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How to congratulate your boss in an original way. Happy birthday greetings to the manager. How to congratulate a colleague on his birthday

Official congratulations to the manager

Please accept our most sincere congratulations from our entire team! We believe that under your leadership our enterprise is able to withstand any crisis! We wish you with all our hearts
well-being and good health. May you always have reliable friends next to you, and may the love and support of your family and friends give you strength for new achievements and success in all areas of your life.
activities. May good luck, love and happiness always accompany you!

Congratulations to the manager in prose

It is significant that your entire biography is connected with the city (industry, industry, service to society).
Your multifaceted activities based on high professionalism and integrity, sensitive attitude towards people, has always led to the successful solution of all the tasks facing you. And that’s why it’s so natural that, Having gone through many steps of career growth, today you are a wise and responsible leader.
Your wonderful qualities: the ability to get along with people, solve numerous problems, sensitively grasp life changes, perceive new things and put this new into practice - have earned you the well-deserved respect of your colleagues.
Once again, we congratulate you on your birthday, we wish you new successes and achievements, many years of fruitful activity, and prosperity to you and your loved ones.

Personalized congratulations to the manager

Expensive (-\-)! May Success, Recognition and Luck accompany your every endeavor. We wish you interesting and fruitful ideas, their successful implementation, far-reaching plans and a stable financial position! Be healthy and happy!

Beautiful congratulations to the manager

Let me express my admiration and respect for you, as a business person himself, full of energy and efficiency. You overcome all difficulties with dignity, and I would like to thank you for this. Be healthy, energetic and may the source of your energy never dry up.

Congratulations on Aerologist's Day to the manager

Our dear leader, boss and simply senior comrade! Please accept the most sincere and heartfelt congratulations from our entire team on your professional holiday - Aerologist's Day! For many years you have been the head of the department for hydrometeorology and environmental monitoring. The team values ​​you for your business qualities: energy and drive in achieving your goals, complete dedication, care for the fate of the unit entrusted to you. Under your leadership, we have achieved significant success in recent years. We wish you, our dear leader, excellent health and longevity, inexhaustible energy and love of life! May all your plans and dreams come true successfully! May good luck and team support accompany you in your business! We wish you well-being in your family and “good weather” in your home!

Happy birthday greetings to the manager, personalized in prose

______(name!) Happy Birthday! From our entire team we wish you a festive mood, good luck, happiness and luck. May success and prosperity always accompany you in work and in life.

Congratulations to the head of the production department on his 50th birthday

Dear _____________! Your friends and colleagues sincerely congratulate you on your 50th birthday. 50 years is the age of maturity and blossoming. You gave 25 of them to your native plant. First - process engineer of the chief mechanic's department, and then - leading equipment engineer of the chief mechanic's department.
The position you occupy today is a worthy assessment of your professionalism. A respectful attitude towards your work colleagues does not prevent you from being strict and principled, and from achieving a logical solution to the tasks assigned to your service. These qualities earned the respect of the factory workers.
You are also a wonderful family man - a loving husband, father and grandfather. We raised three children, and our grandchildren are already growing up. Expensive _________________!
Please accept the most sincere congratulations on your birthday from the factory workers. I wish you happiness, goodness and peace, good health and prosperity to your family.

Congratulations and farewell words to the class teacher

Our dear cool mother. Our school years have come to an end. A little more and we will leave these walls. You were everything to us - a caring mother, a strict teacher, a wise educator. We are only now understanding what it was like for you with such brats like us. We played pranks and skipped classes, didn’t do our homework, and sometimes were insolent. But we always knew one thing for sure - we love you. You always knew how to rein us in and find a common language with everyone, you nursed us and put a piece of your soul into everyone. We will leave, but in our hearts we will forever retain love and respect for our class teacher. Thank you for everything and low regards.

Happy Anniversary greetings to the manager

Dear _____________ (name)! Congratulations on your anniversary! We wish you professional success, good luck in your work and all the best! May all your goals be achieved! Health and prosperity to you!

Happy Birthday greetings to the manager from the company employees

On this day, we want to wish that fate will lead you on the right path, so that there will always be prosperity in your home. Let your life flow peacefully and quietly, and let misfortunes pass you by. And we also want to wish you a long life, health and happiness, and that all your affairs continue to grow and multiply.

Congratulations to the class teacher from the parents of the Anniversary class in prose

Being a class teacher is not an easy and very responsible task, because in many ways the formation of the future of our children, and therefore our future – their parents – depends on you. We are very glad that you are leading our class, and you are doing it confidently, competently, and, most importantly, with soul and love. Let me sincerely thank you for your conscientious work! On your Anniversary, we wish you good health, great creative success and great personal happiness!

Congratulations to the head of the energy company

Our permanent leader,
You are, as always, on top
In all matters you are a winner,
Success awaits you in everything, everywhere.
Today, this wonderful day,
We wish you from the bottom of our hearts:
So that all hopes come true,
May all your dreams come true.

Personalized congratulations to the manager in prose

Dear _____ (name, patronymic)! During all the time that I have been working under your leadership, you have proven yourself to be a competent, humane and fair boss. I congratulate you and wish you economic stability, financial growth, family well-being and peace of mind.

Our dear boss - You are a brave Colonel!
Commander, great leader - you can't find someone like him!
Give yourself two hundred percent to your work,
And you still manage to inspire us!
We wish you to continue to be like this:
Energetic, healthy and full of ideas!
Be an example for us and always smile!
Let there be many good friends around!

Congratulations to the leader in verse

Congratulations, our leader,
Happy holiday, we wish you from the bottom of our hearts
Wise decisions to you, inspirer,
All our successes are good.
We believe that your experience and your knowledge,
Guarantor of advancement
We know that we can do all the tasks
If such a leader leads us.

Happy birthday greetings to the manager

We wish you on this glorious day
Hear a lot of warm words.
And congratulations from colleagues,
And just sincere toasts.
We wish you with all our hearts
Creative success in everything,
Health and happy days,
Warmed by the warmth of friends.

Beautiful birthday greetings to the boss

Dear, we congratulate you on this wonderful, such a kind and sincere holiday, your birthday. You often hear words of support and goodwill from us. On this day we will bestow them a hundredfold and will not tire of saying that we are proud of you, we love you for your honesty and nobility as a leader. We wish you all the best and beautiful things, may the light of happiness illuminate your path in life. With respect, colleagues.

Birthday greetings to the manager from the team

You are the most amazing woman and we are proud that you lead our team. The most beautiful qualities a woman can embody, they are inherent in you. We wish you sincerely and with all our hearts success in everything and always.

Congratulations to the class teacher on the last call

Always support, understand,
Explain everything more than once,
Our class is not just taught by you,
But also take care of us.
Please accept our gratitude,
We all want to wish you:
Good health, don't feel tired
And never lose heart.

Birthday greetings to the manager from colleagues in verse

Let people give you smiles
The family expects peace and happiness,
The absurdity and awkwardness of our life
They will not sadden you and will not bend you.
We wish you success and inspiration
And joy for many years,
We sincerely congratulate you on your birthday,
And we promise you success in your work!

Congratulations to the head of the Charity Fund

A man with a capital P, with a heart of gold and a calling to help people, congratulations on the holiday! May God always help you in everything! Fate gives happiness, prosperity and successful implementation of your priceless ideas and plans!

Personalized Birthday greetings to the Manager

Our dear (). On your birthday, I am very happy to express our best wishes to you. May you always feel good, may you be appreciated at home, and may everything go smoothly at work. May you have iron health, may you be surrounded by the kindness of your neighbors and a loyal, close-knit team.

Personalized congratulations to the class teacher

____________(Name)! Congratulations on your holiday! We wish you beauty, health for many years to come, success in your work, and peace and quiet in your family! Thank you for your kindness, warmth, understanding and warmth! You are the best class teacher! Happy holiday to you!

Original birthday greetings to the manager

Today we celebrate the birthday of our unique and charming woman. For many years she has been our permanent leader and such a heavy burden rests on her fragile shoulders. I would like to thank her for the fact that we always find support and understanding in her person. Happy birthday!

Happy New Year greetings to the manager

Under your guidance to excellence
We have been striving for more than a year now,
And your work is not bliss at all,
It is difficult, but it gives us success.
With all my heart I want to congratulate you
Happy new year to this difficult world.
Let him correct all our mistakes,
And he will not allow new ones to be committed.

Congratulations to the woman head of the insurance company

Our dear (). I wish you to take an active position in all areas of life, but at the same time remain a real woman who is able to subtly feel and empathize, support and care for what is dear and loved to you.

Happy birthday greetings to the manager

With sincere and honest respect
Happy Birthday to you!
Let your life be more interesting,
What she was and what she is now.
May your joy deepen over the years,
And your health is stronger, without problems.
May love heal your soul,
Everyone needs this.

On Defender of the Fatherland Day, I wish you to always remain strong, courageous and valiant. To be worthy of the title of a real man, a real member of our society and a worthy son of the Motherland. Let the younger generation always look up to you.

Happy Birthday greetings to the manager

You are the best boss for us and we say this without pretense. On your birthday, we wish you only good luck and, of course, big profits. Let everything planned in the business plan become a successful decision and come true.

Congratulations to the manager for the New Year

Dear ___________(name!)! On behalf of the entire team, we wish you a Happy New Year! We wish you and your family health, happiness and smiles on your faces! May all goals be achieved in the new year and new prospects in work appear! May this wish come true on the first day of the New Year!

    If you decide to congratulate your boss “on scale,” it would be a good idea to discuss your plans with him personally - the boss may have a home event, a business trip, or a meeting with business partners planned for this day. A few days before the significant date, “send” his deputy or another close person to him and let him bring the boss up to date.

    Worthy congratulations to the male leader

    The scope and “degree” of congratulations depends on what style of communication your boss prefers with his subordinates:

  • Entourage. It is customary to celebrate birthday parties with balloons, streamers and flowers. Bright tinsel will be appropriate with a cheerful and sociable boss. If the boss prefers to lead authoritarianly, is dry and strict with his subordinates, it is better to limit himself to just a bouquet. What will make it special is the image of the company logo on the flower petals - this service is provided in some flower salons.
  • Congratulatory words. You can get away with ready-made poems from the Internet, but it will be better if you write a congratulation in person - mentioning the merits, achievements and virtues of your boss. For men, by the way, prose is more suitable. Say words written from the heart orally, immediately after the boss arrives at work, or write them on a huge congratulatory poster that you hang at the entrance.
  • Entertainment. A small show can be organized even in a small office, not to mention the banquet hall of a restaurant. Don’t limit your imagination - a creator of sand paintings can entertain your boss (don’t forget to inform him about your boss’s preferences), an artist who will draw a funny caricature of your boss, and a dance group with a funny cancan in honor of the birthday boy.

Beautiful congratulations to the female leader

Even in a high leadership position, a woman, as a rule, remains a lady. This means that you need to congratulate her accordingly:

  • Entourage. An abundance of flowers is a must; various decorative elements would be useful: an arch of balloons at the entrance to her office, the best photo of the boss lady (in her opinion) in the most prominent place in the office. Try to ensure that the boss's arrival at work is accompanied by her favorite hit.
  • Congratulatory words. In the case of a woman, poems written by a “local” poet or commissioned would be appropriate. Perhaps it will be an entire ode dedicated to the wonderful leader, or even a real aria performed by the male part of the group (you can take ready-made music). Such a congratulation at the very beginning of the working day will melt the ice in the heart of even the most strict and stern boss.
  • Entertainment. The lady boss will most likely be pleased with a professional photo shoot with colleagues and subordinates against the backdrop of an office or conference room festively decorated with flowers and balloons. The specialness of the moment will be emphasized by festive props - costumes, hats, wigs, cardboard mustaches and glasses.

The boss has a round date

The anniversary of a respected leader is a significant moment not only for him (her), but also for the entire team. Express your feelings with a special greeting on this day:

  • Prepare a personalized gift for the hero of the day, so that even after many years, when he looks at it, he remembers his birthday with warmth and gratitude. For example, make engraving or embossing where possible (on a figurine, stationery, business card holder) or purchase a huge postcard where each team member will write a few words about what qualities he values ​​​​his boss for.
  • Along with the gift, give your boss a special, custom-made anniversary medal. Let it indicate not only the number of years the birthday boy has turned, but also the boss’s first name and patronymic, the name of the company or division he heads. Phrases like: “The best director of all times”, “The fairest boss” are welcome.
  • Throw a big surprise party - a barbecue outdoors, a buffet in the office or a banquet in a restaurant. If you are not confident in your own abilities, contact specialized holiday planning agencies. Adapt the entertainment at the event to your boss’s hobbies - it could be sports, a comedy program, or painting a picture with the whole team. Don’t forget to coordinate the time of the “surprise” with the birthday boy himself.

Banality aside - and you can congratulate your boss in an original way

It is not forbidden to congratulate a modern leader, not without a sense of humor and open to communication, on his personal holiday accordingly - in an original way, with funny pranks and jokes, without insubordination:

  • Let your boss be greeted at the entrance to work by “a noisy crowd of gypsies” with a song from the famous film: “Darling (name) has come to us, has come to us!” If among the employees there are no people willing to dress up as a “merry tribe”, involve professional animators in the congratulations.
  • For the boss who starts his day by checking his email, have a different surprise in store. Pretend that you forgot about your birthday - the company should have a normal working atmosphere when it arrives. Take a photo of your employees in advance, each of them holding letters drawn on paper from the phrase “happy birthday” or simply smiling. Send a funny collage to your boss early in the morning - he will probably appreciate your creative approach.
  • A very famous person, for example, the president or a pop star with an easily recognizable voice, can congratulate your boss on his birthday over the phone. Of course, it will be an imitator, but the boss will not guess this right away, and the prank will probably “work.” This service can be ordered from special agencies.
by Notes of the Wild Mistress

When the word “boss” is pronounced, a stern and stern person usually appears in the imagination. However, this is also a person with his own weaknesses, desires and dreams. On the only day of the year, even the most serious leader can allow himself to relax and become a little softer and kinder to his subordinates. Well, in order not to make a mistake and really melt the boss’s heart, you need to prepare well for the important date and prepare a worthy birthday gift. Such a step will prove to even a stern boss that his employees value and respect him.

Do you really want to please your boss on his birthday? Then the boring expensive drinks and Swiss chocolate are unlikely to be appropriate. To surprise and cheer up your boss, you need to come up with a truly unconventional and creative gift. If you have any difficulty in how to congratulate your boss on his birthday in an original way, you need to take a closer look at our instructions.


The popular service “congratulations from a star” can surprise your boss. To implement it, you need to order a paid mobile phone call from a special center, which will make a call to the desired phone and deliver a bright congratulatory speech in the voice of any popular personality.

To increase the boss’s self-esteem and elevate him in the eyes of others, it would be original to present him with a cake with an edible image of his main business rival. While eating a delicious cake, the boss will “swallow” his strongest opponent in front of everyone.

A good idea is to give a safe stash in the form of a book in which you can keep some papers and keys.

If the boss is fond of traveling, then you can turn the office into one of his favorite places on the planet, be it a beach, a forest or a metropolis, and hide a gift in the form of a trip among the decor.

A huge poster in a certain theme, rather with a humorous twist, would be a funny gift. Place photographs of all employees on it, headed by the image of the boss. Photos should be funny and memorable

A very interesting idea would be a slide show of photographs accumulated over a long period of joint collaboration. You need to come up with an order for displaying images and choose the boss’s favorite composition.

You can make an intricate map with all sorts of arrows directing the boss to his main gift. At the same time, he needs to go through funny obstacles.

Ekaterina Lidovskaya


Congratulating a manager on his birthday is a rather troublesome and pleasant task.
First, determine the nature of your relationship with. Congratulations should be tactful and respectful if you are in a purely formal and serious relationship. If there is a share of informal and friendly contacts, congratulations can be warmer and more cheerful.

How to congratulate a leader can be decided depending on his or her gender. If this is the case, be sure to give her a bouquet of flowers. It is advisable to ask in advance what flowers are her favorite. Women are very receptive to reciting poetry or singing a song in her honor. To do this, you need to work hard and insert the name into poetry, as well as sing about her business qualities and other advantages that she possesses. The main thing is that the congratulations sound sincere. Congratulations in the form of prose are quite suitable for a man.

Write your congratulations as follows or come up with your own.
For example: “Over the years of your leadership, we have managed to unite with a single goal. Thanks to the brain center of our company in your person, great results have been achieved. We really appreciate your complex, daily, painstaking work. Leading us is quite difficult, but you cope with this task! We wish you success in your work, health and happiness! May your family always make you happy. And we will also try not to disappoint you!”

And in order to congratulate the manager on his anniversary, you have to try much harder than usual. To do this, decorate the room with balloons and posters with congratulations. A wall newspaper or a collage of employee photographs will look very original. And at the head of everyone, of course, place a photo of the leader.

Choose a gift for your boss very carefully. It is better to choose one that is not too cheap, but not too expensive, so as not to embarrass your manager. The gift, of course, must be exceptional and hint at business qualities. For example, give a man something that adds authority and power to him: an expensive ashtray, a marble business card holder, an exquisite pen or a leather diary. Give a woman something that hints at her charm, beauty and intelligence: a floor vase, a large painting with a beautiful landscape of mountains or a waterfall, an exquisite sculpture.

Although we neither sow nor plow,
We have a different scope of work,
Under your wise guidance
We are moving forward faithfully.

We walk the free road,
Which in general is no wonder:
With such a guiding star,
Like you, not moving is a sin.

With spiritual zeal and passion
We literally pray for you,
And that’s why it’s your birthday,
Your holiday is the best day for us.

Kind birthday greetings to your boss

With great respect,
Without unnecessary fuss,
Happy Birthday,
The best boss is you!

Our thoughts are behind you,
Ideas and solutions,
And you are the undisputed leader,

And we wish you
Reach any heights
And even unreal ones
Always go forward.

Stability at work
And the profits were big,
Health, happiness, joy
And warmth to your home.

SMS Happy Birthday greetings to your boss

Our boss, we are all for you
On the glorious day of your birth
We wish you happiness and patience,
Success to all your endeavors
And there's more in circulation!

Cool Happy Birthday greetings to your boss

There is no more important question now:
What's the best way to congratulate your boss?
What to give as a gift?
How can we please the boss?
Discipline plus effort!
Due attention to the matter!
Lateness is excluded!
This is what you need to give!
And then, of course, he
He will be happy and flattered!

Comic Happy Birthday greetings to the boss

Today we are waiting for a short day,
And cake for lunch
The boss's birthday
He is an authority for us!
We congratulate you together,
We wish you a lot of happiness,
Let competitors not be sarcastic,
Let them suffer from heartburn!
So that health is over the edge,
Let's drink to that, pour it in!

Funny birthday greetings to your boss

Stern boss, don't move your eyebrows,
We would like to congratulate you with these verses,
Let the tuxedo always fit your figure,
All sorts of storms will dissipate over you,
Competitors will be blown into the Bermuda Triangle,
And so that you are satisfied with your personal life,
So that in the team you are not taken out,
And you paid us a bigger premium,
Let the interest rate increase go beyond the norm,
After all, you are undoubtedly our leader, you are the boss!

Short birthday greetings to your boss

You are worthy, boss, of respect,
A melody of joy flows,
Honors from us on your birthday,
Health, new victories to you!

We value and respect you,
We are always confident in you
And happy birthday,
We wish you a happy year ahead.

Happy Birthday greetings to your beloved boss

This is just some kind of happiness!
Bursting with pride!
I was lucky in my life with my boss!
There he is - a reason for vital vigor!

Beautiful Happy Birthday greetings to the boss

Happy birthday,
From the bottom of our hearts we wish you
In business there is only prosperity,
And good luck in your endeavors.
So that income multiplies,
And the problems were all solved,
To make the house comfortable,
May your work be easy.
The team wishes you
Don't be sad over trifles.

Happy Birthday greetings to your boss in verse

It's not easy for a man to be a boss,
And sometimes it seems they don’t matter
Hairstyle, weight, height features,
Having a caring wife.

You can argue with this, to be honest,
What matters to whom when...
But only thanks to your care
Production progress is stable!

There is no idea without a leader - definitely!
An orchestra cannot exist without a conductor.
Yes, maybe the comparisons are unsuccessful,
But, of course, in our business you are a maestro!

In soul and deed - elegant and beautiful,
Warmed by our common love,
Please accept congratulations from the team
On your birthday! God bless you!

A short birthday greeting to the boss

Dear …. ….!
On this so significant day
I want to wish you happiness
And success, every day!

May all your wishes come true,
There will be no troubles.
Health and prosperity to you
For every new year in life!

New Happy Birthday greetings to the boss

What should I wish you today?
Love, wealth and goodness,
So that there is only happiness in life,
Peace and beauty!
May your business prosper
The workers are not annoying.
Be happy always
So that luck takes care,
And let fortune blink
Protects you from harm!

Touching Happy Birthday greetings to your boss

Dear beloved boss!
We know that we need to congratulate.
Give what? Here's the question.
It's difficult to surprise you with anything.

So that the present comes in handy,
We managed to solve the problem:
We give this poem,
Well, and something in addition.

We give these wishes:
Take care of us, the diligent ones,
To be in a good mood,
Don't be sad and don't get sick.

A sea of ​​sun, an abyss of laughter,
A whole ocean of flowers
Production successes,
Waterfalls of warm words!

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