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How to reduce a size in cotton jeans. How to reduce a certain area of ​​jeans? How to shrink jeans in a specific area

Sewing jeans at the waist, hips and legs at home.

When your favorite jeans become too big, you can resort to urgent repairs at home; it’s all very simple, and most importantly - economical. You will learn about all the methods of sewing trousers from the article.

How to properly sew jeans on the sides and legs?

If you have lost a couple of kilograms, or you are tired of the once fashionable flared trousers, you can easily sew them in your legs. After this home renovation, you will get fashionable skinny jeans.
To properly sew your favorite thing on your feet, you should know certain secrets:

  • Put on the jeans turned inside out and mark with pins the place for sewing - it will be at the very feet, but it is better to leave 1-2 cm for shrinkage after washing
  • Take off your trousers and place them on the table, straightening them out. The trousers must lie flat so that the stitching does not distort
  • Arm yourself with white soap and sharpen the edge of the product - you will use it to mark the stitching areas
  • To begin with, circle the area near the pins with soap, this will make the measurements more accurate.
  • In the future, you will need a thread and a needle and a sewing machine, first, baste the edges of the jeans, follow the pin as a guide - the lines should go exactly along the measurements
  • Try on basted jeans, if this preliminary sewing is suitable, remove the jeans and proceed to the final
  • Cut off the excess part of the jeans that extends beyond the intended area and stitch the jeans on a sewing machine
  • Sew the edges using an overlocker or zigzag
When sewing jeans in the legs, the main thing is the correct measurements.

For the first time, the procedure may seem difficult to you, so if you have expensive jeans, you should practice on some cheaper item. But when you get good at it, carrying out such repair work will be as easy as shelling pears for you.

Video: How to sew in jeans on the sides of the legs?

How to sew jeans in at the waist?

There is such a situation that jeans fit like a glove on the hips, but at the waist they bulge unattractively. In such a situation, you should also carry out minor repairs, which, if you have a sewing machine, can be done at home, for this:

  • In the case where the extra width is no more than 2-3 cm, an elastic band can save you. Buy a wide elastic band, cut the waistband on each side of the jeans from the inside out and thread the elastic along the entire length. Carefully sew the elastic to the waistband, paying special attention to the cut areas
  • If you need to suture from 3 to 7 cm, there will be more work. First, secure the waistband at the back, between the side seams.
  • Wear jeans turned inside out and ask someone you know to pin up the darts that are in the back. The main thing is that they are located evenly from the seam in the middle
  • Remove the jeans and carefully sew the parts that were marked
  • After this, carefully iron the stitched part
  • Take threads that match the color of the main ones and fix the dart on the outside, stitching along the entire length
  • Next, cut the belt, this can be done by undoing the middle loop
  • Attach the waistband to the jeans and measure the excess portion that needs to be cut off
  • Now you need to re-sew the already cut belt
  • Re-sew the waistband to the jeans and close the seam with the belt loop.

There is another way in which you can sew in jeans, but it will take you more time and effort. But the result will be very high quality. You need to do the following:

  • Open the belt loop at the back and open the waistband about 10 cm on each side of the middle seam
  • Open the seam that goes between the legs (it is called the step seam) by 10 cm
  • Open the middle seam, but do not unroll it, as it may move. Just carefully pin it on the front side
  • Go through all the seams from the inside and also secure with pins, after which all fastenings on the front side can be removed
  • Steam the seams thoroughly with an iron
  • Place the pant legs inside each other and, 2 cm away from the middle seam, draw a line to form a triangle. The drawn line should go along the waist line
  • Make a stitch along the drawn line and overcast the edge
  • Sew the crotch seam from the back with one line, from the front - double
  • Cut the belt in half and apply it to the stitched jeans, remove excess fabric
  • Sew the waistband from the right side, iron it and align it with the trousers.
  • Secure with pins and stitch carefully

Important: To ensure that the elastic is the correct length, measure yourself with it around your waist and sew the elastic into your jeans 3-5 cm less. This way, by stretching, the elastic band will be the desired length.

Thanks to this method, you can remove the excess part of your jeans that stands out unattractively at the waist. The last option will look especially high quality, but if it seems too complicated to you, use the rest. If done carefully, the result will definitely be of high quality.

Video: Sewing jeans at the waist

How to sew jeans a size smaller?

Losing those extra pounds certainly lifts your spirits, but it also causes wardrobe malfunctions. If your jeans have become too big for you, then this can be corrected, especially if the reduction is only one size:

  • The easiest way is washing. Set the washing machine to 95C and put the jeans in a hot wash. This process should be repeated twice, making sure that cold water does not penetrate the jeans.
  • When setting the machine to the cold rinse mode, stop the process. Dry washed trousers on a hot radiator or using a steam dryer. This method is quite good, but after a certain time the jeans may stretch again, so you will have to repeat the procedure again
  • Another method is suturing. If your jeans are too big at the waist and hips, sew them in at the side. To do this, turn the jeans inside out and mark with a pin the places that need to be cut.
  • Walk along the jeans with soap, break off the pins and mark the places for the new stitching with thread. Put the jeans back on and if they now fit well, trim off the excess fabric and stitch the pants
  • If the jeans are just right in the hips and there is a lot of excess fabric in the waist, it’s not a problem, sew in the pants along the seam that is located at the back. Open the belt loop and cut the belt in the middle
  • You need to make darts on each side - there you will hide excess material. Do not make very long darts, as this may cause unsightly folds on the back pocket.
  • When you have removed everything unnecessary, sew the belt to the jeans and return the belt loop
  • A very simple way is to sew jeans using the side seams. In these places you need to make darts; to do this, open the line that runs along the side seams
  • Next, carefully place the excess fabric under the side seams and stitch the jeans together again. This option is suitable if you have a high-quality machine or thin jeans, since the side seams are quite tight

If your jeans are a size too big, it is very easy to adjust them to fit you thanks to these methods. Don’t forget about your favorite thing, everything can be fixed.
Even if the trousers are too big in one particular place, you can pay attention and correct this particular part of the jeans. You should not contact workshops - you will spend a decent amount there.
At home, if you follow these recommendations, you will carry out repair work like a real seamstress. Moreover, you are doing this kind of work for yourself, which means you will definitely do everything carefully and conscientiously.

Video: How to sew jeans along the side seams?

Almost every one of us at least once in our lives has wondered: what can we do to make our jeans fit? As a rule, denim pants stretch with frequent wear and lose their shape over time. However, there are ways to reduce your jeans size by 1-2 sizes. We will talk about them in our article.

What to do to make your jeans fit in our review

Shrinkage methods

Wash in hot water

The first thing you can do to get jeans to fit is to wash them in very hot water.

When washed in hot water, the product may lose its color, so it is very important to use a soft powder

Set the washing machine to intensive washing mode: temperature 70-95 ℃ and the highest number of revolutions (800 and above). Delicate and hand wash are not suitable for denim, choose the “cotton” cycle.

There is no need to worry about your jeans getting damaged – denim is a very dense and durable fabric. However, you should not wash trousers with decorative trim: sparkles, rhinestones or lace in this way. This will not only damage the decor, but also clog the washing machine filter.

Important! This method of shrinking fabric is only suitable for cotton-based items. When washed in hot water, synthetic materials stretch even more and lose their shape. Be sure to read the fabric composition on the label.

Immediately after washing, the jeans should be dried in the dryer on maximum setting (this will help shrink the fabric one more size) or let them dry by laying them out on a horizontal surface. You shouldn't air dry your jeans after they've shrunk.

Under no circumstances should you iron denim while it is still wet - this will cause it to stretch even more.

As a rule, one such wash is enough for the jeans to shrink to size, but if you want to enhance the effect, try repeating this procedure again.


This method is considered quite extreme, as it guarantees a change in the color of the fabric and the appearance of stains. But if you like this style, you can safely resort to this method.

To prevent the color of the fabric from changing too much, be sure to turn the jeans inside out before boiling and make sure that the powder is completely dissolved in the water.

Do not use boiling to shrink jeans with scuffs, holes, patterns or other decorations.

Fill a large saucepan or enamel bucket with water, add mild laundry detergent or gel, and place over high heat. When the water boils, use tongs to place the jeans in a container and boil for about 20-30 minutes, stirring constantly (reduce the heat). Do not cover the dish with a lid and make sure that the item is completely covered with water.

In order for jeans to shrink, they need to be dried properly after boiling. It is best to use a dryer or lay your pants near a heat source (near a stove, radiator, or just in the sun). Use an old terry towel as a lining - it will absorb excess moisture.

But what can you do to make jeans shrink if they cannot be boiled or the fabric has a decorative finish? Let's consider more gentle methods.

Fabric softener

Dissolve fabric softener in water (in a ratio of 1:3), pour the resulting solution into a spray bottle and shake thoroughly. Wet the areas that need to be reduced generously, and then dry the item in the dryer on the intensive setting. Or let your jeans dry by laying them out near a heat source. Fabric shrinkage will only occur in those areas that you treat. If necessary, the procedure can be repeated.

The conditioner method is especially good if you want your jeans to shrink only in the waist area

Cold and hot shower

What can I do to make my jeans shrink if the fabric is hand washable only? You can give your trousers a so-called contrast shower.

The item must be rinsed in ice water and then immediately placed in very hot water. Since you cannot hand wash in boiling water, leave the jeans in the water until the temperature is comfortable for hand washing. If you have enough time, you can soak your jeans in very cold water overnight and wash them in hot water in the morning.

It is important that the washing powder or other detergent you use does not contain bleach particles, otherwise your jeans will be hopelessly damaged

With any method of shrinking fabric, you need to try to reduce the drying time of things as much as possible, since wet material can stretch again. Let's look at several ways to help you dry your jeans properly.

Proper drying

For jeans to shrink, they need to be dried properly. Drying will help not only reduce the size, but also maintain the shape of the trousers:

  1. Hang your pants on the dryer or line in the same condition in which you took them out of the washing machine drum. Do not straighten or stretch the jeans (they should be very well wrung out). Place them to dry near a source of hot air - a radiator, a heater. The water in the fabric will quickly evaporate and the pants will become smaller.
  2. Another way is to lay your pants on a towel. The fabric will absorb all excess moisture, and the jeans will dry without losing their shape.
  3. The most effective way is hot drying in a washing machine or dryer. This drying method will allow you to reduce your jeans by another size.

It is worth remembering that you cannot make trousers a size smaller only in length or width - jeans always fit evenly. Therefore, when purchasing, choose a length up to your heels (as a last resort, you can always hem them). Manufacturers advise taking jeans a size smaller, since after frequent wear they will stretch in any case.

To prevent natural stretching of the fabric, it is not recommended to wear the same jeans over and over again. It is advisable to have several pairs of pants. By alternately replacing trousers, you can maintain their appearance and shape for a long time.

Stretch denim trousers cannot be reduced; on the contrary, they only stretch over time. These jeans may shrink a little after washing, but they will stretch out again as the day goes on.

Not all jeans can be made smaller by washing or special drying. In some cases, you need to take drastic measures - take the trousers to the workshop and have them recut to fit. Do not take on this work yourself without sufficient experience: if the jeans are very large, you will have to rip out not only the side seams, but also the crotch seams. Moreover, you won’t be able to make a special “denim” seam using a regular sewing machine. In the workshop you can not only reduce the size of your trousers, but also adjust their cut. Of course, this method is the most reliable.

So, we figured out what to do to make your jeans fit. The most important thing in this matter is not to overdo it, so as not to spoil the thing. If you have personal experience on how to make jeans a size smaller, share with us in the comments.

She graduated from the author's physics and mathematics lyceum and art school. Received a higher education in economics with a major in innovative management. Freelancer. Married, actively travels. He is interested in Buddhist philosophy, enjoys transurfing and loves Mediterranean cuisine.

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Do you know that:

If your favorite things show the first signs of gestation in the form of untidy pellets, you can get rid of them using a special machine - a shaver. It quickly and effectively shaves off clumps of fabric fibers and returns things to their proper appearance.

The habit of using an automatic washing machine “sparingly” can lead to the appearance of an unpleasant odor in it. Washing at temperatures below 60℃ and short rinses allow fungi and bacteria from dirty clothes to remain on internal surfaces and actively multiply.

Jeans made from 100% cotton are incredibly resistant to any aggressive temperature. Mass worship of universal denim began in the 60s of the twentieth century, and in the first thirty years after the “fashion revolution”, no matter how hard you tried, it was not possible to wash jeans to make them smaller.

Cotton products were not subject to shrinkage even after several procedures of boiling down, which was trendy in the era of the 90s. To soften the tough fibers of denim, manufacturers began to include elastane and lycra in the material. The higher the percentage of a softening additive such as elastane, the easier it is to wash jeans to make them shrink.

Denim shrinkage: washing methods

Old-style denim was more durable and did not stretch when worn every day. With the use of new technologies for the production of denim, the rough fabric has acquired comfortable elasticity. But the innovation caused sprains in the knees and waist. Many methods have emerged on how to wash jeans so that they shrink and acquire their original “tight” look and even fit exactly to your figure.

Boiling denim

When exposed to hot water temperatures, jeans with elastane will shrink at least one size.

  • You will need a large enamel pan and wooden tongs for stirring the material.
  • Boiling denim in a soap solution should last no more than half an hour.
  • Jeans are soaked in a boiling solution of laundry soap shavings (50 g per 10 liters of water) and cooked over low heat.

Boiling denim leads to partial loss of color. Unstable dyes completely peel off from the material, and the trousers take on an unkempt appearance. You can boil white jeans without loss.

Wash at maximum temperature

Do jeans shrink after washing in automatic mode? Yes, if you set the temperature control to maximum.

  • Hot water from 60 to 90 degrees will shrink denim a size or more.
  • To enhance the shrinkage effect, it is necessary to include several spin cycles of 800 rpm in the washing program.

Jeans will fit not only in volume, but also along the entire length. What should I do to make jeans fit only in width? Dry the item vertically, hanging weights from the bottom of the trousers, or fasten the trouser legs and dry the items taut.

Shrinkage exactly to your figure

What should I do to get my jeans to fit? Take a hot bath in your jeans! This extraordinary method works wonders: after washing, the clothes will fit like a glove.

  • Put on jeans, fill the bath with hot water, sit in the water up to your waist and wait 20 minutes. During this time, the denim will fit your figure, accurately following the contours of the body.
  • Dry jeans without removing them in direct sunlight or near heaters.

The prescription method of reducing clothing size has a temporary effect. After the first normal wash, the trousers may stretch again.


The method for making jeans fit is only suitable for the warm season, since in pursuit of shrinking trousers you can easily catch a cold.

Local shrinkage

Jeans that are stretched at the knees can be brought into shape by using fabric softener.

  • Prepare a concentrated solution (3:1 ratio) and fill a container with a spray bottle with it.
  • Spray onto the problem area and place the item in the dryer. At the maximum drying temperature, the stretched fibers will tighten significantly.

Do not use detergents instead of conditioner, as white streaks will appear on the treated areas after drying.

Note to the owner:

If your jeans have faded slightly during the washing process, you can improve the color quality at home. Soak the damaged items in a hot solution of water and blue (30 g per 5 liters of water) for 3 hours. Then rinse the material in a vinegar solution (40 ml per 5 liters of water). Full coloring is unlikely to be achieved, but you can enhance the color saturation and correct the consequences of an unsuccessful attempt to shrink the jeans.

Video: how to care for jeans

Alternative methods for shrinking denim

If there is very little time for shrinkage, you can resort to alternative methods. What can I do to make jeans fit true to size without washing them? There are two ways to shrink denim: ironing and drying.

Options for ironing and drying denim for maximum shrinkage:

  • Iron the jeans from the wrong side by intensive steaming (at least 20 minutes);
  • Using a spray bottle, spray the fabric with hot water and conditioner (3:1) and iron the material until completely dry;
  • Immediately after washing, the product is dried in special drying equipment at maximum heat or in a centrifuge for at least half an hour. Then the wet items are ironed until completely dry.

How to make jeans fit two sizes? Using three shrinkage methods at once: automatic washing in hot water, drying on a heating device and ironing with steam until completely dry, I managed to tone up jeans stretched two sizes, consisting of 50% elastane. To my surprise, the shrinkage effect lasted until the second wash.

Buying jeans with a high percentage of stretch additive does not eliminate the problem of fabric deformation. Elastane increases the ability of denim to shrink after washing, but also has the opposite effect: it causes rapid loss of shape and maximizes the likelihood of stretched areas on the garment. Optimal composition ratio: 80% cotton, 20% elastane.

So that after the first wear of trousers you do not have to rack your brains about how to reduce stretched denim during washing, buy jeans that fasten tightly. Taking things apart is much easier than returning them to their original size.

Jeans are a versatile wardrobe item. But what if they are too big for you? Don't be upset, they can be sewn in or reduced in size by washing. You've probably noticed that freshly washed items become a little smaller in size. This is especially true for jeans. This effect is most noticeable on them.

Method 1: in the washing machine

The item must be washed in hot water, the temperature of which should be 90 degrees. Of course, it's easier to do this using a washing machine. After all, it is rare whose hands can withstand such high water temperatures.

You need:

  • Place jeans in the washing machine.
  • Select a washing mode so that the water temperature is 90 degrees or more.
  • Set the washing mode to intensive.

If you follow all these steps, you can be sure that your jeans will shrink by one or even two sizes.

If you wash them by hand, without using a washing machine, you can also achieve a good result. Of course, the effect of such washing will most likely be worse. But if you don’t have a washing machine, then this method will help you out.

Method 2: How to wash jeans to make them shrink by hand?

When washing by hand, you are unlikely to withstand such high water temperatures. Therefore, it is better to use a contrast shower here. First, you need to rinse your jeans in very cold water, and then transfer them to hot water. If time permits, you can leave the jeans for two to three hours, or better yet overnight, in cold water. After a while or in the morning you will need to wash your jeans in hot water.

Tip: to prevent the quality of your jeans from deteriorating, do not use bleach to wash them.

Method 3: How should you dry jeans to reduce their size?

  • First, when drying, you want them to dry quickly. Therefore, they need to be hung to dry so that the light source is directed at them.
  • Secondly, in order for jeans to dry quickly, they need to be placed on a fabric that quickly absorbs moisture. After all, it is due to this that denim shrinks.
  • Thirdly, if you have an automatic clothes dryer in your home, this will make your task easier. It will help make your jeans a size smaller without losing their shape. If you don’t have a dryer in your house, you can contact the laundry for this purpose.

Method 4: Boiling Jeans

For this procedure you will need a large metal container with a lid. You should put your jeans in it and fill them with water. Next, you should fill the jeans with washing powder. Jeans must be boiled for 30 minutes. They will shrink by one or even two sizes, but their color may also fade. Your jeans may become much paler. This method is suitable for those who, in addition to shrinkage, are also interested in whitening jeans.

Method 5: Shrinking Jeans in a Hot Water Bath

First of all, put on the jeans that need to be reduced in size and fasten all the fasteners. Fill the bath with enough water to completely cover your legs in a sitting position. The water should be as hot as you can tolerate. Warm water will not help in this matter. You need to sit in such a bath for 20 minutes.

How to reduce a certain area of ​​jeans?

To make jeans shrink in size only in a certain area, you need to mix water with fabric softener in a ratio of 1:3. Pour the liquid into a spray bottle and stir well to obtain a uniform consistency. Do not add washing powder to the solution. In this case, you will have to completely wash your jeans later. Spray the solution on the areas you want to reduce. Throw your jeans into the dryer on the highest setting. If you dry things in the open air, nothing will happen.

Greetings, dear blog readers! I think you will agree with me that jeans are comfortable clothes that are appropriate for many occasions. Well, if they fit correctly to the figure, then they can not only emphasize the advantages, but also hide the shortcomings. That’s why it’s so disappointing when, after wearing it for a short time, a popular wardrobe item suddenly stretches.

Are you familiar with this situation? If yes, then I suggest we talk today about what to do to make your jeans fit! I'll tell you all the secrets that I know myself.

In general, a good seller should warn in advance that jeans stretch and can noticeably wear out. Therefore, it is recommended to buy trousers made from this fabric one size smaller another. Why does this happen? The fact is that the cotton threads that make up this fabric are very durable. They are difficult to tear, but stretch well.

This is why the finished product can increase in size. This is especially true for products made from natural fabric.

Synthetic jeans use rubberized threads that help maintain their original shape.

But don’t despair, because it’s not at all difficult to return your trousers to their original appearance. Here are some tips on how to get your jeans to fit again!

Returning the form

So, if you want your pants to shrink, there are a few easy ways to get them back in shape.


You remember what it’s like to put on jeans immediately after washing! You barely pull them on, literally stuffing yourself into your pants. And after 10 minutes everything fits on the body and the trousers look great. This is how you can plant the fabric.

  1. When washing pants, use the highest temperature possible.
  2. Choose the “intensive” or “for wrinkle-resistant items” mode.
  3. For spinning, also choose the highest number of revolutions of the machine.

Important! Do not use detergents containing bleaching components to avoid damaging the paint!

Hot bath

This method, although not standard, and in my opinion extreme, will allow you to fit your trousers exactly to your figure!

  1. Put on your jeans and fasten all the buttons and zippers.
  2. Fill your bath with water as hot as you can stand.
  3. Sit in the bath. Make sure that the water completely covers the pants.
  4. Sit like this until the water cools down.
  5. Dry your pants directly on your body. It is advisable to go out into the sun.

When choosing this method you should be very careful. Be careful with the temperature, don't get burned! This method is not suitable for everyone, if you cannot take hot baths, do not risk it.

No jeans are worth your health! It’s important that you don’t sit down while you’re drying your pants, so as not to ruin your uniform. And don't forget that you need to completely dry your trousers, both front and back, so you'll have to twist around.


This method is not suitable for dark jeans lovers. But if you like the “varenka” effect, then you can try it!

  1. Boil water in a large saucepan. There should be enough liquid so that the entire trousers fit inside.
  2. Turn your pants inside out. This way the color will be lost less. But if you want a strong “cooked” effect, then neglect this advice.
  3. Place the jeans in boiling water and cook them for half an hour.
  4. Remove the trousers with tongs and place them in the dryer.

Attention! This option is absolutely not suitable for synthetic fabric!

Partial shrinkage

It happens that not the entire product needs to be “adjusted”, but only certain areas - the knees or the belt. To do this you need:

  1. Mix fabric softener with hot water.
  2. Pour the mixture into a spray bottle.
  3. Spray on the areas that need to shrink. But the fabric should be damp, not wet.
  4. Place in the dryer on the highest setting.

But! There will be no effect when drying in the open air!

Until we meet again,

Anastasia Smolinets

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