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It's a cool way to wish a boy a happy birthday. Happy birthday to mom. Funny birthday greetings for a boy

Often, congratulating a person, and especially a male person, seems to be quite a difficult task. And it doesn’t matter at all that the birthday boy is not very old. On the contrary, children are much more picky and picky in terms of accepting gifts and congratulatory words. You can try many options, you can act at random, or you can choose the surest way to give the hero of the occasion joy and admiration by organizing cool birthday greetings for a boy, be it or just a basketball partner.

A riot of bright emotions, a wealth of colorful words, a lot of humor that is understandable to everyone - you will find all this in the congratulations that we invite you to use. The congratulations themselves are already peacefully waiting for you in this section, so you can safely start looking for the most suitable option.

Such birthday greetings for a boy are cool because they are composed in the form of small humorous poems. We all love a good joke, we all love to laugh or at least feel a spreading smile on our face. This fact is a guarantee of the success of such a congratulation. Well, are your doubts gone? Then take action!

Be healthy, our dear,
You are our hero today!
Everyone is fussing around

So we will sing, dance,
And everyone congratulates you,
May you be lucky in life
And good luck always awaits!

Today we will go for a walk,
Celebrate your birthday!
Fun, dancing, jokes, laughter,
It's not a sin to fool around!

Let the music sound louder
The candle on the cake is burning,
We congratulate you, boy,
And we wish you joy!

A signal was received from the satellite,
That a special day has come,
The soldiers were raised in the lightning,
After all, someone approached the border.

The command was given to the troops:
“Let guests come to us for a holiday,
Do not use weapons
And start the birthday."

Today is the boy's holiday,
Grow up, smarter, don't forget about books,
To achieve a lot later
And become a brave general.

Multiply your strength tenfold,
Eat more cereals and vitamins,
Don't touch those who are weak and small,
Don't forget that you are a man.

Be careful and courteous
Shine your mind and be healthy,
And read the main books,
To look at the world with love.

Be healthy, our dear,
You are our hero today!
Everyone is fussing around
It's your birthday, friend!

So we will sing, dance,
And everyone congratulates you,
May you be lucky in life
And good luck always awaits!

Boy, you need to grow up quickly
Never get sick
Be cheerful, lively,
On your birthday we want
We wish you everything
There is a lot to know in life,
And for this you study,
Darling, reach for knowledge!

We all dream of coming to you
And wish you happiness in your destiny!
So that there is a holiday on your birthday,
Boy, have you already set the table?

Well, come on, meet the guests,
Receive gifts from us,
And all the best wishes,
Happy birthday to you! Hooray!

On your birthday
I wish you luck
Answer all questions
Shake the director's hand

I wish you to become more beautiful than everyone else,
In short, a real boy,
I wish you pleasure
And great inspiration

I wish that, my boy,
You brought love into your heart,
And gave it to everyone around,
For those who are girlfriends or boyfriends! ©

Amazing boy, very nice,
You won't find this on the way.
The most daring, ideal, this is obvious,
You won't find anything like this anywhere in the world.

I wish him to live an interesting life,
So that you never miss yours.
The mood was always wonderful,
A close friend so that he understands at a glance.

To make the boy look fantastic,
And the plan simply came true in an instant.
Life became magical, harmonious,
And to have a simply amazing life. ©

I wish you, dear,
So that you remain yourself,
So that the sun shines
So that they forget about the pranks,

So that, nice boy,
You were the most important
May you have fun
On this beautiful Earth,

I wish, my dear kitten,
And he was the most playful
May your birthday be bright
I give you all the gifts! ©

I wish you amazing victories,
So that you remain first in everything.
Happy birthday to the boy,
May he live more fantastically every day.

May his eyes always sparkle brightly,
Let the magical light of the sun warm from the sky.
Let him bathe in fabulous gifts,
Let him live magically for many years.

May great luck accompany you,
Wings will grow from happiness behind your back.
Smiled from ear to ear so that you, in addition,
And he dived headlong into great joy. ©

I wish you, dear,
So that you can be yourself
To smile cheerfully,
So that you don't hang your nose,

To dance easily
So that I drink milk of success,
So that, bright boy,
Found the best gifts

To get straight A's
And never lost heart
I wish, nice boy,
The flow of life is smooth! ©

Promise to be healthy and energetic,
Don't be bored for a minute on your birthday.
Let the wonderful eyes sparkle brightly,
And miracles happen more often in life.

Let your cherished dreams come true,
Let there be more affection, light, kindness.
It's great for a boy to live,
And achieve your desired goals so that you have to.

So that you always have luck in your endeavors,
He remained happy with life to spite everyone.
Everything in life was going very well,
And on this holiday you rested with all your soul. ©

To a cheerful boy,
To the naughty boy,
I wish you on your birthday
Great luck

Love from mom and dad,
And a paw full of candies,
I give you tangerines,
And I will melt the grudges from the ice,

I wish you happiness
Gave me a cup of power,
On this holiday I wish,
May everyone in the world love you! ©

Grasp happiness with your own hands,
Fly on your wings in the clouds.
Be awesome all day long
With a smile always on your lips.

Let life be amazingly simple,
There will be more joyful days.
Let the boy always remain the best,
May he achieve his goals quickly.

May he achieve a lot in his life,
And it will become like paradise.
Let him always remain energetic,
And joy flows over the edge. ©

I wish you, prankster,
To make life a clean slate,
For you, boy, I opened up,
To sing songs and have fun,

To soar in the clouds,
To invite guests for tea,
I wish you, my dear, happiness,
I'll give you a designer part,

Little bright joys,
And gusts of tailwind,
I wish you on your birthday
I give you unlimited luck! ©

I wish you not to be bored for a minute in life,
May everything you wish come true.
Greater joy so that I can know in life,
Let fate surprise you with surprises.

Friends will gather at the table today,
And they will bring you magical gifts.
Today let the house be full of joy,
And let your mood be bright.

Boy, dear, let your ringing laughter ring out.
Let luck follow you on your heels.
May you simply live the best life,
And more happy adventures. ©

In order for a boy to like and remember happy birthday greetings, you need to make the text bright and interesting. Children are unlikely to be pleasantly surprised by long and boring adult wishes. Congratulations should be special for them.

Finding suitable congratulations for children is always difficult. It is especially difficult to navigate the line between fun and funny children's text and more neutral, formal adult text. After all, out of habit, you just want to start wishing the birthday boy health, happiness, and more money.

There are several rules that should be followed when preparing congratulations for a little boy:
  1. The text should be short. The younger the child, the more difficult it is to hold his attention and interest him in poems or prose. Just a few bright sonorous lines will be enough for a boy under 10 years old.
  2. Even banal wishes need to be made more interesting and understandable to the birthday person. For example, paraphrase the usual “health” into “I wish to go to the doctor very rarely and forget what bitter medicine tastes like. This option will be easier for the baby to understand.
  3. In order for the child to realize that today is his special holiday, in addition to verbal congratulations, you should definitely prepare a gift for him. Even a lack of finances is not a reason to bypass a child’s birthday party. It is very easy to please a little boy even without a large amount of money in your pocket.

If you are preparing birthday greetings for a 1-year-old boy, then in this case there is no need to select words specifically for the child. Such a child will still not understand either the wishes addressed to him or the meaning of the holiday itself. Therefore, you can safely choose poems addressed to parents. This first celebration is, rather, just for them.

If a boy turns 2 years old, in this case it is also worth preparing a basic congratulation for the parents, and reading only a couple of funny lines to the baby himself. If you write them on a beautiful card, then after a few years the birthday person will still be able to read and evaluate them on their own.

Happy Birthday!
You're a boy no matter what.
May your life shine
Just a lucky star.

Be healthy, grow up obedient,
Strengthen your strength and your mind,
So that your studies are successful,
So that the house is full of friends.

Enjoy your childhood:
Run, jump and play.
Well, be a good son -
Help mom and dad.

You are a very nice boy
And already so big.
Long-awaited birthday
Today is yours.

We wish you together
To be a champion in everything
Very smart and obedient
Growing up every day.

Happy birthday,
I wish you all the best,
More joy and laughter
And in all matters success.

Never be discouraged
Don't let yourself be offended.
May your dreams come true,
Joy will be where you are.

Touching wishes

Congratulations for 6 years or 7 years can already be made longer - touching, sincere. At this age, children understand both poetry and prose well.

A great idea for older kids would be to write their chosen wishes on balloons of different colors and sizes. You can give them to your baby in a huge bunch as a gift, and inside each ball you can put a miniature gift or candy.

Birthday is a holiday
Day of gifts and sweets.
After all, once on a wonderful day
You were born.

We wish you happiness
Lots of joy and fun.
May it always, not only on holidays,
Your cheerful laughter flows.

To achieve your goals
To study well
So that any undertaking
It was quick and easy!

On this day you brought joy
To your parents' house.
And with your birth, boy,
You made them happier.

We now wish you
Strengthen your character
Mom and dad be supportive
And become a strong man!

Happy birthday!
I wish you a lot of happiness.
To study perfectly,
Always behaved decently.
Let your dreams come true
Make mom and dad happy.
Achieve great success
Dream about your future.
Don't be lazy, be diligent
Forget about your nonsense.
You've grown up a whole year,
But this is not the limit in life.
Grow, learn, nice boy,
Today is a holiday, and you are in charge.

How to congratulate a boy in your own words

You should not leave preparing wishes for the boy until the very last moment. Even if the birthday boy is a very tiny baby. With a large number of guests, the congratulator may become confused and completely forget what he wanted to say.

To prevent possible embarrassment, it is worth writing your wishes in advance and even making a cheat sheet for yourself. For example, on a beautiful homemade postcard. Another interesting cheat sheet option is a birthday cake. It would be relevant to apply the chosen short wish on it in your own words using cream, condensed milk, chocolate and other delicious “paints”.

If you are preparing congratulations for 3 years on such a sweet basis, you need to ask in advance what kind of delicacies the parents allow the child to be given. And be sure to tell him if he is allergic to certain ingredients of the cake and other treats.

Happy Birthday to You! We wish your childhood to be happy, joyful and very cheerful! May you always have many friends - kind and honest! Be a real man yourself, a kind person, a real helper for your parents and everyone around you! May your heart remain affectionate and gentle, and may your muscle strength grow stronger every day! Grow up for the joy of your family, be happy and loved always and everywhere!

Happy birthday to you, our little man! Always be kind, caring, obedient, healthy! Let only loving people and reliable friends be nearby in your life, please your loved ones with beautiful deeds and your victories, and let all your wishes magically come true!

Happy birthday to a brave and courageous boy. I wish you to be courageous and decisive, responsible and kind, energetic and athletic, beautiful and smart, cheerful and cheerful. I wish you to become a reliable support for your father and a wonderful assistant for your mother. I wish you good friends in life and success in your affairs.

Small poems in honor of the holiday

Short poems in honor of birth can be prepared for a boy as young as 5 years old. But you also need to make sure that they are understandable to him, without abstruse complex phrases.

A good idea is to simply repurpose one of the famous nursery rhymes into a funny, sweet greeting. In this case, the child will definitely understand and appreciate it.

Today is your birthday,
You grow up healthy, strong,
Never be discouraged!

You always study well
And behave yourself!
Let everyone around you admire
And the parents are proud!

On jam day we wish
Infinite goodness
So that all your dreams
They performed with a bang.

You are still a little old -
So much to come.
And let there be no evil and troubles
On the path of life.

Be happy and healthy
Don't forget your friends.
Be obedient, at least a little bit.
And respect your elders!

Funny birthday greetings for a boy

Congratulations for 4 years are best made funny. At this age, babies begin to understand funny jokes. And a correctly chosen congratulation will amuse them and put a smile on their face.

Of course, you will have to avoid making too adult jokes. They should be the simplest, relating to understandable life phenomena, and even better - cartoons or fairy tales. It is better to leave all other cool congratulations for the parents of the little birthday boy. After all, they probably feel like the main heroes of the occasion on their son’s birthday and also want to get attention from the guests.

Today is your holiday
Our naughty guy, chatterbox, prankster.
Happy Birthday
And we wish you fulfillment
All wishes, fairy tales, dreams.
May you be happy and healthy!
May everyone adore you
And they redeem you with gifts!

Happy birthday.
Let me pull your ears
So that you grow up big,
With a very kind soul,
I was always healthy, strong,
Definitely beautiful
To listen to mom and dad
And I ate porridge for breakfast!

happy Birthday
World boy.
We state in fact,
What a mess for all the girls!

Let's wish you a happy day
Happiness, joy, goodness.
And let it touch you
God's bright spark.

You shouldn’t leave a child at any age without a beautiful congratulation. You just need to choose exactly the option that will be interesting and understandable for him in each specific period. And the youngest birthday people can be given a gift right away. In this case, wishes will be sent exclusively to parents.

Day of sweets and congratulations -
This is a wonderful birthday!
Congratulations! Dear boy,
Be happy in this life!

Don't hurt the kids
Respect adults too
Be brave, always dream
Well, bring everything to life!

Happy Birthday!
I want to wish you
Festive mood,
Don't be sad anywhere.

Be happy and healthy
Do well at school
And be cheerful in life,
And rush forward to your dreams.

Happy Birthday! Be a cool boy
And the undisputed leader in everything,
Nimble and agile, like a monkey,
Be serious and have weight in your reasoning.

I wish you a round dance of friends,
And good friends, and girlfriends,
Don't let it scare you at all
There is an abundance of science at school!

Play sports, because it is known
It's a disaster for a boy to be dead!
Be cheerful, mischievous and honest,
For parents it is always a joy.

On your birthday I wish you from the bottom of my heart
Grow quickly and become who you want to be,
Let your school friends respect you.
And every day so that you get “five”!

I want my parents to be proud
What their son has achieved at his age.
And to encourage more often
Not on the computer, but on reading books.

To drive them off the streets less often,
After all, fresh air is beauty.
When they were children, they walked all day long,
And there was no way to get through the window.

I wish you health and strength,
And also the fulfillment of dreams.
I congratulate you on your birthday
And I believe that you will achieve everything!

Today is your birthday,
And I hasten to congratulate you,
Let luck go with you
Well, I also want to add,
Let your dreams come true,
And make mom and dad happy,
Everything will be great in your studies,
Good and loyal friends will arrive.

Here's a man growing up
Future rising hero!
We wish without reason
Don't lie, be yourself.
Help mom and dad
Do good deeds.
Be with us with all your heart,
May only joy await you!

Happy birthday
And we hasten to wish
Lots of joy, fun,
Don't upset mom again!

Let there be more toys
Let your dreams come true
Don't rush to get older -
Cherish every day.

May there be a lot of health,
May the piggy bank be full
Let it not be lonely:
Mom, dad, you are family!

A tomboy and a naughty girl,
A restless boy.
Everything is burning in your hands
And you don't know fear.

All the trees and fences
All surrounding spaces -
Everything keeps your traces
And you will have time everywhere.

I wish on your birthday
All wishes come true.
May you be a lucky star
Your path will be illuminated.

We congratulate you on your birthday.
We wish you happiness and goodness,
So that you don't get offended
Nowhere, no one and never.

So that you grow up worthy as a warrior,
So that I can stand up for myself,
All the wars have passed you by,
The earth was blooming around you!

So that there are a lot of friends,
And so that you value friendship,
So that you take the right path...
And he gave flowers to the girls.

Be brave and strong, in spite of troubles,
May you be incredibly lucky in life,
Wide smiles, endless horizons,
There are fewer sad events in life.

Don't be afraid of peaks, ups, downs,
And don’t be afraid to make decisions,
The experience will fit in anyone’s life,
You will grow up strong, you will be a hero.

Of course, I want to wish you good luck,
And let any task be within your reach,
Enjoy life every day
Let them not be lazy towards their goals.

We wish you, boy, to be decisive from childhood,
Do as your heart tells you
Listen to the call of your good soul,
Happy Birthday and take your time!
But learn to make decisions from small ones,
First the father will tell you, then life,
May everything in your life be great,
In business - success, love - in personal life!

Boy! Happy birthday! Grow big!
Develop your body, blossom your soul,
Listen to dad, help mom with the housework,
It will come in handy later, remember and don’t forget!
Study with excellence, get ready to become an adult,
Try not to ignore what you teach,
And of course, don’t forget to take a break from studying,
Go fishing and play football with the guys!

Boy! We wish to love our parents,
We wish our father and I to go fishing more often,
With grandfather in the garage, with grandmother in the garden,
And do exercises together with your mother in the morning!
Let life be interesting for you,
May you not have to be bored, sad and grieving,
May the world be exciting for you,
Let everything around you be attractive!

Cool day of the year - Birthday!
New year of life, new inspiration,
New strength comes from nowhere,
There are many opportunities for you to smile today!
Seize the moment and direct your life in the right direction,
Free your parents from worries and worries,
Don't forget, they are only trying for you,
And in any mood they smile for you!

Dear boy, even though you are still a child,
Happy Birthday congratulations from early diapers,
And today we will be happy to congratulate you,
And soon we will send you into adulthood!
Get ready to become an adult and independent
Slender, handsome, strong, attractive to girls,
To do this, study well and play sports,
And in battle, never give up before the enemy!

Happy Birthday, boy! Be cheerful
Read a lot of books, know a lot of songs,
Get involved in your work, don’t sit idle,
And may good luck come your way!
Don’t be afraid to solve problems from childhood,
What if it doesn’t work out, my mother will tell you,
What is not clear, the father will give advice,
Be obedient boy, be good!

boy, what can I wish for you at this age,
To be the first everywhere, to be the hammer,
So that you don’t rush to live and don’t rush,
May you be a winner without defeat!
So that your parents love you day and night,
To return this love you were not averse,
So that money sticks to your hands,
May you be true to your words!

I'll tell you, boy, you're a cool dude!
I wish that you don’t start smoking tobacco,
I wish you don’t drink everything you don’t need,
And then everything will be covered in chocolate!
Happy Birthday to You! All the best and success,
Let life lift you up
Let the beginning of the journey be successful,
And everything else awaits you ahead!

Happy Birthday! Boy - you're cool!
Let your fighting spirit not change,
May despondency never take over,
Let only success always follow you!
May the strength of body and spirit not leave you,
Let your eyes know no fear
May life be easy for you,
Climb the ladder of luck high!

On your birthday I want to wish you,
To become a good person in this life,
May fate spoil you and love you,
May luck and success not forget you!
For you, my boy, the world is open,
I wish that you are not forgotten by fortune,
For this in life you need to try,
And then everything will work out for you!

Boy, darling, let your ringing laughter ring out,
May success follow you from childhood,
May luck and joy never leave you,
Let your friends help you in everything!
Let luck follow you,
And let this birthday be memorable for you,
Smile, joy, surprises and gifts,
Moments, memories and bright moments!

May your life be amazing and simple,
Let only good things remain in memory,
Let the holiday of childhood breathe inspiration into you,
May your birthday be remembered with joy!
So that you achieve your goals in life,
So that I try for my happiness,
So that he appreciates and loves his parents,
May you be the favorite of good fortune and fortune!

Congratulations to the boy on his birthday:

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