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How to make a rooster from cardboard boxes. How to make a cockerel from egg cartons with your own hands

A creative person can easily come up with and build a craft with his own hands from any available materials. Ordinary people can also easily make a masterpiece of their own if they wish, using certain Internet sites or master classes.

In our article today we will talk about crafts from cardboard boxes which you can do on your own or with the kids.

Such games develop children's imagination, and the result will delight everyone.

Boxes are suitable for crafts various sizes, from which it is easy to construct various objects: from big boxes- household items in the form of furniture, cars, airplanes, etc., small ones - photo frames, boxes, pencil utensils, etc.

Options for various crafts made from cardboard boxes are presented in the photo.

Original ideas

Constructing various crafts from boxes with their own hands, children develop fine motor skills, attention and imagination. If it is necessary to use cutting objects, adult assistance is required to avoid injury.

It is better to immediately distribute responsibilities before work; the child performs more simple work, and you – the remaining, more complex one.

For crafts, you can take any cardboard boxes.

Egg trays were no exception. This perfect option for creativity. They make excellent animals, birds and inflorescences. The easiest way to make a chicken is in the form of a package for an egg.


To make them, take: an egg tray, paper scissors, acrylic paint, a brush, glue, felt cloth or multi-colored paper.

The work process is not complicated, you should do everything in order:

  • cut out part of the tray (the cell with the protruding part);
  • cut a cell in the shape of a rooster with a huge tail;
  • paint it with acrylic colored paint, drawing the bird’s feathers, and leave to dry;
  • cut out blanks from felt material or paper for a beard, comb and beak;
  • fix these blanks with glue;
  • make eyes, decorate with feathers.

The cockerel is ready!


Making a flower craft is a little more difficult. Necessary materials: egg tray, PVA, paint, wire and scissors. These crafts can be made in different ways.

For example, cut a cell and along the folds inside the cell, cut out the petals that need to be twisted and inserted into each other; if you want, add additional petals.

The resulting inflorescences are attached to a wire or fixed at the surface to make flower arrangement. A milk carton can also be used. For example, in the form of a bird feeder, well, toys or houses.


Cubes are a favorite pastime for all children. It is very easy to build it yourself. You will need: 1 liter milk bags with a square base, a paper knife, a measuring ruler, a colored marker, double-sided tape, pictures.

Let's start making cubes:


  • wash and dry milk cartons;
  • set aside 7 cm twice from the bottom of the bag along the edges and make marking lines with a marker;
  • on one side, set aside another 1.5-2 cm from the mark upwards and cut off the entire remaining top;
  • cut along the ribs to the mark at the bottom and assemble the cube as a simple box, the long side will be the lid;
  • Stick various funny images, letters or photographs on the side faces.
  • fold the cube in the usual way.

To attach images to the side faces of the cube, before gluing the main image, cover the cube with pieces of newspaper soaked in glue. Further ready-made option cover crafts with colorless acrylic varnish. If you place inside a cube small items, then you will get a rattle.


The candy box is perfect for an excellent photo frame, decorative box, etc. They are very strong and suitable shape, sometimes with a hinged lid.

Cover the box with gift wrapping paper, lace or satin fabric, decorate with a composition using various little things, pins, bows, etc. and the box is ready.


A flat box will be useful for creating greeting card with frame. To do this, in addition to the box itself, you will need:

  • Greeting Cards,
  • paper in bright or pastel colors,
  • PVA glue,
  • corrugated cardboard,
  • stationery,
  • ribbons, bows and other decorative things.

Trace the outline of the card over the lid of the box. Then step back 1-2 cm from the sides to the center of the outline, trace the resulting outline with a pencil and cut a window.


Corrugated cardboard paper cut out pieces to trim the interior and exterior. Secure the postcard on the opposite side of the hinged lid with tape so that it can be seen through the made window.

Attach a ribbon to it and the side and disguise the places where they are attached with parts from corrugated cardboard on the side and a matching postcard with inside covers.

Complete the design with various decorative elements. Place in the inside of the box congratulatory words and a small present.

Other crafts

You can also create crafts from matchboxes. Most often done doll furniture, vehicles, boxes, etc.

From large cardboard boxes intended for household appliances, it’s easy to make crafts in the form of children’s household appliances, Vehicle and fortresses.


Become a real architect and delight your child with a real castle or own home. Moreover, your child will be proud of such a creation made by his beloved mom and dad.

The child himself will be able to invest a piece of his labor into the production process. Girls will be delighted to have their own miniature kitchen or dollhouse.

Crafts from boxes for children, made by parents with love, will leave unforgettable, vivid memories for the child for life.

Photos of crafts from boxes

DYED ROOSTER... from egg trays. Master Class

This craft is for those who have a robot vacuum cleaner))) While it is doing its job, you can do some handicrafts) Haven’t you purchased this miracle of technology yet? Well then, I suggest you visit the website of the North Wind company, the company supplies the best climate control equipment and everything for automatic cleaning of your home. On the company's website you can purchase robotic vacuum cleaners from the most leading manufacturers of household appliances. These robots can significantly improve the quality of life by taking on the tedious tasks of cleaning. They have access to almost all types of flooring: parquet, tile, stone, laminate, vinyl, etc. Cleaning carpets, including deep cleaning, will also not be a problem for the robot vacuum cleaner. The robotic vacuum cleaner can go even further and perform wet cleaning of the room, leaving behind a clean and almost dry floor. This is a super acquisition for any housewife!

SO, if you have some egg trays left over from recent roses, I suggest making a painted cockerel like this) The idea is super and not just for Easter. The work can be done together with children. For painting you will need acrylic paints. Master class - under the cut. I wish everyone good luck in tray creativity)

This is the rooster before painting

To work you will need these egg trays

Disassemble the tray into cells and cut it out as shown in the photo

Glue together using thin paper

Cut out the cockerel's beard

Make a beak

Start gluing on the cardboard from small rows with hot glue: 1 feather, then 2, then 3, etc.

Take cardboard 15 cm long and cut out long feathers for the wings

For the rooster's belly you will need balloon

Cut newspaper into strips, soak in glue and glue to the ball

The last layer is white paper

When the glue is completely dry, cut it into not quite equal parts and take the larger part. Insert the smaller part into another

For painting, take mother-of-pearl acrylic paints

DYED ROOSTER... from egg trays. Master Class

This craft is for those who have a robot vacuum cleaner))) While it is doing its job, you can do some handicrafts) Haven’t you purchased this miracle of technology yet? Well then, I suggest you visit the website of the North Wind company, the company supplies the best climate control equipment and everything for automatic cleaning of your home. On the company's website you can purchase robotic vacuum cleaners from the most leading manufacturers of household appliances. These robots can significantly improve the quality of life by taking on the tedious tasks of cleaning. They have access to almost all types of flooring: parquet, tile, stone, laminate, vinyl, etc. Cleaning carpets, including deep cleaning, will also not be a problem for the robot vacuum cleaner. The robotic vacuum cleaner can go even further and perform wet cleaning of the room, leaving behind a clean and almost dry floor. This is a super acquisition for any housewife!

SO, if you have some egg trays left over from recent roses, I suggest making a painted cockerel like this) The idea is super and not just for Easter. The work can be done together with children. For painting you will need acrylic paints. Master class - under the cut. I wish everyone good luck in tray creativity)

This is the rooster before painting

To work you will need these egg trays

Disassemble the tray into cells and cut it out as shown in the photo

Glue together using thin paper

Cut out the cockerel's beard

Make a beak

Start gluing on the cardboard from small rows with hot glue: 1 feather, then 2, then 3, etc.

Take cardboard 15 cm long and cut out long feathers for the wings

For the rooster's belly you will need a balloon

Cut newspaper into strips, soak in glue and glue to the ball

The last layer is white paper

When the glue is completely dry, cut it into not quite equal parts and take the larger part. Insert the smaller part into another

For painting use pearlescent acrylic paints

Glue the cockerel's head and neck to papier-mâché, reinforce with cardboard on the bottom side

We paint by changing colors and shades

DYED ROOSTER... from egg trays. Master Class

This craft is for those who have a robot vacuum cleaner))) While it is doing its job, you can do some handicrafts) Haven’t you purchased this miracle of technology yet? Well then, I suggest you visit the website of the North Wind company, the company supplies the best climate control equipment and everything for automatic cleaning of your home. On the company's website you can purchase robotic vacuum cleaners from the most leading manufacturers of household appliances. These robots can significantly improve the quality of life by taking on the tedious tasks of cleaning. They have access to almost all types of flooring: parquet, tile, stone, laminate, vinyl, etc. Cleaning carpets, including deep cleaning, will also not be a problem for the robot vacuum cleaner. The robotic vacuum cleaner can go even further and perform wet cleaning of the room, leaving behind a clean and almost dry floor. This is a super acquisition for any housewife!

SO, if you have some egg trays left over from recent roses, I suggest making a painted cockerel like this) The idea is super and not just for Easter. The work can be done together with children. For painting you will need acrylic paints. Master class - under the cut. I wish everyone good luck in tray creativity)

This is the rooster before painting

To work you will need these egg trays

Disassemble the tray into cells and cut it out as shown in the photo

Glue together using thin paper

Cut out the cockerel's beard

Make a beak

Start gluing on the cardboard from small rows with hot glue: 1 feather, then 2, then 3, etc.

Take cardboard 15 cm long and cut out long feathers for the wings

For the rooster's belly you will need a balloon

Cut newspaper into strips, soak in glue and glue to the ball

The last layer is white paper

When the glue is completely dry, cut it into not quite equal parts and take the larger part. Insert the smaller part into another

For painting use pearlescent acrylic paints

Glue the cockerel's head and neck to papier-mâché, reinforce with cardboard on the bottom side

We paint by changing colors and shades

For the New Year 2017 it is customary to make various crafts. But it’s best to make a symbol of the New Year from handy materials for this day. Indeed, if you have at home an unnecessary plastic bottle or an egg carton, then you shouldn’t throw these things away. They will be useful to you for creating beautiful crafts- Rooster, which is very easy to make with your own hands. If you are interested in how to make a craft rooster from an egg carton, then this article was created especially for you. Here you will see the process of creating such a thing.

How to make a rooster craft from egg trays

Your rooster will have an odd shape. Therefore, it can be installed on a shelf. On the Internet you can find a huge number of crafts that you can easily make with your own hands. But you will like our craft for its originality. To make such a craft, prepare:

  • the egg cartons themselves,
  • newspapers and balloon,
  • PVA glue,
  • moment glue and acrylic paints.


From this article you can learn how to make a rooster from egg cartons. To create a craft, prepare cells with elongated cones. These will be used to feather the rooster.

The cones should be cut out. Cut out the corners between the petals. As a result, you will get petals. From the edges that remain, cut out double petals.

For the beak, immediately glue a couple of triangles together. The parts must be glued together using instant glue.

Next, start gluing the rooster from the egg trays. They start working from the head. Your first row of feathers should have 5 ends. The second row should have 6. The third will have 8. The fourth should have 10 rows. The fifth should consist of 12 rows. IN last row There should be 8 petals. It should cover the back of the neck.

The next step is to make the body of the rooster. It should be created from papier-mâché. To do this, cut newspapers into strips and soak them in water. These newspapers should be applied to the ball using PVA glue. The top of the craft should be covered with white paper.

Once the papier-mâché is dry, cut out an oval in the ball. Bottom part should look like a basket. The inside should be painted with white paints.

Now cut out the feathers that will be used for the rooster's tail. They are cut out of ordinary cardboard or cardboard boxes. The length of these feathers should be 15 cm.

It is worth cutting out an oval from ordinary cardboard that will look like a wing. Flowers and petals from cones are glued on top of this oval.

The next stage is the final one. In this case, it is worth starting to assemble the cockerel. You should cut out the strips and glue them into a circle. As a result, you will have a stand for the rooster. The body should be glued to it. After that, you should glue a short but dense strip to the body, which will serve as a holder. Attach the head to this strip. After this, glue the wings and tail to the craft.

DIY rooster painting

If you have finished creating the rooster, then you should start painting the product. For this purpose you should use acrylic paints. And all because your cockerel will stand on the table and serve as a basket for you. You will put something in this basket. Best suited for painting a rooster pearlescent paints. In this case, your rooster will look respectable.

For painting it is best to use 5 colors:

  • yellow or gold,
  • blue,
  • green,
  • red,
  • orange.

If you want your craft to look more textured, then when painting, you should add other shades to the tips of the petals.


Roosters made from egg cartons can be varied. But in this article we described the creation of the most original crafts. And if you show a little diligence and attention, then as a result you can succeed beautiful product, which will become a wonderful decor in the house. Also, such a craft can be a wonderful gift for anyone.

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