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How to conceive a healthy girl. Planning a female fetus

Women mostly want to get pregnant with a daughter, especially if they already have boys. Previously, girls used various signs and superstitions to increase their chances of conceiving, but modern mothers are interested in medical knowledge. There are several scientifically proven methods to achieve this goal.

Ways to conceive a girl

Young parents practice traditional medical and oriental options for controlled insemination. To conceive a girl, the following methods are used:

  • counting days until the start;
  • determining the period of blood renewal;
  • Japanese tables;
  • physical methods;
  • nutrition correction.

It is important for future fathers and mothers to realize that the likelihood of conceiving a girl, even when using all of the above manipulations, increases slightly. The fertilization process is subject to complex physical and chemical mechanisms that are difficult to influence from the outside. The above methods are only a slight increase in the chances of getting pregnant with the long-awaited baby, and not a guarantee of success.

How to conceive a girl by ovulation?

The gender of a child depends on the set of nucleoprotein structures. There are two of them in the reproductive cells of men and women. The egg contains X chromosomes, and sperm can be of type X and Y. The only way to conceive a girl is to provide the female gamete with a male reproductive cell with an X structure. With the XY chromosome set, a boy will be born.

Scientists have found that “male” sperm are the most mobile and fastest, but they live no longer than 2 days and easily die under the influence of an acidic environment. The “livelings” with the X chromosome are slow, but hardy. They are resistant to adverse conditions and are able to live for 3 days while waiting for an egg. Based on this data, it is easy to calculate on what days you can conceive a girl.

Given the duration of activity of “female” sperm, it is recommended to make love approximately 72 hours before ovulation. After this, you will have to wait 3-4 days to have sex. Theoretically, the germ cells with Y chromosomes will die within the specified time, and X will remain. As a result, the nucleoprotein set will be XX and after 9 months the family will be replenished with a charming baby.

There is an assumption that the composition of the biological fluids of men and women completely changes over different time periods - 4 and 3 years. The method of how to conceive a girl by blood is based on these guesses:

  1. Divide the age of the future father by 4, and the age of the mother by 3, but take into account only whole numbers. For example, a man is 35 years old and a woman is 28. The results will be 8 and 9.
  2. Multiply the resulting values ​​by 4 and 3. In the presented case, the answers are 32 and 27.
  3. Subtract these numbers from your current age. Here – 35-32 and 28-27.
  4. Compare results. In this situation, 4 and 1.
  5. The sex of the child will be identical to the parent whose blood regenerated later. In this example, the mother has a “younger” biological fluid.

How to conceive a girl - table

There is an ancient Japanese method of influencing the fertilization of an egg and the completion of chromosomes. It involves calculating on what days to conceive a girl using a special table and the accompanying graph. First you need to “combine” the months of the birth dates of the father and mother. In the grid below you need to find the number (1-12) at their intersection.

The resulting number should be remembered and marked on the presented graph. He will help you figure out how to conceive a girl and indicate the most favorable month. For example, mom was born in April, and dad was born in February. Their “joint” number is 8. Based on the indicators of the central scale of the graph, the maximum chance of getting pregnant with a baby will be in April and December (slightly less).

How to conceive a girl - calendar

The ancient Chinese believed that the gender of a baby was determined solely by the age of the expectant mother. They have compiled a special calendar that shows when it is best to conceive a girl. The woman needs to find the number of completed years in the top line and mark the letters “D”. In the months corresponding to the selected cells, active attempts to become pregnant are recommended. This is the simplest, but unreliable way to conceive a girl. According to mommies, he is completely untruthful and is only suitable for entertainment.

In what position to conceive a girl?

Based on the vitality and speed of X-sperm, in order to fertilize the egg, they must be rid of “competitors”. To prevent germ cells with Y chromosomes from being the first to reach the gamete, it is advisable to choose positions without deep penetration. How to conceive a girl correctly - favorable positions in bed:

  • "missionaries";
  • "horsewoman";
  • "spoon".

The birth of a child is a real miracle. But parents are especially happy when a baby of the gender they wanted is born. However, nature does not always give pleasant surprises to married couples. Fortunately, there are fairly accurate methods that allow you to predict the gender of the baby even during the planning period. Most mothers dream of having a girl. And this is not surprising: girls usually look like their mothers, they are just as beautiful, and it’s always nice for them to chat with each other, like friends. But many dads also want to have a little princess whom they will pamper and protect.

Since ancient times, women have been looking for various ways to get pregnant with a girl: they invented special calendars, calculated the days and months of conception, followed diets and even performed terrible magical rituals. Some of these techniques have survived to this day and are actively used by married couples. If a mother definitely wants to give birth to a girl, you should not rely on chance, but rather try one of the methods below. Although they do not provide a 100% guarantee, they have been tested for centuries and are completely safe, so you can try.

Factors influencing the gender of the child

The gender of the unborn child depends on many factors; just remember biology lessons at school. Every cell in the human body has a nucleus where genetic information (DNA) is located. All characteristic features of a person, namely eye color, hair, body composition, gender, etc., depend on the set of genes and chromosomes. This set is different for females and males.

One cell contains 23 pairs of chromosomes, of which 22 are identical (XX). The structure of the 23rd differs depending on gender: women - XX, men - XY. A paired set of chromosomes is present in all cells, and only in eggs and sperm is the set single. During the formation of germ cells, pair sets are separated.

In particular, in eggs there are 23 single chromosomes, the last one will definitely be X. Again, sperm have 23 chromosomes, but the last one can be both X and Y, since their number is equal. The set of sperm that has managed to fertilize the egg determines who will appear later - a boy or a girl, that is, Y or X.

If we assume that all sperm have the same properties, then the possibility of conceiving a child of a certain gender would be at least 50%. But the fact is that in males the cells differ in their behavior. For example, Y-sperm move quickly, but they are not viable, and vice versa, X-sperm have low activity, but they tolerate the influence of the environment of the female reproductive system better.

There are several known factors that directly influence what gender the unborn child will have:

  1. Time of conception. It was already said earlier that sperm differ in viability and level of activity, that is: Y - move quickly, and also die soon, X - slower, but at the same time much more resilient. It is known that sperm can live in the female body for up to 7 days. During sexual intercourse, during ovulation, the egg is fertilized by fast sperm (Y). However, if the act took place after ovulation, then the chances increase for tenacious sperm (X). Therefore, we can conclude that if you want to conceive a girl, then you need to have sexual intercourse 2-3 days before ovulation.
  2. Position during sexual intercourse. During sexual intercourse, if the penis penetrates deeply, the distance to the egg decreases significantly, in this case sperm Y has more opportunities. With small penetration, the distance that the sperm must overcome, on the contrary, increases. The probability of fertilization by X sperm is high, because only the strong survive.
  3. Number of sexual acts. If sexual intercourse occurs regularly, then most likely it will be sperm Y that will end up in the egg, since there is a high chance that sexual intercourse will coincide with the day of ovulation. If sexual intercourse between spouses occurs infrequently, then the possibility of becoming pregnant with a girl will be higher, since more viable X-sperm will survive until ovulation.

1 way. Conceive a girl using Shettles

This method of conceiving a child of a certain sex, developed by scientist Landrum Shettles, is based on differences in the activity and vitality of sperm. Male germ cells carry two types of chromosomes: X and Y. The first sperm, heavy, slow, but strong and stable, when connected to the egg, form a female embryo. The second, light, nimble and agile, but weak, is the male fetus. The principle of conception according to Shettles is to help the X-tadpoles get to the egg, eliminating competitors - the Y-sperm.

To use the Shettles method, a woman needs to know exactly her menstrual cycle. It is important to determine the day of ovulation. To do this, you can measure your basal temperature daily and build a graph based on the data. In order to conceive a girl, sexual intercourse after menstruation should be every day, and it must be stopped three days before ovulation, or start using condoms. Thus, tenacious X-sperm will hide in the female genital organs for three days, waiting for an egg, and weak Y-tadpoles will already die by the time of ovulation.

The best intimate position during sex for conceiving a girl is when the woman is passive, located below. The partner's penis should not penetrate deeply. This is important because it lengthens the path of sperm to the egg. Strong sperm with female chromosomes move along the reproductive tract to their cherished goal for several days, and male tadpoles die within a day. It is also desirable that the woman does not experience orgasm during intercourse. This pleasant process contributes to the formation of an alkaline environment in her body, to which Y-sperm are immune, and only X-cells die in it.

Method 2. Conceiving a girl according to the couple's number table

You can try to plan for a girl using a special table. In this table you need to calculate the number of the pair. The month when the man was born is marked on the horizontal line, and the month the woman was born on the vertical column. The number at the intersection of the months is the number of the pair. For example, let's assume that a woman was born in May and a man was born in March. This means their number is 9.

Next, you need to go to the graph under the table and see, based on the number of the couple, in which month the probability of becoming pregnant with a girl is highest and lowest. You should pay attention to the deepest fluctuations in the chart. For a couple with the number 9, for example, it is better to try to have a daughter in May, but in December you should not even try.

3 way. Conceive a girl by blood

The blood age method of conceiving a girl is very popular among couples. Human blood is completely renewed in the body after a certain time: in women after 4 years, in men every 3 years. What gender the child will be born depends on which spouse’s blood will be younger at the time of fertilization. The father's blood determines the conception of a boy, and the mother's - a girl.

For example, a married couple planned to conceive a child in March. The woman is 24 years old and was born in November. The man is 25 years old, his month of birth is August. The age of the intended mother must be divided by 4, and the age of the father by 3. The numbers come out to be 6.5 and 8.3. But these are not final values, because from the mother’s date of birth to conception, that is, from November to March, there are still five months. Also, from the father's birthday to March there are eight months. From the numbers 6.5 and 8.3, you need to take the remainder, namely the numbers 5 and 3, and add to them the number of months from the parents’ birthday to conception. Five is added to the number 5, and eight is added to the number 3. It turns out the blood age is 10 for mom and 11 for dad. Women's blood is younger, which means that this family will be able to conceive a girl in March. In general, the method is quite tricky for those who love mathematics, but effective.

4 way. Conceiving a girl according to the mother's age calendar

The best time to conceive a girl can also be determined by the mother's age calendar. It's very easy to do. A woman needs to find her age in the first column of the table. If the mother, for example, is 23 years old, then March, June, August and December are optimal for planning a daughter.

Diet for conceiving a girl

Surprisingly, proper, rationally selected nutrition plays a very important role in conceiving a child of a certain gender. In order to have a high probability of becoming pregnant with a girl, you need to include foods rich in magnesium and calcium in your daily menu. But it is advisable to limit salt and sugar. In addition, the potential mother’s diet should include:

  • Lean meat, but not much, chicken eggs.
  • Fish and seafood in unlimited quantities.
  • Various cereals.
  • Milk, cottage cheese, yoghurt, kefir, sour cream, cream.
  • Bread, baked goods without yeast.
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables, berries.
  • Dried fruits and nuts.
  • Tea, coffee in small quantities, cocoa, mineral water.
  • Honey, jam.

A woman who wants to give birth to a girl should remove from her daily menu:

  1. smoked meats, sausages and ham, fried meat;
  2. canned fish, dry and dried fish;
  3. fried potatoes, canned or dried vegetables and fruits;
  4. sweet baked goods, confectionery with cream, ice cream;
  5. salted nuts and dried fruits;
  6. carbonated drinks, unnatural powdered juices;
  7. butter, cheese, margarine;
  8. soda and yeast.

To definitely conceive a girl, you probably have to really want it. Parents need to dream more often about their future daughter, imagine her eyes, face, smile. Dreams tend to come true. But even if a boy is born, it is a great happiness and a gift of fate. The main thing is that the child is healthy and desired.

There are situations when the problem of a baby’s gender is particularly acute, for example, there are already 4 boys in a family, and a mother planning another pregnancy is trying in every way to find out how to conceive a girl by ovulation, whether this can be done with the help of a diet, in a special position or something else. What should you know about this?

The gender of the unborn baby is a question that has tormented parents of all generations and in all centuries. Although nowadays, with the help of ultrasound, a married couple knows the answer long before the birth and can prepare accordingly, some expectant parents still remain intrigued until the birth of the child.

By and large, it is not necessary to plan the gender of your child - nature will give you the best and most beloved baby. Does it make a difference if it's a boy or a girl? In any case, with the birth of a baby will come a feeling of absolute love.

However, there are situations in which doctors strongly recommend thinking about the sex of the baby and approaching planning very responsibly. The thing is that some genetic diseases are passed on to subsequent generations through the male line, and then you really need to try to get pregnant with a girl. Passed on from father to son or grandfather to grandson:

  • hemophilia and other blood system disorders;
  • alopecia;
  • schizophrenia;
  • color blindness;
  • progressive muscular dystrophy;
  • Martin-Bell syndrome or dementia.

Important! Gene-linked diseases cannot be cured.

Human germ cells contain half of the complete set of chromosomes, i.e. one germ cell carries either the X or Y chromosome. It is the Y chromosome that most often carries the mutagen, so the birth of a girl is simply necessary for many couples.

Unproven ways and methods for conceiving a girl

It seems simple to calculate everything theoretically and plan the necessary conception, but in practice everything is completely different. How can you be sure during natural fertilization that the right sperm carrying the X chromosome will be the first to reach the egg? But no way! Moreover, this sperm not only needs to be the first to achieve the desired goal, but also the first to break through all its protective shells. And this complicates matters even more. How to calculate the right moment using a monthly calculator if, for example, a woman’s cycle is irregular?

Reproductive scientists and geneticists are not giving up and are looking for methods to help couples who want to conceive a baby of a certain gender, but nevertheless, it cannot yet be said that among the many methods there is at least one fully proven method.

This also applies to Erickson’s technique, which is based on filtration of seminal fluid. The essence of the method is the passage of sperm through an albumin solution, during which cells containing the Y chromosome are separated from those carrying the X chromosome. Then the IVF procedure occurs. The medical literature indicates that the method is effective in 70-80% of cases, but this is still not 100 or even 90.

Ovulation planning

It is believed that the closer ovulation is, the greater the chances of conceiving a girl. This can be explained scientifically. Naturally, fertilization is possible only if there is a mature egg released from the dominant follicle.

There are two options for further events:

  • either the egg enters the fallopian tube and waits for 24 hours until the most active sperm reach it in time;
  • or the sperm are already in place and waiting for the egg to appear.

The logical question here is: “So what of this?” It's actually simple:

  • The lifespan of sperm with different chromosomes is different - those containing the X chromosome live a maximum of 72 hours, those containing Y - a maximum of 24;
  • sperm with an X chromosome move much more slowly.

Therefore, in order to correctly time and use ovulation to conceive a girl, you need to take these facts into account and have sexual intercourse at the beginning or end of the fertile window. If you want to conceive a boy, sexual intercourse should occur directly on the day of ovulation.

Calculate conception by blood

Some sources claim that it is possible to calculate the desired sex of the unborn baby and determine the most suitable time for conceiving a child using blood. This is the so-called "update" method. They take as a basis the fact that women’s blood is completely renewed once every 3 years, and men’s – once every 4. Accordingly, when planning, we divide the mother’s age by 3, and the father’s by 4. Whose result is lower, will have “ younger blood."

Adherents of this technique argue that depending on the blood type and rhesus, the result may be the opposite of what was expected, so one cannot completely rely on the reliability of such calculations.

Naturally, deciding whether to believe this method or not is a purely individual matter, but, in fairness, it should be noted that the renewal of blood components is a constant process and different cells have different life spans.

For example, lymphocytes circulate from several weeks to several months, red blood cells are replaced after 2 - 3 months, platelets live no more than 10 days, monocytes are in the circulating blood for only 15-20 hours, and granulocytes are even shorter - no more than 8 hours. All this is proven by the fact that the blood is constantly renewed, which means there is no scientific confirmation of its “age”.

In this case, the statement that couples with the same group affiliation and Rhesus are more likely to give birth to girls sounds more plausible.

What does the lunar calendar say?

From time immemorial, people believe in the magical properties of the moon and associate many aspects of life with the lunar calendar. Women are more susceptible to the influence of the Moon, and this is to some extent confirmed by the coincidence of the duration of the lunar cycle with the menstrual cycle. In addition, all signs of the zodiac circle can be divided into male and female groups.

Astrologers believe that if you are going to give birth to a girl, conception should occur under the signs of Pisces, Taurus, Scorpio, Virgo or Cancer. A boy will be born if conception occurred under the influence of other signs of the Zodiac.

Based on the Chinese calendar

Even in ancient China, sages noted a certain dependence of the sex of the unborn baby on the age of the mother. According to their observations, at a certain age, in a certain month of the year, a woman gives birth to a child of a certain gender. To simplify the calculations, they developed a table - the so-called Chinese calendar, where only two parameters are indicated: the mother’s age and the month of the year. The answer is found at the intersection of perpendicular lines.

For example, at the age of 25, January, April, May, and July are suitable for conceiving a girl. No matter how skeptical we are about the knowledge of the ancients, it is the Chinese calendar that allows us to correctly predict the gender of the unborn baby in 90% of cases.

Japanese calculations

The Japanese also rely on knowledge of numerology, but unlike the Chinese calendar, calculations will have to be made using two tables. The first table is designed so that future parents calculate the total number for their union. The second table will show the result of the relationship between the number of a married couple and the month of the year - the figure obtained at the center of the intersection corresponds to the gender of the child.

For example, if the number 3 in the second table coincides with July, then with the greatest probability it can be said that the birth will be a boy.

How diet promotes conception

It's no secret that a balanced diet and consumption of certain foods affects overall metabolism, improving not only the protective functions of the body, but also improving many other processes occurring in it. The nutritional characteristics of some nations confirm this statement - the Japanese are smart because they eat a lot of seafood high in iodine, the Europeans are strong because they eat a lot of meat.

What about conception? Yes, diet is also important in this matter, at least it can increase the effectiveness of other methods. Therefore, several months before the desired pregnancy, it is better to adjust your diet.

The essence of adjusting the diet is to create the appropriate environment in a woman’s body. For example, we know that in an acidic environment the Y chromosomes contained in sperm die, so consuming fermented milk products will contribute to the conception of a girl. And vice versa - an alkaline environment will be an excellent basis for conceiving a boy.

Scientists also have their own opinions on this matter. Despite the fact that food has nothing to do with the gender of the baby, you can increase the chance of conceiving a girl by adjusting your diet. It is believed that sperm with X chromosomes are better able to withstand vaginal acidity, and their lifespan increases under the influence of calcium and magnesium.

Sperms with Y chromosomes live longer thanks to potassium and sodium. Based on this, diet for conceiving a girl should include more calcium and magnesium and minimize potassium and sodium intake.

Nutrition for both men and women to conceive a girl includes the consumption of the following products:

  • chicken meat;
  • rabbit meat;
  • cottage cheese;
  • sour cream;
  • semolina;
  • oatmeal;
  • squash;
  • beet;
  • asparagus;
  • tomatoes;
  • potato;
  • bell pepper;
  • peas;
  • eggs;
  • fruits;
  • nuts.

It is important to avoid consuming the following foods:

  • juices and water containing preservatives;
  • beef;
  • pork;
  • canned foods;
  • smoked meats;
  • beans;
  • excessive amount of salt;
  • dried fruits.

Let's talk about orgasm

In some sources you can find information that if a woman does not experience orgasm during intercourse, it will be very difficult to get pregnant. Now I’m wondering – what was the author thinking? It’s not for nothing that the term “simulation of orgasm” was coined, since not all women are able to experience it with every intercourse, especially if it, for some reason, was short-lived.

Women are much more complex than men, and in order to experience everything at the proper level, preparation and foreplay are required.

Any, let us emphasize, any entry of male reproductive cells into the female vagina can cause pregnancy; in some cases, a simple lubricant released from the male urethra and carrying a small amount of sperm is enough.

Therefore, we conclude that pregnancy almost always requires an orgasm, but a male one!

100% guarantee

The only method that will allow you to be 100 percent sure that you have succeeded in conceiving a girl is the method of preimplantation genetic diagnosis, used for IVF, but only for those spouses whose family history includes genetically determined pathologies and chromosomal aberrations.

3 days after in vitro fertilization, a zygote biopsy is performed to select embryos ready for transfer to the uterus, obtaining complete genetic information. Those. Even before implantation of the embryo into the uterus, the doctor receives information about whether the embryo carries the XX set or the XY set, and selects the necessary one.

Do positions affect the gender of the baby?

In addition to diets, calendars and other complex calculations, it is widely believed among ordinary people that the position in which partners were during sex also plays a big role in determining the sex of the child. Most likely this is due to the theory about the different speeds of movement of sperm carrying the X or Y chromosome. The most suitable positions for conceiving a girl are considered to be missionary, the “spoon” position, as well as not very deep penetration in positions when the woman is on top or lying on her stomach.

You can find countless similar recommendations and it is not a fact that they will not contradict each other. You need to understand that for the purpose of successful fertilization, you can try all the positions from the Kama Sutra overnight, but if there was no ovulation, all attempts will be unsuccessful.

One and only one prerequisite for conception is the meeting of the egg and sperm, and when, how and in what position it will happen is quite difficult to predict.

Evidence-based medicine opinion

If it were possible to predict, with the exception of IVF, which path the fertilization process would take, then each couple would freely choose to become the parents of a boy or a girl. Unfortunately, it is not.

Absolutely all of the above calculation methods do not provide an exact guarantee that the presence of the Y chromosome will not be decisive.

The formation of internal organs at the earliest stages of embryogenesis is the same and during the first 9-12 weeks it is impossible to detect any difference. The egg always carries the genetic material of the mother, i.e. obligatory X chromosome. It all depends on the male reproductive cells. If during the process of fertilization the egg merges with a sperm with an embedded Y chromosome, then starting from the 9th week of intrauterine development, sex differentiation occurs. But with an ultrasound examination, it is possible to determine the baby’s gender no earlier than 11-12 weeks, when the first signs of the external genitalia are visualized.

But even here, future parents can expect a catch. The accuracy of determining the sex of a child by ultrasound up to 16 weeks is only 80%, while when conducting an examination at 20 weeks this figure increases to 98%.

Bottom line

In exceptional cases, accurately determining the sex of the unborn baby can be a solution to many problems, but predicting the development of events is not as easy as it seems. However, any couple has the right to choose the most suitable, in their opinion, calculation method for conceiving a boy or girl.

You just have to understand that in nature everything is relative and she loves to give us surprises. The birth of a child is, in any case, happiness and the parents will absolutely and boundlessly love him, regardless of whether their expectations were confirmed or not.

Now it is very fashionable to plan the gender of a child using dietary nutrition, folk signs, poses, etc. The French studied families who planned children using special diets and found a relationship between the foods consumed by the parents and the gender of the unborn child. Based on the results of their research, products can be divided into 2 categories - and those that promote the conception of girls.

First of all, no matter what gender of child you want to give birth to, the body should be prepared. 3 months before conceiving a child, both parents should consume the following foods/drugs:

  1. Fresh vegetables, herbs and fruits, especially those that... It will cleanse the parents’ body, energize them, and give them strength.
  2. Folic acid tablets (). Folic acid is a very important element when planning pregnancy; it prevents the development of congenital neural tube defects and ensures the correct formation of the placenta. Consume foods rich in folic acid - milk, meat, greens and green vegetables.
  3. A drug containing, most often Iodomarin, and walnuts, which serve as a source of iodine. Iodine deficiency can cause early miscarriage and negatively affect the child's mental abilities.

Women are advised to normalize their weight and lose a little weight. It has been proven that it is easier for women who are slender or thin to become pregnant with a girl. By the way, women who are on a low-calorie strict diet give birth to girls more often.

What to eat to conceive a girl

A vegetable salad without added salt will successfully complement the diet of a woman who wants to become pregnant with a girl.

In order for the egg to attract sperm with the X chromosome, you need to eat foods that are rich and avoid salty foods. It will be just wonderful if you switch to a milk-egg diet with the addition of boiled meat, fresh vegetables and, of course, sweet desserts.

  • Girls with a sweet tooth get pregnant. Please note that most of your sweet-toothed friends give birth to girls. Therefore, chocolate, sweets, marmalade - all this will benefit you now.
  • As was written above - a dairy diet. This means that milk should be present in cereal porridges and purees, added to hot drinks (tea, coffee, cocoa), or you can simply drink milk with cookies. For pancakes and pancakes, choose cheese and cottage cheese filling, serve this dish with sour cream. Pamper yourself and your beloved spouse with glazed cheeses, yoghurts and curds.
  • . Be sure to prepare egg dishes - fried eggs, soufflés, omelettes. Add eggs to batter for pancakes, pastries, dumplings, etc.
  • Bread and pastries. In this diet, baked goods are welcomed in abundance. If you bake on your own, then add milk and eggs to the dough, but you should not use salt and yeast.
  • Almost anything can be done from vegetables - eggplants, bell peppers, green peas, beans, onions, lettuce and other greens. Vegetables are best eaten raw or boiled; pickled vegetables contain a large amount of salt.
  • For fruits, give preference to apples, pears, grapes, citrus fruits, you can eat berries - raspberries, cherries, strawberries.
  • As for drinks, pay close attention to calcined waters and drinks based on milk and whey.
  • For parents who want to give birth to a girl, it is better to take raisins and nuts (cashews, almonds, peanuts, hazelnuts) from the dried fruit department. Pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds and bran are rich in magnesium.

What you shouldn't eat if you want to have a girl

Salt and all salty foods. In addition to the sodium it contains, which prevents the conception of a female fetus, salt interferes with the absorption of calcium necessary for a girl.

Animal fats are lard, fatty meat and even butter in large quantities.

From dairy products: salted cheeses, salted butter, vegetable cream spread.

Ready-made meat products containing salt - smoked, raw smoked sausages, ham, meat rolls, pates, canned meat.

You need to eat fish less often. Avoid dried red fish and all types of salted, smoked and dried fish. Canned fish is strictly prohibited.

From vegetables: you should not eat pickled vegetables, you should limit the amount of potatoes and pumpkin. Don't eat mushrooms. Well, if you really want to, then prepare fresh lightly salted champignons.

Fruits and Berries: Limit your intake of stone fruits (apricots, cherries, plums, peaches, nectarines), bananas, avocados, melons and pineapple.

Meat. Of course, you need to eat meat, but not more than the required daily allowance, i.e. for two people per day, 220 g will be enough. It is better to eat lightly salted boiled or steamed meat.

Fish. It is better to eat fish no more than 1-2 times a week, and it is better to replace it with shrimp, squid, crabs and caviar.

You should also limit the consumption of foods that slow down the absorption of calcium: carbonated drinks (especially Coca-Cola), strong black tea and coffee; oxalic acid from sorrel and spinach also interferes with the absorption of calcium.

After conception, you should quit the diet and eat whatever you want before toxicosis sets in, which is much more common and much stronger during pregnancy with a girl than when pregnant with a boy. A woman’s body must receive what it lacked during the diet, usually these are the foods that were prohibited, and they give up sweets and milk for fish and sausage with a slice of bread and a tomato.

Remember that diets do not give a 100% guarantee, but they allow you to bring your cherished dream closer.

You have decided - “I want to conceive a girl”! Well, for many parents the gender of the unborn child is very important, and they try in every way to achieve the desired result. Since ancient times, a variety of folk tricks have been used for this, which sometimes help.

How to calculate when to conceive a girl? Influencing genetics and deceiving nature is not an easy task, but now you can find many different methods for planning the desired sex of a child. If this is so important to you, read and apply.

Chinese calendar

Sometimes it is fundamentally important for parents that a daughter be born. According to statistics, boys are born much more often than girls, so the likelihood of giving birth is much greater. To know what day to conceive a girl, you first need to do careful planning and the Chinese calendar can help with this.

Chinese sages were sincerely confident that at any age, on strictly certain days of each month, a woman could conceive children of a certain gender. Their gender planning table has now become very popular, since the percentage of matches on it has been very high for two thousand years.

For you - a Chinese table on how to conceive a girl:

How to conceive a girl according to the table? There is the age of the mother at the time of conception and there is, say, the month of planned conception. We look for these dates in the table and look at the result at their intersection. If the desired window shows a boy, then the day of conception must be postponed to another month.

Japanese calendar

The Japanese calendar is no less popular. It is a little more complicated and consists of two tables. To determine gender using this calendar, you need to know the exact date of birth of both parents.

First, we look in the first table for the intersection figure of the birth months of the intended future parents and remember it:

And the month of the girl’s conception itself is determined by the second table of the calendar. First, we look for the month of planned conception, then the resulting figure from the first table, at their intersection you find a specific gender:

How to conceive a girl by blood?

The method of conception by blood is surprisingly simple, but the percentage of coincidences is quite high. It is based on the cyclicity of blood changes in both parents. In women, blood change occurs after three years. And for men, such a change occurs every four years. When calculating, it is taken into account which of the parents has younger blood, and it is that gender that the child will inherit.

In order to get a girl, you need to count which of the parents had the last blood renewal. If it’s your mother’s, then expect a daughter. But it must be taken into account that blood change is considered not only from birth. If there were major blood losses (surgeries, abortions, childbirth, etc.), then you need to count from them.

What does science say?

Scientific methods of conceiving a girl are based on the distribution of chromosomes. They are divided into Y-chromosomes (male) and X-chromosomes (female), whichever one reaches the goal first and takes root in the uterus, this will be the gender of the child. It is known that Y chromosomes are much more mobile than X chromosomes, but their lifespan is much shorter. And to conceive a girl, it is the X chromosomes that need to take root.

How to conceive a girl by ovulation? You need to know exactly the day when it will happen and stop making love 3-4 days before ovulation. Then, by the right day, there will be practically no Y chromosomes left in the woman’s body, and the X chromosomes will gain their strength.

If everything is calculated correctly, then the birth of a daughter is guaranteed. This scientific method has been successfully used in pregnancy planning in many European countries and has been used for long enough to confidently speak about the veracity of the method.

What to eat to give birth to a daughter?

For those who do not trust science and tables, there are many other folk methods that help plan the gender of the child. But all of them do not have a big guarantee, so it’s up to you to decide whether to use them or not.

The question is often asked: what should I eat to have a daughter? For this reason, a special diet is especially popular, which must be followed several months before the baby is expected to be conceived.

If your goal is to have a girl, you need to completely exclude foods such as meat, salt and sugar. It is recommended to eat fish, eggs, rice, milk, fruits (except peaches and bananas), and vegetables.

This food is believed to help create an environment that favors X chromosomes. But this diet is not entirely healthy, especially when planning pregnancy, so you should weigh everything carefully before using this method.

Slavic folk way to conceive a girl

You can again use calculations. If a woman is an even number of years old at the time of conception, then she needs to conceive a daughter only in even months of the year.

You can add the mother's age with the number of the month of conception. If the number is even, it will be a girl; if the number is odd, it will be a boy.

All these are rather psychological tricks, because it has long been known that what you want most and desire with all your heart, that’s what happens. And folk methods allow you to clearly formulate your desire and wait for a miracle, and it will definitely happen if you believe in it.

In fact, the birth of a child is already a great gift of fate. Even if a boy is born instead of the desired girl, this is not a reason for disappointment, but a great joy in the birth of a new person.

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