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Correct attachment during breastfeeding: recommendations, positions. How to breastfeed correctly? The most comfortable positions for feeding

The benefits of breastfeeding have been proven for a long time, and there is no point in repeating them. Today we will talk about proper feeding. Oddly enough, this also needs to be learned. Moreover, for both you and the baby. How to avoid difficulties that arise during the first stages of breastfeeding?

The feeding process itself should be comfortable for mother and baby. To do this, you need to choose a pose that tires you out the most and does not cause discomfort.

When feeding, the baby's body should be in one straight line, and the neck should also be straight. The baby should press his face and stomach close to his mother. Don't even think about using force. Your task is to point your child in the right direction, and that’s all.

During feeding, the baby should completely grasp the nipple and areola. So the possibility of chest injury will be negligible. The baby will suck milk efficiently. The breasts receive proper stimulation, thereby increasing milk production (lactation). Be sure to pay attention to how you feel during the feeding process. If you feel pain or discomfort, you need to carefully remove the breast from the baby and repeat the attachment.

(photo 1. Clickable)

1) The baby's head and body should be on the same line.
2) Press the baby's body against yours at a right angle to your body.
3) The baby should be facing the breast and nose to the nipple.
4) The position should be comfortable for you and for the child.
5) The child's head is thrown back and his mouth is wide open.
6) Bring your baby to your breast, not the other way around.
7) The baby should grasp the nipple, areola and some of the surrounding breast tissue with his mouth.
8) The baby should start with a few quick suction strokes and then slow them down as milk is released from the breast.

Some babies are so weak that they manage to fall asleep while feeding. In this case, attract his attention to the process by gently stroking his sweet cheeks.

The correct latch also depends on whether you know how to correctly “feed” the breast to the baby. It is important to place your fingers outside the boundaries of the areola. To make the baby open his mouth wider, you can move the nipple a little near the baby's mouth. When the mouth is open, you need to insert the nipple so that it touches the baby's palate. Please note that after you start feeding, you cannot move your breasts or adjust them; it is better to repeat the application.

(Photo illustrations 2,3,4,5,6 show how to properly breastfeed a baby. All pictures are clickable)

Video: about application technique

Are we eating right?

We have already talked about the correct grip of the chest a little higher. It can be added that a correct latch on the breast allows the baby to avoid swallowing air. Accordingly, there are fewer colics, and the baby does not spit up as much, and eats better.
When the breast is taken correctly, the baby's mouth contains the nipple and areola, and his chin and nose are tightly pressed to the mother's breast. The baby's cheeks should be puffed out and his lips should be turned outward. It is also worth paying attention to sounds. You should be able to hear your baby swallowing, but any whistling sounds will indicate that your baby is gasping for air. This shouldn't happen.


It is recommended to breastfeed according to the principle “one breast per feeding”. This alternation allows you to provide the baby with a sufficient amount of milk. After all, its filling is directly proportional to the previous emptying. In addition, the child must first receive "foremilk"(with which he quenches his thirst), and in the end "hind milk", with which the child satisfies hunger. ( See material).

But everyone understands perfectly well that situations are different, and not all rules apply to all children. It happens that in the first days of your baby’s life, milk production has not yet been adjusted, and the baby really does not eat enough. In this case, you can supplement him with the second breast. Only the next feeding should be started from the breast that was the “supplement” in the previous feeding.

If you are lucky enough to become a mother of twins, there is no need to worry about having enough milk. Don't forget that milk arrives as "requested". If your babies empty both breasts during one feeding, then they will both fill at the same time.

Separately, it is worth addressing the issue of feeding during those periods when the baby cries a lot. Many nursing mothers try to soothe their baby with breastfeeding at this moment. On the one hand, they are right. But don't forget about yourself. During periods of intense crying, the baby may not latch on to the breast correctly. The baby is emotional. Incorrect grip can lead to cracked nipples and pain. These are still the most minor consequences. Therefore, before offering your baby the breast, try to calm him down slightly in another way. For example, rock it on your arms or just run your nipple across your cheek.

Number of feedings and their duration

Old school people advise nursing mothers to feed their babies on a schedule. This approach has long been outdated and causes nothing but indignation. There is no need to rape your baby. When do you eat yourself? When you want or when you force?

The modern approach is feeding on demand. But a nursing mother needs to learn to distinguish the reasons for her baby’s crying. A baby’s whims do not always mean a desire to eat; he cannot yet express his dissatisfaction in any other way. First, remember that newborn babies eat up to 14 times during the day and only then develop their own feeding schedule. With age, the number of feedings per day will decrease slightly.

Avoid long breaks between meals. Night feedings should become your rule, not the exception.

Also leave the duration of feeding at the discretion of the baby. The baby himself knows how much time he needs to get enough. Children are different; the weak ones have a longer feeding time than their more well-developed peers. Premature babies can generally nurse for an hour at an hour's intervals. And for them this is normal.

Publication on the topic: how many times does a newborn baby eat during the day and how many minutes does he suckle?

Also try to purchase special clothes for feeding. This way you can breastfeed your baby when needed, and without unnecessary obstacles.

How to determine if your baby is full? Can he overeat?

It is much more difficult to obtain milk from a mother's breast than from a bottle. Therefore, an infant eats less in one feeding than artificial babies of the same age. Don't be surprised if your little one often asks to be held to your chest. This does not mean that there is not enough milk. It’s just that last time he was tired of eating and continued this activity a little later.

The first sign that a child is full is his good mood. If there is insufficient milk, the baby will not tolerate it, but will immediately show you his dissatisfaction. You can also judge the sufficiency of milk by the following signs:

  • the breasts became soft after feeding;
  • the baby is gaining good weight;
  • The child regularly soils diapers.

Some babies immediately begin to play with their mother and smile at her. There are also those who simply fall asleep and continue to “procrastinate” on the breast like a pacifier. In this case, gently pull the nipple towards the corner of the baby’s mouth.

Remember! The baby can't overeat! This depends not so much on the desire of the baby, but on the self-regulation of the body. Even if the baby has sucked a little too much, it will all be regurgitated.

Also, you don’t have to worry too much about the baby’s body digesting milk. Mother's milk is surprisingly balanced in composition and is absorbed quickly. Moreover, milk of different fat content is produced at different times of the day. Accordingly, the load on the child’s gastrointestinal tract is also different, and there are periods of rest.

How to wean your breasts

We have already said that if the breast is grasped incorrectly, it must be gently removed. How to do this correctly and without unnecessary whims on the part of the baby?

You can gently press on your chin or squeeze your gums with your finger. If this “number” does not work, you can gently pinch the baby’s nose. In this case, in search of air, he will automatically open his mouth and release his chest.

Typical errors associated with GW

In the process of establishing breastfeeding, no one is immune from mistakes. But it’s better to learn from others than to replenish your own. The most common mistakes of nursing mothers:

  1. There is no need to hold your breasts with your hands. The baby won't suffocate, don't be afraid. And the movement of milk is associated with the sucking manipulations of the baby, and not with the position of the breast.
  2. Don't try to wash your breasts with soap before each feeding. You are only washing away the natural protection. A daily shower is enough.
  3. Don't overdrink your child. All his needs, including drinking, are 100% satisfied with breast milk until the age of six months. Even in extreme heat.
  4. Do not deny your baby breast milk because of breast problems or illness of the nursing mother. There are many silicone nipple covers available now for damaged nipples, use them. If the mother is ill, it is enough to use barrier methods of protection. With milk, only antibodies to your disease will reach your baby, and nothing else.
  5. Pumping is a thing of the past. There is no need to do this after every feeding. Milk will begin to be produced in increased quantities, and you risk “earning”

How to help your baby get used to this difficult and responsible work? How can we make this work joyful and enjoyable for both the baby and his mother? The answer to this question is surprisingly simple: the position of mother and child should be as comfortable as possible.

For successful breastfeeding It is extremely important that the milk ducts in the gland have a wide lumen: this ensures free flow of milk, good emptying of the breast and easy sucking for the baby. If the mother’s body is tense, if she experiences discomfort, then this distracts her and prevents her from concentrating on feeding. In addition, tension in the body muscles causes a reflex spasm of the milk ducts. As a result, milk from the gland begins to be secreted sparingly, and breast not completely emptied. The baby is nervous, not receiving the required amount of nutrition, and breast, without emptying completely, there is a risk of lactostasis (milk stagnation).

That's why, when starting to feed your baby breasts, it is so important to know about the correct positions to help feed.

Feeding positions for baby

If the baby's mouth is closed, you can touch nipple to the corner of the mouth or gently “tickle” the upper lip near the corner of the mouth with your finger. Usually, in response to such irritation, the newborn’s mouth reflexively opens, and the child begins to search with his mouth. breast. This is the so-called “search reflex” of a newborn, which facilitates the baby’s first feeding.

When the baby opens his mouth wide, you should direct nipple in the center of the mouth and with a quick movement of the hand, press the baby towards you. This is an important point: no need to lean towards the child, stick out breast, otherwise you will get tired quickly during feeding. The child must grab nipple and the areola into the areola.

If the areola is large, then the grip radius should be approximately 2-2.5 cm. The baby's lips should not be tucked inward - they should clasp breast so that their red border is visible. The baby's chin should be in contact with breasts, but not too tight, but just enough so that it does not interfere with breathing.

If you still find it difficult for your baby to breathe, pull his buttocks towards you, slightly changing the angle of his body, or lightly press the breast to release the spout. If the child took breast wrong or you need to release breast for another reason, you should gently open the child's gums by gently inserting a finger into the corner of the mouth.

Don't stop trying until your child takes it. breast Right. With the correct position, it is noticeable that the baby is relaxed, making slow and deep sucking movements, and you can hear him swallowing milk. You do not experience pain in the area nipples.

Feeding lying and sitting

There are two main breastfeeding positions- sitting and lying down. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

The supine position is usually applied to the breast of newborns in the first days after birth, when the mother finds it difficult or impossible to sit. It is also suitable for night feedings. With this method of breastfeeding, the mother should lie on her side, corresponding to the breast to which the baby will be attached. Under your head you need to place a pillow of such a height that your head is not raised too high. The pillow should be moderately firm to provide good support for the head, neck and upper shoulder girdle.

The baby should be placed next to you on the bed, having first placed a baby diaper on the sheet. Place the baby's head on your shoulder at chest level, holding his body with a half-bent arm. You can also place the child on the bed and put your hand under the head. With the other hand, opposite the breast to which the baby is attached, you need to lift the mammary gland, placing it in the palm of your hand, like in a bowl. Use the thumb and middle fingers of this hand to grab nipple on the border of the areola with the skin of the breast and lightly press it, giving it a flattened shape parallel to the baby’s lips. After the baby has grabbed nipple and began to actively suck, you need to carefully listen to your feelings. Pay attention to the condition of the muscles of the back, neck, arms - try to keep all these muscle groups relaxed. If you experience any discomfort, ask someone nearby to place a pillow near the part of your body where you feel tension. For example, you can place another pillow under the back or under the arm that holds the baby.

The sitting position is more comfortable for the vast majority of mothers and their babies. Once the mother is strong enough after childbirth to be able to sit, it is better to feed the baby while sitting in a chair or rocking chair.

Option 1. Sit in a chair with a small pillow on the armrest on the side of the breast with which you will feed the baby. You can place a small bench under your foot on the same side. Take a position that is as comfortable as possible for your entire body. With your elbow on the pillow lying on the armrest of the chair, place the baby on your forearm so that his head is in the crook of your elbow at chest level. You can turn the baby slightly to face you. With your free hand, take breast into your palm in the manner described above and, holding it lightly, give it to the child nipple.

Option 2. Let's say you want to feed your baby with your right breasts. Place the baby on your bent left arm so that his head lies in your palm. With your right hand, take your right breast and put it in the baby's mouth. If you put your hand with a child on your lap, your back will be bent quite strongly, and this is uncomfortable. If you put a pillow on your knees (under your arm), it becomes easier. In this position, the hand of one hand subtly “controls” breasts, and the other guides the baby’s head and prevents it from sliding off the areola onto nipple.

Option 3. The position with the baby under the arm is especially important for women who have had a caesarean section, since the baby is away from the suture. It is also ideal for active babies who move their legs while feeding, as well as for premature babies or those who have difficulty latching onto the areola.

You should sit sitting on a bed or a wide chair with a large armrest. Place a pillow next to you on the side where you are going to place your baby or place a small pillow on a wide armrest. Place the baby on the pillow - it will turn out that he is lying under your arm. The baby's head is located in your palm, the back is on your forearm, the legs are behind your back, and with the hand you are holding the baby, you press his hips to you. With one hand you hold the baby, and with the other you give him breast.

Whatever position you use, make sure that there is no pronounced curvature of the child’s spine - he should lie straight. This can be ensured with the help of the hand that holds the child’s body. Watch this moment. This is important because the bone canals located on both sides of the spinal column contain large arteries that supply both the spinal cord and the brain. Due to the imperfection of the ligamentous apparatus of the spinal column of a newborn, these arteries are very vulnerable. Excessive or prolonged flexion of the spinal column causes a reflex spasm of the arteries, which impairs blood circulation in the baby’s brain and spinal cord.

How to feed a child in public places?

If the baby is crying and the most likely reason for his dissatisfaction is hunger, then you can and should feed the baby in the place where you are. Before feeding, wipe your hands with a damp cloth, which the young mother should always have at hand. In addition, for such feedings you will need breast pads and dry wipes - these items should also be carried with you. You need to find a relatively deserted place where you can sit; if such a place is difficult to find, then you can simply turn away from those around you. Special clothing for nursing mothers will come in handy, which makes it easy to expose breast. Usually people have enough tact not to disturb you with their approach. If not, let it remain their own problem. Have healthy indifference, and bon appetit to your baby!

Feeding baby breasts, look at him, be in contact with him - bodily and visual. These moments of closeness between mother and baby become the first precious minutes and hours of communication that shape the child’s psyche. Use them fully and with joy!

Experts involved in breastfeeding problems insist that a mother should not deny her baby milk if he wants it. It turns out that a child can be fed as much as he requires, however, many pediatricians do not agree with this statement, pointing to the different feeding regimens for natural and artificial feeding. This double opinion raises an obvious question among mothers: how often to feed a newborn - according to the schedule or at his request?

Feeding a newborn can be done according to a schedule or guided solely by the baby’s wishes.

Frequency of colostrum feedings

In the first days after childbirth, the mother's breasts fill with colostrum. Pure breast milk will begin to be produced after 2-3 days. Naturally, the newborn receives only colostrum these days. It is advisable to put the baby to the breast immediately after birth and to frequently put the baby to the breast throughout the entire period of feeding with colostrum. Its quantity is small, but the newborn eats up, thanks to the high nutritional value of the product.

The frequency of breastfeeding is very important for the baby. Firstly, the baby receives adequate nutrition. Secondly, the newborn reflexively gets used to the method of obtaining food, he adapts to the shape of the nipple, and trains to suck correctly. Thirdly, frequent application stimulates lactation and prevents stagnation of milk.

Additionally, there is a relationship between demand (feeding the baby) and supply (milk accumulates in sufficient quantities). By actively breastfeeding the baby, the mother promotes successful lactation.

For a long time, breastfeeding was carried out by the hour, at clear intervals. Pediatricians recommended that mothers place their baby every 3-4 hours and let him nurse for 10-15 minutes. In addition, the remaining milk should have been expressed. Practical observations have shown the erroneous use of such a regime. Statistics from past years indicate frequent cases of mastitis in mothers and digestive disorders in children.

Today, experts have moved away from rigid boundaries and believe that the mother should determine the frequency of feedings according to the baby’s wishes. What does it mean to feed at will? Breast is given to a newborn at any time upon his first request and wherever the mother is at this time. The new feeding method is based on determining the frequency of feedings based on the baby's behavior, rather than on precise timing. Actually, the child sets the regime, and you obey this choice.

How to determine that your baby wants the breast?

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Following this method, mothers give breast to their newborn at the slightest sign of anxiety, if he does not refuse it. However, it is unlikely that you will be able to attach your baby to the nipple when he is crying or very fussy. It is advisable that the mother learn to understand her child and distinguish the desire to suckle from the other reasons for his whims. Remember the following signs:

  • the baby smacks his lips;
  • your “chick” actively opens its mouth and turns its head;
  • begins to suck on a corner of the diaper or his own fist.

Free feeding allows the baby to breastfeed not only when he is hungry. The child reaches for the breast for peace of mind, receives protection and psychological comfort from the process, and absorbs the love and warmth of the mother. It is important that mommy approaches the process with pleasure, receiving a lot of positive emotions from close contact with her treasure. Breastfeeding is an invaluable period when a close bond is established between mother and child that lasts a lifetime.

The best thing is that the participants in the process receive mutual benefits. The free method, as studies have shown, has a beneficial effect on the mental and physical state of mother and baby:

  • Newborns develop quickly and harmoniously. Children who receive breastfeeding on demand grow strong, are less susceptible to disease, and have a balanced nervous system.
  • The woman quickly regains her prenatal shape. Contraceptive protection is naturally maintained. Mom avoids nipple problems if the baby latch onto the nipple correctly.
  • The breast milk produced is high in nutrients, has high fat content and is supplied in large quantities.

With proper breast latch, feeding becomes a natural prevention of lactostasis and mastitis.

What are the benefits of frequent breastfeeding?

Some mothers express doubts about this method of feeding, worrying about the amount of milk the baby needs. Anxiety is associated with thoughts about the child overeating or undereating. There is no need to worry, since this frequency of feedings is balanced by the production of milk in sufficient quantities, and newborns eat so actively that they involuntarily provoke proper lactation (see also:). There is a kind of regulation by the child of the amount of milk that he requires. The little cunning one, intuitively controlling the amount of food he eats, eats well and feels happy.

By the way, it is precisely with hourly feeding that the baby does not drink the milk completely, which leads to its stagnation. Lactation worsens, threatening to stop completely, which can push the mother to transfer the baby to artificial feeding. In addition, the moment of stagnation provokes the formation of mastitis in the mother. After such conclusions, will you still have doubts about which method is best to feed your baby? Choose the one that not only suits you in all respects, but will also be optimal for your child.

When to change the number of applications?

Considering that the frequency of feedings and breast fullness with the free feeding method are absolutely individual, it is impossible to give exact recommendations on the number of feedings. There are babies who suck quickly and forcefully, and there are those who “roll” the nipple in their mouth, slowly pulling out drop by drop. Obviously, it is difficult to calculate the exact number of latch, but one cannot help but mention the periods of active growth of the child, when he needs more milk.

Observing the cyclical development of a child, experts have identified four bright periods up to the age of 1 year, during which the child sharply increases in height. Approximate indicators are:

  • 7-10th days of life;
  • from 4 to 6 weeks;
  • by 3 months;
  • at 6 months.

Approaching these deadlines, mothers think that the baby is malnourished, that he is constantly hungry. Thinking that she has little milk, the woman tries to supplement the baby with formula. You shouldn't do this. 2-3 days will pass and your body will adapt to the needs of the baby and begin to produce more milk. The instability of indicators for the frequency of attachments is associated with both the general development of the child and his appetite. Moms shouldn't worry about such hesitations - just give your baby the breast when he needs it.

Statistics collected by pediatricians indicate that a baby may ask for the breast 8-12 times a day. The numbers are, of course, speculative and do not reflect the full picture. It is considered normal for a baby to want to suckle milk 20 times a day. Breast milk is absorbed very quickly, so there is nothing to worry about if your baby asks for the breast half an hour after feeding. Natural nutrition does not affect the functioning of the baby’s digestive system.

How long does it take for one feeding?

Each baby decides for himself how much he needs to breastfeed. The hurry-up is controlled in a short time, and the thoughtful little man stretches out the pleasure and eats for more than half an hour. As children grow up and master sucking, they increase the speed of feeding, choosing the required amount of milk in a few minutes. The time indicators recommended by pediatricians are averages, so accept the abilities of your treasure and feed as much as required - there is no exact norm. Special recommendations have been established only for formula feeding.

The older a child gets, the less time he needs to eat a full meal.

How to alternate breasts when feeding?

Alternating breasts during feeding is beneficial for the mother; it helps relieve painful swelling of the mammary glands by the time the baby eats. The duration of holding on one breast depends on the process of milk production in the mother and the appetite the child has worked up. Some babies manage one breast in 5 minutes, while the other stretches the process for 10-15 minutes. If you follow the recommendations of specialists, then it is necessary to change the breast, dividing the total feeding time in half.

Mothers with conservative views prefer to feed one breast per feeding. Those who adopt the free-form method keep records to track their meal schedule. Children are also different: some love to suckle on one breast, others calmly change nipples, thinking only about getting enough milk. Pediatricians agree that alternating breasts into one feeding is more convenient and correct.

Dr. Komarovsky comments positively on the free approach to feeding, but emphasizes that the child's demands should be based on hunger and not on other reasons. If the baby's diaper is full or the baby suffers from overheating, he is bothered by heat rash, he may reach for his chest, trying to find relief from uncomfortable sensations in it. You shouldn't give him breastfeeding. It is important for a mother to know exactly when the baby really wants to eat. It turns out that a child can eat according to the free method, but keeping an interval of 2 hours.

In addition, the famous pediatrician strongly emphasizes one important point: no matter what method you feed the baby, both mother and child should enjoy it.

If you find it stressful to constantly hold your baby at your breast, stop free-feeding and use your usual clockwise feeding routine. Additionally, you can optimize your on-demand eating by sticking to a happy medium. Reduce the intervals between feedings, but maintain the schedule.

Feeding frequency when using formula

Infant formula, despite manufacturers' assurances that its composition is as close as possible to breast milk, differs significantly from it. A formula-fed baby needs more time to digest it, so a flexible feeding schedule is not suitable. The mother should distribute formula feeding at fixed intervals. The optimal break lasts 3-4 hours during the day and 6-7 hours at night.

When analyzing feeding options for artificial babies, it should be remembered that pediatricians have calculated approximate standard indicators that it is advisable to adhere to. The baby receives as much formula as he needs at a certain age. By incorrectly organizing your baby's formula feeding, you can cause health problems for the baby. The baby's digestive system is especially vulnerable to the use of formulas.

Mother's milk is the best food for a child. Store-bought milk, baby formula, teas, juices, ready-made cereals and water cannot replace breast milk. Not only do they have no particular benefit for the baby, but they can also harm him. From their use, the baby begins to have intestinal problems, allergic rashes, constipation, etc.

Breastfeeding makes it easier for the baby to absorb milk. A child who regularly receives breast milk grows healthy, has a strong immune system and succeeds in intellectual development. With mother's milk, he receives protective antibodies to many diseases.

Basics of proper breastfeeding

The first breastfeeding occurs immediately after the baby is born. As a rule, the first 3-4 days after birth, the mother does not yet have milk, but there is colostrum, which is very nutritious and is quite enough to feed the newborn. The entire further process of feeding him depends on how correctly the baby was first attached to the breast, since incorrect attachment is almost a guarantee of the appearance of cracks in the nipples, and as a result – very severe pain for the mother, against which she may completely refuse breastfeeding. However, all this can be avoided by observing only the following basic rules:

  1. the child’s mouth should be wide open and cover not only the nipple, but also the maximum area of ​​the entire areola, while the baby’s lower lip should be turned out;
  2. the breast should not cover the newborn’s nose;
  3. In order for the baby to more easily grasp the nipple, the mother should take the breast about a couple of centimeters from the areola and place it in the baby’s mouth.

How to breastfeed correctly

Knowing the basics of how breastfeeding should proceed correctly is half the success, but in order to prolong the feeding process as long as possible, and to make it as comfortable as possible for both herself and the baby, the mother should also know the basic rules of feeding, which are as follows: :

  • The baby’s body, with the exception of the head, should be in one straight line and pressed closely to the mother’s, while the head should be slightly raised;
  • when sucking, the baby should not make smacking or other sounds, as this signals an improper grip of the nipple and can lead to air getting in, which can lead to colic and gas in the baby;
  • the child’s mouth should be at the same level as the areola;
  • the baby should be brought to the nipple, but not the nipple to it;
  • the chin should not be pressed tightly to the chest;
  • It is advisable to have drinking water on hand, since breastfeeding is a process that takes a lot of water from the body of a nursing mother;
  • for convenience and in order to easily change body position at any time, there should be pillows nearby.

How long should you breastfeed?

There is no clear time frame according to which you need to breastfeed. All children have different characters, desires and needs. We can only note that the minimum time that a healthy newborn should spend at the breast is 30 minutes. Each child chooses the maximum time for himself.

  1. the newborn himself must determine the time he will spend at the breast. Some children suckle very actively at the breast and quickly release it when they are full. Others eat very slowly, so breastfeeding lasts longer. When you try to remove the nipple from the mouth of a sleeping baby, he immediately wakes up and begins to eat again. At such a moment, it is necessary to wake up the baby so that he continues to suckle;
  2. Each mother determines for herself how long to continue breastfeeding. This can be influenced by many factors: the length of maternity leave, the mother’s desire to breastfeed, her state of health;
  3. Immediately after the birth of the child, breastfeeding occurs about 10 times a day. Over time, their number decreases, because the baby grows and begins to explore the world around him.

During one feeding, the baby should receive only one breast. Next time, offer the baby another, alternating them all the time. Such tactics will allow you to establish lactation. Long-term sucking on one breast allows the baby to receive “front” liquid milk and thick “back” milk, which contains the bulk of the nutrients. If the child is not satisfied, then you can give him a second breast.

However, a woman does not always have a sufficient amount of milk; this may be due to the rapid growth of the baby at the age of approximately 2 months. During this period, the baby may not be able to eat enough from one breast, so you should continue breastfeeding from both at once. This will allow you to maintain breastfeeding and will not leave your baby hungry. The mistake many mothers make is that they perceive a soft breast as empty, so the child is immediately offered a second one. In this case, it is very easy to overfeed the baby, because excess food can cause excessive regurgitation and colic in the stomach.

As for the frequency of feeding, this is an individual choice for each mother. In the first months, while lactation is established, it is recommended to feed the baby on demand. At the same time, no one monitors the time interval. Next, mommy can set her own feeding frequency at a time convenient for her, but at least once every 3-4 hours. Over time, the child gets used to this regime and wakes up exactly on the clock.

The benefits of breastfeeding for mother and baby

Breastfeeding has a number of advantages over artificial feeding, not only for the mother, but also for the child. As for the mother directly, the following main advantages can be highlighted:

  • rapid weight loss, since breastfeeding burns an average of 500-700 calories at a time;
  • hormonal levels return to normal much faster;
  • In breastfeeding women, breast cancer and mastopathy are diagnosed much less frequently.

Pros for the child:

  1. with mother's milk, the baby receives important minerals, vitamins and antibodies, which make his immunity very strong, thereby protecting the body from the penetration of viruses, bacteria and infections;
  2. the process of sucking the breast contributes to the correct development of the jaw and facial muscles of the face, as well as the child’s bite;
  3. According to statistics, breastfed children have a more stable psyche, are more self-confident, easily make contact with people, and achieve greater heights in their careers.

Breastfeeding positions

One of the important aspects of breastfeeding is choosing the right position that will be comfortable for both mother and baby. The main postures used during feeding are the “lying” and “sitting” positions. The “sitting” position is the most universal, in which the mother sits and the baby lies in her arms, with the head lying on the crook of the elbow of one hand, and the other baby holding the back.

The “lying down” pose can be performed in three positions:

  • "lying on your side." This is the most comfortable position for mom, as it allows her to rest a little and even take a nap. In this position, the baby is placed facing the mother so that the nose touches the chest. This can be achieved by placing a pillow under it, or placing the head on the bend of the elbow;
  • "lying on your back." In this position, the baby is positioned on the mother, pressing his tummy against her stomach, while his head is slightly turned to the side;
  • "overhang". This position is considered the most effective for feeding, as it helps the baby receive not only “front” milk, but also more nutritious “back” milk, located in the lower parts of the chest. To feed in this position, the mother lies on her stomach, with the chest hanging over the baby, and his head slightly turned to the side. It is very important to ensure that the breast does not press down on the baby in any way.

Until what age should you breastfeed your baby?

During the first six months, a baby needs breast milk most. Breastfeeding during this period will have a positive effect on the general condition of the child.

6 months is the age when most children begin to introduce their first complementary foods. Now the baby’s diet should consist not only of mother’s milk, but also other foods. Gradually, the need to breastfeed fades into the background. The more complementary foods are introduced to the baby, the fewer breastfeedings remain.

6 months is the minimum breastfeeding time recommended by pediatricians.

According to the recommendation of the Ministry of Health, the optimal duration of breastfeeding is on average a year, but not more than 15 months. This is due to the fact that when a child reaches one year of age, milk no longer plays such an important role for his health. In addition, mothers who breastfeed their children for more than 18 months are more likely than others to be diagnosed with diseases such as ovarian cysts, breast lumps, and uterine endometriosis, which are associated with the constant presence of an increased amount of the hormone prolactin in the body.

Night feedings

According to pediatric doctors and breastfeeding specialists, until the baby reaches six months of age, night feedings are necessary.

This promotes better lactation and thanks to night feedings, a woman will be able to fully breastfeed her baby for a long time. Therefore, even a baby who sleeps all night must be woken up for feeding at least a couple of times a night.

After the child is six months old, it is necessary to reduce night feedings or abandon them completely. This will give the mother the opportunity to get a good night's sleep and will not harm the baby in any way; on the contrary, it will help avoid dental problems. Dentists believe that after the first teeth appear, night feedings should be abandoned.

What is the best way to reduce the number of night feedings? The following will help with this:

  1. every evening, before going to bed at night, the child should be bathed in warm water at 36-37 degrees, then fed well and put to bed. This will help the baby fall asleep soundly and not wake up for feedings for at least 3 or 4 hours.
  2. creating a cool and humid microclimate in the child’s room. The room temperature should not exceed 20 °C, and the humidity should be at 50-70%. With these parameters, the baby will sleep more soundly and calmly.

When to Express Breast Milk

Mothers who breastfeed on demand generally do not need to pump milk. If the baby spends most of the time at the breast, he will not allow the milk to stagnate in it. The need for pumping arises in the following cases:

  • If, due to some circumstances, you are not with him in the first weeks after the birth of your child, but you plan to start fully breastfeeding him at the first opportunity;
  • If you have to leave your baby with someone close to you for a long time, but you want the baby to receive breast milk as food;
  • If the newborn's need for milk is less than the amount in your breast.

Regarding the last point, frequent disputes arise between breastfeeding specialists and neonatologists. Some are in favor of pumping, others are against it. The main argument in favor of pumping is the risk of lactation mastitis.

Dr. Komarovsky believes that recently cases of lactation mastitis have become more frequent. He attributes this to frequent recommendations to mothers to stop pumping altogether.

Lactation mastitis is an inflammation of the mammary gland that occurs during breastfeeding. To a greater extent, the cause of this disease is lactostasis (milk stagnant in the breast). If stagnation of milk in the breast does not go away for more than 3 days, then it is almost impossible to avoid the occurrence of lactation mastitis. This situation occurs when the baby does not constantly suck all the accumulated milk from the mother’s breast, and the mother does not express the remaining milk after that. Stagnant milk in the breast is a good breeding ground for microbes.

Also, the need for pumping arises if the mother is not looking after the baby herself. Many mothers go to work quite quickly after giving birth, leaving the child in the care of grandmothers or nannies. If a mother wants to leave her baby fed breast milk, she needs to take care of this in advance: express it and put it in the refrigerator. According to all the rules, milk expressed and frozen will not differ from what the baby receives from the mother’s breast. All benefits are retained.

Breastfeeding is a whole science that young mothers have to master in a matter of days. What the baby will eat in the coming year depends on the quality of the material learned. Properly established breastfeeding (BF) will allow the baby to receive valuable and incredibly healthy breast milk, relieve the mother from congestion, lactostasis and mastitis, and make the process of motherhood pleasant and calm. If you do not understand the principles of breastfeeding from the very beginning, this can result in neurosis, poor sleep, problems with the mammary gland, and ultimately – artificial feeding. Which, by the way, raises a lot of questions, because not every formula is suitable for a child; you need to select the right product experimentally, which leads to additional health problems and financial costs. This is why you need to get ready for breastfeeding from the very beginning of motherhood, talk to doctors, experienced friends, and invite a breastfeeding consultant. All of them will help to establish this natural process, and then feeding will be enjoyable for you and your baby.

In the process of establishing breastfeeding, the issue of feeding time is very acute. There are two opinions regarding this - feed the baby on demand or by the hour. Just a couple of decades ago, our mothers fed us in maternity hospitals strictly at certain hours; at other times the child was not even near the mother. Today, the World Health Organization recommends feeding a child on demand - that is, when he wants it. Each feeding method has its own advantages and disadvantages, and it is up to you what you choose for your baby.

Feeding on demand

This is the most correct, healthy and natural way of feeding. Even animals feed their young when the babies want it. This is especially important in the first days after childbirth - when only colostrum is released from the breast. There is no need to worry - colostrum is enough for the child, it performs an important function - it populates the baby’s intestines with beneficial bacteria and starts digestion. Already 3-5 days after birth, full-fledged breast milk comes. In the first month, it is very important to feed the baby on demand, that is, when the baby cries. After all, it is during this period that the body is rebuilt and determines how much milk the baby needs. Here are some tips and tricks regarding on-demand feeding.

You need to give your baby the breast if there is any concern - this will not only satiate the baby, but also increase milk production, because the more the baby is applied to the breast, the more engorged the breast will be next time. Feeding on demand is the main way to increase your milk supply.

For a child, the breast is not only nutrition, but also comfort, unity with the mother, and protection. Feeding on demand allows you to get all these wonderful feelings any time your baby wants it, when he has a tummy ache, is cold or just bored.

Feeding on demand will protect the mother from mastitis, because in short periods of time the milk simply does not have time to stagnate.
It has been proven that a child who receives breastfeeding at any time suffers less from colic and gas, since he does not experience a strong feeling of hunger and does not overeat after long “hungry” intervals.

If you feed your baby at any time he needs, it is better to practice co-sleeping.

Try to feed your baby from one breast at a time from start to finish. The fact is that foremilk is more liquid, it is easier to suck out, and for the baby it is a drink. But hind milk, which is more difficult to suck out and is fattier, is considered nutrition.

A child who is fed on demand does not develop such bad habits as sucking fingers, fists, etc. If you always give your baby the breast, he does not get used to the pacifier, the sucking reflex is completely satisfied.

Frequent feeding saves during a child’s illness. Firstly, it is replenishment of fluid, which is so necessary in case of fever or poisoning. Secondly, the baby calms down and tolerates discomfort during teething and colic more easily. Thirdly, breast milk contains immunoglobulins, which form the baby’s immunity and protect it from viruses.

Psychologists say that children fed on demand grow up calmer and more confident. After all, from early childhood they know that their mother is always there and will come to the rescue if necessary, protect and reassure. And this is very important for the development of a future personality.

Feeding by the hour

This method involves a strict feeding regimen - after a certain period of time. Remember Soviet times - children were not fed at night since the maternity hospital, the last feeding was at 12:00, and the first in the morning at 6:00. That is, newborn children had a huge period of time without food - 6 hours. Let's try to figure out what the features and advantages of feeding by the hour are.

Feeding by the hour can be done only in the second or third month of the child’s life, when lactation has improved. If you feed your baby according to a schedule from birth, maintaining long intervals without sucking, the amount of milk may sharply decrease as unnecessary. If you do not want to feed your baby right now, it is better to express milk so as not to lose it.

Feeding by the clock allows the mother to sleep at night. This is a very dubious advantage, because stimulation of lactation is especially intense in the morning from 3 to 8 am. If you do not breastfeed at this time, the hormone oxytocin is not produced, and there will be less and less milk each time.

Babies in the first months of life need to be fed every 2-2.5 hours, no more. The stomach of a child of this age is very small, the baby must eat often. With age, this interval can be increased to 3-4 hours.

Feeding by the hour makes a mother’s life clearer and simpler, since the mother can plan her day, leave things to do for a certain time, and even leave the house if someone is looking after the baby.

Some moms choose something between clock feeding and on-demand feeding. If you listen to your baby’s body, you will notice that the child asks to eat at approximately equal intervals, you will be able to focus on this time and life will follow a certain regime.

But remember that in some cases, feeding by the hour is strictly contraindicated. Firstly, this is the first 2-3 weeks of the baby’s life. Secondly, every 2-3 months a woman develops a lactation crisis, when there is not enough milk, because the baby is growing quickly. At these moments, you need to give your baby breastfeeding as often as possible in order to “increase” the amount of milk produced. Thirdly, you need to abandon the regime if you see that the child really wants to eat. If the baby is crying, you picked him up, rocked him, and the baby is looking for the breast with his mouth and does not stop crying - most likely he is hungry. This means that at the last feeding the baby did not eat enough or burped, in general, you need to throw away all the rules and feed the baby again.

Do I need to wake up my baby to feed?

Many mothers wonder whether it is worth feeding their baby if he sleeps for a long time, does not wake up and does not ask for the breast? The healthy body of a newborn child cannot sleep for more than five hours in a row without food, doctors say this. Therefore, a child who sleeps longer than the specified time without waking up is very rare. This does not apply to artificial formula - a nourishing formula allows you to go without food much longer than breast milk.

To answer this worrying question, you need to know how much your child sleeps. If the baby sleeps for more than five hours, you should definitely wake him up - slowly stir him up with stroking and touching. If the baby is low birth weight or premature, you should definitely wake him up, no more than three hours later. Such children need increased nutrition in order to quickly get stronger and gain weight; long sleep may be due to weakness; it is impossible not to feed such children. It is also necessary to wake up the child for feeding if prolonged sleep was caused by taking certain medications.

Feeding is a completely understandable and intuitive process. A loving and caring mother can understand after just a few days of the baby’s life that the child is crying precisely from hunger. Love your baby, feed him when he wants it, don’t wait for artificial periods of time. And then the child will grow and develop well.

Video: how often should you breastfeed your baby?

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