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How can a first-time mother recognize contractions? How to recognize false contractions? False contractions: how to identify. How long do false contractions last?

In the last weeks of pregnancy, a smooth change in the hormonal background of the expectant mother occurs. As the placenta naturally ages, the amount of progesterone it produces (the main hormone that supports pregnancy) decreases, but the level of estrogen, on the contrary, increases. Under the influence of the latter, the birth canal is prepared for the upcoming birth, and a generic dominant is formed in the brain - a restructuring of the nerve centers occurs and their sensitivity to impulses from the uterus increases. In addition, the more estrogens, the more elastic and stretchable the tissue - the cervix, vaginal walls and perineum. That is why the body begins to intensively produce them before childbirth.

In addition, the cervix shortens, softens and slightly expands, and the mucus accumulated in its canal is released. The fetal head should drop as low as possible and press tightly against the entrance to the pelvis. All this in a woman’s body is manifested by specific changes, which are called precursors of childbirth.

It must be remembered that precursors of labor can appear both a few hours and several weeks before the development of regular labor. Therefore, it is impossible to determine the exact time of the onset of labor based on precursors. They do not require hospitalization or treatment and are a normal reaction of the body to changes in hormonal levels.

For some women, the body's preparation for childbirth occurs unnoticed, without the appearance of warning signs, and this is also absolutely normal. Most often this concerns expectant mothers expecting their first baby. In women giving birth for the second time, the warning signs of labor are often more pronounced and begin earlier. This is due to the fact that the cervix in such mothers reacts faster to hormonal stimuli, softens and opens earlier.

Training contractions during the second pregnancy begin to bother you earlier, however, most likely, this is due to the fact that the woman already knows how they manifest themselves and recognizes them earlier. What signs are considered harbingers of childbirth?

Precursors of childbirth: abdominal prolapse

Downward displacement of the fundus of the uterus (that is, its upper part, located under the ribs) occurs approximately 10–14 days before birth. The expectant mother notices that her stomach has dropped lower. This is due to the fact that the presenting part of the baby (i.e. the part that will be born first, most often the head) is pressed against the entrance to the pelvis. The fetus takes the position most convenient for childbirth.

By moving down, the uterus stops putting pressure on the diaphragm and stomach. Therefore, after the stomach drops, it becomes easier for the expectant mother to breathe. If in the last month she has been bothered by belching, heartburn, or a feeling of heaviness in the stomach that occurs after eating, after the prolapse of the uterus these phenomena often disappear without a trace. However, as the uterus moves lower, it will put more pressure on the bladder and rectum. In this regard, urination and stool become noticeably more frequent. Therefore, expectant mothers often begin to run to the toilet more often a few days before giving birth.

Precursors of labor: weight loss and loose stools

As already mentioned, the hormone progesterone dominates during pregnancy. One of its actions is fluid retention in body tissues (which can manifest as edema). On the eve of childbirth, with a decrease in the concentration of progesterone and an increase in the amount of estrogen in the blood of a pregnant woman, excess fluid is actively removed from her body. This explains the decrease in body weight 7–10 days before birth. Depending on the severity of edema, weight can decrease from 300–500 g to 2–2.5 kg. At the same time, the woman pays attention to the fact that it is now easier to put on shoes, marks from socks and tights become less pronounced, and rings can be removed more freely.

In addition, weight loss on the eve of childbirth may be associated with increased frequency and loosening of stools. The latter also occurs due to an increase in the concentration of female sex hormones and increased removal of fluid from the body. Since loose stools most often occur when estrogen concentrations reach sufficiently high levels, this precursor is quite reliable and usually appears 1–2 days before the onset of regular labor. However, if you experience loose stools in late pregnancy, especially if there is mucus, streaks of blood, or an unpleasant odor in it, you should consult your doctor, since such changes may be a sign of foodborne illness.

Harbingers of labor: discomfort in the lower back and abdomen

About 1-2 weeks before giving birth, discomfort may appear in the lower back (in the sacral area) and in the lower abdomen. Such changes in the well-being of the expectant mother are caused by stretching of the pelvic ligaments and increased blood flow to the pelvic organs. These sensations are often pulling or aching and in no case should be sharp and intense.

Precursors of labor: changes in appetite

Some expectant mothers notice that their appetite has changed 5-7 days before giving birth. Most often it decreases. This is due to changes in the autonomic nervous system and hormonal levels.

Precursors to childbirth: emotional instability

Hormonal changes in the body of a pregnant woman before childbirth can lead to emotional instability, which is manifested by frequent mood changes without any external reasons. The state of fatigue and inertia can suddenly give way to vigorous activity. You can notice such manifestations approximately 7-10 days before birth.

Harbingers of childbirth: “nesting instinct”

Often before childbirth, the “nesting instinct” manifests itself very clearly when the expectant mother begins to sew, wash, clean, prepare things for the baby, etc. At the same time, it is necessary to remember that you cannot stand on your feet for too long or lift heavy things, so as not to expose yourself and the child to danger.

Precursors of labor: changes in fetal motor activity

3–5 days before birth, the motor activity of the fetus usually changes. Most often the baby becomes quiet. The growing baby is already cramped in the uterus, and in addition, before birth, the amount of amniotic fluid decreases slightly, which makes his movements even more difficult.

Harbingers of labor: passage of the mucus plug

One of the important precursors of childbirth is the release of the mucus plug, which often causes concern among expectant mothers, forcing them to urgently seek medical help. In fact, there is no reason to worry. A mucus plug is a large amount of thick mucus, usually clear or yellowish in color, sometimes streaked with blood, giving it a pinkish color. It can be released simultaneously or in several portions. The release of the mucus plug can occur either a few hours or several days before the onset of labor and is a favorable sign of the preparation of the cervix for labor, its softening and “ripening”. During pregnancy, the glands in the mucous membrane of the cervical canal (cervical canal) secrete a special secretion. It is a thick, sticky, jelly-like mass that forms a kind of plug. The mucus plug completely fills the cervical canal, preventing the penetration of bacteria from the vagina into the uterine cavity. Thus, it protects the fetus from infection. Before childbirth, when the cervix begins to soften under the influence of estrogen, its canal opens slightly, and the mucous plug that fills it can be released.

After the mucous plug has passed, it is not recommended to visit the pool, swim in ponds or take a bath, since the risk of infection of the fetus and membranes of the amniotic sac through a slightly open cervix increases. During this period, you should limit yourself to a shower.

Precursor or training contractions

From the 37th–38th week, so-called training contractions appear (they are also called false, precursor, or Braxton-Hicks contractions). Their occurrence is explained by an increase in the level of estrogen in the mother’s body, as a result of which the uterus becomes more excitable and begins to contract. So she “trains”, preparing for the big work ahead, and her cervix softens and shortens. Training contractions are irregular, lasting from 30 seconds to 2 minutes. A distinctive feature is the different time intervals between them: for example, within an hour there may be several short contractions of the uterus, then the next one after an hour, then after 20 minutes. In most cases, training contractions are weak, painless, their nature varies depending on body position and physical activity.

These contractions disappear after taking an antispasmodic; a warm shower can also relieve them. They will neither intensify nor lengthen, and the gaps between them will remain uneven. Their main difference from “real” contractions is that they do not lead to dilatation of the cervix.

How to distinguish training contractions from real ones?

Real labor pains have certain characteristic features. They are regular, repeated at regular intervals, for example, every 20 minutes, and last 20 seconds. The strength, duration and frequency of labor contractions gradually increase. At the same time, the gaps between them are gradually reduced. Contractions that open the cervix are usually more painful than training contractions, do not go away with a change in body position or a warm shower, or taking an antispasmodic, disrupt the normal rhythm of a pregnant woman’s life, and do not allow her to sleep.

At the moment of contraction, the expectant mother feels a gradually increasing and then gradually decreasing tension in the abdomen. If you put your palm on it at this moment, you will notice that the stomach becomes very hard - “like a stone,” but after the contraction it completely relaxes and becomes soft again.

When is medical help needed for signs of labor?

Precursors of labor may appear during the last 2 weeks of pregnancy, do not require a visit to the doctor and should not cause concern to the woman. However, there are situations that require immediate medical attention. Such changes include:

  • severe abdominal pain;
  • bright scarlet discharge from the genital tract, regardless of whether it is abundant or scanty;
  • increase in blood pressure to 140/90 mm Hg. Art. and higher;
  • severe headache, nausea, vomiting, blurred vision, convulsions;
  • absence of fetal movements for 6 hours, a sharp decrease or sharp increase in movements, painful movements of the baby;
  • rupture of amniotic fluid or suspected leakage;
  • regular contractions occurring every 10–15 minutes, lasting 20–30 seconds.

False or training contractions are contractions that do not lead to dilatation of the cervix and the start of labor. In nature and intensity, such contractions can be very similar to real ones. It can be quite difficult for an inexperienced expectant mother to distinguish one condition from another. How to recognize false contractions and not miss childbirth?


False contractions are nothing more than training contractions of the muscular layer of the uterus. In the medical community, this phenomenon is called Braxton-Hicks contractions. When performing NGG, these contractions are recorded as waves of a certain amplitude. An experienced doctor will be able to easily identify training contractions of the uterus during NHH and distinguish them from the onset of real contractions.

Why do training contractions occur? It's simple: the expectant mother's body needs to prepare for the upcoming birth. The muscular layer of the uterus (myometrium) gradually increases its activity in order to be ready for increased work by date “X”. Such a phenomenon should not frighten a pregnant woman - everything goes as nature intended.

There are situations that can provoke increased muscle tone of the uterus and the appearance of false contractions:

  • stress and any strong feelings (positive and negative);
  • physical activity (lifting weights, walking up stairs, brisk walking and any unusual hard work);
  • active fetal movements;
  • hot bath (including foot bath) or shower;
  • visiting a sauna or steam bath;
  • air travel;
  • long journey by train or car on uneven roads;
  • sudden changes in air temperature;
  • ARVI or other acute disease;
  • exacerbation of chronic pathology of internal organs;
  • drinking alcohol;
  • smoking;
  • abuse of coffee, strong tea, energy drinks;
  • refusal of food and long-term diet;
  • dehydration of the body;
  • prolonged urinary retention and bladder overflow;
  • constipation;
  • poor sleep, lack of sleep, insomnia;
  • sex.

There are many reasons, and it is not always possible to find a provoking factor. The longer the pregnancy, the more often false contractions will occur, and the greater the likelihood that a variety of life situations will influence the muscle tone of the uterus.


For the first time, false contractions may appear as early as 24-38 weeks. In fact, there are no strict rules here. Some women feel training contractions of the myometrium almost from the beginning of the third trimester, while others do not notice anything like this until almost childbirth. The complete absence of false contractions during pregnancy is also considered normal.

It has been noticed that in multiparous women, training contractions occur earlier and make themselves felt much more often. It is possible that this is due to the greater sensitivity of the body. Inexperienced expectant mothers sometimes simply do not know about this phenomenon and do not focus on the periodic contractions of the uterus.


Each woman experiences false contractions in her own way. For some, this is nothing more than mild to moderate nagging pain in the lower abdomen that occurs from time to time. Some women indicate a feeling of slight discomfort above the womb, others are unable to fall asleep or do usual activities during uterine contractions. The severity of training contractions depends on the general condition of the woman, as well as the individual pain threshold.

Many women note that false contractions feel most like girdling pain emanating from the womb and spreading to the lower back. The pain can radiate to the groin, sacrum, and perineum. It would be correct to compare the training contractions of the myometrium with the sensations that occur during menstruation. It is worth remembering this condition: probably, true contractions will follow approximately the same scenario.

As the fetus grows and the gestational age increases, the frequency and intensity of false contractions increases. If at the beginning of the third trimester these are mild, barely noticeable cramping pains in the lower abdomen, then closer to childbirth such sensations can easily be confused with real contractions. After 37 weeks, false contractions become stronger and can cause significant discomfort to the expectant mother. Strengthening the training contractions of the uterus and reducing the interval between them clearly indicates the imminent birth of the baby.


Main characteristics of false contractions:

  1. Irregularity. Training contractions occur at different intervals - from 5-10 minutes to several hours. The interval between uterine contractions will always be different. It is quite difficult to predict the time of the next contraction.
  2. Non-duration. On average, training contractions last no more than 30 seconds.
  3. Mild to moderate pain. Over time, the contractions do not intensify, the pain does not increase.
  4. They subside suddenly and may not make themselves felt for several hours or days.
  5. In most cases, they do not interfere with normal sleep and normal activities.
  6. They usually appear at night and are practically invisible during the day.

The most important: Training contractions do not dilate the cervix and do not trigger labor. False uterine contractions subside, and pregnancy continues as usual.

A special case

A small percentage of pregnant women complain of fairly strong false contractions. Intense contractions of the uterus can occur at any stage, but are more often observed after 37 weeks, when the baby is ready to be born. Despite painful and prolonged contractions, the cervix does not dilate. What to do in such a situation?

Option one: low pain threshold. Objectively, the contractions are not of too high strength and frequency, but they cause serious discomfort to the expectant mother. If this condition is not accompanied by other pathological changes, treatment is not carried out. A pregnant woman should find for herself the best way to cope with false contractions. It is possible to prescribe sedatives and antispasmodics (after consultation with a doctor).

Option two: threat of premature birth. Severe contractions up to 36 weeks can be a sign of uterine hypertonicity and threaten the birth of a baby ahead of schedule.

Distinctive features:

  • the pain is localized mainly in the lower abdomen, radiating to the lower back and perineum;
  • moderate pain persists almost constantly;
  • the uterus is dense, its tone is increased upon palpation.

With placental abruption, this condition is combined with the appearance of bloody discharge from the vagina or the development of heavy bleeding. In this case, you must call an ambulance.

Option three: true contractions. The birth of a child can occur at any time, and not always at full term pregnancy. Often, expectant mothers simply do not have time to realize in time the moment when false contractions turn into true ones and labor begins. If contractions intensify over time and become more and more painful, you should prepare for the imminent birth of your baby.

From labor to childbirth

How to recognize that false contractions have turned into full-fledged labor? There are several criteria to help a pregnant woman navigate the situation:

  1. The contractions gradually intensify and become more painful.
  2. The interval between contractions is steadily decreasing.
  3. The duration of contractions gradually increases.

To count contractions, the expectant mother should note all changes that occur in a notebook. Must be indicated:

  • the moment the contraction begins (accurate to the minute);
  • duration of contraction (in seconds);
  • end time of the fight.

You can note your own feelings at this moment, as well as the activity of the fetus.

Attention! If contractions occur every 5 minutes, regularly, with approximately the same or steadily decreasing interval between them, and last more than 30 seconds, you should prepare for an early birth.

Other situations requiring special attention:

  • Contractions become very painful, almost unbearable.
  • Painful sensations are localized mainly in the perineal area (a sign of the beginning of pushing).
  • The interval between contractions is less than a minute.
  • The amniotic fluid has broken (or is leaking drop by drop).
  • Bloody discharge from the genital tract appears (a symptom of cervical dilatation or placental abruption).
  • The child moves very actively.
  • The fetus becomes quiet or does not move at all.
  • The woman’s condition worsens (headaches, dizziness, nausea, vomiting and other symptoms).
  • A woman's blood pressure increases or decreases sharply.

Some of these symptoms indicate the imminent completion of labor, others indicate the development of complications. In any case, specialist intervention and hospitalization in a maternity hospital are required.

Diagnostic algorithm

The main differences between false contractions and true ones are presented in the table:

Sign False contractions True contractions
Regularity Irregular Regular
Duration No more than 20 seconds, approximately constant Increases over time from 20-30 seconds to 1 minute
Intensity Weak to moderate, intensity does not increase The intensity of sensations increases over time
Interval between contractions From a few minutes to several hours and days Gradually reduced to 1 minute or less
Frequency per day Up to 6 times a day and no more than 2 hours in a row More than 6-8 times a day or lasting from 2 hours in a row
Taking antispasmodics Reduces or stops contractions Does not affect

In a antenatal clinic or in a maternity hospital, the doctor can conduct an additional examination - NGG. External hysterography allows you to accurately determine Braxton-Hicks contractions and distinguish them from true labor.

NGG is a painless and completely safe procedure. Sensors are installed on the woman's stomach. All information is displayed on the screen or the contractile activity of the uterus is recorded on film. The duration of the procedure is from 20 minutes to an hour. Usually, NGG in late pregnancy is combined with CTG. Using cardiotocography, the fetal heartbeat is assessed and signs of hypoxia are detected.

What to do?

Some women have a hard time with training contractions. It doesn’t matter what this is connected with, whether the low pain threshold or the mental characteristics of the expectant mother are to blame. One thing is important: such contractions are exhausting, disrupt the usual course of life, and become a serious problem. False contractions are not difficult to survive if they progress into labor within 24 hours. But what if such a condition has been bothering you for several weeks? You need to find a way to comfortably cope with false contractions.

Help with false contractions:

  1. Walk. Half an hour of leisurely walking is a good way to warm up, relieve stress from some muscles and switch to others. It is best to walk away from the highway, in a park or forest. Silence and tranquility are mandatory attributes of a walk.
  2. Change of position. The knee-elbow pose will help relax the muscles. In this position, the load on the abdomen is reduced, and uterine hypertonicity goes away. Some women feel comfortable in the side position.
  3. Dream. If false contractions occur in the evening and at night, the best option would be to try to sleep. You should choose the most comfortable position - one in which uterine contractions are not so noticeable.
  4. Warm shower. The water temperature should be comfortable, not scalding, but not cold either. Warm streams of water relax the uterus and eliminate discomfort. You can use body gels and oils as aromatherapy. You should choose calm, relaxing scents (lavender, ylang-ylang, bergamot, geranium, mint, rose).
  5. Warm drink. A glass of plain water, drunk slowly, will help relieve stress and relax. You can drink berry juice or compote. It is better to avoid tea and coffee.
  6. Music. The best way to relax is to turn on your favorite music. Not too loud, but so that you don't have to strain your ears.
  7. Massage. A relaxing massage of the upper half of the body can be done by a spouse, friend or other loved one. You can stretch your feet and hands yourself - this will also help relieve tension and eliminate increased tone of the uterus.

Other methods

Among other techniques, breathing exercises deserve special attention. A few simple exercises will help eliminate pain and stop training contractions:

  • Technique #1: calm breathing. When the contraction begins, you should inhale slowly and then exhale slowly and calmly.
  • Technique No. 2: depict a dog. During a contraction, you should breathe quickly, frequently, and shallowly. This breathing can be maintained for no more than 30 seconds, so as not to provoke dizziness and fainting.
  • Technique No. 3: draw a candle. Inhale through the nose, take a deep breath. Exhale through the mouth - sharply and quickly.

When performing breathing exercises, the woman’s well-being should remain normal. If shortness of breath or dizziness occurs, exercise should be stopped.

Breathing exercises will help not only relieve false contractions. Similar techniques will help you cope with pain during childbirth, when the intensity of the sensations will only increase. It would be a good idea to practice breathing exercises before the onset of contractions - true or false. Having mastered the technique, the expectant mother will be able to use it at the right time without any problems.

Pregnant women who practice yoga can use some asanas to relieve their condition:

  1. Baddha konasana. In a sitting position with a straight back, you need to fold your legs and pull your feet towards you. You should clasp your feet with your palms and achieve maximum opening in the perineal area. In this case, the spine should be pulled up, and the hips and knees should be slowly and very carefully lowered down to the floor.
  2. Paschimottanasana (variation for pregnant women). While sitting, stretch your legs forward and spread them wide. Wrap your hands around your big toes. In this case, the shoulders should be directed downward, then the shoulder blade will tend to connect behind the back. The spine must be kept straight.
  3. Prasarita padottonasana. Spread your legs wider than your hips, tilt your body, find support for your arms extended forward. In this position, the load on the uterus and other internal organs is reduced and thus the condition improves.

All asanas are done smoothly, slowly, without sudden movements. While doing exercises, you should listen carefully to your body. If you experience pain in your joints, muscles, or spine, you should stop exercising and choose a different method of relaxation. It wouldn't hurt to work with a yoga instructor beforehand. During childbirth, during true contractions, asanas will also help alleviate the condition and relieve pain.

What to do if none of the proposed methods help? Call an ambulance and don’t forget to take with you a bag with all the things you need in the maternity hospital. Probably, false contractions have turned into real ones, and the baby will soon be born. The doctor will give an accurate conclusion after examining the woman in the emergency room of the maternity hospital.

It happens that in the maternity hospital a woman is sent back with an indication that the cervix has not yet opened and labor has not begun. There's nothing wrong with that. It is better to be sure that everything is going well than to miss dangerous complications. Often a woman returns to the emergency room of the maternity hospital literally a few hours later with real contractions. If you have any doubts, you can contact your doctor and ask him all your concerns about the upcoming birth.

The last few weeks of pregnancy are the most exciting and at the same time the most worrying. A woman listens to the slightest sensations in her body and expects that labor may begin at any moment. To prepare for childbirth, you need to remember that contractions do not always end in childbirth. They may also be called decoys or training. How can you tell them apart and can you figure it out on your own?

First, let's find out what contractions are. These are rhythmic contractions of the uterus that occur sporadically. The main difference between false and real ones is that training ones tend to pass quickly. The real harbingers of childbirth only intensify, overshadowing all other sensations. They are often accompanied by severe lower back pain.

Body training

Preparatory contractions are training for the uterus and abdominal muscles. They appear mainly in the second half of pregnancy, starting from the 20th week. Although each woman may have her own deadline. Some people experience this category of contractions shortly before giving birth, while others do not feel training contractions at all.

False contractions are contractions of the smooth muscles of the uterus that do not cause discomfort. In some cases, they are so insignificant that the woman will not even feel them. This is a kind of gymnastics for the uterus. She is preparing for the upcoming event - childbirth. How quickly the birth process ends depends on its ability to stretch. At the same time, these cuts allow the expectant mother to practice before the main event. It is necessary to learn to breathe correctly, distributing the body's forces.

Characteristic signs of false contractions:

  1. Painless.
  2. Intermittent, up to once every 5-7 hours. May be observed less frequently. As the period increases, the frequency of training contractions increases.
  3. At night they do not cause discomfort. Many women sleep without feeling that the body is doing preparatory work.
  4. During the daytime, they often go unnoticed, especially if the expectant mother continues to work and spends her day actively.
  5. Tension can often be relieved by taking a warm bath or changing positions.
  6. The cervix does not open.
  7. There is no bleeding, breaking of water, or girdle pain.
  8. The muscles of the uterus are tense for no more than one minute.

Reasons for the appearance of training contractions

Preliminary contractions appear for a reason. There are reasons that can trigger a false alarm:

  • increased activity of the expectant mother;
  • baby's activity in the womb throughout the day;
  • mother's excitement and stressful situations, experiences;
  • full bladder;
  • dehydration:
  • sexual tension. Having sex helps the uterus contract, training the walls of the organ. Sperm contains the hormone prostaglandin, which softens the cervix and makes it more elastic.

There is no consensus on the benefits of false contractions, but they allow a woman to repeat the exercises she goes through in childbirth school. You can practice proper breathing. This is a great opportunity to pull yourself together and avoid panic. At the same time, the intensity and frequency of contractions may increase.

Breathe correctly

It is not always possible for a woman to independently distinguish whether it is a false alarm or whether labor has begun. How to distinguish false contractions from real ones? You need to listen to your body. If rhythmic contractions gain momentum, then it’s time to remember breathing exercises:

  1. "Slow breathing." During the contraction, slowly exhale, making room for the next breath. After this, take a deep breath. Alternate.
  2. "Like a dog". It is advisable to perform during contractions. Frequent, shallow breathing. Watch carefully to avoid dizziness. This indicates a lack of oxygen in the body.
  3. "Candle". Take a deep breath through your nose and exhale sharply and quickly through your mouth.

Already giving birth?

In the last stages of pregnancy, especially when there are a couple of weeks left before the birth itself, a pregnant woman listens very carefully to her body. Somewhere it pulls, somewhere it aches...

In order not to worry about this, just remember that:

  • Real harbingers of labor tend to intensify. Their frequency is increasing.
  • Painful sensations become stronger and brighter.
  • The pain is girdling in nature, switching from the lower abdomen to the lumbar region. Bloody discharge appears.
  • Amniotic fluid may break. In this case, the birth of the child should occur within 10-12 hours to prevent infection from entering the womb.
  • The intensity of the contractions increases as well as the depth.
  • There is strong pressure in the perineal area.

If the above signals appear, you should immediately contact the doctor who managed your pregnancy.

If it is not possible to get to the maternity hospital on your own, it is better to call an ambulance. During the period of gestation, the expectant mother encounters different sensations. In the later stages, her stomach and lower back may begin to pull. This makes me think that maybe it’s time to give birth. But in this way the body prepares for the upcoming birth of the baby. In order not to run to the hospital in panic every time, a pregnant woman should know.

how to distinguish training contractions from real ones

Training the body before the birth of a child
  1. Due to false contractions, the uterus prepares for childbirth. This is normal, so don't worry. The following features of training contractions of the uterus are distinguished:
  2. Contractions during pregnancy begin from the 20th week.
  3. They don't last long. Their duration is several seconds or minutes.
  4. A pregnant woman experiences discomfort during contractions and a tugging sensation in the lower abdomen. But it goes away quickly.
After some time, contractions appear more often, but their duration does not change.

Often expectant mothers think that they are starting to give birth when such sensations arise. Therefore, they should know information about this process and how to distinguish training contractions from real ones.

Real contractions
  1. Generic contractions have the following features:
  2. appear regularly with a frequency of 0.5-1.5 minutes;
  3. if a woman changes her body position, the pain will not disappear;
soreness appears in the lower back and abdomen.
  1. When contractions begin, you should consult a doctor, as labor is approaching. This is also indicated by the following signs:
  2. the uterine muscles contract, which causes dull pain;
  3. pain disappears, but then appears again;
  4. there are more than 5 waves per hour;
  5. pressure appears in the pelvic area;
  6. colic occurs, reminiscent of menstruation;

the appearance of discharge with blood.

When a woman feels pain in the abdominal area, cramps, she should be wary, as contractions begin. This is a possible signal of the onset of labor. But a woman should know how to distinguish training contractions from real ones. The following differences are distinguished:
  1. The pain when training the body before childbirth may disappear if the woman changes position and walks. This will not help if a pregnant woman goes into labor.
  2. Labor contractions are regular, but false contractions are not.
  3. If labor begins, mucus with blood particles occurs.

A few weeks before giving birth, the expectant mother begins to experience unpleasant pulling sensations localized in the lower abdomen. This phenomenon is called “training contractions”, sometimes they are called “false” or “preparatory”. In the medical literature, the name “Braxton-Hicks contractions” appears after the name of the author who first described them.

False contractions are a normal reaction of the female body during the last trimester of pregnancy.

They prepare and adapt the uterus to the upcoming birth, helping it to establish the rhythm of contractions for the future birth of a child. However, many expectant mothers, especially while expecting their first child, mistake false contractions for real ones, which forces them to go to the maternity ward ahead of time, so it’s worth learning to distinguish them from each other.

Differences between true contractions and false ones

True or real contractions are contractions of the uterus, during which its muscle layers become thicker and shorter, which is accompanied by smoothing and opening of the pharynx. After the cervix opens, they are joined by pushing - contractions of the abdominal muscles and diaphragm, this helps the baby pass through the birth canal. Contractions occur involuntarily, they are the main harbinger of childbirth.

Each contraction has a certain wave-like cycle: increasing contractions - reaching the highest degree - muscle relaxation - pause. At the beginning of labor, uterine tension lasts about 15 seconds with pauses of 10-15 minutes. By the end of labor, the duration of contractions reaches 1-1.5 minutes, and the frequency is 2-3 minutes.

Training contractions are also contractions of the uterus, but their main difference is that they are not accompanied by dilatation of the cervix and do not lead to the birth of a child. This phenomenon usually begins to bother a woman from 30-32 weeks of pregnancy, sometimes much earlier - from 20-22. Some expectant mothers do not feel false contractions at all during the entire period of bearing a child.

The table outlines the signs by which you can distinguish preparatory contractions from real ones:


False contractions

True contractions

Irregular, there is no increase in their frequency

Regular, over time the length increases and the pause decreases

Quite weak, most women describe them as “unpleasant pulling sensations in the lower abdomen”, very rarely they can radiate to the lower back

Painful, almost always radiating to the lower back

Response to environmental factors

Changing position, rest, taking medications (papaverine, no-spa) eliminate false contractions

Does not stop despite any actions

When examined by a doctor

No cervical dilatation

Cervix dilated

Other signs

Normally not accompanied by other symptoms

May be accompanied by other precursors of labor (discharge of mucous plug, scarlet vaginal discharge)

Relieving false contractions and reasons to consult a doctor

False contractions are excellent training for the upcoming birth. They help a woman get used to unpleasant sensations and learn to breathe correctly. However, if training contractions of the uterus cause severe discomfort to a woman, there are 5 simple ways to get rid of them:
  1. Change of body position. When performing any physical activity, you should lie down on the bed. If a woman was resting when contractions appeared, she should get up, try to walk, and do light gymnastics.
  2. Drink a glass of clean water, juice or weak herbal tea.
  3. You can go for a walk in the fresh air; an increase in oxygen in the blood provokes the cessation of contractions.
  4. Take a warm shower or bath. Hot water helps relieve muscle tension.
  5. Breathing exercises. There are many exercises to relieve uterine tension. The most popular is “dog breathing” - a woman should breathe frequently and quickly at the peak of a contraction; the maximum duration of such “gymnastics” is no more than 40 seconds. There is also a “candle” technique - the expectant mother needs to take a deep breath through her nose and then quickly exhale through her mouth.
When the above methods do not help relieve uterine tension, and the duration and frequency of contractions increases, the woman should go to the maternity hospital. It is better to do this when their ratio becomes 5/45 (duration 45 seconds, interval 5 minutes), since the first stage of labor can last 10-12 hours, the first half of which is more comfortable to spend at home. But if the expectant mother is experiencing severe stress, she should go to the maternity hospital as early as possible to be under the supervision of specialists.

Sometimes the appearance of false or true contractions can be a threat to the unborn child. Causes for concern are:

  • scarlet discharge from the vagina (possibility of placental abruption);
  • watery vaginal discharge (possibility of water rupture);
  • secretion of thick mucus (mucus plug comes off);
  • very strong, unbearable pain;
  • increased frequency of contractions up to 5 per minute;
  • reduction or cessation of the baby’s movements;
  • feeling of “expansion” of the perineum.
These symptoms may be normal, but if they occur, you should immediately seek medical help. Usually the signs listed above are harbingers of labor, which means the contractions are true. But during training contractions of the uterus, various complications can occur (premature rupture of amniotic fluid), which requires medical intervention.

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