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How to wash second-hand clothes, how to remove the characteristic smell. Remove odor from second-hand clothes

Many people to this day have rather mixed feelings about second-hand clothing. Some categorically do not accept such wardrobe elements, while others can no longer do without them. Everyone's reasons for loving and hating second-hand clothes are different, but no one likes the unpleasant smell that comes from almost all clothes bought in second-hand stores.

Our article will be useful not only to people who regularly buy used clothes, but also to all those around them.

Where does the unpleasant smell come from and what does second-hand clothing smell like?

To effectively deal with an unpleasant odor, you must first know its nature, because this will make it much easier to select the necessary preparations for treating used clothes. True, if you do not want to read the next few paragraphs, then you can simply use the ready-made recommendations and conclusions given below.

The pungent smell of second-hand clothes is the result of sanitizing all items with special chemicals (often formaldehyde and methyl bromide - strong poisons). The purpose of this treatment is to destroy insects, fungi and bacteria living on clothing (including).

Experts believe that the chemicals used to process second-hand clothing are absolutely harmless to people. In any case, they are no more harmful than deodorants or air fresheners. However, for some people, the confidence of specialists causes a certain skepticism. This is because on the territory of our country, the neutralization of poisons is often carried out with insufficient quality and in violation of sanitary standards.

This means that our “specialists” can “make chemicals”, but, alas, they are not always able to effectively neutralize poisons. Although here it depends.

It is important to know that the strong unpleasant smell of second-hand clothes is a sign that the clothes contain practically no fungi, germs and insects, but contain large amounts of poisonous formaldehyde. It is better not to buy such clothes at all, but if you have already bought them, you should work hard on them.

How to remove second-hand smell from clothes

The Internet describes a large number of recommendations on how to get rid of second-hand smells. However, many of these recommendations should be skipped due to their uselessness.

So, we advise you not to search for a method of getting rid of the poisonous odor among home recipes. It’s better to turn to official sources (sanitary rules), which describe in some detail how to remove the smell of second-hand clothes from clothes.

Naturally, it talks about the industrial scale of cleaning clothes from toxic substances, but the essence of ridding clothes of a strong odor can be understood.

The method involves removing the second-hand smell using ammonia and fresh air.

Sanitary standards also indicate the amount of ammonia that is necessary to get rid of the odor of formaldehyde. However, for us they are useless, because at home we will not go further than a basin with water and ammonia.

So, we offer you the simplest recipe on how to get rid of the second-hand smell at home. You will need water, ten percent ammonia (other concentrations are also suitable, but you need to watch the proportions).

The proportions are as follows:

  • For a small item (light blouse, skirt, etc.), you can try starting with 20 milliliters of ammonia per five liters of water.
  • For a larger item, you can take a full bottle of 100 milliliters, but you will need not 5 liters of water, but 10.
To get rid of second-hand smell using our method, you may need from 30 minutes to several hours - it all depends on the material and volume of the clothing. Cotton is often cleaned in 30 - 60 minutes, but fur, synthetics, and leather require soaking in a solution of ammonia for 6 hours.

After the procedure, the clothes should be lightly wrung out and taken out into the fresh air, where the item will remain for a day or two. Next, the clothes must be washed with conditioner and dried.

It should be noted that ammonia does not cause clothes to lose color; they will not stretch or shrink. So you can safely remove the second-hand smell using our method.

Folk ways to get rid of second-hand smell

Despite the fairly high effectiveness of the method using ammonia, you can remove the smell of second-hand goods in another way, especially if the smell is not too strong. Below we provide a list of the most effective folk methods of combating the smell of second-hand clothes:
  • washing with a few drops of essential oil or flavored salt;
  • soaking things in an aqueous solution of vinegar, salt, or both at the same time (sometimes soda is also added);
  • special fabric deodorant (can be bought at household chemical stores);
  • put deodorant, coffee, eau de toilette, perfume or simple soap along with clothes, close and leave for a couple of days;
  • use of steam ironing with a modern iron;
  • take your clothes to the dry cleaner;
  • simple washing without spinning, followed by drying in the fresh air (best in the wind), small doses of formaldehyde are easily removed with plain water after a couple of washes.
Decide for yourself which method is most suitable for you. Our task is completed - now you know how to get rid of the second-hand smell with your own hands at home, using only available means.

Second-hand stores sell mostly used items, but sometimes you can find high-quality and never-worn clothing. Not only people with low incomes buy here, all segments of the population want to save a little.

The only drawback, because of which many avoid such stores, is the unpleasant smell of chemicals. If you want, you can always find a way out. You can remove the stench from things; there are a lot of home remedies to get rid of the smell of second-hand clothes.


The stench emanating from clothes after buying them at a second-hand store is unmistakable. Many people don’t know how to wash second-hand items, so they don’t buy them.

Surely, most people don’t even know why their clothes stink. They believe that this scent was left over from the previous owner of the item.

The reasons for the appearance of stench lie in the use of chemicals. Stores do not sell dirty products.

When they arrive at the reception center, they are not immediately hung up on tremors and taken out to the common room. First of all, the clothes are treated with strong chemicals, which emit a specific aroma.

This treatment is necessary to remove dust mites, host biological components, dirt and bacteria. That is, all products must be disinfected.

For this purpose, a formaldehyde aerosol cleaning material is used. It is this substance that leaves such a recognizable aroma.

Special chemicals are completely safe for people, as stated by the manufacturers and the store sellers themselves. However, not every person reacts this way; many experience irritation or allergies.

Therefore, you can’t do without washing. After purchasing items from a second-hand store, you need to wash them with your own powder.


The first way to remove the smell of second-hand clothes from clothes is to simply hang them outside for airing.

It’s good if the weather outside is cool and frosty, it will not leave bacteria and other microorganisms remaining on the product alive. This method is definitely good, but it takes a long time.

To ensure that the products are left in the fresh air to ventilate for two days.

Coffee beans

Buy a good product from the store. Make sure it is not burnt. Therefore, it is better to buy coffee in bulk and preferably in beans.

How to remove second-hand smell from clothes:

  1. Pour the beans into a coffee grinder and grind them. Pour into a dry bag that allows air to pass through well and tie tightly. Place clothes that stink in a cotton cover, put a bag of coffee in there, and leave them alone for a few days.
  2. Another good way to remove the aroma of chemicals is to mix coffee with sea salt in equal quantities and also put it in a case for 2-3 days.

Fur items will have to be kept in isolation for almost a week. Such things quickly absorb aromas, so it is recommended to change the bags of coffee beans once a day.

Using ground coffee you can get rid of the flair of chemicals. Your clothes will smell nice after this.

Some housewives recommend putting things in a plastic bag. Just don't do this. Why? Polyethylene absorbs moisture from products, this leads to drying of the fabrics. It also causes the material to yellow.

Sea salt with aromatic additives

Sea salt with different scents or regular salt will cope with the aromas of chemical products, but you will need to buy aromatic oils.

To get rid of the stench, follow this procedure:

  1. Dilute aromatic sea salt in a small amount of water. Decide on the amount of ingredients yourself, the main thing is that you get a paste.
  2. Rub this paste over the entire product. You will need a lot of it if it is a jacket, sweater or pants. Therefore, buy more than one pack in bulk at once, or buy the cheapest one in the store.
  3. After half an hour, when the item is saturated with the aroma of sea mole, soak it in a salt solution at the rate of 0.5 kg per 10 liters of water.
  4. After 2 hours, wash the product as usual. Use the correct powder, temperature and wash cycle.

After such procedures, things smell nice. There will be no trace of the smell of chemical reagents.

Eau de Toilette

This method is not very cheap, but you can do without washing, and after a while you can put on clothes.The method is suitable for those who live in dormitories and do not have their own machine, or the laundry is already occupied.

Eau de toilette masks well, but if it is not persistent, it will quickly disappear. You will have to carry it with you and use it sometimes.

How to remove second-hand smell from clothes?Soak a small piece of cloth in eau de toilette. Place it in a cotton case with your clothes for several hours. You can leave it overnight.


An aqueous solution of ammonium hydroxide is another good way to remove the unpleasant aroma of chemical products from items purchased at a second-hand store.

Ammonia is used on an industrial scale to treat such clothes and at home.

You can buy ammonia solution in household chemical stores or at any pharmacy. It costs mere pennies, but is very effective.

How to wash items from second-hand stores:

  1. To remove unpleasant odors from delicate fabrics, dissolve 20 ml of the product in 5 liters of water in a basin. If the clothing is oversized, for example, knitted, jeans or a down jacket, more ammonia will be needed. Add 100 ml of ammonia to 10 liters of water. This is a whole bottle.
  2. After preparing the solution, drop 5–6 ml of essential oil. It will prevent the smell of an aqueous solution of ammonium hydroxide from appearing on products.
  3. Soak things in a basin. Linen and cotton will take 3 hours. Jeans, furs and leather items will take longer. Keep such things in the solution for 8 hours.
  4. After finishing soaking, rinse the clothes well in clean water.
  5. Hang things on the balcony or outside and leave for three days.
  6. Then the products are washed again in a washing machine with powder and fabric softener. Set the cycle so that things rotate in the centrifuge for at least one hour.

Ammonia with aromatic oil removes unpleasant stench well. Washed clothes are hung outside to dry.

If after repeated washing the smell of ammonia does not go away, place the items in the washing machine again, just add more lavender or tea tree essential oil.

If there is a stench from things bought at a second-hand store, use table vinegar. It contains acid that can combat many unpleasant odors.

How to wash clothes that smell like second-hand goods:

  1. Pour table vinegar and a little fine salt into a basin. Sometimes soda is also added.
  2. Rub the clothes a little with your hands, just be careful. Depending on the fabric, such movements may cause stretching.
  3. Leave the items to soak in the vinegar solution for several hours.
  4. Pour out the liquid and rinse the basin. Pour clean water and rinse the product well. Change the water as it gets dirty. If the liquid still smells like vinegar, change and rinse again.

This is a good product for dealing with smelly things. Vinegar is safe for any material, but not for the skin of your hands. If you have microcracks, calluses or other skin damage, wear rubber gloves when handling this product.

Steam treatment

If the house has a steam generator or a modern iron with this function, use it. This is even easier than soaking and washing in special solutions that still need to be prepared.In addition, this method is not so long.

Add a few drops of essential oil to a reservoir of water. Wear a mask to protect your respiratory tract as corrosive fumes may cause poisoning.

Turn the iron on to the steam function and go through all the clothes. Let the item dry and repeat the procedure again.

Set the temperature according to the instructions on the clothing label. Remember that natural wool, synthetics and silk do not like high temperatures. But cotton and linen can be processed at 90 degrees.

other methods

There are many ways to get rid of the stench from clothes bought at second-hand stores.

Effective ways:

  1. Natural soap. Use natural scented soap to wash clothes. If the water is hard, it is better not to use this product. Part of the natural soap is spent on removing limescale from the surface of the material being washed.
  2. Medicinal herbs will also help cope with the problem. With their help you will definitely remove the stench. Mix 70 grams of mint, 100 grams of linden, 80 grams of sage, 50 grams of chamomile and 110 grams of yarrow. You can brew an infusion and keep your clothes in them, or you can visit them together with your things in a cotton cover for three days.

Another one is to buy a special perfume to remove this kind of aroma. It should be sold in such establishments. If not, use other methods.

After buying clothes at a second-hand store, do not neglect washing. New clothes should be disinfected. This will not only remove bacteria, but also give the clothes the desired feeling of newness.

Many people would be happy to update their wardrobe in a second-hand store: where, after spending time, you can find quite decent and high-quality items at a low price.
However, they are scared off by the unpleasant smell and horror stories about the dangers of clothes from such stores. Many cannot bring themselves to cross their threshold, again because of the smell. And even those who consider themselves real gambling hunters for interesting things in second-hand stores also admit to a dislike for the “aroma.”

Where does the smell come from?

In order to protect things from fungi, bacteria and insects, everything that comes into “second hand” undergoes a special chemical treatment - most often with methyl bromide or formaldehyde.
The purpose of such processing, of course, is to protect the health of people who will become the new owners of these things. However, for those who remember chemistry, the thought will come to mind that these substances are strong poisons. It's all about concentration - correctly performed treatment kills all pests, but does not pose a danger to people.

According to experts, it is no more dangerous than using deodorants. Many buyers are skeptical about the conscientiousness of those responsible for such processing in performing their duties. You never know what they can do, but no one can give a 100% guarantee. Therefore, it is best to buy such items from trusted second-hand sellers, for example.

How long does the smell last?

If the buyer perceives a too strong and pungent odor from some item, this is a guarantee that there are no insects or fungi there. But the concentration of toxic formaldehyde or methyl clearly exceeds the norm. It’s best to avoid this kind of thing, but if you really want it, you’ll have to make an effort to cleanse it.
Naturally, you won’t be able to wear such clothes simply by washing them: they will immediately reveal their origin. There is an opinion that if you do not purposefully combat the unpleasant odor, a purchase can retain its persistent “aroma” for up to a year or more. And this is the case if it is actively worn and washed. In other cases, a second-hand item lying on the shelves of a closet or store will talk about its second life until the end of its days.

If you set yourself the goal of getting rid of chemical treatments and “aroma,” you can do this efficiently in a couple of days. Everything will depend on the materials and volume of clothing. If we are talking only about primary odor removal, you can achieve the effect in a couple of hours using folk methods.

How to get rid of it

The Internet is replete with many options for solving this problem - a wide variety of means are used. However, the most effective method is the one used on an industrial scale. We are talking about ammonia and fresh air. And although sanitary standards have clearly defined proportions, it is unlikely that they will be observed at home.
The simplest methods of cleansing at home are as follows:

  • for a light, small item you will need 20 ml of 10 percent ammonia, which is diluted in 5 liters of water;
  • for large and oversized ones - the same alcohol is taken in the amount of 100 ml per 10 liter bucket of water.

Soaking clothes in this solution requires a certain amount of time. So, 0.5-1 hour is enough for cotton to clean, but synthetic materials, leather and fur will require more than 6 hours. The wrung out items must be hung out in the fresh air and left there for one or two days. Next, the clothes are conditioned and dried - after this treatment they can be safely worn. An important point: the treated item must be dried in the fresh air; drying it indoors or near a heat source will not remove the smell.

In addition to this official method, there are many more folk ones, the authors of which zealously insist on their effectiveness. Whether they should be trusted - everyone can check from their own experience and decide for themselves.

Here are the most popular recipes for getting rid of “aroma”:

  • washing with the addition of drops of essential oil or flavored salt;
  • soaking clothes in “folk antiseptics” - vinegar, soda, salt;
  • repeated washing with conditioner and then drying the item in the wind;
  • ironing with a steam iron with aromatic oils dissolved in water;
  • leave clothes in a bag with aromatic ingredients - eau de toilette, soap, deodorant, coffee;
  • dry cleaning

To be fair, it is worth noting that all these methods are recommended only if the smell is not very pronounced. If the “aroma” is strong, you should definitely resort to soaking in a solution of ammonia, as it not only neutralizes the odor, but also removes concentrated chemicals. Conclusion: any item from a second-hand store can be rid of an unpleasant smell and disguise the history of its origin, if only you put a little effort into it.

Based on materials from the online store for stock and second-hand clothes and shoes “Sekonom”

You never know what surprise someone else's clothes might bring. Therefore, products from second-hand stores always undergo intensive chemical processing. This allows you to clean the fabrics from any sources of biological hazards, and leaves a specific aroma that does not disappear from the clothes for a long time. But there are several ways to remove the second-hand smell from items.

Causes of odor

To reduce the danger to a minimum, second-hand goods are treated with a poisonous gas - usually formaldehyde. It is colorless, volatile, toxic, extremely irritating to the mucous membranes of the eyes, respiratory tract, and skin. It smells very specific even at low concentrations. After treatment, the poison is neutralized with 25% ammonia. But the presence of an odor indicates that the deactivation was not complete.

Formaldehyde continues to be a poison even after deactivation. If clothing from a second-hand store has an unpleasant specific smell, it should not be worn as long as it is noticeable. Before you put such a new thing in the closet, you need to get rid of any remaining formaldehyde.

Reanimating fabric

Fabric, unlike fur and leather, can survive repeated washing, freezing and other extreme stress. Therefore, it is much easier to remove second-hand smell from clothes than from fur or leather.

The smell of second hand clothes can be removed by repeated washing or freezing.

Repeated washing. Formaldehyde disappears after 3-4 intensive washes. Just run the machine on a wash and long rinse program, then air dry the item for 24 hours. If the smell does not go away, repeat everything again. Wash second-hand items separately from clothes you already wear.

Ammonia. It neutralizes formaldehyde, does not destroy fabric fibers, does not interact with dyes and is generally suitable for any clothing. For processing small items, a solution of 20 ml of alcohol and 5 liters of water is suitable. For large ones you will need 100 ml of ammonia and 10 liters of water. Soak the items for an hour if the fabrics are natural, in the case of synthetics - for six hours. Then wring out and hang to dry on the balcony. After drying, the items must be washed as usual and only then can they be worn.

Removing odor from fur and skin

If a T-shirt or trousers can be thrown into the washing machine with peace of mind, then what about boots and sheepskin coats? Another small investment you can make for expensive items is to have them dry cleaned. But if cleaning specialists are beyond your means, turn to traditional methods.

  • Freezing. Cold will help remove the second-hand smell from things. Place clothes or shoes in a plastic bag and put it outside if it is winter outside, or put it in the freezer. Usually 3-5 days are enough for complete weathering.
  • Salt and coffee. These components will absorb the smell, and the coffee will also envelop it with its soft aroma. You will also need a thick bag containing several tablespoons of ground any of the selected products and “second freshness” clothes.
  • Vinegar essence. Soak a piece of cloth in vinegar and place the item in a bag for 12 hours. Then air out your clothes or shoes. To remove the second-hand smell from fur products, prepare a solution of warm water, ethyl drinking alcohol and vinegar essence. Dampen a sponge in it and wipe the fur with it in the direction of growth. Then the product should dry in fresh air.

In modern second-hand stores you can buy not only clothes, but also deodorants that help get rid of odors without harming the fabric. If you plan to make other purchases of such clothing in the future, purchase perfume for it.

You can remove the smell of second-hand clothes from clothes without washing only if it is not too pronounced. Simple life hacks will help you with this:

  • Iron the item with an iron with maximum steam output or a steam cleaner.
  • Add essential oil to a spray bottle and spray it onto the fabric before ironing.
  • Keep second-hand clothes in a separate container or compartment with a fragrance (coffee, soap, herbal sachet or perfume bottle) at the bottom.

In the case of children's clothing, as well as underwear and wardrobe items that come into direct contact with your skin, intensive washing is essential.

In Russia, second-hand stores are in demand among people of different ages and belonging to different social strata. It is in such places that you can find high-quality branded items at a “thrift” price, and, note, not all of them will be worn. The only thing that upsets second-hand fans is the specific aroma emanating from clothes, shoes, and accessories. Let's figure out where it comes from and how to get rid of the second-hand smell at home.

Cause. The acrid, chemical stench of second-hand goods is not only unpleasant to the human sense of smell, it is also clearly recognizable (you must admit that no one wants to smell like used things). The sources of ambergris are chemicals that are used to sanitize used items and shoes entering warehouses. Thorough disinfection rids outerwear, jeans, boots and T-shirts of insects, including dust mites, as well as microorganisms that cause skin diseases and fungus.

Do not wear clothes immediately after purchase - washing is required. Firstly, if not completely, then partially remove the unpleasant odor, and secondly, remove any remaining chemicals. At high concentrations, disinfectants are harmful to health and cause a variety of reactions, from simple itching to severe allergies and poisoning. Store unwashed second-hand items separately from others.

A specific smell appears due to sanitary processing of things

Ways to get rid of second-hand smell

1. The most basic method is ventilation. Leave your clothes on a balcony or open loggia for a couple of days: fresh air, coupled with hot sun rays or frost, will destroy the faint odor.

2. Coffee beans, sea salt with aromatic additives, natural soap with essential oils, a piece of fabric soaked in eau de toilette, perfume or 9% vinegar will help to “overpower” a specific fragrance. Dry medicinal herbs will also come in handy: collect peppermint, sage, chamomile, linden flowers in a cotton bag - a natural and safe remedy is ready! Place one of the described fragrances along with your clothes in a sealed bag and leave for a couple of days.

It is ventilation and the use of natural absorbents that are considered the most gentle ways to remove the smell of “second-hand clothes” from outerwear made of fur, suede or leather, as well as their artificial substitutes.

3. Soak your clothes before washing. As an anti-odor remedy, use sea bath salts with bright aromas: lemon, pine. First, rub the item with salt diluted with warm water to a paste, and after 20-30 minutes, fill it with saline solution (for half a kilo of salt - 10 liters of warm water) for an hour and a half.

Sea salt is one of the best absorbents of unpleasant odors.

Products made from natural fur or leather should not be soaked, so as not to spoil the structure of the material. Clean the item with any of the suggested compositions using a soft sponge or brush (this recommendation also applies to leather shoes and bags). The best option is to take your fur coat or leather jacket to the dry cleaner.

4. Ammonia, which can be found in your home medicine cabinet, is suitable for processing. To soak skirts, T-shirts, blouses, summer dresses and trousers, 20 ml of alcohol (per 5 liters of warm water) is enough. Jeans, sweaters, windbreakers, and raincoats will need 50 ml of alcohol for the same amount of water. Soaking time: cotton, linen - from 30 minutes to one and a half hours, synthetic fabrics - 4-6 hours, faux fur or leatherette - 6-7 hours.

5. A combination of 9% table vinegar and table salt works in a similar way (1/2 cup and 2 tablespoons per 5 liters of warm water, respectively). Light items should be soaked for at least an hour, and clothes made of dense materials should be soaked for at least 3 hours.

After soaking, gently wring out the clothes and hang them to dry (preferably in the fresh air) for a couple of days. Next, wash as usual, adding fabric softener.

6. If you have an iron with a steam function or a steam generator, use these devices. Iron clothes at maximum temperature (set the mode depending on the type of material). First add a few drops of any essential oil to the water tank. But be careful: caustic fumes can cause poisoning, so wear a respirator or gauze bandage during the procedure.

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