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How is World Blonde Day? Beautiful pictures and cards for Blonde Day are given on the last day of May. Ways of celebration and congratulations.

They are the heroines of jokes
And the mistress of our hearts.
Who can compare with the blonde?
Finally, answer us!
Yes, the blonde is incomparable to anyone -
The one who is in love with a blonde knows
It was not for nothing that it was Blonde Day
Established in our big world!
Blonde ladies, take note!
Please accept congratulations from us!

Why are blondes cuter?
For men? It is impossible to understand.
And why are brunettes?
Do they lighten up in the morning?
And the secret is quite simple:
Blonde Day - hair color!
To receive a gift,
Congratulations so as not to forget,
Image to change
And to become more beautiful!

About blondes
Forty thousand
You will find.
Ours -
Full of freshness
And beautiful
And smart!

I've known a lot of blondes in the world:
Eyes - sapphires, peach - oval.
Like from glossy magazines and pictures,
It's as if Raphael painted them!

And, having resisted many beauties,
I couldn't resist you!
Nowadays envy will seize all blondes,
My congratulations for you after seeing!

To all blonde divas
We send congratulations.
Unusual let you be happy
This will be your day!

Let's talk about the logic of blondes
A new joke will come out -
Not a single living man
It just won't pass by:

Capture them instantly
The depth of beautiful eyes!
Let it be, as if about a magnet,
They're talking about you again!

A fluffy cloud rose up
Your blond hair
And heads like sunflowers,
Passing men at random,
And you are cold and arrogant,
Like an iceberg you float among the crowd.
Congratulations on Blonde Day,
In the midst of everyday bustle.

Blondes are like a calling.
Nobody teaches anywhere
How to live
With a bright thought in my head.

Sometimes it can be very difficult
Prove to everyone that you are not simple.
And blondes can do it too
Expect personal growth.

I wish all dear ladies,
Who proudly wears light color
Love and tenderness and happiness,
Careers, many bright years.

A bright mind is in their heads,
Lots of bright thoughts.
They will say that oh and ah,
Jaws dropped.

My dear blonde,
You light the way for me.
You are the other half
Be sincere and gentle!

Hair color doesn't mean
Who will a person become in life?
But I'll tell you, everyone knows
That blondes have their own age.

They know how to be playful
They are smart. Sometimes.
They will always be happy
Envy will never touch you!

Congratulations to them, big and brave.
I wish them lots of love.
And sincere, so skillful,
To shiver, for the soul!

Hair color is like a flag for us,
He greets us proudly.
How many people take revenge on us?
But they don’t know the truth.

There are many jokes
But they're off topic
We have been wanting for a long time
Overclock the system.

We will say to all blondes:
Girls, hold on!
We already have half the country at our feet,
Brunettes, pray!

The date dedicated to the veneration of fair-haired women in all countries of the world began to be celebrated not so long ago. The holiday, considered funny and witty, is gaining more and more popularity. The initiative was enthusiastically taken up by many owners of blond hair in all corners of the globe, who happily began to celebrate the extraordinary day by throwing various parties, organizing intellectual competitions with owners of dark hair, emphasizing the valuable importance of curls with a rare shade of color, having a great time with your friends and family.

Historical information about the origin of the holiday

This kind of interesting date is not so old, so it does not have a rich history. The exact date and place of origin of the holiday remain unknown. According to the most approximate estimates, this date was first celebrated in the states approximately 15 years ago.

Since the holiday is quite new and young, it has not yet gained much popularity in our state. Few people are aware that the calendar contains a date dedicated to World Blonde Day, its exact date and history, the reasons and preconditions for highlighting such an original day in the calendar. According to established traditions, the date is celebrated on the last day of spring - the thirty-first of May.

But in the history of the holiday there is a lot of secret and mysterious information. There are a large number of interesting assumptions about the reasons for the holiday. These are the most common versions.

1. According to the official source, the holiday was created on the initiative of American women with a legal profession who had a feminist attitude and advocated for justice. In the process of building their careers, they more than once had to face infringement on the basis of gender and the rights of women with blond hair. In the public environment, there is a stereotypical opinion that fair-haired girls and women are narrow-minded, have low intelligence, and are not able to build their career advancement and be successful on an equal basis with male representatives. In order to show their indignation, they began to celebrate a date invented by themselves.

2. There is another assumption that has become widespread. Its origins lead to the famous comedy film Legally Blonde, whose main character Ellie Woods, thanks to her character, refuted all the myths dedicated to fair-haired people. Ellie Woods, who is a beautiful and spectacular woman, showed by her own actions and mistakes that blonde hair is not an obstacle to good studies and a successful career. And there is a version that fans of this film may have been at the origins of a holiday that is quite relevant today, thanks to which girls are able to feel unique, have a good day and be inspired for rapid career development.

Features of the holiday on the territory of the Russian state

On the territory of the modern Russian Federation, the date of May thirty-first as the day of fair-haired women is quite new - 2006. During this time period, the holiday had already gained great popularity in Western countries and gradually penetrated into the territory of our state, where it began to be celebrated with the same enthusiasm and recognition by owners of rare hair color.

It was recognized that the first blonde was the beautiful Aphrodite. Since then, about ten years later, this date is passionately loved by the blondes of our state, who celebrate the holiday annually on the last day of spring.
This holiday is characterized by various nominations of the following type: “Blondes in Sports”, “Blondes in Science”, “Blonde Wives”, etc. Nominations of this kind help to display the heights that can be achieved, regardless of the color of your hair. All representatives of the stronger sex are attracted to fair-haired women. Very often, representatives with blond hair are compared with beauty ideals and cute images.

According to the research of scientists and their calculations, it was found that by approximately 2200 there will be no people with blond hair left on our planet. This is influenced by the fact that most of the population have dark hair. And for a baby to appear with white curls, it is necessary that both mom and dad have blond hair.

Ways to celebrate and congratulate

>A good thing is the emergence of more and more new holidays and significant dates, on which you lift not only your mood, but also those around you. As a congratulation, you can purchase various kinds of souvenirs and gifts as a gift for friends and family, owners of light curls. As gifts, you should select items that will be bright and light, and which will certainly make any girl happy.

The assortment is extensive, in the form of: balloons, soap bubbles, wildflowers and soft toys, silk handkerchiefs and bright cards. All this will not require a lot of financial expenses, but all this will greatly contribute to creating a festive atmosphere.
On this date, you can arrange a real celebration for your blonde and blonde loved ones, for which you need to think in advance about the availability of all the necessary parts and components and the mechanism for holding it.

If you yourself are a blonde, then treat yourself to a long shopping spree as a congratulations. Shopping centers are full of many things that are necessary and will suit your delicate nature.
If the weather is good on this date, an excellent option for spending the honorable day would be to go out into nature and get some fresh air. A picnic by the pond is an excellent solution for a special day. The evening of such a day can be spent in the form of launching wishing lanterns into the evening sky. This spectacle is loved not only by blondes, but also by any girl with any hair color.

Interesting facts about white-haired ladies

Owners of white curls who have them from birth should be a reason for pride and should try to maintain this natural hair color. However, those whose blonde is not a natural color, but an artificially created one, can still rightfully celebrate their day on the last date of May. Because blonde represents not just the color of curls, but a state of mind. This date is another reason to declare and demonstrate your uniqueness, along with all those who celebrate this significant date. Various photographs taken at parties to celebrate Blonde Day prove how entertaining and fun such dates can be celebrated. This day is an excellent occasion for organizing an original and bright celebration among friends and family, where you can once again emphasize that fair-haired women need to be protected, undead and taken care of.

The brightest, most brilliant and charming women who have become heroines of novels, books and television shows celebrate their well-deserved official holiday on May 31st. The first celebration of this event and the presentation of the special “Diamond Hairpin” award took place in the capital of Russia, Moscow, in 2006. Scientists have found that real blond people will disappear from the planet by the middle of the two thousandth century, and all because the “blond gene” is becoming a rarity for our world, whose population is dominated by dark hair, and fair people are limited to one child in the family. Also, the baby will be born fair if both his parents are also white, and the percentage of fair-haired people has decreased by almost 3 times from the total number of people on earth. So you need to appreciate blondes and protect them like the apple of your eye. The date we celebrate World Blonde Day is May 31st.

There is no more beautiful girl in the world,
The color of your hair is very attractive,
It’s nice for me to communicate with you, nice,
At first sight you captivated me.
I congratulate you on Blonde Day,
I wish you to be beautiful for many years,
May you always be lucky in everything,
Joy to you, smiles, comfort and warmth.

Congratulations on your holiday, dear ladies,
Those who appreciate bright hair color.
You blondes were breaking our heads,
With his disposition, coquetry and yellow braids.
You are beautiful and charming
Voluptuous, vulnerable and smart.
You are desired, desired and grateful to you,
For what you have, what you are full of.

How beautiful, pleasant and sweet,
Yellow-haired beauties.
Which are full of feelings,
Elegant, delicate, like nuggets of diamonds.
We wish you happiness, love and success,
More fans and warmth.
And let your lips be filled with laughter,
Have a nice day and kindness.

The whole world today is for blondes,
Everything is now allowed for them!
There would be more sparks
In eyes! You are sweeter than wine!
You are women, of whom there are so few,
Nature has created a holiday!
There is a secret call and challenge in you,
That's how things are, girls!

On World Blonde Day
I want to wish you
Only cool parties
I won’t say anything about work.
So that days, as well as nights,
We passed without worries,
Let everything be as you want
And the cycle of love!


Nowadays, blonde is a rare phenomenon,
She is like a talisman, brings good mood,
Always drawn to her like a magnet,
Everyone admires how good she is.
Today is blondes day, congratulations,
I want to be the center of attention
Let the dark-haired people envy you
At any time you are on horseback.

You are always beautiful and kind,
Let's forget jokes, you're smart
Your hair color beckons and enchants,
And your gentle voice excites me.
I want to congratulate you on Blonde Day,
I hasten to give a huge bouquet,
May your dream always come true,
May fate be favorable to you.

My cutie has white curls
Slender figure, as if for show,
I love and adore my blonde
Please don't cross your eyes at her.
I congratulate you on Blonde Day,
I sincerely wish you success in life,
Let them always admire you,
Let them enjoy your beauty.

You're the height of a model
Eyes as blue as lakes,
White hair, just a sight for sore eyes,
You go, and in your wake there is a lot of admiration.
Today is the day of blondes, a glorious holiday,
I hasten to congratulate you first,
With all my heart I wish you good luck,
And I want to be with you all my life.

Blondes are always the center of attention
It’s not in vain that we dedicate serenades to you,
Your hair color attracts and attracts everyone,
Many people are suffering greatly for you.
Blonde Day is today, congratulations,
I sincerely wish you love, good luck and happiness,
May beauty never fade
I wish you prosperity, comfort and warmth.

You are often called beauties,
Some people confuse you with models and stars.
You, dressed up and armed with notes of aromas,
Ready to crush any of us.
Yellow is your trump card, your talisman, your blade,
Let all men be at your feet.
Congratulations to you true blondes and wish you
May success accompany you in everything, we congratulate you!

Congratulations on Blonde Day May 31st

On May 31, Russia and some other countries celebrate Blonde Day. This sunny holiday, which falls on the last day of May, was born quite recently, in 2006. At the same time, the first prize for blondes, the Diamond Hairpin, was established in Russia, which is awarded to the brightest heads of the huge community of blondes. Of course, this holiday is more for women, since it is the blonde girl who is not only the personification of men’s desires, but also the popular heroine of many jokes and funny stories. Aphrodite herself, the Greek goddess of love, had golden hair, and this is probably why gentlemen prefer blondes. As for humorous situations in which fair-haired ladies certainly appear, they appeared in Russian folklore relatively recently, having migrated from traditional English and American jokes.

It should be noted that the term “blondes” refers to all women whose hair has a shade from completely white (blonde) to light brown, including platinum, ash and wheat. Now, thanks to modern hair coloring technologies, almost anyone can become blonde. But there are fewer and fewer natural blondes and blonds in the world every year. Scientists draw disappointing conclusions: soon natural blondes and blondes will disappear completely. The reason is simple - blond hair is transmitted through recessive genes, so blondes appear in nature less and less often. In addition, they live, as a rule, in Scandinavian countries and Russia, where the birth rate itself is at a low level. But congratulations on Blonde Day can be accepted by all fair-haired ladies, regardless of how the desired shade was obtained. An interesting fact is that, despite the general prejudice that blondes cannot have naturally dark skin, there is an entire race that combines these two opposite characteristics - these are the Australoids. By nature they have dark skin and light hair, which, however, darkens over time.

Ah, this fairy tale - long-legged blondes!
Cat's grace and blue eyes...
Stepping off in stiletto heels from a new glossy picture,
They deprive the stronger sex of peace and sleep.
Like the heroines of the best Hollywood films,
They carry their beauty with dignity.
The gait, voice, look and speech are simply a miracle!
And only Versace outfits suit them.
They are a whim, a whim of windy nature,
After all, if there were no blondes on earth -
Who would men tell jokes about?
In whose honor were the glasses of Beaujolais drained?
Bloom, girls, to the delight of the gentlemen.
Catch in the net with the delicate gold of your hair.
For this holiday we will certainly give you
A chic, sunny bouquet of bright roses.

Happy Blonde Day!!!

Reveal your main secret, gentlemen:
What is the source of your visual preferences?
The brunette is mysterious, like a panther,
The blonde is fragile and tender, like a flower.
Flying hair of blond creatures
They will bring a dream about the sea and the sun.
Any whims, any desires
Ready to perform for their beauty!

Poem about blondes

Being blonde is cool!
This is a way of being.
In it for every minute
Its own philosophy.
Be cheerful and cool
To decorate men's lives,
From the whims of the willful
Never get tired.
Be active in everything
Think, act, dream.
The frivolity of blondes -
Outdated seal!
This holiday is unusual
I have a wish for you:
Living, loving – everything is great!
Being blonde is awesome!

Nikolaeva Polina especially for http://site/

My sweet blonde
It's like you stepped out of a picture.
Everything is figure and soul,
Oh, the blonde is good!

Charming, slim
And, of course, smart
Let your enemies be jealous
You'll fool them.

Congratulations on your day,
May you be lucky in everything.
May you have good luck and success.
You are a blonde, the best.

Your curls are trash
I am glad to congratulate you.
I will caress you, hug you,
I will take away the failures.

Blonde curls drive you crazy.
I've been crazy about you for so long.
Everything is so beautiful – the figure, the gait.
I would go to the ends of the world if I only had a boat.

I have bright feelings for you,
How I want to be in your destiny.
Let the cute blonde succeed in everything,
As if she had just stepped out of a photograph.

People won't gossip
Only about those who are empty and stupid
By nature, everyone is a judge,
Just let me show my teeth.

This is your case, blonde
Everyone around is jealous.
The record is already broken,
Why are you more stupid than my friend?

This is a myth invented by those
Who can't do it like you?
Who is always in your shadow
And he doesn’t know beauty!

Be as beautiful as you are today
And take care of yourself.
You are God's favorite
My blond angel!

They say that everyone is brunette
They just count the coins.
And brown-haired women are all insidious,
They are always plotting and making plans.

Only blondes are cuter than everyone else -
Sample pictures.
And sincere and kind,
Far from the bustle.

And their hair is lovely
They even glow wonderfully!
Jokes are nonsense
After all, blondes are smarter, no!

Jokes about blondes
Believe me, this is nonsense.
Who has ice on his heart,
They’re already coming up with...

Everyone is jealous of brunettes
And almost all of them are brown-haired,
Losers, flirts
And fatties in the spring...

Everyone wants to be blonde
Simple-minded, mischievous,
Be an icon and a picture
The best and funniest.

Everyone dreams and strives
Everyone is running for paint,
But they will be born blondes
Being an icon is hard work.
Akmalova Anna for http://site/

Blonde beauties,
They exude positivity
They are not characterized by despondency,
They love this world

They don't age for very long
Freshness gives them color
Charm and attention
Everyone wants to be warm

In the show business of blondes,
Everyone is greeted with a bang,
They are not afraid of a duel,
They are always the first

Men love girls
For their charm and beauty,
They are never imaginary
Believe in a better dream

All the envious people laugh
Above their meager minds,
But all this is not true,
The point is not at all that

Happy holiday to you, dears,
Our faithful ray of light,
Be happy, dear ones,
Get yourself into a rage

Conquer, win,
Gain altitude
Celebrate your holiday
Grab everything on the fly!

Congratulations in verse - Blonde Day
Ah, beautiful blondes,
How I like you all:
Tanya, Lucy and Marinka -
On a clear day and under the moon.

Blonde Day is a great holiday:
I have always loved him;
And, putting on a beautiful suit,
I bought a large bouquet of roses.

And blondes all over the world
I will forever love:
Both quiet people and bullies -
I will give flowers to everyone!

Congratulations, beauties!
It's a holiday today - anywhere!
Send your photos -
I will always be glad to see them!

I wish you all happiness,
My fair-haired ones!
May bad weather pass you by
All days will be bright!

Let there be joy everywhere
On this clear May day!
Let him give his sweetness
Beautiful lilac for you!

Ah, the fair-haired beauty:
You are beautiful, no doubt!
You are like a miracle fairy tale!
So accept a bouquet of flowers!

There are roses and carnations...
I look at your portrait;
From the ancient basilica,
As if in a fairy tale, the light is visible.

You are the queen in that temple:
The light of your hair is blinding!
Sounds of a distant chant
The memory of the past is preserved.

Let the fairy tale last longer,
Let her spin everyone!
Gives joy and success!

Blonde Day – May Day:
Joy and Love everywhere!
And, raising my glass,
I wish everyone again:

Let the sun shine on blondes!
Let them be cute, mischievous,
Adults and children love it!
Let the flowers grow for them!

Let them compose poems in their honor,
After all, blondes are yes!..
Let them not be forgotten
And may they always be loved!
Sergey Veselovsky for http://site/

Blondes are cute and sensual,
Everyone dreams of a soul mate
With a thick light braid,
Or with a simple haircut!

Shades of rye and gilding -
Great work by the creator.
And platinum and ashes overflow -
How delicious and beautiful they are!

And gentle blond is our Russian color!
There is nothing more beloved and natural!
In the sun the strands are even lighter,
And even to the ends of the earth with her without looking back!

In men's glances, caresses, compliments
You are dressed from head to toe like in dresses,
Preferring mascara and heels,
And he will appear without lipstick!

You are the decoration of families and nature,
May the Lord bless you for many years to come.
And bloom with every spring,
How mischievous a snowdrop is in March!

One fine day at the end of spring
We are celebrating an interesting holiday.
Even if he is not important for the country,
But now we congratulate the blondes.
We wish them to live a positive life,
Love yourself and please your friends,
So that in their beautiful pink apartment,
There was always enough room for guests.

I congratulate you on Blonde Day
All those whose hair is blond.
Who is like the sun, darkness and boredom
Dispels it with a wave of his head.
All those who look at you with admiration
Instantly collects after himself,
And whose art of seduction
The other does not know the truth.
And it’s not about smart thoughts,
And in tenderness, love and affection,
May life be easy for you,
Like in the kindest, sweetest fairy tale.
Julia Paramonenko for http://site/

They say that blondes
Weak intelligence
That they are stupid, naive,
They say they have no logic.

Ah, brown-haired and brunettes,
Are you serious
Believe that intelligence comes from color
Growing hair?

Or do you believe in a fairy tale?
Evil envious women match:
If a woman is beautiful,
So she shouldn't shine with her intelligence?

Ah, brunettes and brown-haired people,
Your caustic words
Because you probably
Crazy about blondes.

Be that as it may, they forgive
You blondes on your holiday,
Promising to please you
Both intelligence and beauty.

Today we congratulate
Happy World Day to all blondes,
We wish you to be beautiful
And of course, living beautifully.

We certainly don't think
Why are they dumber than brunettes?
Because it doesn't happen
Darkness in the heads of light.
Planida Natalya for http://site/

In an equal duel
Among women of all stripes
The blonde will always win
And with my charisma
Will conquer men instantly
Somewhere he will take it by cunning,
Perfection for sure.
She is always lucky in everything!
Pretend to be inept
Defenseless and funny
She might become a panther
A guiding star.
Different, beautiful
And always dangerous!

Blonde is not your hair color
And the state of mind
The issue is not discussed -
Her curls are good.
And like a magnet she attracts -
Men won't look away
In all eras and times,
They are fighting for the heart.
A woman can always
To become blonde only visually,
But appearance sometimes
In an alliance with character, they are ideal.
Rastyapina Tatyana for http://site/

Poems for Blondes Day
Who said blondes are stupid?
Apparently he envied them passionately!
These sunny natures
There is no point in insulting in vain!

Here he comes in a halo of gold,
Everything seems to be in a solar flame!
And you don’t care anymore, in general,
What did the “smart guys” come up with...

Blondes decorate our world -
Like rays of bright sun!
The highlights will sparkle in your hair,
If suddenly she turns around!

Let there be more of them
Let them bloom, illuminating the world!
Smart, cute, loved, good -
Congratulations to all blondes!

Like a ray of spring sun
A blonde flashed in the distance...
Those who will never have to be sad
Who saw this picture!

There is a sunbeam in the light strands,
And there are cheerful highlights in the eyes -
Like a mischievous dandelion in spring,
Like the chapter of an unread book!

Congratulations, daughters of light,
Good thoughts, cheerful deeds!
We send each of you greetings -
And a huge bouquet of forget-me-nots!

Dedicated to you, blondes
This verse is not long at all:
We wish you to remain
Light, always beautiful!

Let no one doubt
In their intelligence and wisdom:
After all, blondes are all beauties,
This means that everything will work out for them!

Sunbeams jumping
Her hair is in gold!...
Even to a strict boss
You remind me of a birch tree...

Good luck to you, golden-headed ones,
Understanding and smiles,
Loyalty, love, health -
And don't make mistakes!
Vesnova Elena for http://site/


World Blonde Day was first celebrated in 2006. On this occasion, the Diamond Hairpin Award was presented to blondes - the smartest, most beautiful, charming, sexy, talented, in a word, the very, very blondes.

The jury had to choose the best in 9 main categories:

Blonde TV presenters, Blonde singers, Blonde actresses, Successful blondes, Blonde wives, Blondes in sports, Blondes in power, Honored blondes and Dynasties of blondes.
By the way, in the near future they will completely disappear, according to scientists’ forecasts. So blondes are an endangered species (if you don’t resort to the help of hydrogen peroxide, of course), the portal website informs. And therefore they must be protected, and not indecently inclined in jokes, not to scold their illogical logic.

The first famous blonde in history was the goddess Aphrodite, whose golden locks were given by Zeus himself. Nowadays, blondes are not considered goddesses, but are still recognized by men as the most beautiful of the fair half of humanity.

Blonde Day: congratulations in verse and SMS

Happy Blonde Day!
Hurray for bright minds!
I wish you bright happiness,
Joy, love, goodness.

Ah, blondes are like pictures,
Beauty queens.
Well, the best in the world
Among all the blondes - you!

Full of light on May 31st,
Happy Blondes Day
Happiness, good luck,
Selfless love
Let there be life
Bright and light.

A miracle of cosmic proportions -
This is my blonde!
Your look and whisper are magical,
How I love you!

Happy Blonde Day, beauty!
Let your dream come true!
May you have great luck
It will come to you to boot!

Girlfriend, you will understand me:
It's not easy being blonde!
May you find happiness in life,
And the prince, and your island!

Blondes are tenderness
Blondes are charming!
I'm in a hurry inevitably
Congratulations dear ladies!

Like a blonde with a blonde
I will share with you:
You need to live without a hitch,
Believe only in yourself!

And today, of course,
I wish you
To be perfect in everything
Sail towards destiny!

Let the blonde character
Not even a hacker can hack it!
Even a scientist cat won’t understand,
And the grandmaster is enthusiastic!

Funny cards for World Blonde Day 2018

A large collection of funny cards for congratulating you on a fun holiday - World Blonde Day. Colorful, flickering, animated, high-quality pictures - postcards.

Blonde Day 2018: poems

Goldilocks and blondes
You are as beautiful as the pictures!
Congratulations on your day,
We wish you to be even more beautiful!

Like rose petals
There are bright flowers in the flowerbed,
The highest award for men
Your smile is a delight to the eye!

We wish you a graceful gait,
Let the family boat be strong!
Children will take beauty from you,
Let them inherit kindness from their dads!

The blonde's smile will amaze you,
Validol will not save men, barboval -
After all, passion will strike both their hearts and souls,
Viva for blondes! There are no better girls!

Let men carry you in their arms,
And the house is buried in beautiful flowers,
May all your dreams and desires come true,
Blondes, accept this confession today:

There is no one more beautiful in the world than you!
Let beauty reign on our planet!
May your life be easy and pleasant,
And let all the benefits come for free!

Blonde Day brought warm May,
This holiday is yours, lady, by right!
And you greet him with a smile,
Remembering that everyone likes blondes!

May blondeness be happiness, success,
And luck only brings.
Conquer, incomparable, everyone.
Those who don't even ask for it!

Happy Blonde Day to the brightest,
May, warm and welcoming!
Happy pretty girls day
Beautiful right from the cradle!

You're blonde, that means
The competitors will all pay,
You will quickly bypass them all,
You will find happiness and love!

Happy Blondes Day! Happy day!
Let your dreams begin to come true.
Plans one after another
Definitely come true!

Smile and give
A light of smile on the whole world.
Do whatever you want,
Not at all afraid of making mistakes.

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Chest circumference (finished product): 12 months. - 56 cm 18 months. - 61 cm 2 years - 66 cm Materials...
How to crochet a maternity tunic?
At the end of pregnancy, there is often a desire to do handicrafts. The woman who never...