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Beautiful statuses about parents are touching. Beautiful statuses about parents

Adolescence, adolescence - nothing puzzles parents more than these periods in the life of their children.

The reality of life is that quarrels between mom and dad lead to children’s tears...

Real threat, children, watch out! Parents appeared on the horizon!

The heart shrinks and aches, it hurts to watch our parents grow old...

Best status:
And I can joke with my old people, gossip, keep secrets, I adore them, they are world class!

From an early age, my mother instilled in me the habit of not envying anyone: “Dear baby, there are millions of children who dream of parents like yours!”

Once upon a time, in distant childhood, it was thought that the Fairy Godmother would come and, together with her parents, would save them from unnecessary problems, but I grew up and realized that this was not the case! Even psychotherapists cannot cope with psychologists!

Our dear parents! There is no need to compare us with friends and forbid us to play with them or say that they are better! We’re not saying that the parents living on the floor above are better than you!

I want to have a lot of money, but what's wrong with that? I will be able to provide my parents with a good old age, as they once did in their childhood.

Children in kindergarten are talking: “Are your parents afraid of cartoons?” - No! - But mine are afraid... Like cartoons start, they sit me in front of the TV, and they themselves go into the bedroom... They crawl under the covers and tremble, tremble, tremble...

Of course, life is wonderful, but all around you are the betrayals of girlfriends, the betrayals of boyfriends and the screams of your parents...

(parents to children) 4th grade: “Have you done your homework?” 9th grade: “Have you packed your briefcase?” 11th grade: “Are you going to school?”

Damn... it’s so lousy at heart... when parents fight

The main danger from which children must be protected is their parents.

Nothing sobers you up like a call from your parents!

Let the day go to waste when I registered my mother in Odnoklassniki!

My mother is a writer, my father is a candidate of sciences, and I was born beautiful and ruined both of them..

In this world we do not value 2 things: health and parents while they are alive...

There are so many statuses about our beloved mommies, but our daddies are the best too, right?)

Treat your parents the way you would want your own children to treat you.

Dad left... At night I came, lay down next to my mother... I listened... I heard her heavy breathing, heartbeat and cried... Mommy, I love you...

The best thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother.

After all, no one loved you like your parents did... only you will understand this too late.

Statuses about parents, children, relative statuses mom, dad

Parents quarrel...and children suffer...

Whatever you want, the best cook is mom!

Mom is the most precious person! How I love my mother! Thanks to her for everything! :) For those who don’t have a mother, I sympathize with them :(

- Mom, can I spend the night with him? – Are his parents at home? - Yes. - Why then spend the night with him? - Well, I don’t know. We just want to wake up together.

Sometimes the specific dreams of parents turn out to be destructive for children. Parents should teach their children to enjoy life and, most importantly, to strive to realize their own dreams. The best we can do is help them achieve their goals themselves.

You're sitting at home alone. Wash the dishes, clean the room,... Turn on the computer. And just then, according to the law of meanness, the parents come: “You’re at the computer again!”

I don’t see you yet... But I already love you, mom... I so want to see you as soon as possible... To hug you with my little arms...

Don’t offend your parents, they are more valuable than any whore, and their tears are not worth it (she will leave you and forget) And your parents will always be there!

My parents beat the crap out of me all the time, but I know where to get more!!

Mom is the most sacred thing in the whole wide world! Cherish her... And if she is the mother of your children, then love her and say “thank you” more often.

No matter what parents do to amuse themselves, as long as they don’t touch the computer

I hate it when my parents compare me with some of my friends and say how these friends are better than me..!!

Teacher: Your son is weak in geography! Parent: It doesn't matter. You can't go far with our income.

The best thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother.

Why is it only mom, the most sacred thing, dad also participated! Papul this heart is for you.

The worst thing is when your boyfriend leaves you or your girlfriend betrays you... The worst thing is when dad drinks!

June. High school graduation. Certificates. Restaurant. Walks until the morning. Morning. Feeling of freedom. Joy. Admission. Satisfied with their independence. End of summer. Saying goodbye to parents and friends. The realization that childhood cannot be returned!

Childhood is leaving... but in your heart you hope that your parents will put something under the Christmas tree again...)

I love my dad very much! He has not been with me for more than a year... I will always remember him. Take care of your loved ones! Love them! It hurts to lose loved ones. Hope you're in heaven!

A mother’s tears are drops that burn and make even their own blood more painful...

Parents are the ones we love the most, but we deceive the most often.

There is a man in my life who loves me, takes care of me and fulfills my whims. -...Thank you for existing, dad.

Love for mother is the most important thing in our life!

Children start by loving their parents. Then they judge them. And they almost never forgive them.

Dear parents, teach your children to eat with their left hand. Then, sitting at the computer, they will thank you.

Remember. Only moms and dads keep promises...

Do you want to quit smoking? Tell your parents.

Saving money is a good thing, especially if your parents are doing it...

Grandma is the only person to whom you can endlessly complain about your parents: D

– What did your parents give you? - Life.

Statuses about parents - My parents really wanted me to become good. The smart guy left, the stupid guy stayed!

First, your parents give you your own life. But as time passes, they try to impose their lives.

The less parents know about us, the calmer it is for both them and us... ———- Statuses about parents

From our parents we received the greatest and most priceless gift - life. They fed and raised us, sparing neither strength nor love. And now that they are old and sick, it is our duty to cure them and nurse them back to health!

You need to live in such a way that your parents are proud of you, your friends hold on to you, your significant other loves you, your enemies die of envy, and everyone else stupidly admires you!!!

So the parents say, “You study for yourself.” Why then yell because of bad grades?

All parents are ready to give their LIFE for their child, but they often don’t have TIME to play with him...

Parents are the most undervalued, but priceless thing that can be in life...

The first problem of parents is to teach their children how to behave in polite society; the second is to find this decent society.

My parents told me that they found me in the cabbage, and I will tell my children that I downloaded them from the Internet.

Don't talk bad about your parents. When you feel bad, they will be the first to help =)

Previously: “HURRAY!!! With my parents to the dacha!... Now: HURRAY!!! Parents to the dacha!!!

Guys, appreciate your parents... Otherwise, this opportunity may not present itself later. No matter how much they scold you, you are still their greatest love... - Statuses about parents

As soon as you start living separately from your parents, the auto-fill function of the refrigerator is automatically turned off.

I remember my first love. I pulled her pigtails, hit her on the head with a briefcase, lifted up her skirt, and she got angry, gave bad marks, called her parents to school...

You become an adult not when you stop listening to your mother, but when you realize that your mother was right! I'm going home, it's cool. Mom is waiting at home, it’s nice...))

5 (100%) 1 vote

I love life, but most of all I love the one that gave it to me! Mom, I love you!

You become an adult not when you stop listening to your mother, but when you realize that your mother was right!

I'm going home, it's cool. Mom is waiting at home, it’s nice...))

Nothing shortens a message like a mom standing behind you.

First, our parents teach us to walk and talk, and then they want us to sit and be silent!

whatever you want, the best cook is mom!

Your mother is the most grateful person in the world. Only she loves you exactly the way you are. Just for being you. She's more forgiving

They say that the best friend is mom... Yeah, right now!!... Tell her... In the morning, the second friend - Dad - will already know everything...

No matter how much you teach children good manners, they still naturally tend to imitate their parents.

Mom, why are you constantly looking for cigarettes in my pockets, you can just ask!

Have you ever tried to find your date of birth, and subtract nine months and see what holiday your parents relaxed on?

Dad taught me to be proud, Mom taught me how to be a lady, But my brothers didn’t teach me anything, they just said: Will they hurt you? - Let’s tear them up!!!

If the parents arrived after the weekend and were very orderly, then it was a very messy place.

Dear, what will happen if I get pregnant? - Well, it’s simple, I see two options. - Which?! - Either a boy or a girl.

Wherever you are, whoever you become, do not disgrace those who raised you!

maaaam, today is Saturday... can my friends bring me later?

The circle of the sun, the sky around - this is a drawing of a boy... A naked woman, vodka, a barbecue - it was his father who helped him

yeah, okay, yeah, yeah, yeah, okay, yeah, okay, I know, okay, yeah. WHILE MOM

God loves the trinity... The most holy trinity is love for the woman you love, your own children, and also your parents...

I appreciate my friends. Love Mother. I don't forgive betrayal. I hit hard. I only believe in myself. I know how to surprise.

And my mom was like, “Turn off the computer,” and I turned it off, and my mom was so shocked.

Truly loves not the one who says beautiful words and promises mountains of gold, but the one who worries that you eat, dress warmly and go to bed on time

real fear is when you have 15 missed calls from your mom :)

My parents constantly beat the crap out of me... But I know where to get more)))

Parents at the dacha :) that means everything is going as it should!!!

I've been laughing at my dad for two days. He has been walking for two days, waiting for football, worried, worried. And in the end: he eats chips during the anthem and falls asleep at the sixth minute

What is happiness? and this little miracle, which screams at the top of its lungs, at night, in the next room, “maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

a loser is when yesterday you were a virgin and today you are a dad

My mother raised me to be a true lady. The father is a kind man. Fate is a vengeful bitch...Thanks to them for that

Among the usual deception, among the verbal fog, I suddenly felt how much a mother means to a person...

Emma, ​​someday you will grow up to be a big girl... just like your dad.

Only a mother is worthy of love - she alone knows how to wait!

There is a man in my life who loves me, takes care of me and fulfills my whims. -...Thank you for being there, dad

Parents are the most undervalued, but priceless thing that can happen in life...

Mom taught me not to swear, life taught me not to swear in front of my mother

Hooray! I'm of age! Now I can do everything that my mother forbade! First of all, I licked the swing in the cold and stuck my fingers into the socket.

A mother spends 20 years making a man out of her boy, and another woman makes a fool out of him in 20 minutes.

And the sponsor of my parties is a sneaky dad! Sneaky dad - take it for now 😀

Let my mother hear, Let my mother come, Let my mother take me from the mentura

Dad, what if a lion accidentally jumps out of his cage and eats you, which bus should I take?

Mom, dad, meet me. This... This will live with us!

What is happiness? I asked parents, grandparents, school teachers, friends, sisters and brothers... some tried to answer, others shrugged their shoulders and smiled absently. And then I saw you!)

Someday the time still comes when you realize that mom was right...

You must not remember your mother, You must always remember your mother...

Dad, dad, I’ll never go sledding with you again ((— Stop whining, let’s take you!

Who is already an adult, but still runs to the package that their parents brought from the store?... what if there is a chocolate bar in it!

If Dad’s beard hadn’t been pinched by the door, I would probably still believe in Santa Claus!

My life is complete boredom! But everything changes when they come: money from my parents XDD

  • Children multiply our everyday worries and anxieties, but at the same time, thanks to them, death does not seem so terrible to us. (F. Bacon)
  • The parental home is like a transit point, a calm and friendly hotel for a tired wanderer to rest. Take a break and catch your breath, but not live. Constantly being in the old place, you warm yourself up in the past, it is attractive and cozy. And before you can blink your eye, you will fall into a sluggish slumber of lack of will. If you linger a little, you won’t be able to escape.
  • And we all think that our parents don’t really notice our mood, today mine told me: “You, our girl, are completely broken, smile! Everything will be fine”...
  • Statuses about parents are touching to tears - Parents are the most undervalued, but priceless thing that can happen in life...
  • Guys, appreciate your parents... Otherwise, this opportunity may not present itself later. No matter how much they scold you, you are still their greatest love...

TOP 20 touching statuses about parents

  • Our children are our old age. Proper upbringing is our happy old age, bad upbringing is our future grief, these are our tears, this is our guilt before other people, before the whole country. (A.S. Makarenko)
  • All parents are ready to give their LIFE for their child, but they often don’t have TIME to play with him...
  • There is nothing more important than our parents. Don't sow disappointment in their souls! Love them, take care of them, carry them in your arms! And don't forget to thank them for everything.
  • Parents are the most precious thing in life. You only fully realize this when you lose someone!
  • In this world we do not value 2 things: health and parents while they are alive...
  • Appreciate every moment you live with your parents.
  • Mutual love is cemented by children. (Menander)
  • No matter what disgusting act a person has committed, there are people who will never leave him. And they will still consider him the best. This is mother and father.
  • Parents are the ones we love the most, but we deceive the most often.
  • The heart shrinks and aches, it hurts to watch our parents grow old...
  • It hurts when you can’t hug your mom or dad because they are no longer there.
  • For the hundredth time I am convinced that our best friends are our parents! Only they sincerely wish us happiness!
  • Children start by loving their parents. Then they judge them. And they almost never forgive them.
  • You can survive everything: great love, betrayal, leaving friends. Everything except the death of parents is a huge wound in the heart that will not heal.
  • Parents are not chosen. But we need to learn to love them only because they gave us life and are ready to go through part of it with us.
  • Nothing is so rare in the world as complete frankness between parents and children. (R. Rolland)
  • From our parents we received the greatest and most priceless gift - life. They fed and raised us, sparing neither strength nor love. And now that they are old and sick, it is our duty to cure them and nurse them back to health!
  • Parents don't wait to be told "thank you." That is why you need to say this as often as possible.
  • Only then do we become adults when our parents die; while they are alive, we are children...
  • One of the only places where you are expected, believed, loved and forgiven. This is the house where your parents live.
  • I realized that my parents are a part of my world... The world in which I live! I realized when I missed them... When I lived half a month without them... The house became empty! The sofa is cold, and the light in their room is no longer on... Take care of your parents...
  • My parents aren't always right. But they are always my parents.
  • Statuses about parents are touching to tears - I’m not afraid of anything so much as the time when my parents are gone.
  • First, our parents interfere with our lives, then our children, and only when our grandchildren appear do we understand that we have not lived our lives in vain.
  • Don't judge your parents for their mistakes. Then your children will not judge you.

Parents mean the whole world to their children. They are happy when their child feels good, is healthy and cheerful, but they become desperate if the child is sick, upset about something, and something doesn’t work out for him. Our parents love us always and in spite of everything and everyone. Often they begin to love us already during mother’s pregnancy, and sometimes long before it. I offer you a variety statuses about parents.

  • My parents told me that they found me in the cabbage, and I will tell my children that I downloaded them from the Internet!
  • My parents aren't always right. But they are always my parents.
  • If your parents call you, and you’re in a bad mood, you’re angry at everyone and want to shoot your neighbors, don’t pick up the phone and call back in a couple of hours.
  • On September 1, teachers begin to work and parents begin to rest.
  • Respect your parents. They graduated from school without Google or Wikipedia.
  • - Dad, what does a man mean? - This is such a strong person who loves you, protects you and always takes care of you. - Cool, I want to become a man like my mother!
  • - Who do you love more, mom or dad?!
    - Mom and dad!
    - And more?!
    - And no one else.

Statuses about parents with meaning

  • Appreciate every moment you live with your parents.
  • Take care of your parents! They are the only ones who sincerely rejoice at your successes and worry about your failures. Be with them more often than possible, because the day when they are gone will come completely unexpectedly...
  • It's been six months since my parents died, but I still can't delete their numbers from my phone.
  • The most important thing in a family is the health of our parents... We owe them: for our lives, for what they gave us, for our upbringing, for our ability to live. For this we give them a big bow.
  • There is nothing genuine left in the world. Except for parental love.
  • Do you think that no one needs you? And your parents would give their lives just to make you happy.
  • Parents, while earning money, do not forget about your children. Give love and tenderness to your children!
  • Call your parents more often.
  • Never complain that your parents couldn't give you certain things... They may have given you everything they had.
  • Love for mom and dad is the most important thing in our lives!
  • From our parents we received a priceless gift - our life.
  • Love your parents and don't compare with anyone! They are the only ones you have, cherish them. Don't be afraid to say it to their faces, always be sincere with mom and dad.
  • The time will come, and everyone will understand that in this world we are truly needed only by our parents...
  • Some people want 101 roses, others 101 children, but I want my parents to live more than 101 years.
  • Parents are the most precious thing we have. Take care of them. There will be no one dearer in the world.
  • You need to live in such a way that your parents are proud of you.
  • Life is a debt that we take from our parents and give to our children!
  • Never forget that your children, following your example, will treat you the same way you now treat your parents.
  • Because of my character, my parents don’t even know how much I love them.
  • Treat your parents the way you would want your own children to treat you.
  • You can survive everything: great love, betrayal, leaving friends. Everything except the death of parents is a huge wound in the heart that will not heal.

I also suggest watching a short video about parents.

Every day of your life should be devoted to being the pride of your parents, loved by your other half, a pain in the asses of your enemies and an object of admiration for everyone!

Previously, parents found their children in cabbage, but now it is easier to prove to the child that it was downloaded from the Internet.

With the introduction of family ties on VKontakte: “brothers and sisters,” all this began to look even more like a sect.

To modern children, the version that they were found in cabbage seems much less plausible than downloading from some torrent.

Best status:
Don't want your parents to spy on how you text with your girlfriend? Well, well... we'll see about you when you become parents yourself.

No matter how much my parents beat the crap out of me, I still found a new one!

An intercom is a very convenient thing! What else gives you time to throw away the cigarette butts, turn off the computer and start vacuuming while your parents are going up to the floor?

Maybe I don't understand something? My parents think that I’m still “too young to stay out late,” but “it’s time for a mare like that to learn to cook!”

- Mom, mom, the sobering station is on fire! - How do you know? “Dad goes and sings: “The enemies burned down their home.”

Mom is the most precious person! How I love my mother! Thanks to her for everything! I sympathize with those who don’t have a mother...

On the one hand, you are offended by your mother, but on the other you think: “Yes, if I were in her place, I wouldn’t let myself go anywhere with such a f*ck!”

My mother is cunning, she always buys tasteless cookies so that they last a long time!)

And only mom, asking the question: “How are you?” and hearing in response “Everything is fine”, he will ask ten times “Are you sure?!”..

The love of parents is the most selfless.

Children start by loving their parents. Then they judge them. And they almost never forgive them.

I came home at no one knows what time, sad... And my mother asked so sweetly: “What happened, baby?”

On the bus, mother to son: “Vadik, stop jumping!” And hold on, otherwise you’ll fall and hit yourself, and I’ll give you another kick, remember that!

You will still have a million guys... and your parents, they are alone. They LOVE you and will never betray you.. Appreciate it!!!

As soon as you start living separately from your parents, the auto-fill function of the refrigerator is automatically turned off.

Mom: - The same taste! Daughter: - That same tea! Grandmother: - The same pack that fell behind the buffet in the eightieth!

Parents are such simple devices that even children can control them...)

I love my daddy... When I'm not in a mood, he tries to cheer me up in any way... I adore him! He is the best man in my life... Dad, you are the best!

And my parents are like friends to me! We keep secrets, gossip, joke with each other, I love them!

He loves me like this: without heels and makeup - my daddy! So love me too!

Mom, meet me, this is my boyfriend! doesn't drink, doesn't smoke, doesn't swear!!

The first problem of parents is to teach their children how to behave in polite society; the second is to find this decent society.

And I love her more than life itself. Mommy. She is the most precious thing in my life!

I used to be offended by my parents because they said I was lazy, but now I agree with them.

Girls, listen to what your parents tell you! They see right through guys...

All parents are ready to give their LIFE for their child, but they often don’t have TIME to play with him...

The main danger from which children must be protected is their parents.

Childhood is when you still don’t know heartache.

The house is devastated, children are hungry, mom spends hours on the Internet.

Parents are the people who destroy me and my already miserable life. But we only have them, we need to appreciate them...

- Dad! Dad, I wanted to go sledding! - Take it and don’t whine!

I'm happy that I have you, mommy.

A mother's heart is an inexhaustible source of miracles. (Pierre Jean Beranger)

Mother is the name of God in the mouths and hearts of children.

The worst thing is when your boyfriend leaves you or your girlfriend betrays you... The worst thing is when dad drinks!

As if from my father's bedroom he was bow-legged and lame, and from my mother's - tall, handsome, young. 🙂

Some strange parents... So how can I walk until the morning, like this: “I’m still little”... And if I haven’t prepared food, like this: “Such a mare, the girl is 15 years old, but she hasn’t prepared anything to eat!”...

In this world we do not value 2 things: health and parents while they are alive...

If a guy just gives you flowers on the second of September, it means that one of his parents is a teacher! =)

Parents will always find something to scold for...

– What did your parents give you? - Life.

She said she would tear anyone for me! I love you mom!

Guys, appreciate your parents... Otherwise, this opportunity may not be given later. No matter how much they scold you, you are still their greatest love...

How I love waking up at 6 am to the sound of my mother’s hairdryer...

A mother’s heart is an abyss, in the depths of which forgiveness will always be found.

What could be worse than when parents fight??(((

The robot mother says to her daughter: “Let him marry you first!” Don’t show him the diagram before the wedding!”

A child gives birth to parents.

Ideal parents: covered, poured, dumped!

The best thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother.

Dad left... At night I came, lay down next to my mother... I listened... I heard her heavy breathing, heartbeat and cried... Mommy, I love you...

My parents constantly beat the crap out of me... But I know where to get more)))

- Dad! Dad, I wanted to go sledding! - Take it and don’t whine! 🙂

Mom is not as scary as first-graders draw her...

We don't want to live the life our parents intended for us. We wouldn't mind rebelling either, but we're too lazy to throw rocks.

I don’t see you yet... But I already love you, mom... I so want to see you as soon as possible... To hug you with my little arms...

First, your parents give you your own life. But as time passes, they try to impose their lives.

Nothing sobers you up like a call from your parents!

“Dad, I won’t get married, I will live with you!” - “Don’t you dare threaten your father!”

The only exemplary girl I know is my mother, when she was the same age as me.

Whatever you want, the best cook is mom!)

Mom, I'm not having fun. I live…

If my father had been braver, I would have been three years older...

No, of course I understand everything, many parents give strange nicknames to their children, but write me down in your phone as “Dad, give me money”

Dad, mom, meet me! This... “This” will now live with us!

I found my destiny, he is good, handsome, and most importantly, he loves me! Everything is fine with the parents, there are no problems at school either... everything is just super... and then this damn alarm clock

Eh, the ancestors left... In vain... They don’t spare the neighbors at all!)

How timely these porn sites are displayed. Right at the moment when the ancestors enter the room...

Mother's hands are the embodiment of tenderness. (Victor Hugo)

I really want to hear “I love you” from the opposite sex. Should I call dad?

My parents wanted me to become a good person......THAT IT HAPPENED.....something good came out.....a stupid thing remained

Love for mother is the most important thing in our life!

I believe in love at first sight - I loved my mother from the very moment I opened my eyes...

Let the day go to waste when I registered my mother in Odnoklassniki!

Mother is the only woman worthy of love!

“There’s a black sheep in the family,” said the alcoholic parents, looking at their non-drinking son.

I am looking for a girl to control me: I am biased towards myself. Parents can't cope. And it’s better not to trust my friends in general...

A son's reflection on his mother! At 5 years old: “Oh, mom knows everything!” At 15 years old: “Hmm... Mom doesn’t know everything!” 20: “Lord, what does she even know?” 25: “Damn, I should have listened to my mom!”

I wonder what else my mother wanted to find in my Gondoliers cookie jar...

The funny thing is that parents hide their contraceptives from their children, and after some time the children begin to hide condoms from their dads and moms...

Don’t offend your parents, they are more valuable than any whore, and their tears are not worth it (she will leave you and forget) And your parents will always be there

Sometimes we become what our parents told us to stay away from.

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