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Happy birthday to dad. Script of entertainment for Father's Day “My dad is the best!” for children of senior preschool age

Wise and strong, kind and fair, the dearest in the world - Your dad. It was he who carefully covered you, little one, with a warm blanket at night, it was him who turned the weekend into a continuous bundle of positivity. It was daddy’s hard-working hands that helped you make the first feeder in your life, and his sharp mind always came to the rescue when you needed to solve a treacherous problem.

Congratulate your father on his “professional” holiday and thank him for his boundless love, protection and support. On Father's Day, congratulations from children will melt the hearts of even the most gray men. I promise you this!

Happy Father's Day
Sincerely and tenderly!
Sunshine, happiness - endlessly,
Faith and hope.
Behave yourself -
Be an example to children.
Dad you are the only one -
The best on the planet!

Hearts are filled with tenderness, love,
A wonderful holiday, today is Father's Day!
We congratulate you, dear daddy,
We adore you, we are proud of you,
You are a great dad, there is nothing better in the world,
I wish you health, joy, happy, long years!

Father's Day is a joyful holiday
The best, brave men.
I hasten to congratulate all fathers
Happy this very big holiday.
Being a father is not an easy task.
You always need to be responsible.
Being a father means a lot.
This means love for years.
May your children always respect you
Dear men, fathers.
May heaven protect you from troubles,
From sadness, adversity, gray hair.
Be happy, healthy forever
And warmed by the love of family.
May your world be illuminated with love.
Every moment of yours will be joyful.

From children

We celebrate Father's Day
We congratulate daddy.
For care, education,
Listen to a declaration of love.
Just look sternly
And the lessons are ready!
Who taught us to do push-ups
And rollerblading?
Dear dad, dear,
It was fun with you.
We've grown up a long time ago
But they didn’t grow cold towards you.

From my son

Who gave me a belt when I was a child?
Who gave love from the heart?
This is my beloved dad:
Strong and unique!
Happy Father's Day today to me
Congratulations, dad!
To always be healthy,
Kind, sensitive and cheerful!

From my daughter

I'm proud to be a daddy's girl!
I want to talk about a lot
And every new line
I'm ready to dedicate it to you.
May the bright sun of success
Always shines on the way.
More fun and laughter
And the best is yet to come!

Happy Father's Day! We wish you happiness and success for many years to come!
Greetings from your children, spouse, and mother-in-law quickly!
Let the crazy winds whistle, but stay strong -
There is nothing better in life than being a good father!

We appreciate, love, congratulate: on this bright, good day,
We sincerely wish you the embodiment of your ideas -
Let what you have planned immediately become a great joy!
Don’t get sick even once and love us with all your soul!

You cope with a difficult job.
But also - believe your children -
You have a great position:
The title of the best dad in the world!
Happy Father's Day to you, beloved dad!
You are the support for our family.
Always be so smart and strong,
And we will follow your example!

Daddy Daddy!
Our dear, beloved.
The kindest, brightest
And irresistible!

This day is beautiful.
We congratulate you.
There is a lot of happiness in life
And we wish you warmth!

Don't get sick and don't be sad,
Remember that we love you.
Know that we are always near.
Let's not forget our own dad!

Happy birthday to daddy

I wish you to always be cheerful,
Live without sorrows and without troubles,
Be open to new successes
And get younger as the years go by!

Dear dad, congratulations
Happy birthday to you
Let the fun know no end,
And nothing worries you!

Happy birthday to daddy

You are our dear daddy,
we congratulate you,
From the evil eye and from the bullet
We protect you.

From grief and illness,
From sadness and adversity,
After all, there is no one more wonderful than you,
What are your years?

Be with us, our daddy,
Even in a storm or rain,
And be happy, dear,
Then we will too.

Original birthday greetings to dad

Happy Birthday,
Dear folder, you,
Happiness, joy, luck,
I wish you again, lovingly!

Still good health,
Life is sad without him,
Creative victories in work,
And all the best!

Don't give in to evil and troubles,
You are our dashing fighter,
Smile more often than life
Happy birthday father!

Happy birthday to dad

My dad is the best in the world
You give joy, happiness, laughter,
And on this birthday
I give you congratulations:

Be strong in body and soul,
Let happiness come to the big house,
Let love warm the soul,
My dad is the best!

Happy birthday greetings to your own dad

I'll thank you for everything
And at the same time I bow low
I love you very much
And I confess this to you.

Happy birthday dad!
You need to drink champagne for this.
The main thing, dad, don’t be sick,
In the meantime, let's celebrate quickly.

Happy birthday greetings to dad are good

Thank you, daddy,
That you allow me a lot,
That exposing yourself to fate,
You protect me from harm.

Why are you buying me gifts?
Serious and so, from the heart,
What for any of my games
You found time in my childhood.

Why are you a mountain for us,
And your convictions are strong.
And I'm proud of you, father,
And happy birthday.

Happy birthday dad

Dear daddy, happy birthday!
Success like the whole world!
Huge confession to you,
Great achievements and victories!
Love is holy, hope is eternal,
And faith - sincere, living
We sincerely wish you,
And so that there is peace in the heart!
So that happiness settles in the soul,
May only the best come true!
And youth rejoiced in the heart,
May everything that is missing be found!

Big birthday greetings to dad

Daddy, daddy, daddy,
Happy Birthday to You!
I'll hug you tightly
And I’ll tell you lovingly:

You are the best dad in the world:
And you will console, and you will understand,
And in trouble, “stretch out your paw”
And you will go to great deeds!

I wish you happiness
And always be healthy.
Let all bad weather go away
I will love you forever!

Happy birthday to daddy

May this day be happy, dad,
Carefree May blooms in the soul.
Years as a bonus payment
Accept it gratefully!
And may the cup be bottomless
Health, money and ideas.
And the older you get,
So be happier and more cheerful!

Happy birthday to daddy

Today I give my feelings to dad,
I adore him and love him dearly!
Be happy, daddy
Let in life always
There will be romance and kindness!

Let your dreams come true
Feel the joy of life more often,
Energy, love and inspiration,
Happy best day - your birthday!

Good birthday greetings to dad

We wish dad the whole family -
Let great success come
So that you achieve your goal,
And I wasn't afraid of anything.

We would like to wish you good health
And never lose heart,
Father is a wonderful man
May your century be happy!

Wonderful birthday greetings to dad

You are my favorite, dear daddy,
Today, on your birthday,
I want it so much, without hiding a bit
Tell me how much I love you, dear!
May your dreams come true
May your work be joyful
And let the nightingales sing songs,
And I will give you my care!
I wish you never to lose heart,
Always be brave and cheerful,
And never lose heart,
Be, as always, skillful and agile!

Happy birthday to dad

You are my friend and teacher, daddy,
You are an example and an idol for centuries,
How much grief we have gone through together,
Let the river of happiness flow from now on.

Father's Day is a joyful holiday
The best, brave men.
I hasten to congratulate all fathers
Happy this very big holiday.

Being a father is not an easy task.
You always need to be responsible.
Being a father means a lot.
This means love for years.

May your children always respect you
Dear men, fathers.
May heaven protect you from troubles,
From sadness, adversity, gray hair.

Be happy, healthy forever
And warmed by the love of family.
May your world be illuminated with love.
Every moment of yours will be joyful.

Ved.: On this holiday, children give poems:

Daddy, daddy, daddy,

You know how much I love you!

You are cheerful and beautiful,

The smartest, the strongest!

So that children don't get sick,

Dressed up, ate deliciously,

You're rarely at home -

You disappear at work.

And today is a beautiful day,

On daddy's holiday, on daddy's holiday

Relax, stay with me!

The postman Pechkin comes in:

Hello! Happy holiday to everyone! I brought you a parcel.

Ved.:- Thank you! Stay with us!

With pleasure! I myself am interested to know what is in this package.

1 postcard: Ask dad, let him answer.

Dad knows everything in the world!

Riddles for dads:

    This long row of teeth

Not afraid of doctors.

Cuts down branches near the trunk

This one is fast (saw)

    He's not a woodpecker, but he knocks

He is not silent for a minute,

Hammered the nail, lay down on his side,

This one is strong (hammer)

    Unscrews all the screws in an instant

And he’ll twist it and won’t miss it.

Both swift and nimble

This fast (screwdriver)

    It will go slightly across the board

the shavings will curl in waves

happy to work early

wonderful (plane)

    He knocked a hundred times in a row -

Chips fly to the sides.

He bows quickly and quickly.

Guess what? (axe)

2. Postcard with a riddle:

Who can't stand idleness and boredom?

Who has skillful strong hands?

And if someone needs help

Who is always willing to work? (dad)

Poems for dads:

1.If my dad were a captain

He would sail across the seas and oceans.

I would miss my dad!

2. If my dad was a climber

If my dad was a driver

If I were flying in a space rocket

Then I would miss my dad.

3. But our dads are here

And in the morning they rush to work

And in the evenings we welcome them home

And yet: we miss, we miss, we miss!

Competition 2 “Handshake”

The father is blindfolded, all the children shake hands, recognize and raise their son’s hand.

3 postcard

Dad, mom, grandpa, grandma and children - together a friendly (family)

Poem about family:

Dad and I can do it

I will not hide,

Wash the dishes

And wash my socks.

We'll light the stove

We'll bring water,

When needed,

And we’ll water the beds.

And mom will tell us:

"Thanks friends!"

After all, life is more fun,

When family is nearby!

Competition 3 "Lunch"

Needed in 1 minute. String as much pasta as possible onto the wire.

Great! To determine who won this competition, you need to tie all the wires with the pasta, and the jury will check whose pasta turned out to be longer, and that team won.

4 postcard.riddle

Competition 4. “Translate from children’s”

You need to try to translate the proposed words and expressions from the children's language.

Shoes are what you put on your feet.

Dresses are what they dress in - clothes.

Nyrba - diving

Lipstick is lipstick, it anoints the lips.

Kusarnik is a cracker, it is hard, they bite it.

A policeman is a policeman, he is on duty on the street.

Fingers are gloves with a house for each finger.

Beltok – egg white

A shovel is a shovel used for digging

Hammer - a hammer, they use it to pound.

Broken moon - month.

Horse in vest - zebra

The palms on the legs are the feet.

Song for dads.

5 postcard.

A man's life has three stages,

And there is no other way:

young boy,

Adult dad
The time will come and will be (grandfather).

Poem about grandfather.

Grandfather will sing a song,

Grandfather will take you in his arms,

And tickle his mustache,

And he will laugh with me,

Can you show the trick?

He can tell a fairy tale.

Well, how good he is!

Well done of the good guys!

I'll give it to him for his holiday

I'm a bag of candy!

Competition 5. “The Strongest”

We want to take a quick look

Whose dads will be stronger!

The participant must fill the glass in 1 minute using a spray bottle, whoever pours more water.

Postcard 6. Riddle.

Poem. Scene:

Dad complains: something

I'm tired of work

Mom – I’m tired too

I can barely stand on my feet

I take a broom from dad

I'm not a slacker either

After dinner, dishes

I’ll wash it myself, I won’t forget

I'm taking care of mom and dad

I'm strong, I can do it!

Competition 6. “Collect toys”

Toys are scattered on the floor, participants must collect as many items as possible into their basket. Condition: carry items one at a time.

Competition 7 (for dads):

After work, dads like to watch TV. The task is to find out the phrase and name what movie it is from. Take a piece of paper from the box.

Our people don’t take a taxi to the bakery.

What a disgusting thing, this jellied fish of yours!

Whoever takes a pack of tickets will receive a water pump.

Well, damn it, give it to me!

Postcard 7. Riddle

Your dads are the strongest

Your dads know everything

About the automotive world and various animals,

About mountains and roads,

About everything that is around

Dad can be strict, but he is always your friend!

Dad knocked over the vase.

Who will punish him?

“This is fortunate! This is fortunate! -

The whole family will say

Well, what if, unfortunately,

Did I do this?

“You’re a bum, you’re a bungler!”

By tradition, every year on the third Sunday in June celebrated in many countries Father's Day. Every child needs not only mother’s love and tenderness, but also father’s love, confidence and demandingness. This holiday by its existence reminds us of the role of family in the life of every person. Therefore, all sons and daughters, regardless of age and everyday bustle, should pay a little attention to their dad on this day. By congratulating your loved one on Father's Day, you will give him a piece of your soul. After all, every father needs attention and love from his children.
On this day, all men who are fathers accept congratulations from their children, wives, relatives and friends, work colleagues, acquaintances and friends. Congratulate your dads on this wonderful holiday. Here you will find original congratulations for them with colorful postcards and good, warm wishes in poetry and prose.

Father is a reliable foundation of the house!

Father's Day, friends, welcome!
And I want to wish you:
Let love not melt in your soul,
So as not to lose your family!

We just wish you well,
To any dad who reads these lines,
To be in the mood in the morning,
May your sons and daughters love you!

A man who is always in a hurry to go home -
not henpecked! He is the best husband and dad!

Being a good father is the most responsible and necessary job in a man’s life. Become an example for your son and a good wizard for your daughter, teach, tell, protect, explain - and do all this with love and patience - only a dad can do this! In the lives of each of us, the father plays important role, being a guarantor of protection, a wise advisor and friend. Congratulations to worthy dads on their important and significant holiday - Father's Day! We wish them great happiness, men's health, family well-being, pride in their children and faith in themselves!

Now Dad's day has come.
I want him to give joy,
Good health for the next year,
Mutual love forever!
And so that sadness does not touch,
Friends remained reliable!
Good luck, endless happiness!
Dear dad, Happy Father's Day!

Beloved dad! Congratulations
Happy Father's Day to you today!
I wish you health
And may you always be cheerful!
To sorrow and adversity
Everyone was bypassed
And so that there is always good weather
Such a beautiful sunny one!

Fathers dream of sons, but us
They still love daughters more!

A daddy like you
Trust me, you won't find any more!
You are the best dad! That's for sure!
It's wonderful to be your daughter!

Dear dad, congratulations!
We wish you happiness and joy!
Don't be sad, don't be upset,
Be cheerful, smile!
Live to be a hundred years yet
And always be healthy!

The father is not the one who gave the seed,
And the one who raised the doll!
The one who walks with her, plays,
The shaggy ponytail braids,
He calls her: “You are my beauty!” ‒
This is daddy!

If a man had a son, then he became
father, if he is a daughter, then he has become a daddy!

For every child, the most important thing in life is their parents! There is a wonderful holiday for mothers, but on this day, Father’s Day, I want to draw everyone’s attention to our dads! May they always remain as young, healthy and strong! We love you and are proud of you! We will do our best to upset you less and help you more!

Fatherland, father, patronymic
They call us respectfully.
On Father's Day I want to congratulate you,
After all, without our fathers we would not be here!
Without father's hands, strong and reliable,
My daughters and sons wouldn’t grow up!
Dad is a high title,
I want to congratulate you on Father's Day!

The father is not just the head of the family,
Father is a reliable foundation of the house.
Everything rests on it. And I know
That it couldn't be any other way.

I want to congratulate you, dad,
And on Father's Day, wish you good health!
Let everything be as you want
No one will interfere with your path!

The best father is the one who always finds time for
your child, no matter what happened
he has at work, whether he has problems or not!

You bring me up strictly
But more often than not you are kind.
Walk along life's roads
You teach me well.
I wish, beloved dad,
May you smile on Father's Day;
For mom to support
And so that you don’t doubt yourself!

Who gave me a belt when I was a child?
Who gave love from the heart?
This is my beloved dad:
Strong and unique!
Happy Father's Day today to me
Congratulations, dad!
To always be healthy,
Kind, sensitive and cheerful!

Dad is the best in the world!
The strongest and most skillful!
The smartest on the planet
The kindest, the bravest!
Let without joy and sun
Dad's day won't pass!
Let him hug and smile -
After all, without dad there is no me!

Being a father is an honor!

Children really need dad -
He is the strongest in the world
So that there is an example for the boy,
May he love his daughter tenderly!
We wish our dads
So as not to get older,
So that love accompanies
And luck didn’t fail!

They sing songs about mothers,
Poems are dedicated to them.
And about fathers in art
They hardly remember.
As if dad is smaller
Plays a role in the family
And about your child
He's not worried.
Parents are important to us
Loved equally
At least for some reason
Among the people - abyyakovo.
I'm just like my mother
I love you, father!
After all, no matter what happens,
We are a family!

Happy Father's Day! We wish you happiness
And good luck for many years to come!
From children, spouse, mother-in-law
Let the crazy winds whistle
But stay strong -
There is nothing better in life
How good it is to be a father!
We appreciate, love, congratulate
On this bright, good day,
We wish you from the bottom of our hearts
The embodiment of all ideas!
Let what is planned immediately
It will become a great joy;
Never get sick again
And love us with all your soul!

Being a father is a matter of pride!

Happy Father's Day greetings

Happy Father's Day! We wish you happiness and success for many years to come!
Greetings from your children, spouse, and mother-in-law quickly!
Let the crazy winds whistle, but stay strong -
There is nothing better in life than being a good father!

We appreciate, love, congratulate: on this bright, good day,
We sincerely wish you the embodiment of your ideas -
Let what you have planned immediately become a great joy!
Don’t get sick even once and love us with all your soul!

“Daddy dear, happy holiday to you.
Happy Father’s Day, Daddy,” I whisper lovingly.
Let the winds and blizzards not come into life,
Let them sleep very soundly in misfortune.

I wish you happiness, peace and goodness,
More gold, mountains of silver.
And about a hundred years of health,
So that he could lift dumbbells easily.

In general, live long, don’t leave me.
After all, I love you so much!

We have been accustomed since childhood:
There are a lot of kind words for mothers;
Where can poor men go?
But, thank God, finally
A holiday has been invented for fathers!
Let it be feigned, let it be fashionable;
But not for the sake of words -
Only from the heart I love you today
I want to congratulate you on Father's Day!

Father - there is so much in this word,
So many tender, bright feelings!
And there is nothing more important on the planet
Words of instruction! Let it go
On your Father's Day your eyes shine
From the gratitude of the children
For life, care and patience,
Here's to many happy days!
Let a miracle smile in life,
For courage and for love,
So that happiness is brighter than emerald
Gave joy to the soul again!

You cope with a difficult job.
But also - believe your children -
You have a great position:
The title of the best dad in the world!

Happy Father's Day to you, beloved dad!
You are the support for our family.
Always be so smart and strong,
And we will follow your example!

Happy Father's Day!
I wish you happiness
And health to all relatives.
All matters with your participation
And you are loved by your family.

In strong, joyful embraces
You will celebrate Father's Day
Children are proud of dad
And they take their example from their father.

Dad, daddy, dear person,
You are strong and brave, you are with me forever.
You will always protect and comfort me,
And I’m very glad - you and I are related!
I will immediately run to you with problems,
And if I can, I’ll help you too!
Live, my dear, to a thousand years,
After all, every day of your life you need advice!

I heard somewhere a chick's song:
“I congratulate you on Father’s Day!”
With what pride the chick sang then,
Thank you for taking off!

And I will say thank you, father,
Because I fly and can do everything,
I wish you endless happiness and health, -
And congratulations on Father's Day!


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