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Removal of a plug before childbirth - what does it look like and what to pay attention to? What does it look like and when does it go away during pregnancy?

The date of birth cannot be determined down to the day. Therefore, pregnant women need to be aware that there are some signs that indicate that labor is imminent.

  • Descent of the abdomen– the fetus is preparing to emerge and descends with its head into the mother’s birth canal; the descent can be tracked by measuring the height of the navel;
  • Change in fetal activity– the baby grows significantly by the last month of pregnancy, and there is not enough space in the uterus; movements practically stop;
  • Plug exit– the uterus prepares for childbirth and opens the previously blocked cervical canal; the cork is a signal for the expectant mother that the baby will soon be born.

When these signs appear, it is necessary to prepare for the upcoming trip to the maternity hospital. Labor can begin at any time.

A plug before childbirth is a formation of mucus that closes the entrance to the cervix. It is designed to protect the fetus from the possible entry of microorganisms into the uterus and the development of infection. Education occurs at the very beginning of pregnancy.

The plug is a fairly dense clot of yellow mucus, similar to jelly. During passage, the capillaries of the cervix may burst, so the clot may have a red, pink or brown tint. Sometimes blood streaks are visible. The volume of discharge is approximately two tablespoons.

The mucus color may be:

  • Yellow;
  • Beige;
  • Taupe;
  • Transparent.

Each pregnancy is different, and the plug also looks different. However, there is a general similarity: it must be mucus, not water or blood. If they come from the vagina, you must urgently go to the hospital or call an ambulance.

More often the cork comes out in the morning in parts throughout the day, less often - entirely. It can also be released along with the amniotic fluid or only during childbirth. This is not a pathology.

Once the plug comes out, you need to be careful. It is prohibited to swim in ponds or pools or take a bath.

The passage of a mucous clot does not always indicate the imminent onset of labor - it may take several hours or weeks.

There are no temporary standards for the passage of the plug, but the discharge of mucus more than 4 weeks before the expected due date is considered abnormal. Most often, the plug comes out a week or less before the due date.

A woman may or may not feel mucus discharge. The exit is preceded by:

  • Aching or similar to premenstrual;
  • Abdominal tension or pressure;
  • Contractions of the uterus with mild pain.

Early traffic jam

If the plug comes out earlier than 4 weeks before birth and is accompanied by bright bloody discharge, this may indicate placental abruption. In this case, hospitalization is necessary; timely intervention by doctors can protect you from unwanted consequences.

Early removal of the plug if a pregnant woman has an infection or infection is dangerous due to exacerbation of diseases and can threaten the health of the fetus. The optimal solution is to visit a gynecologist.

Many women are concerned about the question: “Do all pregnant women develop a mucus plug?”

Mucus formation occurs in all women without exception. The release of the plug may not be noticed if it coincides in time with taking a shower or the loss of amniotic fluid.

In the body of a pregnant woman, from the very moment of conception until the 38th week, a special hormone is produced - progesterone, which is responsible for preserving the fetus. Closer to childbirth, progesterone levels drop, the cervix relaxes, and the mucus plug comes out through the open canal.


Many mothers begin to panic after the mucus plug comes out. We will answer the most frequently asked questions regarding labor and prenatal symptoms.

  • The cervix of pregnant fluid is covered throughout the entire period of pregnancy by the so-called mucus plug. She represents a clot consisting of cervical mucus. From the very beginning of pregnancy, this mucus in the cervix begins to thicken and turn into a dense viscous plug.
  • The function of this plug is to protect the child and the uterine cavity from infection from outside. Before labor begins, this plug peels off and comes away, freeing the cervix for the birth process.
  • Normally, the plug looks like a clot of mucus with small bloody inclusions and by no means not contains large amounts of bloody discharge
  • Many expectant mothers are concerned about the question: when the mucous plug comes out, how long will it take for labor to begin? We will try to answer it

  • This process is always individual. There is no need to worry about going into labor immediately after the plug comes out. For some women, labor may begin within an hour, while for others this may take several days, or sometimes weeks.
  • If the plug comes out and there are no other signs of labor, contact the doctor who is observing you and listen to your body while you wait. There are cases when the plug does not come off, but contractions have already begun and the water has broken, do not wait for the mucus plug to come out and urgently go to the maternity hospital. The plug can separate directly during childbirth and you will soon become a mother
  • This process is physiologically determined and is not worth much worry. However, if this occurs more than 2 weeks before the due date, you must inform your doctor.
  • We have already found out that the passage of the plug does not mean the onset of labor. An accurate sign of the onset of labor is the breaking of waters and regular contractions with an interval of 10 minutes, which are of an increasing nature.

In most cases, this process physiologically feels similar to the period of menstruation. A pregnant woman may feel nagging pain in the lower abdomen and lumbar region. The plug may come off while a pregnant woman is visiting the toilet, then it is unlikely to be noticed.

In other cases it will not go unnoticed. There will be traces of mucus on the laundry. The plug can come off either as a complete clot of dense consistency, or in small pieces, it all depends on the hormonal background of the pregnant woman.

How does the plug come out before childbirth in first-time mothers?

  • The female body, preparing for childbirth, changes the balance of hormones. In preparation for childbirth, the hormonal background begins to affect the muscle tone of the uterus and, under the pressure of the fetus, the cervix begins to gradually dilate and shorten
  • These processes in primiparous women last a little longer than in multiparous mothers. The process of removing the plug is not much different, but the time intervals may vary
  • Primiparous women take longer to prepare for childbirth and the birth itself often lasts longer for them than for multiparous women. This is the first time their body has gone through this process.

Most often, during repeated births, after the mucous plug comes out, you should not wait long. Most second and subsequent births are rapid.

If in primiparous women it can take from several hours to 2 weeks after the plug comes off, then in this case there is a high probability that labor will begin in the next hour or two after the mucous clot comes off.

  • This process does not take long and the plug often comes off instantly. Of course, if it does not peel off in parts, then this period may take a little longer. The question is how to behave if the plug has come off but labor has not occurred
  • We remember that the cervical plug is a means of protection against infections, so during this period we should adhere to certain hygiene rules
  • From the moment the cervical plug comes out, you should not take a bath; it is better to limit yourself to a shower. Your body is weakened and your immune system will not be able to resist infections that can be acquired by taking a bath
  • When you lie in the bathtub, water can easily get into your genital tract (to information-adherents water birth this also applies)
  • Of course the baby is limited to one more amniotic barrier bubble and until the moment of birth and rupture of water it is protected
  • But at this moment, after the plug comes out, you should not swim in the bathtub, ponds or pools. You should also be careful about personal hygiene.

What color is the cork in pregnant women?

  • It is, of course, difficult to provide a photo of this clot, but it is hardly possible to confuse it with anything
  • Normally, it is a translucent compacted substance with small bloody inclusions. These inclusions are not pathological
  • They may indicate a small number of burst vessels at the time of the cervical plug’s release
  • You should be worried if, when the plug comes out, it is quite bloody and characteristic bleeding is present
  • This may indicate the onset of bleeding. You shouldn’t delay contacting a doctor; it’s better to consult once again than to miss the initial stage of the development of pathological processes

This question is certainly interesting. Although I immediately want to ask: why speed up the natural process?

If you want to speed up the onset of labor from the moment the mucus plug comes out without medication, then activity will help you!

  • The most natural stimulator of labor during this period is an upright position and walking. Don’t lie there and groan, help your baby, because during childbirth he experiences no less stress and pain than you do.
  • Being vertically in motion, the baby lowers and moves along the birth canal under the influence of its own gravity, this will facilitate childbirth and your general condition with the baby
  • Does the plug have to come out before giving birth?
    This moment will definitely happen, but in what period is it happen-purely individual question
  • A cervical clot will definitely release the cervix, but this can happen just before childbirth, directly foreshadowing contractions, or several days or weeks later.

Video: How does a cork come out?

Starting from the 38th week of pregnancy, a woman prepares to meet the long-awaited baby. The cervix is ​​protected by a special mucus plug, which prevents viruses and germs from reaching the baby.

It is its departure that signals the speedy birth of the baby. Read what to do if the plug comes off and when labor begins.

Women who are entering the maternity hospital for the first time are especially little informed and worried.

Few pregnant women know about the mucus plug, which has protective functions. It is this clot of mucus that protects the baby and mother from the invasion of harmful bacteria and microbes.

Important! When the plug suddenly comes out, the pregnant woman’s immune defense rarely weakens.

In this case, the mother must refuse sexual intercourse and bathing, so as not to provoke the development of infection.

It is interesting that the lump does not pass noticeably for everyone.

This fact depends on the anatomical features of the structure of the female body and the course of pregnancy. Mucus may begin to drain 2 weeks before birth.

There are several options:

  • Abrupt departure. During toilet procedures, a woman may notice that a piece of mucus with blood streaks comes out of the vagina.

    In most cases, birth should be expected within 1-3 days.

  • Gradual withdrawal. The pregnant woman increasingly notices traces of discharge on her underwear. For hygienic convenience in later stages, it is recommended to use pads.

    Such discharge may have a yellowish tint with pink spots. The hour of delivery is from 1 to 2 weeks.

  • No traffic jam. Every woman has a plug that protects the entrance to the uterine cavity.

    However, during contractions, the woman may not notice its departure. Perhaps the obstetrician will remove the plug himself.

Mucus may begin to gradually disappear from 36 weeks. If this happened earlier, then you should consult a doctor. Also, some women may confuse the removal of the plug with leaking water.

To prevent this from happening, study the comparison table:

Advice! A test pad will help to accurately distinguish amniotic fluid from the discharge of a mucus plug.

A special pad for underwear that changes color depending on the nature of the discharge.

When do multiparous women start giving birth?

The plug can come off during a second pregnancy in the same way as in firstborns.

Only the speed of development of the process differs. After the birth has completely passed, a woman can begin to give birth within a few hours, so at the very first contractions it is recommended to go to the maternity hospital.

Important! Childbirth during the second and subsequent pregnancies begins earlier, and the process lasts much faster.

In order not to become a happy mother at home, already at 36 weeks a woman should have her personal card in her hands and collect things for the maternity hospital.

What does a mucus plug look like and what color is it?

The formation of the plug begins in the 6th week of pregnancy. It is after the fertilized egg is fixed in the uterus and the embryo is formed that the body begins to activate the mucous membrane, protecting the passage into the cervix with a special plug.

In the last stages, after a hormonal surge, thanks to a loading dose of estrogen, the mucous membrane softens. It is for this reason that excretory processes begin.

A traffic jam can be recognized by the following external criteria:

  • It has a color ranging from yellow to pink with streaks. Small amounts of bloody discharge should not frighten a pregnant woman.

    Indeed, in the later stages, the uterus opens, which provokes minor vascular injuries. This process is natural and does not require medical intervention.

  • The size of the piece can reach even 2 cm in diameter. The cork comes out in one piece or in parts. Sometimes softened mucus is not noticeable and is released in small quantities along with leucorrhoea.
  • The shape of mucus resembles not a real cork, but a jellyfish or a jelly-like mass.

Important! Each woman has her own symptoms of withdrawal. To dispel doubts about a normal or pathological process, it is better to visit a gynecologist.

Why contractions don't start if the plug comes out

There are times when the plug begins to come off or comes out entirely, but the birth process does not begin.

The only option is to wait for the contractions to start. A pregnant woman is already in a vulnerable state, so she should give up several usual activities and follow the rules of intimate hygiene.

Such as:

  • Choose an antibacterial soap with a neutral pH for washing. It is better to carry out water procedures on the genitals using boiled water or chamomile infusions.
  • In later stages, the doctor may prescribe a course of suppositories to cleanse the birth canal of bacteria.
  • Avoid intimacy with your husband. Even the simplest thrush can cause infection.
  • Do not visit baths, do not swim in ponds, and even refuse to take a bath.

A woman herself can help speed up the process of childbirth, she just needs to increase her physical activity.

Important! You should not risk your baby's life by drinking a bottle of castor oil. Such an overdose will not only cause childbirth, but can also cause poisoning.

Up to 42 weeks, a woman can normally expect the birth of a baby.

In case of post-term pregnancy, you should immediately go to the maternity hospital to induce labor. Be healthy and look forward to meeting your beloved baby soon!

Useful video

The passage of the mucus plug is one of the signs of imminent labor. Most women notice this process and begin to prepare for a happy event. Can a mucus plug go away unnoticed, and what role did it play before?

Now let's look at this in more detail.

What is a “mucus plug”?

There are glandular cells on the cervix that produce secretions. An increased amount of this secretion is released during ovulation, which is noticed by almost every woman. If pregnancy does not occur, the accumulated mucus comes out along with menstrual flow. When the egg has been fertilized, mucus accumulates in the cervix and thickens, causing the lumen to become tightly blocked. Nature has provided this so that no infection can enter the uterus, where the unborn child is formed. Thus, the mucus plug in the cervix performs an important protective function. The composition of the formed plug is constantly updated, since the secretion of cervical cells does not stop. Thus, the cork always remains fresh and fully performs its functions.

The mucus plug fills about 5 cm of the cervix. It clogs the lumen very tightly, leaving no void between the walls. The mucus contains ready-made antibodies that will immediately begin to fight the infection if this happens.

The amount of mucus is quite small, approximately two tablespoons. The consistency is similar to jelly or jellyfish. The color of the cork may vary slightly. In some cases, small amounts of blood may be present.

Not all women notice the removal of the plug. For each pregnant woman, the harbingers of labor can be individual - someone’s stomach begins to pull, someone’s water breaks, someone notices the passage of a mucus plug. Apart from seeing the jelly-like mass itself, the passage of the mucus plug cannot be noticed. That is, if she passed away in the toilet and the woman did not feel her, then the pregnant woman may not know that labor will soon begin. In some cases, mucus from the cervix comes out in parts, rather than in one piece.

What does a mucus plug look like with a photo?

What is a mucus plug is shown in the pictures below:

Each woman's mucus plug may look different. However, it can be characterized by general characteristics:

  • Consistency. Most often, the cork looks like jelly or jelly. The density of such a mass is quite thick, so the mucus plug resembles a lump. The shape is also due to the fact that the secretion of the cervical mucosa is located in the cylindrical cervical canal. In some cases, the consistency may change towards a more liquid side, and the plug may come out in parts - then it will resemble smears.
  • Size. The approximate volume of the plug is 50 ml, and its size does not exceed 2 cm. If a pregnant woman notices something in large quantities, it may not be a plug, but symptoms of an inflammatory or infectious process. It is the small size and gelatinous mass that make it possible not to confuse the plug with other secretions.
  • Color. The color of the mucus plug may vary. The natural color of cervical secretion ranges from transparent to whitish-yellow. Changes towards brown shades are also allowed. This plug parameter can be individual for each woman, so there are no universal criteria. The color change is explained by the characteristics of pregnancy, as well as the woman’s health. If you suffered any disease during the period of bearing a child, this may affect the composition and consistency of the mucus. Both yellow transparent mass and brown mucus are considered normal. However, it is necessary to know about pathological conditions in order to quickly consult a doctor in critical cases. A dark or richly colored cork should alert you. An unnatural or bright shade may be evidence of pathologies, for example, the passage of the placenta and the threat of miscarriage. A bright scarlet plug containing a large amount of blood is also a bad symptom and requires immediate medical attention. Such conditions are especially dangerous if childbirth is still far away. Normally, the mucus plug should go away a few days before the baby is born.

Functions of the mucus plug

The most understood function of the mucus plug is to protect the opening of the cervix from infection. Its antibacterial properties and slimy consistency are truly a reliable barrier to various microbes, thanks to which the embryo continues to develop safely.

In addition, the mucus plug performs the function of mechanical protection. For example, sperm after unprotected sexual intercourse or water from the pool will not be able to enter the uterus. The antibacterial properties of the mucus plug are useful both against pathogenic microorganisms and in maintaining the correct balance of natural microflora.

Until the mucus plug comes away, the woman can safely lead her usual lifestyle. When the mucus leaves, the uterus becomes unprotected and the woman needs to be careful not to swim in open water, not to take long baths, and to be more attentive to her health.

Why does the plug come out and how long before birth?

The time it takes for the plug to come out depends on various reasons. This process, in most cases, is physiological and occurs several days before birth due to a combination of several circumstances. The main role in the process of removal of the plug is played by changes in hormonal levels. One of the sharp jumps is recorded at - it is from this moment that the woman should prepare for the passage of the plug and other harbingers of an early birth. The following are the reasons that can lead to the passage of a mucus plug:

  • Changes in hormonal levels. During the entire pregnancy, production occurred, which contributed to the tight closure of the cervical canal. After 38 weeks, this hormone is not produced, so the cervix softens, and its slow opening leads to the loss of the plug.
  • The release of amniotic fluid automatically leads to the rejection of the mucus plug. Tension of the vaginal muscles or, conversely, their relaxation. For example, while taking a shower or having intense sex.
  • Contractions. In this case, the mucus plug will come off just before childbirth, which happens quite often.
  • Gynecological examination. The exit of the plug is provoked by mechanical intrusions.
  • Infectious diseases in the field of gynecology, for example, colpitis or, which are often found in pregnant women. In this case, the plug may come out prematurely and the patient should urgently consult a doctor.

Thus, you can begin to wait for the mucus plug to drain after 38 weeks. Most often this happens a few days before birth. This indicator is individual for each woman and does not depend on the number of previous pregnancies and births. In multiparous and primiparous women, the plug comes out approximately the same number of days before the event and is accompanied by the same symptoms. The only difference is that in nulliparous pregnant women, the diameter of the cervix is ​​narrower, and the walls of the canal are quite dense. Because of this, the plug is held more firmly and more often comes off in parts or with the release of streaks of blood. Women who have already given birth have an elastic surface of the cervical canal. The epithelium stretches well, so the mucus plug often comes off completely and without blood. Physiologically, the process of removal of the plug should be painless.

If you notice that the plug has come off, it is not necessary to quickly go to the maternity hospital. You may have from a couple of days to a couple of weeks of free time to get ready quietly.

What to do if the mucus plug comes off

If you feel changes in the amount of discharge, you need to decide what they are. If the discharge is a mucus plug and it has no signs of pathology, the pregnant woman must wait a few days before the natural start of the labor process. In some cases, a mucus plug can be confused with leakage of amniotic fluid. The waterless period is very dangerous for a child, so when the water breaks, the woman needs urgent hospitalization. You can distinguish one condition from another by several criteria:

  • Departure time. The plug comes off a few days before birth, and the waters often break directly during the birth process. As a rule, contractions intensify when the water breaks. If a woman is at home during this period, she must understand that labor is beginning. When the plug comes out, the general state of health and the frequency of contractions in the uterus do not change.
  • Color. The mucus plug may have a white, yellow, brown tint, as well as small streaks of blood. Amniotic fluid should be clear in color, but in pathological situations it becomes yellow-green.
  • Consistency. The mucus plug is a lump of jelly, and the amniotic fluid is a watery leaking fluid.
  • Periodicity. The mucus plug can come off in one piece or several times in portions. Amniotic fluid leaks constantly, the woman notices wet underwear, rapid filling of panty liners, increased discharge when coughing.

The process of removal of the plug may be accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • pulling and aching;
  • feeling of discomfort;
  • wet underwear or quickly filling a pad.

If your health does not worsen when the plug comes out, you need to wait for the natural onset of labor. If pain occurs or contractions become more frequent, a woman should immediately consult a doctor. The mucus plug from the cervix comes off in absolutely all pregnant women. You can carefully watch and wait for this event to know that labor is soon approaching. Women who say that their mucus plug did not come out simply did not notice it.

If you notice that the mucus plug has come off, doctors recommend following these tips:

  • Do not take a bath, especially a hot one. Try to use only showers these few days before giving birth. Washing with decoctions of medicinal herbs (chamomile, oak bark) or potassium permanganate is also useful.
  • From the moment the cork comes out, do not swim in pools or open bodies of water, and do not sit in the cold.
  • Try to abstain from sex or engage in it more carefully.
  • Pay more attention to personal hygiene - change your underwear more often, wash yourself using special hygiene products, and prevent infection in the genital area.
  • Become more attentive and watch for other warning signs of labor - breaking of water, increased frequency of contractions. If several signs of labor appear, you need to go to the hospital.
  • Prepare for your trip to the maternity hospital in advance. Now you already know that this will happen soon enough, so take your time and collect your things and documents.

What you need to know about mucus plug removal

When the cervical canal is affected, general statistical cases may change. For example, a mucus plug acquires a reddish tint due to inflammatory processes or peeling from the wall of the cervical canal. The amount of thick liquid, which is a mucus plug, is quite small - the same as during normal ovulation the secretory layer of the cervix secretes.

Separation of the mucus plug is a natural physiological process. It indicates the beginning of hormonal changes and does not require medical intervention.

Even if the mucus plug has come out, the baby is reliably protected in the womb, thanks to the dense membrane of the amniotic sac. If the amniotic sac is damaged, the risk of infection becomes extremely high. In this case, emergency hospitalization and delivery are necessary.

You should also be aware of dangerous cases in which you need to be wary and consult a specialist:

  • One of the cases is when the mucus plug and amniotic fluid are confused. The main difference in sensations is that amniotic fluid leaks constantly, and the volume of the mucus plug usually does not exceed 50 ml. With any tension in the abdominal muscles, water begins to leak more intensely. In this case, urgent hospitalization is required.
  • The passage of the plug long before the expected due date may indicate pathologies, for example, placental abruption or premature birth.
  • When the plug comes out, it is accompanied by the release of bright scarlet blood. Most likely, this process is not normal, since the separation of the mucus plug should occur without bleeding.

Young and inexperienced girls who have not yet experienced all the joy of motherhood know little about pregnancy and have no idea about all the nuances that a pregnant woman may have. For example, what a plug looks like during pregnancy, why it is needed, and most importantly, why expectant mothers worry when it comes out - they have no idea about this. All this begins to worry expectant mothers when the expected due date is already close. They ask questions: what to do when the plug comes off, but labor does not begin. How to find out that the plug has come out at what stage during pregnancy and many similar questions arise.

Let's look at everything in order. So let's get started.

This is a mucous mixture that closes the passage to the uterus and prevents various infections and viruses from entering there. The plug protects the fetus throughout pregnancy. Every woman who has given birth before knows that before giving birth, the plug comes out, giving a sign that an important moment will soon come.

The onset of labor cannot be determined exactly. Therefore, expectant mothers need to take into account that there are certain symptoms that indicate that labor is about to begin. These are the symptoms that predict childbirth:

  • the belly lowers, the baby prepares to emerge and lowers its head into the birth canal; the mother can track the lowering by measuring the height of the navel;
  • change in activity - by the last month of pregnancy the baby grows significantly; there is little room in the uterus, the baby begins to move little;
  • the plug comes out, the uterus prepares for childbirth and opens the previously blocked canal.

If you experience these signs, you need to prepare for the upcoming trip to the maternity hospital. They can start at any moment. Most representatives of the fair sex are concerned about the question of whether all pregnant women develop a mucus plug - mucus formation occurs in all women without exception.

The passage of the plug may not be noticed if it coincides in time with taking a shower or the loss of amniotic fluid. How to understand that a plug is coming off during pregnancy - the plug can come off either on its own or when examined by a doctor. It may also not come out all at once, but a little at a time over several days in the form of spotting, which may be mixed with blood. There is no need to worry, in this case everything goes as it should.

The mucus can be yellow, brown or generally transparent. if you notice not only streaks of blood in it, but quite a lot of it, then this may indicate that perhaps placental abruption is occurring. In this case, you should go to the doctor as quickly as possible or call an ambulance, especially if the plug has come out much earlier than the scheduled time. childbirth Normally, the plug will come out no earlier than two weeks before the due date.

The passage of a plug during pregnancy is the main sign of the precursors of labor; in addition, you experience frequent, constant contractions or amniotic fluid is poured out. But you must first of all understand that after the plug comes out, it can take 2 hours or several weeks before your baby appears. The mucus plug generally comes off after sleep in the morning. The plug also comes off while taking a shower.

Firstly, it is not always possible to understand this, especially for those women who do not have children and this is considered all new and unexpected for them. In this case, you only need to trust your feelings and listen to your body. If, for example, it’s time for you to give birth, i.e. the due date is already approaching, then you need to take into account that if you notice mild painful tremors, a nagging pain in the lower abdomen, then pain in the lower abdomen will appear which will be very strong (they will remind you of the pain during menstruation is only much stronger) then this means that you have started to have pain, you certainly cannot confuse them with anything else - the lower back will begin to ache and a feeling of discomfort in the stomach will begin. All this suggests that the birth of the baby is not far off and that he can be born very soon and you must be prepared for this not only morally, but also physically because it will be painful and difficult.

But there is no need to rush yet, if at this time you are not in the maternity hospital, but at home - there is still time. First of all, you need to look at how long the contractions begin. If the break between them is ten minutes, then you can take your time, calm down, breathe deeply and go calmly take a warm shower, but you should know that you cannot take a bath. Collect all your necessary documents, things, get dressed and calmly go to the maternity hospital. What else is important to know and not to forget is that if your plug has come off, but labor has not yet begun and you have not yet given up sexual activity, then it is now forbidden to engage in the same way, as infection during sexual intercourse can get into the vagina, which will be very dangerous for the child.

Let's look at some other options in which cases you really need to start worrying:

  • if the plug comes out earlier than two weeks before the due date;
  • if from the vagina they are bright scarlet in color and in large quantities.

There are cases when a pregnant woman does not notice the passage of the plug before childbirth due to the fact that it occurs while taking a shower or bath or during bowel movements. If you are very interested in the issue of the plug coming out, then you should discuss this with your doctor. Thanks to this conversation, you will find out the answers to all your questions and dispel all doubts.

In any case, you need to remember that childbirth is a natural process from which you cannot escape, you certainly will not remain pregnant, and you will definitely cope with this difficult task. It is difficult because I immediately want to tell you that giving birth is not at all easy, it is very hard work, before which a woman needs to have a good rest and relaxation. Because childbirth consists of three stages:

  1. Dilation of the cervix due to contractions. This period is the longest and often the most painful.
  2. Expulsion of the fetus. This is the very miracle of birth - the birth of a baby.
  3. The birth of the placenta is a child's place.

During the first birth, their normal duration is on average 8-18 hours. With repeated births, their length is usually much less than 5-6 hours on average. This can be explained by the fact that the cervix and genital slit have already opened, so they have acquired the necessary elasticity, so this process goes faster than the first time. But you need to know that the duration of labor is influenced by many different factors that can either speed up the process or slow it down. Here are some of them:

  • child's body weight. Statistically, the heavier the baby, the longer the labor takes. It is more difficult for a large baby to overcome his path;
  • fetal presentation. With a breech presentation, labor lasts longer than with a normal breech presentation;
  • contractions. The different intensity and frequency of contractions directly affects both the course of labor as a whole and its length. During childbirth, pain during contractions always increases slowly, so there is time to get used to them and adapt, and between them there is time to rest a little.

In addition, childbirth will not last forever, which means this pain will not last forever. This banal thought in the delivery room can provide you with very real support. Don’t forget that each contraction helps the baby move forward and, ultimately, leads to his birth. After everything you have experienced, you will finally see your long-awaited treasure, meeting whom you have been waiting for all nine months, and the pain that you experienced during childbirth you will very quickly forget and you will only have positive memories of childbirth.

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