosters.

On the brooms in the corridor
We fought like musketeers.
As a result, Christmas tree sticks
There is glory, but no panicle.

Future boxer Ruslan
Don't waste time.
Practice the blow
Learns from girls.

For avid fighters
Our advice may be new:
Those who are smaller and weaker,
Don't pull or hit!
Don't advertise your fists
And solve problems peacefully!

With a wet broom Kirill
So Tanya is whipped.
General cleaning
Turns into a bathhouse.

School ditties about recess

Our teacher in silence
Explains the topic...
And the neighbor whispers to me:
What a change!

It's cool to drive on parquet!
It's a pity I don't have any skates with me.
The form is dirty as a result -
Well, at least my legs are intact.

Our Lesha is at recess
He was always ruddy
It turned yellow, like a lemon.

In the office class yesterday
Ours broke the window
We told the teacher:
“A midge flew by.”

It's time for fun - an hour of fun!
We arrive to class on time!
There is no threat of success
Who hasn't learned their lesson?
Who during recess
He ran, shaking the walls!

Our teacher is at the door,
Our lesson is over
We open our cell phone,
We play everything via bluetooth.

The bell has now rung -
This is the end of the lesson.
We run quickly to play,
Gain strength for lessons.

Our Vova is at recess
I checked the strength of the walls.
He tried so hard
That he was all in a cast!

Valya, Sasha, Radik, Senya
They run during recess.
Notes later:
“We’ll relax during class!”

What's that noise? What kind of scream?
The whole school is rocking.
Those are the guys from the 8th
They're just having fun.

I was running for recess
Stretch your body,
He put his forehead against the wall,
What I taught - I forgot again!

Everyone sings to the music
Dimochka is shy
But at recess
Mouth won't close...

The office is rumbling,
The stairs are wobbly.
This is the quiet fifth "B"
He goes down to the wardrobe.

We made a little noise -
The school windows began to rattle.
We said: “Silence” -
The wall at the school was cracked.

Sveta rushes around the school,
Amuses himself with screaming...
Maybe it's Svetlana's
Are teeth cutting through?

School ditties about clothes and fashion

No need for a tight skirt
Olya, wear it to school.
After all, the offender's foot
You won't be able to give back!

Our Olenka is a strong woman,
She has a heavy load on her shoulder:
There are a hundred kilos of chains on it,
Buckles, hairpins, different beads.

- Why is your class friendly?
All in gas masks?
— Our Olya put on perfume
Everyone in the world at once!

Katya took a long time to get ready,
I took a lot of things.
And as it turned out later -
I came to class without a briefcase.

Olya tormented the comb,
I was getting my hair done for school.
I tormented, tormented,
Yes, it turned out to be a stuffed animal.

There is no dress code at school these days.
And fashion has penetrated here:
Looks really weird
In the classroom, Mary Ivanna.

School ditties about deuces

We are no strangers to twos,
Deuces are so easy to grab
There is no need to learn anything -
This is the reward.

I'm not ready for the lesson
And I sit quietly
My head is full of brains
And in the notebook there is a two mark.

Didn't answer about fairy tales
To Alenka's question.
And they put it in her diary
The ugly duckling!

Our Vitya doesn’t like poetry,
Vitya didn’t finish learning the verse,
And for that today at school
I got half a B.

For the test Petrusha
I got a bad mark again.
He got scared and lied:
“I forgot my diary at home!”

In our school everyone is equal,
All girls, boys.
If you get a bad grade in class,
Take off your pants under your belt.

- You only have two grades,
Are you going to salt them?!
— I want a Guinness book,
I need to break the record!

I got "four" -
Mila boasts.
But in fact it's
There were two ratings.

I came today sad
I got a bad mark again.
My mother scolded me
Well, dad forgave everything.

Learned it very quickly
Julia with Katya new verse.
And we got a four,
Unfortunately, for two.

Became clear to Anton
The essence of the “binary” law:
You teach for two minutes -
You'll get a two!

Oh, save me! Oh, save me!
Vitya Trushkin is drowning, drowning.
Here last time sighed...
I drowned in doubles again.

Masha hid it in the closet
Notebook from parents.
Together the mice were indignant:
- We're chewing on deuces again!

I let you cheat on a test
All tasks for Kolechka,
And now in our notebooks,
Both have twos!

“I know everything, I promise,” -
Our Noskov repeats.
And how will you answer?
Master of deuces to receive.

Ruslan has no patience,
He didn't finish learning the poem.
And in half a poem
I got half a four.

My friend and I were walking
Everything was forgotten.
When deuces were given,
They just opened their mouths.

I have a two in my notebook
Very pretty.
It will be a headache for me
Decent for her.

Igor decided to joke
And don't teach lessons.
After this joke
There are only “ducks” in the diary!

Who has dogs, cats,
Who keeps mice...
In the diaries of Seryozhka and Leshka
Swans are being bred!

School ditties about A's

The diary contains homework assignments.
And the “fives” are standing next to each other.
How good!
Come on, mom, sign it!

I'm not lazy at our school
Exercise every day.
For an A in work
I'll come on Sunday!

And the director of our school
She issued the following order:
Who gets one hundred fives?
She will give out prizes.

We sang ditties for a long time,
And now we want to say:
“Hurry up and grab your pen.
and give us a FIVE in your diary!!!

We hurry teachers
Congratulations on the holiday!
Maybe someone would like
Put “five” in your diary!

I really like to study
And get straight A's
Well, more than that - have fun,
Run, jump and scream!

In our school everyone is an artist,
They love to sing and dance.
Well, of course, in class
We answer with five.

Katka is a black sheep!
According to the dictation, “five” again.
I couldn't make a mistake
To support us all

How to get A's
Everyone is interested
I can only give advice
Like they kiss in the movies!

School ditties about mathematics

And in mathematics
We draw squares
Circles and diamonds...
Where can we find a bomb?

Nikolai decided by example,
And Sergei interfered with him.
Here's an example for you guys,
How can you not solve an example!

I added, multiplied, subtracted,
I wanted to write an answer,
What kind of strange humor came out,
There are five sweets in a kilogram...

Write off math
Lenka allowed,
Well you have to kiss
At recess with her!

"Blendamed" and even chewing gum
Strengthens our teeth
Why then the puzzles?
Someone who is “too tough”?

I teach mathematics
Three hundred and forty days a year!
The remaining twenty days
I'm just thinking about her.

There is an aspen tree on the mountain,
There are cherry trees under the mountain.
Nina divided fractions by fractions -
It didn't work out!

Masha crams the formula,
Masha mutters sadly:
"They'll push you to the brink
These squiggles!

Our teacher is in class
I asked this question:
How much is 2 by 2?
Masha raised her hand
But I couldn’t multiply.

Math is hard -
Everyone knows her.
Let's think and guess
How can we solve problems?

Vanya teaches theorems,
He tries really hard.
It's been like two weeks now
Dad doesn't swear.

At a math lesson
A UFO came to us.
They looked at my notebook -
They were blown away like the wind!

I can't learn
Multiplication table.
With this math
Just torment.

School ditties about the Russian language

Teach to distinguish
Suffixes with prefixes,
Mom will give me
Yoghurts with additives.

Our Ilya is a super-skilled goalkeeper,
The guy catches every ball.
And in the dictation he makes mistakes
He misses it - well, at least cry!

We are in Russian
We write spelling...
Oh, we'll break the school windows,
Let's break the frames!

Letters in Machine's notebook
They don’t stand like they’re at a parade.
The letters jump and dance
They wag their tails.

We wrote an essay
All day long until I'm blue in the face,
And when the work was handed over,
It was with difficulty that we pumped everyone out!

Our chicken is speckled
Writes with his paw in the sand.
Our Olya is exactly the same
Writes with a pen on a piece of paper

Wake me up at night
In the very middle,
I'll tell you the alphabet
Without one hitch!

I speak my native language
I will dedicate my life to the grave.
I need to know for sure
How to write the word “crisis”.

Somehow Olya received
Sasha's note:
Lend me some for dictation
A writing pen.

School ditties about physical education and sports

I love physical education
I can walk on my hands!
The only problem is,
Your legs won't carry you there!

I love everyone at school the most
Physical education lessons!
There is a free fitness room here -
Good for your figure!

Train our muscles
Temper them like steel
Relatives are surprised:
I became stronger and taller.

In gym class
We run and jump
Only the teacher turns away -
We are shaking our legs.

There is no better Vanya at school
In shooting, throwing -
He's got his brand new briefcase
Scattered around the building.

In gym class
We sit all without uniform,
And on the teacher's biceps
We look delighted.

In gym class
We ran five laps.
We ran, we ran
Oh, how tired we are already!

Tolya bragged to the guys,
How he climbs ropes.
- Don’t boast about the rope,
Get up to speed in your studies!

Dirty Pasha looks proudly
On the guys by right.
Simply Pasha is a master of sports
By jumping into a ditch.

Legs are long, big,
I'm training for running.
Why then is he limping?
My progress?

We all love to go for a walk
We love to have fun
Just for physical education
We can't equip ourselves.

- How much, Vova, can you do?
Run a hundred meters?
- I’ll try for my own people
I'll pay forty-five rubles.

Our life is easy and smooth
Don't worry, it flows.
Every day with physical exercises
The people are rising.

School ditties about English

I studied the cases
Solved math
But English words
My head couldn't fit it!

I respect English
I cram it every day,
Why, I don’t understand
I'm telling you honestly.

We taught in English
Miracle new words:
Brad and soup and jam,
I had a headache.

We study at an English school.
We feel so sorry for our childhood!
From dawn to dawn
We are all leafing through dictionaries.

School ditties about geography

I want to go on vacation
Go on foot to Bulgaria.
I study all day now
Science Geography

We chatted in class
They didn't notice anything.
And then we searched for a long time
In the Himalayas our Volga.

Please, please explain,
Where is the north, where is the south,
Otherwise we’ll go to Africa -
We will all have a good time there.

How can we not confuse
Where is the Volga, where is the Nile.
You'll mix it up a little
A crocodile might eat it.

Funny ditties about school subjects

I'm studying science
I gain a lot of knowledge.
I blew up half the school!
This is such chemistry!

Somehow we're in chemistry
The experiment was carried out...
Looking back at the school:
Where did we go?

We are in computer science
We write algorithms
This breaks the pace
Heart rate!

Sweetheart in a white apron
Looks tenderly at the microbe.
Just as gently under the microscope
A microbe is looking at her.

I couldn't learn
Natural science again.
Where can I get a skeleton?
To complete the task?

Alas, alas, alas and ah!
This happens not only in fairy tales.
He inevitably fails
Who doesn't know chemistry?

We're all about botany
They leaned against the desks...
About living organisms
I had colorful dreams!

At a drawing lesson
They drew a steamship.
I didn't hear the task,
The result is a lunar rover!

Anatomy, science,–
Just for fun:
We treated the skeleton
Sausage with cookies!

I know the laws of physics -
I will tell you without a doubt.
They prevent me from waking up
Laws of attraction!

I'm in the textbook alone
I looked at the pictures.
Finally I saw
Pistil and stamens!

I know Napoleon
He discovered America!
Should I teach history?
I don't have enough strength!

In the lesson of M.H.K.
We love to shout.
If only for questions
We shouldn't answer.

All the girls are at work
They embroider together.
Well, what about the poor boys?
They carry heavy things.

They sewed an apron at work,
We tried very hard
And how did they start trying on -
We were confused ourselves.

I've been bawling all day
Without any embarrassment.
I'll sing everyone tomorrow
Singing lesson!

They say in Pythagoras
The pants are very strange
We don't teach geometry
That's all the pantsless ones!

Let's go to history -
Everything is shaking for the guys,
Ah, our beloved historian!
Have pity on you guys!

How many years until Andromeda
Will I have to fly?
Astronomy - science
It's difficult for me!

Petya ran away from music
I got into botany.
His answer was not bad:
Do, re, mi, beans, peas.

School ditties about the Unified State Exam

Our school is the best
Great success awaits her!
We will pass five Unified State Examinations,
We will defeat everyone in the area!

Everyone at school number 9
Glavproduct was bought
So that the exam on the Unified State Exam
We didn't fail!

I sat on the Unified State Exam
And I didn’t know a damn thing
Nobody let me write it off
Fail the exam!

School ditties about first graders

I turned seven years old
And I couldn't be happier!
Look what a miracle it is -
My first-class bouquet!

I go to school with flowers
I hold my mother's hand.
Because of the lush bouquet
I don't find any doors.

The new uniform is put on,
White shirt.
Look at me,
What a first-grader I am!

If you want to know a lot,
Achieve a lot
Must read
Must learn.

Mom braided her hair
I straightened my bows,
She gave me a brand new satchel -
Sent me to first grade!

The backpack is a miracle! But,
Dear girlfriends,
They don’t fit into that backpack
All my toys!

Knapsack, copybooks, notebooks -
Everything has been fine for a long time!
Today is my first time
I'm heading to first grade!

Hurry up, ring the bell,
We've been waiting for you.
After all, for our first lesson
We've been going for a year

I have an ABC book in my briefcase
And notebooks and a diary!
I'm for real now
First class student!

Alphabet from "A" to "Z"
I learned before school:
Was going to school -
So I tried!

Comic ditties about school

We sat in class
And they looked out the window.
We were bored in class
And we dreamed of going home!

It's easy in the classics - HURRAY! —
Jump into senior year.
Only school is not a game,
This is work for you!

It's good to be a bird
Swim like a fish freely,
Fly like a moth over the grass -
Don't write the test!

Firewood lies on the grass,
And on the chair there is a button.
The head overlooked
And the butt suffers!

Spotted woodpecker with sharp beak
Pounds a ringing pine tree.
Two magpies in class
They break the silence.

What kind of whispering is heard in the classroom?
Who is stopping us like this?
It's just someone with someone
Discussing something.

Our friend is tired
I was just sweating from the lesson.
Why is he so tired? —
He waited the whole lesson for the bell.

Time with a friend on April Fool's Day
Changed it - what fun! —
At school we are on the floor
All signs are “M” and “F”.

All the guys in our class
They love to distinguish themselves.
Who draws, who sings,
Just not to study.

They say I'm a fighter
Well, what nonsense is this!
I'm mute in class
Militancy is bad for me.

We have to learn every day
I'm very tired.
Would make our life
A little easier!!!

Teachers moan, cry,
They are not given a salary.
I go to school one day,
They chew notebooks.

We are on the field at State Farm
We worked in the summer.
To wash clothes,
Tide didn't make any money.

Sketch for the anniversary, birthday of “Bows”

1. You didn’t expect to meet us?
You have arrived in the land of babies.
When you were little,
And you lived in the same country.

2. Now you have grown big,
You work for the good of the country,
But I didn’t forget the kindergarten,
That's why they came to you.

3. Anniversary birthday
Celebrates all children. garden,
And about this without a doubt,
Everyone is talking today!

4. Today is a holiday in kindergarten,
And Natalya is in sight.
Receives congratulations
Dreams about gifts...

5. We are kids from kindergarten
Everyone is happy to congratulate aunt
We didn't just come
And they brought gifts,

We will definitely put this bow on her head,
So that, like us, she too, can be more beautiful and younger!
So that everyone in the world knows
There is no more beautiful aunt ___________!

Aunt __________, like from a fairy tale, she paints her eyes beautifully
I took mascara from my mother and let them down too,
She's a beauty, all the grown-ups like her.

Well, what little hands, not simple ones - golden
There are no more tender ones in the world
Adults and children know
And that's why they deserve bows!

And these bows on the legs, so that along the city paths
They ran quickly, quickly, to strike sparks with their soles
And in order to highlight their beauty, you need to attach a bow to them.

And this one is not attached anywhere, but on the chest
On it are awards, titles and medals that we have not yet been given,
Gorgeous, but no matter what, let the bow decorate your chest.

We have Denisk in our garden, he peed in his pants yesterday.
Do you know what he dreams about? I wish his mom was as cool as him!
Deniska - he doesn’t understand, his head is empty,
She doesn't need kids like that who pee in their pants!

This bow is sexy
Always keep it up to date.
Wherever you are - both at home and not at home,
Wear it on your sexy day!

And we’ll tie this bow to a place,
Whichever is closer to a chair or an armchair.
Tie a bow there too,
So that they can attract uncles,
To turn here and there,
And they will say: “Wow!”

Game program "Holiday" multi-colored bows»

Entertainment for senior preschool and junior children school age"Festival of colorful bows"

This material will be of interest to educators and teachers primary school, parents. It is possible that some parents will want to hold some competitions at family holidays. The entertainment is intended for children of senior preschool and primary school age. This material can be used in leisure, holidays, entertainment; and as separate fun games.


Create a festive atmosphere.

Give children the joy of participating in relay races, competitions, games and fun.

Creating a favorable, friendly and welcoming atmosphere in the communication process.

Preliminary work:

Have a conversation with the children about the variety of bows (and bow ties), and learn how to make bows with your own hands.

Prepare invitations with your children to the party for parents and jury members.

Parents and children preparing festive costumes.

IN first half Every day we spend a cooking lesson with the children. We bake a variety of cookies from the dough - “bows”. We decorate according to the children's wishes. In second half The game program "Holiday of Multi-Colored Bows" takes place every day.

Scenario game program"Festival of colorful bows."

The hall is festively decorated with bows and balloons. The children are dressed in their holiday costumes, decorated with bows. The children are divided into two teams.

Jury: head of the preschool educational institution, senior teacher, music director, physical education instructor, psychologist.

Everybody hurry here quickly,

Gather in this hall

If you want to see

Multi-colored carnival.

Today at our holiday we announce a friendly competition between two teams.

The teams greet each other.

Team "Friendship".
Our motto: Friendship and success!
We will defeat everyone today!
All for one, one for all,
Then the team will be successful!

Team "Colors of the Rainbow". We will always be together, like the colors of the rainbow!

And, competing with you,
We will remain friends.
Let the fight rage on
And our friendship goes along with it.

The teams greet the jury.

We will give soap to the jury,
So that we are not strictly reprimanded.
We will give the jury laughter,
So that everyone has fun.

1. Demonstration of costumes “My costume made of bows.”

Under musical accompaniment children show off their costumes.

The jury sums up the results.

2. Competition - Game "Tails with Bows".

Children wear a “tail with a bow” with an elastic band over their costume (a 1 m braid with a bow attached at the end). At the signal, the children begin to move freely around the hall. The players' task is to pull the bow off the tail by stepping on it with their foot. Whose team collects the most bows (without breaking the rules) will win. The game is played to cheerful music.

The jury sums up the results.

3. Competition "Keen Eye".

Each team is given a plot picture of A3 size, on which bows are “cleverly” hidden (that is, which can be detected by looking more closely). For example, a butterfly bow, a cloud bow, a tie bow, a flower bow, a bow on clothes, etc.

Whichever team finds the most bows wins.

During the competition, the jury goes to the teams and observes and keeps count.

The jury sums up the results.

Pause between competitions.

Host: Guys, what insect looks like a bow? (Butterfly)

Dear jury and guests, our guys have prepared a poem for you.

Children take turns reading the poem.

Dance with butterflies and bows

We are quiet so as not to scare away the beautiful butterflies,
We continued our journey among flowers and clover.
Keeping the charm, we returned home,
And so we draw butterflies, the beauty of our native land.

Grandma came from the kitchen, she blossomed with a smile,
She brought an old box from the upper room:
“If you want, dear granddaughters, I’ll tell you a secret,
What jewelry have I kept for many years?"

Like a fairy, barely touching a thin key,
She said solemnly magic words:
- Dear little box, open - one, two, three! –
Lock - click! - Oh, grandma! There are butterflies inside!

Actually - bows! From colored ribbons:
Graceful, satin... - Can I touch them?
Suddenly this little bow, like a blue moth,
He spread his ribbon wings and flew up to the ceiling!

Two velvet bows, dispelling the spell of sleep,
They dance in a fabulous rhythm, fluttering by the window!
They sat down on our hair and clung to it - and then...
Suddenly we became princesses for a few minutes!

There are butterflies on our dresses! Unprecedented outfit!
- Magical! Marvelous! - everyone around is saying...
We are flying, flying, flying in a fabulous whirlpool!
Let the fairy tale never end! We want to extend it!

Today we saw the butterfly dance with you:
The bells rang along the meadow path,
The cricket played the violin, the grasshopper chirped,
And the maestro beetle pumped its wings with zeal.

4. Competition "Bow-time".

All participants are given a ribbon. At the signal, the children must tie a bow. The first team to complete the task wins the competition.
The jury sums up the results.

5. Relay race "Miracle - tree".

Teams line up in 2 columns. Each child has in his hand a bow that he himself tied in the previous competition. At the signal, the first team members go through an obstacle course, at the end there is a tree on which the children attach their bow; run back to the team, pass the baton (touching the shoulder or arm) and the next team members run. All children pass the relay race.

The jury sums up the results.

6. Competition "Bant is a hero".

Team members take turns naming a fairy-tale or cartoon character who wore bows or a bow tie. For example, Gena the Crocodile, Leopold the cat, Funtik, Malvina, Ponochka, Mickey Mouse girl and others.

The jury sums up the results.

7. Competition "Photography".

Teams are given 3 cut pictures A3 format, which depict fairy-tale heroes with bows. At the signal, the children begin to collect.

The jury sums up the results.

Musical pause. Girls perform a dance with ribbons.

8. Relay race "Princess Dress".

The teams line up in columns. Each participant is given a “sticky” bow (for example, double-sided tape is attached to one side of the bow). At the end of the path, each team has a dress painted on wallpaper attached to the wall. Children are blindfolded. At the signal, the first team members move towards the dress and attach their bow, trying to attach it to the dress, and not past it. Having attached the bow, they open their eyes and return to the team, passing the baton.

Which team will have the most bows on the dress (and not next to it), and who did not break the rules is the winner.

The jury sums up the results.

9. Competition "Bow-carpet".

Each team receives a carpet in the form of a large bow (cut from wallpaper or several sheets of whatman paper) and felt-tip pens. At the signal, children begin to decorate their carpet with bows within 1-2 minutes. Whoever has the most bows is the winner.

The jury sums up the results.

10. Relay race "Bow and bows".

Participants line up in columns. Each team is given a set - a headband with big bow and 2 bows with elastic bands. At the signal, the first participants put a headband on their head and bows with elastic bands on their hands (wrists), run like a snake, going around the cones. They return to the team and hand over the kit. The following participants put on everything they need and run.

The jury sums up the results.

Musical pause. The girls perform ditties about bows.

Masha braids her hair:
Oh, what beauty!
He'll be late for school again -
Looking for ribbon for a bow...

I tied a bow for the cat -
To be beautiful.
She didn’t know aesthetics -
I tore off the bow with my paw!

Ah, my friend birch tree,
Your hairstyle is good.
And for greater beauty
I'll tie bows for you!

I stood in front of the mirror,
It took me a long time to try on the bow.
Mom asked me to take the kettle off...
Oh, I forgot! Oh, I forgot!

The jury's word. Awarding teams with diplomas. We give girls hairpins with bows, and boys a bow tie.

In the group, children, parents, judges and teachers have a tea party. The children treat everyone to cookies - “bows”, which were baked in the morning.

Thank you behind attention !!!

Irina Silina
Scenario for the holiday “Different bows, beautiful bows”


Children enter the hall to cheerful music and stop.

Every girl has a beautiful head bow, and on each hand too bow, and the boys have butterflies and on their suit bow! Parents too bows.

Children are dancing.


The sun is shining its light beautiful,

Birds are also not too lazy to sing,

The snow is melting and the sky is clear,

That's holiday - mother's day!

Dear Guys! Today we have an unusual holiday« Various bows, beautiful bows» , which we dedicate to our beloved mothers. Look how smart our children are, and our mothers are simply miraculous.

Various bows, beautiful bows,

Yellow beautiful, blue and red,

Everyone dressed up today and came to holiday to us.

Children (in unison):

We all congratulate our dear, kind mothers together!

1 child:

Festive morning is knocking on our house,

2 child:

Mommy is like a butterfly - cheerful and beautiful,

Affectionate, kind - the most beloved.

3 child:

Mom is like a sorceress: if he smiles -

Every wish I have comes true.

4 child:

And from morning to evening the song is heard.

Dear mommy, she is for you.

A song about mom is being sung


The Clown runs in to the music, he has shoes on his feet, one has bow, but on the second - no (second the bow is hidden in the hall) .



What do you know?


I know how much you have bows.


Well, how much?

Clown (thinks, considers):

Many, many, many, and I also have them.

Oh! Where is my second one? bow? You did not see?

The clown begins to search, finds, laments:“My beloved, my beautiful, my beloved bow» .


I brought a magic box today. We must put all our bows and then a miracle will happen. Do you agree? (children's answers). Who will speak first?


Here are the girls - singers,

We prepared ditties.

Ditties about bows

1. We are funny ditties

about let's sing the bow.

Listen to ditties

We will sing them to you now.

2. There are two flowers on the window,

Blue and scarlet

I wouldn't change it for anything,

Big bow, for a small one!

3. Worn girls bows

On your head.

To please the boys

And you will like it!

4. On my head

Bows, flowers.

And all my girlfriends

They envy me very much.

5. In a store on display

For sale bows.

I'll wear one of them

The boys will be shocked.

After the speech, the presenter collects bows from the girls' hands and puts it in a box.


And now we’ll play and we’ll amuse all the mothers

Come out quickly and play more fun.

A game "Tie the doll bow»

Mothers also take part in the game.


Boys in bow ties are like gentlemen,

We will definitely see their butterflies,

Let the butterflies the bows will dance,

And girls and boys will become very good friends.

Boys dance


The kindergarten is full of laughter and fun

And the eyes of the guests burn so brightly,

For girls bows, well, just a sight for sore eyes,

And now, grandmothers, accept congratulations.


Here we have grandmothers sitting on their grandchildren, they look

They need to be with holiday congratulate and amuse with poetry.


Grandmothers - grannies, our darlings,

We congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts and wish you good health.


We give you all the smiles, we’ll sing a song together,

Congratulations to our dear grandmothers on Women's Day!

Song for grandma


They sang, they sang, they danced,

And a little tired.

Let's sit down, sit down, relax

Let's play and sing.

A game "Mischievous bow»

Boys carry on their heads bow, run up and dress bow on a girl's head.

After the game, the presenter collects bows in a box


That's it, ours the bows are over.


I'll go to my mothers and spend « BANT-POLL» .

For the correct answer I will receive bow and we will put them in a box.

Girly decoration? (bow)

Which family holiday use bright ribbons and bows? (birthday)

What colour Malvina's bow? (blue)

What color is a newborn girl's ribbon? (pink)

And the boy (blue).

Name of the insect and variety men's tie ? (butterfly).

What is the name of the narrow ribbon that is thrown at a masquerade? (serpentine)

Which cartoon character wears a big one? bow? (Leopold, Mickey Mouse, Pencil)

Clown collects bows in the chest


How much have we collected? bows! Let's see what our gift box has in store.

The clown opens the box and takes out a lollipop.

Distribution of treats.


Receive beautiful and sweet chups,

And don’t forget the funny Clown!

The clown runs away to the music.


The guys and I tried

May you all smile!

We are finishing our holiday,

We invite mothers to the group.

In the group, children give homemade gifts to their mothers.

Publications on the topic:

Goal: Consolidate children's knowledge about color in the first younger group kindergarten. Progress of the game: Educator: Guys, look, there is probably no sun.

The very first, most difficult year has passed. When we got used to it, they got used to us. On this occasion, we decided to organize a celebration. Celebrate the day.

Research project “These different, different dolls” Good afternoon, Dear Colleagues! Nowadays there is a lot of talk about folk dolls. I really like them. But how to introduce children to them, how to show them.

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