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Several effective ways to increase lactation. How to reduce the amount of breast milk and distinguish hyperlactation from other problems of milk secretion

Some mothers admit that they wait until the day the feeding ends, because breastfeeding is sometimes so tiring and the woman can no longer wait to offer her baby adult food. It is also common for circumstances such as going to work or health problems to stop feeding. In any case, there will be less milk in your breasts simply because you want or need it. Helpers will come in handy in the form of a list of products that reduce lactation.

Your baby is lucky if he was able to receive all the benefits of breast milk from birth. It has been proven many times that this is the optimal food for ensuring the health and development of the baby. But, of course, the moment when the baby will need to be weaned is inevitable. How I would like the body to perceive the desire to complete breastfeeding as a call to action. But everything is not so simple, because this process does not take a day or two.

Some mothers say that milk production gradually fades away without any extra effort. However, most women complain of painful sensations in the breasts, lumps and uncontrolled milk production. If you are familiar with this problem firsthand, you can start fighting it by adjusting the menu, choosing products that can reduce lactation. This will help your body stop producing milk.

About the reasons for stopping breastfeeding

The mother must inform her doctor about her desire to stop lactation. This is followed by an analysis of the cause and the development of an action plan. The measures taken to stop lactation largely depend on the motivation for such a responsible decision. Sometimes it is impossible to do without medication. But there are cases when folk remedies in combination with a special diet consisting of foods that reduce the ability to lactation can help reduce milk production.

So, among the main reasons for stopping lactation are the following:

  • the most common reason for such a decision is health problems of the mother or baby;
  • sometimes it is necessary to reduce the amount of breast milk only for a while, this happens due to an urgent trip or the mother’s departure;
  • sometimes a woman complains of an excess amount of milk, which is too much for the baby, and if in this case the lactation is not reduced, there is a risk of mastitis or lactose deficiency;
  • the age after 2 years is considered optimal for weaning - and if it has arrived, the mother almost always faces the need to stop milk production;
  • There are many advantages to maternity leave, but often the mother has to go to work at the age of 2-3 years and stop lactation;
  • a new pregnancy may also be the cause;
  • sometimes a mother just gets tired of breastfeeding and wants to stop it;
  • Taking some medications is incompatible with feeding milk, so its production must be stopped.

When deciding to stop lactation, a woman must carefully weigh the pros and cons. First of all, you should think about whether there is such a good reason to deprive your baby of breast milk. If the answer is firmly positive, then you should move on to active measures and you can start by choosing products that reduce lactation.

Pulling - why doctors are against it

The experienced older generation loves to give various advice to the young mother with or without reason. And if you share that you want to reduce the amount of milk, a caring grandmother will confidently tell you that breast tightening is the best way. This recommendation can be found quite often on the Internet.

So, inspired by the simplicity of this method, mommy enthusiastically sets out to find an elastic bandage or scarf. And he makes a big mistake! You can ask any modern doctor about the wisdom of this method - he will probably quickly convince you.

The fact is that by tightening your chest, you create all the conditions for poor circulation. And this entails such serious consequences as mastitis or lactostasis. This is understandable: tight tugs directly affect the formation of milk stagnation.

Sometimes this method can be effective and safe, but this is only if you have already noticed a decrease in the amount of breast milk. We still advise you not to take risks, but to resort to more loyal means, for example, choosing products that help reduce lactation.

No breast pump!

We are certainly not against this wonderful invention. Today it is a faithful assistant for high-quality pumping. Some mothers cannot imagine life without it during breastfeeding. For some reason, they also believe that a breast pump, among other things, can reduce lactation.

Actually this is not true. By using this miracle device, you, on the contrary, will give the body a signal that there is not enough milk. This cry for help will be accepted, and lactation will begin to occur more actively. And since this is not the effect you need, you should stop using a breast pump.

Soft weaning

If you have enough time, you can use a natural method to reduce your milk supply. This is also definitely your option if you are for a gentle and painless weaning of your baby from the breast.

The essence of this method is to slowly but surely reduce the number of feedings, and then completely eliminate them. Here's how it works in practice:

  1. The first step is to eliminate one feeding. To prevent your baby from starving, feed him artificial nutrition at this time.
  2. After 3-4 days, the child will adapt to such innovations. This means it's time to eliminate another feeding.
  3. A few more days will pass and the baby will get used to it again. Then reduce another meal with breast milk.
  4. Then eliminate night feedings.
  5. If you add to the above measures a proper diet, including foods that can reduce lactation, the effect will be even better.

In order not to provoke milk stagnation, do not forget to express milk until your breasts are soft. At the same time, you should leave a small amount of milk: this way you allow it to burn out. According to this scheme, soon the number of feedings will be reduced to 1-2 times a day, and then there will be no need for them at all. Lactation will also gradually decrease and then stop.

It is this technique of reducing the amount of milk and stopping breastfeeding that is practiced by modern mammologists. Its main advantage is that you minimize the baby’s stress at such a serious stage in his life. If the mother acts carefully and gradually, the baby may not even notice these dramatic changes.

When is a diet needed?

If you are breastfeeding, you have probably noticed more than once how your diet and the foods you choose affect the baby’s condition, as well as the quality and quantity of milk. When you are looking for a way to reduce lactation, consider the dependence of the amount of breast milk on your menu.

Sometimes in a mother’s life there are situations when lactation should be reduced only for a certain period of time, for example, an urgent departure. By following a simple diet, you will achieve this goal in about 2-3 weeks. If you later need to increase the amount of breast milk, you can also do this by changing the menu.

There are products that reduce milk production, but they will be harmful to the baby. For example, quite often you can find recommendations for the consumption of smoked meats, canned food, hot herbs and spices. Yes, under their aggressive influence, milk can really leave you, but the baby will develop colic or other digestive problems.

Products - helpers

Then what foods safely reduce lactation? Here's the list:

  • black pepper and other spices;
  • mint or lingonberry tea;
  • decoctions and infusions based on sage;
  • folk recipes with parsley;
  • a decoction of horsetail in combination with sage;
  • infusion of belladonna, white cinquefoil or jasmine leaves.

What to exclude

As you can see, products that reduce lactation are mainly herbs. Unfortunately, there is no food that can have a significant effect on reducing the amount of breast milk. But you can achieve this effect by excluding the following products from your menu:

  • walnuts and hazelnuts;
  • seeds;
  • limiting fermented milk and dairy foods;
  • tea with milk;
  • carrot juice;
  • beer;
  • any hot dishes and drinks;
  • dairy products;
  • limit your fluid intake per day to 1.5 liters;
  • also reduce the amount of foods that contain a lot of liquid.

These dietary restrictions should help you reduce your milk supply, but you shouldn’t expect miracles from them - more often than not, a special diet will act as an additional method. However, if you need a temporary reduction in lactation, the above menu changes will be very helpful.

Choosing a diet based on products that reduce lactation can be supplemented with several more effective actions:

  • if possible, reduce the amount of milk and wean the baby from the breast during the lactation crisis;
  • during this period it is better to wear a thick cotton bra with no underwire;
  • Closed clothing without cutouts on the chest would be preferable;
  • do not deprive your baby of a pacifier or bottle - they will comfort him at the time of weaning;
  • maintain a calm and confident attitude - then the little one will feel that there is nothing terrible in the changes taking place;
  • Consult your doctor to find the best way to control your milk supply;
  • It’s unlikely that your baby will immediately “receive your idea with a bang” - but you shouldn’t give up and give in: if you go against your script, you’ll only make weaning worse.

And finally, the most important thing: always stay in a good mood, regardless of whether you are consuming products to reduce lactation. If you think and act positively, then even such a difficult stage as weaning and reducing lactation will pass easily and naturally!

The most common problem for nursing mothers is maintaining breast milk production in such quantities that the baby does not need to be supplemented with an adapted formula. But the opposite situations occur when it is necessary quickly stop lactation due to the woman’s health, or when the time has come for the grown-up baby to give up breastfeeding, but a lot of milk is still produced. We recently discussed the question, now let's consider the opposite situation.

How to stop lactation in such cases? We will present and discuss several of the most common methods.

Ways to stop lactation

The formation of milk in the breast occurs under the influence of pituitary hormones, which are produced only in response to the regular frequent release of the mammary gland when the baby sucks or when pumping. The quantity is influenced by many factors:

  • increased blood supply and increased temperature of the secreting lobules of the breast;
  • adequate maternal fluid intake;
  • the presence of acute or exacerbation of chronic diseases in a woman;
  • food quality;
  • the emotional status of the nursing mother and the intensity of her daily routine.

All ways to stop lactation are based on various ways of influencing the above factors.

Tight ligation of the breast to stop lactation

This is one of the oldest methods. It was believed that squeezing the mammary glands with dense tissue quickly reduced milk production. But this opinion is wrong. The secretory lobules do not stop functioning, the milk passages become overfilled. External pressure on the chest, combined with a feeling of fullness from the inside, causes severe pain in a woman. The milk is not expressed, so lactostasis forms, which is often complicated by mastitis with an increase in temperature and deterioration in health. As a result, part of the milk lobules, after the inflammatory process subsides, is replaced by scar tissue, changing the shape of the breast. During subsequent births, the beginning of the lactation period is accompanied by severe pain, frequent occurrence of lactostasis and mastitis, and hypogalactia.

Limiting fluid intake to stop lactation

This is an effective way to gradually reduce the amount of milk produced. The mother is advised to reduce fluid intake as much as possible. To do this, exclude soups and foods that cause thirst from the diet. And drinking is limited as much as possible. If you are thirsty, instead of tea, you can use decoctions of herbs that have a diuretic effect in quantities of up to 1 liter per day. These are lingonberry leaves, garden parsley, bearberry, elecampane, basil, horsetail, and madder.

Taking herbal remedies that reduce lactation

In addition to diuretic herbs, there are plants that can reduce the amount of milk produced. These are sage and mint (fragrant and peppery). Within a day after taking them in the form of a decoction, the breasts become softer, and within one to two weeks lactation stops completely. As with drinking diuretic herbs, you only need to express your breasts a little when you feel a feeling of painful fullness.

Medicines that stop lactation

This is a large group of highly active, mainly hormonal drugs that inhibit the secretory activity of the pituitary gland. These include bromocriptine, dostinex, duphaston, parlodel, orgametril, cabergoline, microfollin, and utrozhestan. Depending on the type of drug, complete cessation of lactation occurs after 1 to 14 days. Due to the presence of a large number of quickly occurring and long-term side effects, this technique is practiced by doctors only in cases where it is necessary to urgently stop milk production. Since there are many contraindications for the use of these drugs, self-medication with them is not acceptable.

Today, the list of contraindications to breastfeeding has significantly decreased. Lactation is unacceptable only in the case of severe purulent mastitis, open form of tuberculosis, malignant neoplasms during their treatment, congenital anomalies of the structure of the mammary glands, in which there are no milk ducts. You cannot give a baby milk from a mother who is forced to constantly take potent medications that can cause negative reactions in the child’s body.

But acute inflammatory diseases, taking a short course of antibacterial and other drugs (for example, for systemic anesthesia during emergency or planned surgery) are not indications for complete cessation of lactation. In such cases, the baby is temporarily fed with an adapted formula, and the mother expresses milk. Breastfeeding can be resumed the next day after the period of removal of the last dose of the drug from the woman’s body has expired.

Physiological method of stopping lactation

This method, depending on the individual characteristics of lactation, takes from five days to three weeks. Its main advantage is that it is completely non-traumatic for the chest and completely free of pain.

A woman only needs to follow the following rules:

1. You need to start weaning during a lactation crisis.. Every 3-4 weeks, a nursing mother’s milk supply decreases by 1-3 days. In the first 5 months, lactation crises are more pronounced, up to the complete absence of milk. In the second half of the year, only periods of moderate hypogalactia are more often observed. All the following rules are described specifically for these days.

2. Avoid night breastfeeding. During the day, do not put the baby to the breast regularly, but only when there is significant filling. Express a small portion of milk only if you feel painful swelling of the mammary glands.

3. The mother should exclude hot drinks, soups, and those foods that caused her milk supply from her diet. Most often it is boiled beef, dill, fennel, caraway seeds, beer. Limit fluid intake as much as possible. Instead of tea, drink herbal decoctions with a diuretic effect, be sure to supplement them with sage and mint in the amount of 1-2 grams of dry herbs per glass of water.

4. Provide access to cool air to the body, do not wrap your chest in warm clothes.

5. Don't take a bath. Wash in a warm shower, ending by pouring cool water over the mammary glands.

6. If the skin of the mammary glands has a vascular pattern, or they are hot to the touch, you can apply cold compresses to them for 20 minutes. But you should not cool your breasts too much, as this will cause inflammation.

7. Hold your baby as little as possible, minimizing tight skin-to-skin contact as much as possible.

8. Wear a bra made of thick cotton fabric 24/7, which should reliably support and lightly press the mammary glands. If your breast volume decreases, change your underwear to a smaller size in a timely manner.

When choosing a method to stop milk production in the breast, you need to consult a gynecologist. He will suggest the method that will, if possible, prevent the occurrence of side effects and complications as much as possible, and will keep the breast tissue intact. This is very important for planning breastfeeding during the next birth, as well as for the prevention of benign and malignant neoplasms.

There comes a time in the life of every young mother when she should gradually complete lactation. The reason for this may be the age of the baby, as well as the need to stop lactation for medical reasons.

It is important for the mother that this process proceeds safely and smoothly, without the risk of side effects. You can carefully stop lactation at home, but only with prior consultation with your doctor.

Reasons for self-interruption of lactation

For a nursing mother, the problem is not only a shortage of breast milk, but also its excess. Especially if the baby has grown up and it’s time for him to switch to adult food. A significant reason for stopping breastfeeding are diseases that have caused the use of medications that are incompatible with lactation.

  • when an open form of tuberculosis is detected in a nursing mother;
  • for malignant neoplasms;
  • with the development of a purulent-inflammatory process in the mammary glands (mastitis).

In other cases, if the child’s age allows, the mother is recommended to temporarily switch the baby to artificial formula. If completion of lactation is inevitable, then the nursing mother should choose a gentle way to accomplish this task.

How to solve this problem at home

The physiological method of stopping breastfeeding is the most optimal for the female body. This technique allows you to gently complete lactation, avoiding discomfort for the mother and stress for the baby. The peculiarity of this method is that it requires a lot of time.

The essence of the method is to consistently reduce the frequency of breastfeeding. In addition, night and morning breastfeeding should be completely avoided. It is recommended to feed the baby during the daytime with vegetable and fruit purees, as well as cereals. So that the baby can realize the sucking reflex, it is recommended to give him baby teas, juices and fruit drinks through a bottle with a pacifier.

Breastfeeding mothers should limit the daily amount of liquid consumed. It is strictly forbidden to consume hot first courses and hot drinks. For a while, you should exclude dairy and fermented milk products, as well as anything that provokes a feeling of thirst.

If a woman feels discomfort and bloating in the mammary glands, then she is recommended to express small portions of breast milk until the discomfort completely disappears. The only drawback of this technique is its duration.

Drug therapy

A woman can complete lactation at home with the help of medications, the use of which is recommended to be coordinated with the attending physician. Most of these drugs are hormonal, so mothers are advised to be careful when taking them.

The following medications are used to prematurely end lactation:

  • Utrozhestan;
  • Dostinex;
  • Cabergotin;
  • Parlodel;
  • Duphaston.

Each drug mentioned has pronounced hormonal activity, due to which lactation can stop 2 days after starting to take the medication. It is important to understand that self-medication in this case is inappropriate, as it leads to serious consequences in the form of hormonal imbalance in the female body.

You can gradually stop lactation at home with the help of sedative medications. For this purpose, tincture of valerian and motherwort is used. These drops will help not only slow down the synthesis of milk in the mammary glands, but also calm the nervous system of the nursing mother and normalize sleep.

If a mother needs to interrupt lactation in a short time, the attending physician will be able to select the optimal drug for her. The main task of a woman is to comply with the specified regimen and dosage of the drug.

Traditional medicine methods

Important! A nursing mother is strictly prohibited from ligating her mammary glands to stop lactation. Compression of the mammary glands leads to a deterioration in blood supply and the development of serious consequences, including malignant neoplasms.

If a nursing mother decides to complete lactation, then she is recommended to start taking an infusion of sage herb. The beneficial substances contained in this plant can affect the mammary glands. It is recommended to brew sage alone or in combination with herbs such as chamomile, bloodroot, mint and belladonna.

To prepare herbal tea, it is recommended to take 1 tbsp. l. Herbs and pour 350 ml of boiling water. The mixture is kept in a ceramic bowl or thermos for 20 minutes. The infused tea is filtered and consumed 100 ml 3 times a day. It is better not to drink this tea warm.

To reduce the flow of milk, you should use a decoction of lingonberry leaves, horsetail or parsley. To prepare the decoction, it is recommended to take 1.5 tbsp. l. dry raw materials and pour 500 ml of boiled water. Cook the prepared mixture over low heat for 2-3 minutes, then strain and drink warm instead of regular tea.

To stop lactation, agents for external use are used. For this purpose, it is recommended to use camphor oil, which should be rubbed with gentle movements into the area of ​​the mammary glands. This procedure should be performed in the morning and evening before bed. Camphor oil is used not only for rubbing, but also as a compress. To do this, you need to take a gauze napkin, soak it in camphor oil and apply it to the mammary gland area.

Cling film and woolen cloth are placed on top of the compress. Camphor oil has a pungent odor, so all clothing soaked in it must be disposed of.

A young mother is recommended to wear compression underwear that holds the mammary glands in one position. Such bras not only speed up the end of lactation, but also prevent the appearance of stretch marks in the mammary glands.

In order to complete lactation, it is not necessary to be in a hospital setting, but this process must be monitored by a gynecologist. A woman can carry out all medical prescriptions at home, but she should not forget about regular consultations with a medical specialist.

The bulk of recommendations for breastfeeding are aimed at increasing milk supply, so hyperlactation is not perceived by many as a problem. But in fact, excessive milk production is a pathology and can harm both the nursing mother and the baby.

What is lactation

Lactation is the process of milk formation in the breast, its accumulation and release. Lactation begins during pregnancy - many women secrete colostrum from their breasts at this time. The duration of lactation varies - sometimes it ends quite quickly regardless of the woman’s wishes (this is usually called “milk has burned out” or “run out”), but usually breast milk continues to be produced and released as long as there is stimulation of the breast (that is, while the baby is sucks).

Stages of lactation formation:

  • preparatory - begins during pregnancy; under the influence of hormones, the tissues of the mammary glands are rebuilt, the ducts in the breast grow and branch, the alveoli responsible for the production and storage of milk develop, the number of lactocyte cells that produce milk rapidly increases;
  • formation of lactation - the start of the lactation process occurs at the moment of the birth of the child and separation of the placenta; the first flow of milk occurs 35–40 hours after birth, before this, colostrum is released from the breast in response to the baby’s sucking;
  • mature lactation - achieved approximately 3 months after birth, characterized by the disappearance of milk flow and full breasts, during this period, control over the amount of milk produced is carried out by autocrine - milk is produced in response to a request, the more milk the baby sucked, the more it is produced in the next once;
  • involution - suppression of lactation, begins 40 days after the baby was last put to the breast; The ducts of the mammary glands are closed, the amount of glandular tissue is reduced, the alveoli are eliminated, and the size of the breast returns to its original size.

What is hyperlactation

As the name suggests, hyperlactation is the process of excess milk production. This usually occurs at the stage of lactation, when the first hot flashes begin, but often does not stop several months after birth, when the stage of mature lactation should already begin.

Most mothers are concerned about preserving and increasing the amount of milk, so the problem of hyperlactation seems far-fetched to many. After all, how can you be bad when there is a lot of milk? In fact, it can.

Breastfeeding mothers often enjoy a large amount of milk, but, unfortunately, hyperlactation is not the norm; this condition can harm both mother and baby.

I have two children, and both of them experienced hyperlactation in the first weeks after giving birth. With the first one, I didn’t even know that this happened, so when the milk came in and my breasts became full and hard, I decided that this was normal. When the nurse saw me the next day, she told me to urgently bring a breast pump to the maternity hospital, because if you don’t express the excess, milk stagnation may begin. I pumped for a long time until I managed to achieve a feeling of softness in one breast, the second again filled and became heavier. As a result, problems were avoided, but excessive milk production did not go away immediately. For at least a couple of weeks, during hot flashes, my breasts changed size from 3 to 5, milk oozed out of my breasts even when I wasn’t feeding (and if I fed one, then streams came out of the other), and at night I was forced to put absorbent diapers under me, otherwise I risked wake up in a puddle.

With my second child, I was already more prepared, so at the first sign of milk coming in, I asked for a breast pump. In fact, pumping during hyperlactation has its own danger - if you overdo it and express too much, then the body will receive a request to increase milk production. Therefore, you should express until it is soft - otherwise the ducts are overfilled with milk under pressure, which is harmful to the breast itself. And the sensation is far from pleasant - the chest is hot, heavy, bursting from the inside, and the baby is not very comfortable, since he does not expect such a strong pressure of the stream and simply choke on milk. To alleviate my condition, I made cabbage compresses, drank mint infusion, tried not to drink hot liquids, and not drink milk. About a couple of months after giving birth, the situation generally returned to normal, the strong hot flashes stopped, and enough milk began to be produced to feed my daughter. But still - and the child is already six months old - there is a sudden increase in milk without any prerequisites for this, the breasts just suddenly become full and the milk begins to leak.

The consequences of hyperlactation can be the following problems:

  • lactostasis - stagnation of milk in the thoracic ducts;
  • mastitis - inflammation of the breast, consequences of lactostasis;
  • the child refuses to breastfeed - too much milk pressure can lead to the baby choking and refusing to suckle;
  • colic and frequent regurgitation - with increased milk flow, the baby is often forced to let go of the breast, as he cannot cope with the flow, and as a result swallows a lot of air;
  • indigestion in a child - as is known, breast milk is divided into “front” - easily separated, rich in lactose, but containing little nutritious fats, and “hind” - it is produced during the process of breastfeeding; with a large amount of milk, the baby has enough foremilk to eat, and he does not get to the hindmilk, but the nutritional value of this milk does not last long and the baby quickly becomes hungry again, he is put to the breast - and again he receives only foremilk; if there is a lack of fat, lactose quickly breaks down and causes increased gas formation, digestive problems, and abdominal pain;
  • underweight of the baby - due to an imbalance between the front and hind milk received, the baby may not get enough fat, and then he will gain weight more slowly than expected;
  • excess weight - the opposite situation can also happen when the child is put to the breast too often (due to the fact that he does not receive enough fat, he experiences hunger), he overeats and has excess body weight.

If the milk pressure is too strong, the baby will choke and cannot eat normally.

Symptoms of excess milk production:

  • constant leakage of milk from the breast, not even during feeding;
  • a feeling of heaviness and fullness in the chest even after the child has eaten;
  • feeling of milk stagnation;
  • milk flow too strong;
  • Digestive problems in the baby.

Causes of hyperlactation

Doctors distinguish two forms of hyperlactation - primary and secondary, and each has its own causes.

Primary hyperlactation

Primary hyperlactation is caused by hormonal disorders in the body of a woman who has given birth. If hormones function correctly after childbirth, milk is produced in quantities sufficient to meet the needs of the child (or children in multiple pregnancies). If there is some kind of malfunction in the endocrine system, then the result can be either a lack of milk or an excess of it.

Causes of hormonal disorders:

  • hormonal contraceptives - taken before pregnancy or immediately after the birth of the baby;
  • hormonal therapy before pregnancy - treatment for infertility or preparing a woman for in vitro fertilization;
  • pathologies in the functioning of the ovaries, thyroid gland or pituitary gland.

Secondary hyperlactation

The secondary form of hyperlactation usually occurs due to improper organization of breastfeeding. Ready to do anything just not to lose breastfeeding, the young mother shows excessive zeal - and receives a natural increase in the amount of milk that exceeds the norm:

  • constant pumping, especially if it is carried out according to the commandments that were in use in the previous generation - “until the last drop of milk” - this sends a signal to the brain that the child is sucking out everything that has been received, and it is necessary to increase milk production, this creates a vicious circle, so how next time the mother will have to express even more - which will again cause an increase in the amount of milk;
  • frequent breast changes - it is advisable to change breasts no more than once every three hours, this allows the baby to completely empty one breast, while a new portion of milk accumulates in the second; if you change the breast before the baby has completely emptied it, then some of the milk will remain in the ducts, after which a new full portion of milk will arrive, which will lead to excess fluid in the breast;
  • the use of lactogonic drugs - the fear of leaving the baby hungry forces a woman to look for opportunities to increase milk production, but this is only necessary if there is a lack of milk; if enough milk is produced, then lactogonic drugs will lead to hyperlactation.

Frequent pumping, especially until the “last drop,” stimulates increased milk production

How to reduce your breast milk supply

If you discover that you have excessive milk production, you should consult a doctor and find out the causes of this pathology. If the roots of the problem lie in hormonal imbalances in the body, then it is necessary to undergo treatment, which can only be prescribed by a doctor. If the origins of hyperlactation lie in violations of the organization of breastfeeding, then efforts should be directed toward correcting the situation.

Proper organization of breastfeeding

A feeding schedule is the most important thing that helps a woman cope with hyperlactation. In this case, we are not talking about maintaining a certain time between putting the baby to the breast - he should still be fed on demand, but change the breast every 6 hours. Thus, you will get 4 breast changes per day. This allows you to deceive the brain - the “free” breast is filled with milk and does not empty for a long time, which gives a signal to reduce the amount of milk produced, while the “working” breast is gradually emptied, which prevents stagnation from occurring in it. If a feeling of heaviness appears in the breast that is not currently being fed, you can express it, but only until you feel relief, no more.

A special bracelet for nursing mothers will help mark when and which breast the baby was last fed

In general, it is very important to let your baby suckle completely on one breast before offering him the other.

Feeding position also matters. With a strong flow of milk, it is undesirable to choose a position in which the breast is above the baby, since in this position the pressure of the milk increases. The optimal positions are lying on your side, lying on your back (the baby lies on the mother’s stomach), sitting and slightly leaning back (the baby is held in a “column” at the chest).

Photo gallery: feeding positions

If you feed while lying on your back and placing the baby on top, the pressure of milk will not be so strong that the baby will choke. Feeding while lying on your side is one of the most comfortable positions that allows the mother to relax. When feeding in a sitting position, the baby is held in a “column” at the chest, already sitting children can be imprisoned

If before feeding or at the very beginning the mother feels too strong a pressure of milk, then it is worth allowing this portion of liquid to flow out naturally, without expressing, but without stopping it. This will reduce the pressure in the chest, and also reduce the portion of the “front” milk and allow the baby to get to the “back” milk.

Traditional methods

Applying cold to engorged breasts can help reduce pain, reduce blood circulation, and reduce milk production. Ice wrapped in gauze, a wet towel, and a bottle of cold water help a lot. However, you should not apply pure ice - you can get burned.

Warm compresses are useful for stagnation of milk, which is typical for hyperlactation - on the contrary, they increase blood circulation, while the blood vessels dilate, tissue swelling gradually subsides, the thoracic ducts also dilate and milk can come out freely. The following are effective means for such compresses:

  • camphor oil - a cloth soaked in it is wrung out and applied to the chest under a warming bandage for 30–60 minutes; after the compress, you need to pump or feed the baby to eliminate excess milk, otherwise the swelling will happen again;
  • alcohol or vodka - alcohol is diluted with water in a ratio of 1 to 3, vodka - in a ratio of 1 to 2, the compress is carried out similarly to the previous one, it is removed after an hour;
  • magnesia - magnesium sulfate powder is diluted in water, the tissue is moistened with it and applied to the chest or specifically to the area of ​​compaction, held until the tissue is completely dry; After a magnesium compress, the breasts should be washed before feeding the baby.

All warm compresses should not touch the nipple area.

Cabbage leaf has long been known as an effective remedy in the fight against milk stagnation. When the breasts are swollen from excess milk, it also helps - you need to apply it to the breast, having previously beaten or scratched the side that will be attached to the skin until the juice appears, and hold it until it becomes flaccid. Repeat if necessary.

Photo gallery: compresses for hyperlactation

The cabbage leaf needs to be mashed or beaten until the juice appears and applied to the chest Warm compresses can be made from camphor oil, alcohol, magnesia As a cold compress, you can use ice wrapped in a cloth, a wet towel, a bottle of cold water

It is worth remembering the tips aimed at increasing the amount of breast milk - and acting on the contrary. So, during hyperlactation, it is undesirable to drink hot liquids, drink cow's milk, or eat nuts.

What you should not do under any circumstances is to tie your breasts with a bandage or cloth - this interferes with blood circulation in the breast, and stagnation of milk provokes the occurrence of lactostasis. Also, you should not take any medications intended to stop lactation if the goal of these actions is to reduce the amount of milk and not get rid of it completely. In addition to the fact that they are aimed at completely suppressing milk production, some of them are toxic and feeding a child while taking them is prohibited.

The peak of hyperlactation with my second child occurred while I was in the maternity hospital. The milk has come, my breasts have spread, I feel like a milk cow that can feed triplets - but my daughter suckles little and sluggishly, practically not reducing the amount of milk in the breast. I had to remember folk remedies to alleviate my condition. First of all, I decided to use cold - I put a wet towel in the refrigerator, and when it cooled down enough, I applied it to my chest. It was necessary to cover the maximum area in order to capture all the channels. The chest immediately ceased to be so painfully hot, and the pressure from inside even seemed to decrease slightly. In addition, they brought me a head of cabbage, I beat and scratched the inner surface of the leaf until the juice appeared, and also applied it to my chest. The combination of these methods made it possible to get rid of the feeling that my chest was about to burst.

Products that reduce lactation

In addition to lactogenic products aimed at increasing the amount of milk, there are also products with the opposite effect - reducing the level of lactation. But you should use them with caution and it is best to consult a doctor before doing so, as some of them are toxic and can harm the baby or cause allergic reactions.

The action of herbs that reduce lactation is based on their diuretic properties. They help remove fluid from the body, which in turn reduces milk production. It is important to prevent dehydration, as this will negatively affect the condition of the mother and child.

Diuretics include bearberry, peppermint, St. John's wort, oregano, walnuts, lingonberries, parsley, basil, and hop cones. There are a lot of ways to use them, but they do not affect the properties of the herbs in any way, so they can simply be brewed like tea, individually or in collections. In addition, you can use ready-made diuretic teas, having first obtained permission from your pediatrician.

Garlic, hot spices, canned food are those foods that are usually prohibited for consumption during breastfeeding. They reduce milk production, so if they do not provoke a reaction in the baby, they can be eaten in small quantities to reduce lactation.

Greens - parsley and basil - can be used not only in infusions, but also fresh.

Photo gallery: products that reduce lactation

Sage has a diuretic effect, removing fluid from the body. Eating garlic reduces the amount of milk produced.
Parsley can be eaten fresh

Questions about breastfeeding concern every young mother. Most often, women experience a lack of nutritional fluid after the birth of a baby, but some of them face another problem - hyperlactation, which means excess milk production. And this situation causes discomfort not only for the mother, but also for the baby.

Hyperlactation - what is it, why is it dangerous?

In medicine, excess milk production in a woman is called hyperlactation. Some people think this is good. But experts refute this claim. They recommend that mothers who are faced with a similar problem consult a doctor. He will give recommendations on reducing the amount of nutrient fluid and normalizing the breastfeeding process.

Excessive milk production creates certain risks for the health of not only the mother, but also the child, so in modern medicine doctors try to cope with this situation as quickly as possible and bring lactation to normal.

Excess breast milk causes discomfort during feeding for both mother and baby

For a woman, a large amount of milk often causes problems:

  • discomfort and pain in the mammary glands;
  • lactostasis. The child cannot empty the breast completely, the nutrient fluid stagnates in the ducts, which leads to the formation of seals;
  • purulent mastitis. Its treatment must be started immediately to prevent an abscess. In this case, antibiotic therapy is used. If the disease is already advanced, a nursing mother may require surgical intervention.

Many people mistakenly believe that a large amount of milk is good for the baby. However, for the baby’s body, this situation is fraught with a number of consequences:

  • discomfort during feeding. As soon as the baby starts sucking, liquid begins to flow out of the nipple in a strong stream. The baby chokes, coughs, does not have time to swallow milk, is capricious, cries, because he cannot eat normally;

    There are cases when a child simply refuses to breastfeed due to the fact that milk is released too quickly and abundantly from the mammary gland.

  • colic and frequent regurgitation. Of course, these problems can also occur in a baby who eats calmly during feeding. However, in such a situation, the baby often lets go of the nipple, because he cannot cope with the flow of milk, swallows a lot of air while eating, which leads to painful sensations in the stomach;
  • indigestion. Doctors explain that milk in the breast is divided into “front” and “back”. The first stream, which is released from the nipple much faster and easier, is very rich in lactose - milk sugar, but practically not saturated with nutritious fats. During hyperlactation, the baby drinks only the first portion of liquid, and so on at each feeding, so the body is not saturated with fats, and the baby feels hunger more often. Mom puts it to her chest, and the situation repeats. If there is a lack of fat, milk sugar breaks down very quickly. This causes increased gas formation, pain, diarrhea and even vomiting. But with the correct ratio of fats and lactose, disruptions in the functioning of the digestive organs do not occur;

    Often, with such symptoms, a child is diagnosed with lactase deficiency. The pediatrician recommends stopping breastfeeding and switching the baby to formula. But experienced specialists, having figured it out and found out that a woman has hyperlactation, are in no hurry to stop breastfeeding. In many cases, as soon as the mother begins to produce milk in normal quantities, the baby begins to suck out all the liquid. As a result, the balance of fats and lactose is balanced, and the problem goes away on its own.

  • lack of weight. By drinking only fore milk, the baby does not receive enough fat, and this is very dangerous for children in the first year of life. Lack of body weight can lead to rickets, anemia and other health problems;
  • excess body weight. Often the situation is exactly the opposite. Due to overeating, the child gains weight very quickly, which also negatively affects his physical development. He cannot learn to roll over, sit up or crawl.

Hyperlactation causes indigestion and leads to underweight or excess body weight in a child.

Causes of hyperlactation

Doctors distinguish two forms of this problem. Primary hyperlactation occurs due to hormonal disorders in the body of the woman who has given birth. After the baby is born and the placenta is separated, a sharp hormonal change is observed, because priorities change: if for nine months all organs and systems directed their work towards bearing the fetus, now the main task is to provide the newborn with the necessary nutrition for full growth and development.

Some women after childbirth feel a surge of strength, energy and joy, while others, on the contrary, are exhausted, tired and even become depressed. This also happens due to hormonal changes in the body.

Hormonal imbalances can occur due to:

  • taking contraceptive medications before planning a pregnancy or immediately after the birth of the baby;
  • the use of serious hormonal therapy to treat infertility or prepare a woman for an IVF procedure (in vitro fertilization);
  • pathologies in the functioning of the ovaries, thyroid gland or pituitary gland.

All this causes the production of excess milk and leads to hyperlactation.

In some cases, the baby refuses to breastfeed if he cannot cope with the flow of milk during sucking, then the mother is forced to feed him from a bottle

The secondary form of hyperlactation can be caused by improper actions on the part of the nursing mother herself:

  • transferring the baby from one breast to the other during one feeding. Even in the maternity hospital, a breastfeeding consultant or neonatologist emphasizes that the baby must first empty one breast, and only then can it be applied to the other. If a woman neglects this advice, then the baby sucks out only part of the liquid, leaving another in the ducts, a new portion arrives, which leads to an excess of milk in the mammary glands;
  • Frequent pumping until completely empty. From the older generation you can hear that after feeding, you must pump your breasts so that not a drop of milk remains in it. But obstetricians and gynecologists are categorically against this method. The fact is that nutritional fluid is produced according to the supply-demand principle: as much as the baby ate at one feeding, so much will arrive at the next. But if you completely empty your breasts after each baby meal, more and more milk will come in, which will lead to hyperlactation;
  • use of lactogenic drugs. Many mothers worry too much about the baby not getting enough nutrition. They do everything to get even more milk. This desire often leads to problems.

Alarm Sign: Signs of Excess Milk Production

A woman should be alert to the following symptoms that indicate a problem:

  • feeling of discomfort and pain in the chest (breast glands are heavy, painful, swollen). The young mother constantly feels hot flashes, even after feeding the baby there is no relief;
  • frequent stagnation of milk and the formation of lumps in the mammary glands;
  • the baby cannot suck normally due to the strong flow of fluid;
  • continuous flow of milk from the nipples.

    A breastfeeding mother must constantly use breast pads to prevent her clothes from getting wet.

What to do: methods for eliminating hyperlactation

If a young mother discovers signs and symptoms of hyperlactation, she should immediately consult a doctor. The doctor will conduct an examination and ask about the baby’s feeding regimen, his well-being and weight gain. All these facts will help the specialist draw up the correct clinical picture and prescribe adequate, and most importantly, effective treatment.

Sometimes a gynecologist may recommend that a woman undergo hormone tests to identify possible malfunctions in the functioning of certain organs and systems. Do not neglect this advice; perhaps the problem lies much deeper and is caused by the onset of a serious illness.

Don’t be afraid to see a doctor: in some situations, only a doctor can draw up an effective treatment plan

Don’t think that the doctor will prescribe pills that will solve the problem on its own. This is not so: the treatment will last a certain period of time, a review of the feeding regimen and, possibly, correction of the mother’s diet will be required.

The treatment plan for excess milk production also depends on the breastfeeding period. If there is a lot of nutrient fluid after childbirth, then it is necessary to normalize lactation and set the woman up for long-term breastfeeding. But the process of reducing milk production during gradual weaning requires a completely different approach, because the main goal will be the complete cessation of breastfeeding after some time.

Table: how to reduce milk production during different periods of breastfeeding

Period of appearance of hyperlactation Methods for eliminating hyperlactation
After childbirth: formation of lactation
  • Give your baby one breast during one feeding. The baby must completely empty the mammary gland. If he cannot cope with such a volume of milk, under no circumstances express the rest, but offer the baby the same breast next time. In this way, lactation will decrease naturally and gradually the nutrient fluid will arrive exactly as much as the child needs;
  • alternate mammary glands hourly. Breastfeeding consultants call this technique block feeding. Its principle is as follows: it is necessary to divide the day into parts, for example, two or four hours. In the morning, you give the baby your right breast and feed only that breast for the selected period of time. Then you change the breast and for the next 4 hours put the baby only on the left one. In a week, using this technique you can cope with hyperlactation;
  • Avoid pumping completely. The more you empty your breasts, the more milk will come. It is allowed to express the liquid a little until relief in case of severe swelling of the mammary gland;
  • help reduce the flow of milk into the ducts. This is useful if, while feeding one breast, the second one is too full and the woman experiences pain. You can wrap a piece of ice in gauze and wipe the mammary gland: cold slows down blood circulation. Cabbage leaf compresses have proven themselves to be excellent. They are allowed to be done constantly, which will help not only alleviate the condition, but also relieve inflammation;
  • reduce the consumption of warm liquids (tea, broth, soup, etc.);
  • Use a pacifier to calm your baby. As you know, a baby requires the breast not only for food, but also for comfort. Therefore, if you are sure that the child is full, offer him a pacifier when he cries;
  • do not massage the mammary glands if you do not have congestion or lactostasis. Kneading the chest leads to the production of oxytocin, and this has a positive effect on the flow of fluid to the ducts. To prevent compactions, only light massage is allowed for a short time, no more than three to four minutes.
During breastfeeding: mature lactation
During weaning: involution of lactation
  • Gradually reduce the frequency of feedings. The baby is already eating solid food, so to reduce the amount of milk, first remove daytime breastfeeding, then before bedtime, and lastly, nighttime;
  • distract the baby, for example, come up with a new game that will interest him. The less the baby suckles at the breast, the less nutrient fluid is formed;
  • do not ignore the feeling of discomfort. If your breasts are too engorged and swollen, express some milk;
  • use means to stop lactation, for example, teas, infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs.

What is the most convenient way to feed your baby during hyperlactation treatment?

Until breast milk production returns to normal, the woman still continues to feed the baby. Breastfeeding consultants give several recommendations on how to make this process more comfortable for the child:

  • Before breastfeeding your baby, you need to express a little foremilk. Then the flow of liquid will not be so rapid, and fat-rich food will enter the baby’s body;
  • feed in a lying position. Lay down a quick-absorbing diaper, lie down yourself and place the baby next to you, give him the breast. During the sucking process, if there is too much milk, it will flow out of the corner of the baby's mouth. This way the baby will not choke;
  • The woman half sits or lies on her back while feeding. Milk will not flow out in such a rapid stream, which will allow the baby to calmly suckle at the breast;
  • take a break during the feeding process: as soon as the flow becomes too strong, remove the baby and let the liquid drain onto the diaper. Then put your son or daughter to your breast again.

In a half-sitting position during hyperlactation, milk flow decreases slightly

Means to reduce lactation

There are several methods that modern mothers use to reduce milk production. However, it is worth understanding that some of them are strictly forbidden to use while feeding a baby, so as not to harm his health.

Before acting, consultation with a specialist is required. Don't forget that methods that worked great for another woman can only make things worse for you.


Many generations of nursing mothers have used the properties of plants to suppress lactation. Prepare teas, decoctions or infusions and consume them according to the recommended dosage. However, it is necessary to take into account the risks to the child’s health. For example, you can drink sage or bearberry and continue feeding. Drinks made from them are often recommended by gynecologists to combat hyperlactation after childbirth. But, for example, mint and belladonna, penetrating into breast milk, will negatively affect the baby’s health. Therefore, you need to be very careful when using medicinal herbs.

If the baby does not have an allergic reaction to lingonberries, it is allowed to drink several glasses a day of a decoction of these berries. The plant has diuretic properties, so it removes excess fluid from the body, reducing milk flow. And in cold weather, lingonberry tea is very useful for preventing colds.

Sage can be taken during breastfeeding


Many women prefer to solve the problem quickly - take one or more tablets. But doctors warn that drugs to stop lactation can cause many side effects, and for some they are generally contraindicated. Therefore, they cannot be taken without the recommendation of a gynecologist.

It is worth noting that after taking such pills, some women may experience hormonal imbalance. This entails various problems in the functioning of organs and systems.

Dostinex is the most popular drug for stopping lactation

In some cases, when lactation is caused by severe hormonal imbalance, all standard recommendations may not apply. Then the doctor will prescribe hormone tests. If prolactin levels are too high, the doctor will be forced to prescribe medication to block its production in the woman's body.


Some compresses do not cause any harm, for example, with ice or cabbage leaves. But after giving birth, many women prefer to use camphor oil to reduce lactation. Doctors warn that camphor, being absorbed into the skin, penetrates into breast milk in large doses. And for a baby this substance is dangerous to health.

Camphor, entering a child’s body even in small quantities, can cause headaches, vomiting, seizures and even coma. Therefore, you should not continue to breastfeed your baby if the woman has started making compresses with this remedy.

Breastfeeding is designed by nature itself. The female body has been coping with this task for many centuries. And if a young mother does everything correctly, lactation quickly improves and proceeds without problems. But if excess milk appears, it is better to consult a specialist. By following all the doctor’s recommendations, the woman will quickly bring her breastfeeding back to normal and will enjoy the process with her baby.

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