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Makeup for redheads with green eyes: secrets of high-quality makeup. Makeup for redheads: creating a harmonious look depending on eye color Makeup for red and green hair

Naturally born red-haired girls have several features in their appearance that must be taken into account when applying it, no matter whether it is daytime or evening.

First of all, it is skin color. For those with sunny curls, it is usually very pale, as if glowing from within, often with freckles. Whether to leave this cute feature or to disguise it, each redhead decides for herself, but in any case, the make-up of the face should be light and natural for maximum contrast with the hair.

The next thing to keep in mind when choosing decorative cosmetics is hair color. As mentioned earlier, shades of red can be completely different: from lighter ones, which are more likely to be paired with a delicate look, to rich copper and red, which in themselves hint that their owner is a femme fatale.

In general, red-haired beauties belong to the autumn color type, and warm tones are more characteristic of them. This should also be remembered by those women who turn to paint in the desire to acquire the desired color. An incorrectly selected shade, instead of the expected bright effect, can give your appearance a tired, exhausted look.

Popular makeup today is in the nude style, i.e. “makeup without makeup” is very suitable for red-haired women. Bright hair color in itself attracts attention, but the proper use of cosmetics can highlight it favorably, making it even more expressive.

The choice of facial products is important. Among the many products offered on the current market, mineral cosmetics occupy a special place. It contains unique particles that create a weightless film on the skin, completely imperceptible and allowing cells to breathe.

Makeup using natural products is highly durable; you can be sure that it will not run in the middle of the day. A large assortment and rich color palette will allow you to create any image.

In addition, mineral cosmetics are absolutely natural, do not contain dyes, cheap fillers, chemical components and other harmful ingredients, so they can be recommended even to women with allergies and very young girls.

The general scheme for applying makeup is the same as for any other daytime makeup, regardless of hair color:

  • even out skin tone;
  • give eyebrows a well-groomed look;
  • emphasize the eyes;
  • highlight the lips.

Let's look at each stage in detail.

Preparing your facial skin

A well-groomed appearance largely depends on the condition of your facial skin. You can maintain a fresh and blooming appearance if two conditions are met: the health of the body as a whole and proper care. And if it can be difficult to deal with some internal diseases, then every woman can provide herself with the necessary care.

The main thing is to remember a few simple rules:

  • You should always wash off your makeup at night.
  • Once a week it is good to use scrubs, exfoliating peels and moisturizing masks.
  • You should cleanse your face twice a day using special facial washes or micellar water.
  • Lotions and tonics that suit your skin type will help keep your dermis toned.
  • A nourishing day cream provides hydration and UV protection, while a night cream will allow cells to recover during sleep.

Such simple regular care will provide an excellent surface and facilitate easier and more even application of daily makeup.

Since those with red hair usually have very fair, thin skin, it is better to use light, loose primers for makeup bases. They will level the surface and provide greater durability to the entire makeup.

Minor imperfections and inflammation, as well as dark circles under the eyes, can be easily removed with the help of correctors and concealers. It is relevant for red-haired beauties with freckles who want to disguise them, choosing a corrector with a lilac color - it will neutralize yellow spots.

Cosmetologists do not recommend overusing foundation creams, as they can create a mask effect. It would be better to choose products with a powdery texture, for example, mineral products. Thanks to the large selection of pigments in such cosmetics, which can be mixed with each other, it is possible to choose the shade that is ideal for you.

For ladies with an autumn color type, it is preferable to choose a tone of light beige or ivory, with a slight shimmer. Under no circumstances should you select a product based on the color of your freckles - this will make your face too dark. The right place to test foundation is the neck.

You can complete the look with a mineral veil. It will create a glowing effect, it will seem that the face is glowing from the inside.

But it’s better for redheads to avoid bronzers so as not to overload their makeup. A perfectly even translucent tone will be enough.

You can use blush to sculpt your face and give it freshness. Keeping in mind that red-haired girls are more suited to warm tones, you should take a closer look at blushes of apricot, peach, coral colors, as well as light beige and coffee with milk. With this product, simply touch your cheekbones so as not to overload the image.

Taking care of eyebrows

For eyebrows to look harmonious with such a bright hair color, they should not be too contrasting or wide. You should adjust the shape based on your face shape, removing excess hair.

Their color should not differ by more than two tones from the shade of the hair. Depending on the latter, you can choose paints in a brown range: peach-brown, camel hair color, with a reddish tint. To give your eyebrows a more natural look, it is better to use special shadows to highlight natural lines. By applying this product with a damp brush, you can add saturation to the selected color.

Eye makeup for red hair

Regardless of whether the hair is golden, fiery orange or rich copper, a range of brownish or green tones is suitable for all shades of red in eye makeup. At the same time, for the daytime option it is better to use more muted shades, while in the evening you can use bright and saturated colors.

To add depth to the look and visually enlarge the eyes, you can use several colors at once for the eyeliner of the upper and lower eyelids. In this case, the inner corner should be made lighter, an intermediate shade should be applied in the middle, and the outer corner of the eye should be highlighted with the darkest paint. Malachite, turquoise and ocher will look interesting, but if such colors are too extravagant for you, a more restrained version is best done in a dark brown or smoky gray palette, avoiding black.

Red-haired beauties with blue eyes prefer bronze, golden and apricot shadows for makeup. You should not use dark purple and black colors because this will make the whole image look rougher and more aggressive. You can line your eyelid with blue or brown, this will emphasize the contrast between the curls and the iris.

Brown-eyed women should take a closer look at natural beige-sand, olive and terracotta shades to create a natural look. These colors will add depth to the look and highlight fiery curls. But it’s better to avoid pink and red colors so as not to look vulgar. To make the makeup look more subtle, you should also not line the lower eyelid.

Those with green eyes and red hair are especially lucky, because this combination looks enchanting, mysterious and extremely beautiful. The use of all shades of green will further enhance the impression. In addition, such girls should try light blue, smoky, soft purple and graphite, as well as copper and gold colors.

You need to be especially careful when choosing cosmetics for your eyelids, as this area is extremely sensitive.

It’s good if the products have the most natural composition, do not cause irritation and allergies, but at the same time do not roll off and can last on the face as long as needed. Mineral products meet all these requirements. Their crumbly structure will allow you to evenly distribute the pigment on the upper eyelid, and if you use a damp brush, these shadows will become an excellent alternative to eyeliner.

Complete the look with black or dark brown mascara.

For more examples of step-by-step makeup, see the photo below.

Highlighting lips

The golden rule that the emphasis should be placed either on the eyes or on the lips is also appropriate here. But if you decide to emphasize this particular area, then you need to take into account that the shade of lipstick should not match the color of the strands; it is better if it is two shades darker or lighter. A win-win option would be coral and orange products. In addition, red-haired girls can experiment with red, but remember that scarlet lipstick is still more suitable for evening makeup.

Wedding makeup for redheads

A wedding is the day when a girl is in the spotlight, and at the same time it is so important to be irresistible! The rules for wedding make-up for red-haired brides are the same as for everyday make-up, but there are some features:

  • Light, crumbly foundation will help even out your complexion.
  • Among blushes, it is better to choose delicate peach shades with reflective particles.
  • In eye make-up, it is worth considering shades of golden, copper, bronze or cinnamon color. Despite the fact that the green color is very suitable for red curls, it is still better to abandon it on the day of the celebration.
  • To highlight eyelashes, it is better to use mascara and eyeliner that is brown rather than black.
  • Lips can be emphasized with lipstick or gloss in a delicate shade several shades lighter than your hair. Red lipstick is also acceptable, but eye makeup should be minimal.

An example of beautiful wedding makeup for red hair can be seen in the photo:

In conclusion, we invite you to watch the video makeup tutorial for women with red hair:

Red hair and brown eyes are a ray of sunshine, warmth and tenderness even on a frosty morning. The mischievous beauty and such a bright combination of colors inevitably attracts the eye, even in the absence of additional catchy accents. And the right makeup for brown eyes for red-haired girls will enhance the effect, turning the earthly beauty into a fairy-tale dryad - a symbol of natural charm, naturalness and femininity.

The main difficulty in creating the perfect image is choosing the right color palette. The worst solution is shadows that exactly match the color of the eyes or hair; the image turns out blurry and unclear. Based on the rule of artistic balance, give up too cold shades and the entire purple, blue and turquoise palette. Expressive brown eyes and red hair will be emphasized by warm makeup in almost any shade of green and brown. Brown eyes look very gentle and erotic surrounded by peach, beige or pinkish shadows. Of course, it is important to consider the shade of your hair, because red color can be so different!

Light red, almost blond

A light, almost innocent airy image, so your choice is gentle undertones. Pearl, ash rose, golden, peach, and caramel shades are preferred. The green range is dim, soft shades that fade to yellow, with golden sparkles. Avoid too bright saturated tones, which will overload the image and make the look heavy. To highlight the outer corner and lash line, use a soft blend of shadow rather than heavy eyeliner or pencil.

Calm redhead

With the help of makeup for brown eyes, red-haired girls can be brightened or, conversely, added warmth and tenderness to the image. Changes are most noticeable when hair color is in the “border zone.” The average redhead will sparkle brighter if you highlight brown eyes with chocolate, creamy, golden, rich sand or terracotta shadows. For daytime makeup, all the shades listed above are suitable. Since the hair color is already clearly red, without going light brown, bolder with green shades - emerald, pistachio, spring green, apple.

Fiery redhead

Fiery brown-eyed foxes are also ideally suited to green colors, but the shades should be deeper and richer, otherwise the look will be lost against the backdrop of a shock of bright hair. Try juicy olive, marsh, mossy, khaki or summer grass shades. Be careful - green should not have a turquoise cast! And, of course, the whole range of beige and brown shades is at your disposal, except perhaps for the too inconspicuous flesh tones.


But here, perhaps, you should give up green shadows, unless greenish sparkles are dancing in the depths of your eyes. A win-win makeup for brown eyes and for red hair with a reddish tint - graphite, asphalt or steel shadows plus a fairly rich eyeliner and dark eyelashes. The reddish color attracts attention; using the traditional range of beige and brown shades for brown-eyed girls, it is easy to “lose” your face. For a daytime look, light sand shades are suitable, but only if the skin is dark. With pale skin, it is better to emphasize the eyelash line more clearly so that the look remains the center of attention.

Red hair is quite rare. And this is the main advantage of girls with such a feature of appearance. Red-haired girls always look spectacular, attract attention and remain in the memory for a long time. Therefore, they need makeup only so that the first impression (already strong) is indelible in the best sense of the word. In this material we will talk about the makeup features of red-haired girls, how to choose cosmetics for them taking into account eye color, and also about the rules of daytime and evening makeup.

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Features of makeup for redheads

Before you start choosing cosmetics and creating makeup, you need to pay attention to the shade of red hair. It affects the color type of appearance.

For example, if red hair is light, then the eyelashes and eyebrows are usually even lighter, that is, they are almost transparent, and the skin has a delicate pinkish tint. This is the “spring” color type. Accordingly, makeup requires the use of softer, more restrained colors.

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When red hair, on the other hand, has a rich fiery hue, the skin tone is usually “warmer” - it may even appear a little dark. In this case, the most likely color type is “autumn”. Makeup artists recommend that such girls use more contrasting colors, which will make the image expressive.

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At the same time, you need to understand that red hair is already a bright natural accent that will definitely attract looks.

  • Therefore, in makeup you should focus on the desired result: soften the features of your appearance or, on the contrary, make the image super bright by adding other noticeable details.

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There are no definite “no’s” in makeup for redheads. You just need to keep in mind that bright red hair will one way or another be the dominant element of your look.

  • It is better not to take the image to extremes, trying to embrace the immensity, that is, you should not combine dark smoky eyes, rich lipstick, aggressive contouring and highlighted eyebrows in one makeup.

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Most often, the facial features of red-haired girls are very delicate, so the result will be harmonious if the makeup only slightly emphasizes the natural beauty.

  • Use a very light and at the same time dense foundation that can disguise dark circles under the eyes and blue-green blood vessels that appear through translucent skin; If desired, you can camouflage freckles with the same product.


  • Instead of black mascara, choose brown. The fact is that the eyelashes of red-haired people are often almost colorless and it is better to emphasize them not sharply, but gently.


  • Don't forget about blush. Red-haired people prefer products in pink shades, as well as blush in bronze-brown tones (you can even use it).


Makeup for red-haired girls with green eyes

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Green-eyed people really like shades from the brown range, as well as light blue and rich blue, graphite gray. The use of green shades is also possible, but provided that they do not merge with the eye color.

  • In daytime makeup, it is better to limit yourself (for example, to gray) or to a light hazy effect created with brown shadows.
  • And in the evening you can make shimmering marsh-brown smoky eyes or, say, complement graphic gray arrows - such an accent will be very appropriate.

Makeup for red-haired girls with brown eyes

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If green eyes still allow the inclusion of contrasting “cold” shades in the image, then brown, on the contrary, require “warm” colors to predominate in the makeup. Therefore, choose shades from cream to coffee, bronze and brown, as well as colors such as dark green with a warm swamp undertone, burgundy, copper.

  • Brown-eyed girls with red hair are better off concentrating on eye makeup. You can create a hazy effect with careful shading of the shadows and complement it by lining the inner contour with brown kajal. If you want to highlight your lips, apply a translucent coral lipstick to them.

Makeup for red-haired girls with blue eyes

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This appearance combines “warm” and “cold”. This means that this feature can be enhanced in makeup. Experiment with contrasting electric blue eyeliner, emerald haze, copper smoky eyes, and bright lips.

Makeup for red-haired girls with gray eyes

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Gray eyes make the appearance of redheads close to neutral. Therefore, in the makeup of gray eyes, you can use both “warm” and “cold” shades of cosmetics. Girls with such features will look equally good with brown eyeliner, complemented with red lipstick, and smoky eyes with a transition from green to gold, or vice versa.

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Day and evening makeup for redheads

  • Considering the brightness of red hair, you should understand that any catchy accent in makeup can make the look evening. Therefore, in daytime make-up you should limit yourself to half-tones and half-hints, a light smoky effect, translucent coatings, soft, natural shades.
  • But evening makeup for redheads allows for more daring beauty decisions, such as red lipstick or deep blue or emerald eyeliner.

Do you know the rules for creating makeup for your appearance? Write a comment

Correctly selected makeup for red hair will help to emphasize your individuality and perfectly shape your face. Bright curls against the background of light skin emphasize its defects. To prevent this from happening, let's figure out how to design the base and contours to look perfect.

So, let's look at all types of makeup separately.

Green-eyed beast

In life, it is very rare to meet a girl with natural green eyes and natural fiery strands. But many people strive for this look and even buy lenses. Proper makeup will help hide unwanted freckles. Professional beauty experts know how to create an excellent image.

  • It is quite difficult to choose a foundation for light skin, since manufacturers mainly offer a beige range, and this is not very appropriate in our case. If you have a warm peach, then there will be no problems. Avoid pink options. It is important that the product has good coverage, because sensitive skin often has an uneven shade. Emphasize freckles with a translucent product.

  • For a warm glow, apply a small amount of bronzer to your T-zone.

  • Eyebrows that match the hair look unattractive. So color them brown. Black will be too artificial.
  • Highlight the unusual iris with brown-golden shadows. From the green palette, choose those that are more similar to your eyes.
  • Violet, lilac, lavender suits you. Skip the grey.
  • Make do with light lipstick or colorless gloss. Beige and light pink are perfect. If you want to accentuate your mouth, consider terracotta, brick or carrot. But consider the richness of your own hair.

Consider the fact that one oblique line or blurred line can ruin your style completely. Repeat application techniques more often to avoid annoying mistakes and not linger in front of the mirror while your own fate is on the doorstep.

Advice!To avoid appearing sick, avoid the red palette. After all, there are many options available to you.

Crazy Brown

Brown-eyed girls can experiment with a large number of shades. But how not to overdo it when applying cosmetics?

Choose a foundation in beige tones. If the skin is dark, then naturally so is the foundation.

  • Warm colors are best suited. You can afford rich colors other than purple and blue. Red-brown, marsh, yellow-golden, gray, sand-green look beautiful. Pay attention to the smokey ice in chocolate tones.
  • Emphasize the shape of your eyes with dark eyeliner. Focus on the upper eyelid. Carefully draw small arrows and lengthen the eyelashes. It is better to treat the lower part with a lighter color. You can do without a contour.

  • Avoid purple and hot pink lipstick, if your outfit does not have these motifs. Beige, red-orange, and golden brown look harmonious.

  • If your body is burned, fix it with self-tanner or bronzer powder.
  • The eyeliner should be dark gray or dark blue.
  • Eliminate black. It looks aggressive in combination with your appearance type.
  • Coral, brick, beige pink and orange lipstick ideally emphasizes the seductiveness of the lips. To make them more voluminous, apply glitter.

Remember that the trend in 2017 is natural beauty. Therefore, try to be as natural as possible, especially during the day. There is no need to specifically select clothes, but it is still better if the makeup matches the outfit.

Advice!Consider your color type. Typically, red-haired girls have white skin, but colored fashionistas can be dark-skinned. In this case, the recommendations regarding the basis change.

Delicate blue

Blue-eyed beauties are considered ideal. Bottomlessness and enormous power lie in their gaze. Don't lose your features during facial correction. We'll find out how to apply makeup in a short master class.

  • The foundation must match the body. Stylists recommend ivory, light beige with a matte texture and pinkish pearlescent highlights.

  • Brown and gray mascara with a lengthening effect, as well as dark eyeliner, are preferable. Blue looks attractive. Avoid wearing black to avoid creating a harsh and vulgar look.

  • Decorate your eyelids with pearlescent or neutral satin crumbly shadows in brown, white, beige, olive, golden, pearl and gray tones.

  • Orange-pink, peach and coral lipstick looks natural. In the evening, stick to a warm red. And remember, gloss increases the volume of lips, no one has canceled it.
  • Enhance the brightness of your evening makeup with blue accents. Give preference to matte cosmetics without shimmer.
  • To avoid creating a color conflict in the dark, use a coral or bright red lipstick. But at the same time, reduce the intensity of the design of the eyes and cheekbones.
  • Choose your blush with caution, you may turn into a Russian nesting doll. A natural palette is suitable: dusty pink, powdery flesh, peach. This way you will refresh your face and visually make it younger.

Please note that the proposed rules are the basis of the design. But still listen to your preferences and take into account individuality. If you feel uncomfortable in a new look, it is better to refuse it.

The best option for choosing a wardrobe is a dress that matches the shape of your lips or black or white clothes.

Advice! The main postulate for fiery hair is that the emphasis should be either on the eyes or on the lips. It is enough to just highlight one of the parts, but there is no need to overdo it with bright colors, otherwise you will end up with a cheap, vulgar image.

Down to earth gray

Makeup artists all over the world say that gray-eyed girls with red hair are incredibly lucky. After all, in this case it is easiest to choose cosmetics. The variety of options captivates the imagination, so you can experiment with looks every day.

  • Mix different dry eyeshadows to get a beautiful effect. Stretching shades is suitable. For darkening purposes, use grey-blue, light blue or light grey. Silver and dark blue shine delightfully.
  • A peach and soft pink palette suits you, especially if you don't have freckles.

  • Self-tanners and bronzers are contraindicated for those with bronze skin. They destroy the desired contrast between the hair and the light surface. This will make the freckles darker.

  • Avoid a wide brow line, otherwise the hairs will look harsh against the background of adjacent cheerful freckles and translucent coverage. Absolute neutrality is also not the best option, as it will give the impression of a complete absence of line. Be sure to tint with an ash-colored pencil (if you have a cool undertone) or the color of cinnamon or camel hair.
  • To prevent your eyes from “disappearing”, line them with chocolate or cinnamon.
  • Do you want to add brightness to your everyday life? Buy fashionable turquoise, violet, ultramarine, green. Gold, coffee, beige, cognac, khaki and taupe will add restraint to the image.
  • Dark liner and mascara are appropriate in this case.
  • Draw the arrows with the color of the raven's wing.

For lovers of the smokey eye technique, it is important to avoid heavy design. Apply emerald, plum and bronze shadows.

If you listen to the recommendations of experienced colorists, you will forever forget about skin problems and look great in any situation.

Advice! Your appearance always depends on your mood. If your soul is cloudy, you will not be able to shine, no matter what decorative products you choose. Therefore, when leaving home, do not forget to put on a smile.

Game of gray-blue

You are lucky if your eyes contain two shades. In this case, a range of beautiful shades is suitable. With the help of cosmetics, you can independently correct what color you want: blue, blue, turquoise, green or gray, without using lenses.

Let's look at the rules of makeup.

  • To give a heavenly tone, shades of a cold palette are suitable: steel, bluish, silver and gray. From the proposed paints you can create the perfect stretch. Apply the dark one to the outer corner of the eye.
  • A green iris will result from copper, light green with golden tints, turquoise and hot pink.
  • The sea wave is achieved by applying rich blue, green, emerald, dark blue. Pastel colors won't be out of place either.
  • You can show off the swamp look with matte brown shadows.

Don't forget to highlight your eyelids. If you refuse this, there is a risk of turning into an invisible moth. Terracotta eyeliner looks more organic. Don't sand the bottom or it will look rough.

The time of year matters too. In the summer, you can't do without a translucent foundation or a warm-toned moisturizer. And in winter, buy a concealer. Avoid purple lipstick.

Remember the difference between evening and daytime decoration. In the first case, dark colors and strong contrast are acceptable, which look attractive in the twilight. But in daylight it is better to give preference to pastel colors.

Advice! Avoid orange shades in makeup, otherwise you will end up clashing with redheads. This also applies to the wardrobe.

Stellar example

Stylists of Hollywood celebrities are familiar with all the intricacies of facial design. Therefore, you need to take note of their design.

  • American actress Debra Messing- the happy owner of dark reddish-copper curls and hazel eyes, which she focuses on. Prefers a dark smokey eye without highlighting the lips.

  • Julianne Moore she herself does not have a very bright face. But this is completely compensated by the coppery red. Preference is given to delicate peach blush and lipstick. The eyebrow tone is matched to the curls. Shadows are brown.

  • Rihanna- a representative of dark skin. At one time she had bright red hair. This contributed to a bright correction, so the makeup was visible to everyone. Refreshing rosy cheeks. But the lips were paler than they really were. The makeup didn't suffer from this.

  • Isla Fisher– the famous TV series actress emphasizes dark brown eyes with bright and light dyes. Dark brown arrows look good against the background of terracotta and light green shadows. Lips remain pink-beige or light peach.

  • Hayley Williams famous for its scandalous reputation. She is a singer in the rock band Paramore. When she dyes her hair red, she paints her medium-brown eyes with an intense, yellowish-fiery red. The upper eyelid is not complete without black eyeliner. Allows himself too much makeup. But she can, since this is an integral part of the rebellious style.

  • Ariana Grande does not complain about red hair and black irises. She outlines everything with a black pencil, thereby becoming more expressive.

As we can see, there is nothing complicated in applying decorative cosmetics. Therefore, listen to the recommendations of famous makeup artists and feel free to take up the brush. Just remember that stars tend to cause misunderstanding among the public and shock fans. Assess your capabilities adequately.

Girls who are natural redheads will need discreet makeup skills. Apply foundation and concealer and transform your brows. The final touch is mascara, pencil, blush and gloss.

Advice!If you have pale hair, bright colors in your makeup will make you look like a clown. Try to refuse them.

The selection of decorative cosmetics, as well as makeup techniques for owners of rare green eyes, depend on their shade, color saturation, and hair tone. Red, platinum and dark hair require different approaches.

Before applying decorative cosmetics, you need to determine the tone and shape of your eyes, skin tone and hairstyle. Owners of a green iris need to take into account that the make-up will have some differences depending on the saturation of the tone and the presence of other shades in it.

However, there are a number of general tips that can be used by everyone without exception:

  • It is better to stick to the principle of complementation rather than sharp contrast. In this regard, shadows of a beige and peach palette, soft pinks, greens, and golds are more suitable. When choosing a game of contrast, you should use lighter and thinner notes of flashy colors - pastel purple, bronze, lilac, terracotta, lavender, red.
  • It is better to remove shadows of the entire range of blue tones from your cosmetic bag. They do not match the eye color and make the look heavier.
  • It is worth choosing warm shades as a favorite and getting rid of cold ones (with the exception of purple). It is better to remove decorative eyelid coating with notes of silver and white from your cosmetic bag; they, like all cold ones, “reduce” the saturation and expressiveness of the iris tone.
  • It is acceptable to use dry blush instead of eye shadow (a pink or beige palette is desirable).
  • Greens with a yellow tint should be avoided; they create the effect of turning the iris into brown notes.
  • Brown or gray eyeliner is preferred, black pencil is used sparingly. Festive make-up allows the use of shades of gold, plum, violet or green (not matching the tone of the iris), the arrows can be burgundy.
  • It is recommended to choose black mascara, brown is acceptable, for evening events - green, golden or purple.
  • Bright colors in cosmetics require the choice of only one tone and its use in a specific product.

Features of choosing colors for green eyes of different shades

Eyes of a pure green tone are rare; they always differ in the degree of color saturation, as well as in the presence of accompanying shades.

Based on these parameters, makeup artists recommend choosing a palette for decorative cosmetics - eye shadow, mascara, pencil or eyeliner.

In this case, the predominance of one shade interspersed with another is assumed. The makeup artist's efforts are aimed at emphasizing either green or gray notes. This changes the palette of products used.

Type of cosmetics Enhance Greens Increase gray tone
ShadowsBrown, beige, olive or wormwood, plum, wine, fuchsia, cool pink tonesPeach, copper, gray (steel or graphite shade), possibly metallic
EyelinerGray, black, for the lower eyelid, light brown (not brick tone) or copper shade is possibleDark gray, shaded
MascaraBrown or classicGraphite or black

For brown-green eyes

Eyes with a brown center and a green "ring" surrounding it. Owners of such an iris are recommended to adhere to the following palette:


  • green (not merging with the tone of the iris, swamp ones are good);
  • all variants of purple;
  • golden or coffee tones;
  • lilac;
  • copper or bronze;
  • peach;
  • dark gray.


  • black (preferred);
  • brown or coffee.

Mascara (thickly painted eyelashes are preferred, use several layers):

  • black;
  • brown;
  • green.

For dark green and light green eyes

The iris of green-eyed women may be darker or lighter. Based on this criterion, a palette of cosmetics is also selected.

Type of cosmetics Eyes
Light green Dark green
ShadowsFavorite – pale tones (apricot, pearlescent pink, peach, pastel green, beige)All options suitable for a given eye tone, preferably bright, deep, metallic option possible
EyelinerGraphite, asphalt, black, pale brownBlack, dark coffee
MascaraBrownBlack, brown, colored

Combination of green eyes with dark hair

Makeup for green eyes and dark hair should focus only on emphasizing the image, which by nature is already quite distinctive.

Step-by-step instructions for creating makeup for green eyes and dark hair.

To do this, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • stick to brown colors (beige, coffee with milk, clay color, taupe);
  • give preference to lilac, green mid-tones, purple, gold, bronze when creating makeup for parties and special events;
  • Yellowish and blue shadows are not recommended;
  • foundations should be matte;
  • You should avoid rich blush in flashy tones and choose pastel pink or brown;
  • makeup for green eyes and dark hair involves the use of brown eyeliner; green color is undesirable;
  • classic black mascara is suitable;
  • lipstick is ideally pink or brown, the saturation depends on the complexity of the design of the eyes (the emphasis is either on them or on the lips);
  • a combination of products with different textures is acceptable - light with denser ones, glitter with matte surfaces;
  • You shouldn’t clearly outline your eyes, lips, eyebrows, it’s better to shade the lines.

With blond hair

Makeup for green eyes and dark hair is not the best option for a blonde. They should use more delicate palettes and abandon flashy colors.

  • give preference to pastel and muted shades of brown (beige, milk chocolate, golden), as well as gray, peach and purple;
  • It is better to avoid pink, especially bright colors;
  • exclude the presence of an orange tint in foundation;
  • Use black or brown mascara, but do not paint or line your eyes too much;
  • eyeliner is recommended in caramel tone or graphite;
  • The color of the lipstick depends on the skin, you can choose pastel brown, berry, deep red, muted coral;
  • It is better to paint lips using the ombre technique;
  • You should not make thick eyebrows, or darken them too much.

Makeup for red hair

Red-haired girls are naturally endowed with a bright, catchy appearance. Green eyes, especially rich in tone, only complement the picture. In this case, the task of the makeup artist is to emphasize natural beauty, but not to bring it to vulgarity.

To achieve this result, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • avoid thick black eyeliners;
  • use soft tones in everyday make-up, and bright but cool shades in evening make-up;
  • It is better to avoid blush, otherwise your cheeks may blend in with the color of your hairstyle;
  • Glitters, gloss, large shimmering particles are not recommended;
  • to color the eyelids, you should take shades of gold, green (olive, khaki, marsh, and so on), gray, plum, cocoa colors are also a good choice; for owners of dark red hair, you can use bronze, wine shadows;
  • gold and green are excellent options if there is not enough red in your hair and you want to make it more saturated;
  • eyeliner can be caramel, plum, black, coffee or gray;
  • Matte foundation is recommended;
  • lipstick is chosen 1-2 degrees weaker than the color saturation of the hairstyle; orange, copper, nude, as well as a shade of chili pepper are well suited.

How to do everyday makeup

Everyday makeup for those with green eyes and hair of any tone (dark, platinum, red, light brown) should be light, unobtrusive, emphasizing beauty, but not overloading the face.

The work progress should be as follows:

  • Prepare the skin: wash, apply a moisturizer or mask, make a compress for the eyelids if necessary. The skin may not be flaky, dry or cracked. However, you should avoid over-nutrition, especially on oily skin, otherwise your makeup will run. Blot off excess cream.
  • Apply foundation, remove unabsorbed product. The shade is selected depending on the skin tone. The density of the product is selected depending on the condition and quality of the skin. For green-eyed girls, it is better to avoid shiny options.
  • Use a corrective agent(if there are redness, wrinkles, circles under the eyes). It must be applied in bright, preferably natural, lighting in order to accurately see all the tones. The green color of the concealer will hide redness, pink will hide circles under the eyes and wrinkles, orange will cover very pronounced traces of insomnia. It is better to use a palette with several shades of the same color to disguise the problem area without a visible transition. You can apply concealer only in a very thin layer, evenly, using a moistened sponge, brush or fingertips. Apply a light base under eye shadow and the rest of your makeup.

  • Shape your eyebrows. To do this, use a pencil to mark the outline, remove all the hairs that protrude beyond it, and comb the eyebrows. Using an angled brush, apply shadows of the selected range in short strokes and blend them. You can use a pencil.
  • Line your eyes. First, several contour points are applied along the eyelash growth line, which are then connected in the direction from the outer edge to the inner, making it gradually thinner. The line is completed 3-5 mm before the end of the eyelid. Repeat the same steps on the bottom, only this strip needs to be made thinner. The upper and lower lines should connect at the outer corner; they can turn into an arrow if the shape and fit of the organ of vision allows it.
  • Apply beige pigment under the eyebrows. For fair-skinned girls, pink is more suitable, for those with a dark complexion, soft brown.
  • Apply shadows. The direction of movement of the brush is from the outer corner to the eyebrow. First, apply a base light shade, then, only on the eyelid, apply a medium tone and shade the transition. Apply a dark color from the center of the skin covering the eye to the corner of the eye, smoothing the border with a brush. Set everything with colorless powder.

  • Apply mascara. It is advisable to use the volumetric option. The direction of movement is from the root to the tips from left to right (right eye) or from right to left (left eye). When moving the brush, you should do twisting actions. After applying mascara, they are combed with a brush to separate them, and then another layer is applied.
  • Use lipstick.

Popular makeup techniques for those with green eyes

Green-eyed girls will benefit from make-up using different techniques, for example:

  • Classic. Suitable for any fit and eye shape. 3 shadow color options are used, which are distributed from the eyelash area to the eyebrows. In this case, the light tone fills the entire area, the middle one fills the eyelid, and the dark one becomes an accent in the corners.
  • Horizontal. Looks better on slightly protruding, deep-set or normal eyes. The part of the eye closer to the bridge of the nose is made light, the area from the eyelashes to the eyebrow is divided into three horizontally. The lower zone is filled with a medium-saturated shade of shadow, the dark one is used in the middle, and the lightest one is used closer to the eyebrow.
  • Birdie. This technique helps to visually elongate round eyes. The area of ​​the eyelid at the bridge of the nose is filled with a highlighter or pale shadows of the selected range, a more pronounced shade is used in the middle, and the edge area is darkened. The most saturated color of the designated palette is used to draw a sharp letter “V”, the narrow part is on the outer edge, the widening goes towards the bridge of the nose.

  • Smokey eyes. It suits everyone with green eyes when creating an image for special occasions. Use a pencil (not liquid eyeliner) to draw stripes along the line of the lower and upper eyelashes, blend well, achieving a smoky effect. The eyelid area is covered with dark shadows (they are driven in, not smeared). Above, use the graphite shade in the same way, moving towards the bridge of the nose. The fold area is covered with a flesh tone. The lower eyelid is covered with a shimmering warm shade, all borders are shaded.
  • A loop. It involves making a stripe on the movable upper part along the lash line, but instead of turning into an arrow, the stripe is rounded up to the crease and shaded.

Subtleties of wedding makeup depending on hair color

Makeup in preparation for a wedding ceremony is generally focused on creating a romantic, light, gentle image. To perform it correctly, it is necessary to take into account the color tone of the bride’s skin and hairstyle.

Makeup artists note the following subtleties when creating make-up, taking into account the shade of the hair.

Makeup for green eyes and dark hair in a wedding design includes the use of:

  • beige, soft peach, cream blush to highlight cheekbones;
  • intense in color, but moderately shining shadows that do not create glare in the photo (gold, purple, lilac colors for fair-skinned brides, coffee, sand colors for dark-skinned brides);
  • deep brown or coffee liner, eyeliner;
  • a similar tone to highlight the eyebrows;
  • lipsticks in pastel shades of beige or pink;
  • cream palette foundation;
  • smokey eyes, birds, arrows for eye decoration.

Preparation of a green-eyed bride with light strands must meet the following criteria:

  • flashy notes of cosmetics are excluded;
  • the foundation is recommended in a tone close to natural (opal, pinkish);
  • blush is used in a delicate variation (beige, pinkish, with notes of peach, apricot);
  • you need to choose shades of chocolate with milk, deep green or olive, pale lilac, golden, graphite;
  • eyeliner should be deep shades of brown, caramel, asphalt gray, green;
  • eyebrows are decorated with a pastel gray or desaturated brown pencil (for frosty and summer shades of blonde, respectively);
  • Lip coverage can be done in a shade of beige or soft rose;
  • The use of the “smoky eye” technique is not recommended; the “loop” or “classic” technique is preferable.

Brides with fiery curls and green eyes should adhere to the following makeup rules:

  • the presence of a transparent or pale base under a layer of cosmetics;
  • moderate highlighting of the cheekbones in a tone lighter than the hair (beige or pale brown);
  • designing the eyebrow arches in a shade one tone higher than that of the strands;
  • covering eyelashes with classic shades;
  • decorating the skin of the eyelid with all variants of green tones, graphite, purple tones, notes of gold or caramel;
  • lip coloring in orange or cinnamon colors;
  • no thick eyeliner along the eyelashes; smokey eyes are not recommended either.

Beautiful makeup for green eyes is varied. The color scheme of decorative products and execution techniques vary. When playing up an image with mascara, blush, and eye shadow, you need to listen to the list of what is suitable for dark, light and red hair.

Useful videos about makeup techniques for green eyes

Daytime makeup for green eyes:

Makeup "Cat Eye":

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