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Which blood groups are incompatible for having a child? Blood groups: types, compatibility, universal blood group

The urban lifestyle presupposes a responsible attitude towards the birth of a child. Married couples have become This publication informs future parents about the dangers associated with incompatibility of blood factors and how to eliminate them.

In contact with

Blood groups

The human immune system is designed to prevent a foreign agent, which is a specific protein molecule, from entering the blood.

Important! In medicine, it is customary to establish the compatibility of the blood group (blood groups) of parents according to the ABO system and the Rh factor (Rh).

Antigens are located on the surface of red blood cells. If incompatibility occurs, the immune system destroys the intended enemy, sticking red blood cells together.

This leads to death. There are four main blood groups. Type I red blood cells do not contain antigens. Therefore, such blood is designated by the number 0. Antigens of group II cells are named by the letter A.

Blood with red blood cells carrying type B agglutinogens on the membrane was classified as category III.

Red cells possessing both biologically active proteins, that is, AB, are considered to belong to blood group IV. The ratio of carriers of erythrocyte antigens among peoples of different continents and territories is not the same. The most common carriers are groups I and II. The rarest option- AB, that is, the fourth.

In addition to the group for checking for incompatibility, it is necessary to take into account Rh factor(Rh). If this lipoprotein is present on the erythrocyte membrane, they speak of Rh+. Statistics claim that oxygen transporters of 85% of earthlings have this antigen. Red blood cells lacking this factor called Rh negative(Rh-).

When assessing hemes for compatibility, both concepts are used, for example, the first negative blood group, otherwise 0-. Therefore, future parents should take responsibility when planning conception and subsequent successful pregnancy. They need to donate blood to check for compatibility.

Group Compatibility

A table has been developed to determine the absence of a conflict between the blood of the pregnant woman and the embryo. The cells indicate the probability of conceiving a fetus with a certain group, which is inherited from the parents. The first column shows the heme category for the mother, and 2-5 for the father. The cells estimate the probability of the birth of offspring with a particular blood type, %.

Mother Father
0 A B AB
0 100 0 - 50 0 - 50 A - 50
A 0 - 50 0 - 25 0 - 25 A - 50
B 0 - 50 0 - 25 0 - 25 A - 25
AB A - 50 A - 50 A - 25 A - 25

When it comes to heredity, it should be borne in mind that the probability of transmitting a trait is 50%. Therefore, if one of the parents has blood type I and the other has IV, then it is equally likely that the child will receive antigen A or B. A married couple where one of the parents has agglutin B and the other has antigen A is equally likely to have a child. from any of the four possible groups. If the father and mother have the same type of heme (for example, II), then there is a 75% chance that the children will have the same antigen.

These features allow to exclude paternity or maternity in court proceedings. So, a mother with AB cannot have a child with the first group. However, there are exceptions to any rule.

The so-called Bombay phenomenon indicates the appearance of a blood type in a child, which, according to the above information, cannot exist.

Such exceptions are extremely rare, occurring with a probability of 1/10 million, and indicate a lack of our knowledge about the types of heme.

On the surface of the parents' red blood cells there are proteins that have antigenic activity. In accordance with the AB0 diagnostic system, a table has been developed that can be used to determine probable blood type future child.

Rh compatibility

What blood types are compatible? When both parents have positive or negative Rh, there is conflict between the mother and the fetus will not happen. If the mother is Rh-, and the father is positive, there is a possibility of conflict between the mother and the fetus. The immune system is able to reject an antigen that a pregnant woman does not have. Gestation during which Rhesus conflict occurs may end in miscarriage. If the child is born alive, anemia, dropsy, and mental development defects cannot be ruled out. Most often, illness occurs.

Firstborns are lucky. The process of accumulation of antibodies is a long process. At the beginning of gestation, their titer is insufficient to cause significant damage to the fetus, and the already formed embryo is able to withstand the attack. The situation is worse when the pregnancy is not the first. The body remembers the stranger and attacks immediately. Similar cases occur if women have previously had abortions and miscarriages.

Rhesus conflict table

Diagnosis of incompatibility is carried out when the results reveal abnormalities in fetal development. Venous blood is taken from the mother, the DNA of the embryo is isolated, and it is examined to detect the fragment responsible for the production of the corresponding lipoprotein. If such a site is found, the fetus is considered Rh-positive.

Women with the described problem tested monthly for antibodies. If the answer is positive, the pregnant woman is hospitalized. The most effective, but also risky method of treatment is considered blood transfusion to the fetus. Rh-mothers are given anti-Rhesus globulin, which sends a signal to immune cells to stop producing antibodies.

Blood group compatibility at conception

Potential parents are wondering if blood type affects conception? Reliable effect on fertilization not installed. Much more important is the presence or absence of the Rh factor. What blood types are compatible? Any, if there is no conflict on Rh.

Blood group test

Scientific research has revealed previously unknown facts indicating the existence of compatibility of blood groups for conceiving a child. It turned out that impotence in group I owners occurs much less frequently than the rest. Researchers believe that if a man has a second blood type, then his penis has an extremely developed venous network that is subject to damage during conception. The variety of gemma affects fertility. The negative impact of the first group on the frequency of conception consists in accelerated consumption and premature cessation of ovulation.

The scientific debate on this issue is not over, the information is contradictory. It is possible that information may be leaked from unscrupulous advertisers promoting alternative medicines. There is no doubt that women in labor who do not have the blood type that is praised in various publications should not despair. But it is necessary to consult with specialists.

The influence of the group on pregnancy

Some combinations of blood groups of family partners can interfere with painless gestation. What blood types are compatible? The following are likelihood of conflicts developing between the potential mother and the fetus, depending on her type:

  • If a woman has group 0 and the father has another, then the antibodies of the embryo with a variant other than I destroy the mother’s red blood cells, causing toxicosis. This type of conflict can be asymptomatic and less dangerous than Rhesus conflict.
  • Which male blood types are incompatible with the second positive female? Problems arise if this III or IV.
  • When the mother has category III, you should be careful if the partner has A or AB antigens.
  • Fourth positive blood group considered ideal in terms of compatibility for conception.

Incompatible groups

The likelihood of a confrontation between antibodies and red blood cells increases if the embryo has a different group with the mother.

Despite the successful conception of a child, during pregnancy the body accumulates antibodies, which are activated during the newborn period, lysing red blood cells.

Fourth positive blood group of the embryo may conflict with 0, A or B antigens of mothers' red blood cells.

The greatest danger awaits carriers of 0Rh- when antigens II or III are detected in children.

What blood types are incompatible at conception? Doctors pay special attention to the following situations:

  • A woman has type I heme, her partner has any other.
  • Mom has II, and dad has III or IV.
  • Men A or AB have wife B.

In fact, blood group compatibility problems for conceiving a child does not exist. There is only a predisposition to the manifestation of certain pathologies, which can be avoided if you follow the recommendations of the gynecologist.

When conceiving, it is necessary to pay special attention not to the blood groups of the parents, but to the combination of the negative Rh factor of the mother with the positive Rh factor of the father.

The post-industrial lifestyle is accompanied by a decrease in the birth rate. The health of the unborn child is influenced by many genetically determined circumstances. The most dangerous is the combination of an Rh-negative mother with a father who has this antigen.

Useful video: blood group compatibility, what is Rh conflict

Issues of blood compatibility are a hot topic in modern medicine. It gained its significance with the development of immunohistochemistry and genetics, which were able to substantiate the paradoxical cases occurring in medicine.

What is blood type

The test must be taken in order to find out the genetic predisposition to pathologies and identify compatibility by blood groups. An increased level of white blood cells will reveal the presence of an inflammatory process or infection. Red blood cell counts that deviate from the norm will help determine if the body systems or organs are not functioning properly.

Knowing your blood type will help you quickly find a suitable donor or become one yourself. Also, blood compatibility will be a decisive factor if a woman tries to get pregnant.

Blood has the following composition:

  • Plasma;
  • Platelets;
  • Red blood cells;
  • Leukocytes.

Previously, people had only one blood type, but over time, man had to adapt to the environment through mutation. And today there are 4 blood groups.

Blood group discovery table

As a result of the study of red blood cells, special proteins (antigens A, B) were identified in some, the presence of which means that the carrier belongs to one of the III blood groups. Later a fourth group was identified.

In 1904, a new discovery was made - the Rh factor (negative - Rh-, positive - Rh+), which is inherited by one of the parents. Based on the information obtained, a classification was developed, expressed in the AB0 system. The table below shows the existing blood types.

Blood group designationOpeningDiet featuresPersonal qualitiesPlace and time of occurrence
First I (0)Meat foodPhysical strength and courageAbout 40 thousand years ago
Second II (A)Karl Landsteiner – 1891, AustraliaVegetarianismCommunityWestern Europe
Third III (B)Karl Landsteiner – 1891, AustraliaMono-diet is not recommendedPerseverance and patienceIndia, Pakistan, Himalayas
Fourth IV (AB)Decastello, 1902Drinking alcohol is prohibitedResistance to allergic reactionsAs a result of mixing II (A) and III (B) blood groups about 1 thousand years ago.

The concept of Rh factor

The set of antigens or proteins that make up any tissue determines the specificity of the organism. Regarding blood and red blood cells, these are antigenic surface complexes, one of which is the Rh antigen or Rh factor. According to its presence, people can be divided into antigen carriers (Rh+) and people who do not have the Rh antigen (Rh-).

All situations in life associated with the need to mix blood are determined by the ability of the blood to maintain its structure after such a procedure. This largely depends on the Rh compatibility factor.

Something to remember! Blood compatible with the Rh factor is blood that the body will perceive as its own. This means that only blood with an identical Rh factor can be such!

Blood groups and their compatibility

The theory of blood group compatibility was developed in the mid-twentieth century. Since then, the procedure of blood transfusion (hemotransfusion) has been used to restore blood volume, replace certain of its components (plasma proteins, leukocytes, red blood cells), to restore pressure, for burns, infections, and hematopoietic aplasia. To receive a blood transfusion, your Rh factor and blood type must be compatible.

There is a rule that determines blood compatibility: donating red blood cells should not be agglutinated by the recipient's plasma.

So, if the same agglutinogens and agglutinins (A and α or B and β) occur, the process of sedimentation and further hemolysis (destruction) of red blood cells starts. Being the main mechanism for oxygen transfer, the blood stops its respiratory function.

It is believed that the first I(0) blood group is universal, and it can be transfused to people with any blood group. Blood group IV (AB) is a universal recipient, that is, carriers of this blood group have the ability to accept blood of any group. In practice, the rule of exact compatibility is usually followed, transfusing blood taking into account the Rh factors of the recipient's blood.

During transfusion, the compatibility of the blood groups of the recipient and the donor determines the success of the blood transfusion procedure. In the absence of compatibility, agglutination will occur (this is the gluing of red blood cells, which leads to the formation of blood clots, which can cause death).

Blood group compatibility table for transfusion:

Blood typeRecipientsFrom which donors can a transfusion be given?
I (0)I (0)
II (A)II (A), IV (AB)I (0), II (A)
III (B)III (B), IV (AB)I (0), III (B)
IV (AB)IV (AB)I (0), II (A), III (B), IV (AB)

From the table above, the following practical conclusions can be drawn:

  • Carriers of the first blood group are universal donors, but they themselves can only be recipients of the first blood group;
  • People with blood group IV are universal recipients, although they themselves can only be donors for people with group IV;
  • Donor compatibility is achievable only if the donor's blood does not contain red blood cells with antibodies that will provoke their destruction after blood transfusion.

Something to remember! Compatibility for the Rh factor is determined only in 2 cases, regardless of belonging to any blood group: people with a negative Rh factor can receive only Rh-negative blood, and for recipients with a positive Rh factor, they can become Rh-negative , and Rh-positive donors!

First blood group

It is the first negative (positive) group that is considered the foundation of civilization. Our ancestors had the habits of excellent hunters, they were ready to spend all their strength to achieve the goal - this was reflected in the character traits of carriers of this blood type. Modern owners of the first group need the ability to plan actions in order to avoid rash actions.

Characteristics of carriers of the first blood group:

Character traitsextroversion;
organizational skills;
natural leadership.
Strengthsphysical endurance;
high ability to survive;
strong digestive system.
Weak sidesincreased acidity (increased risk of developing peptic ulcers);
poor blood clotting;
predisposition to arthritis and allergies.

Second group

Gradually, evolution moved forward, as a result of which people began to engage in more farming. Vegetables and fruits began to be used for food - the human digestive system began to adapt to new environmental conditions. Vegetable protein became the main source of energy for humans - this is how the “vegetarian” blood group appeared - the second positive (negative).

Characteristics of carriers of the second blood group:

Third group

When stressed, the body of a group III carrier produces an increased amount of cortisol, so they usually experience a lack of motivation. It is difficult for carriers of blood group III to experience a violation of internal balance and balance in the team.

Characteristics of carriers of the third blood group:

Character traitsversatility;
openness to people;
flexibility in decisions.
Strengthsa penchant for creativity.
easily tolerate changes in diet;
strong immunity.
Weak sideslack of self-confidence and motivation;
increased susceptibility to autoimmune diseases.

IV blood group

Carriers of the fourth blood group appeared as a result of the symbiosis of II and III. They quickly get tired of solving everyday issues and have a penchant for creativity. This is the rarest blood group - only about 6% are carriers.

Characteristics of carriers of the fourth blood group:

Pregnancy and compatible blood groups

There is no controversy about the need for such an area of ​​obstetrics as family planning. It made it possible to significantly reduce the number of unwanted or complicated pregnancies, which was reflected in the birth of a much smaller number of sick children. And one of the aspects of family planning can be called the compatibility of the blood of future parents.

Here it is necessary to consider issues of blood compatibility and immunological compatibility of future parents at conception. These aspects have been confused and discussed as one issue, but they are not. Decisions should not be made on the basis of unreliable information and on the results of only a blood test of spouses for compatibility.

You need to understand that:

  1. If it is impossible to get pregnant, the compatibility of a husband and wife is determined not by the compatibility of the Rh factor or blood groups, but by the immunological compatibility of a man and a woman. This means that the female body produces antibodies to the components of a particular man’s sperm, and he simply does not perceive it. The Rh factor and blood type have absolutely nothing to do with it;
  2. A mother with Rh- can give birth to an Rh-positive child. This can only affect the condition of the fetus and the course of pregnancy, but is not regarded as incompatibility for conceiving a child;
  3. Partners with different Rh factors can have healthy children. There is no need to destroy relationships because the Rh factors of the mother and child may be potentially incompatible. However, you should definitely follow the recommendations that will be given by family planning specialists. Some of these recommendations are listed in the next section.

Combination of blood groups during pregnancy

If a couple decides to have a child, they must control this process at all stages from planning the child to its birth. For conception, blood type is less important than the Rh factor.

The fact is that when an antigen (Rh factor) enters the body, which the body does not have, an immunological reaction occurs when the recipient’s body produces destructive proteins (agglutinins) to the Rh factor. When Rh+ erythrocytes enter the recipient's blood again, gluing (agglutination) and destruction (hemolysis) of the resulting erythrocytes occur.

Rh conflict is the incompatibility of the blood groups of the mother with the Rh-negative group and the Rh+ child, due to which the breakdown of red blood cells is observed in the fetus's body.

Regarding the likelihood of rhesus conflict, you should be careful:

  • Spouses whose blood mixing could potentially lead to Rh conflict, with previous pregnancies/births.
  • A positive outcome does not guarantee anything. On the contrary, the likelihood of incompatibility between the blood of the child and the mother increases with each new pregnancy; Married couples where the woman has Rh- and the man has Rh+

. The maximum probability of developing a conflict pregnancy is 25% when the partner is heterozygous (only 1 chromosome of the pair encodes Rh) and 50% when he is homozygous (each chromosome encodes Rh).

Table of Rh conflict during pregnancy:Father's RhesusMother's RhesusProbability of Rh factor in newborn
The likelihood of developing Rh conflictThe likelihood of developing Rh conflictRh+
If the parents are heterozygous - 50% positive;
If one spouse is heterozygous and the second is homozygous, 75% positive.
If both parents are homozygous – 100% positive.The likelihood of developing Rh conflictRh-If the Rh positive partner is heterozygous – 25% positive;
The likelihood of developing Rh conflictIf both parents are homozygous – 100% positive.The probability of a conflict occurring is less than 50%
If both parents are homozygous – 100% positive.If both parents are homozygous – 100% positive.If the Rh positive partner is homozygous – 50% positive.The child will be Rh negative in 100% of cases.

There is no conflict pregnancy

  1. Important to remember!!!
  2. If the mother's blood is Rh positive, then it is always compatible with the blood of the fetus;
  3. The possibility of Rh conflict exists only if the mother is Rh negative. The risk is no more than 50%;

Inheritance of the Rh factor is determined not only by the actual Rh factor of the parents. It also depends on the set of genes that the child inherited, but which did not manifest themselves.

Issues of blood compatibility are a hot topic in modern medicine. It gained its significance with the development of immunohistochemistry and genetics, which were able to substantiate the paradoxical cases occurring in medicine.

What is blood type

The test must be taken in order to find out the genetic predisposition to pathologies and identify compatibility by blood groups. An increased level of white blood cells will reveal the presence of an inflammatory process or infection. Red blood cell counts that deviate from the norm will help determine if the body systems or organs are not functioning properly.

Knowing your blood type will help you quickly find a suitable donor or become one yourself. Also, blood compatibility will be a decisive factor if a woman tries to get pregnant.

Blood has the following composition:

  • Plasma;
  • Platelets;
  • Red blood cells;
  • Leukocytes.

Previously, people had only one blood type, but over time, man had to adapt to the environment through mutation. And today there are 4 blood groups.

Blood group discovery table

As a result of the study of red blood cells, special proteins (antigens A, B) were identified in some, the presence of which means that the carrier belongs to one of the III blood groups. Later a fourth group was identified.

In 1904, a new discovery was made - the Rh factor (negative - Rh-, positive - Rh+), which is inherited by one of the parents. Based on the information obtained, a classification was developed, expressed in the AB0 system. The table below shows the existing blood types.

Blood group designationOpeningDiet featuresPersonal qualitiesPlace and time of occurrence
First I (0)Meat foodPhysical strength and courageAbout 40 thousand years ago
Second II (A)Karl Landsteiner – 1891, AustraliaVegetarianismCommunityWestern Europe
Third III (B)Karl Landsteiner – 1891, AustraliaMono-diet is not recommendedPerseverance and patienceIndia, Pakistan, Himalayas
Fourth IV (AB)Decastello, 1902Drinking alcohol is prohibitedResistance to allergic reactionsAs a result of mixing II (A) and III (B) blood groups about 1 thousand years ago.

The concept of Rh factor

The set of antigens or proteins that make up any tissue determines the specificity of the organism. Regarding blood and red blood cells, these are antigenic surface complexes, one of which is the Rh antigen or Rh factor. According to its presence, people can be divided into antigen carriers (Rh+) and people who do not have the Rh antigen (Rh-).

All situations in life associated with the need to mix blood are determined by the ability of the blood to maintain its structure after such a procedure. This largely depends on the Rh compatibility factor.

Something to remember! Blood compatible with the Rh factor is blood that the body will perceive as its own. This means that only blood with an identical Rh factor can be such!

Blood groups and their compatibility

The theory of blood group compatibility was developed in the mid-twentieth century. Since then, the procedure of blood transfusion (hemotransfusion) has been used to restore blood volume, replace certain of its components (plasma proteins, leukocytes, red blood cells), to restore pressure, for burns, infections, and hematopoietic aplasia. To receive a blood transfusion, your Rh factor and blood type must be compatible.

There is a rule that determines blood compatibility: donating red blood cells should not be agglutinated by the recipient's plasma.

So, if the same agglutinogens and agglutinins (A and α or B and β) occur, the process of sedimentation and further hemolysis (destruction) of red blood cells starts. Being the main mechanism for oxygen transfer, the blood stops its respiratory function.

It is believed that the first I(0) blood group is universal, and it can be transfused to people with any blood group. Blood group IV (AB) is a universal recipient, that is, carriers of this blood group have the ability to accept blood of any group. In practice, the rule of exact compatibility is usually followed, transfusing blood taking into account the Rh factors of the recipient's blood.

During transfusion, the compatibility of the blood groups of the recipient and the donor determines the success of the blood transfusion procedure. In the absence of compatibility, agglutination will occur (this is the gluing of red blood cells, which leads to the formation of blood clots, which can cause death).

Blood group compatibility table for transfusion:

Blood typeRecipientsFrom which donors can a transfusion be given?
I (0)I (0)
II (A)II (A), IV (AB)I (0), II (A)
III (B)III (B), IV (AB)I (0), III (B)
IV (AB)IV (AB)I (0), II (A), III (B), IV (AB)

From the table above, the following practical conclusions can be drawn:

  • Carriers of the first blood group are universal donors, but they themselves can only be recipients of the first blood group;
  • People with blood group IV are universal recipients, although they themselves can only be donors for people with group IV;
  • Donor compatibility is achievable only if the donor's blood does not contain red blood cells with antibodies that will provoke their destruction after blood transfusion.

Something to remember! Compatibility for the Rh factor is determined only in 2 cases, regardless of belonging to any blood group: people with a negative Rh factor can receive only Rh-negative blood, and for recipients with a positive Rh factor, they can become Rh-negative , and Rh-positive donors!

First blood group

It is the first negative (positive) group that is considered the foundation of civilization. Our ancestors had the habits of excellent hunters, they were ready to spend all their strength to achieve the goal - this was reflected in the character traits of carriers of this blood type. Modern owners of the first group need the ability to plan actions in order to avoid rash actions.

Characteristics of carriers of the first blood group:

Character traitsextroversion;
organizational skills;
natural leadership.
Strengthsphysical endurance;
high ability to survive;
strong digestive system.
Weak sidesincreased acidity (increased risk of developing peptic ulcers);
poor blood clotting;
predisposition to arthritis and allergies.

Second group

Gradually, evolution moved forward, as a result of which people began to engage in more farming. Vegetables and fruits began to be used for food - the human digestive system began to adapt to new environmental conditions. Vegetable protein became the main source of energy for humans - this is how the “vegetarian” blood group appeared - the second positive (negative).

Characteristics of carriers of the second blood group:

Third group

When stressed, the body of a group III carrier produces an increased amount of cortisol, so they usually experience a lack of motivation. It is difficult for carriers of blood group III to experience a violation of internal balance and balance in the team.

Characteristics of carriers of the third blood group:

Character traitsversatility;
openness to people;
flexibility in decisions.
Strengthsa penchant for creativity.
easily tolerate changes in diet;
strong immunity.
Weak sideslack of self-confidence and motivation;
increased susceptibility to autoimmune diseases.

IV blood group

Carriers of the fourth blood group appeared as a result of the symbiosis of II and III. They quickly get tired of solving everyday issues and have a penchant for creativity. This is the rarest blood group - only about 6% are carriers.

Characteristics of carriers of the fourth blood group:

Pregnancy and compatible blood groups

There is no controversy about the need for such an area of ​​obstetrics as family planning. It made it possible to significantly reduce the number of unwanted or complicated pregnancies, which was reflected in the birth of a much smaller number of sick children. And one of the aspects of family planning can be called the compatibility of the blood of future parents.

Here it is necessary to consider issues of blood compatibility and immunological compatibility of future parents at conception. These aspects have been confused and discussed as one issue, but they are not. Decisions should not be made on the basis of unreliable information and on the results of only a blood test of spouses for compatibility.

You need to understand that:

  1. If it is impossible to get pregnant, the compatibility of a husband and wife is determined not by the compatibility of the Rh factor or blood groups, but by the immunological compatibility of a man and a woman. This means that the female body produces antibodies to the components of a particular man’s sperm, and he simply does not perceive it. The Rh factor and blood type have absolutely nothing to do with it;
  2. A mother with Rh- can give birth to an Rh-positive child. This can only affect the condition of the fetus and the course of pregnancy, but is not regarded as incompatibility for conceiving a child;
  3. Partners with different Rh factors can have healthy children. There is no need to destroy relationships because the Rh factors of the mother and child may be potentially incompatible. However, you should definitely follow the recommendations that will be given by family planning specialists. Some of these recommendations are listed in the next section.

Combination of blood groups during pregnancy

If a couple decides to have a child, they must control this process at all stages from planning the child to its birth. For conception, blood type is less important than the Rh factor.

The fact is that when an antigen (Rh factor) enters the body, which the body does not have, an immunological reaction occurs when the recipient’s body produces destructive proteins (agglutinins) to the Rh factor. When Rh+ erythrocytes enter the recipient's blood again, gluing (agglutination) and destruction (hemolysis) of the resulting erythrocytes occur.

Rh conflict is the incompatibility of the blood groups of the mother with the Rh-negative group and the Rh+ child, due to which the breakdown of red blood cells is observed in the fetus's body.

Regarding the likelihood of rhesus conflict, you should be careful:

  • Spouses whose blood mixing could potentially lead to Rh conflict, with previous pregnancies/births.
  • A positive outcome does not guarantee anything. On the contrary, the likelihood of incompatibility between the blood of the child and the mother increases with each new pregnancy; Married couples where the woman has Rh- and the man has Rh+

. The maximum probability of developing a conflict pregnancy is 25% when the partner is heterozygous (only 1 chromosome of the pair encodes Rh) and 50% when he is homozygous (each chromosome encodes Rh).

Table of Rh conflict during pregnancy:Father's RhesusMother's RhesusProbability of Rh factor in newborn
The likelihood of developing Rh conflictThe likelihood of developing Rh conflictRh+
If the parents are heterozygous - 50% positive;
If one spouse is heterozygous and the second is homozygous, 75% positive.
If both parents are homozygous – 100% positive.The likelihood of developing Rh conflictRh-If the Rh positive partner is heterozygous – 25% positive;
The likelihood of developing Rh conflictIf both parents are homozygous – 100% positive.The probability of a conflict occurring is less than 50%
If both parents are homozygous – 100% positive.If both parents are homozygous – 100% positive.If the Rh positive partner is homozygous – 50% positive.The child will be Rh negative in 100% of cases.

There is no conflict pregnancy

  1. Important to remember!!!
  2. If the mother's blood is Rh positive, then it is always compatible with the blood of the fetus;
  3. The possibility of Rh conflict exists only if the mother is Rh negative. The risk is no more than 50%;

Inheritance of the Rh factor is determined not only by the actual Rh factor of the parents. It also depends on the set of genes that the child inherited, but which did not manifest themselves.


A desired pregnancy is happiness for spouses. When preparing for the conception of their first child, in addition to switching to a healthy lifestyle that excludes any bad habits, future parents need to determine blood types and Rh factors. Here the concepts of pregnancy and blood group are equally important for the birth of a healthy child. The positive course of pregnancy is influenced by the compatibility of the parents and the Rh factor of the mother and fetus.

Awareness of blood group compatibility issues during pregnancy will help prevent possible negative consequences. Regular blood sampling from a pregnant woman allows antibodies to be detected in time, and drug intervention will help maintain the health of the fetus.

Blood group compatibility during pregnancy

Belonging to a certain blood group in a person begins to form in the uterine period. From the moment of conception, the child receives the blood of the parents in equal shares. At first, the baby has all four groups in different percentages. In this case, the parental group dominates, and most often the child receives the group of the father or mother.

The question of blood compatibility during pregnancy is of great importance not only from the point of view of the Rh factor, but also from the point of view of the group. It's all about the biochemical characteristics of the blood of different people, due to differences in the structure of its proteins.

Pregnancy and blood type do not cause complications in the following situations:

  • Partners have the same groups;
  • Mother has a fourth;
  • My father has the first group.

Rh positive and Rh negative factors are determined by the presence or absence of specific antigen D on the surface of red blood cells. The presence of this protein makes a person Rh positive. If it is absent, then the person has a Rh-negative blood group.

One of the tests that is done during pregnancy determines the compatibility of the Rh factor of the mother and the fetus. In a woman with a negative blood type, pregnancy and childbirth may occur with complications.

Negative blood type during pregnancy

A negative blood type during pregnancy does not always pose a threat to the fetus.

  • In a situation where partners with a negative blood type also have a baby with a negative Rh factor, the blood of the fetus and mother are similar, a conflict will not arise;
  • In rare cases, when a child has an Rh-positive blood type and an Rh-negative mother, the pregnancy will also proceed without complications;
  • If the mother has a positive blood type and the baby has a negative blood type, there will be no protein incompatibility.

Problems arise when an Rh-negative mother gives birth to a Rh-positive fetus. The blood in a woman’s body can begin to produce antibodies to destroy the baby’s foreign proteins.

If a Rh-negative woman is pregnant for the first time, and has never had an abortion or miscarriage before, there is no need to worry. The blood in the mother’s body has not yet encountered foreign red blood cells and has not learned to “fight” them.

Women with a negative Rh factor undergo a blood test to determine the level of antibodies. Close attention is paid to those pregnant women with a negative blood group in whom antibodies were detected.

To prevent a conflict between the blood of mother and fetus, a gynecologist can timely prescribe an injection of anti-D-immunoglobulin, which is safe for both mother and child.

Blood group conflict during pregnancy

Blood group conflict during pregnancy is as serious a problem as Rh conflict. This situation can arise when the mother and the unborn child have different groups.

If a woman has a blood type:

  • First or second - a conflict is possible with the fetus of the third group;
  • First or third - a conflict may arise with the baby’s second blood group;
  • First, second or third - a conflict is likely if the child has a fourth group.

The most dangerous combination is when a woman with the first blood group carries a baby with the second or third. In this case, the development of hemolytic disease in the newborn is most likely.

The risk group includes women who have had a miscarriage or abortion, have had a blood transfusion, or already have a child with mental retardation or hemolytic disease.

The development of group immunological conflict is possible in married couples with the following combinations of blood groups:

  • A woman with O(I) and a man A(II), B(III) or AB(IV);
  • A woman with A (II) and a man B (III) or AB (IV);
  • A woman with B(III) and a man with A(II) or AB(IV).

Pregnancy and blood type is an important issue that all young couples should pay attention to before they decide to conceive a child. And if you are already pregnant, do not delay going to the antenatal clinic. Timely registration will help identify the likelihood of conflicts between blood groups and Rh factor and will be the key to a successful pregnancy.

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People fall in love with each other, get married, start a family, dream of a child... But, unfortunately, sometimes it happens that a couple is unable to conceive a baby, although both spouses are absolutely healthy. Why is this happening?

In medicine, such situations are called incompatibility during conception. The following types of incompatibility exist:

  • immune - by blood type/Rh;
  • genetic - the birth of children with or with another disability from absolutely healthy parents.

Does this diagnosis become a death sentence for a married couple or do the spouses still have a chance to conceive an heir? And what is this - incompatibility at conception?

Causes of incompatibility during conception

The number of infertile marriages around the world is increasing every year. In Russia itself, approximately 15 percent of married couples cannot conceive a child due to infertility of one spouse or both. The causes of infertility are distributed almost equally between both spouses: one third of cases are associated with women, one third with men, the last third is due to joint projects (20%) and unexplained cases (10%). Research from medical practitioners and scientists indicates the presence of psychogenic changes and psychological trauma in all situations of infertility.

A marriage is said to be infertile when a married couple who have regular sex life does not achieve the desired pregnancy within a year. At the same time, the spouses do not use any type of contraception.

Immunological incompatibility at conception

In such cases, couples are often given the disappointing diagnosis of “immunological infertility.” Although even with such a diagnosis, conception is still possible, in the absence of constant medical supervision and appropriate treatment, pregnancy is terminated in most cases.

First of all, if there is a suspicion of immunological incompatibility of a particular couple, the man must be examined, for which he will have to donate seminal fluid for examination (). This should be done in clinics specializing in family planning. The results of this analysis will determine the number and motility of sperm, as well as evaluate other equally important sperm parameters. In addition, they will confirm or, conversely, refute the presence of inflammatory diseases in the organs of the male genitourinary system.

So what is immunological infertility?

This means that the immune system of a particular woman produces antibodies that destroy the sperm of a particular man. Recent studies show that in approximately 30 percent of cases the cause of infertility in marriages is precisely this form of infertility or the so-called incompatibility factor. We are talking about some kind of allergy to a man’s sperm, or, strange as it may sound, an allergic reaction of the man himself to his own seed. The reason for this is too high the amount of so-called “anti-sperm antibodies”, which prevent the sperm from performing its fertilizing function. They can be formed in the body of both men and women.

Antisperm antibodies not only prevent conception, but also affect the course of pregnancy.

So why does an “allergy” arise to a specific person? And why does the level of antisperm antibodies increase?

Antisperm antibodies are the culprits of incompatibility

There is a scientific opinion that the risk of developing these antibodies in a woman depends directly on the number of her sexual partners. Previous sexually transmitted infections can also be an unfavorable factor. But still, the main reason for the appearance of antisperm antibodies in the female body is a specific immune reaction to the semen of a particular man. Both our psyche and brain contribute to this, which directly influence the most subtle mechanisms of the body, incl. and on the reactions of the immune system itself.

The presence of a certain amount of these antibodies in a woman’s body can lead to toxicosis, spontaneous abortion or delay in fetal development. Therefore, both spouses must undergo an immunological compatibility test.

Often the reason for the inability to conceive is additional complications in the form of a bicornuate uterus, ovarian malformation or cervical hypoplasia.

Rh conflict and incompatibility at conception

Incompatibility at conception is also possible if spouses have different Rh factors. To successfully conceive a child, both spouses must have the same - positive or negative.

If the Rh factors are different, then problems may arise not only when conceiving a child and during pregnancy, but also after its birth (meaning the health of the newborn).

If spouses with different Rh blood factors decide to give birth to a child, they must undergo a course of special therapy before conception so that the mother’s body does not subsequently reject the fetus. It should be noted that a healthier child is born to those couples where the father’s blood type is higher than that of the mother.

But there is always hope

Under no circumstances should you despair. Even in such situations, there is a fairly high chance of becoming pregnant and bearing your first child. However, with subsequent pregnancies a number of difficulties may arise.

In some cases, the immunological mechanism of the mother's body may begin to produce antibodies against the father's Rh factor. As a result, maternal antibodies penetrate the placenta and begin to attack the red blood cells of the fetus, thereby causing the development of anemia.

From a genetic and immunological point of view, spouses with different blood groups, but having the same RH (negative or positive), are considered well compatible. But married couples who have the same blood type, but different Rh factors, are very likely to experience incompatibility during conception.

Compatibility test

If the spouses are unable to conceive a baby for a long time, they both need to undergo a compatibility test, for which they will have to take a blood test and undergo other related studies, which will already be prescribed by the attending physician.

But even if, as a result of all the research and testing carried out, incompatibility on any factor is discovered, do not become depressed or despair. Remember: modern medicine is in constant development, in constant discoveries, which always gives potential mothers a great chance to get pregnant and give birth to a healthy baby. And we should not forget that the most important factor for conceiving a child is not so much the compatibility of the spouses as the presence of sincere feelings between them. The birth of a long-awaited baby will overcome all obstacles!

Especially for Anna Zhirko

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