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Red slide greeting cards and gifs. Original pictures to congratulate friends on the red slide. Congratulations on Krasnaya Gorka pictures: the history of the name of the holiday according to pagan and church canons

Red Hill 2018 – pictures, postcards, congratulations. On April 15, the Orthodox world celebrates the first Sunday after Easter. People call this day Red Hill, there are other names - Antipascha and Fomino Sunday.

In the church, this day is dedicated to the remembrance of the appearance of Jesus Christ to the Apostle Thomas; this event occurred on the eighth day after the resurrection of Christ.

In accordance with folk traditions, it is customary to celebrate this day noisily and cheerfully. It is also believed that Krasnaya Gorka is the best time to get married.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with a selection of greeting cards for this wonderful day.

Here is the holiday of Gorka Krasnaya

Spring will give us.

May life be wonderful

Let life be full

Fun, happiness, goodness,

Both light and warmth.

I wish you joy

Your house is filled!

Let there be a holiday in Krasnaya Gorka

There will be more different

Pleasant impressions,

So that there is no doubt,

What you need to have fun

And strive for joy,

Don’t remember your worries -

Rest today.

Congratulations on Krasnaya Gorka!

On this holiday we wish you,

To dance in circles,

Feelings of inner freedom,

So that there is joy in the soul,

So that today we sing songs,

This is a holiday of positivity,

So celebrate beautifully.

A day of spring, warmth and sun

It's called Red Hill,

And today I'm pleased

Wish your brother

In the life of sunny weather,

Bright stars in the sky,

Meeting good people

And big, big love!

My beloved sister

I hasten to congratulate you as soon as possible

With spring Krasnaya Gorka

And from the bottom of my heart I wish

To be in the mood

So cute!

3 SMS – 195 characters:

In honor of spring and rebirth

Red Hill has arrived,

Good luck and inspiration to you,

So that life is happy,

So that everyone is healthy,

And they loved their neighbor,

So that they forget about sorrows,

The time for joy has come!

4 SMS – 211 characters:

Happy Krasnaya Gorka to you today,

Congratulations on Antipascha.

I wish you great health,

And I wish you luck in everything.

On the eighth day of resurrection,

Jesus Christ appeared to us.

I wish you that everyone

How stronger he became!

3 SMS – 190 characters:

Happy holiday to Red Hill

Spring has come to us,

May it give revival

And good luck to everyone.

Slap the egg you're off the hill

For success and goodness,

I wish on your heart

It was sweet and light.

3 SMS – 175 characters:

Happy Krasnaya Gorka to you, friends,

I hasten to congratulate you.

Rolling Krashenki down the mountain

I want to force everyone.

I wish you well

Joy and light.

After all, happier than a week

We haven't had any for the whole year.

Congratulations on the Red Hill! I wish you warm sunshine, spring mood, joy from awakening and greening nature. Faith in salvation and a savior, spiritual enlightenment and joy. Take care of yourself and remember those who are no longer with us.

Red Hill is a cheerful, mischievous holiday. Nature has finally awakened from winter hibernation. Just as the earth was freed from the snowy, fluffy cover, so you, my friend, throw off the burden of your responsibility and worries from your shoulders. Have fun today, relax. Congratulations!

“Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed,” says the Holy Scripture. The resurrection of Christ became a miracle for all sinful nations. So let His sacrifice not be in vain, let all the people of God see with their souls His wounds, the blood of which washed the Earth. Let us not be like Thomas, who saw Christ but doubted. May your faith be unshakable, and may the power of the Lord’s Resurrection fill you all with grace. Happy holiday!

Congratulations on Krasnaya Gorka. Our ancestors believed that today spring finally comes, and with it warmth and joy. Even though few of us now lead round dances and organize booths, this does not mean that we cannot have fun. Happy holiday!


Red Hill, Antipascha, Fomin's Day, this holiday has several names, and they are all celebrated on one day - April 15, 2018. The holiday is moving and is celebrated on the next Sunday after Easter.

This holiday, Krasnaya Gorka, has pagan roots; even among the ancient Slavs it was customary to celebrate the sunniest and most prosperous day and called it Krasnaya Gorka.

Congratulations on Krasnaya Gorka pictures: the history of the name of the holiday according to pagan and church canons

The name of the holiday, Red Hill, has a beautiful and joyful backstory. The fact is that in ancient times our ancestors called everything beautiful red - the sun is red, the maiden is red. And since this is a day of sun, spring and nature, it is called red. The hill, in its name, came from a miracle of nature, illuminating the hills and hillocks with the sun, as a result of which the snow melted faster on them and flowers and greenery appeared earlier.

Other names - St. Thomas' Day and Antipascha - have church roots. The Bible says that the Apostle Thomas, who was absent during the resurrection of Jesus Christ and did not see it personally, did not believe the words of his brothers. It was only when Jesus appeared to him that his faith was renewed. By the way, the adverb “Doubting Thomas,” which is common among Russians, was taken precisely from this event.

Congratulations on Krasnaya Gorka pictures: congratulations according to traditions

According to the traditions of our ancestors, mass celebrations were organized on Krasnaya Gorka, the website became known. Young girls and boys were especially animated on this day, because it was from Krasnaya Gorka that weddings, which had been suspended for Easter, resumed.

It was believed that those who met a couple on Krasnaya Gorka, got married or got married would have a long and happy family life. And those who have not yet found a couple on this particular holiday wondered, rolling eggs from the hills, the well-being in life depended on the trajectory of the roll; the smoother it rolls, the better it will turn out.

Since this is a holiday of spring, flowers, love and friendship, congratulations to family and friends are best done in pictures filled with nature.

For example, a guy can congratulate a young girl on the Red Hill to hint at the seriousness of the relationship

You can congratulate your friend with a simple but interesting picture that contains the essence of the holiday.

It’s better to congratulate a colleague or boss with a picture of holiday traditions

Congratulations with a gif with fortune telling will look very beautiful

Or a GIF with red girls

Picture gif of farewell to winter and welcome to spring will suit anyone

Congratulations as a reminder or notification that such a holiday exists

You can congratulate a believer with this picture

Or one congratulation for all friends

By giving a picture to a relative or friend, you can once again be reminded of the existence of such a holiday.

Red Hill, Antipascha, Fomin's Day, this holiday has several names, and they are all celebrated on one day - April 15, 2018. The holiday is moving and is celebrated on the next Sunday after Easter.

This holiday, Krasnaya Gorka, has pagan roots; even among the ancient Slavs it was customary to celebrate the sunniest and most prosperous day and called it Krasnaya Gorka.

Congratulations on Krasnaya Gorka pictures: the history of the name of the holiday according to pagan and church canons

The name of the holiday, Red Hill, has a beautiful and joyful backstory. The fact is that in ancient times our ancestors called everything beautiful red - the sun is red, the maiden is red. And since this is a day of sun, spring and nature, it is called red. The hill, in its name, came from a miracle of nature, illuminating the hills and hillocks with the sun, as a result of which the snow melted faster on them and flowers and greenery appeared earlier.

Other names - St. Thomas' Day and Antipascha - have church roots. The Bible says that the Apostle Thomas, who was absent during the resurrection of Jesus Christ and did not see it personally, did not believe the words of his brothers. It was only when Jesus appeared to him that his faith was renewed. By the way, the adverb “Doubting Thomas,” which is common among Russians, was taken precisely from this event.

Congratulations on Krasnaya Gorka pictures: congratulations according to traditions

According to the traditions of our ancestors, mass celebrations were organized on Krasnaya Gorka. Young girls and boys were especially animated on this day, because it was from Krasnaya Gorka that weddings, which had been suspended for Easter, resumed.

It was believed that those who met a couple on Krasnaya Gorka, got married or got married would have a long and happy family life. And those who have not yet found a couple on this particular holiday wondered, rolling eggs from the hills, the well-being in life depended on the trajectory of the roll; the smoother it rolls, the better it will turn out.

Since this is a holiday of spring, flowers, love and friendship, congratulations to family and friends are best done in pictures filled with nature.

For example, a guy can congratulate a young girl on the Red Hill to hint at the seriousness of the relationship

You can congratulate your friend with a simple but interesting picture that contains the essence of the holiday.

It’s better to congratulate a colleague or boss with a picture of holiday traditions

Congratulations with a gif with fortune telling will look very beautiful

Or a GIF with red girls

Picture gif of farewell to winter and welcome to spring will suit anyone

Congratulations as a reminder or notification that such a holiday exists

You can congratulate a believer with this picture

Or one congratulation for all friends

By giving a picture to a relative or friend, you can once again be reminded of the existence of such a holiday.

Folk customs and signs on Krasnaya Gorka

If a guy or girl sits at home on the red hill, you can’t expect a happy fate. This is the real truth, which has formed into such a sign to warn boys and girls. Krasnaya Gorka is a time when matchmaking traditionally took place throughout Rus'. Young people all gathered together, danced in circles, confessed their love to each other. Perhaps the guy simply didn’t notice the girl until that day. If she stays at home, then her betrothed may pay attention to another girl and propose to her. But the one who stays at home will waste her happiness - the man of her destiny will already be busy. The same goes for guys.

If you throw a coin into the well on the red hill, you will attract happiness into your life. It may be a superstition, but throwing a coin into a pond has always been a tradition. If a person wanted to return to a place where he felt good, he would throw a coin into a river, into the sea, into any other body of water and then be sure to return to this place again. Red Hill is a special day. It is believed that if you throw a coin into a well on this day and make a wish, it will definitely come true. Moreover, you won’t have to wait long.

If you wash yourself off the icon on the red hill, you will become rich. This is not superstition, but pure truth. In the old days, it was customary to wash icons on this day. It goes without saying that there was no running water in those days. Therefore, the icons were washed over a basin. But those who knew special words could improve their well-being with the help of this water. But the water with which the icons were washed can help without a conspiracy, you just have to wait much longer for the result. After all, you couldn’t ask for what you wanted with the right words. You need to wash your face with this water. And if you do not live alone, then start washing all family members with this water, starting with the smallest ones. But you should not wash those who are older than you, otherwise you will attract poverty into the house. The best option is when these manipulations are carried out by the oldest member of the family. You cannot tell anyone that this ritual was performed in your home. Especially if they ask you how you managed to get rich so quickly. You will lose everything, and the money will disappear between your fingers.

Whoever reads prayers on the red hill lengthens his life. Let's start with the fact that prayer always helps to get out of the most difficult situations and solve problems. Prayer helps get rid of illnesses and fulfill your deepest desires. But this day is special. In many parts of Russia, Krasnaya Gorka is a day when people go to the cemetery to remember their loved ones who are no longer alive. Therefore, if a person prays on such a day, he is helped not only by the Higher Powers, but also by all the relatives who are no longer there and whom you came to visit. Therefore, if you pray for health on this day, then you are begging for health not only for yourself, but for all your relatives.

Red Hill is a big holiday, although today many people no longer know about it. But this is the day when you can radically change your life. The signs of the Red Hill must be observed, otherwise you will have to wait a whole year in order to realize your desires. But it is worth remembering that in addition to the signs of the Red Hill, you need to follow the signs of the day on which this holiday falls. These signs are also important, and they can influence your destiny.

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