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Modeling a goldfish in the second junior group. Notes on dough modeling nodes in the junior group "goldfish". Reading an excerpt from “The Tale of the Goldfish” by A. S. Pushkin

Summary of a lesson on fiction and modeling in the second junior group, topic “Goldfish”

Program content:

To develop children’s ability to depict images large, on the entire plane of the sheet, to maintain proportionality between parts of the image; paint evenly and carefully; add details to the image. Teach children to make sentences using given topic: “What would you ask a goldfish?” Encourage them to briefly tell the content of the cartoon “The Tale of the Goldfish.” Activate children's vocabulary on the topics: “Sea”, “Sky”. Introduce an excerpt from “The Tale of the Goldfish” by A. S. Pushkin; explain the meaning of the words “net”, “scales”. Develop coherent speech, a sense of rhyme, and fine muscles of the hands. Foster a desire to discuss the image in a friendly manner.


Recording the sound of the sea surf, background music. Illustrations for “The Tale of the Goldfish” by A. S. Pushkin. Sheets of paper, tinted blue. Palette with multi-colored gouache. Equipment for drawing.

Preliminary work:

Observing fish in an aquarium. Watching the cartoon "The Tale of the Goldfish."

Progress of the lesson:

Guys, listen up! (The sound of the sea surf sounds). What is this noise? This sea is noisy. What is the name of our sea? Black Sea. Let's imagine that we left the kindergarten and came to the seashore. Above our heads we have a blue sky with clouds, golden sand under our feet, and in front of us is the sea. How beautiful it is all around!

And how many words can you find if you look closely and think. After all, words can be found everywhere.

I will find words everywhere -
Both in the sky and in the water,
On the floor, on the ceiling,
On the nose and on the hand.
Haven't you heard this?
No problem! Let's play a word game!

Didactic exercise “Find words”

Find the words in the sky.
(Clouds, birds, wind, clouds, plane, lightning, blue, sun.)

Find words in the sea.
(Water, wave, fish, algae, storm, crab, dolphin, jellyfish, ship.)

There are many different fish that live in the sea. There are fish that are edible for humans. Fishermen catch them, and we buy, cook and eat them. These are anchovy, herring, gobies, horse mackerel, and flounder. There are dangerous fish. They can prick with a poisonous thorn, like the sea cat and the sea dragon; and even give you an electric shock like a stingray. Fishermen do not catch them, because meeting such fish is very unpleasant.
All fish have a tail. He serves as their rudder. Fish also have fins. Why do you think fish have fins? The word itself will tell you. Fish need fins to swim.
Of course, fish have eyes. What are eyes for? The body of fish is covered with plates - scales.

Guys, listen to a funny poem about how fish love to smile. And don’t just listen, but tell me words.

Didactic game “Give me a word”

If it's a fish, it has a smile.
If it’s a fish, it has... (smile).
If it is a fish, it has... (smile).
If it is a fish, it has... (smile).
If it’s a fish, she has... (smiles).

Not only in our sea there is a princess of the sea - a goldfish who can speak in a human voice and make wishes come true. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin wrote a fairy tale about such a fish. This fairy tale is called “The Tale of the Goldfish.” Listen to an excerpt from this fairy tale, which tells how an old man threw a net into the sea - such a large fishing net for catching fish, and caught in this net goldfish.

Reading an excerpt from “The Tale of the Goldfish” by A. S. Pushkin

For the third time he cast the net, -
A net came with one fish.
With a difficult fish - gold.
How the goldfish prays!
He says in a human voice:
"You, elder, let me go to sea,
Dear, I will give a ransom for myself:
I'll buy you anything you want."
The old man was surprised and frightened:
He fished for thirty years and three years
And I never heard the fish speak.
He released the goldfish
And he said a kind word to her:
"God be with you, goldfish!
I don’t need your ransom;
Go to the blue sea,
Walk there in the open space."

Now let's play. Come out onto the carpet.

Dynamic pause "The sea is agitated"

The sea is agitated once
The sea is worried two
The sea is worried three,
Show me how fish swim!
(Feet shoulder-width apart, swinging arms from right to left, imitating waves)

The fish swam and dived
In blue sea water.
They will come together and go their separate ways,
They will bury themselves in the sand.
(Hands in front of the chest with folded palms, running in all directions, bending, moving closer and further apart, squatting).

And now I suggest you draw a goldfish.

Drawing "Goldfish"

Notice what shape the fish's body is? What color is the goldfish?
What does the fish have?
Showing the progress of the work.

To make the fish beautiful, let's draw its scales.
We’ll also draw pebbles and algae so that the fish has a place to hide.
Showing the progress of the work.
Children doing work with background music.
Children lay out their finished works on a common surface.

Guys, do you like the drawings of your comrades? Which drawings did you like? Why did you like them?

Guys, let's get creative. What would happen if a goldfish offered to make our wishes come true? What would you ask a fish? Think! So I would ask the fish for my grandfather to get well soon and not be sick anymore, and for my whole family to go on a long, interesting journey. What are your desires? Children tell their wishes, and the teacher writes them down on the back side drawing.

Summary of an integrated modeling lesson

for children of the first junior group

"House for the Goldfish"

Program content:

· Introduce children to the goldfish and its house - an aquarium;

· Consider what is in the aquarium (water, pebbles);

· Develop the ability to pinch off a piece of plasticine from a large piece;

· Learn to press a piece of plasticine to a sheet of paper;

· Develop the ability to distinguish and name colors - red, blue;

· Form the concept of “one”, “many”;

· Enter in active dictionary children words “aquarium”, “fins”;

· Develop fine motor skills hands;

· Foster a caring attitude towards living objects;

· Create an emotionally positive mood, satisfaction from your own work;

Preliminary work:

· Examination of illustrations about fish;

· Examination of fish and an aquarium in the living corner of the kindergarten;

· Examining pebbles for an aquarium;


· Aquarium;

· Pebbles for aquarium;

· Goldfish;

Plasticine red and blue colors;

· Cardboard blanks - an aquarium with water - for each child and teacher;

· Paper goldfish blanks for each child.

· 2 plates – with red and blue stones;

· Oilcloths;

· Recording;

Progress of the lesson:

There is an aquarium with a fish on the table, covered with a handkerchief.

Guys, what kind of surprise awaits us on the table? Let's come quietly, lift our handkerchief and take a look.

Glass house on the table

With clear water

With bright stones at the bottom

And with a golden fish.

Children look at an aquarium with a goldfish and colorful stones.

A glass house for a fish is called an aquarium.

(Children all together and then individually repeat the word “aquarium”).

The aquarium is made of glass, so you need to be careful not to break the aquarium. Guys, what happens if the aquarium breaks? (Children think and make simple conclusions).

Yes, if the aquarium breaks and water leaks out, the fish will die. Fish can only live in water. And children can get hurt by broken glass.

Now let's see what's in the aquarium?

Poured into the aquarium clean water. There are colored pebbles at the bottom of the aquarium - they make our fish happy; looking at the colored pebbles, the fish becomes more happy. Let's tell you what color the pebbles are in our aquarium. (The teacher shows 2 plates with red and blue pebbles. Children name the colors). Our fish is not simple, our fish is golden. Look how beautiful she is! The fish has fins on its back and belly. (Children all together and then individually repeat the word “fins”). And the fish also has a very beautiful tail. The fish must be fed. The fish eats fish food (the teacher shows the food to the children) or bread crumbs. (The teacher feeds the fish and reads a poem).

The fish swims in the water,

The fish have fun playing.

Fish, fish - mischievous,

We want to catch you

The fish wiggled its fin,

The fish waved its tail

I took a bread crumb

And she swam quietly.

Guys, how many fish swim in our aquarium? (One).

(The teacher asks several children individually).

Guys, do you want our fish to have friends? (Yes).

But first, you need to prepare a house for the fish where it will live.

The aquarium with water is ready, but I didn’t have time to prepare the colored pebbles. You guys will have to work hard, decorate your aquarium with colored pebbles, which we will prepare from plasticine.

Children approach the tables on which there are aquarium blanks and red and blue plasticine. Quiet music is playing. Children raise their sleeves.

The teacher takes red plasticine.

Tell me this color. (Red).

From a big piece

Pinch off a piece

And at the bottom of the sheet

Apply - press.

Pinch off a piece

Apply - press.

When the children have stuck on a sufficient number of red “pebbles,” the teacher invites the children to put plasticine and perform finger gymnastics.

Your hands were busy,

Your fingers tried.

Take pebbles in your hands

Rub them gently

And put it back.

Same thing with blue plasticine. Once completed, the teacher hangs the children’s work on the board. The children admire the work, and the teacher says that if the fish like your aquariums, they will definitely live in them.

The teacher invites the children to approach the aquarium again. At this time junior teacher sticks goldfish blanks using plasticine onto children's projects.

Guys, what is the name of the fish house? (Children repeat the word “aquarium” in chorus and individually).

Does the fish have a tail and...? (Children repeat the word “fins” in chorus and individually).

How many fish are there in the aquarium? (One).

Oh, what kind of miracles are there?

Come children closer.

Look what we see:

You didn't work in vain,

Goldfish -

She swam to every house.

The teacher draws the children's attention to the fish that appear in the aquarium. Children rejoice at the appearance of fish.

Guys, there is only one fish on the table in the aquarium, but how many fish are there on the board in your aquariums? (Children repeat the word “many” in chorus and individually).

Our fish is not simple,

Our goldfish

I told you to tell me:

“Well done, what children!

There is no one better than you in the world!

Thank you all, friends!

Summary of an integrated modeling lesson

for children of the first junior group

"House for the Goldfish"

Program content:

  1. Introduce children to the goldfish and its house - an aquarium;
  2. Consider what is in the aquarium (water, pebbles);
  3. Develop the ability to pinch off a piece of plasticine from a large piece;
  4. Learn to press a piece of plasticine to a sheet of paper;
  5. Develop the ability to distinguish and name colors - red, blue;
  6. Form the concept of “one”, “many”;
  7. Introduce the words “aquarium”, “fins” into the children’s active dictionary;
  8. Develop fine motor skills of the hands;
  9. Foster a caring attitude towards living objects;
  10. Create an emotionally positive mood and satisfaction from your own work;

Preliminary work:

  1. Examination of illustrations about fish;
  2. Examination of fish and an aquarium in the living corner of the kindergarten;
  3. Looking at pebbles for an aquarium;


  1. Aquarium;
  2. Pebbles for aquarium;
  3. Goldfish;
  4. Plasticine in red and blue colors;
  5. Cardboard blanks - an aquarium with water - for each child and teacher;
  6. Paper goldfish blanks for each child.
  7. 2 plates – with red and blue stones;
  8. Oilcloths;
  9. Recording;

Progress of the lesson:

There is an aquarium with a fish on the table, covered with a handkerchief.

Guys, what kind of surprise awaits us on the table? Let's come quietly, lift our handkerchief and take a look.

Glass house on the table

With clear water

With bright stones at the bottom

And with a golden fish.

Children look at an aquarium with a goldfish and colorful stones.

A glass house for a fish is called an aquarium.

(Children all together and then individually repeat the word “aquarium”).

The aquarium is made of glass, so you need to be careful not to break the aquarium. Guys, what happens if the aquarium breaks? (Children think and make simple conclusions).

Yes, if the aquarium breaks and water leaks out, the fish will die. Fish can only live in water. And children can get hurt by broken glass.

Now let's see what's in the aquarium?

Clean water is poured into the aquarium. There are colored pebbles at the bottom of the aquarium - they make our fish happy; looking at the colored pebbles, the fish becomes more happy. Let's tell you what color the pebbles are in our aquarium. (The teacher shows 2 plates with red and blue pebbles. Children name the colors). Our fish is not simple, our fish is golden. Look how beautiful she is! The fish has fins on its back and belly. (Children all together and then individually repeat the word “fins”). The fish also has a very beautiful tail. The fish must be fed. The fish eats fish food (the teacher shows the food to the children) or bread crumbs. (The teacher feeds the fish and reads a poem).

The fish swims in the water,

The fish have fun playing.

Fish, fish - mischievous,

We want to catch you

The fish wiggled its fin,

The fish waved its tail

I took a bread crumb

And she swam quietly.

Guys, how many fish swim in our aquarium? (One).

(The teacher asks several children individually).

Guys, do you want our fish to have friends? (Yes).

But first, you need to prepare a house for the fish where it will live.

The aquarium with water is ready, but I didn’t have time to prepare the colored pebbles. You guys will have to work hard, decorate your aquarium with colored pebbles, which we will prepare from plasticine.

Children approach the tables on which there are aquarium blanks and red and blue plasticine. Quiet music is playing. Children raise their sleeves.

The teacher takes red plasticine.

Tell me this color. (Red).

From a big piece

Pinch off a piece

And at the bottom of the sheet

Apply - press.

Pinch off a piece

Apply - press.

When the children have stuck on a sufficient number of red “pebbles,” the teacher invites the children to put plasticine and perform finger gymnastics.

Your hands were busy,

Your fingers tried.

Take pebbles in your hands

Rub them gently

And put it back.

Same thing with blue plasticine. Once completed, the teacher hangs the children’s work on the board. The children admire the work, and the teacher says that if the fish like your aquariums, they will definitely live in them.

The teacher invites the children to approach the aquarium again. At this time, the junior teacher attaches goldfish blanks using plasticine to children's work.

Guys, what is the name of the fish house? (Children repeat the word “aquarium” in chorus and individually).

Does the fish have a tail and...? (Children repeat the word “fins” in chorus and individually).

How many fish are there in the aquarium? (One).

Oh, what kind of miracles are there?

Come children closer.

Look what we see:

You didn't work in vain,

Goldfish -

She swam to every house.

The teacher draws the children's attention to the fish that appear in the aquarium. Children rejoice at the appearance of fish.

Guys, there is only one fish on the table in the aquarium, but how many fish are there on the board in your aquariums? (Children repeat the word “many” in chorus and individually).

Our fish is not simple,

Our goldfish

I told you to tell me:

“Well done, what children!

There is no one better than you in the world!

Thank you all, friends!

Program content:
  • Fix the phenomena winter period, properties of snow.
  • To develop a plot-game concept in children. Arouse interest in the continuation of the “plot”.
  • Learn to sculpt from salt dough snowman figurine: connect parts of the figure, complement characteristic features character with different details.

Material: A snowman figurine molded in advance from snow. Salt dough, sticks - knots, oilcloths, napkins, strips of fabric for scarves, plastic stoppers (instead of a bucket) and other details.
Preliminary work: Observing the snow: it is cold, you can sculpt from it, it melts. Games in the area, making snowballs. Looking at pictures and illustrations. Reading poems and stories about a snowman.
Progress of the lesson:
The teacher gathers the children in a circle on the carpet: “Children, look at the guests, greet them, wave your hand to them. Now hold hands and say hello to each other. Saying hello means wishing good health to each other. Let's sit on the carpet and listen to the riddle"
The cold has arrived
The water turned into ice.
Long-eared gray bunny
Turned into a white bunny.
Who's to say, who knows
When does this happen?
Children: In winter!
Educator: Well done! Right! What time of year is it now?
Children: It's winter now.
Educator: How did you guess that it was winter?
Children: In winter there is snow, frost, ice.
Educator: Dasha knows a poem about snow, let's listen:
It's snowing, it's snowing
Straight to the path
And it's walking through the snow
Black cat.
Cat, cat, go away
Don't get your paws cold.
Educator: What can you do in winter?
Children: Skiing, skating, sledding, making a snowman.
Educator: Do you want to build a snowman? It would be good if he himself came to us. kindergarten(subtly taps his finger).
Educator: Guys, you hear someone knocking. It's probably a snowman. And here he is (brings in a snowman who is sitting on a sled).

Introducing children to the Snowman

Snowman: Hello guys, I’m very glad that I came to your kindergarten, look at my outfit:
There's a bucket on my head instead of a hat,
Scarf like dad's
Hands are stick-knots,
Eyes are pebbles,
Nose is a carrot
The mouth is drawn.
Educator: Tell me, children, what does the snowman’s body consist of?
Children: From snow balls.
Educator: Are the balls the same?
Children: No, different - one big and two small.
Educator: Do you like the snowman? Maybe we can let him play with us in the group? Nothing will happen to him?
Children: It can melt and turn into water.
Educator: Then let's take him for a walk outside, and we'll make other snowmen for ourselves to play in the group.
(Children say goodbye to the snowman)
Educator: Get up on your feet. Now we will play with you (physical education minute).
Snow, snow is spinning,
The whole street is white,
We gathered in a circle,
They spun like a snowball.
Educator: Walk quietly and sit at the tables
(Children sit down)
3. Independent work children.
Educator: We will sculpt a snowman from salt dough. To make a snowman, you need to divide a lump of dough into three parts. One part is large, the other is smaller and the third is the smallest. Now let's roll out the balls in a circular motion. Show me how we will do it? Remember, we also made a kolobok with you? Then all the balls need to be connected: put the smaller ones on the big one, and the smallest one on top. Take lumps of dough and start sculpting. (While the children are working, the song “White snowflakes are spinning in the morning” sounds, music by G. Gladkov, lyrics by I. Shaferan. After the balls are ready, the teacher helps the children connect them with toothpicks or matches).

Children making salt dough balls for snowmen

Educator: Here Natasha is rolling a ball,
It will be like a snowman.
And Seryozha rolls a ball,
It will be like a snowman.
Three lumps connected
And they stuck carrots,
Embers inserted
And they put a broom,
Snowy woman is standing
And he looks at the children,
They sculpted a snow woman,
They forgot to put a shawl on her.
And the woman has no hair,
And not a woman - a grandfather came out.
(We place the molded snowmen on a tray covered with white paper (snow clearing) in the clearing paper Christmas tree, around which snowmen dance in a circle).
4. Final part.
Educator: Well done children, you worked hard! Tell me, what did we do in class? What did we make snowmen from? Did you enjoy sculpting with salt dough? (children's answers)
Educator: Thank you! Well done everyone! The lesson is over. Snowmen, don’t be bored, we are going to wash our hands and will definitely continue playing with you.

Elena Timofeeva
Summary of an integrated lesson in modeling and manual labor"Fish" in the second younger group

Program content:Reinforce with the children the techniques of molding onto a cut out silhouette. Create a desire to decorate fish silhouettes in small children. Develop fine motor skills of fingers and imagination. Create a feeling of joy from what you have created.


Silhouettes of fish, plasticine, sequins of different colors.

Previous work:

A presentation created by the teacher accompanies the entire course classes, looking at illustrations of fish with children. Observation of the behavior of fish in the aquarium and its structure.

Organizational moment: Autotraining.

The children say in chorus words:

"I calmed down lesson tuned in, I will try, do well"


Guys, I’ll tell you a wish now riddle:

"For parents and children

All clothes made from coins

Swimming under the bridge

And they wag their tail."


The teacher shows a slide with an image fish.


Guys, where can I meet fish? (Shows slide "Aquarium"; « Fish in the pond» ; « Fish in the river» ; "Fish in the Ocean")


Guys, would you like to see how fish what does she look like when she swims in water? (Demonstration slide « The fish swims»

Guys, let's look at what we have fish? (Slide show)

(Children's answers: tail, body, fins, scales.)

Guys, what a fish? (Answers children: shiny, beautiful, iridescent, multi-colored).What shape is the body (oval)

Guys, why does it shine? fish? (Answers children: her scales shimmer (Slide show "Scales")

Guys, which one of you wants to show how fish swims in the water? She wags her tail. (The child shows how a fish swims in the water, putting his palms together (Slide show "Animation The fish swims»

Children, together with the teacher, perform Finger gymnastics « Fish»

The fish were swimming, dived in clean, warm water. They will shrink

(On last word the fingers are clenched very tightly.)

They will unclench

(Fingers spread strongly to the sides.)

They will bury themselves in the sand.

(Put your fingers together again and alternately make movements with your hands, as if you were digging up sand.)

Children, today I suggest you make your own fish from unusual material (showing silhouette fish) .You will choose the color of plasticine for your work yourself. The color of the scales is the same; they will be replaced by sequins. Look at the screen, what are we doing? (Pinch off a piece of plasticine and spread only over the body fish, leaving the tail and fins).Slide show "step by step work")

Then, after the plasticine has been smeared, we lay out the scales. Scales - clothing fish, it is located like a mesh, close to each other.

(The teacher can return to the slide "scales")

Analysis of children's works

Children choose their favorite works and explain their choice. The teacher pays attention to how carefully the work is done, how the sequins are glued, and whether there are places where the sequins are not glued. Praises children.

Publications on the topic:

Summary of the integrated final lesson in the second junior group “Spring” Purpose: 1. To consolidate children’s knowledge about seasonal changes in spring in nature, with animals and plants. 2. Strengthen children's knowledge about wild animals.

Summary of an integrated drawing lesson in the preparatory group “Goldfish of Khokhloma” Summary of an integrated drawing lesson. Topic: “Goldfish of Khokhloma” Goals: to continue to introduce Khokhloma fishery; learn to compose.

Summary of an integrated lesson in the second junior group “Chest of Fairy Tales” Summary of joint (directly educational) activities of the “Fairy Tale” group Topic: “Chest of Fairy Tales” Educator:.

Summary of an integrated lesson in the second junior group “This is the body” Goal: - to form an idea of ​​yourself as a person (I have a body, I need a body to live; what parts does my body consist of); Tasks:.

Summary of an integrated lesson in the second junior group on the fairy tale “Rukavichka” Summary of an integrated lesson in the 2nd junior group "Rukavichka" Author Chelnokova E.V. curator Marisova S.V. Goal: To introduce Russian.

Summary of an integrated lesson in the second junior group “Winter-Winter” Summary of an integrated lesson in the 2nd junior group “Winter - winter” Goal: development sensory abilities in primary preschool children.

Summary of an integrated lesson in the second junior group “Cat and Chicken” Objectives: to consolidate children’s knowledge about birds and their life. Expand children's understanding of features appearance, habits of birds. Introduce.

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