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A sample of a report on the inspection of children's living conditions. Material on the topic: inspection report of a student’s living conditions. Commission for Inspection of Housing Conditions

The mother works, the child is raised by his mother and stepfather, with whom he has a good relationship. The child has all the necessary supplies for studying and has a place to do homework. CONCLUSION: I have developed an indifferent-passive attitude towards the educational process, there is no interest in any academic subjects. But the child has a pronounced need to be the center of attention of others. Therefore, there are cases of systematic violation of discipline in order to attract attention to oneself, which affects the assimilation of educational material not only, but also by other students. The child is often distracted, engaged in extraneous activities during classes, and there is no desire to overcome difficulties. He does not take educational activities seriously and carries out public assignments irresponsibly.

What are the financial living conditions of a family?

Full name): 2. A child in a difficult life situation (based on ZRK No. 75)

  • children left without parental care;
  • disabled children;
  • children with disabilities, that is, having deficiencies in physical and (or) mental development;
  • children are victims of environmental and man-made disasters, armed and ethnic conflicts, natural disasters;
  • children from families of refugees and internally displaced persons;
  • children in extreme conditions;
  • children are victims of violence;
  • children living in low-income families;
  • children with behavioral problems;
  • children whose life activity is objectively disrupted as a result of current circumstances and who cannot overcome these circumstances on their own or with the help of their family (neglected);

Housing inspection report

The housing stock is distributed according to the degree of wear and tear, i.e. the total area of ​​residential premises with wear of over 70% - stone and over 65% - wooden, etc., is allocated; total area of ​​emergency buildings. This indicator is very similar to the indicator “disposal due to dilapidation and accident rate”. Housing construction is a key source of replenishment of the housing stock.
It is implemented by state and non-state enterprises and organizations, individual developers with the help of budget funds, mortgages, personal funds of citizens and other sources of financing. Year after year, the share of housing construction is increasing at the expense of the population and with the help of credit. Major repairs and reconstruction of housing stock: 1) major repairs, m2 of total area; 2) reconstruction of housing stock, m2; 3) sources of financing for capital repairs.

Living conditions inspection report

Housing cooperative); 2) state housing stock - a fund that is owned by the Russian Federation and owned by constituent entities of the Russian Federation; 3) municipal housing stock - a fund that is owned by a district, city, as well as a departmental fund that is under the full economic control of municipal enterprises or the operational management of municipal institutions; 4) public housing stock - a fund that is owned by public associations; 5) housing stock in collective ownership - a fund that is jointly or sharedly owned by various entities, private, state, municipal property, and the property of public associations.

Material on the topic: inspection report of a student’s living conditions

According to the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, living space is recognized as the area of ​​living rooms in residential buildings and premises, i.e., isolated premises that are real estate and are suitable for permanent residence of citizens, meet established sanitary and technical rules and regulations, and other legal requirements. The total (usable) area of ​​a residential premises is defined as the sum of the area of ​​all parts of such a premises and utility rooms located inside the apartments: kitchens, front, interior corridors, bathrooms or showers, toilets, dressing rooms, pantries, built-in closets, as well as attics, mezzanines, covered loggias, verandas, heated and suitable for living. Ancillary premises in dormitories, in addition to those considered, are premises for medical services and cultural and social purposes.

What are the housing and living conditions?

Why is an act of inspection of housing conditions drawn up? The purpose of drawing up the document is to record living conditions and prepare a conclusion: whether the basic needs of the child are provided by the persons with whom he lives, or whether they are ready to accept the child (upon restoration of parental rights, etc.). Or whether the citizen needs to improve their living conditions, etc. If damage is caused to the apartment, it would be correct to draw up an Apartment Inspection Report.

An inspection report of housing conditions is necessary when considering claims for deprivation of parental rights, their restoration, determination of the child’s place of residence, adoption of a child, etc. The obligation to draw up such a document is assigned when registering a child in the children's room of the police, in cases where a minor is brought to administrative or criminal liability.
Housing provision for the population: 1) average living space per resident, m2/person; 2) average total area per resident, m2/person; 3) the number of people living: a) in a separate apartment; b) in a communal apartment; c) in a separate house or part thereof: d) in a dormitory; 4) the same, in % of all residents; 5) average area of ​​a separate apartment, m2/apartment; 6) average number of residents per room, people/room; 7) the number of households registered for municipal housing (absolute and as a percentage of the total number of households); 8) the number of families of refugees and internally displaced persons who need housing. In our country, according to the indicator “living space on average per resident”, a value is introduced that determines the value of the hygienic standard.
The composition of the commission depends on the purpose of drawing up the housing inspection report. These could be police officers (as a rule, local police officers), employees of guardianship and trusteeship authorities, school teachers, employees of the BTI, housing maintenance organization, etc. An inspection of living conditions can also be carried out based on a complaint from neighbors or a doctor’s request.
Contents of the act of inspection of housing conditions The act of inspection of housing conditions is drawn up in free form, and its structure is determined by the purpose. The general requirement for such documents (in order to have the force of evidence in a civil case or have legal significance) is:

  1. Availability of a date for conducting a housing inspection.

When assessing the comfort of the housing stock, the ratio of residential and common areas is also important: a high proportion of living space indicates low comfort of the home, a low one can indicate both a poor layout, insufficient living space, and high comfort of the housing stock. The housing stock is recorded by type of residential premises: 1) residential building, part of a residential building; 2) apartment, part of an apartment; 3) room. A residential building is an individually defined building, which consists of rooms, as well as premises for auxiliary use, intended to satisfy people’s household and other needs related to their residence in this building (clause
2 tbsp. 16 Housing Code of the Russian Federation).
Zhukovsky Lazarev Igor Aleksandrovich, member of the parent committee of class 7 “B” Kolosov Petr Valerievich, on April 20, 2017, checked the living conditions of the student of class 7 “B” of MBOU “Secondary School No. 125” Zhukovsky Shcherbinin Bogdan Dmitrievich. Family composition: complete. Mother - Shcherbinina Anna Romanovna, father - Shcherbinin Dmitry Timurovich, younger sister - Shcherbinina Alisa Dmitrievna.

All family members live together in apartment No. 48 at the address: Moscow region, Zhukovsky, Lenina Ave., 205. The apartment with amenities is located on the 6th floor of a 12-story brick building, total area 56 sq. m. m. Student Shcherbinin B.D. lives in a living room with an area of ​​25 sq.

m., together with his younger sister (attends a preschool). Part of the room is allocated to separate sleeping areas. There are 2 separate workstations equipped with stationery and school supplies.


The housing stock is necessarily subject to state registration in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation (clause 4 of article 19 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation). State accounting of the housing stock, along with other forms of its accounting, should provide for technical accounting of the housing stock, incl. its technical inventory and technical certification (clause 5 of article 19 of the RF Housing Code). Movement of the housing stock: 1) loss of housing stock, total m2, incl.

for reasons of disposal: a) due to disrepair and accidents; b) from natural disasters; c) in connection with the conversion of residential premises into non-residential premises; d) in connection with reconstruction and land allocation for new construction; 2) housing construction: a) commissioning of housing (total area, living area, m2); b) number of apartments built – total, units, incl. with the number of rooms: one, two, three, etc.

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Certificate of inspection of housing and living conditions

An examination of a family's living conditions is carried out if there are suspicions of troubled parents and improper upbringing of children. The responsibility rests with the child’s social worker, teacher or educator.

The procedure will be needed in the following cases:

  • when children live in cramped conditions and do not have the opportunity to fully spend their leisure time, do their homework, i.e. they do not have a separately equipped space for education and development;
  • if the family is registered as dysfunctional and the situation indicates the child’s disorders caused by the tense situation between relatives;
  • child living in unsanitary conditions.

Studying the living conditions of a family does not mean that parents will be immediately limited in their right to raise a child or. The procedure is necessary for procedural purposes - to leave a child in the care of one of the parents, to deprive a parent of the right to raise a child, or to remove a minor from the family and transfer him to foster parents, or place him in a social institution.

Checking living conditions is necessary if it is necessary to adopt a child or place him in guardianship. The living conditions of adoptive parents can be studied - in rented housing or in an apartment, private house, which are privately owned. Applicants for guardianship or adoption must confirm that they have everything necessary to live and fully raise a child.

Checking is needed in the following cases:

  1. If a child violates discipline at an educational institution, appears in class in an unkempt manner, commits an offense and (or) provokes others into antisocial behavior. Then the procedure provides for preventive purposes: to find out the reason for the minor’s bad behavior. If the results of the examination indicate violations of the rights and interests of the child, then the initiator of the procedure is obliged to contact the guardianship authorities and law enforcement agencies.
  2. For the purpose of registering a child with the juvenile affairs inspectorate or placement in a closed educational institution - if the child has committed a crime, but due to age cannot be brought to criminal liability.
  3. If a child is removed from the family and the issue of placing him in a social institution or under the guardianship of a close relative who has the necessary conditions for the minor to live is decided.
  4. When a family changes their place of residence, sells a child’s share in common real estate, or purchases housing for a minor as a guarantee that the child, if his property is alienated, will not be left without a place of residence.
  5. If a complaint has been received against the parents of a minor regarding suspected child abuse.
  6. When a child has been injured and there is a suspicion that it was caused by improper upbringing and financial support of the minor.

There is no exhaustive list of when it will be necessary to check the living conditions of a minor. Social educators and guardianship authorities, including law enforcement officers on behalf of the court, have the right to initiate the procedure. A juvenile affairs inspector, a local doctor, police officers, sanitary inspection workers, and the BTI also have the right to attend the inspection.

When checking, the number of people living in an apartment or private house is taken into account. The condition of the living space, its compliance with sanitary standards, and whether the child has a place to sleep, do homework, and spend leisure time are taken into account. The technical condition of the housing, the availability of necessary products, the child’s clothing, his provision of medicines, therapeutic and dietary foods (if the minor has chronic diseases) are taken into account.

Checking is possible at any time of the day. Authorized persons have the right to appear without warning or notify the parents and other legal representatives of the minor about the upcoming event.

Based on the results of the inspection, an act is drawn up, which reflects the following circumstances:

  • availability of basic resources necessary to provide for the child;
  • the state of health of the child, the presence of a need for medical care, identification or absence of signs of abuse of a minor;
  • the child’s appearance, hygiene, availability of clothes, shoes;
  • level of social adaptation of the minor, availability of communication skills;
  • family composition, the child’s environment, relationships between family members.
  • material and living level of family support - the child’s availability of clothes, school supplies, toys, and other means necessary for full development.
  • identification of facts that indicate a threat to the life or health of a minor. Each situation is taken into account individually. Facts of neglect of the child, mental and physical violence against him can be established.

When checking living conditions, the general condition of the property is taken into account - repairs, cleanliness of the bathroom, availability of necessary utilities and utilities.

Registration of the act

The housing inspection report must be drawn up within three days after completion of the inspection. The document is drawn up in two copies, each of which is certified by the head of the institution that initiated the inspection. One copy of the document must be submitted to the guardianship authorities, the second remains in the institution. A copy of the act certified by the guardianship authorities is sent to the place of residence of the parents, if it is known.

If, based on the results of the inspection, it turns out that the children do not have the necessary parental care, then the guardianship authorities must be notified about this within 1 day after the inspection.

The act states:

  • Composition of the commission.
  • Information about the family living at a specific address.
  • A complete description of the living space is provided, indicating the presence or absence of necessary amenities, including an elevator and telephone.
  • The composition of the family is indicated separately: Full name. each relative living with the child, place of work/study, presence of diseases, etc.
  • The presence of pets in the apartment may be indicated, and other established circumstances of the child’s life may be given.
  • Based on the results of the inspection, the commission’s conclusion is formulated in the act. Each specialist puts his signature on it.
  • The document is dated, handwritten or printed.
  • The form may bear the seal of the organization whose specialists performed the inspection.

During the inspection, photography and video recording may be taken, but this may require the consent of the owner of the premises.

Legally significant consequences of the document

The consequences depend on the content of the document:

The living conditions of parents living separately can be examined - for example, when one of them wants to deprive the other of parental rights.

The act is considered written evidence and can be attached to the case materials. Based on the document, the guardianship authorities prepare a conclusion regarding the recommendation to deprive the parent of the right to raise the child. The contents of the act can be challenged in court due to the bias of the information specified in the document and the bias of employees when preparing it. To challenge a document, it is necessary to file an administrative claim, including a request for a re-inspection. Controversial situations related to the education of minors must be resolved with the help of a lawyer.

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Olga Perkova
An act of examining the living, living and material conditions of a minor’s family.

survey of the living and material conditions of the minor’s family.

Educational organization___

Target examinations: identification family living conditions ___

"12" May 2011

Home address:

Compound families:

Housing conditions:2-room apartment on the 1st floor of a brick house. The condition of the apartment is good, the child has the necessary conditions for a safe life and study.

Sanitary condition: During the inspection, no violations of sanitary and hygienic standards were found. The rooms are clean. Things and toys are laid out neatly. Conditions have been created for the minor: there is a room where he does his homework and relaxes, the apartment is warm, cozy, the child is provided with food, dressed, and neat.

Psychological climate in family: all members families communicate well with each other, the relationship is positive.

Signs of trouble: no obvious signs of trouble were found when visiting the apartment. Mother works, raises child mother and stepfather with whom ___ have developed good relationships. The child has all the necessary supplies for studying and has a place to do homework.


___ has developed an indifferent-passive attitude towards the educational process, and has no interest in any academic subjects. But the child has a pronounced need to be the center of attention of others. Therefore, there are cases of systematic violation of discipline in order to attract attention to oneself, which affects the learning process. material not only ___, but also other students.

The child is often distracted, engaged in extraneous activities during classes, and there is no desire to overcome difficulties. He does not take educational activities seriously and carries out public assignments irresponsibly.

In April-May, there were frequent absences from individual lessons and absence ___ from school on certain days. The reasons for absence are unjustified (slept through class or no desire to attend school on certain days, mainly Tuesday and Thursday). Parents always wake up their child before leaving for work.

Educational conversations are systematically held with ___ class teacher; the child has been repeatedly called for conversations with the social teacher and the school director, but these preventive works do not bring significant positive results.

Head teacher: ___

Social teacher: ___

Parental Committee represented by N.V. Golovko ---

Class teacher ---

An inspection report on living conditions is a form that shows in detail the living conditions of a family or child. The content of the form addresses issues not only of the technical condition of housing, but also the provision of the family with adequate income and food.

Educational and guardianship authorities have the right to initiate an inspection. The procedure will be needed in order to recognize a family as low-income and in need of improved housing conditions and government support.

The act of examining living conditions must be distinguished from the document on checking the technical condition of the living space. The latter will be required if illegal redevelopment or the degree of deterioration of the living space is detected. Inspection is mandatory if municipal housing is deemed unsafe and unsuitable for family living. The procedure for conducting the survey is regulated by local regulations. The status of residential premises is indicated by Art. 15 Housing Code of the Russian Federation.

The need for an inspection report of housing and living conditions

The document is drawn up if there is reason to believe that the child is being brought up in a bad environment, is being subjected to violence and adverse emotional influences in the family. The form must be completed when adopting a child - in accordance with Chapter. 19 RF IC.

An examination will be required when a child is removed from the family and is required to be placed under guardianship. A check will be needed when a minor goes to a medical facility in order to find out the nature of the injuries received.

The family is usually notified in advance about the visit of officials. But if there is a complaint against parents from neighbors or teachers, a study of the premises and characteristics of the child’s residence can be carried out at the initiative of the social protection authorities.

Sample design

The housing inspection report is filled out depending on the purpose of the inspection. If a family needs to be recognized as low-income, then the actual size of the living space for each person is indicated.

The document contains the name and date of completion. The following points indicate:

  • Full name, date of birth of the minor;
  • educational institution where the child is studying;
  • the address at which the housing inspection is carried out;
  • composition of the minor’s family, including the number of people who actually live with the child – their personal data and occupation.

The material for building the house is determined (stone, wood, etc.). The degree of improvement of residential premises is determined (complete / incomplete). If the housing arrangement is incomplete, then they indicate a lack of communications, a bathroom, or a bathtub. The number of rooms in an apartment (private) house is indicated. Fill in the line indicating that the temperature in the room corresponds to the established standards.

The sample act must contain information about whether the child has his own room or corner with furniture, including a bed. Experts also pay attention to the provision of the child with books, toys and other things for study and proper leisure time.

The home inspection report contains a brief description of the home environment. The expert’s opinion is provided in the form of a conclusion about the compliance of living conditions with established requirements.

The possibility/impossibility of the child living in a family and home is identified. The act serves as written evidence in court when parental rights are deprived or limited. The document is filled out by authorized specialists and does not require parental signature.

The report is drawn up within 3 days after the actual inspection. Parents are sent a copy of the document, certified by the signature and seal of an official.

The conclusions of specialists can only be recognized as biased in court. The opposite situation is possible - when seemingly unfavorable living conditions are deliberately recognized as acceptable, with the goal of not providing the family with the necessary social support. Such conflicts must also be resolved in court.

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