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How to prepare for planning a pregnancy. Pregnancy planning - Before the start. Taking folic acid

Pregnancy is one of the most significant events in life for both women and men. It happens that pregnancy is not planned by a couple; in this article we will tell you where to start preparing for pregnancy, why it is needed and what to do if pregnancy occurs without any preparation. Couples who are still trying to become parents to no avail will also find a lot of useful information in this article. So how do you plan and prepare for pregnancy?

An important reason for planning a child is the absence of the desired pregnancy for several cycles. It is worth noting that at present, in light of the environment, stress factors and simply the intense rhythm of life, it is simply necessary to consult a doctor, it will cost you the lost hour. On the other side of the scale there may be something that is much more important to you. But, nevertheless, if the couple did not go through the planning stages before the desired pregnancy, but pregnancy still does not occur - this is not a death sentence, this is a reason to think about why pregnancy does not occur, maybe there is something wrong with the health of the expectant mothers or dad? It is quite possible, since there are many so-called hidden infections that are now preventing you from becoming pregnant, and then, possibly, from bearing a child. They can only be identified by performing appropriate tests.

During pregnancy and childbirth, the female body experiences enormous stress. All vital organs begin to work in enhanced mode. Various systems of the body, such as endocrine, immune, and nervous, experience great stress. Providing for one’s own body takes a back seat in terms of priorities; caring for the fetus comes first.

Gynecologists advise starting pregnancy planning 2-3 months before the desired pregnancy. The first thing you must understand is that the development of your baby now depends on your health, his future life depends, and your life depends too. Both partners must participate in planning. To start preparing for pregnancy, you need to contact either a city clinic or a paid private clinic. Planning implies, firstly, passing the necessary tests. Both of you will be offered a list of tests, from which the doctor will be able to judge whether there are hidden infections that could interfere with your pregnancy. Secondly, it is also very important to provide the doctor with information about previous infections and diseases. You can discuss the results of the examination with your obstetrician-gynecologist, who will coordinate your next steps.

Also, in addition to tests, future parents should reconsider, if necessary, their lifestyle. It is recommended to quit smoking, not drink alcohol, and eat healthy food.

List of commonly recommended tests and diagnostics in preparation for pregnancy:

1. Blood test to determine the blood type and Rh factor of both spouses;

If a woman has a positive Rh factor, everything is fine. But if the expectant mother has a negative Rh factor and if she has the first blood group, and the father has a blood type different from the first, an analysis for antibodies to the Rh factor or for ABO antibodies is necessary. These antibodies could have formed in a woman during previous pregnancies.

2. Blood test for antibodies to rubella, toxoplasma, herpes, CMV, chlamydia, etc.

The presence of IgG antibodies means infection with certain bacteria or viruses even before pregnancy. The presence of IgM means the acute stage of an infectious disease. In any case, treatment is necessary, after which the analysis must be repeated.

3. Tests for infections: a regular smear, a smear for sexually transmitted infections - for both spouses;

4. Smear from the cervix for cytological examination (Pipel biopsy). This analysis is necessary for every woman to exclude malignant diseases of the cervix;

5. Blood test for hormones (LH, FSH, estradiol, prolactin, TSH, free T4, 17-hydroxyprogesterone, DHEA-S, cortisol, testosterone, progesterone);

This test will be prescribed by an obstetrician-gynecologist in case of irregular menstrual cycle, complaints of oily skin, excess hair growth, overweight or underweight, menstrual irregularities (pain, profuseness, scarcity).

6. Hemostasiogram, coagulogram. These tests reveal patterns of blood clotting;

7. Determination of lupus anticoagulant, antibodies to human chorionic gonadotropin, antibodies to phospholipids;

The analysis helps to identify the presence of factors for early miscarriage.

8. General clinical blood test (hemoglobin, red blood cells, leukocytes, platelets, ESR, color index, leukocyte formula);

9. General urine analysis;

10. General analysis of ejaculate, or spermogram (for the husband). Sperm analysis;

11. Colposcopy;

This is a method that allows you to see with the naked eye the nature of the pathological processes of the vagina and the vaginal part of the cervix. The study is carried out using a colposcope - a microscope equipped with a strong light source.

12. Vaccination against rubella;

If the results of the analysis reveal that the expectant mother does not have antibodies to rubella, she must be vaccinated and then protect herself for another 3 months, because the vaccine against rubella is live, and this time is necessary to develop immunity. If you are accidentally vaccinated in the early stages of pregnancy, there is no need to interrupt it - the vaccine strain is safe for the fetus.

13. Diphtheria vaccination;

It is carried out from the age of 26 once every 10 years for all adults in the family.

14. Vaccination against hepatitis B;

15. Vitamins.


All tests have been completed and you have received the green light from your doctor. But when, you ask, does a “miracle” happen? And how does fertilization occur?

In the middle of a woman's menstrual cycle there is a short period of time allotted by nature for conception. A woman's germ cells - eggs - are active for one or two days, and sperm remain viable for about 3-4 days. Therefore, the period of time when sperm and egg can meet under the most favorable circumstances and conception can occur is, at best, 3 or 4 days.

For sexual intercourse with the aim of fertilization and conceiving a child, the most favorable moment is when ovulation is about to begin, because the mucous lining of the cervix becomes extremely sensitive, and sperm have enough time to enter the fallopian tubes, where they wait for the release of the female embryo. cells. In order not to miss the day favorable for conception, during this period the married couple should make love every day.

The favorable day for conceiving a child occurs 12-16 days before the start of the next menstrual cycle. If you correctly calculate the day favorable for conception, then there is a high probability that conception will occur and the woman will become pregnant. Thus, conception is the process of forming a new organism through the fusion of an egg and a sperm.

How to calculate days of conception:

1. We calculate the days of conception based on the menstrual cycle;

So. If a woman has a regular cycle that is of the same duration, then this method will most likely suit you. Ovulation usually occurs mid-cycle, so if your cycle is 28 days (standard), then ovulation occurs around day 14 (ideally). There is a simple recommendation for couples to ensure that their sex time falls exactly during the period of ovulation, when the female body is most ready to conceive: make love every other day between the 10th and 18th days (counting the first day of menstruation as the first day) of your monthly cycle . These recommendations are valid for women with a regular cycle of 26 - 30 days. There are also tests that help determine ovulation; their kit also usually includes pregnancy tests, which is very convenient. If you want to make sure you are ovulating, we recommend using them.

2. Measuring basal temperature to calculate days of conception;

Basal temperature is measured in the morning, immediately after waking up, without getting out of bed. It can be measured in the mouth, vagina, and rectum. The measurement must be carried out at the same time, inserting the thermometer to a depth of 4-5 cm.
All data is plotted on a graph. It looks like this: on the vertical axis, depict the temperature, as on a thermometer, and on the horizontal axis, the days of the menstrual cycle. And put marks that should be connected by lines. By keeping a graph in this way, after a few months you will find that before the temperature rises, there is a short drop in temperature. The beginning of ovulation will be considered 1/2 day before the temperature rises or the period between the decline and the beginning of its rise.

Graph of basal temperature during normal ovulation Graph of basal temperature when there is no ovulation Graph of basal temperature with subsequent conception

If conception does not occur.

When you realize that for some reason you cannot get pregnant, consult a doctor. But remember, even in completely healthy women, ovulation occurs in 8 out of 10 cycles. Therefore, before a year of unsuccessful attempts, there is no need to worry. After this period, you also do not need to call yourself infertile, just from now on your desire should have the support of your gynecologist.

During pregnancy, a woman tries to do everything possible to ensure that the baby is born healthy. But often during the gestation process problems are identified that would be much easier to eliminate at the planning stage. Knowledge of how to prepare for pregnancy is necessary for all future parents: mothers and fathers.

For successful pregnancy and birth of a child, it is important that both spouses are healthy. All diseases need to be cured, and if this is not possible, consult with an appropriate specialist about the planned pregnancy and the expected risks. In addition, the psychological readiness of future parents is important: a mutual desire to have a child, an idea of ​​​​the difficulties associated with the process of bearing it, giving birth and further raising it.

The preliminary stage is needed to ensure that the pregnancy process itself goes well, the child’s intrauterine development corresponds to the norm, the mother’s health does not deteriorate due to increased stress, and the birth takes place without complications. is aimed at ensuring that conception occurs successfully and that the genetic material provided is balanced.

Many people believe that if there are no obvious illnesses that cause discomfort, then everything will “go smoothly” by itself. Unfortunately, this is not always the case.

There are several reasons for carrying out the preparatory phase:

  1. Slagging of the body. A large number of dyes, preservatives, stabilizers, pesticides, flavorings and other harmful chemical compounds in food affect the functioning of the body. First of all, the cleansing organs and systems are affected: liver, kidneys, immunity. The situation is aggravated by the use of alcoholic beverages, drugs and tobacco.
  2. Infections, including hidden ones. The acute course of the disease does not go unnoticed, but some pathogens may be present in the body for a long time, but not manifest themselves in any way. A decrease in immunity during pregnancy leads to an exacerbation of the infection, which affects not only the woman, but also the fetus (example -).
  3. Stress. Modern life provides many reasons for constant nervous tension. Stress develops not only as a result of severe overload at work, but also due to an excessive flow of information, living in unfavorable conditions (lack of clean air, car noise, etc.). This condition manifests itself as emotional instability and fatigue, disruption of the endocrine system, which directly affects the ability to conceive and bear a child. One of the main reasons in the early stages is emotional stress.

How to prepare for pregnancy for a woman and a man

Another important point when preparing for pregnancy is that both spouses should be involved in it, despite the fact that only the woman will bear the child. Of course, more demands are placed on the mother’s health. It is enough for the future father to give up bad habits for 2-3 months before conception and avoid harmful factors that can affect the activity of sperm and their quality.

For a woman, this process is much more difficult and lengthy. After conception, she will have to bear the baby for 9 months, ensuring its growth and development using her own body. Planning includes not only maintaining a healthy lifestyle, but also eliminating all diseases (if possible).

The expectant mother requires deeper psychological readiness: her appearance and well-being will change, she will have to give up her usual routine, and shift the focus to the child.

Lifestyle change

Ideally, a healthy lifestyle should always be followed, and not just before pregnancy. Since giving up bad habits and developing useful ones takes from a month to six months, you need to move to this stage of preparation as early as possible. The minimum period is 3 months before conception.


Proper nutrition is the basis of health. Fried, smoked, spicy foods, and foods with food additives should be excluded from the diet. Replace refined sugar with honey and fruit. It is important that the daily menu consists of a variety of dishes. It should include meat (or poultry, fish), cereals, vegetables, and dairy products. You can eat eggs and seafood several times a week.

It is important that food is familiar; a radical change in diet can lead to undesirable consequences, such as allergies and digestive disorders. Also, you should not go on a diet or, conversely, increase the calorie content of your food. Weight changes can affect the state of the endocrine system and reduce the ability to conceive.

Alcohol and smoking

Both spouses must stop drinking alcohol and smoking tobacco products. This must be done at least 3 months before the planned conception.

Ethyl alcohol and tobacco smoke are dangerous at each stage: during conception, embryo consolidation and childbearing. These substances reduce sperm activity and can lead to genetic failures. If conception has occurred, then the negative impact on the child can be anything from death to death.

Cleansing the body

Cleansing the body involves giving up low-quality food and containing artificial additives, medications, and, of course, alcohol, tobacco, and drugs. Some harmful substances enter our body with the air, so we need to spend more time in nature.

It may be impossible to give up medications, but some of them can be replaced with traditional medicine: herbal infusions, honey, soda and saline solutions, garlic, raspberries, etc. They are most dangerous during the period of preparation for pregnancy. If conception occurred in the same cycle in which treatment was carried out, then there is a risk of developing defects in the fetus. In a situation where it is impossible to refuse medications, you need to postpone the pregnancy to a later date or discuss with your doctor the possible consequences of taking the drug.

Taking contraceptives and planning pregnancy

Taking contraceptives should be stopped at least 3 months before the planned conception. This time is necessary to restore hormonal levels. You also need to take into account that if conception occurs immediately after discontinuation, then development is possible.

Affect the absorption of vitamins. If you cancel them just before conception, then the risk of deficiency, which is necessary for the proper formation of the fetal neural tube, increases. At the same time, the absorption of vitamin A, on the contrary, increases. Its excess can lead to defects in intrauterine development.

Physical and emotional preparation

A woman's good physical fitness helps her endure pregnancy more easily and give birth to a healthy baby. Ideally, sports should be present in life from childhood, then by the time of conception and the period of gestation, the muscle corset will already be sufficiently developed.

But if this is not the case, then a few months before pregnancy you need to start regularly walking, swimming, dancing, doing available strength and stretching exercises, doing massage and exercising. All this will help prepare the muscles for the upcoming loads.

Psychological preparation first of all implies the mutual desire of the spouses to have a child. It is important that this decision is not made under pressure from one of them, or out of a sense of fear or duty.

The second is the willingness to change the usual course of life: bearing and giving birth to a baby will require a lot of effort and time from parents, especially the mother. A woman needs to accept the need for some social isolation, the inevitability of changes in appearance and health.

Nature has created the female body not only resilient so that it can withstand all the stress associated with bearing and giving birth to a child, but also capable of profound internal and external changes during pregnancy and after it. But you and I live in conditions far from that primordial structure. The world around us is changing, and these changes inevitably affect the lifestyle, health, and even body structure of modern people. In addition, we know much more about our body than was known to our distant ancestors, and therefore we worry about it more, trying to influence the natural way of life. In general, everything that never even occurred to great-grandmothers is of great concern to women who have decided to become mothers in the 21st century. And medicine, light industry, food and sports industries create all the conditions to properly prepare for pregnancy.

Why prepare yourself for pregnancy
Of course, we will talk about those cases when the pregnancy is planned and expected. However, even in this case, some expectant mothers (especially very young ones) believe that nature is wiser than them and will take care of everything itself. On the one hand, you cannot argue with the wisdom of nature. On the other hand, it cannot take into account and/or cancel the purely individual characteristics of the organism. Especially if you are planning a pregnancy after you have already had a negative experience, unsuccessful attempts to get pregnant, termination of pregnancy, etc. Therefore, those women who:
  • had an abortion;
  • experienced a miscarriage;
  • have chronic diseases (especially the musculoskeletal system, metabolism, cardiovascular system).
All this does not at all deny the possibility of getting pregnant and giving birth to a healthy baby. But even if everything was fine in the past, you need to prepare for pregnancy. If only because we are not all angels, but people with our own weaknesses, which are expressed in our lifestyle, diet and even bad habits. But they are not at all good for the baby. And they affect it long before the expectant mother becomes pregnant, or even earlier. How to make sure that these “cute features” do not harm your child?

When to start preparing for pregnancy?
Everyone knows that pregnancy lasts about 9 months, but few will answer how far in advance you need to prepare for it. Ideally, of course, your whole life should follow healthy rules and provide the necessary level of strength for both you and your offspring. But in reality, this is not always the case, so let’s face it: it is advisable to start preparing your body for pregnancy at least six months before conception. 6 months before the expected fertilization, the body will have time to at least partially cleanse itself of toxins and accumulate a sufficient level of vitamins and minerals, strengthen internal tissues and activate metabolism.

Six months is a good supply, while three months is the minimum required to prepare for pregnancy. During this period, you will have time to do the necessary tests, normalize your diet and daily routine, visit doctors and undergo the necessary procedures. But this, of course, does not cancel those regular examinations that should already be in your “non-pregnant” life. It’s just that if you already visited a gynecologist a couple of months ago, now you should come to him with a specific goal and objectives. And, what is also very important, during the preparation for conception you will not only physically, but also psychologically prepare for pregnancy. And moral well-being in this matter is of great importance.

How to properly prepare for your first pregnancy
Truly responsible people prepare not only for the pregnancy itself, but also for its planning! And they are doing the right thing. Because some hidden problems can interfere with conception or adversely affect the course of pregnancy later. Please note that the health of the heir directly and down to the smallest detail depends on the condition of your body. So don’t be lazy to check it thoroughly and put it in order. Here are the main guidelines for preparing your body for conceiving a child:

  1. Proper nutrition. The health of your baby is inextricably linked with your health, and it, in turn, depends on what and how you eat. It goes without saying that you should forget about fast food, store-bought sausages and smoked meats, industrially produced confectionery and refined sugar. Instead, your diet will be filled with protein foods (lean meat and chicken, eggs, cottage cheese, legumes), complex carbohydrates (porridge, whole grain and coarse flour baked goods, nuts) and healthy fats (sea fish, nuts, olive and flaxseed oil) , as well as fiber (vegetables, fruits, fresh herbs). All these products contain vitamins and minerals in their natural ratio, but to support the body’s strength, take additional vitamin and mineral complexes, they are specially produced to accompany pregnancy.
    The child will take everything necessary from your body for the structure of bones, the nervous system, and all internal organs. Therefore, if you do not want to experience dizziness and loss of strength, or lack calcium and iron, take these substances for two: for yourself and for the guy (or girl) who will soon settle inside you. And be sure to drink enough clean, still water to reduce the risk of swelling. Well, as for specific diets supposedly aimed at increasing the likelihood of conceiving a child of a certain gender, it is better to be prudent and eat a balanced diet so that the baby, whether it turns out to be a boy or a girl, is healthy.
  2. Rejection of bad habits. Logically and by default follows from the previous paragraph. If the ban on tobacco, alcohol and other harmful substances is not obvious, you can search the Internet and medical reference books for a list of pathologies that occur in children born to parents who smoke and drink alcohol. You need to give up these habits as early as possible: a year, two, or better yet five years before conception. And not only for the expectant mother, but for both spouses.
  3. Stable weight. Pregnancy is inevitably associated with an increase in body weight, but if you lead a healthy lifestyle and eat rationally, this weight cannot be called excess: it consists of the weight of the fetus, placenta and amniotic fluid, as well as a very small additional weight of the mother’s body, which in most cases disappears after childbirth. Pregnancy is not an excuse to get fat. All the cakes eaten will remind you of themselves due to fluid retention and fat deposits. In addition, excess weight can interfere with pregnancy and prevent normal childbirth. The same goes for anorexia, that is, underweight. Therefore, under the guidance of a doctor, find your ideal shape and maintain it in the future.
  4. A growing fetus puts a lot of stress on a woman's back. Therefore, it is better to strengthen the muscles that support the spine in advance. The same goes for the endurance of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. There is a wide range of exercises and group sports classes for pregnant women. Before conception, you can do your usual activities and even go to the gym. During pregnancy, choose easier fitness: walking, light running, Pilates, yoga, stretching for pregnant women, etc., be sure to consult your doctor and trainer.
  5. Rest mode. Sleep is medicine and a way to restore the body. A suitable time of sleep and its sufficient length are necessary conditions for the formation of the correct hormonal levels and the normal state of the nervous system during pregnancy. Therefore, try to accustom yourself to go to bed on time and not stay up late. Relaxing in the middle of the day will be an added benefit.
  6. Comprehensive medical examination. In everyday life, you may not even be aware of hidden and/or chronic diseases. But before you get pregnant, they need to be identified and treated. Therefore, planning a pregnancy necessarily involves a complete blood test, a visit to a therapist, surgeon, ENT specialist, gynecologist, gastroenterologist, neurologist. Each specialist must give his or her go-ahead for conception, only then can you be confident in the health of the unborn baby. In addition, vision problems can be a contraindication to natural childbirth, and it is also better to find out about this in advance in order to plan pregnancy support and birth via cesarean section.
  7. Visiting the dentist placed in a separate paragraph, and you can supplement it at your discretion. The main point: during pregnancy and for a certain time after childbirth, you will not have the opportunity to take x-rays and use anesthesia, without which dental prosthetics is impossible. Not to mention that healthy teeth are the key to good nutrition. When the baby begins to actively develop inside you, your untreated teeth may suffer from calcium deficiency.
  8. Contraception. Not all young women know that taking oral contraceptives cannot be stopped suddenly, and especially not shortly before conception. It may take up to two years for the female body to restore all reproductive functions. This applies to birth control pills, patches, coils and some other hormonal contraceptives.
  9. Profession. Answer yourself honestly whether you are ready to go on maternity leave and at least temporarily give up your career ambitions. This question may not be obvious, but it has puzzled more than one young mother. The usual lifestyle, professional development and competition will have to fade into the background when a newborn baby comes to the forefront of your life.
  10. Family issues. And finally, soberly assess your upcoming pregnancy and motherhood from the point of view of your family. Needless to say, this topic should be completely clear between you and your husband. But there are also grandmothers, grandfathers, aunts, uncles and other relatives, whose attitude and help will influence the course of your pregnancy and life after it. But most importantly, are you ready to become a mother yourself?
How to properly prepare for pregnancy after an abortion
Having an abortion can critically affect your ability to conceive. If you are lucky enough to avoid such severe consequences, preparation for another pregnancy should be especially careful. Particular attention should be paid to the endocrine system and the physiological state of the internal genital organs, in particular, the state of the endometrium and uterus as a whole. The production of the necessary hormones at the proper level can be ensured under the guidance of a doctor, which is especially important to do in the run-up to pregnancy and during the first trimester. But even with careful medical monitoring during pregnancy after an abortion, the risk of miscarriage is increased.

How to properly prepare for pregnancy after a miscarriage
Miscarriage (in other words, miscarriage) of pregnancy occurs for various reasons, many of which are practically independent of the woman (infectious diseases, unexpected stress, accidents, etc.). It is all the more important to properly prepare for another pregnancy. To do this, be sure to tell your doctor about previous miscarriages (and/or abortions) so that he can prescribe adequate tests, medications and preventive measures in a timely manner. To minimize the risk of recurrence of the problem and new complications, both future parents should support the hormonal, reproductive and immune systems. Because preparing yourself for pregnancy correctly means being fully aware of the upcoming changes in life and sincerely wanting them not only for 40 weeks of pregnancy, but for the rest of your life. Good luck to you and your beloved, healthy children!

The further we go, the more couples, deciding to build a life together and counting on the birth of a common child in the future, realize the need for detailed preparation for pregnancy. After all, it is preparation for pregnancy that becomes the main factor in creating the best, most optimal conditions for conception and further development, and then the birth of a baby. It is very undesirable for a woman to become pregnant at a time when she is not at all ready for it: a huge number of factors influence the formation and development of a child, and it largely depends on the couple whether the negative ones of these factors will be eliminated in time. Preparation for pregnancy, conscious planning of conception make it possible to give the future baby every opportunity to develop healthy and strong, and significantly reduce the development of any unwanted complications during pregnancy.

Ideally, preparation for pregnancy should begin two to three months before the planned conception, and both parents should participate in it. The specified time is, in principle, enough to adapt your lifestyle for the safe conception and development of a child, visit all doctors in order to eliminate possible risks hidden in your health, balance your diet, on which a successful pregnancy and birth of a child also largely depends.

Preparing for pregnancy is a complex exercise that usually begins with visiting a number of doctors. The therapist, knowing the parents’ desire for a new addition to the family, will refer you to donate urine and blood to identify chronic diseases (anemia, hypertension, kidney disease), and measure blood pressure. It is also advisable to donate blood to determine the group and to avoid complications during pregnancy and any unexpected pathologies. When identifying chronic diseases, you will need to consult a specialized doctor, and if we are talking about an acute disease, it is imperative to inform the doctor about the use of all medications that have taken place recently. A consultation with a gynecologist will make it possible to exclude the presence of infection through a smear on the vaginal microflora. Even if parents are confident that there are no dangerous infections, they should not forget that they can be hidden and asymptomatic. Therefore, it is better to completely exclude chlamydia, toxoplasmosis, herpes, syphilis, hepatitis, and rubella, which are dangerous for the child. In addition, you should inform your gynecologist about the contraceptives that the couple has resorted to - birth control pills, for example, it is advisable to stop taking them 3 months before the planned conception. We should not forget about the dentist: before pregnancy, you will have to get your teeth and oral cavity in order in order to completely prevent infection from reaching your baby.

As for lifestyle: it’s probably not worth saying that, first of all, it is necessary to get rid of bad habits that will not benefit the child in any way. We are also talking about cigarettes (it’s better not to mention drugs at all - they should be generally avoided under any circumstances). It is also better to reduce the consumption of tea and coffee to a minimum, allowing yourself no more than 2 cups per day. The diet of future parents is also of great importance: it should be balanced and complete, with a sufficient amount of vitamins and microelements. A woman's additional intake of folic acid, which ensures the full development of the baby in the early stages of pregnancy, has a beneficial effect on the body of the expectant mother, and subsequently on the development of the fetus. In addition to the fact that it is advisable to take folic acid as part of multivitamin complexes, you can also extract it from food products, such as legumes, nuts, potatoes, fresh herbs, cabbage, and carrots. At the same time, products that contain preservatives, dyes, and flavors should disappear from the diet.

An active lifestyle is what largely determines a relatively easy pregnancy and the equally easy birth of a child. Long walks in the fresh air, 15-20 minute exercises every morning and, especially, abdominal exercises will make a woman more resilient and strong. Regulated physical activity will prepare the expectant mother’s body for the “settlement” of a new resident, who, subject to the mother’s proper preparation, will not bring any discomfort to her body.

It is known that stress and frequent nervous and mental shocks cannot in any way be considered positive factors, and even less so in the run-up to pregnancy. Therefore, it is absolutely necessary to exclude these “elements” from life, spending more time on positive emotions and impressions. During preparation for pregnancy, experts recommend, among other things, to exclude the influence of elevated temperatures on the parents’ bodies - to refrain from visiting the steam room. A sauna or bathhouse is undesirable for both mom and dad: high temperatures negatively affect the ability of his reproductive cells to fertilize, which is restored only a few weeks after exposure to these very high temperatures. Experts also advise men to forget about extreme sports during the period of preparation for pregnancy and pay attention to underwear - it should not be tight or synthetic.

Upon completion of proper preparation, parents with peace of mind and greater confidence will be able to “work” on conceiving a child. In order to calculate the optimal time for conception as much as possible, you can use methods of planning it. In order to get pregnant, provided you have regular sex 2-3 times a week, it can take from several months to a year, which depends on many factors. If pregnancy still does not occur, you should consult a doctor who can determine whether this is related to your health. Even if so, you shouldn’t be upset: modern medicine in most cases cures both female and male infertility.

Especially for - Tatyana Argamakova

Planning a pregnancy is the most important step in the life of a man and a woman. Spouses stop using contraception and begin to lead a healthier lifestyle. In order to conceive a healthy and healthy baby, you also need to undergo some examinations with specialists and take the necessary vitamins.

Why do you need to prepare for conception?

Just a few decades ago, spouses did not know such a thing as preparing for pregnancy. The process of conception occurred naturally after the wedding, and the man and woman had as many children as the number of times fertilization occurred. Infant mortality was high as the process of natural selection took place. The weaker babies died, the stronger ones continued the race. But nevertheless, the issue of the problem of conception was not even raised in those years.

Attention! Today the situation is such that an increasing number of married couples are faced with the inability to conceive or carry a pregnancy. This is due to the increasingly deteriorating environmental situation, stressful situations at work, general physical inactivity of humanity and other unfavorable factors.

In order not only to conceive a baby, but also to bear him healthy and strong, parents have to think through all the details of this process in advance. Of course, the main responsibility for preparing her body for pregnancy falls on the woman. It is she who needs to undergo all possible examinations recommended by a specialist and, if necessary, take a complex of vitamins to maintain her health.

When should you start preparing for conception and pregnancy?

Ideally, you should prepare for conception and pregnancy long before planning it. Spouses must understand that after marriage, regardless of how long they have lived together without children, sooner or later they will have to decide on motherhood and fatherhood. The cleaner the body, the fewer bad habits and chronic diseases, the greater the chances of getting strong offspring. This way, as soon as a young couple considers themselves ready for parenthood, they can be confident in their health and the health of their unborn child.

In practice, this approach is quite rare. As a rule, spouses begin active preparation only before planning a pregnancy. This is also very good, as it allows you to track the dynamics of the body of the father and mother, and adjust their lifestyle and diet. In any case, the sooner the newlyweds begin preparing, the greater the chance that the pregnancy will be easy and the baby will be born strong and healthy.

First of all, spouses must have a psychological attitude towards the birth of a baby. Therefore, stress and vanity should move away from their lives, and the joy of the upcoming pregnancy and the birth of a new life should stand above all other goals. Not only the expectant mother, but also the father should stop smoking and taking any amount of alcohol. At the same time, it is advisable not to work in hazardous environmental conditions with harmful and difficult working conditions.

If you have chronic diseases and are taking serious medications for treatment, you should replace them with safer ones. In this case, sometimes it is necessary to adjust the dosage and frequency of taking such drugs. If you are obese, nutritional adjustments are required. A complete diet for future parents consists of consuming plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits, eggs, cereals, red meat and sufficient fluids.

Important! Before planning a pregnancy and during gestation, it is necessary to exclude processed foods and hot dogs, fast food, fatty and poorly fried products from the diet. You should not drink sugary carbonated drinks or unpasteurized milk.

What examinations need to be completed?

Before the long-awaited conception, a woman needs to undergo a number of examinations:

  • Analyzes on TORCH. These tests involve donating blood and allow you to identify infections in the body that can harm pregnancy (toxoplasmosis, rubella, cytomegalovirus, herpes, viral hepatitis B and C, syphilis, HIV infection).
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs. It is an effective way to diagnose many diseases (fibroids, endometrial and cervical polyps, genital oncology, voluminous ovarian cysts).

Reference! In addition, ultrasound can detect ovulation. The method is necessary for those women whose menstrual cycle is too long and unstable in time.

  • Determination of thyroid-stimulating hormone levels. This hormone directly affects the functioning of the thyroid gland. If the thyroid gland malfunctions, hypothyroidism develops (low thyroid function), which can have a detrimental effect on the mental development of the baby in the womb. If the results are unfavorable, the doctor prescribes taking Thyroxine.
  • Hormone testing. The levels of progesterone, androgen, estrogen and prolactin are checked.
  • Gynecological examination and flora smear. Detects thrush, E. coli and other existing opportunistic microorganisms.

In addition, a woman can undergo a number of additional examinations on the recommendation of a doctor, depending on her individual characteristics. As a rule, experts almost everywhere detect iron deficiency in expectant mothers. Hemoglobin deficiency is always associated with a lack of iron, which can lead to impaired oxygen supply to the fetus, fetoplacental disorders and fetal pathologies.

As for the future father, he should also take care of his health long before conception. A man should give up bad habits, lead an active lifestyle, exercise and eat right. If he has chronic diseases, he should refrain from taking serious medications approximately 2 months before the planned conception, and if it is impossible to discontinue the medications, consult with his doctor about replacing them with safer ones.

A man should refrain from visiting baths and saunas, as sperm dies at high temperatures, which is completely undesirable before a planned pregnancy. He should also wear more comfortable underwear that does not tighten his genitals.

Vitamins to prepare for pregnancy

In order to saturate the tissues with useful microelements, a woman needs to drink a complex of vitamin preparations 2 - 3 months from the planned conception. These drugs include:

  • Pregnakea;
  • Materna;
  • Elevit
  • Prenatal;
  • Femibion-1;
  • Minisan Multivitamin Mom.

Attention! It is also necessary to saturate the cells and tissues with essential vitamin E. It is this vitamin that keeps the reproductive function of the body under control and allows for a successful pregnancy, as well as the correct formation of the internal organs of the fetus and the prevention of all kinds of deformities. The dose of vitamin E-based medications is prescribed by the attending physician depending on the woman’s well-being and the results of her tests.

Almost all expectant mothers need to saturate their bodies with the important vitamin B6 for health. It regulates the full metabolism in the body. Taking vitamin B6 is especially important for women who are susceptible to stressful situations and have nervous system disorders.

The expectant father can also strengthen his body by taking the following medications before conception (2 to 3 months):

  • Folic acid. Ensures sperm activity. With prolonged intake of folic acid, spermatozoa form a symmetrical shape and acquire the ability to penetrate the egg.
  • Tocopherol (vitamin E). Ensures the vitality of the sperm, preserving the cell walls from deformation.
  • Ascorbic acid (vitamin C). Affects the active renewal and reproduction of male germ cells.
  • Zinc. Improves reproductive performance and prevents all kinds of sexual disorders.
  • Selenium. It is especially useful for older men, as it restores libido well and increases the reproductive capabilities of the body.

Before a woman becomes pregnant, both spouses should take some steps to improve their health. The success of pregnancy and the birth of a healthy baby will depend on how well the preparation is done before conception.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

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