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Wishes to adults from children in Russian. Funny poems for an adult's birthday. wishes to dad and mom

I wish you on this birthday
Forget worries and worries,
And succumb to joyful feelings,
And part with adversity!

I wish you on this birthday
Remember goals and aspirations
And they are easy to reach,
Stay on track!

I wish you on this birthday
Soar on wings of pleasure
And so fly to heaven,
Where is love and happiness!

I sincerely congratulate you today!
Let me give you a piece of sunshine,
I wish you a sea of ​​happiness on your birthday,
In love, it’s like sailing through life in a ship!

Solve all problems with a smile,
I wish you strength to make all your dreams come true,
Let the soul play with a gentle violin,
And I want to create, desire, love!

Let the birthday party collect
Around all relatives and friends,
And every hour this holiday
It just keeps getting more fun!

Let life shine like a rainbow,
Shimmering and shining.
Let it pleasantly surprise
And it only makes you happy!

I wish you joyful laughter,
Happy and loving eyes,
Good health, success,
Not somewhere there, but right now.

The sun is shining especially today,
Everyone will notice such a smile:
After all, the holiday has come to you - your birthday!
Gifts, surprises and congratulations!

Let only good people surround you
And your soul will be full of happiness and joy.
May your health never fail you
And fate seems to lead you to luck by the hand.

May you not have to wander through life,
Every day there is a reason to smile.
Let success become your new name
And no one will judge or deceive.

Let this day pass interestingly and brightly,
And your destiny is to swim in the ocean of gifts!
Happy birthday to you from the bottom of our hearts.
We don't know a more beautiful person!

On this glorious birthday holiday
I wish you a lot of light and goodness.
Happiness, laughter, joy, fun,
Sincere smiles and warmth.

May all your endeavors succeed,
Adversity will pass by,
All congratulations flow in your honor,
The heart is filled with love.

Live like in a fairy tale, obeying thoughts,
Set a goal and move forward.
Find wisdom, find your meaning,
In life and in harmony, in love.

Happy birthday!
I wish you happiness and joy.
And a lot of love too
A clear, bright head.

And of course the mood
I wish it without a doubt.
I wish that friends
Were always faithful.

From the bottom of my heart I want you
Trouble passed by.
So that success is always nearby,
And the energy is full of charge!

Let everything you dream come true,
Let what you need come into life,
Let no one guess
Your success is the key!

Let the path to the top be easy,
And your every day is easy.
But I wish you good health,
What a strong and steel castle!

Enjoy a wonderful day
Today everything is coming true.
I wish everything to go up,
And may luck smile!

Let love reign in your soul,
And accelerates the blood in the heart.
Goodness, warmth and euphoria,
And so that your loved ones love you!

I also wish you bright years,
There is no one like you in the world.
A fabulous view from the balcony,
Huge cash flow!

Let today be a holiday,
The table is rich and there are fireworks.
Chicken with crust on a platter,
The reason is here today!

Happy Birthday! Have a wonderful day!
Let life always be in full swing!
The mood will be great
And I don’t care about problems.

A smile dances on your face,
And in my heart it’s just paradise.
So what if I'm a year older!
Smile, don't be sad.

May fate grant you
Happiness, joy, success.
Let the years not age you,
The house will be filled with laughter.

Miracles to be fulfilled
May you always be lucky in everything.
Don't give up, smile
To spite troubles and enemies.

So that from the first time
Everything always worked out.
And health to the liver and kidneys!
Right now and forever!

What to wish you today -
I won't spend too long guessing:
Let the smile, the sea of ​​​​happiness
They won't leave you.
Good luck in life and work,
Reliable, faithful friends to all.
For prosperity and health
And the joy of holiday lights
To always keep pace with you,
May the road be good
And so that loved ones
Were a support for you.

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How to pass on your experience to your children and grandchildren? How not to miss the moment when they stop asking funny children's questions and start thinking about important adult problems?

Yes, today grandparents do not often meet their grandchildren from school to feed them lunch or help with homework. Sometimes they don’t see them every year. Grandchildren don’t have time to ask questions, and adults don’t have time to teach them everything they wanted. Everyone tries to find their own way out of the situation. A 96-year-old man decided to write a letter, which fell into the hands of his grandson only after his grandfather died. A small piece of paper and the inscription: “Read. Remember. Live."

1. This day will only come once. So light the candles, get out the napkins and put on some nice clothes.

2. When you get sick, your job won't look after you, but your family and friends will.

3. Bury your past and say goodbye to it peacefully so that it doesn’t come back one day and start hunting you.

4. Save money for the things that really matter in your life.

5. Relationships that need to be kept secret are relationships that shouldn't exist at all.

6. Know that life can change in the blink of an eye.

7. Don't try to win every argument and be right every moment.

8. Breathe. Relax. And calm your mind. That's the whole difference.

9. It's never too late to be happy.

10. Stop comparing your life to other people's lives. You don't know what their journey has been like up to this point and how it will end.

11. Never give up on your dreams. If you really want it, don't take no for an answer.

12. Always underpromise and overdeliver.

13. The only person responsible for your happiness is yourself.

14. You don't have to forget everything. But you must forgive.

15. Life is sacred. So if you have a choice, always choose life.

16. Even if you have the right to go first, give in.

17. Don't take everything so seriously.

18. Time heals almost everything. Just give it time.

19. Sometimes a large part of success depends simply on the ability to show yourself.

20. Your children will only be children once.

21. If we could throw our problems into a big communal pot with other people, we would immediately take them back.

22. Don't waste your time being jealous.

23. Always remember that the best part of your life is still ahead of you.

24. Wake up, get up, get dressed and go out to people, no matter what you feel inside.

25. You can choose your friends, but you can't choose your parents. Respect and love them – always.

26. Avoid drama and don't create it yourself.

27. The only thing that matters in the end is that you loved.

28. Grow up and get old - this alternative is much better than all the others.

29. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being seen crying.

30. There is no point in resisting chocolate.

31. Life isn't always fair, but this game is still worth the candle.

32. Life doesn't always come wrapped in a holiday wrapper with a bow, but it's still a gift.

Son, you are already quite an adult, happy birthday to you! I wish your life element to be full of love, attention, achievements, goals, plans and accomplishments. Know that your parent's heart is always with you, no matter where you are. Be happy, do what you love and do everything for fun!

Happy birthday, my dear and beloved son. And even though the years cannot be turned back, and even though you are already completely independent and grown up, I will always remember your first cry and first smile, your cherished dream and first love, your first victory and sincere joy. I wish you, dear, to constantly assert yourself and feel like a happy person, always achieve your goal and feel true love.

Birthdays count down our lives,
The coming year overshadows the outgoing year.
What can you wish in advance this year?
May my parting words guide you through life:

If problems arise, don’t be gloomy;
Be firm and understand: it is impossible otherwise;
In life, set yourself difficult tasks;
And may good luck always accompany you!

In love, you not only take, but also give;
Don't forget about your relatives
And take care of your friends, don’t lose them,
If you can help, help.

And don’t miss how the dawn comes,
How lilacs bloom in gardens in spring,
How wonderfully the nightingale sings in the evening -
And you will see that life, son, will not be in vain!

My dear son, happy birthday
I congratulate you.
Let him be next to you
Angel that protects you.

May life be all happy,
My wife always makes me happy.
Let him protect you
Mother's hand.

May your wishes come true.
I love you, son.
Congratulations on your birthday
I send it to you with love.

Happy birthday to you!
On this holiday we wish you
Good and loyal friends
And only good news.

Stable job, decent salary,
Trips to the sea, car and house.
We also want to wish you
Neither trouble nor grief will ever be known.

Be strong in spirit and body,
Be loved, faithful and brave.
Achievements and victories
And many, many years!

Happy birthday, son.
I wish you,
To troubles and worries
They didn't know about you.

So that you go among your friends
Joy and luck,
So that they can live in your house
Only love and happiness.

Be healthy, my grown son,
Be brave and proud.
I wish that he stood
You are firmly on the ground.

My beloved and grown-up son,
Happy birthday to you!
Never be alone
I only wish you happiness.

Noble and faithful friends,
Respect, worthy income.
Never be sad, never be sick,
And at the heart of good weather.

Even though you have become quite an adult,
And you make all the decisions yourself.
But you are still my beloved son,
And he never stopped being dear to me.

I cordially congratulate you today,
On your wonderful birthday.
And I wish to be protected by an angel,
Healthy, strong body and soul.

Let them be next to you, son,
Those who do not abandon you will not betray you.
Who, if something happens, you won’t be forgotten,
And he will always lend a helping hand.

Be decisive and brave
May all your dreams come true.
And always achieve your goals.
Always take care of yourself, my son!

My dear boy, you are completely grown up!
I love you so much and congratulations
Let there be fewer problems in life,
Let them all be easily solved!

Always be kind and bright,
So that everyone around you respects you,
Be always healthy and loved,
Happiness to you, without worries and sadness!

You've grown up so much, my son!
Although I remember everything like yesterday,
Like with a foolish boy,
We whiled away the evenings.

Diapers, diapers, pacifiers...
A series of sleepless nights.
My little son has become so big,
Where are the years going in such a hurry?

I wish you, my son,
To be a good person.
Secretly dreaming about grandchildren,
I wish you, son, to love.

Walk through life boldly, proudly,
Don't be afraid of difficulties, my son,
I believe, I know for sure, firmly,
You will be the best of men.

Family is a word that contains everything dear and dear... It is an integral unit of society, at the head of which for every person there should be a father and a mother, the people who gave him life.

Dear ones

Parents are the people thanks to whom we are born into the world, we learn, we get on our feet and we ourselves give life to another person. Throughout our lives, they are our support and support in a variety of situations.

Who, if not your parents, should you love, honor and respect? After all, how much time and effort they invested in us, and now it’s our turn to pay them back with reciprocity and respect. Not a single child should forget to send at least a simple postcard with warm wishes written in it to their parents.

Joyful and bright moments of life

Each family has its own values ​​and honors traditions. Many people gather at the festive table on significant dates. One of these holidays is New Year.

From the very appearance of this holiday in people's lives, it began to be considered a family holiday. warmth, care and reliability - it is with such wonderful manifestations of feelings that a person should enter the New Year.

Therefore, it is on this holiday that you need to express all your love, gratitude, and choose wonderful wishes for your parents. For the New Year, everyone gives gifts and expects a miracle, wishing their family and friends all the very best. You can choose a postcard with a ready-made congratulation or come up with one yourself.

Wishes to parents in prose

Prose will help you to beautifully and sincerely congratulate your most beloved and dear people. You can choose a ready-made version or compose it yourself, putting the most

Humanity has come up with so many different words, but the most important of them is the word “parents”! If you say it or hear it, images of the most dear people pop up in each of us - dad and mom. This word is filled with pure, warm and bright feelings. I want to congratulate my parents on the New Year and thank you once again for everything you have done for me. For this wonderful world that was given to me. Thank you, my family. Wishing you good health and clear skies above your head!

Dear parents, dear and dear, how much time and effort you spent to raise us and instill in us the best qualities! So may the coming New Year give you new bright emotions and impressions! Always remain young and beautiful at heart, but most importantly, support and love no matter what!

New Year is a family holiday, and now, sitting surrounded by my closest and dearest people, I want to say once again how much I love you. My golden dad and mom, live long and happily, may the new year bring only joy to your life.

A poem would also be a good option.

Wishes to parents in verse

Dad and mom are important people

The best on this earth!

When you are with me, I know for sure

I can walk on the earth calmly!

Strong hands, dear heart,

You raised me to my feet!

Thank you, dear ones, for your efforts,

For your suffering in my name!

I will surround you with care and affection, golden ones,

Dear ones, my beloved ones, forever!

Let all worries go away

They have no place in your home.

And misfortunes and illnesses,

The hopelessness will go away.

And reliable luck

Both health and peace

Fulfillment of dreams

Wonderful holiday, New Year,

Will bring it to your doorstep!

Wishes to parents in your own words

If in the holiday rush you did not have time to prepare beautiful poems for your family, you can always express congratulations in your own words. Sometimes they are more expensive than the longest selected poems.

On New Year's Eve, every person on earth believes in miracles. Another page has opened for us in life. And as always, we, your children, will do everything possible to fill it with the brightest colors, fulfill your most cherished desires, give love, care, affection. You are the best parents on earth. I wish you good health, happiness, and family happiness!

The smell of spruce, the taste of tangerines and sparkling champagne means that the New Year is approaching, a holiday of miracles and magic. Let your wishes, made to the sound of the chimes, come true. And the new 365 days will bring you health, happiness, luck, love and kindness from your family and friends.

Whatever the wishes to the parents, they should be filled with sincere love and gratitude. Appreciate your mom and dad and don't forget to congratulate them on the holidays!

Don't grow old, dear parents,
I wish you happiness, health, long years!
We have always seen a bright image in you,
We have no one dearer!
For warmth, for your kind souls
And for the fact that you raised us,
For your care and patience
May God give you health!

wishes to parents

Let life go without sorrows
And without bitter regrets,
No losses and no losses.
It will be the best of all awards
You are in excellent health,
Feelings of wonderful flood.
You value your happiness
Take care and store -
Happiness is so fragile
Don't hope for anything else.
Live with him for a whole year -
And trouble will pass you by.

poems wishes for parents

My dear ones, peace to you,
Hope, faith and love,
And so that the eternal leitmotif
A sonnet of spring sounded in my soul!

Let the ships enter the harbor
The pier will be the father's house,
And let the sorrows all go away,
Live happily together!

You've been together for many years
Problems and difficulties are familiar,
And your souls have a magical light
Strengthens the laws of loyalty!

Let your gaze sparkle with tenderness,
Let it be filled with warmth,
And let the honey taste remain
Golden on the lips before the wedding!

wishes to parents from children

Remember your parents, share
With your youthful strength,
Love them, strive to extend them
A series of happy, clear days!
Jealousy, resentment and doubts
Don't let it come between you,
Let aspiration not cool time
To live and win for each other -
Conquering problems and routine,
Life, fatigue, the long burden of winter,
The main thing is that you are loved,
So that each other needs you!

May it never be above your home
The thunderstorm will not sound,
May there be many smiles in it,
And plenty of room for love!

You are together - like a poet and an ode,
As a composer and clavier,
Like day and night, like all nature,
Like this endless world.

Care, loyalty, home and children,
This is what life has given you,
Let the sun shine brightly for you
And the seed of wisdom sprouts!

wishes to mom and dad

We cannot hide neither feelings nor lofty words,
Let them shine tenderly, like a light,
The most cherished lines -
To you, dear mother and father.
Ringing harshly, multi-stringed
In an ingot of happiness, grief and anxiety,
Between the golden and young wedding
Your journey together has not been easy.
We vote with our hearts and souls
We are for our father's strong family.
And about your golden wedding
Let all the people hear today!

wishes to dad and mom

Dad and mom are the main people
The best people on this earth!
If you're nearby, I know what will happen
Peace of mind in life for both me and you.

Your warmth will warm you in the bitter cold,
Strong hands will always support you,
Dear heart, when you get sick,
He can cure you without difficulty.

May God grant you long life, health,
Shine, enthusiasm in happy eyes!
My dears, congratulations today
And we compose the ode in these verses.

wishes to parents

Be happy dears,
Like mischievous children.
And healthy as titans.
Eternal oceans of love.

Never know grief
Don't lose your will in the world.
Rejoice, strive for the light,
And don't listen to prohibitions.

wishes to parents in prose

My beloved mommy and daddy! I congratulate you on this significant date for all of us, and I wish you never to get sick and for many, many years to look at each other with such eyes that I believe true love exists

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