Sport. Health. Nutrition. Gym. For style

How to dress to always look appropriate. Tips from stylists: how to choose and buy clothes correctly; What is better to wear?

Good appearance does not guarantee you success with women. However, a good first impression when meeting someone can work wonders. We will tell you how to dress correctly to please girls and attract their attention.

If you want a woman to like you, take care of yourself

Good appearance is not only a wardrobe, but also constant work on yourself. Here are a few things you should definitely pay attention to.

Posture and physique

Figure and posture are the first thing that catches your eye when you meet someone. Women like athletic men with a straight back and broad chest. If your figure is far from ideal, it’s time to think about buying a membership to the nearest fitness club, where you can pump up your back muscles, lose excess weight and get in shape.

You should also consider taking up exercise. If you have problems with the muscles of your back and chest, then swimming is perfect. In addition, all types of martial arts are good, as they increase testosterone levels and self-confidence.


A beautiful smile is incompatible with bad teeth, so it is necessary not only to regularly brush your teeth 2 times a day, but also to see a dentist every six months for a preventive examination and cleaning.


Don't forget to wash your hair every day in the morning and go to the hairdresser more often.

As for hairstyles, there are no restrictions - you can choose what you like most. You just need to avoid overly pretentious and complex styling and give preference to simpler and more natural ones.

Don't forget about cleanliness and tidiness

A good appearance also means cleanliness and neatness. Here are a few recommendations that must be followed:

  • Sloppiness. It doesn't matter what store you buy clothes from. The main thing is that the clothes are clean, and shirts and T-shirts. Girls don't like sluts.
  • Shoes. I also pay close attention to a woman’s shoes, so I need to make sure they are clean.
  • Size. You need to learn how to choose the right clothing size. Clothes that are tight or baggy will instantly ruin the first impression of the meeting.

Choosing clothes for meeting and dating a girl

There is no single style that will appeal to all girls without exception. Everyone has their own preferences. One will pay attention to a man in a strict business suit, the other to a guy in sneakers and jeans.

Here are a few things that are a must-have in a men's wardrobe:


Shirts always look advantageous compared to T-shirts. You should give preference to fitted shirts in calm, pastel colors with patterns and prints.

Don't forget that different shirts are worn differently: some are tucked into trousers, some can be worn for graduation. You can read more about this in our article:.


Can be worn over shirts, T-shirts and polos in the cold season. Perfectly emphasizes all the advantages of a male figure.


This is a fitted jacket with a sporty cut that can be worn over shirts or T-shirts with jeans or trousers.


For the cold season, you need to purchase a coat in black, gray or brown.



Fashionable men's shoes without laces and fasteners, which are ideal for casual style.

There are many types of men's shoes. .


The only mandatory accessory is a belt. It is better to choose a belt made of real leather in black or brown to match the color of the shoes without a massive buckle.

It is highly advisable to purchase a watch. If finances allow, it is better to purchase a watch from a well-known brand. If they don’t allow it, then it’s better to abandon them altogether or look for a high-quality inexpensive replica.

For the warmer months, you can buy yourself sunglasses. How correct.

It is better not to put various small things: phone, keys, wallet in your pockets but rather collect them in a leather or knitted bag.

Another accessory that will come in handy is a tie. Narrow and knitted models look very fashionable.

Here are some more useful tips for choosing clothes:

What you should never wear under any circumstances

Here are a few things you shouldn't wear if you want a girl to like you:

  • T-shirts with funny slogans. These T-shirts are good for boys. But they don’t suit a real man. The same applies to T-shirts with different brands. You are a person, not a walking billboard.
  • Hawaiian shirts. Those loose shirts in very bright colors are a thing of the past. The same applies to any other clothing in bright, acidic and flashy colors.
  • Sandals with socks. Classic mistake. Sandals, like any other shoes with holes, should be worn on bare feet.
  • Mesh T-shirts. They cause an extremely negative reaction in women. Especially if you cannot boast of an excellent physique.
  • Duck cap. In our country, these caps are already strongly associated with gopniks and taxi drivers. They should be avoided.

And finally, the opinion of the girls themselves about that male appearance:

As you can see, the ability to take care of yourself and choose the right clothes really plays a big role for women.

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In order to please a woman, you should carefully take care of yourself and wisely select things for your wardrobe, adhering to a single style.

Good afternoon, we continue our series of articles on the topic “how to dress for plus-size women and girls.” In this article I have collected 10 main style rules for plus size people, following which, you will be able to “pack” your curvy shape in the most beautiful and fashionable way. You will stop being ashamed of your weight, stop avoiding white things (which supposedly make you look fat), find your own style, learn to choose the right clothes that BEAUTIFY YOU in stores and dress fashionably and stylishly. On our website There are already articles on the topic “Plus size fashion”- where you will find tips on choosing recommendations for, a photo selection of the most . Also on our website you can find tips on choosing outerwear for plumpers- article.

The Internet offers very little free photo style advice for plus size women. And if there are sensible recommendations, then they are only in words without photo examples (but I want to see how it looks in real life). So I decided to create an article, where plus-size fashion is illustrated and grouped into 10 concise rules that are easy to remember and follow while shopping.

So let's start figuring it out, how to dress properly for plus size women, and what style of clothing a curvy lady should wear to show off the natural beauty of these curves.

Fashion for plus size people.

Rule No. 1

Choose colorful.

We are accustomed to the rule “black makes you thin” - but black people constantly “losing weight” is boring. Therefore, I am revealing another secret EVEN STRONGER THAN BLACK CLOTHING, colorful wardrobe items make you look slimmer. A colorful dress may have a small pattern black and white(ribbed, checkered, geometric detail) or have a small colored pattern.

The ripple effect does wonders for your body. Firstly, the pockmarked pattern allows hide the true silhouette of your body– your volumes are visually reduced, lost in diversity. And you turn into a fragile and graceful woman who has good taste and a sense of style.

Secondly, overweight women in colorful clothes body irregularities become invisible. Fat folds, an overly protruding tummy, heavy breasts - all this is lost in the pockmarked motleyness. Therefore, variegated colors are suitable not only for dresses with a loose and fluffy cut - but also allow plus-size women to dress in tight-fitting outfits. You can safely buy such outfits in large size clothing stores - there you will definitely find short, small, colorful dresses. Wear them and they will completely change your view of plus size style.

And be prepared for the fact that they will pay attention to you. Therefore, if you have remained a “fat gray mouse” for a long time, you may feel awkward for some time getting used to your new style. But don't hide in your old shell of clothes. Be patient. This will pass in a couple of weeks - and you will love the new you, you will begin to maintain your posture, your gait will become confident, and your gaze will be direct, clear and calm. You will enjoy dressing stylishly and at the same time feeling at ease, very much at ease.

Regardless of your body type, you you can wear little short dresses and you will LIKE YOURSELF IN THEM. Go to the store and look for colorful things there. Try it on in front of the mirror and see the wonderful fashionable silhouette that appears on your body. You simply become a beautiful woman - and your full curves become full of perfection.

The style of the dress can be anything - variegated colors brighten everything up, even out everything, and give you the happiness of being a beautiful woman in your native forms- right now, and not someday later, when you lose weight.

A woman becomes beautiful when she decides to become beautiful. And no kilograms can stop her from doing this.

Well-groomed beautiful woman in weight has an advantage over thin beauties. Because her beauty is more energetic. A plump woman has more life, more warmth. She never has that cold and boring, plastic beauty that is often found in thin girls.

You are more alive. More real. And more attractive.

So let's dress in fashionable motley, choosing the most stylish spotted, striped and pockmarked designs. Using this “the thinning effect of variegation” you can camouflage exactly that part of the body that you consider problematic. For example, hide wide hips.

A variegated design doesn’t only work for you when it’s black and white. Exactly the same volume-masking effect is achieved with colorfully variegated items.

Little colorful dresses are what you can now buy for the spring-summer season. Short, revealing legs - and the tummy will be hidden by the variegation. The main thing is to choose styles that are neat They sit on your body, do not squeeze, do not pinch, but have some freedom of fit. Beautiful clothes with small prints are your friend.

Likewise, you can buy colorful skirts. For women with full hips, they are the best option, turning her into a fragile beauty. Colorful skirts are an opportunity to play with feminine style for ladies with curvy hips. No need to pull your plump thighs into black pants. This will not make them smaller, and your beauty will not increase. Buy fluffy colorful skirts made from light, thin fabrics in online stores - and you will become a beauty, and your hips will move beautifully under the delicate fabric, and no one will guess about their volume.

Yes, and you will soon (having picked up compliments and interested male glances) forget about this invention of yours about supposedly “ugly” hips - you will see that they are beautiful in their size. That plus size is beautiful.

And if you like summer overalls made of thin silk fabrics - so fashionable this spring-summer season - then you should try on those that have a colorful print.

Plus size fashion has the same trends that dictate the catwalks of the fashion capitals of the world. Therefore, follow the latest fashion trends and try on all the stylish trends for yourself - this way you can find out that almost all models and all styles suit chubby women, you just need to find the one that suits you. which is tailored to your size.

A plump woman can dress in any trend, The main thing is to choose a style that suits your shape.


Make friends with stripes.

A stripe is the same motley and ripples, only lined up in rows. And therefore the strip creates the same motley effect hiding our volumes.

A colorful vertical stripe on a blouse can visually reduce overly voluminous shoulders, overly large breasts and even out the proportions of your body. Blouses with colorful stripes and small pockmarked patterns are fashionable for large breast sizes.

Plus-size women CAN and SHOULD dress in stripes.

This rule works not only with small stripes - but also large stripes on a skirt and sundress draw attention to themselves and all that remains is a well-groomed woman who wears trendy stylish things.

There is no need to be afraid of stripes - even if they are HORIZONTAL. You need to try on striped clothes - and look at your reflection in the mirror. If a beautiful and fashionable girl looks at you from the mirror, then this is your dress.

You need to go to the store like people go on a visit - to JUST TALK WITH CLOTHES... and not just buy.

After all, how does it work? We go to choose a dress when we already HAVE TO BUY IT ANYWHERE. And we buy what suits us more or less. Well, that's enough, I already intended, I'll take this.

AND YOU SHOULD come to the store MUCH EARLIER - A MONTH before the intended purchase. Not with the anxious goal of HAVING TIME TO CHOOSE AND BUY BEFORE THE EVENING... but with the goal of simply pampering, trying on yourself, playing at being your beloved. And at the same time, discover many new styles that you just (out of the blue) took and tried on... and (lo and behold) this style did the impossible with your shapes. You are simply beautiful!

A beauty who now knows how to dress plus-size women.

Main, You need to come shopping with a beautifully made-up face, good hair styling and a fresh look - then you won’t spoil your reflection in the mirror with an unwashed head and a tired look... and you can adequately appreciate the beauty of your new stylish dress.

A plump woman who loves her body knows how to dress. To love is to care for and cherish.

Horizontal stripes can be present as an element on a top or blazer. A striped clothing style will always work for you if all other things are also chosen stylishly and appropriately.

Checks (especially contrasting black and white) also work to disguise your shape. The right thing with a check pattern can make you look slimmer. You need to take everything and try it on - because you will never guess how beautiful you can look in this or that outfit. Fashion for plus size women is an exciting game that you play yourself, experimenting, trying out more and more new style chords.

How to dress for plus size girls.


Light MATTE fabrics are not fattening

The fact is that MATTE light fabric does not reflect light from you with glossy reflections, it DIFIES this light around you. And it turns out that Such a muted, non-glare surface of the fabric does not increase your dimensions, but on the contrary makes them smoother and more silhouetted. Your body, as it were, ALIGNS and is filled with a quiet glow - diffused airy light. And your forms seem ALIGNED... ELASTIC... SILHOUETTE - DIVINE.

Even white tight leggings can beautifully highlight the shape of full hips. You will look fresh and elegant. A fresh woman, from whom a glow and purity seem to emanate.

As you can see, there is a place for white clothes in plus-size fashion. even a tight fit. You just need to take the time to try it on and see what comes out of it if you add this blouse or this shirt.

White is a noble color. It cleanses and refreshes you. Put it on white wide leg trousers– and in them you will look like a marble Greek goddess. This style is worth searching carefully and persistently in online stores for large-size clothing. We found it once, bought it, and enjoyed our divinity for more than one season. You just have to take it and do it. For myself.

Wide Leg Chinos– this is a style that gives fashionable style to all overweight women. As you can see, even in white they drape your figure well and therefore you look like a well-dressed woman. A woman who knows the value of her appearance, who loves her body the way it is - is proud of it and enjoys life.

Plus size fashion is no different from size 42-46 fashion. Same colors, same styles, same trends - you just need to find your style of this trend and your size.

White color can and should be combined with other BLEACHED (pastel) colors in clothes. With soft pink, ash blue, smoky and other light shades, we create a gentle style for fuller figures.

Your white clothes does not have to be boiling white like snow. You can choose pearl shade of white, ivory, milky white. These softened shades suit any skin color type and expand the range of your interesting style experiments for plus-size people.

Constantly choose, dress, twirl in front of the mirror, try to combine the chosen item with other elements of the wardrobe - evaluate the result obtained and create your own rules on HOW TO DRESS FOR A PLUS WOMAN

The milky shade of white goes well with beige items in your wardrobe.

Pearl gray is a color that gives nobility to things. In the photo we see how good pearl gray chinos look on a curvy girl. The main thing is that the fabric should not shine - give glare. It should diffuse the light softly and crumbly. Be matte, without shimmer.

You see how beautiful a curvaceous body looks if you don’t try to squeeze it into tight trousers and a tight T-shirt - but dress correctly: choose loose chinos with pinches at the waist + put on a top (even short ones) over your uncompressed tummy. When the waist of the trousers is not compressed by the stomach, this is correct. And this - ONLY THIS - can be beautiful.

There are no fat women

- There are only tight clothes.

Let's continue about the matte light fabric... If you are holding a tight-fitting knitted dress in your hands - just such a non-glare, non-glossy, but subdued matte light fabric - then Pay attention also to the DENSITY of the material. Ideally, the fabric should be Dense (thick to the touch). Because only thick fabric will sit richly on your body. Do not wrinkle with small folds and wrinkles - but give beautiful, smooth surfaces where it flows freely along the body... and stretch tightly (squeeze your flesh in silhouette) where the style requires this compression.

And if the fabric is THIN, then only for dresses that do not fit you, but flow freely without particularly sticking to the body. Such fabrics can be silk, crepe de chine, chiffon, flowing knitwear without a shiny coating (that is, matte in texture so that the light diffuses).

The dress style in the photo below is easy to find in plus size clothing stores. Choose white, pearl gray and muted shades of natural colors.

I spoke in more detail about WHAT STYLES of dresses that adorn a curvaceous woman and showed photos in a special article

I repeat once again, dear plump women, - don't be afraid of bright things. Just touch the fabric and see how it plays with light. And if the light is not reflected from the fabric with glossy tints, but as if quietly dissipating on its surface with a muted, foggy glow– then be sure to try on such a thing. Your reflection in the mirror can be pleasantly transformed. And this light dress will become your favorite - because it will turn you into a woman shrouded in divine radiance.

A woman is a source of light and happiness. Dress in white to glow with happiness.


Don't be afraid of LIGHTWEIGHT FABRICS.

Transparent, flowing fabrics - delicate, thin, playing in the wind. They flow beautifully over the body of any shape - even the most magnificent. They have two advantages.

Firstly- they don't shine. They are always beautiful with their noble matte finish. And all matte, non-reflective fabrics are friends of overweight women. Secondly, This fabric does not adhere to the body, which means it does not emphasize folds and evens out our figure.

You should definitely have light blouses, shirts and tops in your wardrobe; look for them in boutiques, and if there are no smart stores in your small town, then a second-hand store will help you out. In Europe, plus-size women are the norm. There are a lot of them, and there are also a lot of beautiful and trendy clothes for plus-size people. And these clothes end up in second-hand stores in our country. There are especially a lot of crepe de Chine, silk, light thin blouses in thrift stores - they have an unworn look (because these fabrics do not deteriorate so quickly with time) - and in second-hand stores you can find many decent and beautifully sewn fashionable blouses in your large size. Overweight women can dress beautifully anywhere and for any money - the main thing is UNDERSTAND what you are looking for. And that’s why I created this article, to give you an understanding. Conscious choice of things that decorate.

A blouse-dress with a shirt cut can also most often be found in second-hand stores. But I never see them in regular stores. I do not know why. They don't deliver them for some reason. And they look very... very beautiful on women with full hips. A long cut shirt is for full hips. With a strap at the waist it looks beautiful and gentle. Sophisticated style for plus size women who know how to dress.

Even in the cold season, dresses made from thin summer fabrics can be combined with warm wardrobe items, boots, jackets, and thick tights. That is, a plump woman can dress in thin fabrics not only in hot weather, but also in the snowy season.

Thin cotton looks good. Interesting model tunics with a designer modern cut made of thin cotton can become part of an extraordinary look . Plus size fashion can be BOLD. And needless to say, this is provocative. It's simply STYLISH. Yes, this is UNSTANDARD... but everything is strictly within the limits of fashion trends - which means it is relevant and appropriate.

Read fashion articles, scroll through fashion looks - memorize (take a photo on your phone) trends and then you can always “SEE them in person” on the shelves of stores, boutiques, second-hand stores and try on such a tasty and desirable trend on your figure.

Remember, search, try on and wear it with pleasure.

As I already said, thin lightweight fabrics does not have to be worn only in hot summer time. Together with finely woven items, plus size women can create autumn sets. Wear chiffon blouses under jumpers, or wear a ruffled silk top under a blazer.

Chiffon looks beautiful on curvy ladies. I have already shown how you can just as safely buy chiffon dresses and tunics and mix them with rough fabrics of jeans or leather jackets. Non-standard but very trendy style for obese women - mixes of different fabric textures.

No need to dress in solid jersey (this is your aunt’s share, not yours). You are not an aunt - you are a goddess. You have simply been temporarily bewitched. But there is a spell that will fix everything - come up with this code phrase, it should be your INDIVIDUALLY CREATED one. And it tastes exactly right on your tongue. She may sound like.

I am a complete woman – full of perfection.


I'm plump and delicious.


I am a woman of flesh and blood, not their bones and skin.

Create your own phrase and say it every time you like your reflection in the mirror. Say it with pleasure.

Hair your hair beautifully, put on makeup and in the morning go play fashionable style for plus size- to the shops. Even without money. Just start playing... trying it on, smiling at your reflection in the mirror, saying this spell phrase. Even without buying anything, you will not go home empty-handed. And with a new acquired feeling of CONFIDENCE IN YOUR FULL BEAUTY.

And then from the salary - having this experience of fitting, experience of playing “ make-believe fashion shopping"– you can buy your first stylish item for your favorite full figure.

How to dress for a plus size woman.


Black SHOULD NOT be boring.

The most boring clothes for obese women are black trousers and dark blouses. If you are so accustomed to the black color that makes us thin and slim, then at least don’t let it be boring. Here are some tips on how to make your black outfit interesting.

The first tip is to play with the texture of the fabric. Combine black fabrics of different densities and materials - for example, black leather + black chiffon + black silk. The main thing is not to allow the shades of black in such a mix to be different (otherwise it will look untidy).

Tip two - create draperies. If you are a fan of fluffy tunics and hoodie dresses, then try wearing them with a belt that outlines the waist and gathers the tunic into interesting folds. It is best to drape a dense fabric (for example, thick knitwear) then the folds of your drapery will be more rounded with a clear shape.

Tip three - create a clear silhouette . Black people look thin when it emphasizes the curves of your body (and does not hang like a hoodie cloud). A black silhouette dress suits not only thin women, but also plump women. If you are looking for a knitted tight-fitting dress, then choose a dense material, so the dress will not only flow around your shape, but also tighten it - make it slim.

Tip five - create interesting sets . A black tunic can be boring with jeans or trousers. But with shorts, a hat and simple jewelry, it will become part of an elegant outfit (as in the photo below). For plus-size women, this is the most comfortable way to wear even the shortest shorts, and not worry about the shape of our hips. We ensure that the legs are as open as possible and all problem areas are hidden under a stylish and fashionable tunic that flutters so caringly in the wind.

Tip six - wear transparent black . Long sheer tunics made from lightweight fabrics can be worn over black tops (rather than over bras). This way our folds on the back will not be visible. And the silhouette will become smooth and neat. If you find long transparent tunics or shirt dresses made of thin chiffon on sale, be sure to buy at least one such item for your wardrobe. It is very interesting to mix it with trousers, long dresses, and shorts. And even with short slip dresses that you wouldn’t dare to wear on your own, but paired with such a covering tunic in the shortest dress you can flaunt without any embarrassment, knowing that everything is covered.

But the photo below shows how to dress a plump woman if you combine them in one item of clothing at once two fashion rules for black clothing on obese women – DRAPPING + SILHOUETTE. I have already told you how trousers with a CHINOS cut suit plus-size women. This cut, loose on the hips, is also used when modeling summer overalls.

Such a jumpsuit solves 2 PROBLEMS at once - firstly, it creates a clear and beautiful silhouette; secondly, it drapes the tummy and hips - the most problematic areas for a plus-size woman.

A skirt and trousers made of flowing fabric are also an element of clothing that can be sewn from black fabric. This style lengthens the legs and elongates the overall figure. This is a style that any plus size woman can wear.

Black sets of clothes can be decorated with a brooch or jewelry. You can mix different fabrics (thin knitwear of a two-layer skirt + coarse cashmere coat + thick tights + black shoes with a varnish shine.

As you can see, black style for plus size people is not always pants and sweaters. Dressing in black is also a fascinating art.

Advice seventh - add a bright accessory to black . If a plump woman dresses in an undiluted black set of clothes (even with an interesting cut and silhouette), then this style still looks a little sad. And here any bright additive– instantly injects energy into the image.

This could be a richly colored handbag (right photo below). Or a blazer with a bright print thrown over the shoulders (it is better that the print also follows the rules of clothing for plus size people - for example, it has a useful striped pattern, as in the photo below).

Wear your favorite black clothes - and then take different bright things out of the closet one by one and put them on one at a time. And the mirror will tell you that this short jacket, which you wear only with long skirts, suddenly unexpectedly fits into your fashionable black combi.

Fashion for plus size people means interesting combinations, expensive fabric, high-quality cut. No cheap knitwear.

Overweight women should not dress in thin knitwear - it gathers in small wrinkles and such clothes look sloppy.

You can’t dress curvy figures in stretch oil knitwear - because it shines, it treacherously emphasizes every unevenness on your body, bust straps, elastic bands from tights, fat rolls.

Expensive thick matte knitwear. And let this one such knitted item cost as much as 4 knitted blouses - but it will be an item that WORKS FOR YOUR BEAUTY.

Fashion RULE for plus size No. 6

Close the sides.

This wonderful style rule will do wonders for your figure. Any two-shelf item (one that has two hems, left and right) worn unbuttoned will immediately CUT off your silhouette, reducing it on the left and right sides.

This magical effect is well demonstrated in the photo below. Any plump woman can just as easily hide her wide hips and immediately turn into a slender woman.

Here are options for fashionable looks where this CUT SIDE rule applies. If you are used to going to work in a white shirt and black trousers, then you can complement this look with a long vest - wear it unbuttoned and become slimmer and more stylish (you can add jewelry to the look at the collar of a slightly unbuttoned shirt).

Not only a black blazer is slimming, any color of a blazer or cardigan that cuts you off from the sides instantly elongates your figure (see right photo with a gray trench coat).

Your summer jumpsuit (which I recommended a little higher) can also be complemented with a blazer with or without sleeves. And trim your body on both sides.

Be sure to look for such an item for sale - in a store, in online resources - and be sure to buy yourself such an item of clothing. You can combine it with almost any item in your wardrobe. This is an irreplaceable thing and a magic “lifesaver” for all women with plus-size figures.

Fashion for plus-size people consists of acquiring such “magic little things” that change the proportions of your body.

In the meantime, you are looking for a long sleeveless blazer. You can create the same effect of cutting the body on both sides with the help of jackets, jackets, jackets and cardigans.

Learn to dress from the examples of other plus-size women. That is why in this article I am not just giving advice - but I am giving a lot of photographs that PROVE and show how this advice WORKS IN LIFE and in fashion for obese women.

How to dress for plus size girls.

Fashion Rule No. 7

Emphasize your waist.

Curvy women have a waist when you emphasize it. Straps and belts serve this purpose. Many overweight women are embarrassed by their shape and believe that if the waist is not visible in the mirror, then it does not need to be girded. But in fact, the waist needs to be done - especially for curvy women. A strap or wide belt works wonders - namely, CREATES A SILHOUETTE.

Curvy shapes look good when there is a SILHOUETTE.

In the photo above we see a good example of a style for crumpets - a shirt dress. A strict collar, button placket and business cut always suit plus-size women. Elements of business style add rigor to your forms. And the strap at the waist defines a clear silhouette of these strict shapes.

In the photo below there are two more sets of clothes for plus size using a thin strap. In the left photo below we again see the “CRIM THE SIDE” rule; a blue knit long sleeveless shirt solves this problem perfectly. Be sure to find and buy yourself such a style (yesterday I found exactly this model in a second-hand store, white - I will wear it with dark and pastel dresses, also with a strap).

I love second-hand stores because no one bothers you to play the fashion game - in boutiques a sales consultant stands above you with a forced smile (and this is terribly disturbing) - and in a second-hand store you can hang around in a booth with a bunch of things for an hour and no one cares about you , even if this is already your fifth entry into a cubicle with a bunch of things. And you calmly try on many clothing mixes, try different style combinations - and independently come to the conclusion of what suits you and what doesn’t (without the “wise” advice of sellers).

Defining the waist is useful both in coats and in multi-layer combinations with knitted cardigans and stoles.

Here I can advise one rule “If you put on a set of clothes - and you don’t like your reflection in the mirror - ADD A STRAP and a SCARF - and it turns out that this is your best look.”

I tested this rule on myself several times. And since then, I always take with me 2 straps (narrow and wide) and some kind of scarf when shopping - so that in the fitting room I can immediately create complete looks (fitted and draped with a scarf at the neck).

How should plus size women dress?
The same as for thin people. With pleasure and self-love.

How to dress for plump women.

Rule #8

Fluffy skirts for curvy figures.

And the most fashionable length this season is midi (below the knee). Fashion dictates bright prints and flowers on midi skirts.

ONE COLOR models with wide bow folds look beautiful.

If you are embarrassed by the frivolous girlish pomp of this style, then you can choose a bell skirt WITH A SMALLER SPREAD OF FOLDS - more tapered, with a laconic trapezoid shape. This is almost a business style. You can safely wear this style of skirt for plus size people to work or a business meeting - and no one will say that you are a frivolous girl.

How to dress for plus size women.


FLOOR-LENGTH SKIRTS elongate your figure.

Long skirts and long dresses - perhaps you previously avoided these styles for fear of turning into a “woman in a skirt”. That is, you tried on a couple of unsuccessful floor-length styles - you didn’t like your aunt’s reflection in the mirror, and you decided that toe-length is not your style.

But in vain. We need to continue searching. Try on a variety of long things (sundresses, dresses, skirts) and one day find exactly YOUR long dress. Which will fit your full figure perfectly.

In the photo below we see a dress with a color and style that made it possible to elongate a PEAR-SHAPED figure (with a pronounced butt). The zigzag pattern disguised too wide hips and full legs. And as a result, a curvy woman looks slender and tall. And if you add here the rule of “Cut off sides” - with the help of a coat - then you generally end up with a skinny girl.

Long dress + bright print with interesting geometry + fresh colors (not dusty auntie, but modern) = beautiful stylish woman. You should also try dressing in this luxuriously long style.

In cool weather (autumn, spring), over a long dress for plus-size people, you can wear a jacket, blazer, cotton jacket, leather jacket, shirt, cardigan.

Fashion for crumpets.

RULE #10

Shoes are not a hindrance to style.

Plus size women have ONE STUPID EXCUSE (excuse for why they don't have feminine style): I don't wear dresses or skirts because I hate wearing shoes. The heel is not mine. I’m used to slippers, moccasins, boots - and that’s why I only wear pants and sweaters.”

That's all. Kick. At this moment, femininity dies in us. Goodbye male gaze. Goodbye compliments. The queen is dead - long live the aunt.

In the photo below, pay attention to the shoes. You can wear delicate dresses even with rough shoes if you add some elements of the same roughness to the dress (a thick cashmere blazer, large, rough-designed jewelry). And the favorite excuse of all fat women immediately disappears: I don’t wear dresses because my fat legs can’t fit into dress shoes.

You can be feminine without any dress shoes or Louboutins (although among the latter there are some that are comfortable even for those feet that do not tolerate the lifting of lasts).

Life is too short to ruin it with diets, greedy men and bad moods!

Faina Ranevskaya

You can wear boots with the most delicate dresses. Just get yourself several pairs of boots (different models and styles). Buy 2-3 new pairs every season. And in a couple of years you will have accumulated a decent collection of your favorite ones that are comfortable and suitable for dresses and skirts. A plump woman can dress beautifully with any style of shoe and any heel height.

Also very comfortable shoes (even with heels) - These are high lace up boots. You can even run in them. The main thing is to buy a good last and choose a size in which you can move your fingers in all directions. I'm size 38, but ankle boots I take a size larger 39th (so as not to wear it out, but to immediately enjoy the convenience).

Ankle stitching is a wonderful thing. A laced shoe fuses with the leg - it becomes its continuation. You feel this strong grip of the boot on your foot, and you are no longer afraid that your leg will go askew, twist, or anything else... The lacing holds the ankle joint tightly and the boots fit like a glove. You can even run in them, like in sneakers. And even the heel doesn’t feel like a FLAWLESS SUPPORT. The heel simply becomes part of your foot - an extension of the heel - comfortable and familiar. Like a second bone.

If you have not tried such models before, be sure to start trying them on (and be sure to take a size larger) - the lacing will secure it on your foot. It won't wobble or slam your heel. These are not shoes that you constantly need to keep your foot on so that they don’t fly off your heel. Lace-up ankle boots fit your feet THEMSELVES.

And sandals with high weave straps work according to the same rules of PHYSICS. They also kind of LACE your legs. Pull them into a tight grip. The shoes do not wobble on the foot. It fuses with the foot - and you don’t feel the heel. You just feel that you have become taller and stand firmer on the ground (it's strange, but it's true). A thick heel is not a stiletto heel. It gives a feeling of strong and secure support when the straps secure the ankle.

Shoes become a second skin for your feet. You immediately feel reliability and convenience. And you are surprised that this high heel feels so comfortable - and you regret that you have not tried this type of shoe before (this model seemed bulky, rough to you, and you passed by without trying it on). But now - even with the lightest dresses, you wear these sandals with a wide weave of straps. And you enjoy the ease of walking, confident balancing on reliable heels.

You don't have to wear stilettos to be stylish. Comfortable summer shoes with wide straps made of soft leather can also have a slight heel rise or a wide wedge - and give a feeling of solid support.

With new shoes you will be able to afford any style of clothing - and finally wear beautiful dresses for plus size people.

These are the style tips you received on our website, and completely free of charge. But this is not all advice on how to dress for overweight women. Therefore, I will continue the series of articles about clothes for plus size people in my next articles. And then more new links will appear here. In the meantime, catch new collections with style tips for plus-size women. A fascinating online journey through fashion and style for plus-size ladies and girls continues.

Of course, not everyone can afford branded clothing. But with good taste, it is quite possible to put together a wonderful ensemble from inexpensive things. Here are a few rules on how to dress stylishly and beautifully for a girl to look irresistible.

How to dress stylishly and inexpensively for a girl

When buying clothes, always remember that the items in your wardrobe should be combined with each other. Don't buy clothes hoping to wear them "someday later." It is better to spend money on basic things once, and then combine them with each other.

A classic suit is considered indispensable in every woman’s wardrobe; it can be combined with blouses and various accessories and always look good. When buying a pencil skirt, remember that it does not go with every blouse and shoes.

In addition, it would be a good idea to add a stylish handbag and accessories to the ensemble, and then you can confidently say that you have a chic set in your arsenal. When combining things with each other, calculate everything down to the smallest detail in advance; very often, just one ridiculous detail in an image can bring all a woman’s efforts to naught.

In order to dress beautifully and stylishly, it is better for a girl to buy fewer things, but with the condition that they fit perfectly with each other, than to spend money and fill her wardrobe with a lot of clothes in different style options.

Low quality items spoil the image

When choosing clothes, always pay close attention to its quality. No matter how confident a person is, he will not be able to hide low-quality clothes on him. Low quality always catches your eye!

Cheap items are often of low quality; remember this when choosing your wardrobe. However, sometimes you can afford to combine things of different price categories in an outfit. There are only a few taboos on the cost of things - it is unacceptable to save on underwear, sweaters and shoes.

By following these rules, any woman can dress stylishly, comfortably, economically and at the same time look impeccable.

How to find your clothing style

Often trying to keep up with fashion, girls find it difficult to find their own style in clothing. But this is exactly what she should strive for. After all, fashion is fading, but a sense of style will always help you stay on top. When wondering how to dress fashionably, a girl wants to receive a clear guide to action. But often this is simply impossible. Too much depends on individual characteristics. You can only point in the direction and talk about fashion trends.

Even if the most famous stylist takes part in creating your image, it is unlikely that you have enough money to pay for his services every day. Having recommended a couple of sets that suit your body type, he also sets the direction in which you yourself will have to move forward.

Study your figure from all sides. To dress stylishly and beautifully, a girl needs to know her strengths and not turn a blind eye to her shortcomings. This will not prevent you from loving yourself as you are, but bias can seriously harm you when choosing a wardrobe.

Periodically look through glossy magazines or thematic pages on the Internet that talk about the latest trends in the fashion world. At the same time, try to distinguish between the concept of a set for life and for the podium. Often fashion designers create rather controversial and provocative sets in order to deliberately focus on some fashionable detail. This is what you should see. Pay attention to the color scheme.

Browsing seasonal collections of famous brands intended for the middle class will help. This is where you can spot interesting and real-life combinations of current wardrobe items. It is worth focusing on the costumes of stars, if this is not a stage image and the star is truly considered a recognized style icon, and not vice versa.

To dress stylishly and beautifully, create a basic wardrobe of things that are always relevant, timeless and out of fashion. It should be a larger volume of all your things. This will not only help you save a lot on buying new products for the season, but will also help you always stay stylish.

Focusing on your basic wardrobe, buy a minimum of new items each season that will add newness to your look and can demonstrate that you are up to date with the latest trends, but nothing more. Even very wealthy people do not completely change their wardrobe every season. This is simply unrealistic and unnecessary.

A few new toilet details that can be combined well with many things from your basic wardrobe, and well-chosen accessories will help you always be on the wave of fashion. And the question of how a girl should dress fashionably will no longer be relevant to you.

How to learn to dress beautifully as a girl

To be beautiful is the desire of every woman, inherent in nature and manifested from early childhood. But the ability to look stylish and correct, to dress fashionably and appropriately for the surrounding environment, depends on many factors, and above all, on the person’s environment, his upbringing, surroundings and inherent natural qualities and abilities to arrange colors, shapes, and textures of clothing fabrics. Today we will try to figure out how a girl should dress stylishly and beautifully.

The very concept of the word “girl” evokes a heartfelt romantic mood of something not yet accomplished, perhaps imperfect, but touching, pure, reverent and vulnerable. Dresses, of course, serve as an expression of the romanticism of the image. So, every girl:

Must wear dresses. Only a dress can highlight her femininity. Fashion designers usually offer so many styles of dresses that you can choose one for every taste and color, for any situation. A dress can be flying and flowing, strict and businesslike, feminine and solemn, elegant in the evening - it is a piece of clothing that speaks and tells about the essence of its owner (like, indeed, any item of clothing).

Dresses are best paired with heeled shoes or boots. True, some modern models can be worn with ballet shoes. To make dresses look different every day, they can be complemented with scarves and accessories.

To dress stylishly and beautifully, a girl needs to choose the right shoes to go with her dresses. Any dress looks good with a heel, and stylists have recently been trying to put all women not just in heels, but in platform heels! They are right - it visually increases the length of the leg, but they forget that such shoes are not always comfortable, and sometimes downright dangerous (your heart just stops when you look at the beauties crossing the icy road in these unimaginable heels).

Shoes should not only be beautiful, but also comfortable; you should not blindly follow fashion to the detriment of your health. In the same way, shoes that match the tone of tights, trousers or body color in the summer visually lengthen the leg.

For example, flesh-colored ballet flats paired with shorts or skirts look great on young girls in the warm season; black ballet flats, boots or shoes with comfortable low heels with black tights will also form a single whole.

Correctly selected accessories always served as complements to the dress: ties, scarves, shawls. They can be either plain or colored, in this case it is necessary to take into account the pattern and texture of the clothing fabric: with printed fabrics, plain items look better, repeating in color one of the colors of the dress pattern, and vice versa.

Jewelry also accentuates the look. Nowadays, large colored beads and bracelets made of stone or plastic, pendants and a variety of metal necklaces, pendants and earrings are in fashion. There are so many of them on sale that the main thing is not to overdo it with use.

To dress stylishly and beautifully, a girl should not wear precious jewelry; it can be worn on exceptional occasions, for example, in a restaurant as an addition to an elegant evening dress. Jewelry should be elegant, light and discreet.

A handbag is a good addition and a necessary item in your wardrobe. It is also selected taking into account the overall color scheme of the suit: in tone or in a contrasting color; handbags of various sizes, materials and shapes are in fashion. In the evening it is better to take an elegant clutch, during the day - a roomy soft bag with long handles.

Even if you are lucky enough to find “your” image, you should not exploit it mercilessly, since the monotony will quickly bore both its owner and those around her. Dressing stylishly and beautifully does not mean the same type. The game of contrasts looks much more interesting - now a business lady, now a girl in sneakers, now a woman - a vamp. Everyone, and especially men, will be interested in what image is next?

You should never buy unnecessary things just because they are fashionable or someone else has them. Each purchase must be thoughtful and justified (you must definitely consider which item from your wardrobe you can wear with this T-shirt or blouse).

You shouldn't wear things you don't feel comfortable in.

When choosing between a new blouse or a new bag, you should choose the latter. We also must not forget about the importance of shoes - they are the ones who make the image complete.

Strange as it may sound, men can be of great help when it comes to how to dress a girl stylishly and beautifully. Since they are the ones who look at the fair sex from the outside and can give very valuable advice. However, you shouldn’t completely leave your appearance in men’s hands.

Follow our tips on how to dress stylishly and beautifully for a girl, and you will always be impeccable.

Winter fashion trends are important, but winter anti-trends are no less important. We have collected 10 popular winter things that you need to forget about immediately!

“Cute” (“funny”) hat

Hats with ears and ponytails, knitted braids and flowers, and other “cute” options look frankly strange and raise one reasonable question. Namely: does their owner remember that she has long since left kindergarten age?

Knitted fingerless gloves


Their functionality is extremely doubtful - the hands still freeze, turning red and swollen from the cold, and the overall appearance instantly approaches the style of street vendors and flower girls of the 18th century, who are believed to have invented this item of clothing in order to make it more convenient to count out coins. If you don’t get used to the role of a Parisian clochard, it’s better to buy yourself warm and beautiful gloves or mittens.

Ugg boots in the city

How many times have they told the world that Uggs are shoes not intended for the city, much less for going to work. But no, worn-out UGG boots, reminiscent of shapeless felt boots, inexorably begin to fill the streets of cities, as soon as the thermometer drops below zero.

White boots

If only we could find out the name of who came up with white winter boots (especially heeled models and flat boots) and go back in time, there would be one less fashion tragedy. But since we are not able to do this, we can only urgently ask you never - do you hear, never! - don't wear them. It’s simply impossible to imagine a more tasteless option for winter shoes that doesn’t go well with absolutely everything.

Vests with fur

No, of course, in nature - more precisely, in the fashion world - there are fur vests that look quite decent and have the right to live in your wardrobe. But believe me, even the best representatives of the “clan” of fur vests should not be worn in winter. Firstly, it looks inappropriate, and secondly, they are simply cold (unless, of course, you think of putting them on over a down jacket). Particular horror is caused by specimens made of leather, on which shreds of fur of an unknown animal, which ingloriously died for the sake of this terrible thing, are chaotically planted.

Nude tights

Nude tights in winter cause cognitive dissonance: “bare” legs at -15° C look very strange, especially in combination with boots or (even better) UGG boots and a down jacket. Rest assured, hardly anyone will appreciate this illusion of bare legs, and very thin nylon in severe frost can even lead to not the most pleasant health problems.

Down jacket in acid color / with a “fun” print

“Winter is already gray, we need to add bright colors,” you think. At this very moment, you need to tell yourself a firm “stop” and under no circumstances buy a down jacket or a jacket with radioactive colors or with a “cheerful” print of flowers, polka dots, berries, etc. So-called “marker” colors, in principle, easily cheapen any look, not to mention winter ones.

Pavlovo Posad shawl

Pavlovo Posad scarves came into fashion several years ago, and literally every second girl began desperately trying to “sew” this very scarf into any of her looks. In fact, this accessory requires serious styling: not every fashionista can wear it in a way that “does not cause excruciating pain.” In combination with a down jacket, such a scarf gives that very “combination of the incongruous” in a bad sense. If this accessory is too dear to you, and you are not ready to say goodbye to it, try to be inspired by images in the a la russe style, which Ulyana Sergeenko used to be very fond of.

Do you know how? Most girls will say no, because I don’t have the means to answer yes. Other girls will answer - my husband earns little. There may be such answers - how can I dress with such a figure?

True, dressing stylishly does not mean wearing expensive things and jewelry. Expensive clothes will not automatically make a girl stylishly dressed.

You can and should learn to correct your figure flaws. No, no, don’t be alarmed, we won’t be talking about a fitness club, but only about clothes. Yes, it is clothes that can help us fix things that even exhausting physical exercises cannot do. How? Yes, very simple.

First, you need to stand in front of a mirror in your room and alone, so you will better see your flaws if you are completely naked.

Look at yourself critically and write down your shortcomings in one column and your strengths in another (we all have strengths). Now you know what you need to emphasize and what to hide. And remember, one way or another, we are all imperfect.

First of all, accuracy. Dressing casually, even in the most expensive clothes, will never make you stylishly dressed.

When choosing for yourself, be sure to consider who you are meeting and where you are going.

Pay attention to how your clothes fit your figure. If the butt is too large, then a short jacket or too-tight trousers will increase the volume. Who doesn't like to show off their belly with a crop top and low-waist pants? But remember, most of us look unattractive in such clothes. - ABOUT! What short legs this girl has! – you may hear yourself following. And this is not the worst remark yet.

Now you need to think about what colors suit you. The choice here can be huge. Sometimes you get very interesting finds. Let’s say beige color doesn’t suit me at all, but it’s so noble. Take a closer look at it, it has different shades (pink, olive, raspberry, etc.). Choose either a color that is present in the shades, or a vest, if this is a dress. There are a lot of interesting combinations.

If it’s difficult to choose clothes for yourself, pay attention to how women who have a figure similar to you are dressed. But be careful! The outfit that makes your friend look beautiful may not suit you at all.

Shoes. If you are uncomfortable in high heels, they will not give you confidence. You will feel tired and it will show on your face. Choose your shoes very carefully.

Don't forget what kind of underwear you are wearing - this also gives you a chance to look stylish. Pay special attention if your trousers or skirt are made of thin fabric through which your underwear will be visible.

Choose suitable accessories: be it a hat, scarf, scarf or gloves.

No one will admire you if you wear all your jewelry. We must strive not for the “golden mean”, but for the fact that the less, the better. Sometimes in a simple dress decorated with a string of pearls, you will look irresistible.
(“To decorate the morning roses, only dew is enough.” Lope de Vega)

For a girl they should be of paramount importance. The right hairstyle to match the clothes you are wearing today will make your appearance flawless. When hairdressers say that a new hairstyle can change your life, it's true.

You also need to be able to present the clothes. What is it about? How you carry yourself, how you communicate, how you smile, how you speak. Do you bite your nails, bite your lips, etc.

Just like clothes, makeup will help you correct some flaws or highlight your strengths. Just don't overdo it. Excessive makeup at work will leave a bad impression of you. Start with a clean face.

When you are dressed correctly, it will give you confidence.

There are girls who, without being supermodels, achieve success by demonstrating a good appearance despite their shortcomings.

Sometimes your friends may criticize your appearance... out of envy. Keep this in mind too.

For Militta Magazine

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