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Who can register a marriage? Conditions for expedited registration. What to do if the bride or groom is out of town

Don’t listen to anyone when they say that registering a marriage at the registry office couldn’t be easier. You can’t just show up at this institution and immediately become a legal husband and wife. You will need to settle some formalities: deal with the application, pay for the services of the Wedding Palace, and prepare the necessary documents. It will also not be superfluous to find out how official registration at the registry office should take place with a citizen of one’s own country and a foreigner. Are you planning to sign abroad? This section also contains a lot of useful tips for you.

How to register a marriage at the registry office

First of all, you need to understand that there are two types of registration: ceremonial and. The first most often takes place in the Wedding Palace, and the second in a special hall of the nearest registry office or even in the office of an authorized person. It is not at all necessary for her to buy wedding rings and invite friends. You can also do without a congratulatory speech and kisses. The entire procedure takes no more than 5-8 minutes.

With a citizen of his country (Russian Federation, Belarus, Ukraine)

The following documents are required to be submitted to the institution one month in advance:

  • application and receipt for payment of state duty;
  • parental permission (for minors);
  • certificate of death of a spouse for widowers;
  • divorce certificate.

Peculiarities of formalizing relations with a foreigner

Everything here is similar to entering into a state marriage with a citizen of your own country. The only thing is that citizens of another state need to present to the registry office a certificate of residence and a photocopy of the passport page with a visa. It must be notarized, otherwise the document has no force.

Official registration in Tsaritsyno, a bit boring, but more interesting than in the registry office:

Official registration abroad

In order for everything to go without incident, you need to prepare all the necessary documents in advance, find out how to legalize a marriage in the Russian Federation and how in general this should happen according to the laws of your native country, familiarize yourself with the list of the most popular countries for marriage and the features of the process. Only then can you conduct the best one.

You also need to take into account that dishonest wedding organizers can deceive you: they promise an official ceremony, but in reality they only hold a formal ceremony. Therefore, when concluding an agreement with an agency, it must be carefully studied.

Thailand, the USA, Cuba, the Dominican Republic and Greece are definitely out of the question: they can only offer a symbolic ceremony.

Outdoor event - features and nuances

If the ceremonial painting at the registry office is not impressive, who is stopping you from organizing on-site registration? First of all, you need to select. You can go into nature or stay in the city.

Next stage - . At this stage, you need to worry about selecting a professional host, ordering catering and renting or purchasing the necessary accessories.

  • choose the style of the event;
  • find beautiful decor;
  • decorate the registration area using prepared props;
  • create a bright photo corner in which the newlyweds and guests can take some unusual pictures.

Step #3 – think about it. In this section you will find useful tips on all these stages that will help you organize a real holiday.

Here is a video with a painting script, in which the classics shine through: Mendelssohn’s march, an outdated speech by the “leader,” a strictly allotted time for painting.

Now, in general terms, you know how to register a marriage at the registry office without surprises. But since this is a legal procedure, it has many pitfalls. This section will help you sort everything out and become a family without problems, without spoiling your mood.

It assumes a certain time for reviewing documents and legal circumstances in which the persons entering into a marriage find themselves.

According to the Family Code of the Russian Federation, the procedure for checking the existence of grounds for this action is reserved at least 30 days according to the standard scheme, that is, after submitting the application, it will be possible to get married only a month later.

At the same time, Russian legislation allows for exceptional cases when a marriage is registered according to accelerated regulations.

When is it possible to register a marriage on the day of application?

The one-month period for consideration of an application for state registration of marriage is a requirement set out in Article 11 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, as well as Federal Law No. 143-FZ “On Acts of Civil Status” dated November 15, 1997.

However, the Family Code of the Russian Federation also contains exceptional cases that are considered as valid reasons for speeding up the procedure.

It could be:

  • a certificate of the bride’s pregnancy, issued by a medical institution;
  • child's birth certificate;
  • epicrisis of the course of the illness of one of the partners;
  • documentary evidence of the need for an urgent business trip (government agencies often accommodate truck drivers, sailors, and oil refining industry employees);
  • confirmation of the need to undergo fixed-term or contract military service.

How is urgent marriage registration carried out?

Permission to carry out an accelerated procedure is accepted personally by the head of the registry office after checking all the attached documents. In most cases, the marriage date is set for the next few days (usually within a week), however, in rare cases of force majeure, the union can be registered on the day of contacting the relevant authority.

This opportunity can be implemented in settlements with a small population and, accordingly, a low frequency of applications to the registry office.

If necessary, registry office employees can conduct an away ceremony in a hospital facility, including in the maternity hospital(if medical circumstances allow it).

Marriage under an accelerated scheme for military personnel

The maximum reduction in the time frame for registering a new marriage union is expected, in accordance with the provisions of the Family Code, even if the military partner must leave quickly for the place of fulfillment of official obligations.

As a documentary basis for the need to marry early for military personnel, when submitting an application to the registry office, one of the future spouses, as well as a notice of the need to arrive at the place of military service, can be presented.

Written documents signed by authorized commanders of the military unit are accepted for consideration.


To summarize, we note that Russian legislation meets those who wish to do so in an accelerated manner only if there are good reasons declared in the Family Code of the Russian Federation.

A threat to the life and health of one of the partners, the pregnancy of the bride, the presence of joint children and the need for an urgent departure for childbearing are the circumstances that give the right to enter into marriage as soon as possible, and in some cases even - on the day of application provided there is documentary evidence of these circumstances.

It is this organization that young couples need to contact in order to legitimize their love relationships. In general, the procedure for registering a marriage is as follows:

  • First, potential newlyweds need to collect some documentation. Its list includes:
  1. passports of citizens of the Russian Federation who wish to get married;
  2. payment receipt corresponding to the details received at the registry office;
  3. if necessary, permission from guardians or parents, guardianship and trusteeship authorities to enter into marriage, about the bride’s pregnancy, or a certificate of dissolution of previous marriages.
  • After collecting documents, the bride and groom must go to the registry office. To employees of the organization, citizens must provide the relevant documents and a statement of desire to formalize the marriage, and then receive some recommendations.
  • At the last stage, all that remains is to wait the minimum period before signing all the papers officially registering the marriage, and, accordingly, sign them. By the way, you can get married at least a month after submitting your application, and even more so if there are queues at the registry office.

It is important to note that in some periods the registry offices are simply overwhelmed with applications, so it is not advisable to set a wedding day before submitting documents, since instead of the minimum month, you may have to wait two or even more.

Is it possible to get married without registration of one of the spouses?

Registration for marriage registration is not a prerequisite

In today's realities, some young couples are seriously faced with the question of whether they will be able to register their marriage without having.

The relevance of this topic is largely provoked by the actions of registry offices, which often refuse to register family relationships due to the lack of registration of one of the citizens. But is this legal? Let's figure it out.

Firstly, we immediately note that the registry office’s refusal to register a marriage is possible only in the presence of circumstances regulated by law. In the list of such, the item “Lack of registration for one of those wishing to register a marriage” is simply not present, so refusal for this reason is completely illegal. That is, any person with Russian citizenship has the right to register their marriage in their place of current residence and the issue of registration is completely unimportant here.

Thus, the refusal of the registry office due to lack of registration is an unlawful action. In a situation where there is such a violation on the part of government agency employees, citizens wishing to register a marriage can:

  • Withdraw the application for marriage registration and go to another registry office (if there is time for this).
  • Intimidate the registry office employees with evidence of their innocence by referring to the relevant legislative provisions.
  • Go to defend your rights and freedoms in court, and also demand moral and moral compensation from the registry office.

By the way, all the actions described above take place and are completely legal, so you should not be afraid of their implementation.

Nuances of an official wedding

The first step is submitting an application

In addition to the issue of registration, potential newlyweds are also concerned about other nuances of an official wedding. For the benefit of the readers of our resource, let's look at all the intricacies of registering a marriage on the territory of the Russian Federation in the “Answer - Question” format. Well, let's get down to analyzing the features of an official wedding.

In what order are solemn and non- solemn marriage registration ceremonies carried out?

It all depends on the rules established in the registry office where it was submitted. In some organizations, solemn and non-ceremonial wedding ceremonies are held without division, while in others there are divisions by day, for example, celebrations are organized on Mondays, Tuesdays and Saturdays, and “quiet” marriage registrations are organized on other working days. The exact procedure for marriages regarding this issue should be found out in the registry office department where you applied.

What constitutes a marriage where at least one citizen is a minor?

The marriage process is exactly the same as with adults, but with some features. So, in order to register a marriage with the participation of a minor, you must:

  • firstly, that the person in question must be at least 16 years old (with the exception of the bride’s pregnancy - in such a situation, even 14-year-old citizens are allowed to register marriages);
  • and secondly, obtain written permission to conduct the marriage procedure from official representatives of the minor and the guardianship and trusteeship authorities at the place of residence (these papers are provided to the registry office when submitting the application).

Otherwise, marriage with a minor citizen has no nuances.

Is it possible to legally reduce the wait to get married after filing documents?

Marriage is an obligation both to each other and to the state

Yes, it's possible. The main thing for such a reduction in terms is the presence of good reasons for early marriage. Most often, a reduction in terms occurs due to the bride's advanced pregnancy.

If this circumstance exists, the registry office undertakes, upon application of the young couple and the submission of such a certificate from the hospital confirming the fact of pregnancy, to “sign up” citizens at least the next day after submitting the application.

Also, if the condition of the pregnant bride sharply deteriorates and she is transported to the hospital on the day of the wedding, the registry office employee concluding the marriage can conduct it outside the walls of the government agency, and in the hospital, again, at the request of the young couple.

When is it not possible to officially register a marriage?

It is impossible to register a marriage in the Civil Registry Office of the Russian Federation if:

  • persons wishing to get married - one of them is married, adoptive parents and adopted children, one of them is declared incompetent due to a mental disorder;
  • persons wishing to get married did not provide the required documentation to the registry office employees;
  • persons wishing to get married, or at least one of them cannot get married due to age (marriages can be registered from the age of 18, except for the circumstances described earlier).

What are the legal consequences of formal marriage?

Registration of a marriage between a citizen and a citizen of the Russian Federation gives them the right or obliges them to:

  1. jointly acquire property;
  2. register children into your family;
  3. support each other financially;
  4. comply with all provisions of the Family Code of the Russian Federation relating to marriage;

This concludes perhaps the most important information on today's topic. We hope that the material presented above has answered your questions. Good luck with your marriage registration!

The video will show you how to submit an application to the Civil Registry Office through the State Services website:

Have you set a wedding date and don’t know the deadline for submitting an application to the registry office? In addition, situations often arise when the moment of registering a marriage needs to be accelerated or timed to a specific date. Do you want to sign directly on the day of application? Then you definitely need to know the legal basis for registering marriages.

Moments of marriage regulated by the Family and partially Civil Codes, as well as the main document – 143 Federal Law “On Civil Status Acts”. This act was adopted back in 1997. The internal activities of municipal bodies registering marriages are subordinated to Administrative regulations, also based on 143 Federal Laws.

Marriage registration is carried out on the basis of mutual consent of those entering into marriage who have reached the age of majority (18 years), expressed in the form of a written application. Age at marriage may be reduced to 16 years of age in the event of childbirth or pregnancy, which must be documented.

What documents need to be submitted to the registry office along with the application?

The application is written personally by each of the future spouses and submitted in person. Attached to it are passports of citizens, certificates confirming the dissolution of previous marriages, if any.

Foreign citizens present a general passport of the country of residence, a temporary registration document or a residence permit for stateless persons. For citizens who have not reached the age of majority, it is necessary to provide permission to marry in the prescribed form.

Citizens of another state, along with a general passport, are required to prove the legality of their presence within the Russian Federation. Such a document can be any visa (study, work, patent), documents on temporary registration. The passport must be presented with a translation and certified by a notary. For stateless people, you mainly need a residence permit or a migration card.

Before submitting an application it is required pay the fee and submit a receipt- proof of payment. By the time of filing the application, future spouses are advised to decide on a surname.

How many days in advance do you need to submit an application?

Citizens can submit an application for marriage on any reception day, and to any registry office department, regardless of their actual registration. Reception days are stipulated by administrative regulations; you can find out about them from the work schedule posted on the authority’s website or when you go to the registry office.

The submitted application is considered in within 30 calendar days and a decision is made. This waiting time is necessary for the bride and groom to check their feelings and confirm their choice.

When submitting an application, the registration date is also agreed upon. You can be painted both in a formal and in a regular setting.

Regular– a non-ceremonial atmosphere involves concluding a marriage and presenting a certificate in a small hall or the registrar’s office without inviting guests. As a rule, they are limited to spouses and their close relatives. Such registrations are scheduled for early morning, since ceremonial registrations begin at 11.00. Such registration can be carried out on any working day of the week appointed by the registrar; this moment is stipulated in the Administrative Regulations of the Civil Registry Office.

Ceremonial registrations usually scheduled for Friday.

How to urgently register a marriage

If you don’t want to wait and need to register your marriage as quickly as possible, this can also be arranged. Here good reasons for early marriage:

  1. If the bride is pregnant or the couple has children together. To confirm, you must provide the child's birth certificate, indicating both parents, or a certificate issued by a medical institution confirming pregnancy. There is no certificate in a specific form; it can be replaced by a document - a certificate from the antenatal clinic or from a gynecologist indicating the timing of pregnancy.
  2. Military marriage who are about to leave for their duty station.

It is these 2 points that can become the basis for the head of the civil registry office to minimize the time required for consideration of the application submitted by them, up to marriage registration on the day of application.

Immediately after you have set a wedding date and submitted an application, you need to think about organizing a colorful and.

If you don’t know where to have a bachelorette party, we’ve selected it in this article.

Is it possible to extend the application deadline?

But if we have sorted out the minimum period, is it possible to increase it somewhat?

You can often hear the following question from future newlyweds: “How long in advance should I submit an application to the registry office? And is it possible to submit it in advance, two, three months or even six months before the wedding?” The legislator does not prohibit filing applications in advance. This is often due to the nature of work and business trips. In this case, only the date of the registration celebration is specified. In any case, the answer will be provided within the period specified in the law, but the event itself can be scheduled on a date convenient for the applicant. Legislator does not determine the time period from filing an application until the moment of actual registration.

In some cases, the deadlines increase for reasons beyond your control:

. Some registry offices themselves increase the deadline for submitting an application to 2 months. Most often this is done in the summer, when the workload on the registry office needs to be slightly reduced.
  • Beautiful dates. This could be any memorable date to which many couples try to time their wedding. And the registry office employees try not to refuse the newlyweds. For example, on 12.12.12, many registry offices were open until the morning; there were so many people who wanted to register their marriage on that day, but this is the exception rather than the rule.
  • True, recently many local authorities have begun to increase the deadline for submitting an application to the registry office. For example, in Yekaterinburg this can be done 6 months before the wedding. This point is included in the regulations of the Civil Registry Office; it is not a violation of the law, but is not obligatory for other departments in other regions. And in Chelyabinsk on December 31 of last year, 50 couples were registered. In the history of the Chelyabinsk civil registry offices, such an event was held for the first time as an experiment.

    You can submit your application on any working day of the Civil Registry Office. Usually this is Tuesday-Saturday. Sunday and Monday are days off.

    By registering a marriage, two citizens officially notify the state of their decision to become a family. With this step, a man and a woman undertake a number of obligations to each other and receive rights provided by law. The wedding ceremony does not necessarily have to be accompanied by rituals; the main thing in the procedure is that the future husband and wife receive a marriage certificate.

    Registration of a marriage, which lacks a formal part, some rituals and ceremonies, is in demand by couples where at least one partner or both have already been married. This form of relationship registration may be of interest to those who get married in adulthood or young people whose families seek to minimize wedding costs.

    How is non-celebratory marriage registration carried out?

    Formally, non-solemn registration of marriage looks like the signing of an agreement by two people in a government agency with the obligatory presence of an official. By signing in the deed book, both members of the future family thereby express their consent and confirm the voluntariness of this step.

    However, it should be noted that this simplified form of marriage occurs only in regional registry offices. In specialized institutions - Wedding Palaces, marriage registration occurs only with the completion of all rituals and the solemn part.

    Relatives and friends of the newlyweds may be present at the non-celebratory registration of the marriage. However, in some registry offices, due to the fact that such weddings take place on weekdays, when at the same time other work with visitors takes place in the institution, they limit the number of guests present. Typically, couples getting married come alone or only accompanied by witnesses.

    The approach to the appearance of newlyweds is also diverse; in this situation, typical wedding outfits are completely unnecessary, so the newlyweds can be dressed completely non-festively, even in casual jeans and T-shirts. At the request of the heroes of the occasion, the marriage ceremony is recorded using photos and videos.

    The usual algorithm for conducting a non-solemn marriage registration looks like this:

    • A couple who decides to start a family, comes to the registry office on the appointed day.
    • Hand over identification documents (passports) to a civil registry office employee for further processing.
    • State inspector enters passport data in the act record compiled by him.
    • A special form is created (marriage registration certificate), which has its own registration marks and is subject to registration. The form is certified by the signature of a registry office employee and a seal.
    • On the pages of passports reserved for indicating the citizen’s marital status, both members of the new family are stamped.

      If one spouse changes his surname due to marriage, an additional note is made on the first page of his passport. This passport will need to be changed within one month.

    • Upon completion of the non-celebratory wedding procedure applicants are invited to a separate office, where they are given their common new document certifying the birth of a new family.

    What days does non-celebratory registration take place?

    An application for non-solemn registration of marriage can be submitted five weeks before the date planned by the future spouses. The registry office employee will accept the documents and offer available dates and times for the event. Usually, due to the regulations and work schedule of the registry office, non-ceremonial registrations are carried out more often on Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and rarely on Saturday and Sunday.

    Weekends, especially during the wedding season, are busy with special events.

    However, the legislation of the Russian Federation provides for circumstances in which the period between filing an application and the actual act of registering a marriage is reduced and may take one to two days.

    Such circumstances include:

    1. Serious health condition and threat to life one of those entering into marriage.
    2. Pregnancy(when submitting an application in the early stages, you must have a certificate about this circumstance from the antenatal clinic).
    3. Birth of a child, in connection with which it becomes necessary to have a marriage certificate to determine paternity in the baby’s birth certificate.
    4. All other situations are considered by the heads of the registry office on an individual basis.

    Cost of non-solemn marriage registration

    The cost of registering a marriage primarily consists of paying the state fee. From January 1, 2015, changes were made to the taxation procedure, in connection with this, both members of the future family must pay a tax in the amount 350 rubles. However, there can only be one payment receipt, so payment must be made jointly; this can be done using a terminal in Sberbank or via the Internet.

    As for the receipt itself, it has no statute of limitations, and if the spouses were unable to come to the registry office to carry out registration within the appointed time, then they can later use this document to re-submit the application.

    If the newlyweds opted for a quiet ceremony without photographs or video recording, then this will be the end of the registration costs.

    In some registry offices, employees are adamant and allow filming only by their staff members. The price for this service varies greatly depending on the region. On average, one photo costs around 300 rubles. The situation is the same with video recording; ordering it at the district registry office as an additional service will add costs to registration.

    Non-solemn registration of marriage: how to apply?

    The minimum period for filing applications for marriage registration will be approximately a month before the event, the maximum period for this is two months. In many Wedding Palaces, during the wedding season, convenient dates and weekends are booked in advance. Those getting married have to wait in long lines to apply for the desired day and time of the wedding.

    Therefore, if there is such an opportunity, registry office employees offer to choose several possible dates for marriage; this also applies to those who get married using non-solemn registration, since in the summer months and early autumn it is a busy time for the registry office.

    To submit an application, the bride and groom must provide the registry office employees with;

    1. Completed application form about the decision to start a family (the application is filled out at the registry office).
    2. Passports of the bride and groom.
    3. Receipt for payment of state duty for the amount 350 rubles. Paid through Sberbank ATMs.
    4. Divorce certificate, if at least one of the future spouses was previously married. In the event of the death of a former spouse, a death certificate is provided.
    5. For minor brides and grooms, permission from their parents is required. for marriage.

    An application for marriage will not be accepted for consideration:

    1. For persons who are already in another marriage;
    2. Close relatives, as well as adoptive parents and adopted children equated to this category.
    3. If one of the parties to the marriage is declared incompetent by the court due to mental disabilities.

    Questions that wedding palace employees are often asked when applying

    Is it possible to get married in less than a month?

    Answer: The law defines the minimum amount of time between filing an application and the act of registering a marriage as one month. Only for a few good reasons can this period be reduced (among the reasons: urgent business trip of a military personnel, pregnancy, fatal illness of one of the spouses); in especially difficult cases, marriage can be concluded on the day citizens submit their application.

    Can an application be submitted to the registry office in the absence of one of the future family members?

    Answer: Applications can be submitted by one of the future spouses only if the application of the second spouse is notarized.

    Is it necessary to submit an application to the district registry office at the place of registration?

    Answer: Citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to get married in any city or region of the country they wish.

    In the case when one of the partners entering into marriage is not a citizen of Russia, which registry office should you contact?

    Answer: Citizens of the CIS are registered at any regional registry office. You can marry people from any other country using the services of Wedding Palace No. 4 in Moscow.

    What exactly is the difference between a solemn ceremony and a non-solemn wedding?

    Answer: Non-ceremonial registration takes place modestly, without unnecessary pomp, and it does not require any wedding attributes in the form of a special outfit for the bride and groom, witnesses and guests.

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