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Construction set for kids with large parts. Forward towards discoveries

Entertaining construction toys for kids- sets of parts from which you can make a variety of original models of houses, cities, cars, trains or the simplest turrets. There are many variations of this useful and exciting game designed for children of different ages. The toy develops logic, attention, creative thinking, fine motor skills, perseverance, and perseverance in children. Sometimes adults also happily share their child’s hobby, enthusiastically assembling amazing figures or structures from blocks, cubes, plates, and rings.

We present an excellent selection of entertaining and interesting construction toys for children 0 to 18 months. This simple and interesting game will open the doors to the wonderful world of fantasy and creativity for the little one.

1. Construction set for little ones “Fantaser” (from 0 months)

A set of bright, soft and light cubes, pyramids, balls, cylinders, cones "Fantaser" will help your child get the first ideas about the colors and shapes of objects. You can even play with colored parts in the bathroom - when wet, they stick to each other, to the tiles or the sides of the bathtub. The young architect will be able to assemble houses, towers, castles, roads from parts, fully showing his imagination and mastering new knowledge and skills. This is a great construction set for little ones. It is convenient to take the figures with you on trips - this will entertain the child along the way.

2. Construction sets for babies Stellar “Kolobok” series (from 6 months)

Colorful details of various shapes and colors, complemented by sounding elements (“rattles”) will become a child’s favorite game. From them you can assemble anything: a car, a train, a rocket or a house. Thanks to the special shape of the elements, the structures are strong and stable. This fun and entertaining construction set for kids will appeal to both boys and girls. This toy will delight your son or daughter for several years.

3. Construction set for babies “The Tenth Kingdom” (from 8 months)

Soft multi-colored details made of safe material are an excellent gift for a baby who is making his first discoveries and mastering the world around him. The toy has no sharp corners and is made of food-grade plastic, so while playing, parents can rest assured about their child - you can sit on the “bricks,” take them in your mouth, throw them into water, and wash them. A child can build whatever he wants from bright elements - they can be easily connected to each other.

4. Magnetic construction set for babies GEOMAG (from 10 months)

Funny animal figures and colorful plastic elements of the original construction set for the little ones provide children with unlimited scope for creativity and the opportunity to explore the world around them. With their help, you can assemble a variety of structures and decorate them with cute plastic animals. Built-in magnets help children create new, unprecedented shapes. Rattles located inside the parts will add fun to the entertainment.

5. Construction set for children from 12 months MEGA BLOKS

This wonderful construction set for children aged one year and older consists of multi-colored elements that can be easily connected to each other, allowing the child to experiment with the shapes and sizes of buildings. This original set is a wonderful gift for a young dreamer, helping to reveal the creative abilities of the baby, develop fine motor skills, logic, and abstract thinking. The game parts are made of safe materials, have no sharp corners, and are easy to clean and wash.

6. Construction set for children from 1 year old “Polesie”

It’s easy to build your own city with houses, squares, railways, cars. Even a child can do this. A construction set for children aged 1 year and older, produced under the Polesie brand, will help you realize your fantasies. Traditional rectangular blocks are supplemented with new elements with wheels for assembling a train, as well as windows and doors for future houses, and trees for creating a park. This game will captivate the baby for a long time.

7. Construction set for kids “Building Together” (from 1 year)

A simple and exciting construction set for children aged 1 year and older consists of blocks - cubes, pyramids, cylinders, cones. With their help, the child will be able to master the appearance of geometric shapes and understand how they can be connected to each other. From these elements, your child will be able to build wonderful castles, houses, towers, bridges - each time different, more complex and beautiful. This game will be interesting to play both alone and with friends.

In recent decades, child development experts have reached a complete consensus that construction sets for babies can be considered one of the most useful toys. In principle, even without this solution, construction sets were sold en masse, but today it is absolutely impossible to imagine a set of children’s toys without them - every child should have such a set, and more than one, at home.

At the same time, scientists recommend purchasing a construction set from as early an age as possible, while at the same time, the instructions for most sets state that use is not recommended until they reach 3 years of age. However, you can also choose a set for children from 1 to 3 years old - you just need to know more about suitable options.

Why isn't just anyone suitable?

The age of up to 3-4 years in a child’s life can safely be called one of the most difficult, because a little curious person tries with all his might to understand the world, but due to a simple misunderstanding of the simplest threats to his health, such attempts can turn out to be dangerous. Naturally, this doesn’t stop the baby, because all that remains for parents is to choose the set more carefully.

Most kits state that they are not suitable for children under 3 years of age. This figure is somewhat arbitrary, because the baby’s development occurs gradually, and it cannot be that yesterday this construction set was still not recommended for him, but literally today it can already be used without any precautions. However, it is imperative to follow such a recommendation, if it is on the packaging. There are clear criteria why most sets are not suitable for little ones, and parents, when choosing a construction set for such children, must make sure that the intended purchase does not meet such prohibitive criteria.

These criteria are worth considering in more detail.

Parts size

The worst thing that can happen to a child while playing with a construction set is swallowing a piece. Due to the natural desire to understand the world, every baby literally puts everything he sees into his mouth, but a complex-shaped part can easily get stuck in the child’s narrow esophagus or cause him suffering when it reaches the stomach.

Almost any construction set contains small parts, but a set for kids should consist only of large elements so that a large piece cannot be swallowed. In this case, attention should also be paid to large parts of complex shape - it is unacceptable that a small part could become detached from the base, otherwise the size of the parts will not have any significance. In the end, due to poorly developed fine motor skills, the child is not yet able to tinker with a construction set that is too small, and this also needs to be taken into account.


Since the baby is trying to taste everything around him, parents will have to think about how to make sure that the construction set is always clean, because the owner himself has not yet thought about such things at all. First of all, you should be sure that the manufacturer did not use harmful additives in the production process, otherwise their entry into the child’s body is almost guaranteed.

But the choice does not end there - you should only choose a set whose parts do not have an extremely smooth surface that does not contribute to the accumulation of dirt and bacteria. Ease of cleaning parts is another vital criterion.

Injury hazard

When a child grows up and becomes an engineer, then let him assemble his adult crafts from anything, but for now he is small and rather clumsy, so even minor defects or ill-conceived shapes of parts can pose a danger to him. Elements with sharp edges are not welcome in construction sets for any age, and in sets for the little ones, even thin oblong-shaped parts are generally undesirable - they can be shoved not only into the mouth, but also into the nose or ear.

Assembly complexity

Each person may have their own idea of ​​which construction set is considered complex and which is not, but a child under 3 years of age will have difficulty assembling almost anything, since he is still at the initial stage of learning such intricacies. Even if we are talking about the simplest cubes, a child of 2 years old may find it difficult to assemble a complete structure of 20 elements; by 2.5 years, the number of parts may increase to 30, but a child of this age will definitely not use 100 fragments - there will not be enough for this perseverance, no imagination.

Besides, parts should be easy to assemble into a whole and just as easy to disassemble back into individual fragments, otherwise the game will turn into torture for the baby, and he will quickly lose interest in it.

You can sing odes for a long time in favor of educational toys, but development is impossible without an independent understanding of the next stage.


Actually, the most obvious solution can be considered ordinary cubes, which are considered the simplest construction set. They do not connect to each other at all - they just need to be installed on top of each other, and they look rather naive, representing simple geometric shapes. Older children would not like this solution, but for children 1-3 years old this choice is optimal, since it is perfect for both boys and girls.

The main choice now lies in determining the best material. Hollow plastic cubes are considered almost ideal (provided that the plastic is high-quality and environmentally friendly), because such parts are light, difficult to injure, and they also look very bright.

Wooden cubes are distinguished by their high strength and the naturalness of the raw materials used, but they are relatively heavy, in addition, they are a good breeding ground for bacteria and are difficult to clean. Sometimes they also make cubes from felt for kids - they are light and pleasant to the touch, but they are quite easy to tear.

When choosing cubes for little ones, it is advised to choose bright colors (except for very “acidic” ones), but do not go overboard with the variety of the palette: 3-5 primary colors will be enough.

Magnetic kits

This solution allows you to see three-dimensional figures as if in cross-section, but also does not require any effort to connect the parts, since they are connected by the force of magnetic attraction.

Externally, the parts look like ordinary plastic fragments, which in some cases are limited by the outline of a simple geometric shape. Thanks to the use of plastic, it is possible to achieve significant brightness of the toy and its relatively light weight, but the most interesting thing is hidden inside - a magnet.

This gift is very interesting for children because they do not understand how the parts are held together, because often the craft can even be lifted off the floor, holding it by the top, and it will not fall apart. You can’t build anything particularly meaningful from such a construction set, but experts praise it for its clear demonstration of the three-dimensionality of various objects - Thanks to playing with shaped magnets, the child’s spatial imagination and fantasy improves.

Block sets

Block construction sets are usually not recommended for children under 3 years of age, but exceptions can be found to every rule. To begin with, you should choose a set with large parts that cannot be swallowed, then you should pay attention to the ease of connection. There is no need to buy kits with a huge number of parts yet: the child will not be able to assemble even a very interesting craft. Perhaps it’s worth playing with such construction sets at least from the age of two, and even then with the active participation of parents.

In recent years, the production of block construction sets for the little ones has increased noticeably - in particular, the special Lego Duplo series is gaining popularity in our country. This manufacturer hardly needs any introduction, because most modern people associate the sets of this brand with construction sets in general. Choosing a block construction set is always a contribution to the development of fine motor skills in a child’s hands.

Another, no less important advantage is the development of imagination, because the same Lego offers to assemble a beautiful and interesting playground for any games with little people, which, as a rule, are also included in the set.

We can’t help but mention the popular alternative – Mega Bloks construction sets. In this case, the manufacturing company focuses almost exclusively on children under adolescence, which is why its series for the little ones are distinguished by a deep understanding of the needs of the child.


Between the ages of 1 and 3 years, a child’s body undergoes many changes. From a helpless baby, the baby turns into an independent, inquisitive, restless mischief-maker. Books and toys are an integral part of developing our horizons. for babies from 1 year old and slightly older children - an excellent gift that will bring a lot of joy and benefit to the little person.

Features of baby development from 1 to 3 years

The curiosity of children aged 1 to 3 years has no limits. They always strive to be the center of attention. Babies are attracted to bright, rotating, collapsing, ringing, moving objects. Children try to compare shapes, volumes, and get acquainted with colors. Some sets of magnetic construction sets, for example, wooden prefabricated Janod models, precisely meet these requirements.

One of the main tasks of parents is to stimulate the development of the child’s speech. Scientists have proven that the baby’s nervous system is directly related to the activity of motor skills of the fingers. Drawing, modeling or toys that can be manipulated have a positive effect on the development of fine motor skills and directly stimulate speech.

Magnetic sets from Smartmax and Janod, although different in meaning, are favorites for children aged 1 year and older.

They are specially designed for very young children and are designed to develop:

  • Perseverance;
  • Thinking;
  • Light perception;
  • Memory;
  • Logicians.

With the help of such construction sets, kids will get acquainted with various geometric shapes, learn about the secrets of magical magnetic interaction and the force of attraction, and develop their imagination. The toy will help calm the baby, distract him from his whims, and introduce him to the world around him. Playing together with parents will bring a lot of pleasure, bring loved ones closer and improve mutual understanding.

Choosing the right toy!

You can buy a wide variety of products for children on the market, in stores, and on the Internet. There are many models of toys with magnetic elements. Colorful details, interesting figures, variety of designs - all this is an absolute plus. However, when purchasing a toy for children aged 1 to 3 years, remember that it should not only be beautiful and useful, but also of high quality.

The following should not be present in the baby’s constructor:

  • Small parts;
  • Sharp edges;
  • Bright acid colors;
  • Hangnails.

Before purchasing a product, make sure that it is intended for children of the required age category. After unpacking the construction set, pay attention to the absence of chemical odors, color fastness and the quality of fastening of the magnetic inserts.

Buy only quality toys! Cheap products are made from low-quality materials, stain your hands during play, do not connect well, and can be dangerous.

Which magnetic construction set is preferable for babies from 1 year old and children under 3 years old?

Some of the safest options for magnetic construction toys for children aged 1 year and older are sets from Smartmax and Janod.

Smartmax is a unique play set consisting of various parts. The basic kits include metal balls and magnetic sticks. With their help, you can create flat and three-dimensional figures, study colors and shapes. You can lay out letters and numbers on a flat metal surface, such as a refrigerator.

There are special additional sets for boys and girls, purchasing which you can make the game even more exciting and varied. The kits may include various models of cars, flowers, houses, slides, and airplanes. While playing, kids can figure out the polarity of magnets and learn about the existence of magnetic attraction forces. Parents can be confident in the safety of their baby: during play there is no direct contact with magnets, Smartmax contains only large parts made of high-quality materials, and the magnetic elements are covered with plastic.

Janod is a famous French manufacturer of educational toys. Designed for the littlest mischief-makers. Distinctive characteristics of Janod: safe large parts, bright colors, easy assembly of models. Assembling and disassembling cars, submarines, space rockets, the baby turns into a discoverer and, together with a cute character, sets off on a journey towards amazing and exciting adventures. Despite the apparent simplicity of the parts, it is not so easy for a child aged 1 year to assemble the models independently. To achieve success, the baby needs to put in diligence. During the game, the child will learn consistency, develop perseverance, logic and memory. And such games will have the most beneficial effect on the development of fine motor skills.

Janod or Smartmax - who should you prefer?

It is impossible to give a single answer. Each baby is unique and has its own individual interests. For very young children, the Smartmax magnetic construction set in the form of a basic set will most likely be preferable. It contains only balls and sticks with which you can play the simplest games.

It will be more interesting for children aged 2 years and older. Still, these sets are, first of all, prefabricated models and the child must understand what he is assembling, which part should be in what place.

This does not mean that Smartmax will be uninteresting at this age. At 2 years of age and older, it is already possible to build simple structures from its parts - a triangle, a rhombus or a square.

In addition, Smartmax has one significant advantage - you can add additional elements to it. With them, he will not lose his relevance as well as older ones.

An entertaining review of the Smartmax constructor

Forward towards discoveries

According to parents, magnetic construction toys are a wonderful invention. They captivate the child for a long time and bring a lot of benefits. High-quality toys from well-known manufacturers will help develop imagination, speech, perseverance, and logical thinking.

How to play with an unusual toy?

Bright details, interesting shapes, and moving parts will instantly attract the attention of little ones. However, at the age of 1 year and older, the help of parents or older siblings will be required to correctly assemble the models. Having mastered the game together with adults, soon the little ones will happily play on their own and create their own unique masterpieces.

Prefabricated Janod models have one feature - parts of different designs do not fit together, and new models cannot be created using them. However, this is not a minus. The manufacturer specially created the toy in order to develop the child’s intelligence and memory. To complicate the task for the baby, disassemble 2 different models, place them in front of the baby and ask them to separate the parts, then assemble each toy one by one. By performing the actions, the baby will quickly remember the sequence and soon cope with the difficult task on his own. During the game, encourage your son or daughter and rejoice in success together.

Smartmax models are distinguished by an abundance of details. Since the sets are perfectly compatible, when purchasing new models you do not need to spend large sums of money at a time. Glowing elements will delight any little one. They will make the gameplay even more fascinating and mysterious.

Analogs of magnetic construction sets for kids

There are educational toys similar to Janod and Smartmax. Distant analogues of Janod include magnetic construction sets and . But they contain small elements and are not suitable for children. In addition, these are full-fledged constructors, i.e. You can assemble many different designs from them; it is not included in the kit in advance. Genii Creation has a couple more disadvantages - high cost and almost constant lack of availability.

There are also analogues for Smartmax - and sticks with larger parts. Previously, you could find Bornimago Giga sets, but recently they have disappeared somewhere. Miniland magnetics sets are now offered in some online stores. The website of the Yekaterinburg toy supplier Sima-land also displays several sets that are very similar to Smartmax, but with a different name and the inscription “Own development.”

In any case, in terms of the number of additional elements and the prevalence in stores, no manufacturer can keep up with Smartmax. So you definitely can’t go wrong by choosing this designer.

Story-based and simple construction sets are considered one of the most successful toys for children over 1 year old. They “work” to develop fine motor skills, form logical and spatial thinking, help the baby automate sounds, master colors, shapes, sizes and other basic knowledge. In addition, such a toy is convenient for parents: there is no need to worry about the furniture or flooring getting dirty; the parts can easily be put away in a container or box. Play sets with safe large pieces from Lego Duplo, Chicco and Mega Toy can be found on sale at affordable prices.

Construction sets for children from 2 years of age should have a plot: at this age it is important to improve speech, actively mastering new words, develop imagination in a playful format, and unobtrusively instill neatness and the ability to finish what you start. The easiest way to do this is with the help of story-based “everyday” sets - with fire and police stations, ambulances, residential buildings, zoos, etc.

When choosing a construction set for children aged 3 years and older, it is better to choose large sets that can be assembled together with parents or in the company of peers. This will allow the child to more easily build communication with others, teach him to work in a team, while simultaneously introducing him to different topics - professions, areas of life, fairy tales, etc.

Where can I order a construction set for kids? In the Eldorado online store you can order construction sets for children 1-3 years old at competitive prices and with discounts using a bonus card. Our catalog contains high-quality and safe sets from Lego, Mega Blocks, Mattel and other brands. In addition to home delivery, we offer several pick-up options throughout Russia.

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