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Is it possible to inhale saline during pregnancy? Inhalations

Any cold disease affects the state of ventilation of the lungs. This, in turn, affects the body's oxygen intake. For pregnant women, this condition is extremely dangerous, as it can affect the development of the gestating fetus. In such cases, due to the fact that patients cannot take large amounts of drugs, it is worth doing inhalations, since such therapy has practically no contraindications.

Positive aspects of inhalation

Nebulizer inhalations during pregnancy have such an important advantage as the delivery of medicinal substances directly to the area where they should act. Steam treatment methods do not allow this to be done, since in this case the beneficial agents reach only the upper respiratory tract.

Inhalations for a runny nose during pregnancy, as well as for other ailments, can prevent negative effects on such important organs as the kidneys, liver, heart, stomach, digestive tract and brain. This is due to the fact that in this case, patients inhale the drugs, as a result of which they do not enter the body’s bloodstream.

Important! Is it possible to do inhalations during pregnancy? Of course, and doing the procedure using a nebulizer has become extremely simple and easy. This applies even to those cases when the patient has an elevated body temperature.

For the throat, inhalations during pregnancy are an indispensable method of treatment. They can be performed for colds, as well as in cases where there is a cough, sore throat, snot, etc. Often this therapy is used to combat rhinitis, sore throat and sore throat.

Can pregnant women do inhalations and when should they start doing inhalations during pregnancy? The answer is quite simple - inhalations must be carried out in the early stages of the disease. This is due to the ability to suppress the activity of many pathogenic bacteria.

Inhalation procedures can easily speed up the healing process. They can be done in conjunction with many other types of therapy.

Contraindications for the procedure

For inhalation, you should definitely use only those substances that do not cause allergic reactions in women. During pregnancy, such a pathology can lead to irreparable harm to both the patient and the child. This applies to both problems with certain systems and fetal freezing.

Important! Pregnant women are prohibited from inhaling with essential oils, dill and cypress. The use of cedar, basil and rosemary also has an adverse effect.

Inhalations during pregnancy should not be carried out in cases where the patient has problems with the heart or blood vessels. First of all, this concerns treatment at home.

How to carry out treatment using the inhalation method

Doctors recommend inhalation with a nebulizer for a runny nose during pregnancy, as well as for other diseases, during pregnancy. In this case, it may be unsafe to breathe steam. Breathing will improve after this procedure, but the temperature may increase. This does not happen with an inhaler.

Inhalations can be done 1 or 2 hours after eating. The treatment process for coughs, as for other ailments, should not be very long - from 5 to 10 minutes. After this, it is not recommended to eat for another 40 minutes.

Therapy for the throat must be done through the mouth, while treatment for the nose cannot be done this way.

Important! Inhalations can also be carried out with garlic. This does not require heating the water or using a device. Garlic types of treatment refer to cold, economical treatment.

Inhalations with eucalyptus oil are also very effective. 10 drops of this substance are beneficial for the throat and nose. It is worth remembering that essential oils cannot be inhaled. Inhalations with eucalyptus should last 7-12 minutes.

Inhalation solutions used

Treatment with saline solution (Sodium Chloride 0.9%) has long been proven effective for a variety of diseases. It moisturizes the throat mucosa well, as a result of which it helps with dry cough. This product can be used quite a large number of times throughout the day, as it does not have an adverse effect on the body, reducing inflammation and reducing swelling.

The question of whether pregnant women can inhale Borjomi and Narzan waters is also quite relevant. This method is quite acceptable, but in cases where gas is released from the liquid. These inhalations are done up to three or four times a day, regardless of the duration. They help in clearing the throat and moisturizing the mucous membrane.

If we talk about how long inhalations with mineral water should last, then this period is quite standard - it is only 10 minutes.

Important! Inhalations for cough during pregnancy in all trimesters can be carried out using Mucaltin. This mixture, even in the smallest quantities, allows you to dilute sputum. As a result, it comes out of the throat quite easily, which makes breathing easier. 1 tablet should be dissolved in 80 milliliters of saline solution. After this, the nebulizer is filled with the required amount of the resulting medicine. Once this is done, inhalations can be performed for dry coughs, as well as for some other ailments, if there is an appropriate prescription from the attending physician.

Inhalations with furatsilin are also acceptable. This medication is an antiseptic that can kill pathogenic microflora. Inhalations with furatsilin prevent the growth of bacteria, which is why the disease does not progress.

Inhalations with soda are one of the most common today. This is due to the availability of this product, as well as its low cost. Moreover, such treatment is effective. Inhalation of soda during pregnancy can significantly relieve dry cough and soothe the throat.

Dangerous moments

Inhalations in the second trimester cannot always be carried out with conventional medications. During this period, they can adversely affect the development of the fetus. First of all, this concerns the use of a drug such as Berodual. Inhalations for a runny nose and inhalations for a cough with this medicine can be carried out only in the first trimester and in the third. However, the procedure must be approved by the attending physician. If it is carried out in the second trimester of pregnancy, you can expect that the child will be born with some pathologies.

In addition to the above, it is worth noting the following dangers:

  1. Steam inhalations during pregnancy in the first trimester should not be performed if the woman’s body temperature is elevated.
  2. Which inhalations can be used when only the 1st trimester is in progress should be decided only by the attending physician. It is extremely dangerous to treat yourself in this situation.
  3. Inhalations during pregnancy in the third trimester should be carried out with caution not only with Berodual, but also with Lazolvan. These drugs can only be used as prescribed by a doctor.
  4. During the 3rd trimester of pregnancy, you should be careful when using a variety of essential oils.
  5. Inhalations with sage are allowed, but this infusion should never be taken orally. This is explained by the physiological reactions of the human body to such a substance. Sage often raises blood pressure, which has a bad effect on a woman’s health.
  6. Steam inhalations with soda should be carried out only when there are no purulent processes in the throat or nearby.
  7. Inhalations at home should not be carried out using essential oils of dill, basil, cedar and cypress.
  8. Inhalations with eucalyptus should be relatively short. If the standard procedure lasts 10 minutes, then treatment with eucalyptus lasts only 7 minutes.
  9. The cough inhaler during pregnancy should be thoroughly cleaned after each procedure. There should not be any impurities left in the solution used.
  10. Inhalation for a runny nose in pregnant women should be carried out only through the nose. If this is done orally, it will be impossible to achieve the desired result. It is not prohibited to combine inhalations for a runny nose during pregnancy with other methods of treatment. This may speed up the healing process.


It is worth knowing that there are many risks of inhalation for pregnant women at home that need to be taken into account. If inhalations for a sore throat are carried out incorrectly, there is a possibility of deterioration in the health of both the woman and the child. That is why you should follow all instructions and recommendations of specialists.

This method of treatment does not act locally, but locally. No matter what stage of pregnancy the young mother is at, this type of treatment procedure will not harm the baby. In addition, inhalation with saline solution is a worldwide recognized method of treating cough in pregnant women.

But inhalation with essential oils falls under exceptions, because during the period of gestation they can have a detrimental effect on both the mother’s body and the condition of the child.

If a woman does, then it is necessary to take measures as quickly as possible for her speedy recovery, otherwise, she will have to resort to antibiotics.

Types of inhalations

Advice from a medical professional: If a woman who is in an “interesting situation”, in addition to the usual runny nose and cough, suffers from a constantly elevated temperature, then any warming procedures should not be used. In this case, you can inhale only certain types of essential oils (lavender, eucalyptus and chamomile oils can be used as one of the components), and garlic inhalation.

If the young mother does not suffer from fever, you can use other inhalation methods. You can use both commercial inhalers and a regular pan of water. You can also use spray substances called “nebulizers.”

One of the traditional types of inhalation includes inhalation with physical. solution.

This is due to the fact that saline solution does not lead to allergic reactions. Inhalation of herbs and essential oils can lead not only to allergies, but also to complications in the entire process of bearing a child.
Inhalation of saline solution is absolutely harmless for mother and baby; it will help cope not only with the appearance of a wet cough, but also with a stuffy nose.

But it is impossible to be treated with inhalation of this kind when a dry cough appears; it will not be able to cure this symptom. In addition, inhalation with potatoes in this case will be more effective, because this type of inhalation not only helps to remove accumulated sputum in the lungs of a pregnant woman, but also softens the cough. Also, the risk of allergic reactions is zero.

A pregnant woman should certainly pay attention to any changes in her health, but a young mother should understand that if not treated promptly, it can cause serious harm to the fetus.

Expectant mothers are more susceptible to colds than ordinary people. Therefore, you should know about safe methods of treating respiratory diseases, expert recommendations and prohibitions.

Briefly about saline solution

This drug is created in laboratory conditions. It is used as an independent medicine and in combination with other drugs. Saline solution is used in the treatment of very young patients, which indicates its safety.

If a pharmaceutical drug is not available, it can be prepared at home. To do this, you need to take a full teaspoon of table salt (10 grams) and dilute it in one liter of warm boiled water. That is, the proportion is 1:100. Self-prepared saline solution can be stored in the refrigerator only for 24 hours.

You need to know that such a drug is not sterile. If carried out with such a product, microbes can enter the mucous membranes. Therefore, to carry out the procedures, experts recommend using a pharmaceutical drug, especially since it is cheap and available in every pharmacy.

Inhalations with saline solution in a nebulizer

This device has long been appreciated by many parents. It is convenient for carrying out medical procedures for children.

In a nebulizer, decoctions, infusions, and medications are converted into aerosol clouds. When a patient inhales such small healing droplets, they enter remote areas of the respiratory tract. This is what increases the effectiveness of treatment and reduces the occurrence of side effects. However, not all nebulizers are allowed to be used for inhalation with saline solution.

Such manipulations soften the mucous membrane, actively dilute sputum, and promote its expectoration. Therapy with saline solution is indicated for pneumonia, bronchitis, and bronchial asthma.

Inhalations for expectant mothers and saline solution

Such procedures are allowed for expectant mothers. And don’t worry that they can harm the fetus. During pregnancy, inhalations are the mainstay of cough treatment.

If a woman has a wet cough, then saline solution for steam procedures is an ideal option. Unlike some herbal remedies, this product is hypoallergenic. It is harmless for expectant mothers. The drug helps to cope with, making breathing easier.

You can make saline solution according to the recipe indicated above, use it as an alternative to pharmaceutical medicine. But before dissolving the salt, it can be enriched with 2-3 drops of eucalyptus oil.

What other inhalations can be done for pregnant women?

If a woman is tormented not only by a cough, but also by a fever, then she should refrain from thermal procedures.

When there is no temperature, you can use herbal infusions for inhalation. Calendula, eucalyptus, lavender are suitable. A handful of herbs is poured into half a liter of boiling water in an enamel bowl, covered with a terry towel, and leaned over the healing steam so that it does not burn the face. The duration of this procedure is determined individually.

Linden decoction is a good remedy for easing a dry cough. Boil dry raw materials (a tablespoon per glass of water) for 2-3 minutes.

Another inhalation option for expectant mothers is the use of citrus essential oils. Add 3-4 drops of lemon, grapefruit, lime, orange oils to hot water, fir is also suitable. As for eucalyptus oil, it can cause an allergic reaction during pregnancy.

A proven and simple folk remedy is peeling potatoes. They need to be boiled for 2-3 minutes, and then covered with a towel and inhaled the steam. This treatment option would be advisable to use for dry cough. Potato inhalation will soften it, speed up the discharge of sputum, and have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Dry cough does not like alkaline vapors. Therefore, expectant mothers are recommended to use the well-known Borjomi mineral water, adding ½ glass of it per liter of regular hot water. And this treatment option will also reduce the risk of allergic reactions to zero.

During the day, such procedures should be carried out 2-3 times. To treat a cough and throat, the vapors are inhaled through the mouth, and for a runny nose - through the nose.

Throughout pregnancy, a woman is at constant risk of becoming infected with viruses, because her immunity is significantly weakened. Thanks to physiological changes in a woman’s body, pregnancy continues for 9 months, but the immune system suffers, chronic diseases can worsen, and the load on the internal organs of the expectant mother increases.

A runny nose is one of the signs of a cold, which you need to start fighting when it first appears. Inhalations for a runny nose during pregnancy are a good way to get rid of the disease without taking pills.

Due to the local therapeutic effects, inhalations are one of the safest methods of combating nasal congestion. The main thing is to follow the rules of the procedure! The lack of systemic action ensures the safety of the fetus, because many medications are prohibited during pregnancy due to the negative impact on the unborn child.

Features of the procedure

First, let's look at what inhalations can be. When inhaling steam with medicinal particles, a therapeutic effect is exerted on the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, which reduces the degree of inflammation and restores nasal breathing.

Depending on the severity of the disease, the condition of the pregnant woman and the type of medication, inhalations may be:

  1. hot, when it is necessary to inhale the steam of hot water with medicine. Essential oils, herbal infusions or decoctions can be used for this;
  2. cold if solutions at room temperature or aromas of garlic and onion are used.

In case of hyperthermia, only cold inhalations are allowed, since they do not have a general warming effect.

Inhalations for a runny nose are prescribed to pregnant women in the following cases:

If the cause of rhinorrhea is hormonal fluctuations, pregnant women will not be able to completely cope with a runny nose. Nasal congestion usually appears starting in the second trimester and continues until childbirth. Thanks to inhalations with medications, it is possible to alleviate the course of rhinitis and relieve a woman of the symptoms of the disease.

A runny nose can be the first symptom of a cold, which, as it progresses, is accompanied by a cough and sore throat. Cough is highly undesirable during pregnancy due to the high risk of premature birth or spontaneous abortion. When coughing, high intrathoracic and intra-abdominal pressure is created, which can increase the tone of the uterus.

Nowadays, inhalation has been greatly simplified thanks to modern devices that convert liquid into vapor. The nebulizer can be used at any age, even babies, because it is absolutely safe.

After the medicinal solution enters the device, it is crushed into small particles, which are released with steam through a special tube or mask. Thanks to the nebulizer, the medicine penetrates into the most inaccessible parts of the respiratory tract, providing a healing effect.

There are several types of devices that differ in price and structure. Among the advantages of the device are:

  • control of the temperature of the steam, which is supplied directly to the respiratory tract, which helps prevent burns to the mucous membrane;
  • clear dosage of the drug;
  • ease of use, care and storage.

It is prohibited to use oil solutions and herbal decoctions in the nebulizer due to severe contamination, as a result of which the device can become a source of infection.

Nebulizer preparations

To cure a runny nose and not harm the fetus, you need to choose the right drug for inhalation. Only a doctor can help with this, because he will be able to assess the risks and benefits for the pregnant woman and the unborn child. Here are a few medications that are allowed during pregnancy:

  1. non-carbonated alkaline water (Essentuki, Narzan or Borjomi). 4 ml of water is enough for one inhalation session lasting 5-7 minutes. The procedure can be repeated up to 4 times per day. The nasal mucosa is moisturized and local protection is strengthened;
  2. saline. Its action is similar to mineral alkaline water;
  3. Calendula tincture - reduces the severity of inflammation. For dilution you will need saline solution, which is taken in a ratio of 40:1 with calendula. For inhalation, 4 ml of diluted medicine is required.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the drug Sinupret in the form of drops. The solution is available in a 100 ml bottle, has a brown tint and a bitter taste. Includes:

  1. gentian root, which protects the mucous membrane and reduces inflammation;
  2. sorrel - increases hemoglobin levels and improves the process of iron absorption in the body;
  3. verbena - reduces the viscosity of sputum and stimulates its excretion;
  4. primrose flowers - enrich the body with vitamin C, flavonoids, and carotenoids, which together strengthen the immune defense;
  5. elderberry is a source of essential oils, vitamin C, and activates metabolism.

Note that the composition also includes alcohol - about 17%. The drug is one of the universal ones during pregnancy, since the antiseptic effect is only local, without affecting the internal organs. Medicine:

  • reduces swelling of the nasopharyngeal mucosa;
  • reduces inflammation;
  • strengthens the immune system and provides local protection against infection;
  • fights viruses and bacteria, but the medicine is not an antibacterial agent;
  • prevents the development of sinusitis, the accumulation of viscous secretions in the paranasal sinuses and the appearance of pus.

Sinupret affects all organs of the respiratory system and ENT department. The therapeutic effect covers the auditory tube, parts of the ear, nasopharynx, larynx, and lower respiratory tract.

Before use, it is recommended to shake the bottle so that the sediment is evenly distributed throughout the entire volume of the solution. To obtain the finished medicine for the procedure, it is necessary to dilute Sinupret with saline solution 1:1. For one inhalation session, 4 ml of a diluted solution is required, so it is necessary to dilute 2 ml of Sinupret with two milliliters of saline solution. The frequency of the procedure can be up to three times a day.

Traditional recipes for inhalation

Note that many medications, especially herbal ones, can cause an allergic reaction. Therefore, if you are prone to allergies, it is recommended to coordinate the use of any product with your doctor.

The duration of hot inhalation should not exceed 5-7 minutes. If the procedure is carried out in the usual way (without a nebulizer), the distance from the nose to the hot liquid should not be less than 30 cm. The steam temperature is 55 degrees.

Here are some recipes for rhinitis:

Cold inhalations can be prepared with the following ingredients:

  1. a small onion should be peeled, chopped and inhaled for 15 minutes three times a day;
  2. instead of onions, you can take several garlic cloves or a combination of them;
  3. essential oil can be dropped onto a scarf (three drops) and inhale the aromas for 15 minutes;
  4. The onion can be peeled, divided into layers and the film removed from each layer. It must be applied to the mucous membrane of the nasal passages for a quarter of an hour.

Prevention of a runny nose

A woman, having learned about pregnancy, needs to be especially careful about her health. The course of the entire pregnancy and the health of the unborn child depend on this. Prevention of infectious diseases, including rhinitis, must begin at the planning stage of conception.

It involves the rehabilitation of chronic foci of infection, especially in the ENT organs and respiratory tract. In addition, it is recommended to take vitamins and normalize your diet. If a woman hardens her body, this is a huge plus for her immune system.

As soon as a woman finds out about pregnancy, many drugs are prohibited, so only the immune system has to fight diseases. To ease the course of pregnancy and prevent the development of diseases, it is recommended to adhere to some recommendations:

  • Regular rinsing of the nasal cavities with saline solutions. To do this, you can use solutions with sea salt, for example, Aqua Maris, No-salt or Salin. At home, you can prepare the solution yourself. To do this, you need to dissolve 10 g of salt in 490 ml of warm water;
  • adequate sleep and rest, absence of severe stress;
  • healthy diet (fruits, herbs, fresh vegetables, cereals, low-fat broths, fish, cottage cheese);
  • sufficient amount of fluid to drink per day. Depending on the preferences of the pregnant woman, unsweetened compotes, fruit drinks, tea, still mineral water or herbal decoctions are allowed;
  • regular ventilation of the room, wet cleaning and air humidification using a special device. This will reduce the concentration of microbes and allergens in the air, as well as prevent drying out of the nasal mucosa and its irritation by polluted air;
  • have as little contact with sick people as possible and avoid crowds during an epidemic. If it is necessary to communicate with an “infectious” person, you must use a disposable mask. This will reduce the risk of a pregnant woman becoming infected with airborne viruses.

Walking in the fresh air, as well as a change in climate, are important for pregnant women. Inhaling sea air and water procedures strengthen the immune system and improve mood, which is especially pleasant for a pregnant woman.

The inhalation method of treatment appeared a long time ago and still remains popular. With its help, you can achieve deeper penetration of the drug into the respiratory tract and thereby achieve greater effect. What inhalations can be done during pregnancy for rhinitis (runny nose), and what are the contraindications?

Advantages of inhalations and rules of the procedure

The main advantages of inhalations during pregnancy:

In order for the treatment method to really help with rhinitis during pregnancy, you need to follow a few fairly simple rules:

  1. You should consult your doctor. The main and basic rule that every woman must follow during pregnancy. The doctor, due to his experience and knowledge, can tell exactly which medicine can help and not harm the child. He will prescribe the drug taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient, her age, the presence of concomitant diseases and the risk of developing allergies;
  2. You need to monitor the temperature of the steam. Prolonged exposure to hot steam on a woman during pregnancy is prohibited; in addition, it can cause a burn to the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract and increase blood pressure;
  3. Eating, drinking and talking after inhalation is allowed only after an hour and a half. You should also avoid prolonged exposure to cold air.
  4. You must learn to breathe correctly during inhalation. That is, if the treatment is aimed at eliminating a runny nose, then the act of breathing must be done through the nose; if therapy needs to eliminate the inflammatory process in the throat area, then you need to breathe calmly through the mouth;
  5. For greater effect, experts recommend that pregnant women perform inhalations using a nebulizer and specialized solutions;

A combination of herbs gives a better effect when inhaled with herbs

All herbal inhalations are usually steam. In a hospital setting, specialized equipment is usually used; at home, you can get by with an ordinary saucepan or kettle. The principle of the procedure is quite simple - when the solution is heated, the liquid in the form of steam enters the mucous membrane and settles there, providing a therapeutic effect.

For coughs with difficult sputum discharge, the following herbal components may be suitable for inhalation in pregnant women:

  • chamomile;
  • plantain;
  • marshmallow;
  • Linden.


They can be used separately, or they can be combined with each other, achieving a quick recovery.

  • licorice;
  • cowberry;
  • eucalyptus;
  • black currant;
  • yarrow.

They dilute mucus and stimulate secretion to come out. The duration of the procedure should not exceed ten minutes, the frequency of inhalations can be from one to two times a day.

To improve the taste, smell and enhance medicinal properties, you can add one or two drops of essential oils to the solutions. The best oil for coughs is:

  • lavender;
  • lime;
  • mint;
  • pink.

It is not advisable to carry out the procedure for diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Pregnant women are contraindicated inhalations for rhinitis with the addition of:

  • iodine;
  • basil oil;
  • cedar oil;
  • rosemary oil;
  • cypress and nightshade oil.

Inhalations with saline solution

The saline solution is a 0.9% sodium chloride solution. When used during inhalation, the functional activity of the nasal mucosa is restored, swelling of the soft tissues disappears and airway patency improves.

I usually use saline solution in combination with essential oils and plant juices. Below are examples of medicines based on salted water.

Preparation of saline solution for inhalation

Recipe No. 1. One teaspoon of table salt must be dissolved in 250 ml of boiled water. Next, you need to add fifteen drops of sea buckthorn oil to the glass. The resulting mixture must be heated to seventy degrees Celsius, poured into an inhaler or left in a pan. Carry out the procedure immediately for ten minutes. The used product is discarded and not reused.

Recipe No. 2 . Using the same principle, you need to mix boiled water, table salt and Kalanchoe juice. It is worth noting that this plant is irritating and causes a prolonged cough. You should also remember that Kalanchoe often causes allergies, so you should consult your doctor. The solution for inhalation must be heated to fifty degrees, otherwise the product loses almost all of its therapeutic effect.

Inhalation over potatoes

Inhalations during pregnancy with potatoes

If a runny nose often bothers a pregnant woman, and many herbal-based medications do not help or are simply prohibited by the doctor, you can remember my grandmother’s elementary method - breathing over potatoes.

For inhalation, you need to boil four medium-sized potatoes; there is no need to peel the vegetable. After it becomes soft and completely cooked, drain the water and mash the potatoes as quickly as possible. Next, the pregnant woman should bow her head, cover herself and the pan with a towel and inhale the steam for fifteen minutes.

The benefit of this method is explained by the presence in the vegetable of a high concentration of phytoncides - compounds that have a detrimental effect on pathogenic microflora.

Inhalation must be carried out in accordance with the above rules.

Inhalation with Miramistin

Release form of the drug Miramistin

This kind of inhalation is usually recommended for pregnant women during an exacerbation of a chronic inflammatory process in the respiratory system or in the case of a rapidly developing disease (rhinitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis). The drug Miramistin has a bactericidal effect, stimulates local defense and thereby relieves the severity of symptoms.

To carry out the procedure, you need to consider the following points:

  • for inhalation you need an ultrasonic nebulizer;
  • the drug is not diluted with water, but is poured into the apparatus in its original form;
  • The duration of inhalation in pregnant women should not last more than fifteen minutes.

If you don’t have a nebulizer, you can get by with gauze swabs soaked in the medicine, but you need to understand that this way you can damage the nasal mucosa, and the effect of the procedure will be minimal.

The instructions for Miramistin indicate the safety of using the drug during pregnancy and lactation, since it acts locally and is not absorbed into the blood. Sometimes itching and burning may occur, but the discomfort usually goes away after half an hour.

Some experts talk about some restrictions on the use of Miramistin in the first trimester of pregnancy, since the bodies of women and children are very sensitive to external influences, and any drug cannot provide a 100% guarantee of harmlessness.

Inhalation with a nebulizer during pregnancy

There are several types of nebulizers:

  • steam;
  • ultrasonic;
  • compressor

The procedure is quite simple:

  1. Inhalation is done an hour and a half after eating; it is not recommended to use drugs that dilute sputum;
  2. If you have nasal congestion due to rhinitis, you should briefly rinse the nasal cavity with a weak solution of table salt;
  3. Filling the device should be done with a disposable sterile syringe, hands should also be clean;
  4. Pharmaceutical solutions must be stored in closed packaging;
  5. It is prohibited to use tap water for inhalation; it can be replaced with mineral water or boiled water;
  6. At the end of the procedure, all parts of the device must be thoroughly washed and treated with a disinfectant solution.

All drugs that can be used for inhalation by pregnant women are presented in the table.

It is worth noting that the listed drugs have their own contraindications and side effects. Nebulizer solutions are best used in second and third trimester of pregnancy, not earlier.

Expectorants Antiseptics Anti-inflammatory medications Antihistamines Bronchodilating drugs
MukaltinMiramistinEucalyptus estersVentolinPulmicort
Borjomi water
Water Narzan

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