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Swelling of the legs during pregnancy: what to do. What to do if edema appears during pregnancy? Edema during late pregnancy

If swelling in expectant mothers can be corrected with diet, then there is no particular reason to worry. If the diet does not help a pregnant woman, then she needs to see a doctor and not let the problem take its course. After all, it can be associated with kidney and heart failure, varicose veins. Complications of the problem can be dangerous. So, let's learn about the causes of edema and their effect on bearing a child. Information on how to deal with the problem would also be useful.

Causes of edema, their symptoms

Swelling is the concentration of excess fluid in the tissues. Sometimes insect bites, injuries, and inflammation lead to its accumulation.

General swelling affects the entire body. A person's legs, face, and arms may swell. This happens to expectant mothers too. Their swelling begins in the lower extremities. Why is this happening? There are several reasons for the appearance of edema during pregnancy:

  1. Additional fluid requirement. It occurs as a result of changes in the body of a pregnant woman.
  2. Phlebeurysm. Normal blood flow is disrupted by changes in the uterus and weight gain.
  3. Kidney failure. Most often this is the cause of edema in the third trimester, when the load on the kidneys reaches its maximum.
  4. Preeclampsia. In this case, edema is also accompanied by an increase in blood pressure and the appearance of protein in the urine.

Not every expectant mother understands that she has swelling. Sometimes changes in the legs and face are perceived as weight gain. Swelling on the face is expressed in its rounding and swelling of the eyelids. Sometimes swelling in this part of the body also manifests itself as difficulty in nasal breathing. The danger of this phenomenon is that the baby in the womb does not receive the proper amount of oxygen. The child is suffering.

It is difficult not to notice swelling of the hands. Typically, women complain that they cannot remove their wedding ring from their finger.

On the legs, the problem manifests itself as heaviness, pain when walking, and severe fatigue. The lower limbs are buzzing, and, taking off her shoes, the woman sees a clear mark from them. If you put pressure on your shin, it even leaves a dent.

All these swellings are obvious, but they can also be hidden. They may be indicated by an increase in body weight.

How does swelling affect pregnancy?

There is no need to worry if this phenomenon is physiological, that is, you can get rid of it with a diet. But when a woman wakes up in the morning with obvious signs of swelling, she should rush to the antenatal clinic. After all, these could be signs of serious illness. Ignoring the problem threatens to disrupt the connection between the expectant mother and the baby through the placenta, hypoxia, etc.

But to diagnose the cause of the pathology, the doctor must conduct an examination. If this is nephropathy, then at its first stage the treatment will be outpatient. In severe stages of the disease, fetal hypoxia occurs, that is, oxygen starvation.

If edema in the first trimester is not physiological, then at this stage, most likely, it is associated with disturbances in the functioning of the kidneys or heart. Heart diseases are localized exclusively in the lower part of the body (lower back, legs). Heart problems are also accompanied by shortness of breath, tachycardia, and lips may turn blue. In this case, the condition of the pregnant woman threatens the normal physical development of the fetus.

Renal edema appears everywhere, starting from the face. The sooner in this case a woman seeks help from her doctor, the more successful the birth will be.

When it comes to swelling in late pregnancy, there is a clear symptom of gestosis. And this is already a clear threat to bearing a fetus. Premature birth and caesarean section are possible.

As a rule, a woman is placed in a hospital for preservation. Therapy consists of the administration of tocopherol, magnesium, lipoic acid. Diuretics are rarely used in this case. It is necessary to consume less salt, protein foods, and foods containing sodium. The knee-elbow position, which a woman is recommended to do for 10 minutes, facilitates the work of the kidneys. Fruit and kefir fasting days are practiced. Swimming, walking, yoga will be useful in this case.

Especially for- Ksenia Dakhno

Almost every pregnant woman knows what edema is and how to deal with it. But not everyone thinks about the nature of this phenomenon. Meanwhile, the formation of edema can be either a completely harmless physiological process or a symptom of a serious pathology.

What are the dangers of edema during pregnancy?

In most cases, edema in pregnant women is physiological and does not harm either the expectant mother or her baby. To reduce them, it is enough to follow a simple diet and at the end of the day lie down with your legs in an elevated position. More dangerous is the swelling that accompanies gestosis - late toxicosis. Here, the consequences of inattention to one’s health can be extremely severe:

  • preeclampsia. A severe complication, manifested by abdominal pain, fever, confused speech, and blurred vision. Sometimes a woman behaves inappropriately and complains of feeling unwell;
  • eclampsia. An even more serious complication may be accompanied by convulsions and cardiac arrest. In extremely rare situations, death occurs. Only a doctor can explain how to relieve an acute condition or prevent it altogether.

In severe forms of gestosis, both mother and child suffer. Sometimes doctors decide to induce premature labor.

Swelling can also signal other diseases:

  • disturbances in the functioning of the heart. With such pathologies, swelling is located in the lower part of the body. The woman’s liver enlarges, rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, and blue lips appear. If the totality of symptoms is not taken into account, you can end up in the hospital with serious heart problems;
  • renal dysfunction. Edema may be one of the signs of nephropathy, pyelonephritis or glomerulonephritis. At the first stage, pain appears, then the arms and legs swell. This condition is accompanied by the presence of protein in the urine and high blood pressure. The disease must be treated.

How to determine edema during pregnancy

During pregnancy, the tissues of the female body intensively accumulate water necessary for the normal development of the fetus and the stable occurrence of important physiological processes. allows you to notice in time the period when there is too much liquid.

The process of edema formation occurs gradually. Regardless of the cause, doctors define 4 stages in it:

  1. 1. Slight swelling of the feet and legs appears. The elastic bands of socks leave a deep, long-lasting mark on the shin.
  2. 2. Swelling of the feet begins, swelling of the abdomen in its lower part, swelling of the labia, swelling of the fingers, swelling of the hands. The expectant mother begins to feel uncomfortable in her usual shoes. The ankle becomes noticeably wider, and the foot becomes unusually thick. When pressure is applied to the top of the foot or lower leg, a dimple is formed that does not immediately smooth out. The rings became difficult to remove or put on the fingers.
  3. 3. Visible swelling of the face, swelling of the nose, and hands appears.
  4. 4. Dropsy of pregnancy develops - generalized edema.

Edema can also be hidden, when it is impossible to recognize it visually. In this case, the following methods are used for diagnosis:

  • 1. McClure-Aldrich test. The procedure is performed by a nurse. A pregnant woman is injected subcutaneously with a small amount of saline and the time is noted until it is completely absorbed. If the drug remains in place after 35 minutes, it means there is too much water in the body;
  • 2. Regular weighing. Weight gain should not exceed 400 grams per week. If the mass increases faster, and this is combined with high blood pressure and poor urine tests, the woman may have hidden edema;
  • 3. diuresis study. The woman is asked to measure the amount of liquid she drinks, including soups, and the amount of urine she passes throughout the day. Normally, the volume ratio is approximately 4:3.

Both external and internal swelling should not be ignored, especially in the early stages of pregnancy. A doctor's consultation is required.

Treatment of edema in pregnant women

Identifying the cause and treating edema during pregnancy is a matter for the doctor. Most of our and foreign experts believe that slight physiological swelling of the legs and feet does not require special treatment. It is enough to follow a certain diet and rest, keeping your legs elevated. But some gynecologists believe that even the initial manifestations should not be ignored. A pregnant woman should listen to the doctor she is seeing.

  1. 1. Wearing compression stockings. This is especially important if a woman has problems with her blood vessels. Special stockings or tights reduce blood pressure and help. The doctor will also tell you what gel or ointment can be used to eliminate varicose veins.
  2. 2. Taking vitamins B (Magne B6), E, ​​lipoic acid. The medicine will strengthen the walls of blood vessels and will not allow water to penetrate from the blood into the surrounding tissues.
  3. 3. Medicines Canephron, Cyston, Fitolysin. The tablets improve kidney function and have a weak diuretic, antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effect. Medicines can also be prescribed as a dropper, but only a doctor always makes the prescription. You cannot take medications on your own, as there is a risk of a negative impact on the child’s development.
  4. 4. Antispasmodics: no-spa, aminophylline intramuscularly or in tablets.
  5. 5. Essentiale or Riboxin, previously diluted with the patient’s blood, is prescribed intravenously to stimulate myocardial metabolism. Folic acid is prescribed for the same purpose.
  6. 6. Drugs that increase the production of atrial hormone: methionine, potassium orotate, nicotinic acid.
  7. 7. Short-term diuretics for severe edema in a hospital setting: hypothiazide, furosemide with simultaneous administration of potassium supplements.

When the situation requires medical intervention, it is not enough to know how to treat and how to relieve swelling during pregnancy. It is important to additionally select medications that improve blood flow in the placenta in order to prevent fetal hypoxia. The doctor decides what medications and in what dosages should be taken based on the results of an examination of the pregnant patient.

Diet for edema during pregnancy

When asked what to do if swelling appears, the doctor will definitely say: follow a diet. The diet must be balanced in such a way that salt consumption is reduced. This substance promotes water retention in tissues and should therefore be avoided whenever possible. Drinking is limited to 1000 ml per day for the entire treatment period. Here are some more recommendations:

  1. 1. Avoid sweet and carbonated drinks that increase thirst. In hot weather, it is better to drink plain water in small sips or take a shower. Although, today many experts say that you cannot limit yourself in drinking and call the figure of liquid consumption about 1.5-2 liters per day, excluding soups.
  2. 2. Avoid smoked and fried foods, try not to use spices in cooking. It is better to steam food.
  3. 3. Be sure to eat protein-rich foods every day: fish, cottage cheese, meat.
  4. 4. Include large quantities of fresh fruits and vegetables that a woman is accustomed to eating before pregnancy. It is better to avoid exotic fruits and berries. It is unknown how the body will react to new foods while in this state.
  5. 5. Eat celery, parsley, watercress, apples. In small quantities they have a diuretic effect.

It is worth asking your doctor for help in planning your diet. Such an easy diet will benefit both mother and baby.

Folk remedies for edema during pregnancy

There are a lot of folk recipes, but none of them can be called universal. For one woman, the herb helps get rid of swelling, while for another it worsens the condition. Each pregnancy proceeds differently, so it is better to agree on the chosen recipe with a specialist.

You can reduce swelling outside the hospital in the following ways:

  1. 1. Take daily walks or do gymnastics if a woman spends most of the day sitting.
  2. 2. Brew herbal teas. Rose hips, dill, and lingonberry leaves are used as tea leaves. They have a weak diuretic effect. A fruit drink made from cranberries, dried apricots, lingonberries, and viburnum gives the same effect.
  3. 3. Drink birch sap three times a day, a tablespoon.
  4. 4. Brew dried apple peel and drink as tea throughout the day.
  5. 5. Make foot baths with sea salt.
  6. 6. Take an infusion of bear's ear (bearberry).
  7. 7. Use kidney teas, which are sold in pharmacies, instead of regular tea.

In case of severe pathologies of the heart or kidneys, a sharp deterioration may occur in a pregnant woman. In order not to put you at risk, each action must be agreed upon with your doctor.

Prevention of edema during pregnancy

Swelling is also an aesthetic problem; numerous photos of swollen ankles are proof of this. To prevent this condition or reduce the risk of its occurrence, it is necessary to take preventive measures:

  1. 1. Follow a diet to avoid gaining weight too quickly.
  2. 2. Drink at least 2 liters of fluid per day to stimulate kidney function.
  3. 3. Rest with your feet up. It is necessary that the ankles are higher than the level of the hips.
  4. 4. Avoid prolonged sitting or standing during the day.
  5. 5. Avoid high heels. You will temporarily have to sacrifice your favorite shoes for the sake of your health.

Following these simple recommendations will help a woman endure pregnancy without the formation of severe edema. If, despite all the measures taken, fluid still accumulates in excess, you need to inform your gynecologist about this.

Swelling is a common occurrence during pregnancy. Liquid is retained in all tissues, but most intensely in connective and fatty tissue. The expectant mother notices that her lower limbs swell in the third trimester. What does this threaten her with and how can she escape?

How does swelling appear?

Water in the body of a pregnant woman begins to be retained gradually. This usually does not happen in the first trimester. Swelling is more typical in later stages. The legs become loose, the skin loses its elasticity. Pressing on the skin of the leg leaves a hole, it does not fill immediately - this is a symptom of swelling of the legs.

During the entire pregnancy, a woman normally gains up to 12 kg of weight. Of these, 4-5 are due to an increase in the volume of fluid - amniotic and that which is localized in the tissues. If a woman is prone to edema, has diseased kidneys, consumes a lot of salt, or has suddenly gained excess weight, then a lot of fluid is retained in the tissues.

Sodium in the blood attracts water. And even if from time to time a woman indulges herself in salty foods, she develops physiological edema. They are typical for 80% of healthy women. But pathological swelling is the so-called dropsy of pregnancy. Doctors also call it the initial form of gestosis, which is accompanied by the appearance of protein in the urine, increased blood pressure, and intrauterine suffering of the fetus.

Swelling of the legs: how to avoid

First of all, a woman should pay attention to her diet, in particular, the use of table salt and liquid. During a normal pregnancy, a pregnant woman should drink one and a half to two liters of liquid per day, including first courses, fruits, juices, and other drinks. In the absence, when water consumption and excretion are balanced, nothing needs to be changed.

If the swelling does not disappear overnight, and the woman experiences uneven weight gain, then it is strongly recommended to reduce daily fluid intake to one liter. You can’t drink less, because water is the basis of metabolism.

However, an attempt to reduce swelling solely by reducing fluid intake is doomed to failure if you do not reduce your salt intake. It is imperative to exclude salted nuts, cucumbers, herring, sauerkraut, and black bread from your diet. Food should be under-salted. And do not be afraid that sodium will not enter the body at all. This substance is found in many foods and vegetables, so the body will not feel its deficiency.

Moderate dropsy, and in particular swelling of the legs, can be eliminated solely with the help of diet. But when there is no result of such correction within 3-5 days, it means that it is necessary to resort to the help of diuretics. It's worth noting that doctors have not prescribed them often in recent years because sodium excreted in the urine can reduce the volume of circulating blood, leading to increased blood pressure. If we are talking about a severe form of dropsy and gestosis, then obstetrician-gynecologists still prescribe such drugs, but under supervision. In this case, the woman is hospitalized and the treatment process is strictly monitored.

It is worth noting that in addition to the usual edema during pregnancy, cardiac edema can also be observed. For example, with heart disease they are a consequence of heart failure. By the way, cardiac edema manifests itself precisely in the lower extremities: the arms, face, and abdomen do not swell.

Doctors determine the cause of edema by the size of the liver. In cardiac diseases, this organ first enlarges, then symptoms of swelling are observed. With dropsy, the size of the liver remains normal. And in heart failure, swelling is preceded by shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, and cyanosis of the mucous membranes, which are absent in gestosis.

If a pregnant woman’s legs swell due to kidney problems, then specialized treatment of the underlying disease is necessary. It is prescribed by a therapist or nephrologist. In this case, therapy is carried out in a hospital setting.

So, with swelling of the legs, a woman should, first of all, contact her treating gynecologist. Only he will be able to accurately determine the cause of the pathology and give competent recommendations and prescribe treatment.

Edema is an excessive accumulation of fluid in the interstitial space of any part of the body. During pregnancy, the amount of fluid circulating in a woman’s body almost doubles, since it is contained in the amniotic fluid, the placenta, and is also needed by the growing baby and its circulatory system. At the same time, the water-salt metabolism changes (sodium accumulates in the vessels, which delays the excretion of fluid), and the growing uterus puts pressure on the vessels and organs, which slows down blood circulation and promotes fluid retention. In addition to all this, changes in hormonal levels during this period cause a feeling of thirst, which also leads to swelling.

Edema as a syndrome accompanies many diseases of different organs and systems of the body: endocrine, cardiovascular, renal and other inflammatory processes.

Edema (especially large ones) is not just a symptom that looks unsightly and causes discomfort. They can be quite dangerous. Due to severe swelling of the mother, the child may experience hypoxia (oxygen starvation), and the expectant mother herself may suffer from swelling of the internal organs and, as a result, disruption of their functioning. Swelling can also be one of the symptoms of preeclampsia, a condition that, if severe, may even raise the question of early birth. Therefore, it is important to track the appearance (and even their possible appearance) at a very early stage.

However, sometimes even severe swelling does not bother a pregnant woman, and her health remains satisfactory. Even in such a situation, it is better to consult a doctor, since in more than 90% of such cases the condition worsens (protein appears in the urine, pressure increases) and turns into gestosis.

As a rule, edema begins to bother the expectant mother from about the 30th week (and in case of gestosis - from the 20th week) of pregnancy.

Severe swelling can accompany pregnant women expecting twins or simply carrying a large fetus.

Hidden edema during pregnancy - what is it?

Puffiness always seems to be an obvious problem. However, this is not entirely true. In addition to obvious edema, there are so-called hidden edema (swelling of internal organs and tissues). Your obstetrician-gynecologist can help you detect them by conducting several examinations:

  1. Regular weighing. Very often, hidden edema is indicated by excessive weight gain - more than 300 g per week.
  2. Regular measurement of leg circumference. Complicated hidden edema is indicated by an increase in the circumference of the lower leg by 1 cm or more (measurements are taken once a week).
  3. Study of daily diuresis indicators. Diuresis is the volume of urine produced over a specific period of time. It is used to compare the amount of liquid that was drunk with the volume of urine excreted. Normally, 3⁄4 of all the liquid you drink is excreted per day (this includes water, other drinks, fruits, and soups).

As a rule, the doctor can find out whether a woman is prone to edema already in the first weeks of pregnancy. He receives data on this from examining the patient, studying her constitution, heredity, medical history, as well as from a blood test for biochemistry. The sooner you know whether you may have swelling, the sooner you can take measures to prevent it.

Physiology and pathology of edema during pregnancy

Edema can be physiological and pathological. Physiological edema usually does not cause complications and only gives the pregnant woman a feeling of dissatisfaction with her appearance. Their origin is due to the fact that the growing uterus compresses the blood vessels - this prevents the normal outflow of blood. The uterus also puts pressure on the ureters, which causes fluid retention during pregnancy and, as a consequence, swelling. Edema of a physiological type can also be associated with the constitution of the pregnant woman herself - in women of short stature and with increased body weight, they occur more often.

Pathological edema, as a rule, accompanies gestosis (late toxicosis) - a complication of pregnancy that can occur in the third trimester. Its symptoms are high blood pressure, excretion of protein in the urine (normally it is absent), nausea, vomiting, headaches, convulsions (eclampsia), fever, drowsiness or, conversely, severe agitation, plus severe swelling. However, gestosis may not be accompanied by edema, and such “dry” gestosis is considered a more severe case. Also, gestosis is not necessarily accompanied by all of the above symptoms. The most dangerous thing is the presence of seizures. In any case, gestosis almost always requires the help of a doctor and the pregnant woman being in the hospital. The sooner you start treating it, the less likely it is that it will become severe.

Swelling of the legs during pregnancy

Swelling of the legs during pregnancy is the most common type of edema. They especially bother those who spend a lot of time on their feet, or simply after a long walk. Swelling is usually noticeable in the feet and legs. At the same time, your favorite shoes become too small or press hard. It is important to choose one that will not cause discomfort, from good stretch materials, so that it is comfortable to wear in the afternoon. You should also give up high heels, giving preference to low and stable ones. If you are concerned about leg swelling during pregnancy, try to avoid long walks, do not stand on your feet for long periods of time, at home take a lying position and raise your legs up, and also massage your feet regularly.

Swelling of the hands during pregnancy

Swelling of the hands during pregnancy, as a rule, appears in those women who work at the computer, do needlework and any other monotonous work - fluid stagnation occurs due to monotonous movements. In this case, you need to regularly do finger exercises. Also, starting from the second half of pregnancy, doctors advise not to wear rings on your hands. If you do not remove them in time, you can end up with such a degree of swelling that it will be very difficult or impossible to remove them.

Facial swelling during pregnancy

Facial swelling during pregnancy is easy to notice - the face becomes round and puffy. Particular discomfort is caused by swelling of the eyelids, and bags appear under the eyes. This is due to the specific anatomical features of the eyelids - in this area there is loose fiber that strongly absorbs liquid. You can reduce swelling on your face by following the general rules for preventing body swelling.

Swelling of the nose during pregnancy

The nose may swell as a result of general swelling of the face, as well as due to possible allergic reactions, which become greatly aggravated while expecting a child. It is advisable to prevent nasal congestion and swelling, because breathing problems make it difficult for the child to get oxygen. You can eliminate swelling with the help of drops, but do not forget that pregnant women are prohibited from using a number of common medications, so it is better if the medicine is prescribed to you by a doctor who knows exactly what medications are allowed.

Prevention and treatment of edema during pregnancy

Pregnant women with edema are given increased attention at the management stage in the antenatal clinic. The expectant mother is regularly weighed, her blood pressure is measured and her kidney function is monitored using urine tests. Everything is aimed at preventing complications. Advice given by doctors:

  1. Adjust your nutrition. Eliminate fried and smoked foods (food prepared in these ways has a bad effect on blood vessels), boil meat and vegetables, steam, bake. Food must contain a sufficient amount of protein (to avoid its deficiency, which can occur with gestosis). It is also better not to eat fatty, spicy, pickled, sweet foods, and baked goods. But low-fat broths, cereals, fruits and vegetables should be eaten regularly. To prevent swelling, it is useful to carry out fasting days, but without getting carried away, no more than once a week and always after consultation with the doctor.
  2. Limit salt intake (ideally to 1–1.5 g per day). It contains sodium, which helps it retain fluid in the body. It is important not only to under-salt (or not at all) food during cooking, but also to remove pickles, sauerkraut, herring, chips, crackers, sausages, and canned food from the diet.
  3. Drink more. A sufficient amount of fluid will speed up water-salt metabolism in your body. If you drink little, you can lead the body to dehydration, which is no less dangerous. You should drink up to 1.5 liters of water per day (not counting soups and compotes), and drink most of the liquid before lunch, leaving less for the evening. It is better to drink not in large glasses, but in small sips, often, but little by little. However, you shouldn’t overuse the liquid either - this can lead to even more swelling. You can drink not only water, but also juices (preferably unsweetened and freshly squeezed), fruit drinks, tea with milk. At the same time, it is better not to get carried away with black tea and coffee, they can affect blood vessels and blood pressure. Green tea is also not as healthy as many people think: it contains a large amount of caffeine and can also affect the condition of blood vessels. You can drink no more than two cups per day. Forget about soda, especially sweet ones. In addition to fluid retention, it also causes heartburn. If you are going to start drinking so-called diuretic teas, be sure to consult your doctor - not all such drinks can be beneficial, and you need to take them very carefully.
  4. Move and do gymnastics as much as you can. With active movements, the risk of swelling is reduced by half. Do special gymnastics for pregnant women, yoga, and visit the pool. The main thing is not to overdo it and exercise to the best of your ability. The load must be uniform and dosed.
  5. Let's rest our feet. Try not to stand still or walk for too long. If you are sitting, place your feet on a special stand or stool. At the same time, it is strictly forbidden to sit with one leg crossed over the other. When sitting for a long time, do gymnastics with your feet about once an hour - twist them in different directions. Stand alternately on your heels and toes. Don't sit in one position for a long time. While lying down, place a cushion under your feet. Do cool foot baths and massages.
  6. Try not to stay in the heat or stuffy rooms for a long time.
  7. As recommended by your doctor, wear special compression garments. Swelling of the legs may be accompanied by varicose veins. This problem should be treated by a phlebologist, who will also prescribe you underwear with the required degree of compression. The main thing is to choose it by size, it should not put pressure.

Swelling is a symptom that accompanies almost every pregnancy. Minor swelling is almost inevitable, but there is nothing dangerous about it. So there is no need to worry. The main thing is to show responsibility in time and do not forget about the rules for their prevention, so as not to lead to a severe degree. Moreover, after childbirth, swelling disappears quite quickly, because the woman’s body leaves about 8 liters of excess fluid. And you will quickly forget about this problem.

Signs of edema: when to see a doctor

The easiest way to determine whether you have swelling or not is to press your finger on the skin. If there is no swelling, not a trace will remain on the skin; if there is, you will see a hole that will level out quite slowly, and the skin itself becomes pale and tense with swelling.

A slight swelling will not harm the pregnant woman, but there are signs that, if you notice them, it is better not to hesitate to consult a doctor:

  • Sudden weight gain. If you gain more than 300 g in a week, this indicates severe swelling and a large amount of excess fluid in the body.
  • The manifestation of edema in the morning. As a rule, swelling is temporary and intensifies in the evening, and in the morning there are no traces of it. If it bothers you already in the morning, it means it can become dangerous.
  • Burning, tingling of the toes and hands, their numbness. This occurs due to compression of the nerves. With severe swelling, difficulties in bending the fingers may also appear, and it may become painful to step on the feet.
  • The shoes become too tight and tight; the rings are difficult to remove from the toes or cannot be removed at all.
  • Severe rounding of the face, swelling of the nose and lips.
  • Rapid heartbeat, shortness of breath, increased blood pressure.

Many newly pregnant women know that during pregnancy their legs, arms, and face may swell. And it seems that this is considered normal, because this happens often. But why then do doctors so diligently monitor and always pay attention to whether their patient is edematous? Could “pregnant” edema be somehow dangerous?

Edema is a condition when excess fluid collects in the tissues. We notice this in the form of swelling, which primarily appears on the face and legs, but also during pregnancy the arms, abdomen, and lower back may swell.

In fact, edema during pregnancy is a common phenomenon and has its own explanations. Firstly, the body’s need for fluid is constantly increasing, so the further it goes, the more a woman wants to drink. A significant portion of the weight gained during pregnancy is fluid. Secondly, sodium accumulates in a woman’s body - in blood vessels and in all tissues except bone. And sodium, as you know, attracts and, thus, retains water in the body. This is how swelling appears.

Swelling nose during pregnancy

First of all, fluid retention in the tissues manifests itself on a woman’s face: it becomes rounded, the eyelids swell and visually the eyes become narrower and smaller. Often, renal edema begins with swelling on the face, requiring treatment, which is discussed a little below.

Among other things, the nose also swells. But it is not at all excluded that such a symptom has a different nature. Problems with nasal breathing are a fairly common phenomenon among pregnant women. Often we are talking about a “runny nose during pregnancy,” which is caused by hormonal changes. In this case, the nasal mucosa swells, breathing through the nose becomes difficult, itching and dryness appear in the nose - the woman experiences severe discomfort.

Rhinitis in pregnant women can manifest itself at different times of the day (for example, only in the evening and at night or throughout the day), at different stages, and in some cases accompany the entire pregnancy. But after childbirth, this unpleasant companion will disappear. The main thing now is to find an effective, safe remedy for a runny nose and nasal congestion. In itself, a runny nose in pregnant women is not dangerous, but it can lead to insufficient oxygen supply to the fetus, which is very undesirable.

Swelling of the nose during pregnancy may well be an allergic manifestation. Analyze all your recent actions and assess the likelihood: perhaps you need to find the source of the allergen (new washing powder, flowering plants, etc.)

Sometimes swelling of the nose and lips appears already from the first weeks of pregnancy as the earliest sign, although much more often such nasal swelling occurs already in the last weeks of pregnancy. In general, everything is quite individual: many expectant mothers do not experience anything like this at all.

Swelling of hands and fingers during pregnancy

Swelling of hands and fingers is much more common during pregnancy. The woman feels tingling in her fingers, burning in her wrists, numbness in her hands. A clear sign of swelling can be considered swelling of the fingers to the point that it becomes impossible to remove the ring. Another way to check for swelling is to press your finger on the skin of your hand: if a dent remains, then you can talk about swelling.

Women who work a lot with a computer mouse and keyboard or are engaged in other activities that require repeating the same actions many times, for example, knitting or modeling, are more susceptible to the formation of hand swelling during pregnancy. In this case, the so-called tunnel syndrome develops: the fluid accumulating in the wrist puts pressure on the nerve passing here, causing pain.

Gymnastics for your arms and more rest will not hurt you at all.

If swelling of the hands and fingers during pregnancy is combined with other swelling - of the back, sacrum, lower abdomen - then you should notify your doctor about this.

Legs swell during pregnancy

However, most often the legs swell during pregnancy. They swell noticeably, and it becomes incredibly difficult to put on your old shoes, especially if you’ve walked a lot before and taken your shoes off. The first sign of swelling of the feet may be a mark on the ankle from the elastic of the socks.

In most cases, leg swelling during pregnancy appears in the third trimester and is not dangerous. Almost every pregnant woman experiences swelling of the legs to varying degrees, so there is no need to worry too much about this. But they can also be one of the signs of late toxicosis - a condition that is definitely dangerous for both the child and the woman. Therefore, this fact cannot be ignored under any circumstances. Talk to your doctor about how to prevent and treat swollen feet—it's actually easy to do at home.

If by morning the swelling of the legs does not go away, and along with the legs the arms, face, stomach and lower back swell, then you should visit the doctor immediately.

Edema during pregnancy: folk remedies

Usually, if the cause of edema in a pregnant woman is eliminated, it will disappear on its own within a few days. To do this, it is necessary to significantly reduce the consumption of table salt, not to overwork, ensure normal rest and avoid exposure to the sun.

It is a mistake to think that you need to drink as little as possible. Today, doctors no longer advise pregnant women to reduce the amount of fluid they consume in case of swelling. After all, it is impossible to live without fluid now; it is simply necessary for the normal development of pregnancy, and besides, a sharp reduction in its amount will lead to the opposite effect: the body will begin to accumulate water in reserve. So you should still drink enough - at least one and a half liters, excluding soups and fruits. It is best to drink clean water, maybe with the addition of lemon; cranberry and lingonberry fruit drinks are also very useful (they have a diuretic effect). But give up coffee now.

Eliminate all provoking factors. Eat less salty foods (first of all, exclude sauerkraut, pickles, herring, black bread, salted nuts, olives), spices, carbonated drinks, foods containing large amounts of sodium (tomatoes, seeds, nuts), avoid fried foods , smoked. Instead, increase the amount of protein in your diet. Once a week you can spend a fasting day on apples and juice.

Don’t walk in the heat, don’t get overtired, don’t sit in one position for too long, do physical exercise (if there are no contraindications, of course). Good rest and walks in the fresh air are of great importance. Place your feet on an elevated surface while sleeping. Taking the knee-elbow position for 5-10 minutes will help alleviate the condition.

In folk medicine, there are many different recipes for combating edema:

  • Diuretic herbs help well - bear ears, bearberry or lingonberry leaves, horsetail, cherry stalks, hawthorn flowers and berries, kidney tea - no more than one glass of decoction or infusion per day and no more than 1 month.
  • Decoction of dried apricots: pour boiling water over the dried apricots and leave overnight, and in the morning drink this compote 30-40 minutes before meals.

There are many other folk recipes against swelling. Just do not resort to treating edema with medications, for example, diuretic tablets. However, any action should be coordinated with a doctor, and herbal medicine is no exception.

Cool foot baths also help: the water should not be icy, but not warm either. Keep your feet in the bath for 10-15 minutes, then lie on your left side and rest a little, raising your feet above heart level. Try not to lie on your back at all. If there is someone to give you a foot massage, then that’s great! After the procedures, the swelling should go away.

In this case, we are talking about physiological, that is, “normal” edema for pregnant women, which affects approximately 75-80% of expectant mothers. They do not pose a threat to the fetus, although such manifestations should be eliminated. But swelling during pregnancy is not always so harmless. If you do not pay attention to them in time and do not take the necessary measures, then problems will begin.

Edema with gestosis

In general, edema during pregnancy is one of the three most striking symptoms (late toxicosis). Therefore, most often they appear in the third trimester. The more swelling you get, the greater the risks you and your unborn baby will face.

There are 4 degrees of gestosis, in which swelling manifests itself in different ways:

  • I - dropsy of pregnancy. In addition to edema, there is a general weight gain, weakness, and fatigue.
  • II - nephropathy of pregnancy. In addition to edema, protein in the urine or increased blood pressure may also appear. If all three symptoms are observed simultaneously, the condition is considered threatening for the woman.
  • III - preeclampsia. In this case, changes in the fundus and brain are associated with nephropathy.
  • IV - eclampsia. Convulsions begin - the condition itself is extremely dangerous for both the woman and the child.

However, that's not all. In addition to gestational edema, cardiac and renal edema can also develop during pregnancy, which often manifest themselves earlier than in the third trimester.

Cardiac edema can occur if a woman has heart problems. Moreover, they are always located below: from the lower back and below. A medical examination reveals that the liver is enlarged. And before the appearance of edema, the woman experiences shortness of breath and increased heart rate, and her lips may turn blue.

Unlike cardiac edema, renal edema begins in the face, bags under the eyes are characteristic, and later both arms and legs may swell. The reason is the woman’s kidney diseases in the past or those that have developed now, during pregnancy, which need to be treated.

When is swelling a threat?

If you are dealing with physiological edema, which disappears after eliminating the provoking factor, as we wrote about above, there is no reason to worry. But as soon as you notice that the swelling does not go away on its own (you wake up swollen in the morning), and that in addition to your legs, your arms, legs, hips, stomach, and lower back are also swollen, then immediately tell your gynecologist about it.

Rapid weight gain (over 20 kg in total or more than 300 g per week) is also a serious cause for concern, so you need to weigh yourself regularly.

The degree of swelling at home can be checked as follows: press with your finger in the area of ​​the lower leg, where the bone is covered only by skin (without muscles) - in front at the bottom of the leg. If the skin immediately returns to its place, everything is fine. If a dent remains there for some time, swelling is evident, or rather on the leg.

In an outpatient setting, you may receive necessary tests or a McClure-Aldrich test to determine swelling.

Why is swelling dangerous during pregnancy?

In most cases, pregnant women experience physiological swelling. It does not pose a threat, in fact, like dropsy in pregnancy. But such manifestations should not be left unattended.

If a problem arises, that is, we are talking about the second and further degrees of gestosis, then it must be solved. Even if the pregnant woman feels fine, swelling along with other symptoms is an alarming signal. Ignoring it threatens to disrupt the connection in the “mother-placenta-fetus” system. This, first of all, promises oxygen starvation of the child with all the ensuing consequences. If serious complications occur, it may even be necessary to terminate the pregnancy.

Treatment of edema during pregnancy

Treatment of edema during pregnancy, as a rule, begins with the recommendations described above, mainly with the normalization of sleep and rest patterns and diet. The attending physician will certainly monitor weight gain, and will also recommend that you monitor the amount of fluid consumed and excreted by the body.

Much will depend on the results of the analysis. If protein is detected in the urine, especially against the background of high blood pressure and shortness of breath, the woman will be offered hospital treatment. It is aimed at eliminating the cause of edema, improving the functioning of the kidneys and heart, and uteroplacental blood flow. Vitamin preparations are usually prescribed - magnesium, vitamin E, lipoic acid.

Edema during pregnancy requires drug treatment only when it is accompanied by dysfunction of important organs (liver, kidneys, heart), since diuretics during pregnancy can only be used in extreme cases due to a large number of contraindications and side effects, as well as possible toxic effects for the fruit.

In each individual case, the prescriptions will be different, so treatment for edema during pregnancy can and should only be prescribed by a specialist and only based on the results of a full examination! There is no need to worry about prescriptions, because during treatment the potential risk and probable benefit are necessarily compared.

Be healthy!

Especially for- Elena Kichak

From Guest

I had terrible swelling since 6 months of pregnancy. All arms, legs, stomach, face were swollen. I gained 2-3kg in 1-2 weeks. The doctor’s only answer was “eat and drink less.” Although she drank and ate so little. My legs hurt terribly, I lay down and woke up with pain. Walking was difficult and painful. I read a lot of information about edema, and came across an interesting article about the benefits of lemons. I started drinking water with lemon. I have completely given up plain water and only drink it with lemon added. After some time, the swelling went away and my legs didn’t hurt. I recommend it to everyone.

From Guest

I also used Venolgon 911 gel, after work, when I simply couldn’t feel my legs, I took a contrast shower and smeared this gel, such a pleasant chill went down my legs. Swelling and fatigue go away very quickly.

From Guest

I have been saving myself from swelling for several years now with the pharmaceutical balm venolgon 911, it relieves swelling in 25 minutes, improves blood circulation, my legs feel light, I did baths before, they helped, but usually in such situations there is no time, but I quickly applied the gel, rested my legs a little came in order. And during pregnancy I smeared it in the last months.

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