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How to knit a rooster with a description. How to knit a rooster with knitting needles: master class. Decrease for the tail

How to crochet or knit a rooster, diagram or video tutorial?

    Knitted toys are very popular, both adults and children knit them. Knitting cockerel can be a wonderful handmade gift for a loved one. Here you can knit these charming birds. It's not difficult at all. Description is attached below. Choose what you like more: knitting needles or crochet hooks; all cockerels are good in their own way.


    A video tutorial with sequential steps will help you knit a cockerel.

    Next year will be under the sign of the Rooster, and master classes on knitting this bright bird will be very useful.

    But to knit such a beautiful heating pad in the shape of a cockerel,

    Bright, colorful rooster for those who like to knit knitting needles

    The cockerel will be approximately 25 cm in size.

    What materials are needed for a cockerel:

    Description of knitting a cockerel:

    (see diagram at the very end)

    How to knit a cockerel head:

    Neck plumage:

    Head plumage:

    How to knit a beak:


    Earrings (beard):

    Feathers for the tail:

    How to tie the legs of a cockerel:

    Assembly of all parts:

    Knitting pattern:

    Surely, needlewomen who knit are interested not only in making clothes, but also in making toys. After all, with the help of knitting needles and crochet, you can knit a huge variety of wonderful toys that both adults and children will enjoy. And I also believe that toys made with your own hands will never compare with purchased ones, because you put your work and your love into them. This video will help you tie a funny rooster.

    I knitted a lot of toys, including chickens and hens, but I didn’t knit a cockerel, so I looked at the Internet with interest and was literally taken aback by how many different cockerel toys there are.

    I chose the two I liked the most. Here is a photo:

    The rooster is associated with humor, amusing and very funny.

    And I liked this very nice one even more, so I’m giving a link to a very detailed master class.

    And here are the simplest cockerels, I think it won’t be difficult to tie them.

    And this cockerel is knitted quite simply, the base is an egg, and then it’s up to your imagination.

    And here is another one, similar to the previous one.

    2018 will be the year of the rooster, so all sorts of gifts and attributes associated with this pet will be relevant. Crochet a rooster with your own hands It’s quite simple, especially if you have a video of a master class on this lesson in front of your eyes.

    Personally, I was attracted on the Internet by a cockerel knitted from white yarn, measuring 11 centimeters.

    The lesson on crocheting a rooster consists of 2 parts and is posted on YouTube:

To knit cockerels, you don’t need much: yarn (most often acrylic or cotton), a hook that fits it (No. 1-3), stuffing (sintepon or holofiber), eyes.

Please note that almost all photos enlarge when clicked. If you cannot see the text on the descriptions of roosters, save it on your computer - it will open there in full size

Color schemes

I think it will not be superfluous for needlewomen who want to knit a very realistic cockerel =))

More and more diagrams and descriptions of cockerels appear every day. And choosing the one you like the most becomes a real problem - all the toys are original, and they just beg to be created. If you have free time, knit everything you like. I've already started a couple))

The most popular trend now is amigurumi. Many of them are quite simple to implement.

Master classes on crocheting roosters

Whether you are a beginner or a pro, you will find a description to your liking in the selections below.

Beginning needlewomen, don’t be afraid to make mistakes and try, there are now so many very detailed master classes online that even children can handle some of them.

The cutest amigurumi roosters from Elena Ermak

My daughter really liked these paws, so I also knit cockerels from Elena =)

By the way, just below in the “Ideas for Inspiration” section you will find even more photos of lovely crocheted cockerels from Elena.

Warmer for a mug Cockerel crochet

White cockerel

Handsome brothers

Bright and unforgettable roosters

Cockerels from Vera Izgrebina

“Kura” from Olga Anisimova

Rooster master class from amigurumi-toys

A selection of English and Russian master classes

This homemade chicken will be an excellent gift for the New Year - the year of the rooster, every year for Easter and just for no reason!

MK from

There are simply no words for how gorgeous this knitted rooster is! I've already started working on it, join me ^_^

The master class is also detailed, the cockerel is crocheted from mercerized cotton No. 1.

Also from this site is the traveler cockerel. Very businesslike =)

Knitted from acrylic with crochet number 1.25.

go to MK

How a snowman turned into a cockerel

A funny master class from Angela Feklina. These roosters are knitted based on snowmen and look very interesting)

By the way, I forgot to mention - this Petya is knitted with knitting needles. However, I think it’s quite easy to repeat it with crochet.

Any yarn will do except cotton and viscose.


Cockerel Arkady

A lovely cockerel as described by Tatyana Ostroumova. You will find how to knit it on the portal dedicated to amigurumi. The cockerel pattern is popular; on the Internet you can find a large number of toys knitted using it.

Crochet cockerels from Maria Urazbakhtina (Masha55)

It seems that you can fall in love with these cockerels at first sight. Just look at the eyes)

Difficulty: medium

Baby cockerel


Fluffy chicken from Tatyana Shevchenko

Still very small and defenseless, he will definitely grow up and become a handsome rooster. I think it's a great toy for a girl.

You will need: Grass yarn (yellow), hook No. 1.5, filler and granules, plastic for the beak, black eyes.

Cheerful chickens from Tsareva Olesya

Positive and cheerful birds))

Amigurumi cockerel

Reminds me of Chicken Little =)

for translation

MK from the Women's School

You can knit such a cute, bright cockerel using a detailed master class published on the Women's School portal. The difficulty level is also suitable for beginners.

You will need: YarnArt yarn of several colors, hook No. 1.75, stuffing, running eyes and a needle.

go to mk

Kinder cockerel from Anastasia Kononenko

Such a fiery cockerel =)

You can unleash your secret desires, stock up on Kinders, taste chocolate, and then force the roosters.

go to mk

Teddy Chick

An extremely soft and squeezable toy from Maria Kostyuchenko-Koshmal =)

Mainly knitted from YarnArt-DOLCE yarn, hook No. 3.5

White cockerel from Svetik

On the site you will find a complete photo and video master class on knitting such a cute and simple cockerel.

Materials: YarnArt Jeans yarn, hook No. 2, padding

The height of the finished toy is 11 cm.

go to MK

Christmas tree toy - heart-shaped cockerel

I found a master class on crocheting such a hearty rooster on a website entirely dedicated to the New Year.

to the master class

Cute cockerel by Dreamfall2702

This plump beauty has simple elements and is knitted up quite quickly. And another big plus is that it can be placed comfortably on a shelf.

Cute crochet cockerel from Medzhik

You will find a description on the forum. According to the author, the rooster is so simple that you can tie it in one evening;)

The height of the toy is 15 cm

go to mk

Potholder Rooster

We have already listed a lot of toys above, but why stop only at them? The cockerel also looks great as a pot holder or cup holder

Master Class

Master classes from the Crafts Fair and Etsy (paid)

For those who have never bought on Etsy, the master class comes immediately after payment.

Monica the Hen

First of all, I would like to show a chicken knitting tutorial from Elena Ermak. It’s the year of the Rooster, of course, but how can you pass by such charms?)

MK cost: 400 rubles

buy a master class

Gorgeous man Senya Petukhov

On New Year's Eve it will win the heart of any lady =) Author of the master class: Nadezhda Biyanova, you can purchase it at the Masters Fair.

You can also purchase other master classes by the author. Admire the beauty in the gallery below:

Alex crochet cockerel

The 2017 rooster symbol pattern can be purchased from Galina Savushka on Etsy. As the author writes, such a crocheted cockerel will only be 13 cm tall.

You will need: yarn (acrylic, wool), hook No. 3, eyes, stuffing.

The master class includes 19 pages with a detailed description, 85 diagrams.

Difficulty: medium.

Language: English and Russian.

MK cost: $5.51

SavushkaDesigns - Etsy

Cockerel Don Pedro

Also from Galina Savushka from Latvia. The beak resembles a duck ^_^

Language: English and Russian.

MK cost: $5.51

SavushkaDesigns - on Etsy

The beginning of a new year always marks the beginning of a new life, bright, rich and fruitful. According to the Chinese horoscope, the symbol of 2017 is the Rooster. The harmonious combination of colors in his appearance symbolizes a surge of energy, vitality, and beauty. The main color of the coming year is red, which has always been personified with passion, wealth, victory and love.

In order to bring all these positive aspects into the coming new year, you need to decorate your home with the symbol of 2017. Needlewomen have a great opportunity to create a cute souvenir with their own hands by knitting a cockerel using knitting needles. In addition, a knitted symbol of the year is a good idea for a gift to family and friends. This article will tell you how to knit a New Year's Rooster on knitting needles.

The finished model will look like this:

Even novice needlewomen can knit such an unusual souvenir, since making the toy does not take much time and is quite simple. So, we will need:

  • Yarn in red, white and orange;
  • Knitting needles in sizes 3.25 mm and 2.5 mm;
  • Filler (sintepon, holofiber);
  • Black beads for eyes (or black yarn);
  • Hook;
  • Sewing needle.

Cockerel height = 11 cm.

It is worth noting that the fashion for cute knitted items, albeit created using a crochet hook, came from Japan. In the land of the rising sun this art was called amigurumi. The size of knitted toys traditionally ranges from 5 to 10 cm. In Russia, such needlework not only took root, but also began to develop; knitting needles began to be widely used to create toys.

Let's start knitting the rooster's body

Cast on 7 loops for the base.

We knit the 1st row and all odd rows up to the 9th inclusive;

2 rows: k1, ^1 loop added from the broach, knit 1, then repeat from ^ to the end of the row. There are 13 loops on the knitting needles;

4 rows: repeat the 2nd row, on the knitting needles - 25 loops;

6 r.: 1 knit, ^1 loop added from the broach, 2 knit, then repeat from ^ 4 times, 2 knit, repeat from ^ 2 more times, 1 knit, then repeat again from ^ 4 times. There are already 35 loops in total;

9 r.: purl;

Rows 10-23: stockinette stitch;

24 r.: 1 knit, then a complex (2 knits together, 2 knits), this complex needs to be knitted 4 times, then 2 knits, 2 times a complex, 2 knits, knit a complex 4 more times. In total, there are again 35 loops on the knitting needles;

Rows 25 and 27: purl loops;

26 r.: 1 knit, then decrease (2 knits together, 1 knit), knit a decrease 4 times, then 2 knits, knit a decrease 2 more times, 2 knits, 4 more repetitions of a decrease. There are a total of 25 loops on the knitting needles;

We knit rows 29-41 with stitch stitch (odd 29th too);

Row 42: K1, dec 2 stitches together until the end of the row. There are 9 loops left on the knitting needles.

We pull the thread through these 9 loops, for convenience you can use a hook, pull the loops tightly together, and fasten. We match the seams, but sew together about 2/3 of the toy; the remaining hole will be needed for stuffing the rooster’s body. After the contours of the toy are formed, it is necessary to sew up the seam well.

We knit the wings of a cockerel

First wing: cast on 11 stitches.

In the first row of them we close off 6 loops, knit 4 stitches;

2 rows: purl 5 stitches, then knit 5 stitches on the knitting needles, turn the product over;

3 r.: close 5 loops, then knit 4 knits;

4 r.: purl. knit 5 loops, cast on 4 knitting needles, turn the wing over;

5 p.: close 4 more loops, then knit 4 knits;

6 p.: the same as the 4th;

Then loosely close the loops.

Second wing: cast on 9 stitches.

1st row: close 4 loops, knit 4 stitches;

2 rows: purl. knit 5 loops, cast on 4 knits again, turn the product over;

3 rubles: the same as the 1st;

4 rows: purl 5 stitches, cast on 5 knitting needles, unfold the wing again;

5 p.: close 5 loops, knit 4 more knits;

6 r.: purl. knit 5 loops, cast on 6 knit stitches, then turn the wing over;

Close the loops loosely.

After this, we attach the wings to the body of the rooster.

Scallop: we put 7 loops on the knitting needles with red yarn, knit 1 row. In the next row you need to cast on 2 loops and cast off 4, after which we slip 1 loop onto the left needle from the right one. Repeat until all loops are completely closed, starting with a set of 2 loops.

Sew the comb to the cockerel.

For the beak, you will need to cast on 6 loops with orange yarn, and purl the 1st row.

Row 2: k2, decrease k2 together, k2 again;

Row 3: Dec 2 stitches together, purl 1. knit, then decrease 2 loops again;

4 r.: 3 loops together purl. Now you need to sew the edges of the beak, but do not stuff it, but sew it in this form to the head of the toy.

Let's start knitting the beard (we will knit 2 parts). Cast on 5 loops with red yarn. In the first row, knit 3 loops and unfold the product. In the second row, purl 3 loops and unfold the product. Close off the stitches with knit stitches. Sew both parts of the beard under the rooster's beak.

In order to knit a leg (you will need to make 2 pieces), you need to cast on 6 loops with orange yarn on the knitting needles. Knit the first row and everything up to the 11th row.

Row 11: continue the knit row, at the end we cast on 4 more stitches, unfold the product;

12 r.: close off 5 loops, knit 3 stitches with them, again put 4 loops on the knitting needle, turn the product over;

13 r.: close 6 stitches with knit stitches, slip 1 loop from right to left, then cast on 4 loops. Close the loops.

The rooster's leg must be sewn down to the paw, the threads must be secured well and hidden. Then sew the finished parts to the body of the cockerel. If there is a wire, you can add to the product, then the legs of the toy will bend.

It remains to knit the last detail - the feathers. They are knitted from white yarn. We cast on 15 loops. Then comes the motif - we close 12 loops, knit 2 knit stitches (3 loops remain on the knitting needle), in the second row we knit these loops purl and turn the product over, in the 3rd row we again cast on 12 loops, turn the product. We knit this motif until we get a large number of feathers (6-7). Then we close all the loops, bend the resulting part and sew it to the rooster.

We decorate the toy’s head with eyes: sew on beads or make 2 longitudinal stitches with black thread.

A children's sweater “Cockerel” can be knitted from the remains of different yarns. Surely every needlewoman has multi-colored balls in her stash. Now is the time to put them to work. As you know, the coming year will pass according to the eastern calendar under the sign of fiery red. That's why a hand-knitted sweater with its symbols will be an excellent gift for your child or grandchild. Your baby will surely like such a warm and cozy thing and the child will be very pleased to wear the new item. This article will tell you how to knit a children's sweater with a cockerel for a child aged 2-3 years. The diagram, pattern and detailed instructions will help you with this.

Knitting pattern for a cockerel

Knitting pattern

To work you will need:

170 g cotton yarn (100 g)
50 g each of cotton: terracotta, red, orange, yellow, light green, dark green, turquoise and dark blue yarn
knitting needles No. 2.5
circular knitting needles 2 mm

Important! The thread must be made in eight folds.

Sweater knitting process


Using a beige thread, cast on 74 stitches on needles No. 2.5 and knit 4 cm in garter stitch.
Then knit 68 rows in satin stitch.
Next, on each side, add 6 loops at once (with air loops) and knit 36 ​​rows.
Close all loops.


Using a beige thread, cast on 74 stitches on needles No. 2.5 and knit 4 cm in garter stitch. Next, knit the cockerel according to the pattern. There are 60 loops and 73 rows in the pattern. After the front is knitted to the armholes, just like on the back, cast on 6 loops on both sides. Having knitted 6-7 cm from the armhole, begin to form the neckline: bind off the central 14 loops and then decrease 1 loop 5 times on each side. There are 31 loops left on each shoulder. At a height of 12 cm from the armholes, simultaneously close the loops (31 loops each) of the shoulder.


Cast on 42 loops, knit 8 rows with knit stitches. Next, 2 rows with all the colors of yarn that are present in the cockerel, alternating them with beige. Then 16 rows in beige. At the height of the entire sleeve, add 1 loop evenly 5 times on each side. Cast off all 52 stitches at the same time.

Assembling a sweater

Sew the sweater pieces along the sides and shoulders, then sew in the sleeves. Steam the finished product with a steam iron or iron it through a damp gauze.


Using circular needles, cast on 72 stitches along the edge of the neckline. Work 44 rows using 2×2 ribbing. Close the loops at the same time.

That’s it, the “Cockerel” sweater for the child is ready, now there is still time to knit it before the main holiday of the country - the New Year. You won’t need to run around looking for it or carve out funds for it from the family budget. You can do everything yourself - knit such a wonderful, elegant, warm sweater with a cockerel that will serve your child for many years.

I suggest watching a video on how to knit a beautiful sweater with teddy bears for a 2-year-old child.

Friends, have you already thought about what gifts you will give your friends and family for the New Year? Or are you putting this question off until later? Do you make gifts with your own hands or do you most often buy them in a store? What do you like more: receiving gifts or giving them?
Write about this in your comments. If you liked the article, like it, take part in the star vote, click on the social network buttons! Your opinion is very important to me! If you want to receive blog news regularly, then join the Your Zest group in VKontakte and sign up for the site’s newsletter (both forms on the right).

Sincerely, Lyubov Fedorova.

Rooster- a symbol of the coming year, so I suggest you knit And crochet bright elegant rooster. I think it's like this knitted toy will come in very handy.
Description knitting rooster knitting needles And crochet I found it in the book " Toys with your own hands."
But, unfortunately, the book does not contain color photographs. tied cock, there is only this black and white drawing toys.

At first I wanted it myself to tie knitting and crochet according to the description offered in the book toy rooster, and then I thought that time is precious, it’s better to post this description here as soon as possible on the website rooster knitting - host of the coming year, for everyone.
You'd rather tie a toy you'll see for yourself how it turns out knitted rooster.
In order to tie a rooster, You will need:
- yarn purple, red, yellow, green and blue colors(any composition; No. 32/2, knit with thread in 6 folds) - 50 g each colors;
- knitting needles № 3;
- set of stockings knitting needles № 3;
- hook № 3;
- embroidery needle with a rounded end;
- loose padding polyester.
Patterns For knitting:
Facial surface: with planar knitting all front rows are front rows loops, all purl rows are purl loops; with circular knitting - All loops in all rows - front ones.
Kinds loops For crochet: columns without yarn over.
Left side of the body rooster: yarn purple colors dial on the knitting needles 20 loops And knit in stockinette stitch according to the diagram (Fig. 11).
Right side of the body toys: to knit symmetrical to the left side of the body.
Central body detail rooster: yarn purple colors dial on knitting needles 4 loops And to knit stockinette stitch.
To expand, add parts on both sides alternately in each 2nd and 4th rows 6 times 1 loop, then in every 4th row 4 times 1 loop.
Total for knitting needles it turned out to be 24 loops.
In this place, make a mark on both sides of the part (point B). Knit straight 69 rows.
Starting from the next row, close parts 1 on both sides loop and then alternately in every 4th and 6th rows - 9 times 1 loop.
In the next row, cast off the remaining 4 loops.
Head: yarn purple colors dial 48 loops, distribute them by 4 knitting needles And knit in stockinette stitch.
In the 45th row, decrease 4 evenly loops.
Repeat these decreases 6 more times in every 2nd row.
Remaining 20 loops string on the end of the working threads and pull it off.
Neck plumage rooster: red yarn dial 48 loops, distribute them by 4 knitting needles And knit in stockinette stitch.
In the 4th, 6th and 8th rows, add 8 evenly loops.
Total for knitting needles should be 72 loops.
Next 10 rows knit directly, after which knitting divide into 8 parts of 9 loops and then separately to knit"feathers" rooster.
For bevels in every 4th row on both sides of the “feather”, close 2 times 1 loop and in the next 3rd row - 1 loop.
On the remaining 3 knit loops 2 rows, then close them in one row.
Head plumage: yellow yarn dial on knitting needles 8 loops And knit in stockinette stitch.
To expand, add parts on both sides in each 2nd row 2 times 1 loop.
In the 8th and 10th rows, decrease 1 on both sides loop.
In the 14th row, add 1 piece on both sides loop and then in every 2nd row - 5 times 1 loop.
Next 23 rows to knit straight, then perform a rounding using the technique knitting short rows: knit 17, knitting rotate, 1 yarn over, 14 p., knitting rotate, 1 yarn over, before yarn over previous row to knit facial, yarn over and the next one knit a loop together, purl crossed*; repeat from * to * 2 more times.
On one side, dial 20 additional loops; just for knitting needles should be 40 loops, distribute them by 4 knitting needles And knit knit satin stitch using the circular technique knitting.
In the 5th and 10th circular rows, add 8 evenly loops.
After 14 rows knitting divided into 8 parts of 7 loops and then separately to knit"feathers" rooster.
For bevels, close both sides of the “feather” in every 4th row 2 times 1 loop.
On the remaining 3 loops knit 2 more rows, then close them in one row.
Beak rooster: for the top of the beak knitted toys dial on knitting needles yellow thread 14 loops And knit in stockinette stitch.
In the 7th row, on both sides, close the parts 1 at a time loop and then in each row - 5 times 1 loop.
Remaining 2 loops close in one row.
For the bottom of the beak rooster dial on knitting needles yellow thread 12 loops And knit in stockinette stitch.
In the 5th row, close 1 piece on both sides loop and then in each row - 4 times 1 loop.
Remaining 2 loops close in one row.
Scallop rooster: crochet red knit with yarn chain out of 25 air loops And knit 4 rows with straight and reverse rows in columns without yarn over(each row starts from 1 air loop for lifting).
Then knitting Divide into 5 parts and each clove to knit separately:
5-7th rows: 1 air loop for lifting, 6 columns without yarn over.
8th row: 1 air loop for lifting, skip 1 loop previous row, 5 columns without yarn over.
9th row: 1 air loop for lifting, skip 1 loop previous row, 4 column without yarn over. A thread secure and trim.
Thus to tie all scallop cloves rooster, then the entire serrated side of the scallop tie connecting in columns.
Goatee rooster: red tie a chain with yarn out of 7 air loops And knit 5 rows in columns without yarn over(each row starts from 1 air loop for lifting), while adding from one edge in the 2nd row
1 loop, and in the 4th row reduce it.
To tie 2 such details.
Tail rooster: tie a chain out of 34 air loops And knit 5 rows in columns without yarn over, knitting at the beginning of each row 1 air loop for lifting.
To tie 2 “feathers” of green, blue and red colors, connecting them together in the process knitting.
Paws rooster: to knit in the transverse direction.
Crochet yellow tie a chain with yarn out of 12 air loops And knit 3 rows in columns without yarn over, performing 1 at the beginning of each row air loop for lifting.
Further to knit in the following way:
4th and 8th rows: 1 air loop for lifting, 6 columns without yarn over, 6 air loops.
5th and 9th rows: 1 air loop for lifting, 12 columns without yarn over (6 columns to newly recruited air loops, 6 columns V columns without yarn over previous row).
6th, 7th, 10th and 11th rows: 1 air loop for lifting, 12 columns without yarn over.
Related fold the piece in half (combining the initial and last rows), for 6 loops to tie connecting row in columns without yarn over, after which each of the three fingers rooster tie along the contour with connecting in columns. A thread secure and trim.
Second paw rooster knit similarly.
Eye oval: crochet red tie a chain with a thread out of 6 air loops And tie her in a circular row columns without yarn over, knitting from the first and last chain loops 3 each column(average loops mark both triplets thread contrasting colors).
To tie 4 more round rows columns without yarn over, knitting above marked loops 3 each column. A thread secure and trim.
Assembly of parts related toys: sew together the central and side parts of the body rooster, combining marks A, B and C, sew the back seam, fill the body toys padding polyester.
Fill your head with padding polyester rooster and sew it along the edge of the neck hole.
On your head toys put on the plumage of the neck and head and sew them on with a hidden seam.
On the top of the beak rooster embroider in black thread 2 stitches with seam " a loop"for the nostrils.
Sew on the eye oval and embroider on it in white and black yarn eyes rooster.
Place the upper part of the beak on the lower part and sew them together in small sections along the sides, sew the beak to the head rooster.
Sew on toy rooster related comb, beard and tail.
Paw cavities toys fill with padding polyester, shape the paws and sew them to the lower part of the body rooster.
Source material book " School knitting on knitting needles And crochet. Toys with your own hands." Author Ilkovskaya Yu.A.

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