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How to hint to a guy that I like him - tips for girls on how to take the first step correctly. How to let a young man know that you like him

Many modern girls are often haunted by the example of Tatyana Larina; if they like a young man, they try not to wait until they are noticed, but to take matters into their own hands. However, many people often wonder “how to hint to a guy that you like him”, not knowing where to start. We offer you an approximate action plan in this situation:

How to show a guy that I like him. Reconnaissance in force.

Your task at this stage is to find out how attractive you are to your chosen one. At least you will have a clear understanding of reality. If you are not indifferent to him, then you can safely continue to act further, if not, it doesn’t matter, everything can still change.

How to correctly find out his real attitude towards you:

  • Conduct a survey of your acquaintances, preferably close friends;
  • When communicating with him, try to maintain eye contact with him - if he does not look away, then you have a chance;
  • If a guy tries to please you and is looking for reasons to stay with you longer, this is also a very good sign that he cares.

How can I hint to a guy that I like him? Option for active girls.

If you have the courage, then tell him how you feel directly. Just choose the right moment when he is in a good mood and without outside witnesses. At the same time, you should look confident. If you don't dare tell him directly, you can invite him to go somewhere with you in such a way that he understands that this will be more of a date than a regular meeting. If he refuses, then you don’t have to force things further, but if he agrees, then everything is fine.

How can I hint to a guy that I like him if you don’t dare tell him directly?

If you are not used to acting directly and prefer indirect methods, then write him a romantic note confessing “I like you.” It would be great if it was dedicated to Valentine's Day or presented in a romantic setting. You don’t have to sign, but give it to him, pretending that you were asked to become a mediator. If you see that the note interests him, you can let him know that you are the author.

Some more tips to help you answer the question “how to hint to a guy that I like him”:

  • Remain yourself, don’t try to please a guy by putting on someone else’s guise. If he really likes you, then only for who you are, and sooner or later the falsehood will come out. Although, if for the sake of your feelings you want to make positive changes in your life (play sports, quit smoking or start studying better), then that will be just fine;
  • If the guy doesn't reciprocate your feelings, try to turn the conversation into a joke. Don't cry, don't put pressure on him, and don't get too upset. It is possible that your prince is waiting for you ahead, and you may well become friends with this person;
  • Think about what his reaction might be and decide in advance what approximately you will respond and how you can gracefully retreat in case of failure;
  • Do not use SMS, messages on social networks or by mail - in such matters you need to be brave;
  • Try not to flirt with other guys when you are around him;
  • If you have common friends and interests, then you should do your best to show him this.

How to hint to a guy that I like him. Your possible mistakes:

  • Don't be cheeky when talking to him;
  • Do not show ardent love, a hint is enough;
  • If your friends do not approve of your choice, perhaps you should listen to their opinion;
  • For the sake of starting a relationship, you shouldn’t ask for help in a basic matter. It is best to ask him to help you figure out something where you are a complete layman and he, on the contrary, is an expert;
  • You should not use friends as intermediaries;

In any case, listen to your inner feminine intuition, which will always tell you what is right and good for you.

“The one who walks will master the road” is a phrase that is fair in relation to interpersonal communication of opposite sexes. A young man who is attractive to a girl but does not reciprocate his feelings is either shy or indifferent.

Today there are several methods of interpersonal communication available:

  • Messages in chats, special mobile applications (Skype, Viber);
  • Using phones, SMS messages;
  • Social media;
  • Through personal contact.

Hints to a guy in a message,

In the absence of an acquaintance, it is important to “catch” the young man’s attention in the first message. Start a conversation by asking the other person’s opinion on something: “Hello! I've always wondered, do women or men lie more? Happened? Develop the topic further.

When talking with a young man you know, adhere to the following rules:

  1. Try to keep it a mystery. The conversation should be structured in such a way that the guy remotely understands about sympathy.
  2. Avoid intimate, too personal topics (sex, income, parents).
  3. Don't embellish your strengths. They don't like braggarts.
  4. Excessive pessimism and whining are bad qualities for an interlocutor.
  5. Intrusiveness in correspondence (“Are you silent?”) is more likely to alienate the young man. A funny story, a link to an interesting video will help start a conversation.
  6. Be interested in the guy’s hobbies, look for commonality among your hobbies, then the conversation will be exciting for both.
  7. Use your intuition. If the guy is silent now, there is a possibility that there are good reasons.
  8. Literacy is valued at all times. Watch out for misspelled words.

How to hint to a guy that I like him VKontakte

Social networks are a popular tool for communication. The recommendations described above apply to communication on VKontakte.

Remember, the chosen one can be at the computer with a friend or brother. Too obvious a hint of sympathy can confuse a young man. An interesting, neutral message is the best way to start a conversation.

Use the popular VKontakte tool - gifts. Successfully comment on the photos on the page of your chosen one, making a compliment that favorably emphasizes their advantages.

For some girls, the “mysterious stranger” tactic is suitable. By writing to your chosen one from a third-party account, unobtrusively and interestingly draw him into the conversation. The task is to systematically intrigue the young man, causing a desire to get to know each other and set up a date. This tactic works well with guys with a romantic streak. Remember, hints are often incomprehensible to men. It is better to act straightforwardly.

How to hint to a guy in a message

The undoubted advantage of SMS correspondence is a great guarantee of the absence of prying eyes. Hint subtly. A banal SMS “Hello. How are things?" will make your interlocutor think about why you are interested in him. Once you receive a simple, one-word answer, “Okay,” continue the conversation. Don't despair if there is no answer. Perhaps the phone's balance has run out, the battery has died, or the young man is simply busy.

Brave girls should try writing an SMS with a clear hint and a little understatement: “For some reason, you’ve been on my mind all day…”.

Different ways to let a guy know that a girl likes him

Interest is expressed in many ways:

  • Be an attentive interlocutor, learn to listen to the guy without interrupting.
  • Give your chosen one a sincere smile more often.
  • Be moderately interested in the young man’s personal life (hobbies, favorite foods, pets). Try to talk about yourself so that the conversation is two-way.
  • Laugh at your chosen one’s jokes, learn to “flirt” with them.
  • At the first stages of communication, try to agree with the guy, otherwise he may perceive your dissatisfaction negatively.
  • Maintain a competitive spirit. Find out your loved one’s favorite sport and watch competitions together.
  • Give and accept gifts. Let them be small, but they are made from a pure heart.

How to show your sympathy to a guy at school

School is a place where communication occurs through personal contact. It is necessary to make the most of your free time. During breaks, try to be close to the young man.

Offer your help with the test. When communicating, be spontaneous, smiling, sweet. Accidentally touch your boyfriend lightly with your hair or bag. Catch their eye, smile, invite them to a cafe after class, just to chat. Don't refuse a guy's offer to take you home. When talking, be cheerful and sincere.

Experts have identified several signs that indicate a man’s sympathy for a woman:

Language of the body

Frequent tilts (turns) of the body towards the girl indicate the boy’s interest.


A shy man quickly turns his eyes away from a pretty woman. Self-confident - tries to catch the eye, holding it for a while.


In a company, when talking about other young men, men try to prove their superiority in order to present themselves favorably in the eyes of the girl they like.


Light, unobtrusive touches clearly signal sympathy.

Behavior with other girls

Some men flirt with girls in order to make the one they like jealous. The chosen one constantly monitors the reaction. If you leave the room, the cessation of flirting will be proof of this.

Friends of the chosen one

Approaching a group of friends, you can notice that they begin to make fun of the girl their friend likes. Or be directly interested in her sympathy for him.


Frequently making fun of a girl indicates sympathy for her. Only on the condition that the young man does not behave this way with others.

Confessing your feelings is a difficult decision for many girls. Initiative often saves promising relationships in practice. Be sincere. The chosen one will definitely reciprocate.

Take action -

He is yours -

Love shows -

You like a guy, but he doesn't take the initiative. What to do in this case? The best option is to hint to him that you are not against a more serious relationship. This needs to be done in such a way that he understands your attitude, but at the same time, not too intrusively, so as not to scare him away. We will tell you how to do this correctly in our article.

How to correctly hint to a guy that you like him? In order not to get into trouble, it is first better to find out how he himself treats you. One of the surest ways is to invite him for a walk. If he feels sympathy for you, he will happily accept the offer. You can also ask your friend to find out how he treats you from his friends. Or meet his relatives - sister, brother or even mother. If he listens to their opinion, he will definitely pay attention to you.

Here are some more useful tips that will help you find out his attitude towards you:

A few important rules when communicating with men

  • No friendship! If you want a relationship with the guy you like, never become his girlfriend. Try to minimize conversations about other girls, do not give advice in love affairs.
  • Touching. When a guy is telling something or joking, you can touch his shoulder or arm. You can also touch his hand goodbye. This will clearly let him know that you are interested in him.
  • Move closer to him easily and naturally. Best during conversation. This will make it clear that you are interested in listening and want to become closer to this person.
  • Play with your hair. You can easily twirl the ends of your hair around your fingers. It's also very sexy to throw your hair over your shoulders, especially if you have long hair.

How to behave correctly so that he understands that you like him

In order to interest a man, look for common interests. If a guy is interested in something, try to share his passion. For example, if he plays the guitar, you can ask him to teach you to play too. If he is fond of reading, ask him to read a book that he supposedly had been looking for for a long time and could not find anywhere. And so on, there are very, very many options.

Always be open to communication. Talk about yourself, your interests, hobbies, and also be interested in his life. This way he will understand that you want to get to know him better.

A man will be pleased if you laugh at his jokes. But unnatural laughter is always noticeable, so don’t force your giggles out, laugh sincerely and from the heart.

Praise the guy you like. Compliments, especially sincere ones, are always pleasant and evoke positive emotions. We talked about this in a separate article.

Helpful advice: Never bring up the topic of a former failed relationship.

Try to always be in a good mood. Men love cheerful and cheerful girls. A smile is pleasant for everyone; it encourages openness and communication. The guy should be as comfortable as possible in your company.

How to hint to a guy that you like him in correspondence

This option will be ideal for shy girls. But it also has disadvantages. The main ones are that we do not see the interlocutor, there is no eye contact.

So, start the conversation with some unrelated topic. You can ask about his plans for the weekend or even for the summer. The main thing is that the question requires a detailed answer. Well, then we act according to the situation. You can unobtrusively hint about your sympathy. If he has no plans for the evening, invite him to join you.

Here's another useful video on how to interest a pen pal:

If a guy doesn't take hints

If the guy does not understand the hints, and all the above methods did not help, you can use a woman’s cunning. In a group, let one of your friends “accidentally” let it slip that you like this guy. Even if something goes wrong and your relationship doesn’t work out, you can always say that these are just your friend’s fantasies and nothing more.

Do you want to know all the secrets of seducing men? We recommend watching free video course Alexey Chernozem "12 laws of seduction for women." You will receive a step-by-step 12-step plan on how to drive any man crazy and keep his affection for many years.

The video course is free. To watch, go to this page, leave your e-mail and you will receive an email with a link to the video.

If you see a guy's sympathy for you, but he is very shy, you can take the initiative into your own hands. Tell him directly that you like him and you are looking for something more than friendship. This method significantly speeds up the development of relationships, but at the same time kills romance. Sometimes it’s better to wait until the relationship develops as usual.

In the event that the hints do not work on your chosen one, you can take the initiative into your own hands and.

In this article we have collected the most useful tips.

And most importantly, don’t get hysterical or panic if the guy doesn’t react the way you expected. Nothing wrong with that. At least you have done everything that depends on you, and you will not languish in anticipation and uncertainty. Moreover, you can always turn a confession into a joke.





The question that worries all girls: how to open your feelings and confess your love to a boy? You are in love and want to know that he cares about you too. If you dare to confess, it is safer to do a little reconnaissance first.

Only then should you decide to be frank.

There are many shy people like you. And therefore, they also have their own recipes for happiness. Here is one of them:

  • make it a rule to smile at yourself in front of the mirror, remember how you smiled, and then at school smile the same way... no, no, not to the one you like (you and I understand that this is not easy), but to completely different five boys. To begin with, 5 such smiles a day will be enough for you, but you need to do this all week;
  • Have you learned to smile and can you easily cope with it? Now you need to ask each of them 1 question. You will have to prepare your questions in advance. Let them be the simplest: “Did you learn what we were asked?” and “How are you?” You do this all week;
  • it's time to repeat it all for Him: the smile and the question. Stock up on questions for the whole week, and ask Him different questions every day;
  • Now you can tell Him what you have long wanted. So, you have to do the following: Smile. Question. And only now: “I’ve been wanting to tell you for a long time that I think you’re wonderful!”

A few little tips for a 10 year old girl

If you like your deskmate (did we guess it right?), then you can consider yourself lucky because you have a wonderful opportunity to get to know him better.

  • Does he have a sweet tooth? Then treat him to something tasty. Now we can admit: “I like to share with you.”
  • Is he an excellent student? Why not tell him: “I’m very, very interested in you!”
  • He is a sportsman? Then the words of recognition could be: “You are so strong and dexterous, how great it is that we are sitting together! It’s like you’re protecting me!”

How to do this at 11 years old

If you understand that he is a good and kind guy, and you are not afraid that he will laugh at your frankness, there are several ways to confess your love to a boy at the age of 11:

  • simply tell him: “Let’s be friends with you”;
  • ask him: “I want to be your friend. Are you mine?”;
  • ask for a little help: “Can you teach me? I want you to teach me."

Wait until you go on some kind of trip, for example, to visit grandma or on vacation, it doesn’t matter. When you return and meet him, you can confess to him: “I remembered about you there.”

Simple truths for a 12-year-old girl in love

Even if you are very brave, you still shouldn’t rush into revelations. You have already decided on your feeling, but He may not yet. So don’t rush to rehearse the words “I like you.” It’s better not to say, but to show Him your sympathy. Pay attention to his interests. Talk to him about his hobbies and share your opinion about the game he plays or the football team he supports.

You can find out information from adults or from the Internet. He will most likely be pleasantly surprised. Ask him a few questions, let him show you his knowledge. And at the end of your conversation you can admit: “Actually, to be honest, I don’t understand this at all. I just really like talking to you».

Hidden love confessions at the age of 13

Of course, you are already quite mature and independent, but it is all the more difficult to say about your feelings by choosing the right moment for this. Your best bet, of course, is Valentine's Day.

There are many words and phrases that will tell or hint to him that you like him. In general, hints are a wonderful thing! Choose what you like about him and talk about it. Just let it not be words about his beautiful hairstyle or fashionable jeans, but your assessment of his actions:

  • I like how quickly you work on the computer;
  • I love watching you play basketball;
  • It’s impossible to tear myself away from your stories about the sea.

If you are already 14 years old

If you really decide to confess, first understand what you would like to happen to you next. If you want to be friends with him, then you need to find some words. And if you just want to have fun with him at the disco, then choose others. You see him as your pen pal - look for the next option for explanation.

You have a close friend, and he has a good friend. Agree with a friend and invite them to go somewhere the four of them: to the cinema, to a school disco or for a walk. Ask your friend in advance to start a conversation with his friend, and you could be alone.

First ask him: “Do you want me to confess something to you?” You will definitely understand whether you need to continue or whether it is better to move your conversation to another topic. If you see that he is ready to listen to you, now you can tell him: “I asked that we go together. I really wanted to be with you.”

You see that he is listening carefully, then you can continue: “I think about you very often.” Or, after breathing in more air, admit: “I’ve liked you for a long time.”

What to say to a guy who is in love with someone else

Have you found out that he likes someone else, but you don’t lose hope and want to dot all the i’s? Then use sentences with the “if” construction:

  • How wonderful it would be if we met today at a disco;
  • If we were friends, we could go to my friends.

Love is a wonderful feeling that does not need to be hidden at all. There is nothing shameful or indecent about it. Often, girls, for many reasons, are afraid to confess their love to a boy and do not know how to do it. After all, since ancient times it has been generally accepted that it is the young man who must take the first step towards starting a relationship. Of course, this may be correct. However, many modern girls are much more confident in themselves than guys.

By the way, I believe that now it is girls who deserve the title “stronger sex”. They boldly participate in male sports, take on male responsibilities at home (hammering a nail is no problem!), later occupy leadership positions at work and protect children from hooligans on the street. So why not be the first to say about your feeling, especially about such a wonderful one?

  • If you’re not at all ready to confess your love to a boy like this, right off the bat, then try write a note the object of your affection. Tell it about how you feel and ask how HE looks at it? It’s possible, of course, that the boy has no idea about your feelings, but what if it’s the other way around...?

The best way- pass the note secretly. You can, through a trusted person or with the help of a second note, inform about where the treasured message will be located. For example, at school you can leave the classroom during a lesson and put a letter on the windowsill next to the office where your lover is studying.

Just calculate the time correctly so as not to run into him nose to nose at the “crime scene.” After this adventure, you will be able to understand from the boy’s behavior whether he guessed who the note was from and WHAT he thinks about it.

I remember one story that happened before my eyes. My classmate fell in love, but could not confess her love to a boy from a parallel class. She was a very good girl and she had many friends. All the girls tried to help her with advice and support. We decided to write the guy a note. They wrote collectively, with all the female members of the class. It turned out to be a tender and romantic essay; probably, each of us put in the words that we would like to say to our beloved guy.

During recess, a “spy” was sent into his class, she scouted out the situation and placed a note under the textbooks. And they also warned a girl from his class to watch him more closely. We were looking forward to the end of the lesson, everyone wanted to know the boy’s reaction.

According to the stories of his classmate, when he saw the note and read it, he first began to look at the girls who were sitting at the desks next door. But seeing that none of them was paying attention - everyone was writing the teacher’s next assignment - he re-read the note several more times. It was clear that he was intrigued, to say the least.

Then there was a day off, that is, the guy had to guess for another day. And on Monday, my classmate made an appointment with him after school.

We all waited with bated breath to see how this date would end. When she returned, she said that the guy was not only surprised, but also delighted that the note was from her. After all, he liked her too, but the boy himself was very shy to take the first step. Eh, there is still happiness in life and the ability to feel a person from a distance!

Try the same maneuver. Perhaps you will receive a reply note soon...

  • If you are ready to say EVERYTHING directly, then you can invite him for a walk after class. Come up with it and create some romantic atmosphere, choose the right place and go for it! Maybe this particular place will become YOURS in the future. Start a conversation on an abstract topic, then gradually lead to the desired. If the boy is not a fool, he will understand what you are driving at, and, like a true gentleman, will take upon himself the first recognition.

This is, of course, in the case if he likes you too. You will understand this by talking to him alone. If there are no prerequisites for thinking about his sympathy, then there is no point in starting the planned conversation. Everything will be clear to you. And the fact that you invited him for a walk, hmm, argue that you need some kind of help or male advice.

  • Via SMS You can also say the cherished three words. Write to him about your feelings. If he is interested in you, he will reciprocate. But this option is also possible: the boy will just come up and laugh in your face. Do not panic! There is a way out of this situation. You can easily say that you have the wrong number and the confession was intended for someone else entirely.

You can simply send a cute picture with a hint. If your feeling is mutual, then he will send you an answer. If not, then you can also easily write that you have the wrong number and apologize. Nothing wrong with that. It happens to everyone.

There is a good and easiest way to check his feelings. For example, in a conversation, “accidentally” drop the phrase: “I love you” or “I like you,” and look at his reaction. If you realize that the boy is indifferent to you, then turn everything into a joke. Say that you want to confess your love to one person in the near future, but you don’t know how best to do it, so you decided to rehearse. Believe me, guys are not far-sighted, and he will not guess about the deception. The only condition is that your appearance should not say otherwise. If you suddenly blush or look at him at this moment with loving eyes, you will give yourself away. In this case, this trick will not work. He will figure you out and you will find yourself in an awkward position.

So calculate all possible scenarios in advance so as not to end up in the fool.

The most beautiful declaration of love from a guy

How to confess your love to a boy if you are shy?

Constriction- This no reason give up possible happiness. Imagine, what if you both like each other, but don’t dare admit it? That would be a shame. Think about how much time you could miss instead of being together. So doubts away! All in your hands.

  • If it’s difficult for you to confess your love to a boy and say exactly these three words “I love you,” then you can, in a conversation, as if by the way, read a poem to the boy and say that you wrote it. Look at his reaction. If he just laughs and says that this is all nonsense, then he is a complete ass and doesn’t even know about your sympathy. Perhaps he is simply indifferent to you, and therefore will not understand the hint.

But if your feelings are mutual, he will definitely praise the poems. Here you can give him a hint, like, what if these poems were intended for him? This way, you can simply tactfully push him to make the long-awaited confession, without knowing it, himself.

  • If you have a faithful friend, then you should take advantage of her help. For example, convey your feelings through her and wait for an answer. Perhaps he himself has been in love with you for a long time, but he also does not know how to take the first step. If you hear from a friend that a boy doesn’t like you, then act out a scene with her as if you had a fight. Let these rumors reach him. If he asks you anything, then roll up your innocent eyes and make an excuse by saying that your “ex-girlfriend” simply impudently slandered you.

This way you will not only find out the truth about the boy’s feelings, but also get out of a possible sticky situation with dignity.

  • Think, maybe he also has a good friend who sincerely wishes him happiness. Make it so that his friend and your girlfriend became friends. Soon you will definitely find out all the secrets of your lover. Men are much more talkative than women. And if he likes you... After that, agree with your friend so that she and his friend, in turn, agree on how to set you up.

Turn the situation around in such a way that it’s them, the “assholes,” who conspired behind your back. This is a great occasion talk to the boy you like and “scold” your enterprising friends with him. I think everything will end in your favor.

How to confess your love to a boy if you are not sure that he loves you?

Even if all the signs, as they say, are present, you cannot be 100% sure of the feelings of the other person. After all, someone else's soul is dark. You can show one thing, but feel something completely different. After all, often, I’m sure, you pretended to be indifferent and proudly walked past the object of your sympathy, while in your heart you furiously wanted to rush into his arms.

Therefore, without admitting your feelings, you will never know the truth about his emotions.

  1. In order to confess your love to a boy, there are now many ways. It's possible to do this via phone call or SMS, write an anonymous note or message on the Internet.
  2. If you are not sure of his sympathy, then it would be best start a correspondence on the Internet. ICQ or Skype will do. The main thing is that he does not know who is writing to him. Gradually, in a conversation, you can find out his attitude towards you by casually asking if he likes someone. Also, you can just get a boy into yourself simply by correspondence.
  3. Make it so that your communication was interesting, but don't give yourself away. When you realize that he is ready for a meeting (perhaps he will offer it to you), then feign surprise, saying that you had no idea that you study at the same school. In fact, it is very easy to deceive a guy, since they have no intuition at all, and, unlike girls, they believe what they are told. Therefore, “noodles on the ears” is precisely the lot of the stronger sex, and not ours, the female one, as men naively assume.

Believe me, no matter how scary it is, it’s worth overcoming yourself and confessing your feelings to the object of your sympathy. After all, uncertainty is the worst thing. Even if it turns out that he is indifferent to you, then there will be no reason to hope for anything. Imagine, what if this is so? Then why fantasize in vain and poison your soul with unrealizable dreams.

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