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How often can you give dill water to newborns? From fennel seeds. How and how much to give: method of use, special instructions

Colic occurs in many newborns, causing parents to want to help the baby in any way. Dill water is considered an effective remedy for relieving colic. Is it really useful and how to prepare such a liquid for a baby?


For babies

Dill water has the following effects:

  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Calming
  • Antimicrobial
  • Anticonvulsant
  • Mild diuretic and choleretic effects
  • Eliminate headaches

This liquid relaxes the intestinal muscles, which helps eliminate gases. By using dill water regularly, you will improve your baby's digestion and relieve him of tummy pain.

For nursing mother

Dill water also has a beneficial effect on lactation. In nursing women, this remedy normalizes the functioning of the digestive tract, soothes, and also stimulates milk production.


  • Dill water may not help a baby with colic and may even cause bloating.
  • You may develop an allergy to this liquid.

It cannot be said with certainty that dill water will definitely help with colic. It can even cause bloating. Monitor your body's reaction

Recipe for cooking at home

Although the water is generally called dill, it is most often not dill that is used to prepare it, but fennel (its other name is “pharmacy dill”).

However, you can prepare dill water at home from both fennel and dill - from the seeds of these plants. The water for preparing this drink must be purified, and all utensils must be rinsed with boiling water before use. Children in the first month of life should be given dill water only in freshly prepared form.

With fennel seeds

Pour crushed or whole dry fennel seeds (3 grams) into a ceramic container and pour boiling water (200 ml). First, the container should be kept in a water bath for twenty minutes, and then left for about 45 minutes (if the seeds were used whole, then you need to leave longer). After straining, give it to your child.

Dill water from fennel seeds would be the best option.

With dill seeds

A teaspoon of dill seeds should be poured into a glass of boiled water and left for about one hour. The child is given this water after filtering.

Preparing dill water from dill seeds is not much different from preparing it from fennel seeds

From fresh dill or fennel

If you have fresh dill or fennel, you can make tea from them. Dill greens are crushed, a tablespoon of raw material is poured into 100 ml of boiling water. The product is infused for one hour, filtered and cooled. This tea is used like dill water.

You can even make dill water from fennel or dill.

Fennel essential oil

Fennel essential oil is also suitable for preparing dill water. Take 0.05 milliliters of fennel aroma oil per liter of water. The solution is kept in the refrigerator for up to one month, and before use it is heated so that the liquid is at room temperature.


The initial dosage of dill water is a teaspoon. It is given three times a day, observing the baby's reaction. If the baby does not respond to receiving dill water with negative symptoms, the number of doses can be increased to 6 per day.

How long to give dill water depends on the child. Once digestion is normal, you no longer need to give fluids.

How and when to give dill water?

For babies receiving breast milk, dill water is given from a spoon, and for bottle-fed babies, you can pour this liquid into a bottle or syringe without a needle, although it is still more convenient to dose with a teaspoon.

1 tsp Give your baby dill water before meals; if there is no negative reaction, you can give this water 6 times a day

Dill water is given before feeding. Children often like its taste and newborns drink this liquid with pleasure. If the child does not want to drink it, you can mix dill water with a small amount of a product already familiar to the baby - expressed breast milk or formula. If the mother does not want to supplement the baby with any liquids, so as not to interfere with lactation, she can drink half a glass of dill water herself before each feeding (30 minutes before).

If a child suffers not only from colic, but also from other digestive disorders (the child has constipation, poor appetite, diarrhea), the use of dill water will not be effective. If such symptoms are present, we recommend that you show your baby to a doctor.

Modern analogue

Pharmaceutical preparations made from fennel seeds are pharmaceutical dill water and the well-known drug "Plantex". This drug is available in powder form. It is dissolved according to the instructions both in water and in breast milk. Plantex can be given to newborns from the age of 2 weeks.

Plantex is a drug of natural origin, which is more convenient to use compared to dill water

Opinion of E. Komarovsky

A well-known doctor recommends giving dill water to a newborn up to 100 ml per day, although Komarovsky does not believe that fennel or dill provide any pronounced therapeutic effect for colic. He is sure that drinking even regular water helps the baby improve digestion, and dill water is quite capable of replacing plain water.

The benefits of dill

In general, dill, beloved by many, can bring invaluable benefits to the body. Its beneficial properties are not limited to carminative properties.

  • Dill helps cleanse the body of putrefactive formations and can assist in the production and cultivation of beneficial microflora.
  • Helps reduce and relax smooth muscle spasms.
  • Facilitates the flow of blood to any corner of the body, expanding the blood vessels.
  • Helps reduce pressure on the intestinal walls.
  • An effective diuretic.
  • Helps eliminate inflammatory processes.
  • It is a means of stabilizing cardiac activity.
  • Constant use helps to increase the passage in the bronchi, relieves the resistance of air flows that enter the bronchi, and prevents them from stagnating in the respiratory tract.
  • It helps those suffering from cough to remove phlegm by diluting it.
  • It is a choleretic agent.
  • Promotes healing in the form of ulcers, as well as fractures and wounds.

It is believed, quite rightly, that the benefits of dill are invaluable for the entire body, although its main advantage is considered to be its carminative property. However, dill water mixed with carrot juice is very beneficial for vision. For those who suffer from asthma or severe cough, it is recommended to chew dry dill seeds to eliminate spasms. Nursing mothers are advised to drink dill water to ensure that milk flows well.

In order to relieve the intestines from painful colic, both young and old can use dill water, both pharmaceutical and home-made. However, for a baby, the best option would be a product purchased at a pharmacy. Since the baby’s weak digestive tract is not yet ready to withstand additional microorganisms that can penetrate the child’s intestines along with their own water, when the pharmacy guarantees the preparation of the drug under sterile conditions.

According to statistics, the majority of newborn children in the very first months of life are subject to suffering associated with severe gas formation. This process causes pain in infants, and for parents of babies it results in sleepless nights. Today, pharmacies offer quite a lot of drugs that can eliminate infant colic, but the most reliable and safe remedy, which has been tested over the years, is dill water.

For newborns, this is a fairly effective folk remedy that can provide great benefits for a small organism, including improving the digestive process. You can either buy dill water for a newborn ready-made or make it yourself.

Release form and composition of dill water

Despite its name, dill water has nothing to do with dill. To make the product, essential oils of the sweet fennel plant are used, which can be extracted from its mature seeds.

Dill water is a solution consisting of water and essential oil in a ratio of 1:1000. Dill water is sold in glass bottles with a volume of one hundred milliliters. Since the product does not contain preservatives, it has a short shelf life. The drug can be stored in a refrigerator for no more than a month.

Mechanism of action

A plant of the umbrella family, fennel, like dill, can have a carminative effect on the body. However, in fennel it is more pronounced and therefore it is often included in herbal preparations for adults in order to get rid of flatulence. It is also applicable for infants, but in the form of dill water. The product can help the baby neutralize intestinal colic and eliminate spasms, which has a beneficial effect on the transportation of gases and feces.

Dill water indications for use

Being a symptomatic remedy, dill water significantly alleviates the baby’s condition during gas formation. Since such a nuisance is nothing more than an integral part of the baby’s body’s adaptation to a new environment, therefore this process does not require treatment, but only help to make it easier to bear.

Therefore, dill water is indicated for use mainly for infants in order to help improve intestinal function and remove gases from it.


The product has no contraindications. The only cautionary condition for its use is a strong recommendation to parents of infants not to deviate from the dosage regimen.

Dill water instructions for use

Provided that the dill water is pharmaceutically produced, the following dosage regimen is recommended:

After feeding is completed, drink 1 teaspoon of the product three times a day.

You can add dill water to a bottle of formula or expressed milk.

If the product is prepared independently, then the child should drink 1 tablespoon of the product three times a day. It is also possible to add dill water to the bottle for ease of use.

Side effects

Side effects that dill water can have are very rare, but they do occur. It is possible that an allergic rash may occur, and if the dosage is not followed, especially if it is exceeded, the baby’s intestines may react with a phenomenon such as diarrhea.

special instructions

This dosage regimen for the use of homemade dill water from the seeds of the dill garden plant is completely unsuitable and should not be used. In this case, consultation with a pediatrician is necessary.

You should not self-medicate, especially when it comes to an infant. In this case, the doctor will recommend a suitable dose of the drug or make a different prescription.

A remedy for relieving flatulence can be used by patients of any age category.

Adults are recommended to take a tablespoon of dill water up to six times a day strictly after meals. The product quickly affects the intestines and, as practice shows, brings relief within a quarter of an hour.

Dill water at home

Due to the fact that dill water is prepared only in a pharmacy and is not mass produced, it can be quite difficult to find. In order for the pharmacy to prepare the drug for you, it must be equipped with a prescription department. Based on such difficulties, you can prepare dill water yourself at home.

Before you start preparing the product, you should understand the differences between fennel and dill. The fact is that the very name of the product sometimes confuses patients, since fennel is often called pharmaceutical dill. Thus, to prepare the product, you need to purchase a herbal mixture called “fennel fruit” at the pharmacy. Our familiar cousin, fennel, is positioned on pharmacy shelves as “fragrant dill fruit.” This is, perhaps, all that should be taken into account in order to obtain an effective remedy against gas formation.

How to prepare dill water

It is better to take a heaped teaspoon of purchased fennel seeds and pour it into a glass of boiling water. Boil covered for a minute. Then remove the broth from the heat and leave to steep for thirty or forty minutes. Then carefully strain the liquid and pour the prepared homemade dill water into a boiled container.

At home, it is advisable to prepare a fresh portion of the product every day.

Dill water price

The price for a dill water preparation on average does not exceed two hundred rubles; some fluctuations in cost are possible, which may depend on the location of the pharmacy and the individual application for the preparation of the product.

Dill water reviews

Opinions about the drug, despite its popularity, are quite contradictory. Many note its effectiveness and ability to provide emergency care. There are also patients who did not notice any beneficial effect and were able to note all its advantages in the form of a convenient packaging form and a pleasant smell and taste, as well as a natural composition, in addition to helping in getting rid of colic and gas formation. Here are, perhaps, some of the latest reviews that are expressed about its use.

Zhenya: About ten days after birth, our baby began to suffer from intestinal colic. We tried different remedies, but the sleepless nights continued. Friends, throwing up their hands, even advised showing the child to healers. Since it was our first child, we simply didn’t know what to do. It turned out that everything was as simple as shelling pears, all you had to do was contact your pediatrician. She immediately prescribed this wonderful water for us and the pharmacy prepared it especially for us. True, at first we were not particularly happy about it, since its effect appeared after five feedings, but nevertheless, the suffering of both the baby and ours stopped. It’s good that the drug has a pleasant taste and smell, so there’s no problem giving it to your baby. I would like to recommend that all young mothers take dill water so as not to torment the baby and sleep peacefully at night.

Margarita: Two weeks after birth, our baby began to scream, especially at night, and it was noticeable that he was suffering from pain in his tummy. The husband ran in the middle of the night to the pharmacy, where he was advised to take dill water. The drug is remarkable in its taste and smell, natural composition and convenient packaging with a dispenser, but we did not find a therapeutic effect among its advantages. Perhaps the fact is that we tried to help our child with a concentrated ready-made remedy that needs to be diluted with water and probably its dose turned out to be too weak. However, the drug turned out to be powerless and the cause could be anything, but it did not help us. Therefore, I recommend not to listen to the advice of pharmacists at the pharmacy, but to go straight to the doctor. That's what we did. We remember that time not joyfully. Since we were hoping for help from the drug, we spent several more sleepless days and nights.

Raila: Our deepest bow to the drug dill water and my son and I’s gratitude. As is usual with newborn babies, my son began to suffer from intestinal colic three weeks after birth. A trip to the pharmacy led to the replenishment of the home medicine cabinet with a bunch of expensive drugs and zero effect from them. On the advice of my mother, who came to visit us, we purchased an inexpensive remedy, dill water, which we accepted with slight doubt. The effect, which was amazing, was noticeable almost immediately, and how could I not have thought to ask my mother before, who, smiling, said that she treated me with the same water. This affordable and time-tested remedy turned out to be our salvation. I recommend to everyone.


A baby who has just been born is actively adapting to new conditions of existence. The gastrointestinal system is one of the first to respond to changes. From the very first days, the baby adapts to new food (formula or breast milk). It takes about a month for the baby to adapt, during which he experiences a lot of difficulties. It is especially difficult and painful for him during the onset of intestinal colic, caused by bloating and excessive gas production.

Emergency and effective help

What will help the baby in such a situation? The optimal solution is dill water for babies. This natural remedy will relieve the main symptoms of intestinal colic, when the baby turns red during or after feeding, draws in its legs, or simply bursts into tears and screams. With the help of this product, parents will help the newborn to eliminate gases and empty the stomach in a natural way. Thanks to the use of such a simple and affordable product, the child will feel much lighter and more comfortable.

What is dill water? How is it made and used? Everything is actually extremely simple. Dill water usually means a solution of one percent fennel oil.

Fennel is often called pharmaceutical dill, hence the name of this simple drug. Conventional greens are rarely used for tincture.

The product is created on the basis of fennel fruits. Using the resulting composition, you can help the baby get rid of suffering caused by excess gas formation and the inability to empty the intestines naturally. The peculiarity of this product is that it is natural and completely safe. That is why dill water for newborns is given almost from the very first days after birth.

There is a ready-made medication that is an analogue of dill water. It is called "Plantex", created on the basis of fennel seed extract. This product goes on sale in individual sachets containing healing powder. For oral administration, the composition is dissolved in water or breast milk. It is important to comply with all proportions indicated on the drug packaging. It can be used from the second week of a baby’s life.

Effective for kids and adults

However, according to reviews from experts and numerous mothers, dill water for babies is a more useful and effective remedy. A natural product, which contains no foreign impurities, allows you to cope not only with intestinal colic. This unique drug helps with:

  • bloating;
  • bowel disorders;
  • loss of appetite.

It should be borne in mind that dill water is not a panacea. You should not experiment on the health of your own child. If such symptoms occur, you should immediately consult a medical practitioner!

However, dill water is very useful for infants. It helps relax and reduce spasms in the smooth muscles. The product has a delicate diuretic effect. It expands the intestinal walls, reducing pressure on them.

Unique benefits

Among other benefits of using this product, it is worth noting the normalization of bile secretion and stabilization of the functioning of the heart. Dill water also helps:

  • normalize appetite;
  • relieve inflammatory processes and calm them down somewhat;
  • cleanse the body of formations of putrefactive origin;
  • produced by beneficial intestinal microflora;
  • eliminate constipation.

This natural remedy promotes optimal blood flow by dilating blood vessels. If a baby has a cough, the composition “breaks up” the phlegm, helping it to be eliminated effectively. This is a product with pronounced antibacterial properties. It is useful not only for the newborn, but also for his mother. The whole point is that the drug significantly enhances lactation processes.

Dill water is also useful for newborns for other reasons. This natural remedy is gently soothing. It has a beneficial effect on the nervous system of mother and baby. The drug also normalizes kidney function. It helps remove gases because it does an excellent job of relieving spasms in the intestinal muscles. If you give your baby this liquid constantly, the digestion process will improve significantly and pain syndromes will be effectively relieved.

Cooking methods

Many parents are interested in how to make dill water for a newborn. There's really nothing complicated about it. The finished product can be purchased at pharmacies with prescription departments. If for one reason or another it is not possible to buy such a composition, you can make the product yourself. To do this you need to take fennel seeds. The product must be completely dry. It is ground to a powder in a blender or coffee grinder. The dry substance should be used in the amount of 1 large spoon.

The finished powder is poured into a 250 ml glass and filled with hot water. Dill tea for newborns is infused for about 45 minutes. Then the composition is filtered. The resulting liquid is added to baby formula, water or expressed breast milk. The maximum amount of product is 1 spoon. Newborns under 2 weeks of age should not be given more than 15 drops of this product. The finished liquid should be stored for a maximum of 24 hours.

Dill water is prepared for newborns against colic and according to another recipe. It is based on fennel essential oil. To obtain a useful product, it is necessary to dissolve no more than 0.05 g of ether in 1 liter of water. The resulting liquid can be stored for quite a long time (up to 1 month) in a cold place. But before taking, the composition must be brought to room temperature.

Recipes with dill

If you don’t have fennel seeds or oil at home, prepare dill water for colic using dill. To do this, pour 1 cup of boiled water into 1 small spoon of the seeds of this plant. The liquid is infused for an hour, after which it must be filtered. You can brew greens with this spice. To do this, dill is crushed. In the volume of 1 large spoon, pour 100 ml of boiling water, after which it infuses for an hour. The strained, cooled liquid is given in exactly the same way as dill water.

Admission rules

Parents are no less interested in another question: how to give dill water to a newborn correctly. If the baby is breastfed, then he is given the product from a spoon. For babies on artificial nutrition, it is recommended to pour the product into a bottle. In any case, it is important to strictly dose this drug.

To achieve the expected results and benefits, you need to take dill water before feeding.

If the baby refuses this product, you need to dilute it with a small amount of baby formula or breast milk. At first, you should take the composition three times a day. The initial dose is 1 small spoon. In order not to make mistakes in further calculations, you should monitor the baby’s reaction. If he tolerates it well, the daily dosage can be increased 6 times.

According to the instructions for use, dill water is allowed not only for adults, but also for newborns. It helps them cope with colic that appears during or after feeding. Adults use this water for almost the same purpose - to relieve flatulence. There are other indications for its use. A drug with such beneficial properties is sold ready-made at the pharmacy, but there are several ways to prepare dill water.

What is dill water

It is incorrect to assume that such water is prepared simply by brewing dill. This drug is made from fennel. Moreover, the fruits of this plant are taken for production. Dill water is not an infusion or a decoction. The use of fennel seeds (pharmaceutical dill) in industrial conditions allows the essential oil to be extracted by pressing. This substance is then diluted with water in a ratio of 1:1000. You won’t be able to prepare such a remedy yourself, so you just make a decoction at home.

Composition and release form

The pharmacy sells dill water in the form of industrially obtained fennel essential oil. The medicine is available in 100 ml dark glass bottles. The oil solution is packaged in cardboard packages. The composition includes only 2 components - purified water and dill oil. The taste of the drink is soft and pleasant. Due to the absence of preservatives, the drug is approved for use by newborns. An analogue of dill water is the modern drug Plantex.

Indications for use

The drug has a very long list of indications. In general, it is used to remove gases and normalize intestinal function. Adult patients use for:

  • diseases of the digestive tract accompanied by intestinal spasms;
  • poor appetite;
  • flatulence;
  • dyspepsia;
  • pain in the intestinal tract.

Due to its vasodilating effect, water is used in the first stage of coronary insufficiency, arterial hypertension, hypertension and angina pectoris. If bronchitis and other infectious or colds of the upper respiratory tract do not produce sputum, then this remedy is prescribed. Breastfeeding women use water to improve lactation by increasing the amount of breast milk. It also helps in case of menstrual irregularities. For newborns, this water is prescribed to remove gases when the tummy is bloated.

Contraindications and side effects

If hypersensitivity to dill oil is observed, then taking water is contraindicated. Those suffering from arterial hypertension should use the product only under the supervision of a doctor. After taking water, side effects very rarely develop, but in isolated cases allergic reactions may occur:

  • slight itching;
  • redness;
  • hives.

Even though the drug is natural, it should not be used or given to a newborn too often. Using the medicine in large quantities causes stool upset and, conversely, increased gas formation. In addition, according to some doctors, such water can lower blood pressure. For this reason, you should not be overzealous with taking the drug, but replace it with another drug with carminative properties. In a child, water often causes allergies, manifested by a rash and the following symptoms:

  • loose stool;
  • vomiting;
  • flatulence;
  • swelling of the mucous membranes.

The occurrence of such symptoms is a reason to discontinue the drug. It needs to be replaced with those medicines that do not include fennel or dill. These plants are capable of extracting heavy metals from the soil in which they grow, which can also lead to poisoning. It, like an overdose of dill water, is manifested by loose stools and vomiting. If the symptoms of intoxication are severe, then you should definitely consult a doctor.

The benefits of dill water

The main substance in fennel oil is anethole, which exhibits a carminative effect. This means that the drug helps relieve colic, but this is not the only benefit from such water. The composition contains a large amount of carvone, which helps improve digestion. Dill water also exhibits:

  • antispasmodic effect;
  • antifungal and antimicrobial action;
  • laxative effect;
  • expectorant effect;
  • diuretic effect.

For newborns

In the first months of life, almost all newborns suffer from intestinal colic, manifested by severe gas formation. This leads to pain in infants and restless nights for parents. Water neutralizes colic, eliminates spasms, which has a beneficial effect on the transportation of feces and gases. It only facilitates this process, because it is an integral part of adaptation and does not require serious treatment.

For adults

Due to the suppression of gas formation and stimulation of the movement of feces, dill water for adults is indicated for flatulence. For colds and other respiratory diseases, the product helps improve mucus discharge. It has several other medicinal effects:

  • dilates blood vessels, facilitating the flow of blood to any part of the body;
  • stabilizes cardiac activity;
  • reduces pressure on the intestinal walls;
  • helps heal wounds, ulcers and even fractures;
  • eliminates inflammatory processes;
  • prevents stagnation of air flows in the respiratory tract;
  • relaxes smooth muscles during spasms.

During pregnancy

The main indication for use of the drug during pregnancy is constipation and bloating, which are observed due to the rapid increase in the size of the uterus. It compresses and squeezes some parts of the intestine, which causes such unpleasant symptoms. In this case, dill water helps:

  • improve sleep;
  • reduce gas formation;
  • relieve headache;
  • reduce nausea;
  • improve blood composition.

Instructions for using dill water

The pharmacy sells dill water along with instructions for use, which indicate the dosage. It is determined depending on the problem. For constipation, bloating and colic, different treatment regimens are used. In any case, you must first check your body for allergies. To do this, you need to drink 1 teaspoon of the product on an empty stomach, and then monitor your condition throughout the day. If no adverse reactions occur, then the water can be taken. Newborns should be given a smaller dose - just half a teaspoon in the morning before feeding.

For constipation

For the treatment of adults, 1 tablespoon of water is indicated up to 5-6 times a day. It is necessary to use the product after meals. The drug begins to act in about 15-20 minutes, alleviating the condition in general and helping to stimulate bowel movements. If constipation in an adult becomes chronic, then such water does not provide an exact guarantee of getting rid of them. In this case, you should still consult a doctor to find out the cause of this condition.

For bloating

The dosage and method of drinking dill water for adults with flatulence remain the same as in the case of constipation. It is 1 tablespoon of the product. It is taken immediately after meals up to 5-6 times throughout the day. In addition to relieving symptoms of flatulence, the drug helps stimulate appetite, reduce gas formation and eliminate functional disorders of the digestive process.

For colic in newborns

Pediatricians recommend giving a teaspoon of water 1 to 3 times a day to adapt the baby’s body. If the baby’s reaction is normal, then you can gradually increase the dose. As tolerated, give 2 teaspoons 3-6 times a day. Using the drip method, the product is given 15 drops per tongue using a bottle with a dispenser. If the baby refuses to take the medicine, the medicine can be added to a formula bottle or expressed breast milk.

Price for dill water

The cost of the drug is determined not only by the manufacturer, but also by the place of purchase. You can buy dill water for a newborn or an adult at a regular pharmacy. It’s even easier to order it in an online store and arrange for delivery, because it is available without a doctor’s prescription. More information about how much dill water costs can be found in the table:

Where to buy Lamisil

Release form

Volume, quantity

Price for Moscow and St. Petersburg, rubles


Dill water

Dill water. Children's tea

20 sachets


Dill water

Dill water. Children's tea

20 sachets

Pharmacy IFC

Children's tea

20 sachets

Dill water for newborns

Regardless of the method of preparation of the medicine, the regimen for its administration requires a preliminary check for the presence of allergies. After this, you can start drinking water every day. You will have to tinker a little with the baby:

  • take a 5 ml syringe or a syringe for Nurofen medication;
  • take some water, try offering it to the baby instead of a pacifier, gradually squeezing out the contents;
  • the child must begin to suck the tip of the syringe, otherwise, if he rebels against the procedure, do not torture the child, causing even more stress.

How to make dill water at home

You can prepare the product yourself using different recipes. The classic one uses dry seeds of regular fennel, previously processed in a coffee grinder or blender. For a healing decoction you will need a glass of 250 ml. Cooking instructions:

  • pour a spoonful of seeds with hot water and leave for 40-45 minutes.
  • strain, cool to room temperature.

Another method of preparing dill infusion involves using fennel essential oil. Approximately 0.05 g of the product is diluted with 1 liter of boiled water. If you can’t find fennel seeds or oil, you can use regular dill. The instructions for preparing water from it are as follows:

  • take 1 teaspoon of herbs or fresh dill seeds;
  • pour a glass of boiling water over them;
  • leave for an hour;
  • Strain and store in the refrigerator between uses.

How to breed

When artificial feeding, 2-3 teaspoons of the finished infusion are diluted with warm boiled water in a volume of 50 ml. The resulting product can be used throughout the day, giving it to the baby instead of regular water. After preparation, the infusion is mixed with breast milk in a 1:1 ratio. The procedure is continued until the child’s unpleasant symptoms disappear.

How to give

The dosage of water prepared at home is slightly different. Newborns are given 1 tablespoon of the medicine after feeding up to 3 times every day. It can also be mixed into formula or breast milk. The instructions on how to give dill water to a newborn allow it from two weeks of life. During this period, most babies develop colic. The product is safe for infants, so there is no need to fear negative consequences. The number of doses can be increased if the child’s colic attacks become more frequent and come one after another.

Can dill water be added to the mixture?

If the baby is breastfed, then water can be added to the bottle with the mixture. This applies to both the pharmaceutical form of the drug in the form of oil and ready-made teas, and decoction. In addition to the mixture, they are added to a bottle of drinking water to give to the baby throughout the day. To prevent diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, there is no need to use the drug, since it does not have a cumulative effect.


Water for newborn babies


From this material you will learn from what month you can give your baby water , why daily drinking water is extremely undesirable for a baby and in what cases can you give dill water for reducing bloating and against intestinal colic in newborns.

The question is Is it possible to give a newborn baby water?, worries many mothers. In fact, water, even in moderate quantities, is very undesirable for children under six months of age.

Below we will tell you about the danger water poses to a baby.

Firstly, if you give water to a newborn baby, you can provoke malnutrition, as the baby’s digestive tract after birth can accept and digest very small amounts of food consumed. Water can quickly make a newborn feel full and the baby will refuse to consume it. required amount of breast milk containing all the necessary substances for growth, weight gain and full development.

Secondly, if you will be give regularly to newborn water in the first months of life, you can reduce lactation.

Since a sufficient amount of milk to satiate the baby is produced in the mammary glands in response to sucking, then quenching the baby's thirst with water will reduce his sucking activity.

It is especially undesirable to give water to a newborn at night. At night during feeding, the hormone prolactin is especially actively produced, which is responsible for maintaining a normal amount of milk during lactation to satiate the baby. . Therefore, do not give your baby water at night just so that he “doesn’t get out of bed again” to breastfeed.

Third If you give water to a newborn, you can easily provoke a disruption of the normal balance in the baby’s gastrointestinal tract.

As you know, a newborn baby is born with virtually no immune system of its own. and his intestines are not "populated" beneficial microflora involved in the breakdown of incoming nutrients. Mother's milk during lactation is an ideal means for populating the baby's intestines with microflora and creating a natural bacterial environment. Regularly supplementing a newborn baby with water will lead to a shift in the normal balance towards the active development of pathogenic bacteria, which, in turn, will lead to to constant colic in the baby’s tummy and then to dysbiosis . A special remedy (dill water) can be given to a newborn baby in special cases, which we will tell you about below (you will also learn How to prepare dill water for newborns at home).

Fourthly If you give your newborn baby water, you may cause the baby to refuse breastfeeding. . The baby may well prefer a more comfortable nipple on a bottle of water and will start be capricious when trying to breastfeed.

feeding table for newborn baby up to one year


Many babies (about 4 weeks after birth) may develop . Increased gas formation may cause bloating and severe intestinal colic. The baby begins to tighten his legs, and also often and loudly cry, and at the same time he may become very flushed. How can you alleviate the suffering of a baby and relieve intestinal colic?

A proven remedy for normalizing the functioning of the intestines of newborns can come to the aid of a caring mother. - Dill water. This product can be purchased at a pharmacy that has a section for making prescription drugs. Unfortunately, not all pharmacies sell dill water, but you can prepare dill water for your newborn baby at home.

Instructions for preparing dill water at home:

What do we need to prepare dill water against colic in a baby’s tummy? We must immediately make a reservation that this remedy is not entirely correctly called dill water. The main component of this natural medicine is fennel, which can be bought without any problems at any pharmacy. Pour a glass of boiling water over a few grams of fennel fruits , which you pre-grind. After half an hour, carefully filter the drug through gauze (several times). When the prepared dill water against colic in the tummy of a newborn baby has cooled, add a little expressed breast milk (1 tablespoon) to it. The product is ready!

BUT do not use dill water to relieve colic in a baby. regularly! Use only in case of emergency, when the baby has severe stomach pain and screams loudly for a long time (more than an hour)




What exactly causes infant jaundice? ? Jaundice (or hyperbilirubinemia) is caused by the fat-soluble (not water-soluble!!!) enzyme bilirubin. This enzyme is not excreted from the body of a newborn baby with water. Bilirubin is perfectly excreted from the body with colostrum at first, and then with high-calorie breast milk.



The baby's body does not “distinguish” between thirst and hunger. A newborn baby completely quenches his thirst and hunger by receiving a sufficient amount of breast milk. A child in infancy should gain weight quite rapidly , but saturation with water seriously inhibits the normal development of the baby.



During the summer heat and dry air in the room, the body of a newborn child The same breast milk, which contains the necessary concentration of minerals and salts, perfectly saves from dehydration. If it’s hot outside, you can gently wipe the baby’s body with a soft towel moistened with cool water, and you can combat dry air in the room with a spray bottle. Besides this, try Ventilate your baby's room more often.



Firstly, breast milk removes microorganisms much better and their toxins, and secondly, the child is more likely to spit out medicine diluted in water than mixed with expressed breast milk.



The child can really calm down for a while if he is given a bottle. But in reality, water has nothing to do with it. The baby just wants to play with the bottle and suck the pacifier . If the child does not want to eat at the moment, let him suck a clean finger (if there is no risk of injuring him with a manicured nail!) or calm him down by rocking him.

We hope that this material helped answer your question: is it possible to give a newborn baby water to drink? Let the baby grow a little and after 6 - 8 (it's best when you have the lactation period will end and you will need to gradually introduce complementary foods) months, you can add water to the baby’s daily feeding diet.

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