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Beautiful knitted gloves. How to knit gloves with knitting needles for beginners step by step? Knitting gloves: an easy way


Determine the location of the remaining fingers. To do this, divide the total number of loops by 8. If it is not divided, distribute the remainder evenly between all fingers. From the number of loops for the ring finger, subtract two and give them to the index finger. If your thumb is on the second needle, then your little finger will be on the fourth and first. On the fourth knitting needle, knit half of the loops assigned to this finger with the main knitting stitch, and remove the rest unknitted onto a pin or additional thread. If the number of loops is odd, knit a smaller part of them. Using another pin, remove the stitches from the first knitting needle - half or one less. After this, we make 4 air loops on the fourth knitting needle and use it to knit the loops remaining on the first knitting needle. Thus, there are four knitting needles left - three are located, the fourth is the working one. Continue knitting in the circle until the base of the index finger. The index finger is knitted first. It is on the first spoke. Knit the fingers on three, divide the number of loops by three, the “extra” can be added to any knitting needle. Knit half the stitches from the first needle, transfer the rest to a pin. Distribute the remaining stitches equally onto 2 knitting needles. Cast on 4 chain stitches and knit another loop onto it from the next needle. Knit your finger in a circle to the middle of the nail and begin to decrease the loops, knitting two loops together at the end of each knitting needle with a “reverse” knit stitch. Decrease until there are two stitches left on each needle. Break the thread, thread it, remove the knitting needles and pull the needle and thread through the loops. Pull and pull the end of the thread to the wrong side. After the index, knit. The original number of loops is allocated to it, plus 8 loops from the jumpers. It is convenient to put another knitting needle into work. Knit in the same way as the index finger. For the ring finger, transfer the loops from a pin or on an additional thread to the knitting needles. You should get the original number of loops plus two more. Distribute them onto four knitting needles. Knit in the same way as the index and middle finger. For the little finger, transfer the loops set aside for it to the knitting needles and cast on 4 more loops from the jumper with the ring finger. Remove the loops set aside for the thumb from the pins, distribute them equally on two knitting needles, on the third - cast on from The upper edge of the hole has the same number of loops as there were air loops, and knit in the same way as the rest of the fingers.

A very important and sometimes irreplaceable item in the wardrobe during the cold season is gloves.

For convenience and aesthetic beauty, gloves should be thin and the pattern should be small, so if you are knitting gloves for the winter, it is better to use woolen thread and thinner knitting needles, the ideal option is a diameter of 1.5 mm; for spring gloves, ordinary acrylic or cotton thread is sufficient .

How to knit gloves with knitting needles?

In this master class we will show you an example of knitting women's gloves for a thin hand. To increase the size, add the number of loops at the base.

2. We begin to knit the wrist with an elastic pattern - three knit stitches, two purl stitches.

3. We knit 18 rows in a circle with an elastic band - the wrist is ready.

4. After the elastic band, knit half the stitches, and select a pattern for the other half. You can knit openwork gloves for spring; in our case, tight knitting is necessary, so the example shows the “braid” pattern. Thus we knit 5 rows without changes.

5. Starting from the sixth row, we begin to make a wedge for the thumb - we outline one loop, on both sides of which we will add one loop every three rows. In this way we add 7 times, resulting in 14 loops being added.

6. We remove 13 loops of the wedge onto a pin, and at the back for the jumper we cast on 6 loops and continue to knit the main part of the glove. We evenly decrease two loops every two rows (it turns out to be a “triangle”) and as a result, 2 loops remain for the jumper. We again have 55 stitches left on the knitting needles.

7. We knit the main fabric, periodically trying on the gloves. Having tied it to the little finger, we leave 7 loops on one side and six on the other, knit a jumper of four loops - we get the base for the little finger.

8. Similarly, we knit the bases for the ring and middle fingers. Having reached the index finger, we knit all the remaining loops in a circle, periodically trying on the glove, we knit a finger of the appropriate length.

10. Now let's work on the thumb. The thumb is knitted entirely in stockinette stitch, without patterns. We remove the loops from the pin, cast on the rest along the edge, we get 23 loops in a circle. We knit a finger of the required length.

11. For clarity of knitting gloves, you can use the diagram:

12. The glove is ready. In the same way, only in a mirror image we perform the second glove, and now we are not afraid of any frost!

For knitting men's gloves, it is advisable to use a thicker thread, but the knitting, as in the previous case, should be very tight. To knit men's gloves with knitting needles, we use the master class given above as an example, only we proportionally increase the number of loops.

It is a great pleasure to knit children's gloves using threads of bright colors and various variations of decoration. Children's gloves can be knitted in one day and make a wonderful, cheerful gift for your beloved child. Knitting them is easy and simple, we use the above master class, but reduce the number of loops by one and a half to two times, depending on the size of the child’s hand.

February 8

And this year I finally knitted gloves for my beloved! 🙂 The usual ones, black and warm!

The description is taken from the brochure “Useful tips for knitting” (Compiled by Orshevska Marina Yanovna, 1991). The pictures are from the book, and the photos are mine.

So, gloves are knitted in the round on five knitting needles, starting from the wrist. They are made with various dense and openwork patterns, stocking knitting with ornaments or colored stripes. Yarn consumption is approximately the same as for mittens from 40 to 130 g. It is better to start getting acquainted with the technique of knitting gloves with a simpler option, when they are made in stocking stitch. To practice, tie your left glove. Getting Started First of all, take your measurements:

1. Hand circumference
2. Length of the hand from the wrist to the base of the thumb
3. Length of the hand from the wrist to the base of the little finger
4. Hand length from wrist to index finger

Calculation. Knit a control sample on needles No. 12 in stocking stitch and determine the knitting density from it, for example, 3.2 loops per 1 cm. Now count the number of loops to start working: 3.2 sts x 19 cm (hand circumference) = 60.8 sts Round the result down to a whole number (60 stitches) and check whether it is divisible by 4 (by the number of knitting needles). In this example there are 15 stitches per needle. If the number is not divisible by 4 without a remainder, then it must be reduced to a multiple of four.

Start knitting gloves. On 2 knitting needles placed together, cast on 60 stitches and release one of them. Then knit 1 row very tightly with a 1×1 elastic band, simultaneously distributing the loops on 4 knitting needles: knit the first 15 loops with the 1st knitting needle, knit another 15 loops with the 2nd knitting needle, then knit the 3rd next 15 and finally knit the last 15 loops 4th knitting needle. All 60 loops are knitted and 4 knitting needles are put into work, the free 5th is working. Pin a pin to the loops of the 1st knitting needle - it will serve as a guide in your work. On the 1st and 2nd knitting needles there are loops on the upper part of the glove, and on the 3rd and 4th knitting needles on the lower part (palm). Close the knitting in a circle by connecting the thread from the ball with the end remaining from the set of loops. There are no edge loops. Now knit a 1×1 rib (2-9 cm) clockwise around the outside of the circle.

Knitting a wedge for the thumb. On the left glove the wedge is placed on the 4th needle, and on the right glove on the 3rd. Start it immediately after the elastic band or knit it a little with the main pattern. A wedge is made by adding loops. Make the first addition at the end of the 4th knitting needle: knit all the loops except the last one, then yarn over, knit the last loop and yarn over again - on the 4th knitting needle there are 2 more loops. Starting a new round, hold the yarn over with your finger so that it does not slip off the 4th needle. Knit the next 3-4 rounds without increments. Tie the yarn overs behind the back walls to avoid any holes. On the right glove, make the first increase at the beginning of the 3rd needle: 1 yarn over, 1 knit, 1 yarn over and then all the loops on the 3rd needle. Make the second addition without knitting the last 3 loops on the 4th needle: yarn over before and after them. There are 4 more loops on the knitting needle. Perform all the following additions every 3-4 circles, each time without finishing an odd number of loops 1, 3, 5, 7, etc. at the end of the 4th needle. When the height of the wedge reaches the base of the thumb (6 cm), stop adding, tie the loops of the 4th needle to the wedge loops, re-slip the wedge loops onto 2 pins, and then cast on air loops over them. There should be half as many of them as there are on the pins (it’s better to dial an even number). Next, knit 1 round without changes, and in the next round, decrease on the 4th knitting needle: knit 2 loops together with knit stitches along the edges of the hole. Continue working by decreasing every other row until there are 15 stitches left on the 4th needle (the original number):

After this, knit the glove up to the little finger and distribute the loops for knitting the fingers.

Distribution of loops for four fingers. The simplest way to divide glove loops into 8 parts: 60 p.: 8 = 7 p. (4 points left). For each finger, 2 parts, one for the upper half, the other for the lower (7p. + 7p. = 14 p.), the remainder is distributed equally, attaching it to the loops of the upper halves: 7p. +1 p. = 8 p. Now there are 15 loops for each finger. If the remainder is less than four units, it is added to the loops of the fingers, starting with the index. Then 2 more are added to the loops of the index finger (15p. + 2p. = 17p.), subtracting them from the loops of the ring finger (15p. - 2p. = 13p.). So, for the little finger - 15 loops, for the ring finger - 13 loops, for the middle finger - 15 loops, for the index finger - 17 loops. Next, in the knitting process, bridges are formed between the fingers from air loops. The result obtained is applied to the diagram and knitted, focusing on it (the numbers in the diagram, signed in pencil, are mine):

Hole for little finger. The little finger loops are located at the end of the 2nd needle and the beginning of the 3rd. Knit the stitches of the 2nd needle up to the pinky stitches and slip 9 unknitted stitches onto a pin. Place 7 stitches from the 3rd needle on another pin. After
To do this, cast 4 air loops onto the 2nd knitting needle and use it to knit the remaining loops on the 3rd knitting needle. Knitting turned out to be on three needles, the 4th working. Tie 3-4 circles to the base of the index finger:

Knitting the index finger. The index finger is knitted first. Its loops are located at the beginning of the 1st knitting needle and at the end of the 4th - a total of 17 loops. After the jumper is formed, the number of loops will become equal to 21 (17 stitches + 4 stitches = 21 stitches). The finger is made on three knitting needles (4th working needle), so the number of loops is divided into 3 - 7 loops on each knitting needle. Knit the first 9 loops on the 1st knitting needle, and transfer all the rest to pins, except for the last 8: divide them equally and place them on 2 knitting needles. For ease of use, divide the loops of the 1st knitting needle into 2 parts: transfer the first 7 loops to the new knitting needle, and leave the last 2 on the old knitting needle. Cast on 4 air loops and knit 1 loop from the next knitting needle - there are 7 loops on each knitting needle. Now knit in a circle until the middle of the nail and after that make decreases, knitting a row, at the end of each knitting needle, knit 2 loops together with the front one behind the back walls until there are 2 loops on the knitting needles. Break the thread, thread the end into the needle, remove the knitting needles, sew on the loops and pull tight:

Middle finger. It is knitted after the index (15 stitches + 8 stitches of two jumpers = 23 stitches). The loops on the knitting needles should be placed like this: 8+8+7. Transfer 8 loops from the upper half of the glove from pins to the 1st knitting needle and 7 loops from the bottom to the 2nd knitting needle. With the 3rd knitting needle, pick up 4 loops from the jumper of the index finger and knit 4 loops of the upper half. Put the 4th knitting needle into work, knit the remaining 4 loops on the knitting needles and add 4 chain stitches to them. There were 23 loops on three needles (8+8+7). Next, use your finger in the same way as your index finger.

Knitting the ring finger. Transfer the loops from the pins to the knitting needles, starting from the top half: 7+7+3. Using a knitting needle on which there are 3 loops, pick up the loops from the jumper of the middle finger and then knit in the round in the same way as the other fingers.

Knitting the little finger. Transfer the loops from the pins onto 2 knitting needles. With the 3rd knitting needle, cast on 4 loops from the jumper of the ring finger - there are 19 loops on the knitting needles. Distribute them like this: 7+6+6. Next, knit the finger like everyone else:

Thumb. Do it like this: transfer the loops from the pins to 2 knitting needles, and cast on the 3rd one from the upper edge of the hole as many loops as there were chain stitches. Now knit the finger in a circle until the middle of the nail, and then make decreases in the same way as in the other fingers. A thumb made using a gradually expanding wedge is called a raglan finger by knitters and believe that this method of knitting gives a more comfortable finger shape. At the end of knitting, bring all the threads to the wrong side, fasten and cut.

Girls, please your loved ones - knit them gloves for the holidays, because the cold is not going to subside yet! 🙂

Features of knitting warm, openwork, convertible and fingerless gloves.

Gloves remain a relevant element of the wardrobe in the cool season.

Needlewomen are trying to please their hands with new models and make them for gifts to family and friends.

In gloves, our fingers are free and it is more convenient for us to perform various actions with them. In addition, knitted models:

  • beautiful
  • attract the attention of others
  • highlight your style preferences

Openwork gloves with knitting needles: pattern with pattern

girl holding ready-made knitted openwork gloves

Openwork models of gloves are relevant for autumn and spring. In combination with a beautiful scarf, they will complement your feminine, delicate look.

If you knit gloves made of wool mixture or cotton thread, they will retain the elasticity and beauty of the openwork pattern.

Select the latter, for example, from the following options:

openwork patterns and patterns for them for knitting gloves, example 1

openwork patterns and patterns for them for knitting gloves, example 2

openwork patterns and patterns for them for knitting gloves, example 3

openwork patterns and patterns for them for knitting gloves, example 4

openwork patterns and patterns for them for knitting gloves, example 5

Knit an openwork pattern on:

  • back of the glove
  • rubber band
  • half of each finger from the back

Some models contain it from the beginning of knitting to the fingertips only on the outside.

Be sure to do your hands correctly before you start knitting the gloves.

How to knit long and short fingerless gloves with knitting needles?

the girl has knitted long fingerless gloves on her hands
  • The first step is to determine the length of the future product to the wrist. That is, in the short version, for example, 5 cm, and in the long version - above the elbow.
  • For long mitts, take an additional measurement of the circumference of the place where they begin - above the elbow, elbow, below it.
  • Select a pattern or several to work with and make a test pattern. Determine the knitting density.
  • Draw a diagram of future fingerless gloves, mark the narrow and wide areas. For them, plan to decrease the loops and widen the fabric. For example, for high mitts with the beginning just below the elbow, it is convenient to decrease 3-4 loops every 2 cm and continue until the wrist. Then pick up the loops for the palm.
  • Mark the wrist area with a short elastic band, a purl row, and openwork holes for decoration with a lace or ribbon.
  • A number of needlewomen mark the place for the thumb with a wedge of extension from the wrist. Others knit straight fabric and leave open loops for opening it.
  • Continue working the main pattern/s up to the knuckles or a little higher.
  • Decrease to 8 stitches and switch to a tight elastic band, garter stitch, openwork insert at a height up to the middle of the middle finger. Or distribute the loops as for knitting the fingers of a glove and knit them to a height of 2-3 cm. Close the loops in the usual way.
  • Return to the thumb and knit the fabric for it to a height of 1.5-3 cm.
  • Repeat all steps to knit a second fingerless glove.

Decorate the finished products with beads, seed beads, stones, and ready-made compositions of flowers, leaves, and fur.

For inspiration, here are a few ready-made mitts of different lengths:

ready-made long knitted fingerless gloves, example 1

ready-made long knitted fingerless gloves, example 2

ready-made long knitted fingerless gloves, example 3

ready-made long knitted fingerless gloves, example 4

ready-made long knitted fingerless gloves, example 5

a series of short mitts with knitting needles of different colors on the hands of a model

Knitted men's gloves: video

interesting model of knitted men's gloves

Men's glove models are laconic in appearance and easy to use even for novice needlewomen.

Nevertheless, there are “gourmets” who connoisseurs of braids and weaves on the fabric of gloves.

Video: knitting men's gloves

How to knit women's gloves: diagram

cute ready-made knitted women's gloves

There are probably more women's models of gloves in magazines and on the Internet.

They are:

  • long and short
  • openwork, stockinette stitch and warm patterns
  • decorated with ribbons, knitted and ready-made decorative elements
  • with flared and fitted hems

The knitting pattern for women's gloves is close to the classic one:

  • elastic cuff
  • blade with extension to thumb hole
  • decrease over it and smooth work on the base of the little finger
  • distribution of finger loops
  • knitting each separately from the little finger to the index finger, vice versa or in discord
  • completing the glove by knitting a thumb house
  • repeating actions for the second instance in mirror order

Several diagrams in the pictures:

knitting pattern for women's gloves, example 1

knitting pattern for women's gloves, example 2

knitting pattern for women's gloves, example 3

Gloves - mittens knitted

cute mitten gloves with a heart and buttons

The combination of knitted mittens and gloves in one product has found its fans among all generations and ages.

  • Getting started is the same for both mittens and gloves. Rib the cuff and continue with the base pattern, adding an extension wedge for the thumb. Be careful in its location. For the right mitten glove there are 2 knitting needles at the end, for the left one - 4.
  • Leave loops for the thumb hole, add half of them. Continue knitting in the round, decreasing over the remaining stitches to the original number at the start of work.
  • Having knitted 3-4 cm, knit the back of the mitten, and knit the inside. This is where you marked the start of the finger flap.
  • Distribute the fabric to work over each finger and tie them halfway.
  • Return to the thumb hole and knit the fabric for it.
  • Pick up stitches from the purl row under your fingers and cast on the same number of stitches. Close into a circle.
  • The first ones are knitted in stockinette stitch, the second ones are knitted with an elastic band, for example, 2x2.
  • After 2 cm, switch to the same pattern in a circle.
  • Having reached the height of the upper phalanx of the middle finger, decrease the loops on the valve in a manner convenient for you.
  • Pull the final 4 loops with thread. For a more rounded finger house, perform this step with 8 loops.
  • Knit the second mitten-glove symmetrically.

For originality and convenience, sew 1 button onto the finished products in the area where the cuff transitions into the main fabric on the back. Tie a tourniquet to the tops of the valve, roll it into a loop and secure its free edge.

In the open finger position, hook the flap onto the button.

How to knit children's gloves with knitting needles?

winter gloves knitted on the hands of a child

For children, gloves can be knitted using similar patterns as for adults. These models also have:

  • wedge extension for thumb
  • distribution of loops for the remaining fingers
  • knitting them one by one
  • optional decoration of finished gloves

See the pictures for several descriptions of work from knitting magazines.

description in the magazine of knitting gloves-mittens

description from a magazine for knitting children's gloves

Knitted gloves for boys

knitted blue gloves-mittens for boys

Boys love to do a lot of things with their hands, so it is important for them to have access to each of their fingers. Mother craftsmen just have to put on a few pairs of gloves per shift.

Consider the color scheme of the boy’s main wardrobe, combination with a hat, scarf and shoes. Then there will be much more room for your imagination to fly.

In future articles we will look at the features of knitting gloves for children and adults. Therefore, we will not dwell on them for a long time.

See below for several models of knitted gloves for boys with a description of the work.

several descriptions of knitting gloves for boys from magazines

description of knitting gloves for a boy from a magazine

Patterns for knitting gloves: diagrams

ready-made knitted gloves with several patterns

Once you've trained your hands in knitting gloves using stockinette stitch, it's time to learn other patterns.

For example, these:

diagram and pattern of knitted gloves

patterns for knitted gloves, example 1 patterns for knitted gloves, example 2

patterns for knitted gloves, example 3

patterns for knitted gloves, example 4

patterns for knitted gloves, example 5

patterns for knitting gloves, example 6

patterns for knitted gloves, example 7

patterns for knitted gloves, example 8

patterns for knitted gloves, example 9

patterns for knitted gloves, example 10

patterns for knitted gloves, example 11

patterns for knitted gloves, example 12

Hi all!
I continue to promote knitting mittens in this way, because it is a comfortable finger, especially for children wearing socks, and it is convenient to knit.
This is the easy way. Having knitted a pair of three mittens in this way, you will be surprised that at first it seemed difficult.

These mittens are knitted from different sizes of yarn with the addition of mohair. They asked me to make a MK for this thickness. That's why they are "not very good".

I made a master class for children's mittens and for adults. It contains a table of calculations for any size from 20 stitches in the cast-on row to 60 stitches.
MK is paid. Detailed. Write and ask.

Start of the table. The entire table is in the master class.

What determines the number of loops? From the size of the brush, from the thickness of the yarn. From the number of spokes
What determines the height of the wedge (the width of the initial number of thumb loops)? From the width of the palm. My husband has a wide hand, but short, not musical fingers, which means... You will understand this when you start knitting.

How to calculate how many loops you need to cast on mittens? As usual. As you always knitted mittens, you already possess these skills. But I’ll remind you anyway. For a medium yarn for an average women's handle, that's 44 stitches. For men's it is 48 loops. For children, it depends on age, from 20 to 40.
So, you have decided on the yarn (I knit mittens from lan gold 800m/100g with the addition of thin mohair (it comes with the addition of acrylic or angora), about 500m/100g.)
We decided on the number of loops for the mittens. Look at the table and distribute the loops onto 4 knitting needles, mark the beginning of the circular row with a marker, this is the beginning of the 1st knitting needle, there may not be an equal number of loops on each knitting needle, but on the palm and back side it should be the same, mark with a marker and the middle of the circular row. As soon as you went beyond the marker, you moved to the back of the mitten.

The table will tell you how many loops on the palm you will knit for the finger, with how many loops you will start knitting the wedge, i.e. the future palm, how many loops the thumb will consist of, how many loops to cast on the jumper of the 2nd and 3rd knitting needles. This is the junction of the circular row after removing the finger loops onto an additional thread (connection of the 2nd and 3rd knitting needles).

Then knit as many rows with additions as there are in the original number of loops for the thumb. For example, if there are initially 10 thumb stitches (without jumper), this will be 10 rows. Thus, the same number of loops as rows will be added to the wedge (palm).

After this, remove the finger loops with an additional thread and connect the loops remaining on the knitting needles into a circle.
Next, knit the mitten as usual, according to your length measurements.
Move on to the finger. On the jumper, according to the table, cast on loops with a crochet hook without thread, from what you have so that there are no holes, do not go deep into the mitten, it should be beautiful and unnoticeable. Remove the loops from the thread onto the knitting needles. Knit a finger along your length.

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