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How to do unedged manicure at home. Step by step for beginners. European manicure at home. The success of a home manicure directly depends on the quality of manicure tools.

Hands are the calling card of every woman - the first minutes of acquaintance pay attention to their well-groomed condition, the condition of the skin and nails. To maintain good looking skin on your hands and nails, you don’t have to prepare yourself for a visit to a beauty salon. We will talk about European manicure, which is also called unedged manicure - it can be easily done independently. Many people think: “How to do an unedged manicure if you don’t have scissors and tweezers?” An unedged manicure at home is very easy to do. It is enough to purchase a set for European manicure, gain skill and experience, then you will be able to do nail art in the European style quickly and beautifully.

What you need to know about unedged manicure?

The unedged (European) type of manicure helps you create a beautiful nail design using several tools and a special product. Its peculiarity is that the cuticle of the nail is not cut, but is removed with a product based on lactic or fruit acid. Almost everyone can do this manicure - both women who need care for thin nails and those who want to avoid cutting the cuticle. As you know, careless manipulations often lead to cuts and bleeding, which is unsafe from a hygiene point of view. An unedged manicure at home allows both men and women to create nail art; this is another advantage.

Techniques for performing European manicure:

  • Dry - no manipulations are performed with steaming the skin of the hands, but this method requires special care;
  • Wet - before removing the cuticle, fingers are soaked in a water bath with added oils. This is the most common European skincare technique. Experts confirm that the softened cuticle area is easier to remove quickly and painlessly;
  • Hot – if the skin of the hands and the cuticle area are very rough. Used in beauty salons.

Watch a video on how to switch to an unedged manicure.

What are the advantages of uncut nail art? Cuticle remover contains nourishing components that slow down its growth and make nails stronger. A classic edged manicure can only be done with instrumental manipulation, which is not always pleasant. The products used for this type of manicure may not be suitable for everyone.

The procedure for untrimmed nail care does not provoke painful sensations, even hangnails are removed easily and quickly. Unfortunately, it has a small drawback - if the skin and cuticles are very rough, it cannot be done at home. The master can use mixed techniques already in the salon, or offer a different type of nail care. After 5-7 procedures, the effect of European nail art will be noticeable.

How is a European manicure performed?

To do the unedged type of procedure, you need to have with you:

  • A liquid that removes cuticles;
  • Several cotton pads;
  • A glass or ceramic nail file (you can use a paper-coated file that does not damage your nails);
  • Orange stick for cuticles. Before each manipulation it must be disinfected. You can also use a plastic or silicone stick, they are more gentle. The orange stick should be used no more than 2 times, keep this point in mind;
  • Oil for softening the cuticle, it also helps to slow down its further growth;
  • Bath with 1 teaspoon of olive oil. Instead of oil, sea salt, herbal decoction, other essential oils or liquid cosmetic soap with balm are suitable;
  • A clean towel for drying hands;
  • Hand cream or lotion.

See how an unedged manicure is performed at home.

This type of manicure is performed as follows:

  • Use a nail file to shape your nails. Try not to cut them with scissors, use only a file.

  • Immerse your fingers in the bath for 5 minutes, then dry them with a towel.

  • Gently apply cuticle remover to the base of the nail, after 5 minutes it will almost disappear. Remove the remaining stratum corneum with a cotton pad.
  • Carefully remove the remaining cuticle using a silicone stick so that it moves to the root area of ​​the nail.

  • Lubricate the cuticle area with oil, which will help stop its growth. Rub the product in with slow movements so that it can be absorbed into the nail faster. At this stage, the manicure is ready.

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A manicure should not only be beautiful, but also safe! This was the main condition for the masters who invented the European unedged manicure! This technique is especially necessary for girls and women who have delicate and tender skin that is easily injured.

For a long time, the classic option was considered a cut manicure, which involved cutting the cuticle with scissors. As a result, cuts and injuries appeared on the skin, as well as blood stains, which could become inflamed and cause pain. The risk of contracting infections was quite high. Most often, the skin was injured as a result of treatment at home, when girls tried to do a manicure on their own. Clients in the salons were worried about whether the instruments were well disinfected, whether it was possible to completely eliminate the transmission of infection from all previous visitors?

Now the majority of women in Europe prefer unedged manicure. Now it is successfully used in our country. Here it received a second name - European. What are its advantages?

This technique is very hygienic. It allows you to avoid contracting infections.

The main features of the technology include:

  • the cuticle is not cut off, it softens and moves away;
  • Chemicals are often used to remove cuticles. Cosmetics also slow down its growth;
  • cuticle treatment can be carried out with an orange stick, a special device with a rubber tip. This stage should not be carried out with iron instruments, which can injure the skin.

Pros and cons of unedged manicure

The benefits of the procedure are quite significant!

  • Untrimmed manicure is safe. The risk of infection is eliminated, since the technology does not use sharp cutting tools. The method is hygienic and bloodless.
  • It has a mild effect, therefore it is suitable for delicate and delicate skin with close blood vessels.

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  • The procedure is simple and you can do it yourself.
  • The technology ensures that the growth of the cuticle slows down significantly, and the nails retain a neat and well-groomed appearance for a longer period.

It is also necessary to know the disadvantages of technology.

  • European manicure is recommended for women with thin skin. If the cuticle is neglected, the skin has a dense structure, then the rough areas of the cuticle often have to be cut off with scissors.
  • It will take some time to switch from edged to unedged manicure. You will have to remove the hangnails that appear with special tweezers.
  • The first procedures may cause discomfort. Cuticle removers can cause irritation. In rare cases, an allergic reaction may occur.

Three types of European manicure

  • Unedged dry manicure. It is notable for the fact that neither water nor cuticle softeners are used to treat the cuticle. But it is recommended to carry it out only in cases where the nails are strong and healthy and do not have visible mechanical damage. Dry manicure does not require special preparations, so it can be done anywhere: at home, while traveling, or on the road. This method helps the polish on the nail plate last longer. The procedure does not include steaming the nails, there are no temperature changes, so the polish cracks less often.

  • Wet unedged manicure. The technology involves the use of hand baths. Products are added to the water to soften the skin. The cuticle becomes pliable and soft. It's easy to move away. Therefore, experts recommend that beginners perform a wet manicure at home.

  • Hot European manicure. If the nails are very brittle and weak, or the cuticle is injured, then the technique changes slightly. A bath is prepared with lotion heated to 50 degrees, into which the hands are lowered.

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In beauty salons, another option for unedged manicure is performed - hardware. Cuticle processing is carried out using a special apparatus with rotating grinding attachments. The procedure can only be entrusted to experienced craftsmen who know all the secrets of the technology.

What products do we need for an unedged manicure?

The set consists of a small number of items:

  • file for processing the edge of the nail;
  • cuticle remover and softener;
  • nutritious cream;
  • buff for surface polishing;
  • bath for soaking the cuticle (for wet or hot manicure);
  • napkins or cotton pads;
  • nail scissors for removing hangnails. In most cases, European manicure does not involve the use of sharp objects. But if, as a result of insufficiently careful care of the cuticle, hangnails appear, then there is nothing left to do but carefully cut them off.
  • nourishing oil. Cosmetic stores have special products. But they can be replaced with peach or almond oil.

Now that you have learned the pros and cons of unedged manicure, it is easy to choose the method that suits you.

How to make an unedged manicure with your own hands?

Let's look at the technique of performing European manicure step by step.

  • Using a file and scissors, give the edge of the nail the desired shape. It is better to file your nails in one direction. Hold the file at an angle of 90 degrees. Polish the surface with buff.
  • Soften the cuticle with special products. Excellent results can be achieved with creams based on fruit and lactic acids. As an alternative, you can use lemon juice, which is an excellent skin softener. Another reliable way is to hold your hands for 5-10 minutes in a soap or soda solution. This will soften the skin and clean the subungual space from dust and dirt. When performing a dry European manicure, this step does not have to be performed.
  • After the bath, apply a fortified cuticle remover cream or gel to your fingers. Exposure time is 2-3 minutes. Remove any remaining substance with a napkin.
  • Use a wooden stick to push back the cuticle. No need to cut it! Clean the side bolsters.
  • Apply cosmetic oil to the skin around the nail, which prevents the appearance of hangnails and makes the skin even more elastic. The product will relieve irritation and soothe the treated areas. Apply moisturizer to your fingers and hands and give a light massage.
  • Now you can start coating your nails with varnish. Don't forget to degrease the surface with acetone or alcohol, otherwise the design will not be strong enough and will not last long!
  1. Cuticle remover contains ingredients that slow down cuticle growth. Accordingly, the manicure procedure can be repeated much less frequently over time.
  2. With a classic manicure, when removing the cuticle, the root of the nail may be injured, and then its growth will slow down. This does not happen with an unedged manicure.
  3. There is no pain or other unpleasant sensations during the unedged manicure procedure.
  4. Unedged manicure is an excellent way to combat hangnails.

Unfortunately, this manicure is not suitable for those with rough or thick cuticles. In this case, a classic manicure or mixed technique is recommended. But beautiful and well-groomed nails can only be seen after 5-7 procedures.

Technique for performing European manicure

To perform an unedged manicure you will need:

  • special gel or liquid for removing cuticles (“cuticle remover”);
  • cotton balls or disks;
  • nail file (paper with mineral coating, glass or ceramic - they are least likely to injure the keratin layers of the nail);
  • stick for pushing back cuticles. It’s better to take a silicone or plastic one - such a stick can be disinfected before each use. If you use a stick made of orange wood, then you need to use it no more than twice - in beauty salons such sticks are considered disposable;
  • cuticle oil, which slows down its growth;
  • a bath with liquid soap (if desired, you can add herbal infusion, sea salt, lemon juice or essential oils);
  • small hand towel;
  • softening hand cream.

How to perform an unedged manicure

  1. Use a file to shape your nails. To prevent nails from peeling and breaking, the file's movements should be from the center to the periphery of the nail. Moreover, you need to move in one direction, without filing too much of the edges.

If you consider yourself a real woman, you will definitely take care of neatly manicured nails. But did you know that they can look perfect without cutting the cuticles? Today we will talk about unedged manicure at home.

Types of unedged manicure

This technique can be performed in several ways:

  • Using the dry method without pre-soaking. Used in cases where there is simply no time to steam your hands. But it is suitable only for those with healthy and flexible nails. Brittle nails will immediately begin to peel after dry treatment.
  • Brazilian spa manicure. Similar to the previous one. The only difference is that before treatment, cream is applied to your hands for a while and gloves are put on. It is much easier to treat the skin after this, and the softened nails do not break when trimmed.
  • Wet method. Moisturizing the skin in water. To soften it and care for your hands, lotions and oils are added to the bath.
  • Hot manicure. Ideal for brittle nails. With this method, the skin is steamed not in water, but in a cream or special lotion heated to 50C. For the convenience of the procedure, you can purchase an electric bath. With this method, the cuticle softens even without gel, and it can easily be pushed back and cleaned with a stick.
  • Hardware. To process cuticles and polish nails, a special grinder with attachments is used. You can also purchase it for home use.

Advice! Do you know that after a wet or hot manicure you can’t immediately apply polish? Otherwise he won't last long. After all, moistened nails, absorbing moisture, change size and expand, and after completely drying, they take on their original shape. This is why the varnish begins to crack quickly.

Pros and cons of the procedure

This type of manicure has a lot of advantages:

  • the absence of even the slightest possibility of causing an infection - after all, no sharp manicure instruments are used during this procedure;
    therefore, it can be done even if you have poor immunity and your wounds do not heal well;
  • it is a real salvation for girls with thin and very sensitive skin;
  • over time, the buzz grows more and more slowly, so your hands will remain well-groomed for more than one week;
  • Unedged manicure at home (see photo), unlike a regular manicure, does not require special skills and takes a minimum of time.

In addition to the advantages, like any procedure, European manicure also has minuses:

  • it is better not to use it for women with rough skin, as completely removing the cuticle will be problematic;
  • in the first few weeks, due to the fact that the skin is accustomed to frequent trimming, the hands will look sloppy, so it is better to switch to an untrimmed manicure during vacation or holidays;
  • cuticle removers may cause irritation;
  • at first you will have to trim the hangnails in the corners of the nails;
  • This technique is absolutely not suitable for extended nails.

Advice! To make your manicure last as long as possible, treat your nails with a protective base before applying the polish, and after it dries, with a glossy finish.

How to choose a cuticle remover?

Such products (removers) are available in the form of pencils, liquids or gels. They may contain alkaline potassium or sodium hydroxide, with the help of which dead cuticle skin is quickly destroyed. More gentle are products made from plants with alpha-hydroxy acids. They do not destroy the skin, but only remove the glue-like substances that hold it in place. According to reviews, it is better to do an unedged manicure at home with high-quality products such as El Corazon and Shillac.

After treatment, the keratinized skin around the nail is removed very easily and painlessly with a special wooden stick. In addition, the substance contained in them prevents cracks from forming on the skin, so over time you will no longer suffer and cut off hangnails. Since such products are potent and can affect the condition of the skin, they should be applied no more than once a week.

Important! Alkaline potassium and sodium hydroxides can cause dry skin, so you should not keep such compounds on the skin for a long time. Be sure to wash your hands thoroughly under running water after handling.

What tools and supplies will be needed?

Believe me, the technique of performing an unedged manicure at home is simple even for beginners. We will need a minimum of tools:

  • regular hand cream;
  • nail scissors;
  • scissors with rounded ends;
  • nourishing oil to give skin elasticity;
  • pusher (metal tool with blades at the ends) or orange
  • cuticle stick;
  • cuticle remover;
  • a file with a coarser abrasive;
  • a special soft file with fine abrasive or a buff for polishing nails;
  • bio wax for polishing.

Advice! If you don’t have a complete manicure set on hand, you can start by using a regular disposable set of sticks and files.

Orange stick for manicure

I would like to tell you separately about this wonderful instrument, invented in France. An outwardly unpretentious, modest stick made of orange wood is an ideal tool for processing cuticles. After all, wood of this type is very dense, but does not delaminate at all, so it does not injure even sensitive skin.

Outwardly, such a tool resembles a thickened toothpick and is also pointed, however, only at one end. It's inexpensive, so we definitely recommend taking it into account. After all, some procedures without it, especially unedged manicure, are difficult to imagine. Another important advantage of such a stick is the presence of antiseptic substances contained in its wood.

Advice!For the most sensitive skin, you can purchase orange sticks with rubber tips.

Using this tool you can:

  • moving the cuticle: it is the main tool for processing nails without trimming;
  • removal of softened cuticle treated with a special gel or cream;
  • cleansing the inner surface of the nails;
  • sticker of tips (plastic parts that imitate nails) during extensions;
  • laying out acrylic material and biogel;
  • removal of extended nails;
  • decoration: artistic painting or application of small details, appliqués, sparkles and rhinestones.

Advice! After the procedure, it is better to immediately discard the orange sticks and not reuse them. After all, soft wood quickly absorbs dirt and remaining fatty deposits..

Execution steps

Let us describe in detail and step by step how to perform an unedged manicure at home:

  • Before the procedure, the old varnish must be removed.
  • Cream or gel is distributed at the cuticle locations. A drop is enough for one nail.
  • Now gently rub the product with an orange stick. It is more convenient to use the widest one (they are numbered by thickness).
  • The time it needs to remain on the nails is always indicated on the packaging. As a rule, it is no more than 5 minutes.
  • The gel or varnish is washed off with running water.
  • Any nourishing oil is applied to the cuticle.
  • With gentle movements of the orange stick, the cuticle moves to the very edge of the nail.
  • The skin around the nails is cut or filed with a diamond file.
  • All that remains is to file your nails and then polish them.

Advice! Do not apply nail polish immediately after treatment. First, lubricate them with any nourishing cream or essential oil and leave for a while. Let your nails be supported by useful substances.

Polishing nails with buff or wax

Nails treated with a file with a soft abrasive, buff or wax look healthier and more well-groomed. They even become smooth to the touch. A similar procedure helps to even out nails that have grooves and irregularities.

You will no longer need a means to level them before applying varnish.

The varnish also adheres remarkably well to the nails after this procedure:

  • Naturally, the varnish must be removed before polishing.
  • Externally, the buff looks like a small block, each side of which is covered with abrasive - from medium to very fine (micro). As a rule, the sides are numbered for convenience.

  • You can also polish your nails with a special nail file. Since it is much softer than usual and is very often made on paper, it should not be wetted.
    The movements of the tool should be directed only in one direction from the center of the nail plate to its sides. You shouldn't work in different directions, otherwise the nail will become frayed.
  • After polishing, the nails are treated with bio-wax containing silicone and paraffin, as well as nutrients. A small amount of the composition is applied to each nail and gently rubbed in with small movements of a file or buffer.
  • Since biowax fills even the smallest cracks, nails look just perfect after treatment.

Advice! Regular polishing of nails helps stimulate blood circulation, improves their condition and accelerates growth. However, you should not abuse this procedure and remove too much of the nail layer, otherwise you will get the exact opposite effect.

How often should you get an unedged manicure?

Skin regeneration occurs differently in each person. It depends on the general condition of the body. However, in any case, an unedged manicure needs to be done less often than a regular manicure - about once every 2 weeks. For delicate skin, treatment once a month will be sufficient. So just watch your hands. They themselves will tell you that it’s time to repeat the procedure.

Advice! To prevent your skin from becoming stained after removing bright nail polish, apply any cream, preferably a rich cream, to your hands before the procedure.

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