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Uneven head shape in a child. An uneven head in a baby: what to do, how to fix it. What can be considered normal


Remember the joke about the young man who was not accepted into the army because he had a square skull, and the army did not have the appropriate helmets? In fact, most of us were born with a slightly misshapen skull. Sometimes this is because the baby's skull has become deformed as it passes through the birth canal at birth, and sometimes the unusual shape of the skull may be caused by improper handling of the baby. Some parents allow the baby to lie on one side for a long time, and as a result, this manifests itself on the fragile bones of the skull. But, as you know, The shape of a baby's head may change as he grows. We bring to your attention some very useful tips on how to try to avoid the appearance of flat areas and other deformations on the baby’s skull, and what measures, if necessary, should be taken.


There are two soft areas on the top of a newborn's head where the bones of the skull have not yet fully fused. This an unossified area of ​​the cranial vault called the fontanel, allows the baby’s relatively large head to squeeze through the narrow birth canal at birth. Also, this non-ossified area allows the baby’s rapidly growing brain to develop (including in size). But precisely because this area is still too soft, It is unacceptable to allow a baby to lie in the same position for a long time– this can lead to asymmetrical development of the skull.

This asymmetry can be clearly visible if you look at the baby’s head from above. From this position, the baby's head may appear slightly flatter on one side than the other. On the flatter side, the cheekbones may protrude a little further, and the ear on the flat side may look a little protruding.


The formation of such positional asymmetry is very common in young children, especially if they spend most of their time on one side in a crib or stroller. In order to avoid the occurrence of such asymmetry, you must remember the following rules.

1. Change your baby's position periodically

When a newborn sleeps, he is usually placed on his back. In this case, it is sometimes necessary to change the position of the baby’s head, slightly tilting the head itself, or the whole body together with the head, to the left or to the right. When changing the position of the head, try not to turn the baby completely onto its side. Just put something first under one side, then under the other while sleeping. When feeding your baby, it is a good idea to periodically change the hand on which you hold him.

2. Carry your baby in your arms more often when he is awake

Try to hold your baby more often when he is awake. This will somewhat relieve the pressure on the baby's skull that the crib or stroller exerts.

3. Sometimes turn your baby onto his tummy

At first, sometimes turn the baby face down - let the baby play while on his tummy. But having done this, under no circumstances leave the baby for a second. He should always be under your supervision in this position so as not to accidentally bury your face in the bed and suffocate. If you need to leave the room for a short time, turn your baby back onto his back.

4. Change the position of the crib and the baby in it

If you notice a slight deformation, for example, on the left side of the skull, try to position your baby in a stroller or crib so that you do your household chores while being on his right hand. When playing, the child will be forced to turn his head in the direction where you are., which will allow the pressure on the deformed side to be somewhat relieved. Frequently change the position of the crib in the room, giving the child the opportunity to explore the entire space of the room, and not just, say, you in the chair on your left hand. Never let Put the baby to sleep in such a way that his head is on a pillow or some other soft elevation.


Usually it is enough to change the position in which the child lies in order to prevent deformation of the skull and the formation of asymmetry. If asymmetry has already formed, and no tricks have helped correct it within several months, doctors may recommend a special head bandage that looks like a helmet. This device will help the baby's skull to form symmetrically. The essence of the action of this helmet is that it exerts very weak but constant pressure on a certain part of the skull, which allows the deformed areas to be aligned.

This helmet is very effective during the period from 4 to 6 first months of a baby’s life. It is then that the skull is still very soft, the bones grow quite slowly, and the brain develops quickly. During the entire treatment period, this bandage is worn constantly - usually within 12 weeks. It is removed for a short time only to wash and allow the child’s skin to breathe. About once a week or every two weeks helmet needs to be adjusted for baby. There are similar helmets for correcting a child’s skull at a later age, but in this case the treatment lasts much longer.


Unfortunately, it happens (albeit very rarely) that newborn skull bones fuse prematurely. The resulting hard and inelastic part puts pressure on other bones of the skull as the brain increases in size. This anomaly is called craniosynostosis(premature formation of the skull and obliteration of sutures). Doctors have standard methods for correcting this abnormality in infancy. To give the brain the opportunity to grow and develop, Prematurely fused bones must be separated by surgery.


Often, asymmetry causes panic among parents. They put a helmet on the child and are afraid to touch the baby again, so that, God forbid, they do not damage him during the treatment period! Do not forget that the child continues to grow even with such a device on his head, which means the baby needs games. In order to determine how active play activities should be, it is necessary to consult with a pediatrician. He can also prescribe a massage for the child, which is also best left to specialists.

Many young mothers are very worried if they notice that their newborn’s head is uneven. Lack of experience gives rise to fear and uncertainty: what if something is wrong with the child? However, experts are in a hurry to reassure. In most cases, an uneven head in a baby is normal. There are only a few cases where an uneven head reports problems. For example, a child may have a hematoma.

Not only the mother’s body prepares for childbirth. The child also internally prepares for such a process. The baby's skull remains soft until birth. This makes it easier for the mother to pass through the narrow birth canal. This was how nature intended. This is why babies whose mothers give birth themselves have a slightly uneven or large head.

The reason is a slight deformation of the skull: at birth, the flat head stretches out and takes on an uneven, elongated shape. There is no pathology in this, so you can calm down. There are no special rules provided here.

At birth, a baby’s skull is always slightly deformed: even if it wasn’t like that right away, changes may appear later. However, after some time, the skull will acquire a normal shape, the asymmetry will be restored, and changes in circumference will no longer be noticeable. Therefore, there is no need to worry too much about this.

The head does not take its final shape immediately. For some, the features of the head circumference are formed only by school age.

Usually the skull becomes round and even by one year or a little later.


However, sometimes a flat head takes on a completely unnatural shape. Sometimes the reason for this is a hematoma, but the position of the child also matters. For example, a child has a very sloping head. This happens not at birth, but after childbirth: the head becomes flattened, uneven, large, and sometimes its girth does not correspond to the norm.

If the back of the baby's head is very elongated or slanted, the cause is most often the incorrect position of the child. He can remain in a lying position for a long time, which leads to such changes. Usually in such cases, children turn and tilt their head to one side.

It is dangerous to constantly place your baby on his back. This position is not always harmless, since the baby can spit up and choke, sometimes even choke. What to do? It is recommended to place babies on their side, but change sides. This will help avoid changes and deformations of the skull.

Children always turn their heads towards something interesting: there may be a mother or a rattle. If the crib is located against a wall, the baby will only have to turn in one direction. This can also cause disturbances and deformation of the skull. A sloping nape may also appear.

The bones of the skull remain soft in the first months of life: this protects it from injury and helps brain development.

Special areas - fontanelles - are soft tissue, the cells of which are very elastic. While the fontanelles are open, the shape of the head may change. For example, it may become flat, or the back of the head may become skewed to one side. This means that the child has been lying on his back for a long time.


Many young mothers worry when they notice irregularities and irregularities in the circumference of the baby’s head. But pediatricians and doctors reassure: as soon as the child stops lying down and starts sitting up, the situation will change. This usually happens when the baby spends more time in an upright position. Already at 2-3 months the skull begins to straighten, changes in circumference disappear.

However, sometimes deformation of the circle is a sign that the asymmetry is broken. This happens for various reasons: the baby lacks vitamins, diseases appear and begin to manifest themselves. For example, rickets, which is common in children, often manifests itself this way.

If a baby has rickets, his bones do not strengthen due to lack of calcium, develop poorly, and grow poorly. The fontanelles do not overgrow, so the baby’s head remains soft for a long time, and the skull is subject to changes. Usually in such situations, doctors advise being with the baby in the fresh air more often, and also giving him vitamin D and calcium.

If the baby begins to turn his head only in one direction, his neck may be crooked. It doesn’t matter whether the child is lying down or in his arms. In this case, you should definitely contact a specialist.

A doctor’s consultation will also be required in another case: if the fontanelles quickly overgrow. Intracranial pressure may occur, leading to serious problems.

What to do in this case? An experienced doctor will immediately identify violations of the circumference and girth of the head. But it is better to carry out routine examinations with a neurologist and surgeon. This will allow you to identify problems at the first stage.

A hematoma deserves special attention. It is an accumulation of blood or fluid in areas where soft tissue cells rupture. It usually happens right under the skin or near the skull. Why does a hematoma occur? If the child was large and walked heavily, he had to “pave” his way. This causes damage such as a hematoma.

A hematoma can also appear in another case: if the mother had a cesarean section. The baby moves from one environment to another, and this happens abruptly. Tissue cells cannot immediately adapt to the new environment, which is why a hematoma forms. For a child, this phenomenon is stress. If the hematoma becomes larger than normal, this is a bad sign.

Hematoma often appears in premature babies. Sometimes it is the cause of curvature of the circumference and incorrect girth of the skull. The hematoma may resolve on its own, but medical intervention may be required. In any case, you must first conduct a diagnosis and identify the type of hematoma, especially if it is large. This is out of the norm.

How to align the head

A sloping and irregular back of the head, a flat head, a convex forehead, irregular asymmetry - all these situations are not always a cause for concern. But only a doctor can determine the cause. If the case is dangerous, they may prescribe an additional examination and collect tests. In any case, you should first consult a doctor to eliminate your own fears.

There are some things parents can do themselves:

  • a beautiful, even skull can be formed by alternating sides of the bed. For example, first the headboard is on one side, then on the other. The breast and container of milk should also be served to the baby from different sides. You can lay your child in different directions each time, change position. The norms will be respected;
  • It is necessary to hold the child in your arms more often. For the same reason, it is recommended to turn the baby onto his tummy more often. In this position, its head will not be able to bend, asymmetry will be eliminated, and the back of the head will take on the desired shape.

The recommendations presented above are sufficient if the situation is not critical. But some mothers believe that their baby’s head is crooked and try to correct it in every possible way. Don't try everything: the most effective method is massage. But the delicate skin and soft bones of a newborn should be treated with extreme caution. This is not a massage. You just need to carefully give the skull and head the desired shape.

You can contact an orthopedist and consult with him about the use of an orthopedic pillow: sometimes such a thing is very useful, this is confirmed by numerous reviews.

Asymmetry of head shape is quite common.

As a rule, only parents see it, and strangers do not notice anything. Due to inexperience, young mothers often worry and worry whether this is some kind of pathological disorder.

Like the mother’s body, the baby’s body also prepares for a stressful situation – birth.

Until the moment of birth and for a year after, the bones of the skull remain soft.

This mechanism, laid down by nature, facilitates the passage of the child through the narrow birth canal.

This is accomplished through partial displacement and compression of the bones of the skull. Therefore, immediately after birth, the baby’s head has a slightly unnatural shape.

Babies born by cesarean section are less likely to have head deformities than babies born naturally.

But even if immediately after birth the baby’s head has a normal shape, changes can occur later. This will be due to constant lying in one position or insufficient care of the baby. But in 80 percent of cases, the deformity is restored, the asymmetry disappears, and the head takes on a natural shape.

Usually the skull becomes smooth and takes on the correct shape by about one year. But in some cases they are restored by school age.


There are times when the head still does not take its natural shape.

And there are a number of reasons for this: hematoma, the position in which the baby is most of the time.

The most common deformity is a sloping nape. This may not only be a consequence of childbirth, but also a postpartum change.

The head becomes flattened, uneven, the girth does not correspond to age standards.

A strongly elongated and sloping back of the head, as a rule, is the result of improper lying of the baby. That is, the child spends most of his time lying on his back. And, as a rule, children choose one side that is most convenient for them, in which they constantly turn and tilt their head.

Modern doctors note that placing a baby on its back is not always safe. Since, he may choke or even choke.

Therefore, it is recommended to place the child on his side, periodically changing sides. This will not only reduce the risk of danger from regurgitation, but also prevent deformation and various changes in the shape of the skull.

The baby always turns to where there are objects of interest. If the crib is located near the wall, then mom and dad always come from one side, and everything interesting is also only on one side. This one-sidedness also provokes changes in shape, such as a sloping nape. In this case, you should carefully monitor the baby, shift him to different sides, and often lay him on his tummy.

Fontana in a child

The baby's skull has a special soft area - the fontanel. As long as the fontanel is open (not ossified), all flaws, changes and deformations can correct themselves.

  • Thus, acceptable changes that are not considered as pathology are considered to be:
  • dolichocephaly - the shape of the head is similar to an egg, the back of the head is slightly elongated. If no other signs of pathology are observed, then the child is considered completely healthy, and these deformities go away on their own;


brachycephaly - narrow occiput and elongated parietal part. Also considered normal.

By 2–3 months, the shape of the baby’s head begins to gradually improve. This is due to the fact that the child spends more and more time in an upright position, turns his head more and tilts it in different directions.

The pressure on the slowly hardening bones of the skull is reduced, and asymmetry is corrected.

If a baby develops rickets, then head deformation is one of the signs. In addition, the body does not absorb calcium in the required amount, bones do not strengthen, and the baby grows and develops poorly. The fontanelle does not close on time, the bones of the skull remain soft for a long time, which means they are subject to severe changes. To prevent such phenomena, pediatricians advise walking more and taking vitamin D.

Vitamins are taken only in the dosage prescribed by the doctor.

Another cause of head deformation can be a disease such as torticollis. In this case, the child turns his head only in one direction, and not only when he is lying in the crib, but also when he is in an upright position. This pathology should be treated only after consulting a doctor.

It is also necessary to immediately go to the doctor if the fontanel closes too early, since early ossification can cause an increase in intracranial pressure, which, in turn, can provoke more serious diseases.

In this case, a consultation with a neurologist and a surgeon is scheduled, who provide complex treatment, including both medicinal and non-medicinal methods.

Birth hematoma deserves special attention. It is an accumulation of blood at the sites of soft tissue rupture.

The reason for the appearance of a hematoma may be the fact that the baby was born very large, and the damage was received during the passage of the birth canal. If a child was born via cesarean section, a sharp change in pressure between the womb and the natural space provokes a hematoma, since tissue cells are not able to quickly rebuild.

Ideally, the hematoma should resolve on its own, and then everything is fine. But if this does not happen or it increases in size, then you should urgently consult a doctor.

Experts also identify such forms of head deformation as:

  • cephalohematoma - a lump with blood inside, usually in the parietal region, less often on the back of the head, forehead or temples. Cephalohematoma can occur if the fetus is large and the mother’s birth canal is extremely narrow; if the mother’s pelvic bones were damaged; if the pregnancy is advanced.

Cephalohematoma can also be provoked by a disease of the baby’s brain – hydrocephalus, and other reasons. This type of damage is difficult to assess, as it is associated with the natural postpartum swelling of the baby. And only after it passes, you can really assess the size of the cephalohematoma.

With normal development, it goes away on its own within 2 to 4 weeks.

But 10–14 days after birth, you must see a specialist. And if it does not resolve on its own, the doctor will remove it by aspiration. This procedure is not complicated and takes 10–15 minutes.

If parents do not agree with the procedure, you can wait about one week. But it is worth remembering that the cephalohematoma becomes calcified. That is, calcium salts are deposited in this formation. And then the removal procedure may become more complicated.

But you shouldn’t be afraid of it, since this damage is still treatable;

  • a birth tumor is swelling of the soft tissues of the head, usually the back of the head, forehead or crown. It is extremely rare that swelling spreads to the face. If it was small, it goes away on its own after a few days, leaving no traces. If the tumor is large, then the child must be under the supervision of doctors.

How does body position affect the shape of the skull?

It has been mentioned many times before that if a baby lies in one position for a long time, this directly leads to deformation of the shape of the head. When a child lies on his back for a long time, this provokes a slanting of the back of the head, making the back of the head too flat.

Baby sleeps on his back

The head becomes flattened when constantly lying on one side. In this case, the head has a flat, egg-shaped, unnatural shape. Therefore, in order for the baby’s head to have the correct rounded shape, it is necessary to carefully monitor the position in which the baby most often sleeps.

How to align the head?

Head asymmetry is not always a cause for concern for young parents. But to exclude possible complications, you should consult a doctor. The doctor will conduct an examination. If any doubts arise, additional examinations will be ordered. But you should do this to reassure yourself.

To prevent head asymmetry, you should follow a few simple rules that will help the natural restoration of shape:

  1. Change the position of the baby's head more often - as a rule, the baby sleeps most of the time on his back. Therefore, it is worth changing by slightly tilting it. In this case, there is no need to completely lay the child on his side; it is enough to simply place a small cushion under one side, then under the other. You should also alternate hands when breastfeeding.
  2. When the baby is not sleeping, carry him in your arms more often - this will reduce the pressure on the cranial bones.
  3. Place the baby on your tummy. At the same time, it is important to observe safety precautions. While the baby is not holding his head up, do not leave him unattended for a minute so that he does not bury his nose in the bed and suffocate.
  4. It is worth changing the position of the baby - if a slight deformation is noticed, lay the baby out so that he turns his head in the opposite direction from the deformation, and, therefore, the mother should be on that side in order to arouse the child’s interest.
  5. You can also take a massage course, but only from a professional massage therapist, after consultation with a pediatrician.

Asymmetry of a baby’s head is most often not a death sentence, but a natural process in the development of the baby. Therefore, you should not immediately panic and start testing all possible treatment methods on your baby. You need to consult a doctor to prescribe adequate treatment, if necessary.

But we must always remember that in 80 percent of cases, asymmetry goes away on its own without consequences if you follow basic child care rules. If the deformation is a sign of a disease, then identifying it at an early stage and prescribing treatment will either completely solve the problem or correct it as much as possible.

Video on the topic

There is no need to say how much parents worry when they notice any deviations in the development of their baby. Skull deformation in children is a very serious cause for concern for many mothers and fathers. However, in some cases, these experiences are in vain, since the phenomenon is associated with the natural development of the child. However, parents need to monitor the size of the child’s head circumference and cranial deformations. In some cases, observation will help identify a dangerous pathology at an early stage. So let's deal with all the problems that worry new parents.

Baby's head circumference

In the first 12 months of his life, the baby grows and develops rapidly. The process also applies to the baby’s head - during this period the diameter of his skull should increase by several centimeters!

The greatest activity of this stage is observed in the first half of life. In a one-month-old baby, compared to a newborn, the diameter of the skull will increase by 2 cm! This process slows down only by the 4th month of life.

Parents sometimes think that the fetus has a big head. There is nothing pathogenic or scary about this. The baby's body will acquire the correct proportions only by one year. But at the 15-16th week of life, his chest and head will be of the same diameter.

What is the normal skull circumference for a newborn?

The normal head circumference of a newborn baby is 35 cm. However, taking into account individual characteristics, the normal diameter of the skull will be in the range of 32-38 cm. Further observation is carried out taking into account the size of the head circumference at birth.

If the indicators are slightly higher than normal, then, accordingly, during subsequent development, a small increase will be normal. If the head size at birth is smaller than standard, then this should be taken into account when analyzing development indicators.

Table with baby head sizes

The table specially compiled by scientists “Child’s head circumference by month” is very helpful here. You can read it in the article. The table not only shows the norm for a certain age, but deviations from it that are not pathological.

However, the table “Child’s head circumference by month” is not able to reflect the individual characteristics of each baby. Therefore, measurements should only be taken by a pediatrician, analyzing the results regarding a specific baby.

Each parent can independently calculate the normal increase in the size of their child’s skull as they grow and develop:

  • Children 0-6 months have the fastest increase in head diameter. Every month it normally increases by 1.5-2 cm.
  • It is considered normal for babies 0.5-1 years old to increase their head circumference by 0.5-1 cm every month.

Pathological and non-dangerous deviations in head size

Why is it so important to monitor the increase in the diameter of the baby's head? Sizes that are too small or too large may indicate a serious illness. But deviations are not always pathological in nature. The main reasons are as follows:

  • Hydrocephalus. This is a pathologically large head in a newborn. A congenital defect that causes dropsy of the brain. It leads to swelling of the baby’s fontanel, an increase in the size of the skull, and a characteristic protrusion of the venous network on the head. The danger of the defect is that it can lead to both serious neurological disorders and death.
  • Microcephaly. With this pathology, the baby, on the contrary, has a very small head. A closed fontanelle does not allow the skull to expand. Such developmental delay is fraught with a wide range of consequences.
  • Consequences of birth trauma. One of the common reasons. When passing through the birth canal, the child could touch not only the internal tissues of the mother, but also hit the bones with his head through their thickness. The injury leads to the appearance of edema. In most cases, this effect goes away on its own within 24 hours. But a certain percentage of children require serious treatment. Swelling at some point makes the child's head larger than normal.
  • Hereditary factor. If most of your family members have a somewhat large or small head, then it is not surprising that the newborn heir will boast of a similar feature. You should warn your pediatrician about this fact.

An uneven head is normal!

Let's move on from sizes to skull deformations in children. Experts tell us: an uneven head in a baby is absolutely normal!

The fact is that the fetus’s body, like its mother, is also preparing for the upcoming birth. That is why, until birth, wise nature leaves the bones of the child’s skull soft. This helps him pass through the narrow birth canal more easily.

If a woman gives birth to a baby naturally, his head is normally slightly deformed or enlarged. Children born by caesarean section, as a rule, will not have this feature.

At birth, infants are somewhat elongated, which leads to deformations of the skull in children and the appearance of small irregularities. There is no need to worry here. In the process of development and growth, the asymmetry will pass, and the irregularities will smooth out.

A child’s head becomes round and even in shape only by one year of age. And the final circumference of the skull in most children is formed only by school age.

Why was the child’s skull deformed?

Skull deformation in infants can occur not only at birth. Sometimes parents notice that during development, the child’s skull has changed unnaturally. What's happened?

Let's look at the most common cases:

  • Strongly elongated or sloping back of the head. In this case, the head may be uneven, flattened, and its size no longer corresponds to normal. What does this type of skull shape indicate? The problem most often is that the baby is in the same type of lying position for too long. Newborns have the peculiarity of tilting their head to a certain side. This leads to the development of skull deformation in children.
  • The baby’s skull bones remain soft for a long time. This is provided by nature for a reason: this feature allows the brain to develop unhindered and protects the child himself from injury. Therefore, if he often turns his head in a certain direction, lies on one side, all this can affect the shape of his skull. Mothers always move the child from one position to another, placing him in different directions from the object of interest.
  • Don't forget about the fontanel. This is an area on the head characterized by elastic soft tissues. While the fontanel is open and not closed, the shape of the child’s skull can sometimes change significantly. The head becomes lopsided or flat if the baby just lies in the same position for a long time. Therefore, parents should always pay attention to this fact so that in the future the adult child does not blame them for his disproportionate skull shape.

When does the danger of deformation pass?

Don’t think that you will always have to monitor how often your baby turns his head to the right or left, or which side he lies on more often. Pediatricians reassure: deformation of the skull in an infant is a phenomenon characteristic of the period when he can only lie down.

As soon as the baby learns to sit down and begins to spend more time in an upright position, the situation will change. As a rule, already in the 2-3rd month of life, the baby’s skull becomes noticeably straighter, deformations disappear, and the head gradually begins to take on a permanent correct shape.

By the way, the opposite problem here will be the overgrowth of fontanelles too quickly. In this case, the skull becomes prematurely rigid. Of course, this saves the baby from the danger of skull deformation earlier, but it is fraught with other things. The child suffers from increased intracranial pressure.

Pathological causes of deformation

We have discussed common harmless cases. However, deformation of the shape of the skull in children can also occur for serious reasons:

  • Rickets.
  • Curvature of the neck.
  • Hematoma.

Let's consider each of the situations in detail.


Rickets is a disease that still occurs quite often in young children. Deformation of the head shape is one of its most common manifestations.

The cause of rickets is a lack of calcium in the body. Because of this, the baby grows and develops slowly, his bones are weak and fragile. Another consequence is that the fontanelles do not heal for a long time. Therefore, the cranial bones remain soft even in a relatively large child. And, as a result, they remain susceptible to deformation longer.

Treatment is prescribed in the form of taking medications containing calcium and vitamin D. It is also important to introduce foods rich in these elements into the baby’s diet and spend time with him in the fresh air more often.

Curvature of the neck

The child constantly turns and tilts his head to one side, which over time causes deformation of his skull. However, we need to figure out why he does this.

The reason is not always a matter of habit. Often this behavior is a sign of curvature of the cervical vertebra. What should parents do in this case? See a pediatric surgeon or neurologist for examination as soon as possible. The specialist will prescribe a treatment that is quite effective in dealing with the problem in the early stages.


A hematoma is an accumulation of blood or other biological fluid at the site of rupture of soft tissue cells. It can occur both under the skin and near the skull bone. Such a formation can severely deform the small head of a newborn.

A hematoma may appear on his head as a result of a birth injury. This is especially true for large children and babies with a large skull. Passing through the mother's birth canal, it can easily be damaged by her internal organs and bones.

Children who were born by caesarean section are not immune from hematoma on the head. Here the baby abruptly moves from his comfortable environment to an external, completely different one. A stressful situation is reflected on the external surfaces. They become too susceptible, which is why any impact can damage them and cause the formation of a hematoma.

How to correct the deformation?

We found that deformation of the shape of the skull in infants is a common phenomenon. However, with any problem that bothers you, it is best to see your pediatrician!

If the causes of the deformation are not pathological, then it can be easily combated in a number of simple ways:

  1. Change your baby's position in the crib periodically. As a rule, it is placed on the back. Then tilt the head to the right or left. You can change its position along with the position of the body.
  2. Do not turn your baby completely onto his side. You can place a blanket under his left or right side while lying on his back to change his position.
  3. When breastfeeding, the mother should ensure that she holds the baby with a different hand each time.
  4. Pediatricians also advise periodically turning the baby onto his tummy. But at the same time, don’t leave him for a second! There is a high chance that he may suffocate by burying his nose in a blanket or pillow.
  5. If you have already noticed a deformation, then change the location of the crib so that the beveled part is on the “uninteresting” side (for example, towards the wall), and the baby no longer lays his head on it.
  6. It is advisable to periodically change the location of the crib in the room so that the child can examine everything without being frozen in the same position day after day.
  7. Do not let your baby fall asleep on a pillow or other soft surface.
  8. In some cases, massage helps. However, for such help you should only contact a qualified specialist.

Treatment - helmet?

If the above tips do not correct the situation, then the asymmetry can be corrected with the help of a special bandage, similar in shape to a helmet. The device gently acts on the deformed areas for a certain time, returning them to their normal position.

The helmet is effective at 4-6 months of life. And provided that the child wears it constantly for 12 weeks. The device is removed only for hygiene procedures. In addition, once every week or two, parents adjust the size of the bandage, taking into account the fact that the child’s head is enlarged.

Deformation of the shape of the baby’s skull in most cases will not be a dangerous symptom. It can be dealt with by following simple recommendations and wearing a special bandage.

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