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Edema during pregnancy: symptoms, causes, treatment

Peripheral edema is a symptom of various conditions, manifested by an increase in tissue volume due to the accumulation of excess fluid in them.

The mechanism of edema can be described as the sweating of the liquid part of the blood (plasma) from small vessels into the surrounding tissues. The force of gravity also matters here, so swelling first appears on the feet, then spreads along the legs from bottom to top. With widespread swelling, the process involves the hands, face, and anterior abdominal wall.

According to the mechanism, swelling occurs:

1) Hydrostatic (occurs when there is difficulty in the outflow of blood, for example in heart disease)
2) Neurogenic (disruption of the innervation of blood vessels, due to which they do not fully perform their function)
3) Hypoproteinemic (decrease in protein content in the blood, which makes the blood more fluid and easier to sweat through the vascular wall)
4) Membranogenic (violation of the integrity of the vascular wall)
5) Inflammatory (all types of inflammation, including allergic reactions, may be accompanied by swelling)

Most often, swelling is only a symptom of a certain condition, and it is recommended to treat the cause itself. But in the case of leg swelling during pregnancy, the situation is not so clear. We will look at the most common causes of leg swelling in a pregnant woman. All the diseases that we will talk about have one of the mechanisms listed above.

Causes of leg swelling in a pregnant woman:

1. Primary (not related to pregnancy)

1.1 spicy

- heart diseases (heart diseases with the formation of heart failure are important: heart defects, myocardial dystrophy, long-term arterial hypertension and others)

Lymphatic edema (more dense than venous edema, does not depend on static load and does not decrease after rest, is often unilateral, develops due to the accumulation of high-protein fluid in the tissues)

- hypothyroidism (insufficient hormonal function of the thyroid gland is accompanied by the development of dense swelling of the legs and face, lethargy, drowsiness, dryness and flaking of the skin, especially the elbows, and also affects the physical and mental development of the fetus)

- flat feet (constant uneven load on the leg muscles interferes with normal blood circulation, the solution is orthopedic shoes)

1.3 swelling due to external causes

Sitting for a long time in a deep chair, cross-legged, legs crossed or legs tucked under you

Excessive consumption of salty and pickled foods, fatty foods and liquids

Alcohol abuse

Prolonged positional load (prolonged standing, excessively long walking)


Incorrectly selected shoes (a heel of 2-6 cm is considered optimal, a high heel increases the load on the spine and knee joints and contributes to their early aging, shoes without heels most often disrupt posture)

2. Secondary (caused by pregnancy)

2.1 Edema of a pregnant woman, not accompanied by arterial hypertension and proteinuria(increased protein in urine)

Edema caused by pregnancy is classified in the appropriate section of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD) and has code O12.

2.2 Pre-eclampsia (code O 11)

- heavy

Causes of edema in a pregnant woman (O 12):

Changes in water-salt metabolism
- change in the structure of the vascular wall

Progesterone (a hormone that maintains pregnancy) is intended to constantly maintain the uterus in a relaxed state (relieves tone). But at the same time, the tone of many other muscle structures, in particular the venous wall, decreases.

The veins become less elastic and stretch easily, blood is deposited in them and intravascular pressure increases, the liquid part of the blood sweats into the tissue. Progesterone also promotes salt and fluid retention, which is important for the same normal tone of the uterus and the preparation of the mammary glands for lactation.

Therefore, pregnancy is a powerful trigger for swelling of the legs, even if you are otherwise completely healthy.

Mechanical difficulty in the outflow of blood and lymph from the lower extremities (the pregnant uterus compresses the vessels and thereby prevents the full outflow of blood and lymph from the lower extremities)

Increasing body weight increases the load on the urinary and other body systems.

Diagnosis of edema during pregnancy

You can check for edema yourself in this way: you should press on the front of the shin, where it is easiest to feel the fibula. When pressed, does it leave a hole that does not recover within a few minutes? This means there is swelling. On the feet, swelling can be felt on the back and sides.

Also, with swelling, marks from socks or shoes remain, and the usual shoes become small.

First of all, you need to make sure that in addition to swelling there are no other pathological symptoms. To do this, a diagnostic minimum is carried out:

- complete blood count (CBC). In the OAC, we can observe thickening of the blood due to the fact that the liquid part of the blood goes into the tissues, manifestations of inflammation (increased levels of leukocytes and ESR).

- general urinalysis (UCA). In OAM, we are primarily interested in protein, normally there is no protein, an indicator of 0.033‰ requires monitoring of OAM and more frequent visits to the local obstetrician-gynecologist, higher indicators are a sign of the transition of edema in a pregnant woman to another pathology (preeclampsia will be discussed below).

- biochemical blood test (BAC). In the LHC it is necessary to check total protein and its fractions, ALT, AST, bilirubin, urea, sugar. This is the minimum number of indicators that help diagnose/exclude more serious disorders.

- daily proteinuria. This measurement of the amount of protein lost by the body in urine per day helps guide specialists to a more in-depth examination.

- 24-hour blood pressure monitoring(ABPM or Holter monitoring). This study consists of installing a blood pressure measuring device and a recording device attached to it for a day. The patient must lead a normal lifestyle, and also perform several diagnostic tests per day (lie for a certain time on your back, on your side, and so on, climb the stairs). All events are recorded in a diary, so that later a specialist in functional diagnostics can compare increases in blood pressure and heart rate with periods of stress or rest.

Additional if necessary consultation with a therapist and ophthalmologist(with examination of the fundus, which reflects hypertensive changes).

Treatment of edema during pregnancy

Treatment of edema in pregnant women not accompanied by proteinuria and arterial hypertension.

There is no clear number of meters that should be covered. You need to proceed from your physical fitness and well-being.

- fluid restriction up to 1200-1500 ml, sometimes less (the patient’s weight is also taken into account); soups and fruits and vegetables should also be included in the fluid calculation.

- balanced diet

Spicy, smoked, sweet and salty foods cause thirst, and more water is consumed. You should also know that thirst is increased by dry foods, such as boiled eggs, dry cottage cheese, boiled meat, etc., these healthy foods should be consumed with gravies and sauces.

If treatment with aminophylline is intended, then it is necessary to avoid coffee and other caffeine-containing products.

- positional therapy or position therapy

Therapy consists of taking the knee-elbow position for 3-15 minutes up to 6 times a day, depending on how you feel. The effect is achieved by reducing compression of the urinary tract and kidney vessels by the pregnant uterus, urination is accelerated and excess fluid is excreted by the kidneys. Despite the seeming primitiveness of the recommendation, this is a fairly effective means of action when used regularly.

This provision should be used with caution in women whose pregnancy occurs with signs of threatened miscarriage or false contractions.

- herbal diuretics

Canephron 2 tablets 3 times a day (an alcoholic solution of the same drug is not recommended during pregnancy since it is taken for a long time) is used according to different schemes, from 10-14 days to constant use (10 days on, 10 days off, and so on). The choice of dosage regimen is made by a doctor (antenatal clinic therapist or obstetrician managing your pregnancy) taking into account the test results and the achieved effect.

Brusniver 1 filter bag 3-4 times a day for a long time, over time the dose can be reduced to 1-2 times a day, especially if Brusniver is combined with other diuretics. Your doctor will determine your dosage regimen.

Previously, aminophylline was actively used to treat edema (150 mg 1-3 times a day for no longer than 3 days), now it is used much less frequently, as there are side effects (tachycardia in the mother and fetus, arrhythmia, dizziness) and when other drugs are ineffective.

- magnesium therapy

It is carried out in a day or round-the-clock hospital setting, the dose of magnesium sulfate is calculated by the doctor.

The swelling finally stops only after the birth of the child. Our task is to prevent severe and generalized edema and prevent the development of more serious conditions, such as preeclampsia.


Preeclampsia is a pathological condition unique to pregnant women.

Moderate preeclampsia:

Increased blood pressure from 140/90 mmHg. up to 159/89 mmHg.
- moderate swelling
- moderate proteinuria

Severe preeclampsia:

Increase in blood pressure to 160/90 mmHg. and higher
- generalized edema
- proteinuria
- headache in the parietotemporal region
- pain and heaviness in the right hypochondrium and in the epigastrium (the area “under the stomach”)
- visual impairment (flickering “floaters in front of the eyes”, flashes of light, blurred vision)

Any manifestations of severe preeclampsia require immediate medical attention and are a reason to call an ambulance team.

The examination is the same as for edema. It is in order to detect the development of preeclampsia as early as possible that pregnant women undergo blood and urine tests so often. Sometimes the development of the pathological process occurs unnoticed and the patient physically feels well.

Treatment of preeclampsia

If there is a combination of edema and moderate proteinuria, or a combination of moderate and treatable hypertension with swelling of the legs, then treatment can be started on an outpatient basis and in a day hospital. More pronounced pathological manifestations are subject to hospitalization in the obstetric hospital in the pregnancy pathology department.

Rational physical activity and nutrition
- positional therapy
- diuretics

The drugs used are the same, with the exception of aminophylline, which in this case can provoke sudden changes in blood pressure, up to collapse and fainting.

- antihypertensive therapy

1. 1st line drug: methyldopa (dopegit), this is a drug that is safe to take during pregnancy. Dopegit 250 mg is used from 1 tablet 2-3 times a day to 2 tablets 4 times a day. The dose is determined by the doctor based on tolerability and effect.

2. 2nd line drugs: beta blockers (metoprolol) and slow calcium channel blockers (nifedipine). Used as an additional drug when methyldopa is ineffective at the maximum allowable dose. The decision to start taking these drugs and the dose will be determined by the doctor, since there are side effects for the mother and fetus.

3. Others: thiazide diuretics (hydrochlorothiazide), used in case of ineffectiveness of the above drugs, persistent increase in blood pressure, used less frequently.

- magnesium therapy

In this case, magnesium sulfate is used as an anticonvulsant that prevents the transition of preeclampsia to eclampsia (convulsions), and also has the diuretic effect we need.

Thus, edema in a pregnant woman is a very ambiguous condition, from relatively “harmless” positional edema to the development of severe preeclampsia. It is impossible to prevent the development of such conditions 100%, especially during the first pregnancy. No one can know how a given woman’s body will react to a new condition - pregnancy. In order to safely carry a baby, to maintain the health of mother and child, it is necessary to regularly see an obstetrician-gynecologist, monitor your diet and weight, ask about all your concerns, do not hide complaints and always follow the instructions of specialists. Take care of yourself and be healthy!

Obstetrician-gynecologist Petrova A.V.

Are you interested in knowing why your legs swell during pregnancy? How dangerous are swelling of the legs during pregnancy, why do they occur, what is the reason and how to deal with them.

What is edema and the reasons for its appearance

One of the complications of pregnancy is swelling. It affects the legs, arms, face. It happens to almost all expectant mothers after 22 weeks, but it manifests itself strongly by 35.

Why do my legs swell at 38 weeks of pregnancy? The appearance of edema is promoted by an increase in fluid in the body. This is how symptoms of gestosis appear, which can be dangerous in the last trimester of pregnancy. The main causes of disturbances during pregnancy:

  1. excess fluid in the body;
  2. there are varicose veins on the legs;
  3. kidney function is impaired;
  4. uncomfortable shoes and clothes;
  5. disruption of the thyroid gland and heart;
  6. frequent diarrhea;
  7. acute thrombophlebitis;
  8. gestosis (read the article Gestosis during pregnancy >>>).

Swelling in the legs and arms occurs with joint diseases, with venous insufficiency, if the expectant mother moves little, she is overweight. In any case, you need to visit a doctor.

The cause of swelling is not always clear. The gynecologist will prescribe you to undergo additional examination.

  • You will need to have an ultrasound of your kidneys and blood tests;
  • The main task of a woman is to count urine output (read also an article on a related topic: Frequent urination during pregnancy >>>);
  • It is necessary to record the volume of fluid consumed and the amount of urine excreted. If there is not enough urine, you will be prescribed special therapy.

Swelling may depend on the weather and time of day.

  1. If swelling appears suddenly on the face and hands, this is very dangerous. This disrupts the blood supply and increases blood pressure;
  2. In addition, the growing uterus puts pressure on the pelvic veins, which leads to stagnation of blood in the lower extremities;
  3. Swelling of the ankles and feet during pregnancy can be caused by a lack of potassium when a woman consumes salty foods, canned and smoked foods, and caffeine.

This pathology has 4 stages of manifestation:

  • first the legs swell;
  • then the hips, stomach and lower back;
  • face and hands;
  • whole body.

In the later stages, when the uterus puts a lot of pressure on the bladder, pathology arises from poor urine outflow.

What are the dangers and is everyone at risk of edema during pregnancy?

Swelling during this period is not always dangerous.

  1. At this time, sodium salts accumulate in the body of the expectant mother, attracting water;
  2. When certain factors affect the body, physiological edema develops, which is considered a completely normal phenomenon during this period and should not cause concern;
  3. If it occurs, you just need to remove the cause.
  • Legs swell greatly during pregnancy, when there are disorders in a woman’s body that affect her health;
  • In this situation, swelling is accompanied by weakness, high blood pressure, high temperature, and it becomes difficult for the woman to move;
  • In this case, the pathology occurs in another part of the body, and not just on the legs.

Attention! Severe swelling is a symptom of preeclampsia, which leads to a sharp rise in blood pressure and rapid weight gain. In severe forms of preeclampsia, vision decreases, irritability and abdominal pain appear, and the head hurts severely.

It can also be a sign:

  1. blood clot in the legs;
  2. poor circulation;
  3. presence of sugar in the blood;
  4. heart and kidney failure.

Sometimes accompanied by numbness of the limbs, discomfort and pain.

Pathological edema is associated with a violation of water-salt metabolism in the body, when the outflow of blood and lymph through the veins of the legs occurs incorrectly and, at the same time, the blood thickens.

Important! Ignoring the problem threatens to disrupt the connection between the expectant mother and the baby through the placenta, hypoxia, and termination of pregnancy.

Swelling in different trimesters of pregnancy

In the first trimester, swelling is not visible. In the second trimester, if swelling appeared before the 36th week, then doctors consider this a pathology of early gestation. At this stage, this problem is associated with chronic diseases that worsened during gestation. In this case, the gynecologist sends the woman for an examination of the heart and kidneys.

Legs, in the early stages, may swell for the following reasons:

  • initial stage of varicose veins;
  • there is a predisposition to kidney problems;
  • the woman drinks a lot of fluids;
  • abuse of salty foods.

Swelling of the legs during late pregnancy is considered absolutely normal. During this period, swelling occurs in the arms and legs, face, abdomen and neck. In recent months, in severe form, they can spread throughout the body. The provoking factors for the appearance of edema in the later stages are:

  1. Multiple pregnancy;
  2. Preeclampsia;
  3. Chronic diseases;
  4. Eating large amounts of sweets and fatty foods.

Of course, this problem in the later stages signals the presence of a serious illness.

To diagnose this disease, the doctor will take blood and urine tests and do an ultrasound. As additional diagnostic methods, it is possible to do Dopplerography and coagulogram. Treatment requires hospitalization. This is important for preserving the life and health of both the baby and the woman herself.

It is quite natural for your legs to swell at 36 weeks of pregnancy. Indeed, under the pressure of the fetus, the vessels of the legs narrow and, as a result, blood flows poorly to the legs. But if the expectant mother suddenly gains weight, then she should be under the supervision of a doctor.

If this problem is not treated, it will lead to impaired blood circulation in the placenta, which can lead to hypoxia in the baby and premature birth.

Know! In the presence of eclampsia and preeclampsia, a pregnant woman experiences leg cramps, which cannot always be eliminated; the woman loses consciousness, and if the situation is advanced, she falls into an eclamptic coma.

How to get rid of swelling

How to get rid of leg swelling during pregnancy? First, you need to determine the cause. It will not be possible to completely remove them, but you can alleviate the condition. The following tips can be applied:

  • consume less salt;
  • Drink no more than 1 liter of water per day;
  • do not abuse fatty and sweet foods (read the article

Almost every pregnant woman is aware that the period of waiting for a child is accompanied by swelling of the arms, legs, face and other parts of the body. Statistics say that only 20% of women do not face such trouble at this time. During the normal course of pregnancy, about 7 liters of additional fluid accumulates in the body of the expectant mother, which is distributed rather unevenly: about 5-6 liters are retained outside the tissues, the rest is in the tissues of the body. In recent weeks, about 3 liters of fluid accumulates in the form of amniotic fluid in the placenta and the baby’s body.

The cause of swelling can be both normal physiological processes and the manifestation of such a complication during pregnancy as late toxicosis - gestosis. In order to determine the cause of increased fluid accumulation in the extremities, it is necessary to consult with a gynecologist who “accompanies” the woman during pregnancy.

How to escape from swelling of the limbs?

What to do when your legs swell during pregnancy, because folk remedies should be used with great caution, and it is advisable to abandon them altogether and engage in prevention. Only a doctor should prescribe a diuretic for edema during pregnancy, because self-medication can be dangerous for both the expectant mother and the baby.

There are a number of tips to help a pregnant woman cope with the appearance of edema:

  • balanced and nutritious diet, rich in proteins and carbohydrates;
  • reducing the amount of salt consumed; at best, it should be completely excluded from the diet for a while;
  • you should try to avoid staying in one position for a long time: sitting or standing;
  • for edema, doctors also do not recommend walking a lot;
  • You should not greatly limit your fluid intake, about 1.5 liters per day will be quite enough, but overuse can lead to the appearance of additional swelling;
  • if swelling bothers you in the area of ​​your legs, then in the daytime and evening, place them on a hill for 15-20 minutes and give an energetic massage in this area;
  • when the gynecologist has determined that the cause of swelling of the legs is the uterus, which in the third trimester began to compress all internal organs, special gymnastics can help, or rather only a certain position: knee-elbow, in which you need to stay at least 2 hours a day. This time can be divided into 10 approaches of 20 minutes, or at the discretion of the pregnant woman.

Types and causes of edema

If the arms and legs swell, and no protein was found in the urine, and the pregnant woman’s blood pressure is within normal limits, then most likely the reasons lie in slower blood circulation in the extremities. This usually occurs in the second half of pregnancy, after about 30 weeks. When a woman does not control her diet and consumes a large amount of salt and then liquid, the consequence is quite obvious - mild or severe swelling that goes away after a night's rest, but returns during the day. This is not considered a dangerous condition, but it still causes the pregnant woman some discomfort, and therefore requires certain actions to adjust the diet and other preventive actions.

There are 4 stages of swelling:

  1. fluid accumulates in the lower leg area;
  2. the feet and lower abdomen are connected to the lower leg;
  3. swelling of the hands is added to the previous parts of the body;
  4. Almost the entire body swells.

There are also hidden swellings that cannot be noticed by the appearance of a pregnant woman. A doctor may suspect them when a woman experiences a sharp jump in weight gain, while her usual diet has not changed much.

Swelling of the legs is especially common among pregnant women who suffer from cardiovascular disease, kidney problems or varicose veins. In this case, the woman’s condition must be monitored by a specialist.

When this problem occurs due to gestosis, the fluid first accumulates in the area of ​​​​the feet, gradually rising up to the face. Sometimes the first manifestations of late toxicosis occur in the form of weight gain of more than 350 grams per week. When swelling begins to appear throughout the body, we can conclude that dropsy in pregnancy has occurred. If protein in the urine and high blood pressure are added to this, then treatment of this condition occurs in a hospital setting. In mild cases, a woman can simply be prescribed a number of medications and sent home, but she will need to see a doctor much more often than usual.

The content of the article:

When a woman is pregnant, the amount of fluid in her body doubles. In this regard, a woman may suffer from swelling of the legs during pregnancy. This phenomenon in itself is not very good for a woman’s body, and if swelling is accompanied by high blood pressure and the presence of protein in the urine, then doctors begin to sound the alarm. What should pregnant women do if they experience swelling? What recommendations should be followed and why is this pathology dangerous? This article will answer these questions.

What is swelling and its causes?

Swelling is one of the most common pathologies during pregnancy. They are caused by a high load on the body and a significant decrease in the activity of the expectant mother. For expectant mothers, the need for fluid doubles. If it is slowly eliminated from the body and accumulates in the vessels and tissues of a woman, swelling of the face, arms, legs or other parts of the body occurs. Outwardly, this manifests itself as swelling of one or another part of the body. In the later stages of pregnancy, swelling becomes very noticeable visually, but in the first two trimesters it can go unnoticed. Therefore, every expectant mother should know the signs of swelling during pregnancy:

Fast weight gain. Excess fluid accumulates in a woman’s tissues and can increase her weight by a kilogram or more in a week;

Changing facial contours. Fluid can accumulate in the muscles of the lips, nose, and cheeks, which leads to rounding of the face;

Numbness, tingling and burning in the fingers of the upper and lower extremities. It is difficult for a woman to bend her fingers and step on her toes. These actions are accompanied by pain;

There are marks on the ankles from the elastic of the socks;

The rings do not come off the fingers, and the shoes begin to pinch or even become small.

If one or more symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor who will conduct the necessary tests and prescribe treatment.

Swelling of the legs occurs in almost every pregnant woman, especially in the last months. The cause of swelling of the legs during pregnancy is a large load on the lower limbs. If your legs are swollen after a long walk or a hard day, then this is normal. But if the swelling does not subside overnight by morning, then you need to consult a specialist.

Swelling of the hands and fingers is often found in pregnant women who spend a lot of time at the computer. Monotonous movements on the keyboard and computer mouse lead to stagnation of fluid in the tissues. An excellent prevention of swelling of the hands and fingers is a gymnastic warm-up for the fingers.

When the nose is swollen, expectant mothers have difficulty breathing, which reduces the flow of oxygen to the fetus. This phenomenon negatively affects the development of the baby, so if the nose is swollen, you should immediately consult a doctor.

The danger of leg swelling during pregnancy

Swelling during pregnancy can be signs of gestosis - late toxicosis. Particular attention should be paid to the woman’s condition in the third trimester - during this period, swelling appears most often. Many women think that swelling is just uncomfortable and unsightly.

What are the dangers of edema during pregnancy, both for the baby and for the mother herself? Due to swelling, the child develops oxygen starvation; the mother may suffer from swelling of the internal organs and disruption of their functioning. In severe cases, pregnancy even has to be terminated, so it is very important to notice and relieve swelling during pregnancy in a timely manner.

Treatment of swelling

Treatment for edema during pregnancy depends on its location. It is strictly forbidden to independently select medications to eliminate swelling. In most cases, gynecologists prefer to eliminate swelling of the legs with the help of herbal infusions - a sedative that improves kidney function and normalizes the tone of blood vessels.

How to relieve swelling of the legs during pregnancy with the help of medications? In some cases, doctors prescribe medications such as Cyston or Canephron. During pregnancy, a short course of therapy with these medications is allowed and they do not affect the development of the fetus.

Also, the attending physician may prescribe lipoic acid or “Curantil”, which activate uteroplacental circulation.

You can learn how to deal with leg swelling during pregnancy from the video:

Folk remedies for the treatment of swelling of the legs

In the last stages of pregnancy, the uterus grows rapidly, which increases the load on the blood vessels. Swelling of the legs at 35 weeks of pregnancy occurs in most women, but not all of them agree to drug therapy. In consultation with your doctor, in such cases you can use parsley infusion.

The fruits of garden parsley (sometimes roots) in the form of powder or infusion are taken orally for kidney problems. Powder from the fruit is taken 0.5-1.0 g 3-5 times a day before meals, washed down with warm boiled water. Infusion of roots or fruits: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of raw materials is infused for 8-10 hours in 2 tbsp. boiling water and drink tbsp. spoons throughout the day.

Compression stockings for swelling

The development of edema can be prevented by wearing compression stockings for pregnant women. Such products are produced on the basis of a special elastic fabric, due to which the pressure on the vessels is evenly distributed.

Thanks to this, tights and other types of compression garments allow you to achieve the following effects:

Protect veins from varicose veins;

Normalize blood circulation;

Relieve the feeling of fatigue in the legs;

Saturate the skin with oxygen;

Prevent swelling, thrombosis and cramps.

To prevent the development of swelling and cope with them as effectively as possible, a set of measures is prescribed. Only the use of special stockings will not be able to protect the expectant mother from edema.

Prevention of edema

Significantly reduce your intake of salt and salty foods. Table salt contains sodium, which retains fluid in the body. That is, the more salt, the more fluid in the body. A woman should remove salted fish, pickled vegetables, sausage, black bread and such “harmful” foods as chips, crackers, etc. from her diet. Even ordinary dishes can be prepared without adding salt. Some women wonder if they don't consume salt, will there be a lack of sodium in the body. There is no need to be afraid of this, since this microelement is contained in sufficient quantities in other products;

Diet for swelling of the legs in pregnant women. To prevent swelling of the legs during pregnancy, a woman needs not only to give up salt, but also to introduce only healthy foods into her diet. You need to steam or simply boil foods, but under no circumstances fry them. You should also limit foods with a pronounced taste (spicy, sweet, sour). Instead of fatty and high-calorie foods, you should eat cereals, vegetables and fruits every day. Do not overuse drinks such as tea (black and green) and coffee. They contain high levels of caffeine, so you should not drink more than two cups of these drinks during pregnancy. It is better to replace them with still mineral water or freshly squeezed juice. It is important not to exceed the daily calorie intake (2800-3500 calories);

Compliance with drinking regime. Insufficient water consumption leads to the fact that the body accumulates liquid “in reserve”. And this worsens the condition of the venous walls, blood clotting and affects its qualitative and quantitative indicators. When carrying a child, the amount of blood in a woman's body increases, so if you do not maintain a drinking regime, the likelihood of blood clots and other health problems increases. To avoid this, a pregnant woman should drink at least 2.5-3 liters of liquid per day (this includes not only water, but also liquid from first courses, drinks, vegetables and fruits). However, the future mother should receive at least one and a half liters of water per day. In this case, you need to drink still water and not in one gulp, but in small sips, but often. It is worth noting that patients with gestosis need to drink tea with milk instead of water to avoid leaching salts and beneficial microelements from the body;

Do not use diuretics uncontrollably. Self-medication during pregnancy can harm not only the woman herself, but also her baby. Therefore, taking any medication must be agreed with your doctor. Diuretics remove fluid from the body, which subsequently leads to its excess accumulation and swelling;

Rest your legs more often, as this reduces the likelihood of developing varicose veins and the accompanying swelling. Before you give your feet a rest, you need to apply ointment for swollen feet for pregnant women. This will relieve fatigue from your legs and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.

If a woman notices signs of swelling (for example, the rings have become small or her feet do not fit into her shoes), then she should not do self-diagnosis, much less self-medicate. First of all, you need to contact your obstetrician-gynecologist, who will develop recommendations taking into account the individual physiological characteristics of the patient and the characteristics of the course of pregnancy. However, you should not wait until swelling occurs. There are many methods for preventing edema during pregnancy, which are available to all expectant mothers.

Swelling of the legs during pregnancy

Pregnancy completely changes the worldview and habitual way of life of every woman. Sometimes, the happiness of anticipation of becoming a mother is overshadowed by complications, such as swelling during pregnancy.

Edema is characterized by excessive fluid retention in the body: in a separate part of it or in the whole.

Excessive water retention can be caused by an inflammatory process, a consequence of insect bites, and various types of injuries. In addition, various types of drinks can retain excess liquid, for example, mineral water, carbonated water.

Edema often accompanies various diseases. Thus, those suffering from kidney disease, heart patients, and diabetics encounter them more often than people unfamiliar with such problems.

Causes of edema during pregnancy

Pregnancy is not a disease, however, a woman’s body, being in this state, is transformed and significantly different from its previous appearance. Retention of more fluid in the body of the expectant mother is normal, natural, and this process begins almost from the first weeks of pregnancy.

Starting from about the eighth week, fluid accumulates, the total volume of which over the entire period reaches an average of 6-8 liters. Part of this strategic supply of water is required for the baby, placenta, and amniotic fluid. The second half is needed to increase the mother’s blood volume, for the growth of the mammary glands and uterus.

However, it often happens that the body makes reserves of much larger volumes than the real need arises. It is then that edema occurs during pregnancy, in later stages which can harm the health of both mother and baby.

Types of edema during pregnancy

Water-salt metabolism in pregnant women undergoes physiological changes, resulting in possible pathologies in the form of edema. There are four types based on severity:

  1. The first is characterized by swelling in the legs.
  2. Second – stop, lower abdomen.
  3. The third – swelling of the hands and face.
  4. The fourth – generalized edema, otherwise called “dropsy”.

Swelling of the legs during pregnancy

When your legs swell during pregnancy, and there are no other symptoms, this is the first bell indicating a lack of fluid. Excessive thirst is proof of this.

Methods for determining edema

Swelling may be barely noticeable. In the morning there may be no problems, but in the evening, comfortable shoes begin to press, and a feeling of discomfort appears in the feet.

The first sign of swelling is uneven weight gain, as well as a weekly weight gain of over 300 grams on the scale.

To find out if there is swelling, you should lightly press the skin with your finger. If, after removing your finger, the skin does not immediately become smooth, this is the first alarm bell.

Swelling from week 20 is not normal. Its presence is a signal to draw the doctor’s attention to it.

Causes of swelling

A little swelling is not always dangerous. Another thing is that the condition is aggravated due to the abuse of salty, fried, and fatty foods. In summer the heat is exorbitant. Additional irritants are capable of creating a pathology that requires treatment from a process that is natural to the physiology of a pregnant woman. That is why the diet and lifestyle of the expectant mother should be treated with all responsibility.

There are several main causes of swelling:

  • Violation of water-salt metabolism.
  • Deficiency of protein intake.
  • Loads on the kidneys, constantly increasing with the growth of the fetus.
  • Compression of the renal vessels.

What is gestosis during pregnancy

Swollen feet may be a sign of significant pathology. Along with swelling, there is too rapid weight gain. Swelling spreads to other parts of the body and becomes the first source of concern for a woman, not leaving her alone for a minute. With gestosis, you feel heaviness when walking, pressure increases, protein comes out along with urine, blood circulation slows down, and the first organs that suffer from this are the kidneys, liver, and brain.

At an early stage, gestosis reveals itself by the presence of edema, often hidden.

Not all edema is already gestosis, and edema during pregnancy is not always dangerous. The task of doctors is to determine the severity of edema; the task of pregnant women is to draw the attention of attending physicians to changes in their body, even those that, at first glance, seem insignificant and harmless.

There can be no amateur activity in the treatment of such edema during pregnancy. If the disease is present, expectant mothers are hospitalized, since such edema during pregnancy is extremely dangerous.

Swelling of the hands during pregnancy

Excess fluid may accumulate in the wrists and fingers. The volume of fluid gradually increases, resulting in swollen hands during pregnancy.

The expectant mother is subject to modifications at the hormonal level. This is associated with excessive sensitivity, irritability, and illogical mood swings. The hormone progesterone affects not only mood, it can cause fluid stagnation.

Numbness in the hands, discomfort in the fingers and wrists are all the first signs of hand swelling.

Mechanical work, such as knitting or computer work, can also aggravate severe swelling during pregnancy. Therefore, when doing monotonous work, you should do exercises for your hands and warm up your fingers.

Facial swelling during pregnancy

The further away blood cells are, the less salts and protein they contain compared to other tissues. Water actively leaves the blood, which leads to dehydration. In addition, edema during late pregnancy occurs due to compression of the lymphatic vessels and veins by the rapidly growing uterus.

The face becomes unnaturally round in appearance. What to do when edema during pregnancy in the last stages manifests itself with renewed vigor - bring this to the attention of a specialist.

Treatment and prevention of swelling during pregnancy

Light exercise, exercise, being in the fresh air, active life together with a nutritious diet is the best prevention against the appearance of abnormalities, including swelling.

Comfortable shoes and comfortable underwear made from natural fabrics, evening foot massages and baths, and a special cream will come to the aid of expectant mothers and make their condition as pleasant and painless as possible.

Diet and drinking regimen for edema

Salty foods are removed from the diet, including salted mineral water, which it is advisable to exclude completely, as well as various sodas, the harmful effects of which do not at all justify the desire to quench thirst. Plain water, teas, juices, compotes can cope with restoring water balance without causing harm.

It is important to drink 1-1.2 liters of fluid daily. In addition to water, this volume includes food containing water (fruits, borscht, broths, soups, etc.). For swelling, it is recommended to drink water with a slice of lemon, tea with lemon (preferably without sugar), and lingonberry compote.

Kidney and other herbal infusions should never be taken without the advice of a doctor. Diuretic tablets are strictly prohibited for pregnant women.

How to relieve leg swelling during pregnancy

If your legs are swollen during pregnancy, the question is “what to do?” is asked millions of times to doctors. There is often no need to be treated with medication - minor swelling can be easily avoided by following simple rules.

When the legs swell slightly during pregnancy, expectant mothers should lie on their side more often.

Several times a day, experts advise lying or sitting with your legs raised up for 10-15 minutes. For large swelling, this procedure should be repeated every two to three hours. The best effect will be if you first immerse the legs in a bowl of cool water for 20 minutes.

If there is slight swelling, you can lie down with a low cushion under your feet. You can sleep in this position.

Foot massage is useful for preventing swelling - you can rub it with your hands or use a washcloth. After the procedure, anoint your feet with a special anti-swelling gel - the doctor will help you choose the most effective one.

What to do when your hands and face swell

The legs usually swell first. But this swelling is already a signal to remove jewelry from your hands, especially rings, including wedding rings.

A glass of hot milk before bed helps relieve swelling and your face will feel better in the morning.

Drinks made from vegetables, fruits and berries, which have a natural diuretic effect, relieve swelling well.

Folk remedies for relieving swelling

For centuries, mothers have collected folk recipes on how to relieve swelling during pregnancy. When deciding to try one of them, you should definitely tell your doctor about it.

Traditional recipes:

  1. Dried apricots are a reliable assistant in the fight against swelling. Recipe: pour boiling water over a handful of dried apricots overnight. In the morning before meals you should drink liquid, after which it is advisable to abstain from food for half an hour.
  2. Carrot juice with pulp. Drink freshly prepared half a glass of juice in the morning on an empty stomach.
  3. Pumpkin also has diuretic properties and is not harmful to pregnant women. Half a glass of juice once a day will be a tasty salvation from puffiness.
  4. Birch sap - drink ½ glass twice a day.
  5. Viburnum with honey. Recipe: Grind fresh viburnum berries. Pour 2 tablespoons of the mixture into 250 ml of boiling water and heat in a water bath, without boiling, for 20 minutes. After cooling to room temperature, crush the strained liquid 2-3 times a day, a third of a glass. Before taking, add a little honey to the decoction (at the tip of a spoon).
  6. Cranberry with honey. Recipe: Grind the berries with honey (or sugar). Eat 1 tablespoon 2-3 times a day after meals.
  7. Oat grains. Recipe: pour 1 tablespoon of oat grains into 1 liter of water. Bring to a boil and simmer for 3 ½ hours over low heat, stirring regularly. Rub the cooled mass through a sieve. Eat the resulting porridge 3 times a day, 1/3 cup.

You should not use several products in one day. You can alternate every other day or weeks. After trying different options, you can choose the most suitable one for yourself.

The individuality of each individual organism cannot be excluded. Some products can cause different reactions, with sensitivity to a particular product. For example, viburnum can cause indigestion in some people.

When it is not possible to relieve swelling with folk remedies, doctors prescribe medications, mainly herbal. Among them, the most often prescribed are:

  • Canephron. Containing lovage root, centaury herb, and rosemary leaves, it does not harm the baby and is approved for use in any trimester. The only thing is that it is better to choose tablets than drops, since the latter contains alcohol.
  • Phytolysin is an effective remedy based on extracts of parsley roots, pyraeus, herbs “Poultry knotweed”, “Horsetail”, as well as pine, sage, mint and orange oils. Its disadvantage is that it is dangerous in the case of inflammatory processes in the kidneys, so it is prescribed only after a thorough examination.
  • Euphilin, with a high content of aminophylline, also has a powerful diuretic effect. Contraindicated for heart patients, pregnant women with low blood pressure, and breastfeeding. Therefore, its use should be stopped before delivery. In addition, you should not take the drug on an empty stomach, as this is more likely to lead to side effects: dizziness, headaches, and intestinal disorders.

It is dangerous for expectant mothers to resort to self-medication without consulting a doctor, and even more so in case of severe swelling.

Swelling in the last months of pregnancy

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