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Interesting nicknames for men. Interesting nicknames for guys and men. Always be in the mood





Tenderness. Romance. Affectionate treatment. All this is very important in any relationship. It is hardly possible to meet a couple in which two do not call each other affectionate words. What is an affectionate and unusual name for a guy? Only the best options!

If you haven't yet chosen an affectionate nickname for your other half?

Each couple develops its own special habits, including affectionate names for each other that can be the most unusual, funny and understandable only to the two of you.

Usually, you don’t even have to choose affectionate nicknames - in moments of special tenderness, they appear on their own.

How to call your loved one so that he likes it

How to affectionately call a guy? Remember: the cute nicknames you give to your loved one are not as pleasant as the intonation and emotions with which you pronounce them.

Sometimes this is exactly the most important thing - when you call your loved one pleasant words and at the same time smile, touch him, you show your feelings and thereby add more tenderness and warmth to your relationship.

If you are in the company of his friends

You need to be careful here. It's better to be careful here. It’s unlikely that your man will like it if you call him “baby” or “honey” in front of your friends.

Although it all depends on his sense of humor and self-confidence. Some, on the contrary, really like it when their girlfriend shows her tenderness in this way in the presence of other people.

➤ New: If you don’t know, then read our amazing article.

Make him a video and describe why you call him affectionately. Do It .

How often do girls call their boyfriends

Common words that girls most often use to call their favorite guys. These are “bunny”, “kitten”, “baby”, “sunny”, etc. All these affectionate words, in principle, are suitable for tenderly addressing a guy. But sometimes, before you start calling your loved one that, you should take a closer look at his reaction to these words.

Not all guys like such nicknames, and if you notice his dissatisfaction, it’s better to just call the guy by his name in an affectionate and funny way. But you also need to call him by name with the correct intonation.

There's no need to invent anything

If you don’t know and started dating recently, don’t rush to come up with tender words.

Over time they will appear on their own. The best nicknames and funny names for loved ones arise spontaneously in the most unexpected situations. In the meantime, you can limit yourself to words like “darling.” Or "dear". Or call him by name in a diminutive version - Dimochka, Sashenka, Igorek, etc.

To establish a tender and warm relationship in a couple, affectionate words are often enough. Don't be afraid to ask him - do you like it when I call you this or that? After all, many guys have difficulty expressing their emotions. It’s easier for them to remain silent if they don’t like something.

Call him the same as he calls you

Pay attention to what he calls you. Perhaps he will be more comfortable hearing some similar kind words addressed to him. And if you have not yet established a relationship in which the two of you call each other funny and cute nicknames, feel free to take the initiative into your own hands. You are a girl, and you can show your affection in any way you like.

There can be countless options for how to affectionately call your beloved man.

Any guy will love it when a girl calls him:

  1. Beloved
  2. The only one
  3. Tender and affectionate

The stronger half also loves compliments! If you call your loved one not only with meaningless nicknames like “bunny” or “cat,” but also with words that make sense and are more like outright compliments. It will definitely melt.

Don’t be shy to tell your boyfriend the first thing that comes to mind - when you are overwhelmed by the most tender feelings for your loved one, a lot of pleasant words come to mind, even if they don’t make any sense. You can be sure that he will like such an emotional appeal.

He will definitely answer you in kind. But you don’t need to expect too much from a guy: remember that they are still not so used to showing their feelings. And don’t be offended if you call him affectionately more often than he calls you - this is natural for almost every couple.

How to affectionately call a man in the examples in the video:

What to choose to make him feel pleasant and familiar

What can you call a guy to make him feel comfortable? Now let's look at the most popular nicknames that loved ones give each other. These are pure statistics.

Are you already at such a stage in your relationship that you are coming up with an affectionate nickname for your man? We will tell you which names guys like the most, and which ones should not be given under any circumstances.

Nice words for men

Men love to be treated kindly. But what words to choose to emphasize the merits of the chosen one, not to hurt his pride and show his feelings? There are several options, and they depend on the type of your partner.

Man with a capital letter

Such a guy is unlikely to be delighted with “Pupsik” or “Sweetie”. He is quite serious, has a strong character, and does real “manly” things: hunting, fishing, and so on. He will appreciate neutral, gentle words such as:

  • My native
  • Darling
  • The only one
  • The best
  • My hero (winner)
  • Golden (according to men, it sets you up to attract finance)
  • My happiness
  • Fate of the battle
  • My heart
  • My love
  • Desired

Guy with a sense of humor

This is a person with an easy character, cheerful. He will like both “bunny” and the diminutive form of his name (for example, Dimochka). Here is a sample list of nicknames for such a man:

  • Darling
  • Mon Cheri
  • Sun
  • Sweet
  • Superman
  • Teddy Bear

But don’t test your partner’s strength by calling him differently each time. It is better to choose one, the most suitable nickname.

What else can you call a man so that he likes it?

If you are in doubt and don’t know what to name your loved one in order to please him, try using his strong qualities, outstanding appearance features, best character traits, and occupation in the nickname. You can read more about this from the point of view of male psychology here.
Here are some nicknames that will highlight your individuality:

  • Wise
  • Talented
  • Sweet tooth
  • Mysterious
  • Unusual
  • Sincere
  • Strong
  • Hipster
  • My best fisherman (military, doctor and everything related to his work or hobby)

If you have come up with a nickname, but are not sure that your other half will like it, try simply asking him the question: “Can I call you...? “So he will understand that you really want to show your sincere feelings and care about him, and not about “Masik” or “Kitty”.

What nicknames are unpleasant for men?

Some nicknames are best never used because they do more harm than good to a healthy and productive relationship. Here are some of them.

All kinds of diminutive derivatives from the name

Leave all these “Seryozhechki”, “Pavlyusiki” and “Zhenyusiki” to eight-month-old babies. To an adult man they will be at least incomprehensible and unpleasant.

Clearly highlighting his shortcomings

If a man has complexes about his appearance, forget about “Baby Elephants”, “Baldheads”, “Little Babies”, “Toddlers”, “Fat Girls”, “Tubby Girls”, “Gigantes”, “Gnomes”, “Athletes”, “Men”, "Beards" and the like.

Distorting the surname

This is not a reason for jokes and alterations. Men are very sensitive to their family and surname. This is a source of special pride for them. Therefore, making a nickname from a surname is taboo.

Find out how to choose the right kind word for your man in this video:

Nicknames from childhood

Childhood is also an extremely important time for guys: friends, memories. Save this for men's gatherings.

Extreme platitudes

Yes, yes, it’s always better to replace all these “Cats”, “Zai”, “Masikov”, “Pusikov”, “Busin” and “Bubusikov” with personal, individual ones, suitable for your loved one.

And one more important detail: it is allowed to call a man affectionate nicknames only in an intimate setting, when you are alone with each other. Sometimes - in the company of your closest friends. You should not shout “My sunshine” in a public place, among his or your colleagues, at the table with your parents.

After all, the most pleasant sound for a person, especially a man, is the sound of his own name. Call him as often as possible, at home and away, on the street and in the cinema, theater, on a walk.

Do you know what to affectionately call your boyfriend so that he likes it? was last modified: March 23rd, 2018 by Armina

Just yesterday I heard a girl call her 3-year-old son ten times in the space of about five minutes a bunny, a baby, a chick. This is an example of the mother's influence on what kind of person he is.

It is also pointless to deny a woman’s influence on the present and future of the man with whom she is in a relationship.

I agree that what will be discussed below are trifles, and there are topics that are much more important. But if you apply my recommendations, you will be able to witness how “little things” can take a relationship with a man to a new level.

Is it pleasant for a man to be called diminutive words? Yes, it's nice.

Is it pleasant for a man in a period of despair for a woman to feel sorry for him? Yes, it's nice.

Is it wise to do this from the point of view of the psychology of relationships?

"Why? After all, it’s nice for a man. Feminine tenderness, warmth, affection.”

Do you really think that pleasant = competent?

Well, for example, I remember my first relationship, I complained to my girlfriend about life, about my parents, I cried about what an insecure guy I was, how difficult it was with work now. She felt sorry for me. I felt VERY pleased, I calmed down. And I told everyone how cool she is, she supports me.

What then? Nothing. Did this make me more confident? No. Did my relationship with my parents improve? No. Was I able to start earning normal money? No. But it was SO NICE when they felt sorry for me. I don't blame the girl in any way. I’m just giving an example of when a man is pleased, but in fact it’s only degradation.


The situation is similar with diminutive words... the man is pleased. What EFFECT do these words have? Have you ever thought about it? I propose to replace it with equally pleasant, but strong appeals.

Example with my friends

When a friend or good acquaintance calls me, I often answer in the style:

Yes, Winner

I'm listening, God

Hello, world champion in [friend's field of activity]

Why am I doing this? It makes me happy to inspire another person. It doesn't cost me anything, just a few words. But EVERY TIME I hear HOW MUCH such treatment energizes my surroundings.

Contact us

We often address each other as you. It looks funny in public places.

In this way we express respect, admiration and are inspired for new achievements.

“Pavel, you are simply the best. An example to follow". Yes, we smile at the same time, we understand that this is like a game. But this does not change the fact of inspiration.

And women who understand this cannot but be respected.

For wise women, ready-made phrases on how to call a man:

Name (full). Yaroslav (not Yarik, Yarichka, Yarichek, etc.)

By patronymic name (Yaroslav Andreevich)

A real man

My hero

My Lord

My Winner

My Lord

My champion

My king

My Best

My teacher

Your option?

For those who feel an unpleasant pain inside at the mere thought that you should call your man THAT, I dare to ask: have you definitely attracted/chosen/created/developed a relationship that brings joy and not heaviness?

You can even explain that you are pleased to call him that way. For example, Alexander.

I agree that not all men deserve to be called that. So surround yourself with worthy people.

Therefore, the task is for you, first for a month, and if you like the results, then use it for the rest of your life:

Gradually (if abruptly, then men may suspect some kind of trick and take it with hostility) eradicate from the lexicon diminutive addresses to the male part of the population.

Love, affection, tenderness, care towards a man can be shown in many other ways. I'll suggest a few:

Happy to greet a man from work

Cook delicious dishes

ALL OF YOU, your tone of communication with a man, manner of speaking, gestures

Even “Dear” - you can say it with SUCH tenderness that a man will shine from your warmth

Ask yourself this question often:

“HOW does a man feel next to me?”

Is he the way you want him to be: strong, confident, purposeful, loving, caring?..

Or a mask, a cat, a puppy?

What you sow is what you reap. The choice is yours.

How does your man feel when you call him My Master? Write in the comments.

Do you want to know the secrets of unnoticeably influencing men?

Come to the free master class “Man: Honest Instructions” - 5 days, 3 trainers, secret techniques from experts.

Read the top materials on my blog:

Many young people who are in romantic relationships with each other come up with affectionate nicknames for their other half. Some of them are popular, while others are known only in a specific pair. Many girls don’t want to repeat some banal or generally accepted names, so they try to come up with something of their own. At the same time, it is important to pay attention to some nuances such as the correctness and appropriateness of expression in order to please your man, and not offend, insult or anger him.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortune teller Baba Nina:“There will always be plenty of money if you put it under your pillow...” Read more >>

What phrases may seem inappropriate to a man?

Before assigning a nickname to a young man, it is worth considering whether he will be offended and whether such a sign will be pleasant to him. A name should not be used if it:

  • Indicates the weaknesses of a young man. A man is able to perceive such a gesture on the part of a girl as ironic ridicule.
  • Reminds a guy of his complexes or can develop them. Under no circumstances should an affectionate name be associated with a person’s shortcomings, even in a comic form. For example, there is no need to invent nicknames related to the height, physique, facial features or other external characteristics of the partner.
  • The young man doesn't like it. Not all men like to be spoken to in a diminutive form. If this annoys a guy, then you shouldn’t make him emotional on purpose. This will not bring pleasure to either him or his partner. In this case, you should call the young man an affectionate nickname derived from his name, or come up with something individual related to a specific situation that only he will definitely like.

It is important that the nickname invented for a partner expresses the girl’s tender feelings for her man. A young man, hearing these words, should feel the woman’s warm attitude towards him.

Some phrases may offend a man or seem unpleasant:

  • A nickname previously used in a relationship with another man can offend a guy, especially if he knows that the name has been used for another man.
  • In order for a guy to like the way a girl treats him, you shouldn’t overdo it with nicknames at the very beginning of the relationship. Sometimes you should address them by name or use standard expressions - “beloved”, “dear” and the like.

It is important to remember that sweet and gentle words addressed to a man should not cause him discomfort. If a couple is in a circle of mutual friends and the guy feels ashamed when the girl addresses him in a form that is familiar only to them, then you should call him by name. In most cases, the environment should be appropriate. That is, in a circle of unfamiliar people, it is advisable not to use original names invented by a couple for each other.

Compliments to a man

What should you pay attention to when choosing a nickname?

The choice of words for an adult and mature man should be approached more responsibly. Not every partner will be happy with the nickname assigned to him. In such cases, it is advisable to use some well-known names. For example: “sun”, “dear”, “beloved”, “dear” and the like.

When choosing an affectionate name for your boyfriend, it is important to pay attention to his individuality. If your partner has some skills, interests, or specific hobbies, then you can associate the nickname with this. A nickname can be gentle, sweet, funny or sexy. You should not come up with words that carry something ironic or sarcastic.

A beloved man or husband can be called so that the nickname carries something that is known only to the couple. This could be some kind of general joke, a reference to a situation that happened, or an image known to the partner. Often girls use comparisons with animals, using diminutive suffixes - “fishy”, “baby”, “kisonka” and the like. These can be both well-known names and those that the woman came up with herself.

You can build on what the young man calls his girlfriend and use a similar nickname that reflects the essence of the first.

List of affectionate words

If you want to call your guy something affectionate, you can use well-known nicknames from this list, common in many couples:

  • Suffix nicknames derived from the names of animals. The most famous of them are “cat” and “bunny”. You can come up with something similar using the same principle.
  • Words indicating the value of a young man and the girl’s love for him. Examples - “sweetheart”, “treasure”, “my destiny”, “happiness”, “sun”.
  • Changed names. If a guy’s name is Oleg, then you can call him Olezha or Olezhka, Timur - Timka, Yuri - Yurchik or Yurochka. Other names are converted according to the same principle.

Examples of affectionate, gentle and cute names:

  • Expensive.
  • Native.
  • Cute.
  • My good.
  • Beloved.
  • Treasure.
  • My joy.

Examples of funny and original nicknames:

  • Angel.
  • Baby.
  • Sweeties.
  • Cartoon.
  • Glutton.
  • Murzik.

Examples of sexy and unusual nicknames:

  • Macho.
  • Sexy.
  • Hot.
  • Appetizing.
  • Handsome.

A man who loves all women can be called, for example, Casanova.

It is worth paying attention to how the young man reacts. If the nickname makes him smile and feel tender, it means he is happy. If you try to ignore the girl’s words and hint that you shouldn’t talk about him in this form, you should just call the man by name.

If women love with their ears, then men simply adore with their ears (although they do not openly admit it). Just one kind word from the chosen one can inspire them to heroic deeds or settle a quarrel. Many girls want to express their feelings in order to please their loved one, but they don’t know how to call a guy affectionately. Let's start a “master class” on using affectionate words!

What words will a man like?

Affectionate words intended for a guy should have a slightly different connotation than for girls. It's about male psychology. What kind words does a man want to hear from you? Words of love are pleasant to everyone. Therefore, no matter how banal the word “beloved” may seem, it is pleasant to the male ear.

All guys like affectionate words that emphasize their masculinity and exclusivity. Using words like “big”, “strong”, “smart”, “priceless”, “unique”, “brilliant”, “amazing” will be a balm to the heart of every man!

A woman should be able to choose the kind of tender words for her lover that he is waiting for. It all depends on the character of the man. Let's reveal a little secret: the more brutal he looks, the more he likes diminutive words. For example, a two-meter “jock” will melt from the words “kitten”, “bunny”, “chick”, “paws”. And a fragile intellectual with glasses will be delighted if his beloved calls him incomparable, a strongman, or uses the words “beast”, “animal”, “Apollo”, “macho”, “cowboy”, “cool” in his address.

How can a guy be called an affectionate word so that he is really pleased? There are several main rules that will help a girl not make a mistake with her choice:

  • It's better not to use hackneyed compliments. They will not cause much of a reaction and may even cause irritation (these include: “dear”, “precious”, “darling”);
  • If you want your loved one to listen to your every word, then always use the prefix “my” or “at my place” along with affectionate words. If you address your close friend as “my God”, “my beloved one”, “you are the only one I have”, then he will actually be only yours;
  • and finally, what not to say. Some words, even if pronounced with a gentle intonation, will still not please a man. Even if he does not suffer from complexes, he will feel offended when he hears the addresses “goat”, “ram”, “cockerel”. You should not use words that may hint to him about his weaknesses and secret fears (incompetent, soft-bodied, cute, unlucky).

Affectionate words should also be used sparingly. If you pepper every phrase with them, they will lose their freshness and may be perceived by a man as a preface to a request.

The magic of words: how can you call a guy affectionately?

Even if others know about your close relationship with a guy, not all kind words are suitable for addressing him at work or in a public place. Verbal expressions of affection should be appropriate. For example, if you call him insatiable among his colleagues, this will make him embarrassed rather than happy, although at home he would be very pleased.

What kind words can you call a guy anywhere? Let's list the “allowed” manifestations of feelings:

  • my sun;
  • my handsome;
  • native;
  • my good;
  • You are so wonderful;
  • Cute;
  • talented;
  • My joy;
  • my protector.

These words will give the guy confidence and increase his self-esteem.

Happy moments of love: kind words in private

More sincere and intimate affectionate words can be used when lovers are alone. Then feelings and situations will probably tell the girl how to call the guy affectionately. A list of the most popular words that will not leave a man indifferent may look like this:

  • beloved;
  • desired;
  • sexual;
  • sweet (delicious);
  • gentle;
  • real;
  • the only one;
  • unusual;
  • passionate;
  • unique (inventive);
  • temperamental;
  • hot, best lover.

You can give a separate compliment to the features of the guy’s figure, strengthen him in the idea that he has an impeccable, muscular, athletic, seductive body.

Men like it when girls praise their hands, calling them tender, strong, dear and affectionate. The same can be said about the lips: they are sensual, magical and sweet.

Unusual but nice: secrets for two

Men are forced to hide their real emotions most of the time, as it is generally accepted that sentimentality does not suit them. Only if the relationship between a guy and a girl has reached such a level that absolute trust and mutual understanding have arisen between them, can you come up with some kind of funny (or even stupid), but very affectionate nickname for him.

How can you call a guy affectionately and unusually to add even more tenderness to the relationship? If he has a sufficient sense of humor, he will like these words:

  • sweeties;
  • music;
  • fluffy;
  • fish;
  • mousey;
  • little pig;
  • bear;
  • kitten (cat);
  • hare, bunny;
  • hairy;
  • Ryashechka;
  • sexbomb.

Of course, there are many more options. An exclusive nickname can be completely unexpected, the main thing is that no one is offended! These affectionate words are only suitable for home use; it is better not to use them in front of “witnesses.”

I love it to the point of laughter: affectionate and funny nicknames

If you are in love and happy, then why not joke with each other? Give your loved one affectionate and at the same time funny words that will give you moments of joy. You can call your loved one with such cool but cute nicknames:

  • shalun (naughty girl);
  • baby elephant (elephant);
  • kisser;
  • darling;
  • badger;
  • bald boy;
  • glutton (belly);
  • dandelion;
  • scops owl;
  • crucian carp;
  • bitch.

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