Sport. Health. Nutrition. Gym. For style

Outline of a group lesson in a dark sensory room. (primary classes). Psychologist's session in the sensory room

Semenenko Elena Yuryevna teacher-psychologist MBOU Lyceum No. 3 named after academician V.M. Glushkova city of Shakhty, Rostov region

What do classes in the sensory room give us?

Among the values ​​that are significant to a person, health occupies one of the leading places. In recent years, interest in the health of specialists in various fields has increased significantly. Interest in it is associated with the role it plays in the process of formation and development of the individual and, consequently, the present and future society as a whole. The health of the future generation especially draws attention. Possessing innate protection, the child reacts very sensitively to changes occurring in society in the system within family relationships and the socio-cultural society into which he finds himself in the first years of his life. Due to the crisis state of modern society, the number of morbidity and disability of children in the early years is increasing. School childhood is a short period in a person’s life. But it is of great importance, because... development proceeds rapidly and rapidly: the foundations of the personality are formed, the scope of the child’s activity expands. At the same time, childhood is characterized by increased vulnerability and sensitivity.

The relevance of this problem lies in the fact that the modern family is included in many spheres of society. At the same time, a reduction in parents’ free time due to additional sources of income, psychological overload, stress and the presence of other pathogenic factors contribute to the development of chronic fatigue syndrome in parents, which in turn does not allow them to pay the necessary attention to their child.

Despite the interest of parents in preserving the health of the child, they are not always able to competently resolve many issues and problems that arise, especially since many children spend most of their time in the lyceum. Therefore, the lyceum can provide significant assistance to the family in preserving and strengthening the physical and psychological health of the child.

    The relevance of the above problem of children's health and the search for a system of methods for preventing diseases and promoting health prompted us to use classes in a dark sensory room, which we got this school year.

The following interactive equipment was installed in it:

    Panel “Starry Sky” - when children look at the carpet with the sounds of rushing water and birds singing, a relaxation effect occurs; concentrating on the image, listening to the sounds of nature - and this contributes to the development of audio and visual representations.

    Ottomans and armchairs with granules - a floor seat with polystyrene foam granules (the surface of the ottoman promotes tactile stimulation of the parts of the body in contact with it, and light granules have a soft, pleasant effect and promote better relaxation due to soft acupressure).

    “Children's Corner with Bubble Column” this equipment is effective for stimulating visual and tactile sensations (the mirror helps to visually enlarge the space), music and light light have a therapeutic effect - calm down, relax, tune in to positive interaction.

    Sand drawing table - development of motor skills and imagination of students

    A dry pool is an opportunity to relax the muscles of the back and neck, which is very important for

Depending on the goals and objectives of working with children in the sensory room, I use additional equipment: various toys and materials. For example, a soft toy has a calming, stabilizing function, and a soft pillow is popularly called a friend.

Necessary materials for classes: paper (A4), whatman paper, a roll of wallpaper (2 meters each), paints, brushes and colored pencils for each person, a ball of 2 sizes, candles, magazines with pictures, plasticine, puppet theater characters.

Musical support: recordings with lyrical, romantic, rhythmic music.

The sensory room creates conditions in which the child receives positive emotions. In this room, with the help of various equipment, a feeling of comfort and safety is created, which contributes to the rapid establishment of close contact between the psychologist and the children. Calm colors, soft light, pleasant music - all this creates a feeling of peace and tranquility. In this regard, the need arose to create comprehensive classes, the purpose of which is to create conditions for the correction of psycho-emotional problems of school-age children.

The structure of classes consists of the following stages:

    Warming up children, that is, exercises and games aimed at activating mental processes, the emotional and physical state of children.

    Creating a problematic situation on the topic of the lesson through the use of playful or surprise moments, dramatization, reading literary texts or telling a fairy tale or story.

    A discussion on a problem with individual statements from children, where I am the organizer of the discussion and lead the children to the need to generalize what was said, that is, to solve the problem.

    Drawing on a topic (for diagnostic, preventive or corrective purposes).

    Games aimed at developing communication, intelligence and emotional sphere of children; replaying situations that are significant for children with their participation, in order to correct violations in the sphere of interpersonal relationships; games for the formation of adequate self-esteem, for the harmonization of the child’s personality.

    The final part is relaxation exercises.

Here's an example of a lesson:

Lesson No. 1.

Target: creating an atmosphere of trust, psychological comfort, a positive emotional background, correcting fears, anxiety, increasing self-esteem and self-confidence.

Lesson structure.

Exercise “Greeting – My name.” (Children sit in a circle. I pass the ball around the circle.)

Instructions. Guys, when you have the ball in your hands, say your name (I am Vanya), what am I? (Answer the question in one word.)

Sketch “depict a feeling.” Exercise “What am I afraid of?” (Drawing and destroying fear.)

Relaxation exercise (in the sensory room using the Living Water panel), the lights are dimmed, music is playing.

Reflection. Farewell ritual (children stand in a circle).

Working with drawing in these classes is necessary, since the peculiarity of this work is that after finishing drawing, the child gives his work a name and talks about it. And, of course, he talks about his feelings (What do you think?, Do you feel? Is it possible to change something in the drawing and how? What can be done to make the drawing kinder, better? Do you like it? Did you do as you wanted? What happened, and what - not?). I organize activities so that the child understands the problem and finds a path to positive change.

Classes are held in a dark sensory and light room individually and with a subgroup (4-5 children).

At the end of the entire cycle of classes, an exhibition of some children's works is held, and a final diagnosis is carried out in order to identify changes that have occurred in children during the work.

Classes in the sensory room are necessary for children who are overly tired, emotionally exhausted, restless, hot-tempered, withdrawn, with a high level of anxiety, with behavioral disorders, with delayed mental and speech development, as well as those suffering from psychosomatic diseases.

Another area to focus on in the sensory room is anxiety. Anxiety is an individual psychological trait. In psychology, anxiety is understood as “a stable personal formation that persists over a long period of time,” the experience of emotional discomfort, and a premonition of impending danger. (Parishioner A.M.).

In the sensory room, work is carried out in the following directions:

    relaxation exercises for children that reduce anxiety and aggressiveness, self-regulation is being taught;

    the use of stimulating exercises aimed at activating and developing sensory functions in children: visual and auditory perception, touch and spatial perception;

    the use of exercises to develop communication (this is of great importance for the general psychological development of a person, the development of his self-esteem and formation as a person).

Art therapy is used in classes held with children in the sensory room. Art therapy is the key to a child’s soul; it is a method associated with unlocking the creative potential of an individual, releasing his hidden energy reserves and, as a result, finding the best ways to solve his problems. Also K.G. Jung argued that visual activity is an internal human need.

The famous art therapist M. Naumburg notes that the most important thoughts and experiences of a person, first of all, manifest themselves in the form of images. According to numerous studies by domestic teachers and psychologists, children's drawing is a kind of analogue of speech. In particular, L.S. Vygotsky called children's drawing graphic speech. Psychocorrectional classes using isotherapy serve as a tool for exploring feelings, developing interpersonal skills and relationships, strengthening self-esteem and self-confidence.

Psychocorrectional fairy tales help to gently influence a child’s behavior.

Fairytale therapy is a method that uses the fairy tale form to integrate the individual, develop the creative ability to expand consciousness, and improve interaction with the outside world. “Fairy tales have the ability to awaken the imagination, open the door to the unknown, decorate our lives and unite people with each other.” The form of metaphor in which fairy tales, stories, and parables are created is most accessible to a child’s perception. This makes it attractive for work aimed at correction. In addition, fairy tales and fantasy develop personality and create an invisible bridge between a child and an adult. “We can feel joy, loneliness, anxiety, restlessness, confidence, despair, sadness, abandonment, compassion, love, hope, resentment and many other feelings in fairy tales.” In fairy tales, children project onto the characters their real relationships that exist in life, the feelings that we experience in connection with this. A fairy tale can heal children's problems and build bridges of mutual understanding.

Relaxation exercises are carried out in every lesson, they help relax the body muscles and clear thinking, they are the best way to deal with stress, they help cope with many diseases and maintain health, sharpness and alertness of the mind. Relaxation allows you to control emotions: suppress sadness and embarrassment, make sensual pleasures more acute. She brings peace, beauty and tranquility. If a child focuses on any objects, he relaxes and concentrates his attention on the object, sounds, smells, tactile sensations. Relaxation is essentially a physical phenomenon. Comfortable sitting and a calm emotional state. The sounds of calm music do not cause unpleasant sensations. Listening to sounds is the simplest exercise; it requires much less energy even than breathing. Children try to fix in their minds the moment a new sound appears and enjoy the peculiarity of the sound. Many beautiful things are located next to us: a flowering bush, mysterious patterns of stars in the night sky, a bright candle, magical birds, a beautiful waterfall, etc. Sometimes the eye muscles relax so much that the gaze disperses and, at the same time, the facial muscles can relax. Sometimes we fantasize or come up with various associative connections. For example: grandmother and her garden where flowers grew, swimming in the river or looking at the clouds in which we see the outlines of animals.

Classes in a dark sensory room show what powerful therapeutic, preventive and corrective potential its equipment contains.

Master Class

“Organizing classes in a sensory room as a means of preserving and strengthening the psychophysical and emotional health of students.”

Purpose of the master class: increasing the methodological competence of teachers in the use of health-forming technologies.

Task: demonstrate the technical capabilities of the sensory room, the active and competent use of sensory room equipment in the educational process and extracurricular activities.

Dear Colleagues! I would like to start the master class in an unusual way, in the school corridor. Tell me please, what is behind this door? Sensory room, what is it? Why is it needed and does everyone know how to operate the equipment correctly? Do you want me to open this door for you, and with it the “secret” of the sensory room?

To begin with, I would like to note that the classes conducted in this room have a positive effect on the entire body as a whole. The complex effect on all sense organs and the nervous system, creating a joyful mood allows us to talk about the uniqueness and value of the sensory room for people of different age categories, degrees of deviations - hyperactivity, or without any deviations at all.

The equipment of the sensory room includes lighting design, accompanied by music and video for relaxation, as well as aromatherapy. Also massage and tactile products, frameless furniture, light, sound and interactive equipment. We will get to know all this today. It is more effective to conduct classes in groups consisting of 3-7 students, as well as individually. I select children based on their health card or observation during lessons. The sensory room uses a relaxation method. The occupation hasthree main parts :

Introductory – greeting ritual, warm-up

Main - relaxation, game

Final – farewell ritual

Well, to start our lesson, let's conductgreeting ritual:

Our Veselki (veselki balls) smile at us, they are very glad that we came to visit them, smile and you will wave your hand to them, say “hello”!

Look how much there is a lot of interesting things here and there is room for our imagination to run wild. Let's imagine that we find ourselves on the seashore. (Surf music, dry pool) you can sit on the shore, listen to the sound of the sea, “wet” your feet, or even swim.

Dry pool has a multifaceted effect on the child’s body - normalizes the activity of the central nervous system, improves the activity of the cardiovascular system, respiratory organs, musculoskeletal system, activates the activity of metabolic processes, helps normalize body weight, creates a positive psycho-emotional background. A dry pool creates a massage effect, an immersion effect, an elusive supple support effect, a relaxing effect, a sensory effect, and a training effect. Classes in a dry pool are suitable for everyone without any age limit. Classes in the pool are indicated for cerebral palsy, postural disorders, diseases of the musculoskeletal system, scoliosis, osteochondrosis, diseases of the nervous system, after injuries, vegetative-vascular dystonia, hypotension, and neuroses in children. Contraindications: high blood pressure 140\90, acute period of the disease, elevated body temperature 37.5, skin diseases - pustular, fungal) In a dry pool you can perform both special and general developmental exercises, massage movements, breathing exercises, resistance exercises, in balance, with additional items. Starting positions in the pool: lying on your stomach, back, side, sitting, sitting cross-legged, kneeling, all fours, sitting and lying, legs hanging over the side of the pool. The duration of the lessons is 10-15 minutes using the color scheme of the balls and lighting.

Shall we play? (assistant shows)

1 exercise “Watch” (with or without support on hands) sitting in the pool with support, legs extended. The “arrows” turn: one leg is moved to the side, the other moves towards it. And so on in a circle. The game serves to strengthen the muscles of the lower extremities, coordinate the work of the spine, and increase the support of the arms.

Exercise 2 "Sun" standing in front of the pool, he lowers his hands inward and draws a sun (rotational movements with both hands) - strengthening the muscles of the shoulder girdle.

Exercise 3 "Naughty Legs" sitting on the side, lowering your legs into the pool, dangling them as if in water - strengthening the lower leg muscles

Exercise 4 "Dives" standing by the pool, hands up, reaching the bottom of the pool with your head - cervical massage

Exercise 5 " Rifles» lying on the side, we roll from the side and roll to get to the other side - massage and correction of the spine

Exercise 6 "Firework" lying on your back with your legs apart, connecting your legs, grab the balls and throw them up - strengthen the muscles of the abdomen and legs.

Let's move on to another gaming location. And, moving on to the sand table, we will again carry out simple exercises on tactile paths and massage our legs. The tactile track consists of 7 sections filled with various fillers. There is a basic rule: the sections should alternate soft - hard, hard - smooth. Walking along such a path restores blood circulation and has a beneficial effect on the vital organs of a person, because on the feet there are nerve endings and points responsible for the functioning of a particular organ and the body as a whole.

Here we come to sand table.

Many of you loved to play in the sand as children, build towers, draw on it, let's try now (table with sand, lighting) you can draw intricate pictures, fantasize using different lighting. Playing in the sand relieves mental stress, teaches you how to communicate with peers, and develops your eye and creativity.

Games: - leaving traces


Burial and excavation

Many of us as children loved to play mazes, pushing balls into holes, but here you are invited to try to do the same not only with your hands, but also with your feet. (Labyrinths) - development of coordination of movement, muscles of the legs, arms, eye.

They say that a person can look at fire and water without getting tired. Notice these columns of air bubbles. You can also look at them endlessly, refracting in the rays of light, the water becomes magical and the fish that swim in these columns come to life and it seems to us that they are wagging their tails. (Columns with bubbles) Looking at the mirrors, it seems to us that there are much more of these columns with bubbles. You can also play with mirrors and make different faces.

While playing, we learn to activate visual perception, develop visual-motor coordination, learn to concentrate, and develop gaze fixation.

Exercises: - find the same fish

- count the bubbles

- follow with your eyes

I think that many of you now, if you like rain, only when you are indoors. I suggest you play with the rain now, but not the real one, but the “magical” one. (Fibre-optic fiber)

A bundle of fibers in itself is an anti-depressant. The fibers are soft, pleasant to the touch, they can be intertwined and intricate figures can be made using tape. The device is designed to create a relaxing light effect, develop fine motor skills, tactile sensations, and develop analytical perception of the properties and characteristics of objects.


Braid your hair

Make a snail

As evening approaches, the smells of summer become clearer (aroma lamp) smells of dried grass, the sea. I want to lie on the shore, look at the sky, the stars, and dream.

(Relaxation music plays.)
- Sit back, relax. (Turns on the projector, points it at the mirror ball, aroma lamp with aroma.)
- A wonderful summer night is coming. Bright stars light up in the dark sky. You feel absolutely calm and happy. A pleasant feeling of warmth and calmness covers your entire body: forehead, face, neck, stomach, back, arms, legs... You feel how your body becomes light, warm, obedient.
Breathe easily and freely.
We rest peacefully
We fall asleep in a magical sleep.
Breathe easily, evenly, deeply.

The breeze blows your body with light freshness. The air is clean and transparent. Breathe easily and freely. The stars go out, morning comes. The mood becomes cheerful and cheerful.
Stretch, smile, open everyone’s eyes and stand up! We are full of strength and energy. Try to maintain this feeling throughout the day.

And at the end of our lesson there is a farewell ritual:

Relaxed and played

And we're not tired at all

We'll come again soon

We'll play together.

Wave your arms to our “Veselki” and smile. Remember our “fun people” and smile like them, then you will always be in a good mood. With children, we also note how our mood and well-being have changed after the lesson.

Dear colleagues, at the end of the master class I would like you to share your sensations, feelings, thoughts about everything you saw. Did I manage to reveal to you the secret of the sensory room? (REFLECTION IS SUGGESTED)

All of the above classes have the following structure: ritual of starting the class; relaxation, which allows children to relax and relieve muscle tension; end-of-class ritual.
Game tasks are both developmental and therapeutic: they develop mental processes and form a psychologically healthy child.

Lesson No. 1
"Introducing the Magic Room"

- develop the cognitive sphere of children;
- activate voluntary attention and mental abilities;
- develop proprioceptive and tactile sensitivity, fine motor skills;
- develop the ability to correlate visual-motor and auditory-motor coordination;
- develop sense organs and vestibular apparatus;
- consolidate the ability to convey your feelings and sensations in coherent speech;
- develop communication skills;
- develop the ability to relax in the process of ideomotor movements and image representations;
- develop self-regulation skills.
Materials and equipment: floor tactile tracks; dry pool; balancing board; fun balls; aqualamp; fountain plant; Twizzler cube; tangled spirals; center of tactility; quiet play center; center that develops activity; directional light projector; mirror ball; light squares; soft flooring; audio cassette.

Progress of the lesson

The ritual for starting class.

Game "Greeting":

Guys, our “veselki” are smiling at us. They are very glad that we came to visit them. Smile and greet them cheerfully, wave your hand and say, “Hello!”
- And now you and I will go on a journey... It will begin with this large waterfall. (Look at the landscape on the photo wallpaper.) Look how the water falls from the top of the mountain, how it sparkles and crumbles into multi-colored splashes. And next to it is another waterfall - a small one (the plant is a fountain). Come closer to it and listen to how the water gurgles and runs down the ledges of the mountain. (Listen to the sound of water.)
- And what small bright birds live in our forest, how loudly they chirp! (The audio recording of “Voices of the Forest” plays.)
- The sun is warming up, it’s getting hot. Let's take off our shoes and go into the forest along the path barefoot. (Walking along sensory floor paths.) We will walk one after another so as not to lose our way. Our path begins with this large green clearing, then along the bottom of a forest lake, along pebbles... and further into the forest along a path, along a bridge. (Along the way, the teacher asks the children about their feelings.)
- How do your legs feel?
- And now we will walk through the magical forest, where the seasons change each other every few steps. You need to follow the trail so as not to stumble and fall into the water. Place your arms to the sides. Look carefully at what season you are passing through and name it.
- Now put on your shoes and go to this colorful clearing. (Calm background music plays.)
- Two children will play with toys on this panel (a center that develops activity), and two will roll balls along this spiral: one throws the ball, and the other catches it as it comes out. Listen carefully to where the ball is so you don't miss it. Do this one at a time.
- Approach this spiral. Throw the ball, watch it carefully and catch it at the exit (tangled spiral).
(After a few minutes the children change places.)
- Guys, those of you who played in this clearing can move on to the next one.
- Who wants to play with the toys on this panel? Please! And who will look at the precious materials in our chest?
- Who wants to travel through labyrinths?
(As the game progresses, the teacher asks about sensations and suggests changing places.)
- Guys, here's another chest! Let's see what's in it. (Opens.)
- What is this?
- That's right, these are squares made of different fabrics. Choose who likes which one. Throw your handkerchiefs as high as possible; watch them fall down.
- And now we need to not only throw up the handkerchiefs, but also try to keep them from falling to the floor for a longer time. To do this you need to blow on them - like this! (Show.)
(Next, the teacher suggests tossing the handkerchiefs several times, including the aqualamp.)
8. Come closer and look: what an interesting lamp! It's called an aqualamp, which means a water lamp. What's floating there?
- What color are the balls?
(Invites everyone to watch a ball of a certain color.)
- Notice how the color of the water changes. What color of water do you like best?
- Place the palms of your right hand on the glass. How do your palms feel? (Children talk about their feelings.)
- We traveled with you all day through the magical forest!
Night is coming, it's time to rest. We will rest in this large clearing. Sit on it (soft floor covering). And someone can on this island (soft island).
(Relaxation music plays.)
- Lie down comfortably, relax. (Turns on the projector and points it at the mirror ball.)
- A wonderful summer night is coming. Bright stars light up in the dark sky. You feel absolutely calm and happy. A pleasant feeling of warmth and calm covers your entire body: forehead, face, neck, stomach, back, arms, legs... You feel how your body becomes light, warm, obedient.
Breathe easily and freely.
We rest peacefully
We fall asleep in a magical sleep.
Breathe easily, evenly, deeply.

The breeze blows your body with light freshness. The air is clean and transparent. Breathe easily and freely. The stars go out, morning comes. The mood becomes cheerful and cheerful.
Stretch, smile, open everyone’s eyes and stand up! We are full of strength and energy. Try to maintain this feeling throughout the day.
10. End of class ritual. Farewell to "fun".
- Guys, let's smile at the “merry ones” and say goodbye to them: “Goodbye!”
Remember our “merry men” and smile like them - and then you will always be in a good mood.

Lesson No. 2
Game "Help Friends"

- development of mental processes: attention, memory, thinking;
- development of tactile, auditory and visual analyzers;
- development of the ability to convey sensations in verbal form;
- stimulation of search and creative activity;
- creating a positive emotional mood.
Materials and equipment: “veselka” lighting; plant - fountain; quiet play center; double helix; center of tactility; dry pool; game "Easy squares".

Progress of the lesson

The ritual for starting class.

Game "Greetings".
- Guys, imagine that you are in a sad mood. What is your facial expression? Show!
- Look in the mirror: what sad faces you have! Let's try to cheer each other up. Let's tell everyone what we like about him. We will take turns talking, and everyone will hear something good about themselves. (Game “Compliments”.)
- Well, has your mood improved? Let's greet our "merry ones" and smile at them the same way they smile at us.
- Go to the magic castle (the plant is a fountain). Take a close look at the castle and the nature around it. Who do you think lives in the castle?
- Is your hero evil or good?
- What needs to be done to make him kinder?
- Look at the waterfall that runs down the mountains. Let's listen to the sound of water. (Listen to the sound of water.)
- We move to a green clearing. Here you can play with these spirals. (Double and single spiral.) Watch and listen carefully to where the ball is and catch it as it comes out.
- Let's take a close look at this panel (the center for quiet games). Take turns touching the toys and say which toy you like the most by touch, and which one you don’t like and why.
6. Exercise “Sea of ​​Balls” (dry pool):
- And now we will swim in a sea of ​​\u200b\u200bballs. Let's all turn over on our tummy and float.
- Now let's turn over onto our backs. We continue to swim.
- Now let’s lie quietly on the waves. Close your eyes and imagine that you are calmly rocking on the waves of the sea... (4-5 minutes.)
- Our game is over.

Lesson No. 3

- development of mental processes: thinking, memory, attention;
- development of design abilities;
- continued development of the eye;
- development of eye-hand coordination;
- consolidation of knowledge of the colors of the spectrum;
- relieving emotional stress;
- development of imagination.
Materials and equipment: games “Collect a square”, “Put on a ring”; aqualamp; soft flooring; floor tactile squares; “fun” lighting.

Progress of the lesson

The ritual for starting class.

Greeting "veselok"
- Guys, we will now walk along our forest paths. Today we will name the color of the path we are walking along. (Floor sensory tracks.)
- Come to this table. We will assemble such a square from parts. Be careful and you will succeed. The game is called "Make a Square".
- Now let's play with these toys. The game is called "Put on the Ring". When you put the ring on, you say what color it is. Let's see who is the most accurate and who can put on all the rings (water toys) faster than others.
- We will play the game “Find the Color”. I will show a color, for example red, and you will look for all red objects in this room. And so we will search and name all the colors.
- Now lie down on our soft sofa, turn your face to the magical aquarium and watch how the water changes in it. As soon as the water changes color, you call it.
- Turn over on your back. Lie down comfortably, close your eyes and listen to my voice.
Imagine that you are in a beautiful place - on the seashore. Wonderful summer day! Blue sky, warm sun...You feel calm and happy. A pleasant feeling of freshness and vigor covers your entire body: forehead, face, back, stomach, arms and legs. You feel how your body becomes light, strong, obedient. You feel warm and pleasant. The rays of the sun caress your body. Breathe easily and freely. The mood becomes cheerful and cheerful, you want to get up and move.
We open our eyes - we are full of strength and energy. Try to maintain these feelings throughout the day.
8. End of class ritual. Farewell to "fun":
- Guys, let's smile at the “merry ones” and say to them: “Goodbye!”

Lesson No. 4
"Let's imagine..."

- formation of ideas about positive and negative emotions;
- continued training in the ability to determine one’s mood;
- learning ways to improve your mood;
- development of courage and self-confidence, overcoming timidity;
- self-regulation of mental state.
Materials and equipment: mirror; clown hats; soft flooring; aqualamp.

Progress of the lesson

The ritual for starting class.

Greeting "veselok"
- Let's imagine that you and I are monkeys. Come to the mirror and show me without words: a cheerful monkey, sad, surprised, crying, laughing, scared, singing, joyful.
- Well, how? Has your mood improved? Show your mood.
3. Next, the psychologist reads the poem:
Animals have feelings
In fish, birds and people.
Without a doubt, it influences
We're all in the mood.
Who's having fun?
Who's sad?
Who was scared?
Who's angry?
Dispels all doubts
Good mood.

- And now you and I will find ourselves in the circus. Let's go out into this green meadow and become clowns. We become pairs, facing each other. The clowns on the right will be funny. Portray this mood on your face. And now the cheerful ones will try to cheer up the sad ones so that they will smile and everyone will have fun.
- Now the clowns will play the game “Fun Exercise”.
(Upbeat, cheerful music sounds. The psychologist models the situation, and the children depict the appropriate actions.)
- In order for the car to work, you need to start the engine.
- A sleeping person is like a switched off car.
- The body gets tired during the day and needs rest.
- But there is a new day ahead and many interesting things and adventures. You need to prepare yourself for them: turn on, “wind up” your body. Let's all jump together!
- Each of you is the master of your own body. You are awakened cats, stretching out your front and back legs.
- And now you are ladybugs that have fallen on their backs. Will you be able to roll over onto your stomach without assistance?
- Now let’s take a deep breath and turn into balloons. Just a little more and we’ll fly!
- We stretch upward like giraffes.
- Let's jump like a kangaroo to become as agile and strong.
- And now we are nesting dolls. Let's sway from side to side.
- Come on, let's launch the plane! We twist the propeller with all our might.
- Guys, you received a great charge of vivacity and self-confidence for the whole day. See you!
6. End of class ritual.

Lesson No. 5
"Be careful!"

- continuation of the development of mental processes: voluntary attention, its stability and switchability; mental abilities; memory, imagination, perception;
- developing the ability to correlate the verbal form of description of objects with the graphic form;
- development of tactile perception of the receptors of the feet and hands, the ability to convey one’s sensations in coherent speech;
- development of eye-hand coordination;
- continued training in the ability to control your body, relax, and relieve stress.
Materials and equipment: floor tactile squares; quiet play center; Twizzler cube; balancing board; aqualamp; game "Easy squares"; soft floor covering.

Progress of the lesson

The ritual for starting class.

Greeting "veselok"
- Guys, let's walk along our forest paths. We walk slowly, without haste, listening to the birds singing, the babbling of a brook in the forest.
(The audio recording of “Voices of the Forest” plays.)
- We’ll go out into the clearing with you. (Center for quiet games.)
- Look carefully at this panel, at the toys and objects that are located on it. Each of you chooses an item, but does not say what he chose. The rest must guess from the description what it is and name the item. (Game “Describe the object.”)
- And now you and I will cross the abyss on magic ropes. I will tell everyone the color of the kaknat along which they will cross to the opposite side of the abyss.
The teacher rewards those who complete the task faster.
- We will continue our path through this magical forest, where the seasons change every 4 steps. You need to follow in the footsteps that are drawn and name the seasons you are passing through. Don't forget that your back should be straight and your arms should be spread to the sides.
- Now, guys, lie down on our soft sofa. We will watch the balls in the magic lamp. Everyone chooses their own color of the ball and watches it. (Exercise “Ball Dance”.)
7. End of class ritual. Farewell to "fun":
- Guys, let's smile at the “merry ones” and say to them: “Goodbye!”


Notes for individual sessions in the sensory room

All of the above classes have the following structure: ritual of starting the class; relaxation, which allows children to relax and relieve muscle tension; end-of-class ritual. Game tasks are both developmental and therapeutic: they develop mental processes and form a psychologically healthy child.

Lesson No. 1 ʼʼIntroduction to the magic roomʼʼ

Goals: - develop the cognitive sphere of children; - activate voluntary attention and mental abilities; - develop proprioceptive and tactile sensitivity, fine motor skills; - develop the ability to correlate visual-motor and auditory-motor coordination; - develop sense organs and vestibular apparatus; - consolidate the ability to convey your feelings and sensations in coherent speech; - develop communication skills; - develop the ability to relax in the process of ideomotor movements and image representations; - develop self-regulation skills. Materials and equipment: floor tactile tracks; dry pool; balancing board; fun balls; aqualamp; fountain plant; cube ʼʼTwizzlerʼʼ; tangled spirals; center of tactility; quiet play center; center that develops activity; directional light projector; mirror ball; light squares; soft flooring; audio cassette.

Progress of the lesson

The ritual for starting class.

Game "Greeting":

Guys, our “fun people” are smiling at us. We are very glad that we came to visit them. Smile at them and greet them cheerfully, wave your hand and say: “Hello!” 2. - And now we will go on a journey... It will begin with this big waterfall. (Look at the landscape on the photo wallpaper.) Look how the water falls from the top of the mountain, how it sparkles and crumbles into multi-colored splashes. And next to it is another waterfall - a small one (the plant is a fountain). Come closer to it and listen to how the water gurgles and runs down the ledges of the mountain. (Listen to the sound of water.) - And what little bright birds live in our forest, how loudly they chirp! (The audio recording of “Voices of the Forest” sounds.) - The sun is warming up, it has become hot. Let's take off our shoes and go into the forest along the path barefoot. (Walking along sensory floor paths.) We will walk one after another so as not to lose our way. Our path begins with this large green clearing, then along the bottom of a forest lake, along pebbles... and further into the forest along a path, along a bridge. (As we go, the teacher asks the children about their feelings.) - How do your legs feel? - And now we will walk through the magical forest, where the seasons change each other every few steps. You need to follow the trail so as not to stumble and fall into the water. Place your arms to the sides. Look carefully at what season you are passing through and name it. 3. - Now put on your shoes and go to this colorful meadow. (Calm background music sounds.) - Two children will play with toys on this panel (a center that develops activity), and two will roll balls along this spiral: one throws the ball, and the other catches it at the exit. Listen carefully to where the ball is so you don't miss it. Do this one at a time. - Approach this spiral. Throw the ball, watch it carefully and catch it at the exit (tangled spiral). (After a few minutes, the children change places.) 4. - Guys, those of you who played in this clearing can move to the next one. 5. - Who wants to play with the toys on this panel? Please! And who will look at the precious materials in our chest? 6. - Who wants to travel through labyrinths? (As the game progresses, the teacher asks about sensations and suggests changing places.) 7. - Guys, here’s another chest! Let's see what's in it. (Opens.) - What is this? - That's right, these are squares made of different fabrics. Choose who likes which one. Throw your handkerchiefs as high as possible; watch them fall down. - And now you need to not only throw the handkerchiefs, but also try to keep them from falling to the floor for a longer time. To do this you need to blow on them - like this! (Demonstration) (Then the teacher suggests tossing the handkerchiefs several times. Turning on the aqualamp.) 8. Come closer and look: what an interesting lamp! It's called an aqualamp, which means a water lamp. What's floating there? - What color are the balls? (Invites everyone to observe a ball of a certain color.) - Notice how the color of the water changes. What color of water do you like best? - Place the palms of your right hand on the glass. How do your palms feel? (Children talk about their feelings.) 9. - We spent the whole day traveling with you through the magical forest! Night is coming, it's time to rest. We will rest in this large clearing. Sit on it (soft floor covering). And someone can on this island (soft island). (Relaxation music plays.) - Lie down comfortably, relax. (Turns on the projector and points it at the mirror ball.) - A wonderful summer night is coming. Bright stars light up in the dark sky. You feel absolutely calm and happy. A pleasant feeling of warmth and calm covers your entire body: forehead, face, neck, stomach, back, arms, legs... You feel your body becoming light, warm, obedient. Breathe easily and freely. We rest peacefully and fall asleep in a magical sleep. Breathe easily, evenly, deeply. Breathe easily, evenly, deeply. - The breeze blows your body with light freshness. The air is clean and transparent. Breathe easily and freely. The stars go out, morning comes. The mood becomes cheerful and cheerful. Stretch, smile, everyone open their eyes and stand up! We are full of strength and energy. Try to maintain this feeling throughout the day. 10. End of class ritual. Farewell to the “veselki” - Guys, let's smile at the “fun people” and say goodbye to them: “Goodbye!” Remember our “fun people” and smile like them - and then you will always be in a good mood.

Lesson No. 2 Game "Help Friends"

Goals: - development of mental processes: attention, memory, thinking; - development of tactile, auditory and visual analyzers; - development of the ability to convey sensations in verbal form; - stimulation of search and creative activity; - creating a positive emotional mood. Materials and equipment: cheerful lighting; plant - fountain; quiet play center; double helix; center of tactility; dry pool; game ʼʼEasy squaresʼʼ.

Progress of the lesson

The ritual for starting class.

Game "Greeting" - Guys, imagine that you are in a sad mood. What is your facial expression? Show! - Look in the mirror: what sad faces you have! Let's try to cheer each other up. Let's tell everyone what we like about him. We will take turns talking, and everyone will hear something good about themselves. (Game “Compliments”.) - Well, has your mood improved? Let's greet our “merry people” and smile at them the same way they smile at us. 3. - Go to the magic castle (the plant is a fountain). Take a close look at the castle and the nature around it. Who do you think lives in the castle? - Is your hero evil or good? - What needs to be done to make him kinder? - Look at the waterfall that runs down the mountains.
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Let's listen to the sound of water. (Listen to the sound of water.) 4. - We move to a green meadow. Here you can play with these spirals. (Double and single spiral.) Watch and listen carefully to where the ball is and catch it as it comes out. 5. - Let's take a close look at this panel (the center of quiet games). Take turns touching the toys and tell me which toy you like more than the others, and which one you don’t like and why. 6. Exercise “Sea of ​​balls” (dry pool): - And now we will swim in a sea of ​​balls. Let's all turn over on our tummy and swim. - Now let's turn over onto our backs. We continue to swim. - Now let’s lie quietly on the waves. Close your eyes and imagine that you are calmly rocking on the waves of the sea... (4-5 minutes.) - So our game is over. 7. End of class ritual. Farewell to the “veselki”: - Guys, let’s smile at the “veselki” and tell them: “Goodbye!”

Notes of individual classes in the sensory room - concept and types. Classification and features of the category “Notes of individual lessons in the sensory room” 2017, 2018.

Various specialists (doctors, speech therapists, psychologists, special educators) can use it in their work. Depending on the form of the underlying pathology and concomitant diseases, sessions in the sensory room can be aimed at solving the following problems:

  1. 1 relieving muscle and psycho-emotional tension, achieving a state of relaxation and mental balance;
  2. 2 activation of various functions of the central nervous system by creating an enriched multisensory environment;
  3. 3 stimulation of weakened sensory functions (vision, touch, hearing, etc.);
  4. 4 development of motor functions;
  5. 5 creating a positive emotional background, increasing motivation to carry out other medical procedures.

Application areas of the sensory room

Sensory rooms can be used in various institutions: medical, educational, psychological-pedagogical and medical-social centers or psychologist’s offices at any institutions and organizations. In healthcare settings, sensory rooms can be used for:

  1. 1 reduction of neurotic and vegetative-vascular reactions in patients with various neuropsychiatric problems (neuroses and neurosis-like conditions; residual organic lesions of the central nervous system);
  2. 2 relief of chronic pain; preoperative preparation of patients;
  3. 3 preparing women for childbirth.

The sensory room is an important therapeutic tool for people whose ability to sense the world is limited by illness. Sessions in the sensory room can be included in a comprehensive rehabilitation system for patients with musculoskeletal pathologies, delayed psychomotor and emotional development, neuroses, visual, hearing, and speech disorders, which significantly increases the effectiveness of the treatment.

The brain and central nervous system determine the development of many diseases. In the sensory room, it is possible to carry out non-drug effects aimed at relieving nervous and mental stress and restoring performance.

Negative emotions leave unpleasant sensations and, when accumulated, can cause illness (psychosomatics). But even the strongest emotional stress will not be dangerous for a person if it ends with relaxation, rest and positive emotions. In educational institutions (especially specialized ones) SCs are used for:

  1. 1 for pedagogical correction of children in orphanages;
  2. 2 conducting correctional classes with children with various sensorimotor disorders; with children with RDA syndrome;
  3. 3 corrections of gaming activity; to solve school problems (relieve stress during preparation for exams, correct mental processes, etc.) In PPMS centers for: to correct the mental development of people with diseases of the nervous system;
  4. 4 rehabilitation of people with increased aggressiveness and abnormal behavior;
  5. 5 rehabilitation of people exposed to violence or other stressful situations;
  6. 6 development of cognitive activity in people with neuropsychiatric disorders;
  7. 7 psycho-emotional trainings for specialists whose work involves acute stressful situations;
  8. 8 speech development and diagnosis of patients with hearing and speech impairments.
In addition, sensory rooms are used to organize leisure and relaxation for healthy people - children and adults. First of all, this applies to people who are dissatisfied with their condition, well-being or current life situation. Classes in the Sensory Room using relaxation states (muscle relaxation) will help bring a person out of this state and return to him the ability to actively, practically control the course of his life. Sessions in the sensory room last 40 - 45 minutes. For excitable children, the duration of the session should be shortened. When using a sensory room as a room for psychotherapy, the session time is determined individually by the psychotherapist. After visiting the sensory room, a person should feel peace and relaxation, even if the classes were aimed at developing certain cognitive processes, especially if a clearly defined goal was set: normalization of the psycho-emotional state. Here it is important to use the emotional factor, which will ensure greater productivity in minimal time. The form of the classes depends on the individuality and creative approach of the patient and the educational psychologist. Classes should be conducted in subgroups of 2-4 people or individually. The number of people in classes is determined by the goals of the work, the age of the patients and the size of the room. Classes in the sensory room with children are conducted individually, especially if it is necessary to achieve a relaxation effect. When using the sensory room to conduct relaxation classes for adults, it is possible to conduct frontal classes (10 - 15 people). Classes with children should be conducted in the form of a game. The duration of the games depends on individual characteristics.


Contraindications for conducting sessions in the Sensory Room are severe mental retardation and infectious diseases. Partial contraindications are the presence of frequent epileptic seizures in the patient. In the latter case, only relaxation techniques are used. When working with people with neurological disorders, it is necessary to take into account the special recommendations of a neurologist. For example, in case of convulsive readiness and episyndrome, you should not use flashing lights and rhythmic music to avoid worsening the condition. When working with hyperexcitable children, it is necessary to reduce the load on the sensory system and eliminate elements of active stimulation. When working with anxious children, it is necessary to avoid sudden transitions from one stimulus to another.

Working method

To work in a sensory room, you can use light, color, sound and aromatherapy techniques to influence the patient’s condition through the corresponding senses.
Vision plays the most important role in the process of cognition of the external world. We receive up to 90% of information through our eyes. In addition, “beautiful food for the eyes” is the best remedy for relieving nervous and muscle tension. Light and color therapy are based on the impact on the human body through the organ of vision - the eye.
Light therapy can help those suffering from seasonal depression. Most often, its symptoms appear when the body lacks enough sun (usually in the autumn-winter period). Elementary particles of light - photons - affect processes occurring in the body:
  1. 1 carry out the transfer of information from the environment, as well as within the body between cells, tissues and organs;
  2. 2 improve the condition of the immune system; regulate the functions of many hormones;
  3. 3 set and maintain the rhythm of daily fluctuations;
Color therapy is used to influence a person's mood and general condition. Already hundreds of years ago, the Egyptians built healing temples of color. Bathing the patient in water colored in different colors produced different results. Here are examples of the effects of certain flowers on the body described in the literature:

RED - activates, stimulates;
ORANGE - restores, warms, stimulates;
YELLOW - strengthens, tones;
GREEN - compensates for energy losses, relieves tension, calms;
BLUE - calms, restrains, cools emotions.
PURPLE - inspires, calms, relieves stress.

Sounds surround us from all sides. They can be pleasant and useful for a person or cause rejection in him, discordant with his spiritual world. It is known that noise disrupts the logic of thinking, causes uncertainty and irritability. To avoid this, a correct understanding of the effect of music and any sounds on a living organism is necessary. Sound therapy is one of the most interesting and still under-researched areas of traditional medicine. The therapeutic effect of this technique is based on the frequency vibration of various sounds that resonate with individual organs, systems or the entire human body as a whole.

Depending on the problem and age of the patient, different techniques and methods of working in the Sensory Room are used. To select games and activities, you can use various methodological literature. It would be wrong if a teacher or psychologist sees the proposed games as ready-made recipes: they should only serve as an example and incentive for independent creativity.

Early age

Classes in the Sensory Room are one of the areas of medical and pedagogical correction for children of the first year of life with perinatal damage to the central nervous system. Classes are conducted mainly individually, sometimes in small subgroups. The presence of a person close to the child (mother) is encouraged at the lesson - this reduces the baby’s anxiety. The number of classes is determined individually and depends on the dynamics of development. The duration of classes is also selected individually and depends on the child’s adaptation characteristics and emotional reactions. Before the start of classes, a diagnosis is carried out, during which the most lagging area of ​​development is identified, to which the main stimulating effect is directed.

I. Correction of visual-motor coordination, indicative reactions.

To do this, a bubble column, a mirror ball and other light stimuli, moving structures (mobiles) are used in turn. Approximate course of the lesson (suggested by the staff of the Ukhta Children's Home): The light-color background is turned off. Take the child in your arms so that his body is vertical. If necessary, support the child's back and head. Turn on the column and bring the child to it so that he fixes it with his gaze. Slowly turn the child, making sure that the child continues to keep the column in sight. After some time, repeat the exercise (possibly 3 - 4 repetitions). Then turn off the column and turn on the mirror ball. Pay attention to the section “Contraindications”!

II. For the correction of auditory orienting reactions.

For this, various musical instruments, rattles, and bells are used. It is important that the instruments used have sounds of varying pitches and intensities. In order for the child to learn to turn his head towards the source of sound, use bright sounding toys in the beginning. Place the toy in front of the child, making a sound, move it slowly to the side. Draw the child's attention to ensure that the child turns his head after the toy. If he lost it, then start over. As the child begins to pay attention to nearby sounds, gradually increase the distance between the sound source and the child. Play sound from different places in the room.

III. To develop tactile sensations.

Objects of various shapes from different materials are used. If the child does not take the object in his hand, then gently unclench his fist and give him a toy, massage roller or ball. Take your baby's hand and shake it slightly, relaxing it. Use your child's open palm to stroke different objects on the tactile panel (alternately with your right and left hands). When the child begins to take objects in both hands, offer him balls, bring him to the column and help him hug it with his palms. The baby will feel a slight vibration, and the bubbles will attract his attention.

IV. For the development of the emotional sphere.

In the first year, direct emotional communication between a child and an adult is the leading line of his neuropsychic development. The sensory room allows you to enrich your child with positive emotions. Communicate with your child kindly, encourage him to perform actions with a smile and a gentle word. Using the Sensory Room significantly shortens the stage of establishing emotional contact with the child, and this stage is the initial stage in all psychocorrectional work.

V. Development of general motor skills.

In the Sensory Room it is convenient to work on stimulating and developing general movements, since soft mats on the floor and walls create a safe environment where the child is protected from impacts during falls. The soft space provides space and freedom for the baby to move.

Preschool age

Preschool age is sensitive for the development of perception; on its basis, memory, attention, and thinking develop. The formation and development of higher mental functions is based on the complex process of integration of the external world into the internal one. “The development of perception of various modalities creates the primary basis on which speech begins to form” (L.S. Vygotsky). Therefore, it is very important to pay special attention to the development of perception in case of various disorders.

Corrective work in the Sensory Room is aimed at the gradual inclusion and synchronization of all sensory flows through stimulation of various senses. Because the a large number of irritants can cause negative emotions in a child, acquaintance with the Sensory Room should begin when all stimulants are turned off. In order to avoid monotony, it is useful for children to use fairy-tale plots in classes, where the use of some kind of simulator will be part of the fairy tale. Before entering the room, children can be told that they will now find themselves in a magic room, and so that the magic does not disappear, they need to complete tasks.

It is best to start with classes aimed at developing skin-kinesthetic (general) sensitivity, since this type of sensitivity according to E.D. Chomsky, being phylogenetically one of the most ancient, can be presented as the basis for the formation of visual and auditory perception. Kinesthetic sensitivity is the basis of all types of movement.

There are two directions in this work:

Development of receptors contained in the skin;
Development of receptors located in muscles, joints, tendons.
To do this, you can use touch panels for hands and feet, a dry pool and some other tactile stimulators. As an addition, you can use Montessori materials (tactile plates, heavy boards, frames and inserts).
On special panels for the development of tactile sensitivity, objects of different shapes and textures are placed - made of pile, fabric, wood, plastic, etc. By feeling them, the child learns to distinguish between the different properties of objects: warm - cold, soft - hard, round - square. Improves hand-eye coordination and sensitivity of the fingertips. They provide an opportunity to master new sensations, which is especially important for children with visual impairments and hearing impairments.
A dry pool filled with plastic balls is an excellent means for acupressure of the whole body; in addition, constant changes in body position in the pool contribute to the development of the vestibular apparatus.
In the Sensory Room you can play games aimed at developing tactile sensitivity, for example, playing “Magic Bag”. Depending on the topic of the lesson, objects of various shapes and materials are placed in an opaque bag. The child finds an object by name.
For example, you can put writing utensils in a bag and ask the child to take out an eraser, pencil, or pen without looking. For children with attention problems, do not put many objects in the bag. To begin with, you can put one object and ask him to guess what it is by touch. Light stimuli have the strongest and most emotionally charged (fairy-tale) effect.


The range of work with this age category is quite wide. Teenagers are often distrustful of adults, so it is necessary to establish relationships with them first when working on any problems. The sensory room creates a safe, friendly environment that facilitates the creation of such trusting relationships. Before starting work in the Sensory Room or at its initial stages, it is necessary to find out the topics that interest the teenager and the preferred music. The further choice of equipment for work will depend on this.

In the sensory room you can effectively work with children and adolescents with deviant behavior, those who have been subjected to violence, traumatized, brought up in an overprotective environment or neglected. As a result of these reasons, children may develop a tendency to destructive actions, aggressiveness, sudden and unmotivated mood swings, excessive timidity, shyness, vulnerability or increased sensitivity. In the calm, trusting environment of the Sensory Room, the child develops a feeling of security, calm, and self-confidence.
Complex therapy for children and adolescents with emotional disturbances due to various traumatic situations should be aimed at reducing the manifestations of post-traumatic syndrome, relieving muscle and psycho-emotional tension, and developing communication skills.

To do this, it is necessary to solve a number of problems:

  1. 1 restoration of emotional comfort, relief of anxiety;
  2. 2 creating a feeling of safety and security;
  3. 3 achieving a relaxing effect;
  4. 4 return of the ability to feel your body;
  5. 5 restoration of tactile sensitivity;
  6. 6 developing positive communication and interaction with other children and adults.

1. "Sensory room - a magical world of health." Educational and methodological manual edited by V.L. Zhevnerova.
2. Brusilovsky L.S. Music therapy, in the book: “Guide to Psychotherapy”, Tashkent, 1979.
3. Psychological relief room (from the experience of the child and adolescent department of psychoneurological boarding school No. 10) Comp. Goroshenkova N.V., - St. Petersburg, 2000.
4. Khvatova M.V. The influence of prolonged musical exposure on the development of child brain functions. Abstract, - Tambov, 1996.
5. Sensory rooms “Snuzlin” (collection of articles and methodological recommendations. - M.: LLC Firma “Variant”, 2001

We invite you to visit the operating sensory room in the city of Obninsk in our rehabilitation center for children and adolescents “Trust”. You can get acquainted with the features of working in the sensory room and the latest methodological developments, and take a training course in working with our equipment.

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