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Why do pregnant women get hemorrhoids? External hemorrhoids during pregnancy: how to get rid of the disease

Do you want to know how to treat hemorrhoids during pregnancy to get quick results? How to prevent the formation of hemorrhoids and not miss the occurrence of pathology? Here you will find all the necessary information and recommendations from doctors on how to quickly get rid of hemorrhoids.

What are hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids are a pathology that manifests itself in the expansion of veins in the rectal area. Nodes are formed in the hemorrhoidal plexus of veins under the influence of certain factors. Veins that have lost elasticity not only bulge, but can bleed and fall out.

Hemorrhoids occur quite often during pregnancy, which, accordingly, causes anxiety among expectant mothers. Women worry whether hemorrhoids are dangerous during pregnancy, whether problems will arise during childbirth, whether treatment can be carried out, and what medications are allowed. Read about all this below.

Causes of hemorrhoids during pregnancy

Hemorrhoids in pregnant women develop for a number of reasons, including both typical factors and those specific to pregnant women. The main causes of hemorrhoids in pregnant women are stagnation of blood in the venous plexuses due to the pressure of an enlarged or incorrectly positioned uterus, increased intra-abdominal pressure during urination and defecation. In addition, among the factors against which pathology appears:

  • constipation (especially chronic) - during bowel movements, the walls stretch excessively, lose elasticity, and as a result, hemorrhoids appear;
  • physical inactivity – a sedentary lifestyle is one of the dominant causes of the development of hemorrhoids in women during pregnancy;
  • hormonal changes - progesterone relaxes the smooth muscles of the intestine, which results in constipation and, as a consequence, the formation of hemorrhoids;
  • taking certain hormonal contraceptives before pregnancy - for the same reason, relaxation of smooth muscles;
  • obesity – excess weight contributes to stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs.

Many people mistakenly believe that pregnant women develop hemorrhoids only in the third trimester. In fact, hemorrhoids are diagnosed almost as often in early pregnancy. During childbirth, the problem arises due to an excessive increase in intra-abdominal pressure.

According to statistics, in 33% of pregnant women hemorrhoids are detected in the first trimester, in 35% in the second, and in 42% in the last months of pregnancy. In 41% of women, the disease manifests itself after childbirth. Pathology often develops during the first and second pregnancies.

Stages and forms of the disease

Hemorrhoids are divided into internal and external. With internal nodes are located exclusively inside. If they form around the anus, we are talking about the external form. Sometimes there is a combined form, when some of the nodes are inside and some are outside.

Based on the nature of their course, hemorrhoids are divided into acute and chronic. Moreover, one form can transform into another in the absence of treatment. The process is aggravated by various negative factors (constipation, heavy lifting, excessive physical stress, infectious processes in the rectum, stress, etc.).

Chronic hemorrhoids during pregnancy must be treated to avoid progression and exacerbations.

There are 4 stages in the development of the disease.

First stage

At the first stage, the disease does not manifest itself in any way, and only with an internal examination can hemorrhoids be identified. There are also practically no characteristic complaints - itching, pain during bowel movements, etc.

Second stage

At this stage, painful and other discomfort sensations already appear, and hemorrhoidal formations may fall out. But a woman can easily push the nodes inward if the hemorrhoids come out, and the itching and pain are not too intense, sometimes even absent altogether. Only when hemorrhoids bleed and blood appears in the stool or on toilet paper does the pregnant woman notice that there is a problem.

Third stage

This stage never goes unnoticed, since enlarged hemorrhoids almost constantly fall out even after reduction. The weakened muscle layer is not able to hold them inside. There is a feeling of fullness in the rectum, the urge to defecate. When bowel movements occur, severe pain occurs. There may also be pain while sitting or walking.

Fourth stage

This stage is the most dangerous. It is no longer possible to reduce hemorrhoidal formations. The main signs are bleeding and severe pain. A common complication is inflammation and thrombosis of the external hemorrhoid.

Hemorrhoidal thrombosis is especially dangerous during pregnancy. If the disease has worsened, severe pain has appeared, if hemorrhoids bleed during pregnancy, you should immediately seek medical help!


Signs of hemorrhoids in pregnant women differ, depending on the form of the disease. The chronic course is characterized by less pronounced symptoms, and often the woman does not feel any discomfort at all.

But usually chronic hemorrhoids are characterized by:

  • discomfort, pain in the rectum, anus, intensifying during and after defecation;
  • sensation of a foreign body inside the rectum;
  • itching, burning in the anorectal area;
  • feeling of heaviness, fullness in the rectum and anus;
  • the appearance of blood during bowel movements;
  • mucus secretion;
  • prolapsed or permanently external hemorrhoids.

All these symptoms can be more or less pronounced, depending on the stage of the disease, and can also periodically worsen.

Exacerbation of hemorrhoids during pregnancy

Symptoms of hemorrhoids during exacerbation are more intense. In the course of the acute form, three degrees of severity are distinguished.

  1. The nodes are small, pain is usually felt only on palpation. After bowel movements, there may be discharge from the anus. Itching and burning are also noted. Usually the phenomena intensify after defecation and disappear after some time.
  2. The inflammatory process may worsen and spread to areas around the anus. Then the above symptoms are accompanied by redness of the affected area. The pain sometimes intensifies so much that digital examination is impossible, and pain of varying intensity is present almost constantly.
  3. The manifestation of acute hemorrhoids of the third degree of severity is the loss of nodes of a purplish-bluish color. Bleeding nodes cause severe pain. With necrotic phenomena (necrosis), dark spots appear. If a spasm of the anal sphincter is accompanied by a spasm of the urinary sphincter, difficulties with urination are observed.

You can learn about the features of the pathological process by reading an article by a qualified specialist.

What are the dangers of hemorrhoids during pregnancy?

The chronic form does not pose any particular danger, except that the disease can develop into an acute form, where the risk is much higher. Pathogenic microorganisms penetrate more easily through inflamed nodes. In addition, they themselves become a constant “risk zone” for the spread of infection.

A common complication is paraproctitis - inflammation of the tissues surrounding the rectum, pinching of the inflamed node. In case of necrosis, surgery cannot be avoided.

But even if the course of the disease is not so complex, constant bleeding can lead to anemia. And as a result - to oxygen starvation of the fetus. A constant feeling of discomfort has a bad effect on the state of a woman’s nervous system. And if you do not start treatment for hemorrhoids during pregnancy, the risk of complications and even rupture of hemorrhoids during childbirth increases significantly.

Therefore, if you notice any signs of hemorrhoids during pregnancy, you should start fighting immediately, even if it is only internal hemorrhoids that do not cause any inconvenience and do not bother the woman at all. If you have never encountered this problem, you can look at the photo to see what hemorrhoids look like.


Many women, having discovered signs of hemorrhoids during pregnancy, are in no hurry to consult a doctor. But the earlier treatment is started, the greater the chance of preventing the development of the disease and the occurrence of complications. Among other things, it is necessary to undergo an examination to exclude the presence of more serious pathologies.

Diagnosis in pregnant women does not have any specific features. Usually, making a diagnosis is not difficult if external nodes are visible.

If internal hemorrhoids are suspected, a digital examination is performed inside the rectum. This allows you to assess the size of the nodes, draw conclusions about the stage of the disease, differentiate the pathology from anal fissures, polyps, diverticulosis, tumor formations, which can manifest with similar symptoms.

In some cases, sigmoidoscopy may be required - an instrumental examination of the rectum. If necessary, an additional consultation with a proctologist and surgeon may be prescribed.

Treatment methods

The gynecologist decides how to treat hemorrhoids during pregnancy individually in each case, taking into account the stage of the disease, gestational age, and other factors. For pregnant women, the treatment regimen is selected taking into account symptoms and may include the following:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • painkillers;
  • eliminating itching;
  • strengthening capillary walls;
  • laxatives, etc.

At the initial stage, it is usually enough to adjust the diet and increase physical activity. But when the disease worsens, especially if hemorrhoids appear at 38 weeks of pregnancy or later, urgent measures must be taken.

Only a doctor can decide which medications to choose for the treatment of hemorrhoids, including during late pregnancy. You absolutely cannot select remedies on your own and decide how to deal with hemorrhoids without consulting a gynecologist.

Even if the instructions say that the drug is not prohibited for pregnant women (including in the 3rd trimester, after 38 weeks - that is, immediately before childbirth), a preliminary discussion of this issue with a gynecologist is mandatory!

Approved medications

The remedies used to treat hemorrhoids in pregnant women include mainly natural ingredients. These are ointments, suppositories and other drugs that help relieve inflammation, itching, burning and other symptoms.

Among the ointments that are most often used for treatment:

  • heparin ointment;
  • Troxevasin;
  • Relief;
  • Fleming's ointment.

The active components of these drugs have an analgesic effect, prevent the development of inflammation, and quickly eliminate the manifestations of the disease. Another dosage form successfully used to treat inflammatory processes in hemorrhoids is creams and gels. Hepatrombin G has proven itself well, normalizing blood flow and stimulating tissue metabolism.

If the pathological process is acute, tablets with a venotonic effect are prescribed. Among other things, they have a restorative effect and have a positive effect on the immune system. Among the most popular approved medications for hemorrhoids are Detralex, Phlebodia, Venarus.

All of them have a complex effect and not only improve vascular elasticity and eliminate swelling, pain and other symptoms. But Detralex for hemorrhoids, like other similar tablets, is allowed to be taken only under medical supervision and exclusively for its intended purpose!

Suppositories also help to quickly cure hemorrhoids. Among the most effective:

  • Relief;
  • papaverine;
  • ichthyols;
  • Natalsid.

Sea buckthorn suppositories are often used for hemorrhoids, since sea buckthorn has not only anti-inflammatory, but also protective properties. Thanks to active tissue regeneration, healing occurs much faster. If the process is aggravated, defecation occurs with blood, painful sensations, suppositories, acting locally, help to quickly cope with the problem.

To find out which is the safest, read the article by an experienced proctologist.

The best and most effective are presented in the material of a proctologist.

Our expert’s material tells how to treat with ointments and other medicines.

Minimally invasive methods

How to cure hemorrhoids if, despite all efforts, the disease does not go away, but rather progresses? In some cases, a decision may be made to use surgery.

For pregnant women, operations are performed only in extreme cases - heavy bleeding, necrosis of strangulated nodes. In all other cases, surgery is performed some time after childbirth (lactation is a contraindication), and before that conservative therapy is used to relieve pain in the anus and other symptoms.

To eliminate the problem, minimally invasive techniques are used:

  • ligation (suture or latex rings);
  • infrared photocoagulation;
  • sclerotherapy.

Less commonly used are laser coagulation, electrocoagulation, cryotherapy, and radiosurgical methods. The choice of technique depends on the stage of development of hemorrhoids, the presence of other diseases, etc.

Important information about how to do this as soon as possible is presented in the article by our specialist.

Our expert talks about the features of therapy using minimally invasive techniques and other methods.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine advises how to get rid of hemorrhoids using herbal recipes. Decoctions of medicinal herbs - chamomile, oak bark, hop cones, celandine, horsetail - have proven themselves well. They are added to sitz baths, and also make lotions for external knots.

Regular procedures help reduce pain, relieve itching and burning sensations, and reduce bleeding. If you don’t find medicinal plants in your home medicine cabinet, you can use a decoction of onion peels.

You can also treat the disease with potato juice by moistening cotton pads with it and applying it to the anus. A kind of suppository is made from potatoes (or fresh cucumber), which are inserted into the anus. Such vegetable “candles” soften nodules and eliminate discomfort.

It is better not to take a decoction of viburnum bark or berries, like other oral medications, orally, but it can be used for compresses on the anal area.

Honey gives good results for hemorrhoids. They lubricate hemorrhoids at night. Honey is also injected internally using potato “candles”. If hemorrhoids hurt, traditional medicine recommends a strong decoction of calendula - this remedy, used as a lotion on hemorrhoids, quickly relieves pain.

It is not allowed to treat hemorrhoids in pregnant women with folk remedies without first consulting a doctor.

How to prevent the development of pathology?

Every girl planning motherhood thinks about how to avoid hemorrhoids during pregnancy. Preventive measures are quite simple, but their use will help avoid the formation of knots.

  1. Balance your diet. The diet should exclude foods that cause constipation. Foods high in plant fiber, excess milk, and flour products contribute to constipation. You should also include as many foods as possible that normalize intestinal activity. A sufficient amount of liquid is also necessary.
  2. Move more. A sedentary lifestyle is not something that is beneficial, especially while expecting a child. Even in the last trimester of pregnancy, you should move as much as possible (if there are no contraindications). If you don’t have the time or opportunity to attend special classes, walk more and do simple exercises on your own. Your doctor may recommend special exercises for hemorrhoids, but they are also useful as a preventive measure.
  3. Change your hygiene habits. Forget about sitting on the toilet for a long time, and instead of dry toilet paper, give preference to wet wipes. The best option is to rinse with cool water after each bowel movement. Among other things, this habit helps strengthen blood vessels.
  4. Take care of your health. Although rare, the disease occurs as a complication of other diseases. Therefore, do not avoid regular preventive examinations, check the liver, kidneys, and abdominal organs.

If you are prone to constipation, do not use tight bandages, belts, tight clothing, etc. This increases congestion and prevents free circulation in the pelvic organs.


Cure hemorrhoids during pregnancy is not only possible, but also highly desirable! This will help avoid the risk of complications and the need for surgical intervention.

Many are sure that pregnancy and hemorrhoids are inextricably linked concepts. In fact, it is still possible to avoid this problem - just adjust your diet, move more and take care of hygiene. And then the question of how to treat hemorrhoids during pregnancy will definitely not bother you.

The literal translation of the word hemorrhoids is bleeding. Currently, this term refers to a disease whose main symptom is the discharge of blood from the anus.

Under the mucous membrane of the rectum there is a network of blood vessels. The vessels of the venous plexus of the rectum have very thin, tensile walls. With the accumulation of feces, the rectum undergoes significant stretching, which can lead to the fact that the veins that make up this plexus become filled with blood and lose elasticity - this causes the appearance of dilated areas (hemorrhoids). Particularly severe stagnation of blood in the rectum occurs in a sitting position, as well as during prolonged standing.

Onset of the disease (asymptomatic hemorrhoids, or first stage disease) does not manifest itself in any way, and only upon examination are hemorrhoids visible.

Second stage characterized by small, painful nodes when palpated; internal nodes emerge from the anus during stool and are reduced on their own. This stage of the disease is manifested by itching, discomfort in the anus, bowel movements are painful, often accompanied by the appearance of a small amount of blood in the stool and toilet paper. Manifestations intensify after bowel movement, and then gradually decrease.

Third stage The disease is accompanied by prolapse of internal hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids that fall out during defecation have to be manually reset into the rectum. As the disease progresses, the muscle layer of the rectum weakens, and the reduced nodes are not retained, but fall out again. When the nodes fall out, the woman experiences a feeling of fullness in the rectum and a desire to empty the intestines; walking and sitting become extremely painful, severe pain occurs during bowel movements.

Fourth stage- the most dangerous. Prolapsed hemorrhoids cannot be set back. This stage of the disease is often complicated by the formation of blood clots in the nodes, severe pain in the anus and massive bleeding.

It is usually not difficult for a doctor to identify hemorrhoids with a digital examination of the rectum. Sometimes, to clarify the diagnosis, it is necessary to perform a sigmoidoscopy - a study in which a special optical device is inserted into the rectum, which allows you to see what is happening in the rectum. During pregnancy, sigmoidoscopy is performed only in extreme cases.

Pregnancy and hemorrhoids

Unfortunately, the risk of developing hemorrhoids increases during the second half of pregnancy and childbirth. During the period of bearing a child, the uterus significantly increases in volume, and by the time of birth it occupies most of the abdominal cavity. The intestine is compressed by the enlarging uterus, the rectum changes its position, its venous vessels are pinched, which leads to blood stagnation. In addition, during pregnancy, the susceptibility of the intestinal muscles to nerve impulses and substances that stimulate its work is significantly reduced. This is no coincidence: the intestines and uterus have a common innervation (their work is regulated by one nerve plexus), therefore any excessive activation of the intestines can stimulate the contractile activity of the uterus. Such a positive protective reaction aimed at maintaining pregnancy also has its downside: bowel movements become more or less difficult, and the woman begins to suffer from constipation, requiring straining during bowel movements.

During childbirth, during contractions and pushing, intra-abdominal pressure rises sharply, and the fetal head, pressing tightly against the walls of the pelvis, compresses the vessels, including the veins of the rectum. The existing nodes increase in size and acquire a denser consistency. During contractions, and especially pushing, they protrude and turn blue; in the period between pushing, when intra-abdominal pressure decreases, they decrease and take on a calmer appearance. The longer the labor process, the higher the risk of developing hemorrhoids.

Statistics show that hemorrhoids occur in pregnant women quite often: they affect 7.7% of non-pregnant women, 25.7% of pregnant women and 49.8% of those who have just given birth. However, many pregnant women are in no hurry to tell the doctor about it, believing that hemorrhoids - normal state of a pregnant woman. But neglected, untreated hemorrhoids can cause anemia (decrease in the amount of hemoglobin), diseases of the musculoskeletal system (for example, arthritis - inflammation of the joint), genitourinary system (chronic inflammatory processes). The presence of hemorrhoids is not taken into account when choosing a method of delivery (natural birth or caesarean section), however, it cannot be ignored when determining the management of pregnancy and the postpartum period.

How to avoid a "delicate problem"?

  • A pregnant woman should pay special attention to the treatment of any disease. What is not contraindicated in a normal lifestyle can have a negative effect on the fetus during pregnancy. Therefore, during this period you should never self-medicate. The use of any medications must be strictly agreed with your doctor. Considering the variety of stages of hemorrhoids and the particular course of the disease, the selection of treatment should be individual and carried out by a proctologist (a specialist in the treatment of diseases of the rectum). In the first stage of the disease, it is enough to follow the following rules:
  • Never strain during bowel movements.
  • If possible, you should avoid prolonged work in a standing or sitting position, and if this is not possible, you should change your body position more often and take breaks.
  • Follow a diet to prevent constipation. The diet should be rich in vegetables and fruits with a moderate amount of meat and carbohydrates. The diet is important (frequent, fractional, at least 5-6 times a day), drinking enough water (up to 1.5-2 liters per day). Fermented milk products, bran bread, vegetables (except legumes) are healthy. Depending on the time of year, it is necessary to eat beets, prunes, sauerkraut, pumpkin, carrots, watermelons, and melons daily. It is necessary to limit the consumption of black bread, legumes, fruits and berries, which can cause constipation. For hemorrhoids, any alcoholic drinks, salty, hot, spicy, pickled foods are strictly prohibited: these products increase blood flow to the pelvic venous plexuses. You should not eat fatty foods: it slows down the passage of food through the intestines, thereby creating the preconditions for the development of constipation.
  • It is necessary to carry out an external toilet with cool water after each bowel movement; in case of severe hemorrhoids, it is better to completely abandon toilet paper. You can have a short (15-60 seconds) ascending shower (just turn the shower over and direct its jets upward) or apply tampons with a cold infusion of chamomile or oak bark (brew 1 tablespoon per glass of water and cool).
  • 2-3 times a day, it is recommended to lie on your back for 15 minutes with your pelvis elevated, for example on a small pillow.

In addition to following the rules of prevention, women with the second and third stages of the disease are treated with special medications, warm sitz baths with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, and infusions of medicinal herbs. Such women are strictly prohibited from heavy physical labor and certain types of housework (long hand washing, washing the floor by hand without using a mop).

In the fourth stage of the disease (excessive bleeding, strangulation and necrosis of prolapsed hemorrhoids), emergency hospitalization is necessary. In these cases, there is a need for surgical treatment. Such patients undergo hemorrhoidectomy (excision of nodes) or minimally invasive (small or bloodless) operations. More gentle interventions include:

  • sclerosing injections (introduction of special drugs that “blind” the walls of the node into the node);
  • ligation (the node is pinched with a latex ring, which causes rejection (death) of the node after 7-10 days, followed by the loss of the affected tissue);
  • infrared photocoagulation and laser coagulation (exposure to laser or high temperature at the base of the node).

If the pregnant woman’s condition allows, then doctors try to postpone all these interventions until the period when the woman recovers after childbirth, i.e. after 2-3 months.

Special medicines for hemorrhoids

In the treatment of hemorrhoids, two types of drug treatment can be used: local and systemic. During pregnant women, local treatment is preferred to systemic treatment.

Local treatment. Today, there are a large number of different medications for the local treatment of hemorrhoids, which are available in the form of suppositories or ointments and creams. Local application of drugs reduces the risk of side effects, increases the effectiveness of treatment and reduces the negative impact of treatment on the fetus. The action of these drugs is aimed at rapid pain relief, limiting inflammation and swelling, normalizing blood circulation in the rectum, counteracting vascular thrombosis, relaxing the rectal sphincter, reducing intestinal motility (motor activity) and softening stool.

Rectal suppositories are inserted into the rectum after bowel movements. The suppository should be inserted while lying on your side, without pushing it into the ampulla of the rectum, but holding it in the anal canal for 1-2 minutes: this way it will dissolve and its insertion will be more comfortable.

Gymnastics against hemorrhoids
Therapeutic exercises help improve the function of the large intestine, increase the tone of the muscles of the anal area and abdominal wall, and reduce congestion in the veins of the small pelvis. Two or three times a day (especially if a woman has to sit or stand for a long time at work), the following exercises should be done for 5-7 minutes (if any of them is difficult for you to do, you can refuse it):

  • walking with legs raised high, knees bent;
  • swing movements alternately with the right and left legs forward, backward, to the side;
  • bending to the sides;
  • tensing the buttocks while simultaneously retracting the anus (try to hold this position for up to 10 seconds);
  • squats on toes with knees wide apart.

After removing the candle from the refrigerator, you should keep it warm for 2-3 minutes until it becomes soft. It is advisable to use the ointment for external hemorrhoids, applying it in a thin layer after a hygienic shower 3-4 times a day.

Suppositories for the treatment of hemorrhoids are made on the basis of lanolin or cocoa butter. For quick pain relief, local anesthetics (Anestezin, Benzocaine, Novocaine) are added to many suppositories or ointments.

For anti-inflammatory purposes, glucocorticoid hormone preparations (Prednisolone) are used topically. In addition to anti-inflammatory, glucocorticoids have an anti-allergic effect, reduce itching, burning sensation. It must be remembered that local treatment with glucocorticoids is contraindicated for viral, fungal and other infectious lesions of the rectum.

For the treatment of hemorrhoids, local agents containing heparin are widely used. When applied topically, heparin prevents the formation of blood clots, has an anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effect, and promotes the regeneration of connective tissue. Preparations containing heparin are certainly the preferred agents for thrombosis of hemorrhoids. A relative contraindication to local treatment with heparin is disorders of the blood coagulation system.

In case of spasm of the anal sphincter, it is possible to use suppositories with diphenhydramine; in order to speed up healing, preparations of vitamin A, sea buckthorn oil, and shark liver are used.

For simplicity and ease of use in preparations for the local treatment of hemorrhoids, basic therapeutic agents are traditionally combined. For example, Anestezol, Ultraprokt, Procto-Glivenol contain an anesthetic and anti-inflammatory and astringent components.

The drug Gepatrombin G contains the three most active components in the treatment of hemorrhoids: anesthetic, prednisolone and heparin. Thus, the effect of this combination drug for the treatment of hemorrhoids is associated with local anesthetic, anti-inflammatory, antithrombotic, antispasmodic and antipruritic effects.

Relief Advance contains shark liver oil (has anti-inflammatory, hemostatic and wound-healing effects) and benzocaine (local anesthetic).

Ginkor Procto is a combined preparation containing extract of the Ginkgo biloba plant and butoform. Ginko biloba increases the tone of the veins, the resistance of their walls to damage, butoform has a local anesthetic effect.

In general, local drugs for the treatment of hemorrhoids are quite effective, although their use is associated with certain inconveniences, can cause local allergic reactions, and should last on average no more than 5-7 days (if there is no effect, additional examination is necessary).

During the period of bearing a baby, suppositories containing belladonna extract (belladonna) are contraindicated from local remedies: Anuzol, Bellataminal, since their use can provoke the threat of miscarriage.

Systemic treatment. Systemic drugs are usually prescribed in the form of tablets and capsules for oral administration.

In the treatment of hemorrhoids, agents that strengthen the vein wall and increase its tone, the so-called venotonics, are now widely used. These drugs are usually used in courses of 2-3 weeks with breaks of 2 weeks - 2 months.

Detralex is considered the most effective venotonic, which, in addition to venotonic, has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect, preventing the appearance of free radicals - one of the factors of damage to the vascular wall. In addition, as has been proven in recent years, Detralex has a direct protective effect on the circulatory system. Aescin derivatives (Aescin, Aescusan, Misveneal) are obtained by processing horse chestnut seeds. They have an anti-inflammatory effect, improve blood circulation through the smallest blood vessels, reduce swelling of the inflamed node and blood viscosity.

The diet should be rich in fruits and vegetables with moderate amounts of meat and carbohydrates.

In addition to venotonics, drugs from other pharmaceutical groups are used to treat hemorrhoids. To prevent complications of chronic hemorrhoids, Troxerutin (Troxevasin) is prescribed, which reduces the permeability and fragility of capillaries and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Ginkor-forte contains, in addition to troxerutin, extract of the ginkgo biloba tree. The drug strengthens the venous wall and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Drugs that normalize blood clotting (Pentoxifylline, Curantil, Aspirin) are prescribed for the prevention and treatment of hemorrhoidal vein thrombosis. All of these drugs can be used during pregnancy.

A special place in the arsenal of remedies for the treatment of hemorrhoids is occupied by laxatives used to reduce straining and facilitate bowel movements. For this purpose, it is advisable to prescribe laxatives (Regulax, Forlax, Duphalac, Prelax). When using these drugs, stool softens. The use of other laxatives (bisacodyl, phenolphthalein, senna preparations, buckthorn) during pregnancy is contraindicated, as they excessively stimulate intestinal peristalsis (motor activity), which can lead to increased uterine tone.

Ferocious Ekaterina, obstetrician-gynecologist, Minsk


Of course, advice on reconsidering nutrition, physical activity and emotional state is all great, but it’s not enough for treatment (Still, you can’t pass by the pharmacy. There are now enough pills for hemorrhoids. Here are reviews of the most common ones [link-1] to help you

02/05/2017 17:16:30, eleonora.1991n

What an unpleasant sore, it has caused me so much discomfort throughout my life. Thank God, recently I have practically stopped bothering you; when I was treated with a course of procto-glivenol suppositories, I felt relief in my life. Now I’m thinking about doing gymnastics against hemorrhoids, I’ve read a lot of positive reviews. I hope it will help me overcome this nasty thing forever.

Hemorrhoids are generally very common in pregnant women. There was a thunderstorm for me too, but everything worked out on time. I turned to my gynecologist and obstetrician, she recommended suppositories with venotonic, which just dissolve hemorrhoidal veins and allow you to go to the toilet normally. good Rectactive suppositories, I highly recommend them to anyone with hemorrhoids.

10.06.2016 16:13:57, Stanislava Main

Elisheh gel emulsion is possible during pregnancy

04/29/2016 19:36:15, 24svetlana24

The treatment method for hemorrhoids developed by Sergei Kondakov helped me very well. The pain was like hell, mother, don’t worry, it went away almost on the first day after the start of the procedures.

Comment on the article "Drugs for hemorrhoids"

Conference "Pregnancy and childbirth" "Pregnancy and childbirth". Hemorrhoids: (and compression garments. Never had one, but apparently age takes its toll...


Buy Natalsid, you will be happy, these are candles, you can use them with B. I myself suffer from this problem, and at the 27th week I thought I’d glue my fins together.

I’ll say about hemorrhoids - unpleasant, but not fatal.
I don’t remember what I treated it with last time, but it can all be cured quickly.

Pregnancy and childbirth: conception, tests, ultrasound, toxicosis, childbirth, caesarean section, birth. Hemorrhoids are a terrible problem for a woman in labor and need to be addressed in a timely manner.


Girls, thanks for your advice. I haven’t appeared for a long time, I thought that no one would say anything. And yet you don’t ignore it. Nice. The proctologist said that there is no CS, only EU. I prescribed ointment. As for the enema, that's a good idea.

Ailments, diseases, toxicosis. Pregnancy and childbirth. Pregnancy and childbirth: conception, tests, ultrasound, toxicosis, childbirth, caesarean section, birth.


I will add it to ointments and suppositories. Ice and physical therapy are very effective. Tested on myself on the recommendation of doctors. Ice 5-6 times a day for no more than 5 minutes. It’s convenient to pour 0.33 into a water bottle and sit through a diaper. If you use warming ointments, take a 30-minute break between the ointment and the ice.
And physiotherapy is simply an amazing result!

I used posterizan candles and candles with sea buckthorn oil. and I need to adjust my diet - prunes, dried apricots, figs, apples, carrots, beets, general soups (cabbage soup or borscht, for example - I didn’t cook with meat broth), I cooked frozen vegetables. In the evening, 1-2 hours before bedtime, kefir (the fresher the better, since kefir that is approaching the end of its shelf life can become stronger). And water, juice, tea! But don’t forget about meat, fish, eggs.

Hemorrhoids during pregnancy - help!!! I really need the advice of experienced people - I just had some kind of obsession, hemorrhoids have opened up B, as soon as I go forgive me for a big matter, it’s flowing (precisely flowing...

However, women in an “interesting” position are more susceptible to it due to the restructuring of the mother’s body. The relevance of the question of how to treat hemorrhoids during pregnancy is not in doubt.

The danger of the disease lies in its chronicity and increased severity of clinical symptoms after childbirth.

Is it necessary to treat hemorrhoids in pregnant women?

Of course, the desire to protect the child as much as possible from the effects of drugs is very commendable, but such a decision is in many ways wrong. It is important to understand the dangers of hemorrhoids during pregnancy and refusal to treat them.

  1. The disease affects a woman’s well-being. Unpleasant and even painful sensations and problems with normal bowel movements only get worse. The expectant mother will become worse able to tolerate her situation, as a result of which the child’s development will deteriorate.
  2. An inflamed hemorrhoid gradually leads to damage and death of the mucous membrane, which is fraught with the penetration of infectious agents. For pregnant women, every infection is dangerous, since in particularly difficult situations pathogenic microbes can reach the child, ultimately leading to intrauterine infection.
  3. Another possible negative outcome of refusing therapy is anemia. A common manifestation of the disease is bleeding, leading to hemoglobin deficiency. This condition is fraught with the occurrence of hypoxia, which has an extremely negative effect on the growing child.
  4. If hemorrhoids are not treated in the 2nd or 3rd trimester, the disease can worsen sharply after childbirth. Moreover, the severity of the symptoms only increases, and the disease progresses significantly. That is why it is easier to cure hemorrhoids in the early stages of pregnancy than to spend a lot of time and effort fighting this unpleasant sore after childbirth.

Thus, the question of whether hemorrhoids are dangerous during pregnancy can be answered in the affirmative. Inflammation and bleeding of hemorrhoids must be treated, and it is better to entrust the therapy to a proctologist, who will choose the optimal treatment method.

Causes of hemorrhoids in expectant mothers

In pregnant women, hemorrhoids occur as a result of global changes that occur in the female body.

Moreover, in the early and late periods of gestation, the main causes of the disease are somewhat different.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, literally from conception, pregnant women's hormonal levels change, which manifests itself in the form of relaxation of smooth muscles. The “goal” of such a shift is obvious - to prevent uterine contractions.

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However, at the same time, the intestinal muscles also relax, which leads to problems with bowel movements. The result is constipation and prolonged straining, which provokes inflammation of the hemorrhoids.

In the third trimester, the uterus, located in the pelvic girdle, actively increases in size, pressing on the lower intestines. As a result, venous blood flow slows down, stagnation begins, and hemorrhoids grow.

In addition, factors that provoke the occurrence of the disease in expectant mothers include:

  • heredity;
  • the age of the expectant mother (the likelihood of “getting” hemorrhoids is higher in women over 30);
  • second pregnancy;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • overweight;
  • taking hormonal contraceptives that negatively affect the vascular walls (if the girl took the drugs before conception);
  • regular constipation;
  • poor physical mobility;
  • improper diet (for example, lack of fiber).

And yet, the development of pathology more often occurs during pregnancy in later stages, especially at 38 weeks. At this time, the baby and uterus reach their maximum size.

The disease can also appear after the birth process. The fact is that when passing through the birth canal, the child’s head compresses the venous plexus of the pelvis.

In addition, the outflow of blood from hemorrhoidal nodules can be disrupted during intense contractions, which increase the pressure inside the peritoneum.

Types and stages of the disease

Depending on the provoking factors, experts distinguish two types of pathological process:

  1. Primary – the disease may appear as a result of the development of the provoking factors listed above. Hemorrhoids in pregnant women are also classified as this type.
  2. Secondary - the disease becomes a consequence of severe liver diseases, heart problems, tumors of the gastrointestinal tract, which disrupt venous blood flow in the rectum.

Based on the concentration of the inflammatory process, the disease is divided into:

  1. Internal hemorrhoids, when the affected cones are located inside the anal canal;
  2. External hemorrhoids, when inflamed nodules are visible to the naked eye when examining the anus;
  3. Mixed type, in which, accordingly, the inflamed hemorrhoids are located above and below the anus line.

During pregnancy, hemorrhoids develop in accordance with the “classic” version of the disease and go through the following stages that characterize its severity:

  • Stage 1 – the nodules are enlarged, they begin to protrude in the rectum, but do not yet come out. During defecation, hemorrhoidal cones are damaged, resulting in stool being released with blood.
  • Stage 2 - during defecation, the nodes fall out, but then they independently return to their original place.
  • Stage 3 - nodules come out of the passage during bowel movements, pushing and normal exercise. You can only remove them with your hands.
  • Stage 4 – inflamed nodes come out regularly, without any “reason”. Reduction is not possible.

In addition, expectant mothers distinguish between acute hemorrhoids and the chronic form of the disease.

In the first case, symptoms appear suddenly. Chronic inflammation of hemorrhoids occurs much more often, subsiding for a while and re-emerging due to the above “provocateurs”.

Signs of illness

Symptoms of hemorrhoids in expectant mothers “increase” gradually. At first, the disease may be generally asymptomatic, then periodically the pregnant woman begins to be bothered by various unpleasant sensations that coincide with the act of defecation.

In general, signs of hemorrhoids during pregnancy occur in the following order:

  • discomfort in the rectal area after bowel movement - can manifest itself in the form of irritation, burning;
  • Bleeding is one of the main symptoms of hemorrhoids during pregnancy and occurs after bowel movements. Depending on the severity of the disease, it manifests itself as a few drops of blood on paper or massive bleeding;
  • painful sensations - may appear during the act of defecation, and also persist for a certain period of time after bowel movement;
  • itching is a consequence of damage to the skin around the anus. If skin irritation does not go away for a long time, the formation of cracks, eczema and connection of infection to the inflammatory process is possible;
  • prolapse of nodes - enlarged lumps cannot fit in the anal canal, so they fall out. And this increases the risk of such a terrible consequence as thrombosis of the external hemorrhoid.

Some signs, for example, itching and irritation of the skin, may indicate the development of another pathological process - in particular, anal fissures.

In order for the treatment of hemorrhoids in pregnant women to be successful and without consequences, it is necessary to consult a doctor at the first unpleasant symptoms. The doctor will help you choose the optimal therapy that is as harmless as possible to the fetus.

Features of treatment of hemorrhoids in pregnant women

Hemorrhoids during pregnancy require treatment, and proper and immediate treatment. However, the choice of leading therapeutic method will depend on the severity of the disease.

  • The first stages of proctological pathology are usually treated without the use of drugs. Most often, doctors advise pregnant women to change their diet, perform special exercises and take walks in the fresh air more often.
  • How to get rid of second stage hemorrhoids? Take systemic and local medications prescribed by your doctor. Preference should be given to locally acting agents - rectal suppositories and ointments, which have virtually no effect on the development of the child.
  • In the case of stages 3 and 4 of the disease, complex treatment is prescribed. Medicines and a new daily routine remain, but minimally invasive procedures can be added to them. For example, you can quickly cure inflamed nodes using injections with sclerosing drugs, clamping with special latex rings or infrared radiation.

Treatment of hemorrhoids during pregnancy excludes surgical intervention, which involves the use of systemic anesthesia. This method can harm a growing child and the woman herself.

Good to know! Expectant mothers are strictly not recommended to use any antihemorrhoidal medications on their own initiative. Some of them are potentially dangerous to embryos.

New daily routine

Adjusting your diet and doing certain physical exercises will help you get rid of hemorrhoids during pregnancy. Of course, these measures can be used only in the initial stages of the development of the pathological process, when the signs of internal hemorrhoids in pregnant women are not obvious.

  1. Changing your diet

Since unpleasant symptoms can worsen due to difficulties with bowel movements, experts recommend including foods that improve digestion in your diet.

Constipation will be prevented by eating sour milk and fresh, steamed fruits. Meat products and carbohydrate-rich foods are introduced into the diet in small quantities. Everything hot, spicy, fatty and fried is prohibited.

Important! To prevent constipation, experts advise dividing the daily menu into several small portions. If the expectant mother is severely hungry before falling asleep, it is better to drink a cup of kefir or eat yogurt.

  1. Exercises for hemorrhoids

Moderate physical activity during gestation helps improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, eliminate congestion in the pelvis, and normalize blood circulation.

You can do the following exercises:

  1. Turns. The woman places her feet shoulder-width apart and stretches her arms forward. Inhaling, you need to turn your torso to the side. Exhaling, the body is returned to the reverse position. Then the exercise is repeated, but in the other direction. The optimal number of turns is 25 in each direction.
  2. Squats . The woman takes the same position, but the upper limbs need to be extended along the body. You should squat at a slow pace, with your arms extended forward. The optimal number of squats is 35 (in several approaches).
  3. Tension/relaxation of sphincter muscles. This exercise strengthens the muscles and prevents inflammation of the nodules. To perform the exercise, a woman can stand or sit. The sphincter muscles are tensed for about 20 seconds and then relaxed. One approach lasts 5 minutes, they can be done up to 10 times a day.

Such physical exercises are prohibited if there is a threat of spontaneous abortion or premature labor. The described complex is not recommended if a woman has hemorrhoids at 38 weeks of pregnancy.

Drug treatment

Hemorrhoids can be treated during pregnancy with the help of pharmaceuticals. However, before using them, the expectant mother should definitely consult a proctologist.

The attending physician will determine what hemorrhoids look like, determine the severity of the disease and prescribe the safest medication possible.

System Tools

Antihemorrhoidal tablets are an example of how to cure hemorrhoids in a fairly short time.

However, many general medications are not recommended during pregnancy, since there is no reliable data on their safety for the fetus.

In such situations, doctors try to correlate the expected benefit and the likely risk for the baby. To minimize threats, the fight against hemorrhoids with the help of pills begins in the second trimester.

Typically, expectant mothers are prescribed Detralex for hemorrhoids, a combination drug that has the properties of angioprotectors and venotonics.

Taking Detralex for hemorrhoids, pregnant women strengthen the venous walls, eliminate inflammation and restore optimal blood circulation.

In addition to Detralex, doctors often prescribe bioflavonoids such as:

  • Vasocket;
  • Venarus;
  • Phlebodia 600.

Local preparations

However, most often, hemorrhoids during normal pregnancy are treated with locally acting medications, which have a minimum number of contraindications and side effects.

The duration of therapy largely depends on the severity of the disease. A week is how long therapy most often takes, but it is better to check the treatment regimen with your doctor.

How to treat hemorrhoids during pregnancy? Suppositories and ointments allowed during gestation.

  1. Natalsid candles. A bleeding and inflamed hemorrhoid can be treated with these hemostatic rectal suppositories. The only limitation is intolerance to the main and auxiliary components.
  2. Sea buckthorn suppositories for hemorrhoids. Sea buckthorn, contained in rectal suppositories, helps to effectively relieve inflammation, itching, swelling and other unpleasant symptoms. In addition to inflamed hemorrhoids, such drugs are used if a crack or ulcerative lesion of the sphincter appears. The main contraindication is diarrhea.
  3. Suppositories with propolis. Propolis DN, Gemo-Pro and other suppositories containing honey and other waste products of bees reduce the severity of the inflammatory process, soften nodules, fight infectious pathogens and normalize blood circulation. In general, honey for hemorrhoids and bee products can be used during all trimesters if the patient is not allergic to them.
  4. Heparin ointment. The main ingredient heparin prevents thrombosis of the hemorrhoid during pregnancy. In addition, the product effectively relieves swelling, resolves blood clots, and is designed to help restore blood circulation. The drug is prohibited in case of bleeding, risk of spontaneous abortion, or in the last weeks of gestation.
  5. Ichthyol ointment. Particularly effective for external inflamed nodes. Disinfects, destroys pathogenic bacteria, promotes rapid healing of wounds and anal cracks. It has a minimum of restrictions - it is contraindicated in case of intolerance to ichthammol.
  6. Gepatrombin G. Manufacturers produce suppositories and ointment preparations under the name Gepatrombin. Medicines belong to anticoagulants - substances that reduce blood clotting. Hepatrombin reduces the intensity of inflammatory processes, improves blood flow in damaged areas, and prevents the formation of blood clots. Hepatrombin is prohibited when the anal canal is infected with pathogenic pathogens. In addition, Gepatrombin can be used only from the second trimester.
  7. Vishnevsky ointment. A popular remedy used for inflammation, suppuration and damage to external hemorrhoids. A big plus is that the drug can be used during all periods of pregnancy, the only exception mentioned in the instructions is the body’s hypersensitivity to the ingredients of the drug.
  8. Fleming's ointment. This remedy is often prescribed if the expectant mother has hemorrhoids. The drug includes plant extracts - chamomile and sea buckthorn extracts. The ingredients relieve inflammation, destroy microbes, preventing suppuration and further spread of the inflammatory process.
  9. Levomekol. A drug with a pronounced antimicrobial effect, it alleviates the condition if there is an exacerbation of hemorrhoids during pregnancy. The product improves cellular metabolism and prevents the occurrence of a purulent process. Caution should be exercised because the medication contains an antibiotic.
  10. Relief. Suppositories and ointment medications from the “Relief” series are used if hemorrhoids bleed during pregnancy. They are also designed to quickly relieve itching and pain due to vasoconstriction and an anti-inflammatory effect. Painful sensations can go away in a fairly short period of time, but Relief must be used extremely carefully, since some ingredients are hypothetically capable of increasing uterine tone.
  11. Troxevasin. Venotonic gel is used to relieve swelling and reduce inflamed lumps in the case of external hemorrhoids. The medication helps normalize blood circulation in damaged veins and effectively relieves inflammation. But since the drug has not yet been studied, it can be used only after the doctor’s full approval and only from the second trimester.
  12. Procto-Glivenol. Suppositories and ointments are prescribed if hemorrhoids become worse or hurt. Medicines relieve inflammation and pain, relieve women of congestion, and normalize venous blood flow. Independent use by expectant mothers is excluded; Procto-Glivenol is indicated only from the second trimester.
  13. Neo-Anuzol. Anti-inflammatory suppositories are used if hemorrhoids are bleeding, sphincter spasms are observed, or pain in the anal canal is tormented. The drug has astringent and drying properties and is a good antiseptic. During gestation, it is allowed to use only under the supervision of a doctor.

Despite the rapid effect of suppositories for uncomplicated hemorrhoids, expectant mothers are prohibited from using suppositories on their own. You should contact a proctologist who will tell you what to do with inflamed nodes and how to deal with bleeding.

Minimally invasive procedures

How can an expectant mother quickly get rid of hemorrhoids? If conservative therapy has shown ineffectiveness, medications cannot cope with inflamed hemorrhoids, proctologists prescribe non-surgical treatment methods.

Minimally invasive procedures are performed under local anesthesia, so they have a minimum of contraindications. Of course, before the appointment, the proctologist calculates all the risks for the woman and the fetus.

There are 3 options for non-surgical interventions:

  1. Sclerotherapy. A treatment method that involves introducing special compounds into hemorrhoids. After some time, the vessels stick together, and the inflamed lump simply dies. The procedure is gentle, so the expectant mother can leave the hospital in an hour or two.
  2. Ligation. Hemorrhoids during a normal pregnancy can be cured with the help of special latex rings that compress the base of the nodules. Damaged areas die off within a week. They stop hurting immediately after the procedure.
  3. Cauterization. This procedure is carried out using a special infrared coagulator. The beam cauterizes the base of the nodule, after which it “falls off”. The method is effective in cases of stage 2-3 of the disease, but in 60% of cases hemorrhoids return.

As noted above, operations under general anesthesia are strictly contraindicated during the period of bearing a child. After childbirth, surgical intervention is performed according to indications.

Folk recipes

Alternative medicine offers a wide range of effective methods for treating hemorrhoids. They relieve pain and inflammation, eliminate numerous inconveniences, reduce swelling of the mucous membranes and stop bleeding.

During pregnancy it is permissible:

  • applying cold compresses to the anus for a few minutes (instead of cool water, you can use sea buckthorn berry oil, decoctions of medicinal plants, or grated potatoes);
  • taking warm baths with some medicinal plants (birch leaves, burdock, nettle leaves, oak bark, chamomile, etc.).

Despite the naturalness of the proposed recipes and ingredients, you should consult a doctor before using them. This will help eliminate threats to the child.

Hemorrhoids during gestation should not be cured with herbal infusions intended for oral administration. Most plants have a huge number of side reactions that can negatively affect the baby.

Disease Prevention

Answering the question of many pregnant women about how to avoid hemorrhoids during pregnancy, proctologists advise adhering to very specific recommendations, including hygiene, optimal physical activity and improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

  1. Following a simple diet will help prevent the disease, in which constipation will become a rare or even impossible occurrence. As noted above, if you are prone to problems with bowel movements, doctors strongly recommend eating fruits, vegetables, and limiting your consumption of baked goods, rice, and legumes.
  2. You should also include some foods in your diet , which help strengthen cell membranes - beets, cabbage, apples. In addition, doctors often prescribe special vitamin and mineral complexes for expectant mothers for this purpose.
  3. To increase the tone of the anal muscles and prevent congestion in the pelvis, you can perform certain physical exercises. Of course, you should consult a doctor before classes.
  4. Long walks are not recommended for the expectant mother, but no one forbids her to exercise reasonable physical activity. For example, do not stay in one place for a long time, walk in the park for 15-20 minutes, etc.
  5. Another way of prevention is hygiene. . Expectant mothers are advised to wash themselves after each visit to the restroom. It is permissible to “irrigate” the anal passage with cool water from the shower turned upside down.

Prevention of inflammation of hemorrhoids is especially important for pregnant women, since it is they who, for the reasons mentioned above, encounter this pathological process more often than other categories of patients.

Pregnancy and worsened hemorrhoids are, unfortunately, a common combination. This disease occurs in expectant mothers quite often due to natural changes occurring in the body.

It is impossible to brush aside such an unpleasant “sore,” especially since modern medicine offers multiple methods for solving this problem. You should also not put off visiting a proctologist, because the sooner the disease is detected and treated, the less difficulties hemorrhoids will cause for the expectant mother.

Only a doctor can choose the most effective way to get rid of negative symptoms. The task of a pregnant woman is to monitor her health and carefully follow all medical recommendations. In the meantime, let's talk in more detail about external hemorrhoids in pregnant women.

Why do external hemorrhoids occur in pregnant women?

Hemorrhoids are divided into intraintestinal, located under the rectal mucosa, and external, located under the skin around the anus. It is the pathological increase in external formations that leads to the development of the external form of hemorrhoidal disease.

What is the source of the disease? First of all, we should mention the main factor predisposing to hemorrhoids - family history. When the venous walls are weak, which is caused by genetics, the disease occurs with the slightest influence of certain “provocateurs”.

Among the latter, experts include global changes that are triggered in the mother’s body from the moment the egg is fertilized. First of all, let us mention the hormonal shift, designed to increase the chances of maintaining pregnancy.

The action of hormones leads to a slowdown in the contraction of smooth muscles that line all internal organs, as well as the walls of blood tubules. As a result, venous tone and intestinal motility decrease, which is fraught with congestion in the pelvic area and constipation.

The following unfavorable conditions can provoke the development of hemorrhoidal disease:

  • low fiber content in the diet, which leads to difficult stool ejection;
  • second and subsequent pregnancy;
  • passion for salted, smoked and other foods that cause blood flow to the pelvis;
  • decreased physical activity;
  • constant growth of the fetus, leading to displacement of internal organs, deterioration of the gastrointestinal tract, and compression of large blood vessels.

If external hemorrhoids are not treated, then an exacerbation of the disease during or after labor and the occurrence of serious negative consequences cannot be ruled out. All this will significantly complicate caring for the child.

A qualified proctologist talks about the peculiarities of its appearance and progression.

You can find out the reasons by carefully studying the article by our expert.

Symptoms of external hemorrhoids

External hemorrhoids during pregnancy are accompanied by the same symptoms as in other categories of patients. The leading sign of an increase in external hemorrhoids is pain in the anorectal area. They often accompany a visit to the restroom, but can also be spontaneous.

Pain syndrome also occurs when maintaining one position for a long time - when women sit or stand for a long time. The intensity of the discomfort depends on the individual characteristics of the body, that is, a pregnant woman may experience either ordinary discomfort or severe pain.

In addition, pregnant women may observe:

  • irritation in the anal area;
  • burning sensation;
  • mucous discharge;
  • getting wet underwear.

External hemorrhoids bleed less frequently than intraintestinal pathological formations. The patient may find traces of blood on her underwear, towel or toilet paper after bowel movements and hygiene measures.

Another difference in the external form of the disease is the ability to independently identify hemorrhoids during normal palpation of the anus. To the touch, they resemble elastic small knob-shaped structures, pressure on which leads to pain.

Acute and chronic hemorrhoids

It should be remembered that the severity of the above symptoms also depends on how aggravated the pathological process is. In general, there are traditionally two types of disease: acute and chronic. Moreover, these varieties can alternate.

Our specialist provides detailed information about it, its symptoms and possible complications in his article.

In the case of a chronic process, the symptoms are blurred, that is, the patient may feel discomfort in the anal area for a fairly long period of time, but not even realize that hemorrhoidal disease is developing.

Exacerbated external hemorrhoids (in the absence of timely treatment) successively go through 3 stages.

  • 1st stage. Small nodes appear, which is accompanied by tissue irritation, burning, and inflammatory discharge. Soreness and other symptoms bother you after bowel movement, but subside after a while.
  • 2nd stage. The area around the anus is inflamed and hyperemic, and the hemorrhoids are enlarged and swollen. When pressing on the abnormal formations, the patient feels severe pain.
  • 3rd stage. The inflammatory process switches to the hypodermis and nearby areas. The nodules become bluish or purple. In especially severe cases, their necrosis is observed. The pain increases many times over.

If the expectant mother does not take care of her health and after such symptoms, the disease may be complicated by the appearance of fistulas and paraproctitis. All this is accompanied by infection, as a result of which toxins are able to penetrate the systemic bloodstream, and then through the placental barrier to the child.

If external hemorrhoids are accompanied by bleeding, the pregnant woman may experience anemia. Iron deficiency can ultimately provoke oxygen starvation, which is fraught with the most serious consequences for the child.

Drug treatment of hemorrhoids

The question of how and with what to treat hemorrhoids during pregnancy is decided by a physician after examining the expectant mother. In the vast majority of cases, a medicinal or conservative method of therapy is chosen, which also involves lifestyle adjustments.

Most often, specialists prescribe ointments, gels and creams to pregnant women, which have a local complex effect. The drugs are designed to eliminate pain, swelling, reduce inflammation and the intensity of bleeding.

We offer an overview of the most effective and at the same time gentle medications that are approved for use by expectant mothers after talking with a doctor. It is only important to carefully study the main contraindications and potential undesirable consequences.

It is also worthwhile to study the list of effective ones, their indications and contraindications for use.

Expectant mothers need to carefully study the material about all the nuances of using it for hemorrhoids during pregnancy.

You can find out how effective it is during pregnancy by reading the article by our specialist.

You can learn about the effectiveness and features of use from the material of a proctologist.

The most detailed information about the use of tablets is presented in the article by our expert.

Inactivated microbial cells E.coli.
The “neutralized” cellular elements and metabolites of E. coli included in the composition contribute to the increase in the resistance of perianal tissues to the effects of pathogenic infectious agents.

Additionally, the ointment helps reduce inflammation, the volume of inflammatory exudate, optimize the condition of the vascular walls, and accelerate the healing of affected areas by strengthening local immunity.

  • Expansion of hemorrhoids;
  • anal itching;
  • feeling of heat in the anus;
  • eczematous lesions of the anorectal area;
  • perianal dermatitis.
Adverse eventsIn exceptional cases, patients in an interesting position may experience redness of the skin, itching, and a feeling of heat at the site of application of the ointment.
Standard regimen: the medication is applied up to 4 times to the subcutaneous hemorrhoid within 24 hours. A prerequisite is preliminary cleansing of the anus area.
Special InformationPhenol compounds used to neutralize microbial structures can cause an unexpected reaction in a pregnant patient. This fact should be taken into account.
PriceFrom 470 rubles.

Active ingredients of medicinesInactivated microbial cells E.coli, hydrocortisone.
Positive effect on the body“Dead” microbial cells, as noted above, can increase the resistance of the epithelium to the influence of pathogenic microflora and improve the condition of the local defense system.

The hormonal substance hydrocortisone is responsible for reducing the intensity of inflammatory processes, which further reduces swelling, redness and the level of discomfort in the anal area.

  • Enlarged external hemorrhoids;
  • ulcerative damage to the tissues of the anus;
  • irritability of rectal tissues;
  • hypertrophy of the papillae in the anus;
  • inflammatory processes in the anus.
ContraindicationsToo strong and negative reaction of the body’s defense system to any component of the drug, expressed in allergic and other symptoms.
Adverse eventsThe medication is well tolerated, but in some situations the occurrence of abnormal reactions to phenolic compounds should not be ruled out.
Features of therapy during the gestational periodThe standard treatment regimen is as follows: an ointment is applied to the nodules up to 4 times daily. It is important to pre-clean the anorectal area to improve absorption of the healing agent.
Special InformationWhen using the medication, two nuances are important. First, do not use it if you are allergic to phenolic compounds. Secondly, the drug should not be combined with other hormonal medications.
PriceFrom 480 rubles.

Active ingredients of medicinesHeparin, benzocaine (anesthesin), benzyl nicotinate.
Positive effect on the bodyIf there is an increased risk of blood clots, anticoagulants are used, such as heparin. This ingredient reduces the likelihood of blood cells sticking together, prevents thrombosis, and improves local blood circulation.

Anestesin, an anesthetic acting at the local level, is designed to relieve pain by blocking the transmission of nerve signals.

Benzyl nicotinate is a chemical compound responsible for the expansion of capillaries or superficial venous channels. This improves the penetration of heparin into tissues.

  • thrombosed anal vessels;
  • lymphagenitis;
  • swelling of tissues;
  • joint damage.
  • tendency to bleed;
  • open wound surfaces;
  • ulcerative skin lesions;
  • tissue necrosis.
Adverse eventsExpectant mothers may experience skin redness and rashes. Long-term use is fraught with low sensitivity of the epithelial layer.
Features of therapy during the gestational periodThe ointment is applied to external hemorrhoids 2-3 times daily for 10-14 days. In particularly severe cases, it is possible to apply compresses with the drug to the areas.
Special InformationThe possibility of use is determined by the attending physician after the balance of threats. However, it is important to remember that the parallel use of other anticoagulants enhances the anticoagulant effect.
PriceFrom 45 rubles.

Active ingredients of medicinesHeparin, prednisolone, lauromacrogol 600.
Positive effect on the bodyThe anticoagulant heparin has pronounced anticoagulant properties. This is expressed in preventing the formation of blood clots, improving local blood flow, and getting rid of inflammation.

The hormonal component prednisolone, like other steroid substances, helps reduce the intensity of inflammation and allergic conditions, relieve swelling and discomfort.

The venosclerosant lauromacrogol promotes the coagulation of proteins and the gluing of vascular membranes. As a result, the size of cavernous formations decreases.

  • Subcutaneous hemorrhoids;
  • ulcerative damage to the tissues of the anus;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • fistulas;
  • eczematous lesions of the anus.
  • Too strong and negative reaction of the body’s defense system to any component of the drug, expressed in allergic and other symptoms;
  • signs of tuberculosis and syphilitic lesions;
  • skin infection with viruses, fungi, bacteria;
  • tumors of the anorectal area;
  • tendency to bleed.
Adverse eventsIt is impossible to exclude the appearance of red spots, allergic conditions (rashes, tissue irritation), as well as reactions caused by the presence of the steroid component.
Features of therapy during the gestational periodFrequency of application – up to 4 times daily. The length of the therapeutic regimen is determined on an individual basis. It is imperative to clean the anorectal area.
Special InformationIf reasonable dosages are exceeded, slow recovery of the epithelial layer may be observed.
PriceFrom 165 rubles.

Active ingredients of medicinesIchthammol.
Positive effect on the bodyIchthyol is a chemical obtained by distilling sulfur shales containing the remains of fossil fish. This substance relieves pain, disinfects, fights inflammation and suppuration, and dries tissues.

Another useful property is the optimization of local microcirculation. This is expressed in accelerating regeneration and restoration of damaged areas.

  • External hemorrhoids, accompanied by infection, suppuration, and inflammatory processes;
  • burn lesions;
  • boils;
  • carbunculosis;
  • eczema;
  • ulcerative damage to the tissues of the anus;
  • erysipelas, etc.
ContraindicationsToo strong and negative reaction of the body’s defense system to any component of the drug, expressed in allergic and other symptoms.
Adverse eventsExpectant mothers in the process of treating hemorrhoidal disease may encounter redness of the dermis, rash, and discomfort.
Features of therapy during the gestational periodFor 2 weeks, it is necessary to lubricate the external nodules with ointment in the evening. The next morning you need to remove the excess drug using a cloth.
Special InformationThe official documentation for the drug warns patients against combining the use of ointment with iodine and plant alkaloids.
PriceFrom 110 rubles.

Active ingredients of medicinesPhenylephrine, oil extract from shark liver.
Positive effect on the bodyAn oily substance, which is extracted from the liver of a marine predator, has a complex effect on the condition of the perianal area. The healing of the epithelium is accelerated, bleeding stops, and local immunity is stimulated.

The second component belongs to the category of vasoconstrictor medications. Reducing the flow of capillary and venous channels allows you to reduce swelling, stop inflammation and reduce the size of hemorrhoids.

  • Externally localized hemorrhoids;
  • ulcerative damage to the tissues of the anus;
  • anal itching.
  • Too strong and negative reaction of the body’s defense system to any component of the drug, expressed in allergic and other symptoms;
  • thromboembolism;
  • decreased content of granulocytes in the blood.
Adverse eventsSusceptible patients experience redness of the skin, rash, and irritability of tissue in the anal canal area.
Features of therapy during the gestational periodThe ointment is applied to the corresponding areas up to 4 times over 24 hours. Before application, the anorectal area should be cleansed.
Special InformationThe phenylephrine contained in the medication can reduce the positive effect of medications that are aimed at combating high blood pressure.
PriceFrom 380 rubles.

Active ingredients of medicinesBenzocaine (anesthetic), an oily extract from shark liver.
Positive effect on the bodyAn oily product extracted from the liver of predatory fish has the ability to stop bleeding, relieve inflammation, increase local immunity and speed up the healing of wound surfaces.

Anesthesin, which belongs to the class of local analgesics, produces pain relief in affected tissues due to its ability to stop the transmission of nerve signals.

  • Externally located hemorrhoids;
  • ulcerative damage to the tissues of the anus;
  • erosion of the skin of the anus;
  • anesthesia for examination of the rectum or surgery on the lower intestine.
  • Too strong and negative reaction of the body’s defense system to any component of the drug, expressed in allergic and other symptoms;
  • thromboembolism;
  • decreased number of granulocytes.
Adverse eventsPatients susceptible to the components of the drug may experience various undesirable effects, for example, redness of the skin, irritability of the rectal tissues.
Features of therapy during the gestational periodThe medication is applied to certain areas up to 4 times daily. The length of the therapeutic course is determined by the attending doctor.
Special InformationExcessive doses are fraught with the formation of blood clots and increased blood clotting. This effect is due to the presence of shark liver oil in the preparation.
PriceFrom 420 rubles.

Active ingredients of medicinesTribenoside, lidocaine.
Positive effect on the bodyTribenoside, a venotonic drug, directly affects the condition of blood vessels. They increase the tonic status of the veins, strengthen the walls of blood tubules, reduce their permeability, and improve local blood circulation in the anorectal area.

The locally functioning anesthetic drug lidocaine blocks the transmission of nerve signals from damaged areas, which is reflected in a decrease in the intensity of pain.

  • intraintestinal type of varicose anal vessels.
  • Too strong and negative reaction of the body’s defense system to any component of the drug, expressed in allergic and other symptoms;
  • liver failure.
Adverse eventsIt is impossible to completely exclude hyperemia of the epithelium, the occurrence of a rash, and irritability of tissues in the anorectal area. Heart rhythm disturbances and anaphylaxis are extremely rare.
Features of therapy during the gestational periodExternal hemorrhoids should be treated with cream according to the following scheme: the product is applied twice a day. The length of the course of therapy is determined individually, depending on the intensity of negative symptoms.
Special InformationIf the clinical picture of hemorrhoidal disease persists or any negative effects occur, you should consult a specialist.
PriceFrom 360 rubles.

Active ingredients of medicinesPearls, amber component, borneol, musk, artificial bezoar, zinc carbonate.
Positive effect on the bodyThe zinc ingredient disinfects the epithelium of damaged areas, dries wet areas, and forms a special coating on the surface of the dermis that prevents the penetration of pathogenic agents.

Bezoar reduces the intensity of inflammatory processes, activates the immune system, and relieves pain. Borneol is responsible for the destruction of pathogenic bacterial cells.

Artificial pearls help speed up recovery processes, additionally reduce pain, and prevent the formation of blood clots in blood vessels.

The amber component belongs to the category of antiseptics and also accelerates regeneration. Musk is an anti-inflammatory substance.

  • Externally located hemorrhoidal structures;
  • ulcerative damage to the tissues of the anus;
  • eczematous lesions of the tissues of the anorectal area.
ContraindicationsToo strong and negative reaction of the body’s defense system to any component of the drug, expressed in allergic and other symptoms.
Adverse eventsIn some situations, a variety of allergic conditions occur, such as redness, swelling, rash, and irritability of the rectal tissues.
Features of therapy during the gestational periodThe medication should be applied to external hemorrhoids up to 4 times daily. The duration of therapy is determined individually.
Special InformationIf the clinical picture of anorectal varicose veins persists or any negative phenomena occur, it is necessary to consult a specialist.
PriceFrom 370 rubles.

Active ingredients of medicinesBirch tar, xeroform, castor bean oil.
Positive effect on the bodyXeroform, which belongs to the class of bismuth salts, has antiseptic properties, affecting pathogenic microorganisms. Additionally, the drug dries out the skin.

The product of birch bark distillation is actively used in medicine to improve local blood flow. Stimulation of blood circulation in the affected areas leads to activation of recovery processes.

Castor oil, obtained from castor bean fruits, softens the skin, stimulates regeneration, wound healing, and restoration processes in the anorectal area.

  • External hemorrhoidal disease;
  • dermatological diseases of various origins;
  • bedsores;
  • eczema;
  • lymphadenitis;
  • burns;
  • wound surfaces;
  • ulcers on the skin;
  • boils, etc.
  • Too strong and negative reaction of the body’s defense system to any component of the drug, expressed in allergic and other symptoms;
  • liver diseases.
Adverse eventsPatients with intolerance to any ointment ingredients may experience allergic manifestations - rashes, swelling, red spots on the skin.
Features of therapy during the gestational periodSoak the compress in the ointment and apply it to the external hemorrhoids. The frequency of the procedure is up to 3 times within 24 hours.
Special InformationBirch tar increases a person's sensitivity to solar radiation. Therefore, in summer you need to use this medicine with caution.
PriceFrom 40 rubles.

Active ingredients of medicinesTroxerutin.
Positive effect on the bodyThe active ingredient is a natural flavonoid, venotonic with vascular protective properties. It helps reduce the permeability and fragility of capillary tubules, increase venous tone, and improve local blood circulation.

By increasing the density of capillary and venous membranes, the drug reduces the release of inflammatory exudate. This is expressed, among other things, in the cessation of weeping.

  • External localization of hemorrhoidal formations;
  • lymphovenous insufficiency;
  • varicose veins of the legs;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • pain and swelling of soft tissues due to bruises.
  • Too strong and negative reaction of the body’s defense system to any component of the drug, expressed in allergic and other symptoms;
  • ulceration of the skin at the site of application of the drug.
Adverse eventsVery rarely, hypersensitivity reactions can be observed in the form of dermatological problems, eczematous lesions, and allergic manifestations.
Features of therapy during the gestational periodThe medication is traditionally applied to the required areas 2 times a day. Before the procedures, you should clean the skin.
Special InformationThe gel should be applied exclusively to skin without wound surfaces, ulcers or scratches. You also need to ensure that the drug does not get on the mucous membrane of the rectal canal.
PriceFrom 170 rubles.

Active ingredients of medicinesLevomycetin, methyluracil.
Positive effect on the bodyThe antibacterial effect of the drug is due to chloramphenicol, which destroys many pathogenic microbial cells, including staphylococci and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.

Methyluracil is responsible for regeneration, activating the formation of new cellular structures and the regeneration of damaged areas. This ingredient also stimulates local immunity, increasing the release of interferon.

The drug is used exclusively externally and is intended to disinfect and accelerate the healing of tissues that are susceptible to inflammation or suppuration.

  • Treatment of hemorrhoids, which are complicated by a purulent process, infection, inflammation;
  • purulent wounds;
  • burn lesions;
  • boils;
  • carbuncles;
  • trophic ulcers, etc.
ContraindicationsToo strong and negative reaction of the body’s defense system to any component of the drug, expressed in allergic and other symptoms.
Adverse eventsThe medication is characterized by weak reactivity, so it very rarely leads to the development of undesirable consequences. Some patients may experience rashes and redness of the skin.
Features of therapy during the gestational periodTypically, fabric is soaked in ointment and applied to the required areas of the skin. Frequency of application – up to 3 times within 24 hours.
Special InformationThe drug belongs to the category of antibiotics, so independent use is extremely undesirable, especially during pregnancy.
PriceFrom 110 rubles.

Active ingredients of medicinesCalendula, witch hazel, chestnut fruit extract, menthol, zinc.
Positive effect on the bodyWitch hazel and chestnut fruit extract belong to the class of venotonic drugs that increase the tone of the veins and optimize local blood circulation.

Calendula extract has pronounced antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, which is reflected in the destruction of pathogenic flora and a decrease in the volume of inflammatory exudate.

Menthol has pronounced cooling properties, which can reduce pain and discomfort.

Zinc compounds disinfect the affected areas and also create a kind of protective cover on the epithelial layer that prevents infection by bacteria.

  • Externally localized hemorrhoids;
  • allergic dermatitis;
  • vasomotor runny nose.
ContraindicationsToo strong and negative reaction of the body’s defense system to any component of the drug, expressed in allergic and other symptoms.
Adverse eventsHypersensitive patients may experience various negative reactions to the ingredients contained in the ointment. Usually these are rashes, redness of the skin, etc.
Features of therapy during the gestational periodThe ointment is applied to the appropriate areas up to 3 times daily over a weekly time interval. Repeating treatment measures is possible after consultation with a proctologist.
Special InformationThe drug is safe for women, but prescribing it independently is highly undesirable. You should definitely consult a specialist.
PriceFrom 260 rubles.

Active ingredients of medicinesDiosmin, hesperidin.
Positive effect on the bodyThe combination of natural flavonoids - substances with venotonic properties - helps to increase the tone of the venous channels, strengthen the vascular membranes, and reduce the permeability of capillary tubules.

The complex effect on the body is manifested in optimizing the entire blood flow, eliminating blood stagnation, reducing the symptoms of venous insufficiency and hemorrhoidal disease.

  • All forms of enlargement and deformation of anorectal vessels;
  • venous-lymphatic insufficiency, expressed by cramps, pain in the legs;
  • trophic ulcers.
ContraindicationsToo strong and negative reaction of the body’s defense system to any component of the drug, expressed in allergic and other symptoms.
Adverse events
  • Dyspepsia;
  • diarrhea;
  • weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • skin rash;
  • swelling;
  • tissue irritation.
Features of therapy during the gestational periodIt is possible to cure hemorrhoids by taking several courses. In this case, the doctor prescribes a certain dosage and duration of therapy to the patient. Typically take 6 tablets, after 4 days the number of capsules is reduced to 4.
Special InformationCombination treatment is required, that is, the simultaneous use of tablets and ointment preparations. In this case, the symptoms of hemorrhoids will disappear much faster.
PriceFrom 640 rubles.

Active ingredients of medicinesDiosmin, hesperidin.
Positive effect on the bodyA set of natural bioflavonoids is an excellent venotonic drug. The main feature of the drug is to increase venous tone and optimize the permeability of blood tubules.

The result of treatment is the disappearance of congestion, optimization of systemic blood flow, reduction of inflammatory processes and reduction in the size of hemorrhoidal formations.

  • Hemorrhoidal disease (external and intraintestinal forms);
  • venous-lymphatic insufficiency, which is accompanied by pain and leg cramps;
  • impaired tissue nutrition;
  • trophic ulcers.
  • Too strong and negative reaction of the body’s defense system to any component of the drug, expressed in allergic and other symptoms;
  • breast-feeding.
Adverse events
  • Migraine;
  • dizziness;
  • convulsions;
  • dyspepsia;
  • diarrhea;
  • rash;
  • redness of the skin, etc.
Features of therapy during the gestational periodVenarus treatment of external hemorrhoids during pregnancy depends on the severity of the clinical picture. If the illness worsens, you need to take 6 capsules daily, after 4 days the dose is reduced to 4 tablets.
Special InformationThe medication should be taken together with the use of topical medications - antihemorrhoidal ointments and creams.
PriceFrom 490 rubles.

Surgical treatment of external hemorrhoids during pregnancy

If there are no positive effects from the use of medications, if the disease progresses and there is a threat of developing any complications, the attending physician may prescribe one of the methods of surgical intervention.

During pregnancy, minimally invasive (gentle) procedures are used that involve minimal impact on the body. However, even despite the fact that general anesthesia is not used, such surgical methods are extremely rarely prescribed.

The external localization of hemorrhoidal structures significantly limits the possibility of using minimally invasive techniques, since not all procedures are applicable in this case. Most often, specialists prescribe the following types of interventions:

  • photo and laser coagulation. Exposure to radiation of varying intensities leads to the folding of protein structures contained in blood tubules. As a result, cavernous formations cannot receive recharge from arteries and capillaries;
  • cryodestruction. Ultra-low temperature conditions lead to freezing of hemorrhoids, as a result of which the tissues die and fall off. During the intervention, pain, bleeding and scar formation are eliminated.

It should be remembered that minimally invasive techniques cannot be used during exacerbation of the disease. In addition, various complications (paraproctitis, thrombosis, etc.) may serve as a contraindication to such procedures.

But radical surgical interventions (hemorrhoidectomy) are not prescribed during pregnancy. This is understandable, since such operations are performed under general anesthesia, which can negatively affect the development of the fetus.

The importance of proper diet

A carefully selected diet is one of the important nuances of complex therapy for hemorrhoidal disease. If you do not pay due attention to this aspect, the clinical picture will certainly return after some time with renewed vigor.

That is why it is necessary to remember the rules of nutrition for varicose anal veins.

  1. Small meals are recommended to avoid constipation. Experts advise eating up to 6 times a day in small portions.
  2. If you are prone to constipation, you need to increase the amount of cereals, fruits and vegetables that contain natural dietary fiber. The best varieties of cereals are buckwheat, pearl barley; the healthiest vegetables are beets, cucumbers, carrots.
  3. Another option to combat constipation is to use bran from oats, rye and wheat. The daily volume of this product is approximately 60 grams. They are included in soups or porridge.
  4. Meat products are allowed, but fatty meats must be avoided. The ideal option is boiled chicken, beef, veal, rabbit, etc.
  5. You should also increase the amount of fermented milk products - low-fat kefir, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk. Kefir drink improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  6. To “turn on” the digestive tract, you need to drink a glass of boiled water for breakfast every day, and drink more clean water throughout the day.
  7. It is necessary to give up harmful foods - strong tea drinks, fresh baked goods, fried foods, soda. They lead to flatulence and impair intestinal motility.

In parallel with optimizing your diet, you should increase (if possible) physical activity. A woman, in agreement with the doctor, can do certain exercises, exercises, swimming, etc.

As a conclusion

External hemorrhoids during pregnancy require complex treatment. That is, a pregnant woman needs not only to take medications, but also to review her diet and optimize physical activity.

The question of how and how to treat hemorrhoids during gestation should be addressed to a specialist. It is he who will select the safest and most effective drugs (ointments and tablets), establish the exact dosage and duration of the therapeutic course.

Watch a video about treating hemorrhoids during pregnancy.

Hemorrhoids are one of the most annoying side effects of pregnancy. And what’s even worse is that it’s not common to complain about it, unlike nausea and swollen legs! Fortunately, there are several simple and effective ways to treat hemorrhoids and, above all, prevent them from occurring in the first place. Just start with Step 1 below to find out how to cope.


Part 1

Definition of hemorrhoids during pregnancy

    Find out the symptoms of hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids are swollen blood vessels in the rectal area, accompanied by discomfort or pain. If you are brave enough to take the risk of looking at it, you will see that it looks like a bunch of grapes or small balls protruding from the anus. Hemorrhoids usually form during the first trimester of pregnancy or after the birth of a child. Its symptoms include:

    • Anal itching.
    • Anal pain, especially when sitting.
    • Bright red blood in the stool.
    • Pain during bowel movements, very painful lumps in the anus.
  1. Find out the causes of hemorrhoids during pregnancy. Hemorrhoids are caused by increased blood pressure in the veins in the lower half of the body. Too much pressure in these veins can cause the blood vessels to swell or dilate, which manifest as hemorrhoids. Pregnant women are more likely to develop hemorrhoids for a variety of reasons:

    • As your pregnancy progresses, the growing uterus puts more and more pressure on the pelvic veins and the inferior vena cava (the large vein that receives blood from the lower part of the body). Blood flow from these veins slows down, which leads to increased pressure and, consequently, hemorrhoids.
    • Pregnant women are prone to experience constipation. When you strain to have a heavy bowel movement, you put excess pressure on the rectal area. This can lead to the formation of hemorrhoids or worsen existing ones.
    • Pregnant women also produce increased levels of a hormone known as progesterone. This hormone causes the walls of your blood vessels to reduce tension, causing them to swell, resulting in hemorrhoids. Progesterone also affects the digestive system, which again leads to constipation.
  2. Consult your doctor to confirm the diagnosis. If you're still unsure whether you have hemorrhoids or are concerned about how they might affect your pregnancy, you should see your doctor. A doctor can diagnose hemorrhoids with a simple rectal examination.

    • However, other tests can be done to rule out other diagnoses. These include a stool test (indicating the presence of fresh blood in the stool), sigmoidoscopy, or anoscopy—both involve the use of a special device (anoscope or sigmoidoscope) to check for obstructions or malignancies that may mimic signs of hemorrhoids.

    Part 2

    Treatment of hemorrhoids during pregnancy
    1. Use brand name medications. There are a lot of patented creams for hemorrhoid relief. They help relieve the pain and itching caused by hemorrhoids, but do not treat the underlying problem.

      • Use hemorrhoid creams according to package directions. Never use them for more than a week because they can make inflammation worse.
      • Ask your doctor for a recommendation on the best cream. Two of the most common hemorrhoid creams are a corticosteroid, which helps reduce inflammation and pain, and a cream containing lidocaine, an anesthetic that helps numb the pain.
    2. Try sitz baths. A sitz bath is a small plastic basin that can be filled with water and attached to your toilet seat.

      • This involves immersing your anal area in warm water to soothe the pain or discomfort caused by hemorrhoids. Sit in the bath for 10-15 minutes once or twice a day.
      • The same result can be achieved while sitting in an ordinary bathtub filled with hot water. But many pregnant women prefer the simplicity and convenience of a sitz bath.
    3. Relieve constipation. If you want to relieve constipation, ask your doctor about a prescription for emollient laxatives.

      • Since hemorrhoids are caused by increased pressure on the veins near the anus, an emollient laxative helps reduce the pressure on these veins, thereby reducing pain.
      • Emollient laxatives come in the form of tablets, capsules, liquids or syrups, which are usually taken at night.
    4. Reduce itching. Scratching can make hemorrhoids worse by irritating the swelling or even causing bleeding in the area. To reduce itching, you need:

      • Wear cotton clothes. It won't irritate your hemorrhoids too much and will also allow your skin to breathe, which will speed up healing.
      • Do not use scented toilet paper. Avoid scented or colored toilet paper because it contains chemicals that irritate hemorrhoids. Plain, white, two-layer paper is best.
      • Keep yourself clean. Dry thoroughly after bowel movements to reduce problems - just be gentle, as moving too hard will increase irritation. Some women find that moistening the toilet paper with a little warm water helps. You can also buy medicated wipes (containing hemamelis) specifically for hemorrhoids.
    5. Use an ice pack. An ice pack or cold compress is applied directly to the hemorrhoids, soothing discomfort and reducing swelling. Apply a new, clean ice pack several times a day.

      Call your doctor if necessary. Contact your doctor if home treatment does not improve your condition. Dizziness and continuous bleeding are signs of blood loss. Seek help immediately.

    Part 3

    Prevention of hemorrhoids during pregnancy
    1. Prevent constipation. Constipation is the very first culprit of hemorrhoids. Therefore, by avoiding constipation, you can reduce the likelihood of hemorrhoids. To avoid constipation, you need to:

      • Drink enough fluids. Try to drink at least eight glasses of water a day, as well as healthy herbal teas, juices and smoothies
      • Eat more fruits, vegetables and whole grains with fiber. According to http:\\MedicineNet, the top five foods to reduce constipation include prunes, beans, kiwi, rye bread and pear.
      • By the way, to reduce constipation you need to eat chocolate, dairy products, bananas, red meat and caffeine.
    2. Don't strain yourself when going to the toilet. Straining can lead to the development of hemorrhoids, so try not to do this if possible.

      • If you cannot defecate easily, leave the toilet and try using it later.
      • On the other hand, if you really need to go to the toilet, don't wait to relieve your bowels, because holding in stool can also cause tension.
      • Remember that hemorrhoids are caused by tension, which in turn is caused by dehydration. During pregnancy and postpartum, the fluids you drink are critical to your hydration levels because your body needs the complex vitamins and minerals found in fluids to avoid dehydration. Orange juice, lemonade, and coconut water (available in the natural foods section of any grocery store) are the best liquids. If you can't get your hands on these drinks, add a squirt of lemon or lime juice to your water. Go other juices. Use Gatorade energy drink only as a last resort, as it does not have the right kind of electrolytes for pregnant women and is high in sugar.
      • If you still have a lot of discomfort when following your daily program consistently for a week, try soaking cotton balls in chilled witch hazel (available as an astringent in pharmacies) and applying it for 5 minutes at a time after each bowel movement, once you've dried off. . It is also on sale like Tucks, but much cheaper. Then repeat the steps above.


      • If there is no improvement after following all these methods for a week, consult your doctor. Your hemorrhoids may need more intensive treatment, such as a suppository, but only a doctor can prescribe the best treatment during pregnancy.
      • As always, if you have negative reactions to any of these steps, consult your doctor.

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