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Soap nuts for hair - how to use? How to use soap nuts for hair Washing hair with soap nuts powder

  • Underwear and bed linen, i.e. those things that have prolonged and close contact with the skin.
  • Lingerie for allergy sufferers, asthmatics, children and other people with sensitive skin and sense of smell.
  • Wool and silk, i.e. those fabrics that cannot be washed in an alkaline environment. The wool does not shrink, does not pill, things do not fade, they remain soft and fluffy.
  • Membrane fabrics, because the product does not clog the pores of the membrane.

Items after washing Soap nuts® do not contain residues of synthetic detergents, do not irritate the skin and do not disrupt the body's protective functions. After washing, the laundry smells neutral, clean, and does not irritate the respiratory tract with detergent residue or fragrance. In addition, when washing synthetics Soap nuts®, the amount of static electricity is significantly reduced.

With normal household stains Soap nuts® do very well. Complex stains such as red wine, machine oil, etc. must be additionally treated with a stain remover. It should also be noted that Soap nuts® does not whiten, but removes dirt. If you need a whitening effect or removal of difficult stains, we recommend using in addition to Soap nuts® oxygen bleach, for example the well-proven oxygen bleach-stain remover “eKO2”.

✔ Hand wash

Place 8-12 whole shells in a laundry bag and tie it shut. Then place the bag of shells in a basin and fill it with hot water. After 10-15 minutes, squeeze the bag with shells tightly several times so that foam appears in the basin and load the laundry. After 15-20 minutes you can start washing. Rub heavily soiled areas, such as cuffs and collars, with a bag of nuts, squeezing out the detergent from it.

Unlike washing with soap or powder, you will not feel slippery or soapy. On the contrary, the hands and surfaces of the basin will creak.

After washing, drain the used solution and rinse the items in running water. Place the bag of shells to dry until next time. The same shells can be used as long as they produce abundant foam. According to our practice, they can be washed 4-5 times.

If things need to be bleached or stains removed, it is first recommended to soak them in oxygen bleach for several hours, and then wash them with Soap nuts ®

To add scent to your laundry, after washing, you can rinse things in clean water with the addition of 5-10 drops of essential oil.

You can also use a decoction for hand washing. soap nuts® , but we do not recommend doing this, because This method is less economical and more labor intensive. In addition, when boiling, more coloring substances are transferred into the water.

✔ Washing with an ultrasonic washing machine:

Place 8-12 whole shells in a laundry bag and tie it shut. Then place the bag of shells in a basin and fill it with hot water. After 10-15 minutes, squeeze the bag with shells tightly several times so that foam appears in the basin and load the laundry. Heavily soiled areas, such as cuffs and collars, must be additionally rubbed with a bag of nuts, squeezing out the detergent from it. Then take out the bag, place the ultrasonic device in the basin and turn it on. Leave the laundry in this solution for the time necessary for washing in accordance with the instructions for the device. Then remove the machine from the water, rinse the laundry first in this water and then in running water.

✔ Machine washable.

  1. Place the shells in a laundry bag according to the chart below and tie the bag tightly.
  2. Place the bag in the drum along with the laundry. It is advisable that the washing machine drum should not be fully loaded, but approximately half loaded, so that the laundry can move freely in the drum. Otherwise, the washing result will deteriorate.
  3. Turn on the washing machine to the desired program.
  4. The shells must remain in the washing machine throughout the entire wash cycle, including the rinse cycle.
  5. After washing, remove the bag from the washing machine and dry or freeze.
  6. When washing white or heavily soiled items, it is recommended to add 1-2 tablespoons of oxygen bleach, such as eco2, to the powder tray. If items cannot be washed at high temperatures, we recommend soaking them in bleach overnight before washing.
  7. To give your laundry a pleasant smell, you can add 5-6 drops of essential oil to the rinsing tray.
  8. To check whether Soap Nuts are suitable for washing, you need to moisten the bag with shells again and squeeze tightly. If foam is released abundantly during compression, then Soap nuts® can be used again.
  9. When washing Soap nuts® the general washing rules must be followed, i.e. white linen is washed separately from colored linen, etc.
  10. Approximate consumption table soap nuts® . Mukorossi varieties for a standard machine with a load of 4-5 kg. (for small cars you can put 1-2 less shells, for larger cars 1-2 more shells)
  11. Approximate consumption table soap nuts® . Trifoliatus variety for a standard machine with a load of 4-5 kg. (for small cars you can put 1-2 less shells, for larger cars 1-2 more shells)

When washing with the Trifoliatus variety, the laundry must be removed from the drum of the washing machine immediately after the end of washing. This is necessary to avoid the appearance of stains from juice drips on things that have direct contact with the wet bag. If such stains appear, the laundry must be rinsed additionally. Due to this feature, it is preferable to wash white items with the Mukorossi variety.

The indicated amounts are average and are adjusted in each case individually depending on the hardness of the water, the degree of soiling of the laundry and the operating characteristics of the washing machine. The general rule is that the harder the water and dirtier the laundry, the more detergent you need.

Recipes from our customers:
- Put Soap nuts® into a sock, tie the sock, then pour boiling water into the container, swirl it around like a bag until the water turns cloudy brown. Hold for a minute or two, then put the liquid and sock into the machine. Pour hot water from a hose through the open door, this will create a lot of foam at once. Load the laundry, close the door, pour the missing hot water through the pull-out tray.

- Make a decoction from soap nuts® (5 whole shells in 2 cups of water), then pour the hot broth into the washing machine machine through a ditch.

Natural detergent Soap nuts® is certified as a laundry detergent. However, judging by the feedback from our customers, there are many other uses for it in the home, which will be discussed below. All information posted below is a summary of the experiences of our customers on alternative ways to use natural detergent Soap nuts® and does not constitute the manufacturer’s official recommendations for use. If you use the product Soap nuts® not for its main purpose (washing), Soap Nuts LLC is not responsible for the consequences of such use.

Washing dishes.

Synthetic dishwashing detergents tend to remain on the surfaces of dishes even after thorough rinsing. It has been established that even rinsing 8 times does not completely remove residues of synthetic detergents from dishes. Over the course of his life, a person thus “eats” kilograms of detergents, which adversely affects his health.

Soap nuts® differs favorably from traditional synthetic detergents in that it is a natural product. Moreover, saponin-containing plants are widely used in the preparation of food products, such as halva.

✔ Washing dishes by hand.
Method 1. Fill the sink with warm water and place a bag of Soap nuts® (6-8 shells). Soak the dishes in this water and then wash them using the bag as a washcloth. Drain the water and rinse the dishes in running water. Leave the bag until next time. Use the bag until it produces a lot of foam. Then change the shells. In this case, you should pay attention to the fact that the bag can become clogged with fat very quickly, so it will need to be washed frequently.

Method 2. Prepare a concentrated solution or decoction soap nuts® . Wash the dishes using a sponge or rag soaked in a solution or broth. Rinse the dishes in running water.

Recipes from our customers:
Soak the shells in hot water. Next, wash the dishes directly with the shells themselves. They wash the dishes until they squeak. Tested in a frying pan after frying crucian carp and in a garlic press. There is NO smell left.

✔ Washing dishes in the dishwasher.

4-5 whole shells soap nuts® place in a bag, and the bag in the dishwasher. It is necessary that a stream of clean water passes through the bag. The choice of location depends on the design of the machine itself, because they are very different structurally.

As practice shows, only soap nuts® is not dishwasher safe enough, so we recommend adding 1 tablespoon of dishwasher-safe oxygen bleach/stain remover, such as Eco2, to the powder container.

Recipes from our customers:
You need to prepare a concentrated decoction soap nuts® . To do this, you need to take 8 whole shells, add a liter of water and boil for 25-30 minutes. Then pour the resulting liquid into the dishwasher hopper, where the powder is usually placed.

✔ Washing dishes using an ultrasonic washing machine.
Fill the basin with a solution from soap nuts® . Place an ultrasonic washing device (UZU) on the bottom, and burnt pans and pots on top. Leave it overnight. In the morning, all the burning will go away easily. A very good way to clean burnt pans and pots.

Wet cleaning.

Soap nuts® can be used for any type of wet cleaning: washing floors, dusting, washing children's toys, cleaning items made of precious metals, washing mirrors and glass. The advantages of Soap Nuts are that they are odorless and harmless to the body. This is especially important if there are small children and allergy sufferers in the house. Soap nuts® have antifungal, antibacterial and antimicrobial properties. For wet cleaning it is very convenient to use the infusion soap nuts® poured into a spray bottle. You can spray everything: the floor, tables, shelves, sink, toilet, etc.

✔ Floor cleaning
Place a few shells in a cotton bag and place the bag in a bucket. Take warm water and let it brew for 10-15 minutes. You can squeeze the bag several times to release more detergent. Then put the bag to dry. Mix the water and start washing the floor. The floor can be washed simply with a rag or with special mops. There is no need to rinse the floor with clean water afterwards, because... the concentration of the solution is not high.

✔ Wet cleaning of various surfaces: tables, shelves, children's toys, etc.
1. Prepare an infusion soap nuts® , strain, pour into a spray bottle. Spray it onto various surfaces, then wipe them with a dry cloth.
2. Soak the shells in a small container of warm water. Soak a cloth or sponge in this water and wipe the necessary surfaces with it.

✔ Cleaning mirrors and glass
Infusion soap nuts® can also be used to clean mirrors and glass. The solution in this case must be very weak. It is best to use a cloth made of natural or artificial silk, or a special microfiber cloth for glass.

✔ Cleaning of metal products
A metal product is dipped into water with the addition of a decoction. soap nuts® and wipe with a dry cloth. Products become shiny. You can use a not very concentrated solution. If the item is large in size, it is easier to spray it with a spray bottle and wipe it off. You can put metal products in the solution soap nuts® together with an ultrasonic device.

Recipes from our customers:
Soap nuts® are excellent at cleaning tiles, plumbing fixtures (even old rust and limescale deposits come off), and any surfaces in general. The consumption is small, I cleaned the bathroom sink for 3 days with one shell! It is especially good to use nuts after preparing a decoction; they can be used to clean the bathtub more than once

Other applications.

✔ Hair styling product
Styling should be done after washing your hair, when it is almost dry, but still slightly damp. Fill several shells with hot water so that it just covers the shells. Let it brew for ten minutes. Then wet your hands with this concentrated solution and use your hands to shape your hair into the desired shape. The hair will shine, become coarse and keep its shape well.

✔ Manicure
Soap nuts® can be used as a cuticle softener. To do this, you need to soak the shell and wipe the cuticle with it. Soap nuts® allows you to avoid allergic reactions, dryness and discomfort on the skin that are typical after using chemical cuticle removers. This is especially valuable for people with sensitive and problematic skin.

Soap nuts® can also be used for maceration

Maceration or wet manicure is a type of manicure that uses a warm hand bath to soften the cuticles and also helps soothe the skin and relax it. Hands are lowered into a bath with an infusion of soap nuts® . Then the softened cuticle is pushed back with a manicure stick. Typically, orangewood sticks or other special utensils are used.

Sometimes it happens that when the cuticle is removed, the skin is slightly damaged. In this case also the solution soap nuts® is much preferable than just warm water because... Soap nuts® have disinfectant properties. Cuticle remover sticks can also be pre-moistened in the solution. soap nuts ® .

✔ Plant care
Soap nuts® can be used to protect plants from pests. To do this, you need to prepare a not very concentrated solution. Pour it into a spray bottle and spray the affected part of the plant.

Solution soap nuts® helps against late blight. For prevention, you should treat the seeds with a weak solution before planting and seedlings before transplanting into open ground. If late blight has already appeared, then the plant should be treated with a more concentrated solution, especially the damaged areas. Repeat as needed. The degree of spraying must be chosen as high as possible so that the entire solution remains on the above-ground part of the plant and does not flow down to the ground. Since if it gets on the ground, it can harm beneficial insects and microorganisms.

✔ Animal care
Weak solution soap nuts® can be used to care for the hair of your animals. The coat will be clean, soft and fluffy. Besides Soap nuts® will help get rid of fleas. It is best to wipe the animal with a cloth soaked in the solution. soap nuts® . You can also spray it with a spray bottle. These procedures should be carried out very carefully to prevent the solution from getting into the animal's eyes.

✔ Insect repellent.
Soap nuts® can be used as a repellent to repel mosquitoes, ticks, horse flies, etc. For this you need a concentrated solution soap nuts® Apply to exposed skin. Actions of the solution Soap nuts® for these purposes is short-lived, about 2 hours, but since it is absolutely safe, it can be used several times during the day.

✔ Medicinal use:
Once again, please note that this information is a generalized experience of our customers on alternative uses of natural detergent Soap nuts® and in no way constitutes a guide for use. For medicinal purposes, it is necessary to use certified medications and under the supervision of a physician. Otherwise, the consumer assumes full responsibility for the consequences of independently using something as a medicine. The information below is presented only as an overview of the medicinal properties of sapindus fruits.

In India, sapindus fruits are widely used in medicine. They are used as an expectorant, diuretic, laxative, contraceptive, anthelmintic and antiemetic. They are also used as a treatment for cancer.

However, the most common use in Indian medicine is the use of Sapindus fruit to treat a variety of skin diseases:

  • dandruff,
  • hair loss
  • psoriasis
  • irritation

Sapindus fruits suppress bacteria such as Propionibacterium acnes, which causes acne, and the yeast Pityosporum ovale, which causes dandruff.

Various recipes from our customers:

1. Dishwashing gel.
Grind the used shells after washing in a coffee grinder. Boil the resulting grind for 10 minutes, thicken with starch. The result is a dishwashing gel.

2. Jelly for bathing.
70 ml of very strong, slightly evaporated decoction soap nuts® - the actual washing part, 2 tbsp Cane sugar - texture retention, humidifier 1 tsp Agar. Stir everything, boil, stir, pour into mold, let harden. It turns out to be a very convenient thing to use :-) It can be used as soap. It’s just that it’s not very convenient to wash with a decoction, but rubbing it with a little thing is good and convenient

3. Decoction for washing hands and face.
Add potato starch as a thickener. I was pleased with the result! Starch gives a slight viscosity: it was unusual for the hands, but the face felt very comfortable and pleasant.

4. Toothpaste.
Boil 5-6 Soap Nut shells in 200 ml of water for 20 minutes. Add 5 teaspoons of baking soda and a pinch of sea salt as an additional antiseptic. Add 5 teaspoons Vegetable Glycerin (vegetable glycerin). You can add peppermint oil for fresh breath. Tea tree oil is also a very suitable ingredient here. And to make toothpaste from all this, you just need to mix everything thoroughly. If you don’t immediately get the consistency of a paste, add a little more glycerin. That's probably all - your homemade natural pasta is ready!

Ways to use Soap Nuts:

    Directly in the form in which they are sold. For ease of use, it is recommended to place the shells in a cotton bag. Bags are included in the kit. In this case, the shells do not need to be broken or crushed; they already perform their tasks well. The shells can be used several times. There is no need to remove them from the bag. The bag itself must be dried between uses.

    Infusion from soap nuts® . To do this, pour several nuts with warm or hot water and leave for 15-20 minutes. Then the infusion is filtered and poured into the container in which it will be used. You can store the infusion for 1-2 days, then you need to make a fresh one. The concentration of the solution can be very different and depends on the purpose of use.

Concentration for washing:

Mukorossi 1-2 pcs. - 1 liter

Trifoliatus 2-4 pcs. - 1 liter.

For other applications the concentration can be increased or decreased.

If you plan to use the infusion soap nuts

    Decoction soap nuts® (liquid soap). To prepare the decoction, you need to take 5-6 shells of the Mukorossi variety and add 1 liter of water. Bring to a boil, and then simmer over low heat for another 15-20 minutes. Strain the broth and pour into the container in which it will be used. From the same shells, the decoction can be made again, but use 2 times less water, i.e. about 0.5 liters. This decoction can be stored a little longer than the infusion. Shelf life is 2-3 days without refrigeration, and 3-5 days in the refrigerator. It makes no sense to store the decoction longer because... the saponins in it are destroyed. To prepare a decoction of Soap Nuts of the Trifoliatus variety, you need to take 10-15 nuts for the same volume of water.

When preparing a decoction, we do not recommend putting the shells in a bag because this reduces the yield of the detergent due to the foam displacing water in the bag. A foam layer forms around the shells, which prevents saponins from escaping into the water.

If you plan to use a decoction soap nuts® in a spray bottle, it must be strained, because otherwise, the smallest particles will clog the spray nozzle.

    Tincture from soap nuts® . A tincture is an infusion of alcohol. It is used for medicinal purposes in the form of lotions in the treatment of various skin diseases. The recipe for preparation and method of use can be obtained from herbalists.

Soap nuts are a versatile product that can be used for cleaning, body and hair care. Find out more about the properties of soap shells, as well as their types.

The content of the article:

Looking at the composition of most shampoos, one of the first five components you can see is an ingredient such as SLS or SLES. These active surface substances, with prolonged exposure, can negatively affect the condition of the hair, making the strands more brittle. Finding a high-quality shampoo without harmful ingredients is not easy, so many women use soap nut tincture as a detergent, which, in turn, has a wide range of uses.

What are soap nuts

Soap nuts are berries that grow on soap trees, which in turn can be found in the tropics of Asia and America; many round, yellowish-brown fruits are found in India. The peculiarity of this plant lies in the variety of 15 varieties, as well as the presence of up to 38% saponins in the nuts. A solution of saponins, when shaken, allows you to obtain abundant foam, which can subsequently be used for a variety of purposes; its use has not escaped the field of cosmetology.

The value of the fruits of soap trees is concentrated in the shell; it is there that a large number of natural foaming agents are located, which also have good cleaning properties, which allows them to be used for rinsing clothes, washing dishes, and hair. Products prepared using soap nuts are non-toxic, do not cause allergies, do not pollute the air, and are odorless, which cannot be said if instead you use products with harmful chemical compounds. Note that nuts taken from soap trees can reduce inflammation, speed up the healing process of wounds, and minimize the increased secretion of sebum.

Soap nuts for washing clothes

If you are one of the people whose skin does not react to washing powder in the best way, if for some reason you do not like the smell of the washing product you purchased or you decide to switch to a more natural version of the detergent for washing clothes, you can safely use soap nuts.

First, you need to decide on the number of shells (1 shell is equal to two halves) needed for a full wash. For soft water you can take 3-6 shells, for hard water - 5-10. Moreover, these nuts are enough for 1-3 procedures. Place the fruits in a cotton bag and add, if desired, about 5-10 drops of essential oil to obtain a pleasant scent. Tie the bag well so that the shells do not fall out during the washing process, and place it in the drum along with the clothes.

For hand washing, just pour water into a container, add soap shells and shake the liquid a little to get foam, after which you can begin the washing process itself. Soap nuts will help rid clothes of stains caused by chocolate, yogurt, borscht, some types of felt-tip pens, pens, etc. getting on the fabric. In some cases (if strong tea leaves, currants, mayonnaise get on clothes, if traces are found on cuffs and collars, etc.), additional treatment will be required.

Helaplant nuts are effective in combating traces of grass, tomato paste, blood or other stubborn stains. As for white items, they should be washed at very high temperatures, since soap nuts do not have a bleaching effect. If the stain is difficult to remove, it is better to pre-treat it; for these purposes, in some situations, you can use the method of soaking the fabric in cold water with the addition of salt or soda, or using laundry soap.

Washing dishes using soap nuts

Based on the fact that regular commercial dishwashing detergent is harmful to the body through food or drink, some men and women have switched to safer options, which also include soap nuts. An infusion of nuts copes with greasy dishes, residue from tea leaves or coffee. To prepare the extract, follow the following instructions:
  1. Pour a liter of regular, or preferably purified, water into a pan, and put 20 to 30 shells there. The nuts should be chopped first, but you can do without it; in this case, the softened fruits should be mashed with a fork during the cooking process. Cover the pan with a lid.
  2. Turn the heat to low and simmer the soap nuts for half an hour. During this time, the shells will have time to release saponins, substances that have valuable properties, and turn water into a washing extract.
  3. Collect the shells in a bag, strain the liquid and pour into a convenient jar.
    If you do not cover the pan, the water may boil away by almost half, in which case you will get a more concentrated extract and, if desired, can be diluted with water. Try to use the prepared product within two weeks, no more, since later the extract will no longer have the abilities that it could boast at the beginning of its life. A large number of saponins disappear even after the first boiling. To extend the shelf life of the product, store it in a cool place.
Soap nuts are also used for washing dishes in the dishwasher. Place 5 to 7 shells in the cutlery compartment and let the device perform its duties in the usual way.

Soap nuts for cleaning

A solution of soap nuts is effective in cleaning furniture, mirror surfaces, tiles and plastic coverings from dirt and grease stains. All you need to do to get a clean surface is simply wipe the contaminated area with a rag or sponge soaked in the extract. By adding a solution of soap tree nuts to water, you can get a good floor cleaner that will cope with stains of varying degrees of dirtiness without leaving behind streaks.

The versatility of soap nut extract is also confirmed by the fact that the product helps protect children from harmful bacteria and worms by simply rinsing toys with it and letting them dry.

Washing vegetables and fruits

As a rule, many companies involved in growing vegetables and fruits use chemicals in their work, which, despite the fact that they give the products a marketable, beautiful appearance, can have a detrimental effect on the health of consumers. Soap nut extract will help minimize the effects of these chemical compounds and make vegetables and fruits suitable for consumption.

Note that eating poorly washed vegetables and fruits can provoke the development of gastrointestinal disorders and also cause food poisoning. Rinsing apples and pears under running tap water will not be a problem, but qualitatively minimizing contamination of grapes, cherries or currants, for example, can be a considerable task. Take water into a deep container, put vegetables or fruits there and add soap nut extract. In a couple of minutes you can be confident that the products are pure. Be sure to rinse your food again with clean water.

Use the nut solution to rid foods of birds, insects and animals, or to clean dust and dirt.

Pet care

Soap nuts and houseplants

A solution of soap nuts can protect indoor plants from harmful microorganisms. Being a good fertilizer, shell extract enriches the soil and vitalizes the plant, accelerating growth. Soap nuts can replace chemical pest control products. Treat bushes and plants with a spray bottle of tincture of shells if you want to get rid of or prevent the appearance of aphids.

Spray the product over the leaves and do not wash off, because the resulting film serves as a protective barrier against pests and dust.

Cleaning jewelry accessories

Don't know how to make a product you purchased long ago look new? Try using the nut soap solution. Dip the jewelry into the extract, go over the stained areas with a soft toothbrush, and buff the piece dry using a soft, dry cloth.

Skin and hair care: recipes

Soap nuts are most often used as a component for the manufacture of hair care products; they perform well in relation to the skin, they do not dry it out or irritate it, and are also able to rid the skin of impurities. The value of nuts is also concentrated in their antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and deodorizing effects.

A solution of soap tree shells can be used as liquid soap for washing hands and body or shampoo for hair. The product is suitable for sensitive skin that quickly reacts to external irritants; it is used for eczema, acne, psoriasis, itchy skin, etc.

Do not expect abundant foam from using a solution of soap nuts. If you clearly miss it, you can add a little babassu foam to the prepared product. Wash your hair until it squeaks and try to wash it so that the shampoo does not get into your eyes.

Place 10 shells in approximately 1 liter of boiling water and boil for 10 minutes. Let the mixture cool, do not forget to squeeze out the nuts, and filter the prepared product, strain, and pour into a bottle. In order to extend the shelf life of the product (more than two weeks), add grapefruit seed extract to the solution.

You can do without nut extract by placing the shells in a cloth bag, soaking them in hot water and wringing them onto your head and strands while showering or bathing, using the foam as a hair cleanser. You can reuse the remaining nuts.

The solution, saturated with saponins, makes hair soft and thicker, making combing easier. Regular washing of strands will lead to much less hair falling out and dandruff will disappear.

If you have a coffee grinder, you can bring the nuts to a powdery state. Dilute 1 tbsp. spoon of powder with warm water, apply evenly to the strands and after a few minutes, or even more, rinse with water. You can obtain the powder yourself; it is also available in some online stores of ingredients for the production of safe cosmetics.

As a shampoo, you can use either a solution of nuts or a product with the addition of other components. So for cooking products for all hair types you will need:

  • Clay Multani Mitti - 35%
  • Soap Nut Powder - 32%
  • Shikakai soap bean powder - 23%
  • Amla powder -10%
Mix all ingredients thoroughly and transfer to a jar. During use, dilute a small amount of powder with warm water, apply to damp hair, massage and rinse.

Common Types of Soap Tree Nuts

The most popular soap nuts are Trifoliatus and Mukorossi. Both berries belong to the Sapindaceae family; they are distinguished by their saponin content, the absence or presence of tannic coloring components, the thickness of the shells, volume, smell, shade and even the speed of soaking in water.

Trifoliatus berries are significantly smaller in volume from Mukorossi, their diameter is approximately 1.5 cm and thickness - 1 mm, while the diameter of Mukorossi nuts is from 2.5 to 3 cm, and the wall thickness is 2.5 mm. Small shells get wet faster, but those nuts that gradually release substances into the water are more suitable for washing. Trifoliatus nuts, marked by the presence of saponins 20-25% (in Mukorossi this figure can reach up to 35%) and containing coloring substances, are best included in scrubs, masks and hair strengthening products; their foam creates a gentle and pleasant, strawberry, sweet aroma . Nuts of the Trifoliatus species can be distinguished by color, the berries are very dark, reddish-brown, sometimes even black, Mukorossi berries are amber-yellow-brown, with a grassy, ​​sour smell.

Video recipe for soap nut shampoo:

If you care about the beauty of your body and personal health, and love natural cosmetics, then pay attention to. Similar soap tree fruits can be found in South America, India, Crimea, Transcaucasia and the foothills of the Himalayas.

What is a soap nut?

The visual cleanser, which is actively used in Ayurveda, is a small berry with seeds that grows on trees reaching a height of about 25 meters. As part of natural Indian cosmetics, you can see the name of these fruits as: SoapNut, SoapBerry, sapindus fruit or Indian nut.

The berries are covered with a hard peel of various colors - from black to yellow, depending on the ripeness and type of nut. And thanks to its beneficial properties, it is used as an Ayurvedic detergent, which is absolutely natural, safe and effective for the environment and humans.

Soap Nut Varieties

More than fifteen species of soap trees have been identified on the planet, but only three varieties are considered the most popular Sapindus Laurifolius, Sapindus Mukorossi and Sapindus Trifoliatus. They contain the largest number of natural detergents - saponins (up to 38%).

The Laurifolius and Mukorossi variety is considered the lightest, as its fruits are light brown and amber in color, so they are sometimes confused with apples of paradise. This species has seeds inside the fruit. Grows in China, the Himalayas and northern India and Pakistan.

But Sapindus Trifoliatus is a dark-colored wild hazelnut that is harvested after it falls to the ground. The sapindus fruits of such trees resemble dried rose hips with a light floral and fruity bouquet. This variety is found in the south of Pakistan and India.


Saponin is a natural detergent - foaming agent, released from the pulp of nuts, which easily dissolves in water. Similar substances are still found in nature, for example. in licorice plants, where they form complex compounds with simple sugars.

When used normally, saponins are not considered poisons, and if consumed internally, a person will not have health problems, although the nuts have a bitter taste. Sapindus fruits are capable of dissolving dirt and fats on dishes, clothes and various surfaces, although, unlike standard detergents, they foam slightly when used. At low temperatures (up to 30°C), the saponin from soap nuts is poorly washed out, so they can be used several times.


The scope of application of soap nuts is very diverse; they are used for:

1. Bathing, as “natural soap” in liquid form, which is suitable for body care for all families, including children. As a rule, you use a soap nut solution by dipping a washcloth or cloth bag into it.

Regular alkaline soap has a negative impact on our skin, drying out and removing the protective fat layer, which leads to premature aging. After bathing with a regular product, your skin is susceptible to attacks by viruses, infections and harmful bacteria, which cannot be said about soap nuts. Regular use of a natural product not only does not injure the skin, but also helps maintain the protective layer without overdrying or depleting it. Also, the active components that make up the nut shell help regenerate and moisturize your skin.

2. Hair washing, since the fruits of the soap tree do not contain chemical compounds that destroy the follicle of each hair. It is also worth noting that using soap nuts improves the fat balance of the scalp, reduces hair loss and eliminates dandruff. The principle of action of nuts is simple: it does not wash away the protective layer of the skin, preventing it from drying out or being injured from environmental influences.

You can use the concentrated Ayurvedic remedy in the form of a paste to wash your hair. It should be applied to damp hair and massaged into the scalp. You shouldn’t expect a lot of foam, but the slightest presence of it already indicates that your head is clean.

3. Cleaning dishes. A safe and environmentally friendly product will help you get rid of grease and dirt on kitchen utensils, and at the same time does not dry out the skin of your hands. Soap nut solution is perfect for this purpose.

4. Cosmetic purposes. “Soap nut for cleansing facial skin” is widely used in Indian Ayurvedic medicine. After just a week of use, you will feel that your skin will become smoother, velvety and healthy.
It is also worth noting that nuts fight skin diseases that are associated with internal and external factors: stress, allergies, excessive secretion of the sebaceous glands, etc.

5. Repellent against insects. A few drops of extract will help rid you of annoying flies and mosquitoes. You simply apply the concentrated solution to your body and allow it to dry completely. Suitable for children's skin too.

7. Soap nut for washing clothes does not contain synthetic compounds, therefore ideal for allergy sufferers and children. It is enough to put a few soap nuts in a fabric bag to use them for several washes. A soap solution is also suitable.

8. Possibilities for safe removal of tarnish and blackening of precious metals. The products not only can be cleaned, but also become shiny.

9. Correct pet care. Bathing with soap nuts allows animals to acquire a healthy coat, wash thoroughly and get rid of harmful ticks and fleas. Sometimes a few drops are enough to keep your pet safe outside.

10. Cleaning fruits and vegetables, allowing you to get rid of traces of insects, chemicals and dirt, which, one way or another, are present on the products. It is best to wash grapes, cherries and berries in the solution, allowing you to protect your family from gastrointestinal disorders.

Benefits of soap nuts

The advantages of natural products over chemical ones are obvious:
. Odorless and hypoallergenic nuts can be used for washing baby clothes from birth.
. Contains up to 30% active detergents that do not harm either humans or the environment.
. Provide gentle washing, taking care of your things, while providing a bactericidal effect. After using a natural detergent, softeners, rinse aids or antistatic agents are not needed.
. The possibility of repeated use of soap nuts leads to significant savings in the family budget.
. A universal product for washing hair, face and body skin, washing clothes, caring for plants and animals.
. An anti-aging product for facial skin, to combat acute inflammatory processes on the skin, as a medicinal ingredient for skin and hair care.

Each product has its drawbacks, for example, soap nuts do not remove stains on clothes well, so you can’t do without chemical stain removers. Natural soap foams weakly at low temperatures, so this is unusual for housewives. Also, after each use of the nuts, they need to be well dried, so they should be removed from the bag.

Preparation of soap nut decoction

There are three basic methods for preparing soap nuts: in the form of powder, decoction or whole.

If you plan to use the whole sapindus fruit, you can put several nuts in a fabric bag and use it in the form of soap - an ideal recipe for reusing the nut. It is also worth placing a couple of Indian nut shells in a dispenser bottle with water. This solution can be used for washing by regularly adding water. If you want to add aroma to the composition, add a couple of drops of essential oil to the dispenser.

To prepare the decoction you will need up to 10 soap nuts per liter of water. After boiling for half an hour, let the product cool and brew. Then store it in the refrigerator for up to 15 days. This decoction is great for washing clothes and hair. You can also freeze this product to prolong the effect of its use. Two standard cubes are enough for one wash of up to 3.5 kg in a washing machine.

If you grind the nuts in a coffee grinder, then this powder can be safely diluted with water and used for its intended purpose. If desired, you can prepare a soap paste in a blender by breaking up 7 nuts in a small amount of water.

Soap nut in natural Ayurvedic shampoos

A decoction, thick paste or powder solution of soap nut hair wash can be used for all hair types. Especially for colored, thin, dry and weak hair, as well as for those with dandruff and problems with hair loss. Thanks to the use of an Ayurvedic remedy, you can give them a silky and well-groomed appearance. And with frequent use, your hair will become fuller and healthier.

Contraindications for use

If it gets on the mucous membrane, it may cause a slight burning sensation, so try to rinse the area with plenty of water. With high concentrations of saponins, many have noticed a scratching sensation in the throat or experienced severe sneezing. With intravenous administration of saponins, negligible destruction of red blood cells was observed. Also, contraindications include individual intolerance to the components.

Soap nuts are known to most people as a versatile, eco-friendly cleaning product. However, few people know that the fruits of the sapindus tree are widely used not only in everyday life, but also in cosmetology, hygiene and medicine.

Chemical composition

Soap nuts are small (1.5-2 cm in diameter), peeled, dried fruits with a specific cheese-vinegar smell and a very bitter taste.

The properties of soap nuts are determined by the chemical composition of their peel and the presence of saponins in it - nitrogen-free glycosides of plant origin, the specific feature of which is surface activity or, in other words, the ability to reduce the surface tension of liquids.

Beneficial features

The extract prepared from the fruits of Sapindus is safe for the skin, so it is used as a hypoallergenic medicated shampoo for bathing and washing hair.

In everyday life, the use of soap nuts is advisable:

  • For washing laundry (including those made from thin and delicate fabrics that require special care, as well as children’s clothes);
  • For dish washing;
  • As a repellent (insect repellent);
  • For washing vegetables and fruits;
  • For cleaning the house;
  • For washing children's toys;
  • For pet care;
  • As an insecticidal agent (in particular, in the homeland of sapindus, a solution prepared from the fruit is often used to get rid of fleas and lice);
  • To protect indoor and garden plants from pests;
  • To protect garden crops from late blight and increase their immunity (before planting, a solution of soap nuts is used to treat seeds, during the growing season - to spray the above-ground parts of plants, during harvesting, the solution is regularly sprayed on plant trunks in their root part);
  • For cleaning jewelry that has become blackened over time.

In cosmetology, sapindus fruit extract is used to remove makeup, soften the skin and cleanse it of impurities, as well as to strengthen hair. As a result of its use, hair gains a healthy shine, becomes thicker, more manageable, easier to comb and falls out less. In addition, the product can be useful for dandruff.

Due to their antimicrobial properties, soap nuts effectively destroy bacteria and increase the skin's resistance to infections. In addition, they are a good deodorizing agent.

Soap nuts are also widely used in medicine. Saponins they contain:

  • Stimulate the secretion of bronchial glands;
  • Stimulate the cough coordination center;
  • Facilitate expectoration of sputum;
  • Normalize water-electrolyte and mineral metabolism;
  • Accelerate wound healing;
  • Increase the activity of enzymes and hormones;
  • Normalize the activity of sweat glands;
  • They have an emulsifying, diuretic, emetic, contraceptive, anti-atherosclerotic and laxative effect.

Research has also found that saponins have the ability to inhibit the growth of cancer cells.

Soap nuts are used to prevent caries and treat herpes, and their antimycotic properties are used for fungal infections of the skin, dandruff, and skin rashes. Treatment occurs by eliminating the cause of the disease, that is, destroying the fungus, after which the consequences gradually disappear. As a result, the skin takes on a natural state.

In Ayurvedic medicine, sapindus fruits are used to treat psoriasis and eczema, and remove freckles. In addition, they are used for excessive salivation (salivation), for the treatment of epilepsy, migraine and some forms of anemia.

The combination of properties of soap nuts is truly unique: the product has antimicrobial and antibacterial activity, but does not cause allergies or irritation, but, on the contrary, has a softening and disinfecting effect, and also effectively relieves inflammation.

The insecticidal properties of the fruits allow them to be used for pediculosis.

Indications for use

Indications for the use of soap nuts are:

  • Dermatological diseases;
  • Pediculosis;
  • Dandruff;
  • Caries;
  • Herpes;
  • Increased activity of sweat glands;
  • Ulcers;
  • Wounds;
  • Bedsores;
  • Respiratory diseases, which are accompanied by the formation of thick, difficult to separate sputum;
  • Constipation;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Anemia (some forms);
  • Migraine.


The only contraindication to the use of soap nuts is individual intolerance.

Homemade Soap Nut Remedies

To prepare liquid soap from soap nuts, you need to take 50 grams of crushed shells (you can put them through a garlic press or grind them in a coffee grinder), add four cups of water, bring to a boil and boil for 20-30 minutes over low heat (boiling allows you to extract saponins and promotes their mixing with water). It is best to use soft water, preferably distilled.

In the next three days, it is necessary to repeat boiling the solution once a day. Leaving the crushed shells in the bowl, the resulting extract should be poured into a separate container (for example, into a bottle of liquid soap).

The finished solution can be used as shampoo or shower gel, pet shampoo, insecticide, dishwashing detergent, furniture and floor cleaner, etc.

It should be remembered that the absence of abundant foam (as with most industrial products) does not affect the effectiveness of the soap nut solution.

The less water left after boiling the nuts, the more concentrated the extract. As a rule, at least half of the volume boils away.

By adding water, the extract can be diluted to the concentration required in each case.

Soap nut soap retains its active cleaning properties for 7-14 days, after which its effect becomes weaker. In summer, it is recommended to store the prepared extract in the refrigerator.

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