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Meladze married his daughter in Morocco. Valery Meladze is marrying off his eldest daughter. We have already told you that Valery Meladze married his eldest daughter Inga to London financier Nori Verghiz. It's time to present an exclusive photo report of the wedding

Valery Meladze's eldest daughter, 24-year-old Inga, is getting married. The girl received a marriage proposal, as well as a magnificent ring with a huge stone from her lover Nori Verghese, a journalist for the Al Jazeera TV channel.

The future bride and groom met while studying at Oxford. True, the lovers did not live together - Inga’s family has a very strict policy in this regard. Parents demanded that young people first get an education and only then move in together.

Inga's engagement to Nori, a British man of Moroccan-Indian origin, took place in Marrakech. The lovers spent several unforgettable days in this city. They wandered the streets and enjoyed local cuisine.

// Photo: Instagram by Inga Meladze

“It’s magical here!! I have never seen such a mix of old and new, East and West, anywhere else. In the old town, it’s as if time has stood still, so many incredible places, stucco moldings, carvings, so many flowers everywhere! Everyone wears caftans. A lot is hidden, which makes it even more interesting to wander around the medina in search of these hidden treasures. On the main square, life is in full swing at night, there are storytelling, snake charmers, dancing, fortune telling, music, smoke swirls over the entire square from all the food stalls,” Inga shared her impressions with her friend on Instagram.

The couple stayed in Marrakech at the luxurious Hotel Royal Mansour, which offers guests stunningly beautiful rooms, haute cuisine, SPA treatments... By the way, a three-story room with an area of ​​400 square meters. m with two bedrooms, living rooms, a private patio and a rooftop pool will cost 200 thousand rubles. The price also includes a very generous breakfast. When a friend asked why the table was set for only one person, the musician’s daughter replied that “now we need to save money and save a penny for the upcoming celebration.”

// Photo: Instagram by Inga Meladze

Inga celebrated her bachelorette party with her friends in Lisbon at the Pharmacia restaurant. On her blog, the girl posted a photo in which she is sitting at a table, with a piece of cake in front of her, and her friends looking at her ring with admiration.

By the way, after the engagement, Inga did not post a single photo with Nori. We also note that despite the fact that the couple has been together for several years, the girl does not publish any intimate photographs with her lover on the blog. The maximum that can be seen is Vergiz gently hugging her around the waist or Inga sitting on his lap.

// Photo: Instagram by Inga Meladze

Inga Meladze not only has a degree in experimental psychology, but is an excellent cook. In London, she took a three-month culinary course, so now, when she comes to Moscow, she cooks goodies for the whole family. “She cooks Japanese dishes, jam, and even made wine liqueur at her place in Oxford,” her mother Irina told StarHit.

We have already told you that Valery Meladze married his eldest daughter Inga to London financier Nori Verghiz. It's time to present an exclusive photo report of a wedding ceremony in Morocco, published in the new issue of HELLO!, and find out the details of the celebration.

You know, 25 years ago I would rather believe that I would fly to Mars than that my daughter, who was born in a hostel in the city of Nikolaev, would have such a beautiful wedding,

Valery Meladze admitted, sitting at the festive table and looking at the happy Inga and her husband. Inga and Nori have been together for more than ten years. They met while studying at King's Ely School in Cambridge, and then entered Oxford University together, where Nori graduated with a master's degree and Inga defended her diploma in psychology.

I remember how at the age of 15 I went to study in London. I was scared, and I kept telling my parents that I couldn’t live without them and would soon return to Moscow. But soon I made friends, and then I met Nori, and life in England became much better,

Inga remembers. Inga decided to introduce her friend to her parents on New Year’s Day. In cold Moscow, the guest was given a warm welcome: they were taken to Red Square, treated to borscht, and on December 31 they invited Valery Meladze to a concert:

On New Year's Eve, dad had several performances planned, and we accompanied him everywhere. It was very fun and unusual.

The young man with a cheerful smile and clear plans for the future made a pleasant impression on the Meladze family and convinced that their daughter was in good hands in London.

Nori seemed to me to be a purposeful, cheerful and very kind person. He kept repeating: “Don’t worry about Inga, I’m always next to her,” recalls Irina Meladze.

Nori proposed to Inga two years ago. But it was problematic to arrange a wedding and at the same time write a master's thesis at the London School of Economics, so they decided to postpone the ceremony. In January, Inga and Nori got married in Cambridge, and the holiday itself was moved to autumn. The concept for the event was born instantly. They decided to celebrate in the hometown of the groom's mother - Marrakesh, where Inga received a marriage proposal.

Last week, Valery Meladze married his eldest daughter to a financier from Marrakesh. The wedding took place in four languages! Look how it was... 26-year-old Inga Meladze and her...

Last week, Valery Meladze married his eldest daughter to a financier from Marrakesh. The wedding took place in four languages! Look how it was...

26-year-old Inga Meladze and her boyfriend Nuri Verghese officially became husband and wife back in January. But only now the couple decided to celebrate the occasion. So many guests were invited that the wedding had to be conducted in four languages: Russian, Arabic, English and French.

In January, only 16 people were invited to the official wedding. Everything was very modest, the event was celebrated with family. Valery Meladze even jokingly said that he would not recognize his daughter’s wedding until he had enjoyed it with all his heart.

A magnificent celebration took place in Marrakesh, the groom’s homeland. According to tradition, the father took his daughter to the altar, where he handed her over to her husband. The couple took vows of love and fidelity in the presence of numerous guests.

The bride chose a luxurious snow-white dress, and the groom wore a classic suit with a white jacket. A banquet rich in delicacies awaited the guests. That evening Valery Meladze performed several songs that he dedicated to his daughter.

A joyful event happened in the family of the famous artist - his eldest daughter Inga became the wife of journalist Nuri Verghese.

The lovers decided to divide the wedding celebration into two parts. First, she and a group of 16 people got married in January 2017. Unfortunately, the bride’s father and sisters were unable to attend the first celebration, so it was decided to make a second visit.

The second celebration took place in Morocco. The newlyweds invited about 100 people - their closest and dearest. Including the father of the bride, Valery Meladze, who really wanted to bring his daughter to the altar.

The couple dated for 10 years before getting married. They met while studying at Cambridge. And then they entered Oxford together. Nouri Verghese, a Briton of Moroccan origin, works as a journalist for a well-known television company, and Inga is a psychologist by profession.

The guests at the wedding were of such different nationalities that the host spoke 4 languages ​​at once: French, Arabic, English and Russian.

The couple looked great at the celebration. The bride wore a classic bridesmaid dress with lace trim; the groom chose a tuxedo and white shirt.

Valery Meladze expressed his love for his daughter with songs in her honor. In addition, dad and daughter performed a fiery dance together.

Valery Meladze married his eldest daughter to 25-year-old journalist of Moroccan origin Nouri Verghese.

There is real joy in the family of musician Valery Meladze: his daughter Inga married her lover Nori Verghiz. Now the young people have organized a small celebration on the occasion of the wedding. The girl put on a white wedding dress, and her head was decorated with a long veil. Apparently, the newlyweds are so happy to become husband and wife that they abandoned social networks and shared the happy event only today.

“01/14/2017. An important day, a modest celebration. I can’t wait to experience this again on a grand scale in October,” the girl wrote on her microblog.

Inga’s mother Irina Meladze spoke about how the ceremony went. Unfortunately, the famous father was unable to come to his daughter’s holiday, but the whole family should gather for the grand wedding in October.

“This was the first part of the celebration, celebrated in a narrow circle, there were only 16 people - relatives, friends,” said Irina Meladze. - Valery couldn’t fly, he congratulated his daughter over the phone. The celebration took place in Cambridge. I flew in with my youngest daughter Arina, but the middle daughter, Sonya, couldn’t make it out - she had a session at MGIMO. Of course, it was such a tragic moment for her; she wanted to be with her sister that day. But Inga, when choosing the date for painting, for some reason thought that her sister’s session would be before the New Year,” Star Hit quotes.

Friends also rushed to congratulate Inga and Nori on such an important day in their lives. They did not skimp on kind words and wished the newlyweds to live in love and harmony. "Wow, congratulations! Happiness to you!”, “Love to you for life! You are a very beautiful and unusual bride!”, “Be happy,” Inga’s friends wrote.

The girl’s mother is happy that her daughter connected her life with a worthy person. The engagement took place back in October 2015, but the young people did not force the issue and only a year and a half later they went to the registry office.

“Inga said in advance that they had submitted an application and called,” Irina said. - I gave the newlyweds a beautiful set of silver dishes - what a young family needs. Now we will all actively continue preparing for the big wedding, which will take place in October.”

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