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Choosing the right hand cream. Gentle care and protection - rating of the best hand creams

The basis of the basics: the “basic” composition of the cream

1. Always comes first water. Usually this component is at least 60%. And in products whose main effect is moisturizing - up to 80%. Some creams are made based on thermal water - this is preferable. But many thermal waters, especially highly mineralized ones, are added to the final mass. In this case, the cream is not based on water, but with its addition. But in any case, the first component is purified, filtered water.

2.Glycerol- promotes moisture retention in cells. One of the cheapest, proven surface humidifiers;

Types of hand creams

Hydrolipid mantle of the skin:

(water-lipid barrier) is a water-fat mixture located on the surface of the skin and represents the first barrier to protect the skin from external influences.

Protective- forms a thin film on the hydrolipid mantle of the skin, retains moisture, protecting the skin of the hands from exposure to water, wind and changing weather conditions.

Contains: glycerin, vitamins (A, F, E), silicones (create a protective film).
Apply: during the cold season.

Ultra-violet rays:

Type B is the main damaging factor. Type A - warms the skin, causes a feeling of warmth and stimulates the production of melanin. Type B rays penetrate deep into the dermal layers of the skin, causing burns and damaging the collagen-elastin framework. The process of skin damage by solar radiation is called photoaging: this is a situation when destructured protein, literally “cooked” by the sun’s rays, accumulates in the dermal layer, its disposal is difficult, and the production of new structural elements is slowed down by the same radiation.

With UV filters— protects the skin from type B rays. It is advisable that the SPF index be at least 30 if you plan to spend a long time in the sun. In specialized lines there are filters against type A rays, which, unlike UVB protection, indicated by a digital index, are indicated in “pluses” - from one to four.

Contains: glycerin, vitamins (A, F, E), SPF filters.
Apply: daily, before going outside.

"Liquid Gloves" protect hands from contamination and loss of moisture. The products are almost never found in ordinary cosmetic lines, but are presented in hardware and specialty stores, for example, work clothes or “everything for the car.”

What to avoid: the most harmful ingredients

What should the label say?

With the arrival of cold weather, our skin especially needs protection and hydration. We recently talked about how it can help with this, and today we’ll talk about hand cream - a product that every girl has in her arsenal. How to choose the right cream, how they all differ and which of them really work - read in our material!

The skin of your hands needs protection just like the skin of your face. The cosmetic market currently offers an incredible number of hand creams, which differ from each other not only in composition, but also in function. Therefore, it is often difficult to determine what cream you need in autumn and winter.

Criteria for choosing hand cream

Before choosing a hand cream, it is important to decide what function it should perform - moisturize, protect or nourish the skin?

Moisturizing cream saturates the skin with moisture, relieving it of dryness. That is why they contain a large amount of water. The texture of moisturizing creams is light and quickly absorbed.

Protective cream creates an invisible film on the surface of the skin that protects the skin of the hands from the harmful effects of the environment (cold, wind, water). These creams have a thicker consistency.

Nutritious cream saturates the skin with a large amount of minerals and vitamins. It actively nourishes and restores dry and irritated skin. It is recommended to use it in the cold season.

What should be included in hand cream?

In order for the cream to truly moisturize, nourish and soften the skin, it must contain the following components:

glycerin (retains moisture in the skin);
paraffin (softens the skin);
lanolin (nourishes the skin);
panthenol (skin healing);
natural oils and vitamins (give smoothness and a healthy appearance).

The best hand creams

Hand cream "Luxury Macadamia", Velvet handles

Thanks to the presence of , this cream not only moisturizes, but also nourishes and restores the skin. At the same time, it has a very light consistency, is instantly absorbed into the skin and gives an effect after the first use.

Concentrated unscented hand cream "Norwegian Formula", Neutrogena

A high-quality hand cream that envelops the skin with a protective film and protects it from the negative effects of the environment - wind, cold and water. The cream has a concentrated formula, so it is very economical. In addition, people who are sensitive to smells will like it.

I received the cream as a gift and really appreciated it. This is the “Napoleon” format: compact, but the effect is wow :) The tube indicates that this is a concentrate, and you really only need a little cream (about two or three peas), so it lasts for a long time. The product has a pleasant consistency that resembles a thick gel. What's important: not greasy in the traditional sense. Without an obsessive cloying or tart smell. Almost transparent, white-gray. Pleasantly moisturizes the skin of the hands, without a sticky film or greasy shine. And, of course, super convenient for a woman’s handbag. The only negative: at the end it is difficult to use, because you have to “force” this mini-tube. Who is not suitable for: those who like to cover the skin of their hands with a generous oily layer of cream and those who like their hands polished to a shine after the cream. The effect of natural moisturizing is clearly expressed here, when you feel comfortable without the feeling of applying something to the skin of your hands. I recommend.

Cream for very dry hand skin, YAKA

Thanks to the presence of shea butter and a whole complex of vegetable oils, this cream intensively restores, nourishes and softens dry skin on the hands. It is enough to apply it at night, and in the morning you will see a noticeable improvement in the condition of your skin.

Intensive moisturizing cream, Nivea

Today it is one of the best and most popular hand creams. One of the main active ingredients in this cream is shea butter, which nourishes, rejuvenates and moisturizes the skin, as well as aloe, which heals cracks and roughness of the skin.

Protective restorative hand barrier cream, La Roche Posay Cicaplast Mains

The cream is suitable for hypersensitive and atopic skin. After the first application of the cream, the skin becomes less dry, and after a few weeks it is completely renewed. reduces the level of inflammation of the surface layer of the skin, restores the barrier function of the epidermis and prevents further formation of cracks.

You've seen a review of the best hand creams. Don't forget to take care of the delicate and sensitive skin of your hands to prolong its health and youth for years to come!

The composition of the hand cream depends on what kind of cream you want to purchase and what results you want to achieve with the cream. But no matter what hand cream you choose, you need to pay special attention to its composition.

So, any cream consists of 60-70% water. Glycerin is added to the water base, which softens and gives a creamy form, as well as lanolin to nourish the skin, animal and vegetable fats to soften and nourish the skin. This is the main composition of any hand cream. The remaining components depend on the type of cream and its purpose. Let's look at what else may be included in the cream.

  • Vitamins – present in most hand creams. Act as an anti-stress component that activates the protective functions of the skin. Vitamin A rejuvenates the skin, and vitamin E maintains the healthy structure and elasticity of the skin on the hands.
  • Vegetable oils and extracts have a softening and moisturizing effect. So, creams may contain cocoa butter, jojoba, avocado and others. Oils make the skin smooth and have bactericidal properties, especially tea tree oil. And if aloe juice is added to the cream, the cream moisturizes and heals wounds, cuts and scratches.
  • Collagen and elastin – prevent premature aging of the skin, maintain high elasticity of skin cells.
  • Sunscreen filters protect the skin well from ultraviolet radiation, but can cause dehydration of skin cells.

Hand cream rating

Hand cream has taken its rightful place among cosmetic products for both men and women. The cream protects, nourishes, moisturizes, in a word, it makes sure that the skin looks beautiful, healthy and well-groomed. But how to choose the right hand cream if there are so many options for this product on the cosmetics market? There is a rating of hand creams for this. Let's look at which creams are most popular among buyers.

  1. Moisturizing cream - this product is in first place in the ranking of hand creams. This cream is necessary for absolutely everyone and for any skin type. Moisturizing cream cares for the skin in winter and protects in hot summer.
  2. Nourishing cream is in second place after moisturizing. It is most in demand among people with dry skin that flakes, cracks and has age spots.
  3. Protective cream - fans of this cosmetic product are people whose work involves various types of chemicals that can damage the skin.
  4. Creams with natural extracts of sea buckthorn and chamomile - the popularity of such products is understandable. They are great for any skin type and take good care of it.
  5. Lifting cream or anti-aging cream - and this category of cosmetics has its fans. If you notice that your skin is not as elastic as before, then it’s time to buy a couple of tubes of this product.

Protective hand cream

Protective hand cream should be used in any season and by absolutely everyone. Since hands need constant care and attention, and protective creams do an excellent job of this task.

Every day, we have to wash dishes and do a lot of other manual work, during which our skin suffers. To prevent damage, you must regularly use protective hand creams. Such creams protect hands from damage, as well as from the negative effects of weather conditions, wind, cold or heat. There are special protective creams called gloves. They form a special protective film on the skin, which performs protective functions. There are also creams for night and day use.

  • When choosing a protective hand cream, special attention should be paid to the composition of the cream. The most reliable protective components in the cream are: oils and natural extracts. These components improve the nutritional value of any cream and promote rapid regeneration of the skin of the hands.
  • The protective cream must contain hyaluric acid, as it restores the initial pH level and makes the skin silky. In the summer, the cream should contain ultraviolet filters that protect against harmful solar radiation. Fruit acids and vitamins in the protective cream tighten the skin.

When choosing a protective cream, it is better to choose cosmetics in a tube. Since the small opening of the tube does not allow the cream to erode, that is, to come into contact with air, which changes its composition. If you use the cream in a jar, then use a spatula, this will allow you to use the cream for more than one month. Be sure to test the hand cream before purchasing. A good cream will quickly absorb into the skin and will not leave a greasy residue or cause an allergic reaction. If after using the cream your skin turns red and starts to itch, then the cream is not suitable for you or it has expired.

Moisturizing hand cream

A good hand moisturizer should contain natural extracts, especially green tea extract. Since this is the key to soft, moisturized, and most importantly clean skin. Also, the composition of the moisturizer may include: polyphenols, glycerin base or active sea water, extracts of chamomile, St. John's wort or calendula, hyaluronic acid and moisturizing amino acids.

The main task of a moisturizer is to carefully care for the skin of your hands, intensively moisturize, prevent inflammatory processes and accelerate cell regeneration. A good moisturizer should contain a complex of vitamins E and F, as they perform protective functions and prevent premature aging of the skin. But natural extracts not only nourish and moisturize, but also enrich the skin and promote rapid healing of wounds, scratches and cuts, accelerating the metabolic processes of the epidermis and improving blood circulation.

Please note that hand moisturizers can be used for both night and day use. Choose the option that will provide maximum hydration to your hand skin.

Ultra moisturizing hand cream

Ultra moisturizing hand cream is a new word in cosmetology. This cream is ideal for dry hands and skin that tends to become dry. Please note that ultra moisturizing hand cream must contain natural substances. As a rule, this is olive or sea buckthorn oil. Since these components perfectly moisturize and protect the skin of the hands.

Despite the fact that the cream is ultra moisturizing, it does not have a greasy structure, so it is perfectly, and most importantly, quickly absorbed into the skin. This is very important, especially if you have applied cream to your hands and are about to get dressed. This way the cream will not leave greasy marks on your skin or clothes.

A cream with a strong moisturizing effect makes the skin soft, elastic, eliminates dryness and even the most severe peeling and irritation. The only caution when using this hand cream is if you have oily skin. On oily skin, the cream will have the opposite effect. Therefore, it is ideal for people with dry, dry, normal and combination skin.

Nourishing hand cream

Nourishing hand cream is a source of vitamins and minerals that actively nourish and saturate the skin with everything it needs. In addition, nourishing hand cream prevents skin aging, maintaining its beauty and youth.

A good nourishing cream should contain an active complex of components that effectively nourish the skin. First of all, it is glycerin and oil, as they have a softening effect. It is best to choose creams with soybean oil, as it is an anti-allergenic component. The cream should also contain provitamins that actively nourish the skin and restore it.

It would also help to have other oils, such as tea tree oil or avocado oil. Since these components contain vitamins E, A and B, and this is almost 20% of unsaturated fatty acids, which are instantly absorbed by the skin of the hands. As a result, your hands will look well-groomed, healthy and young.

Silicone hand cream

Silicone hand cream performs a protective function as it has hydrophilic properties. Silicone cream softens and moisturizes the skin, maintaining normal moisture levels. The protective properties of the cream are that glycerin in combination with silicone provides a double effect. Silicone gives the skin the opportunity to breathe without clogging pores, and glycerin is responsible for easy application of the cream to the hands and its rapid absorption into the skin.

This cream is best used if you are planning to do serious housework and plan to wear rubber gloves. In addition, silicone protects well from oils, water and grease, but the skin still breathes. This cream also contains lanolin, which provides a barrier function, moisturizing and softening the skin. Daily use of silicone hand cream will keep your hands young and healthy.

Revitalizing hand cream

Restoring hand cream is a cream that actively nourishes the skin and has the function of regenerating damaged cells. The active substances that make up the cream carefully care for the skin of the hands, preventing the appearance of dryness and flaking. Revitalizing hand cream relieves skin inflammation that can arise from exposure to chemicals and other irritants.

The cream forms a special restorative protective film on the skin, which gives the skin a feeling of softness and velvety. And moisturizing and healing components restore damaged lipid film on the hands, which acts as a skin barrier. A good restorative cream should be resistant to water and protect against any negative environmental influences.

Regenerating hand cream

Regenerating hand cream nourishes and relieves irritation from the skin. This cream perfectly heals minor scratches, cuts, and inflammations. The regenerating cream contains natural oils and lanolin, which eliminate the destructive effects of various chemicals. The cream enhances the regenerative and protective functions of the skin.

Glycerin, which is part of the cream, actively moisturizes and protects the skin from drying out. The cream also has an anti-inflammatory effect, healing damaged areas. After using this cream, a moisture-retaining film forms on the skin, which has a protective function. Daily use of this hand cream is a guarantee of young and beautiful skin at any age.

Hand protection cream

Skin protection cream is designed to make it easier to rid your skin of harmful chemicals. This cream must be applied to your hands before working with oil and water-insoluble substances. The cream is perfectly absorbed into the skin, does not create the effect of sticky hands and does not interfere with normal metabolism and breathing of the skin. Hand protection cream does not contain silicone.

The main task of hand protection cream is to improve the skin's resistance, prevent it from cracking and roughening from exposure to irritants and chemicals. As a rule, the working life of such a cream is no more than four hours. So, if you plan to work longer with substances harmful to the skin of your hands, then do not forget to wash off the cream and apply a new protective layer.

After the work is completed, the cream must be thoroughly washed off the hands and a moisturizing or restoring cream must be applied to the skin of the hands. This will help restore the water balance on the skin of your hands.

Healing hand cream

Healing hand cream is a kind of barrier on the skin that protects against fungi and bacteria. This is very important, especially when the skin is damaged. The cream heals wounds, scratches and cuts, and has a regenerating effect. Healing hand cream is recommended for use for any skin injuries, as it creates a protective antimicrobial film on the hands.

The healing cream prevents the formation of suppuration and inflammation on the skin that may occur due to damage received. In addition, this hand cream has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect, which accelerates microexchange processes. As a result, such a cream stimulates restoration processes, and this allows wounds to heal faster without leaving scars.

Hand cream for cracks

Hand cream for cracks is a unique product that allows you to solve the problem of dry hands, which is why cracks form. Cracks on the hands can appear due to work habits, skin diseases or too dry skin. In the latter case, cracks in the hands will be accompanied by peeling, irritation and redness. Cracks can also appear on healthy hands; to do this, it is enough to be outside in winter without gloves. That is why hand cream for cracks is very important, as it solves the problem of wounds that cause a lot of discomfort.

Hand cream for cracks is a unique product that contains restorative, regenerating, moisturizing and nutrients. It is this set that allows you to heal cracks on your hands and prevent the formation of new ones. Thanks to the nutritional component, the necessary water balance is normalized and maintained in the skin of the hands. As a result, the cracks heal and do not appear again.

When choosing a cream for cracks, pay special attention to the composition of the cream and its type. The cream should not be too greasy, as then it will take a long time to be absorbed and will not give the desired result. The cream should not be too liquid. Therefore, look for glycerin-based creams.

Dry hand cream

Dry hand cream is a novelty in the world of cosmetology, since now you don’t have to carry tubes of creams with you in your cosmetic bag or bag and worry that the cream may erode, or due to its frequent use it will lose its properties. Dry hand cream is a bar that resembles soap, and you need to use it like soap. Take it in your hands and wipe your skin well with it.

The advantages of dry cream are obvious. Any dry cream contains beeswax, medicated oils and natural extracts. Also, the cream may contain active substances that nourish, moisturize, protect and restore the skin. Beeswax in dry cream saturates the skin with microelements and creates a protective nourishing layer. That's why many manufacturers produce balms and hygienic lipsticks with beeswax, as it protects the skin from chapping, dryness and low temperatures.

Dry hand cream maintains moisture balance in the skin and slows down its aging, giving hands elasticity and the skin a beautiful, natural look. The cream gives a feeling of elasticity and comfort; it is perfect for any type of skin, since the manufacturers make sure that the composition does not contain components that cause irritation or an allergic reaction.

The dry cream is compact and very economical to use. To apply it to your hands, just take a piece of cream in your hands, hold it a couple minutes and gently work it over your skin. By the way, this cream can be used as a moisturizing and protective balm; it is perfect for both women and men.

Professional hand cream

Professional hand cream is a universal skin care product. This cream nourishes, moisturizes, restores and protects the skin of the hands. Professional hand cream is rich in nutrients that saturate the skin with all the necessary minerals and vitamins for a beautiful appearance and preservation of youth.

The peculiarity of the professional cream is that it simultaneously acts on hands and nails, that is, it has a double and most importantly effective effect. In addition, this cream is suitable for absolutely any skin, as it contains only natural ingredients.

Unlike regular hand cream, professional hand cream differs in its cost, since it is a full-fledged universal cosmetic product. This cream is sold in special stores that offer professional cosmetics from leading manufacturers and world-famous brands.

Rejuvenating hand cream

Anti-aging hand cream contains collagen, which is responsible for maintaining youth, firmness and elasticity of the skin. Anti-aging cream softens and smoothes the skin, making it smooth and youthful. The cream intensively nourishes the skin with beneficial substances that maintain the required pH level.

In addition, rejuvenating hand cream is responsible for activating regeneration processes. It restores damaged cells, smoothes out wrinkles and prevents new ones from appearing, brightens, and after regular use removes age spots. All this makes the skin of your hands smooth and youthful. Any such hand cream should have a non-greasy, light texture that allows the cream to be well absorbed and give your hands a feeling of comfort. The anti-aging cream can be used daily, preferably before bed.

Anti-aging hand cream

Anti-aging hand cream is designed to effectively combat the first signs of aging on the skin of the hands. Loss of skin elasticity, dehydration and the appearance of age spots occur due to disruption of melanocytes. They are responsible for the beauty of our skin.

A good anti-aging hand cream should contain plant and natural extracts, as well as special filters that effectively fight aging. So, the cream should contain nasturtium petal extract, since it has an anti-pigment effect and brightens the skin. Apple seeds in the cream increase skin elasticity and significantly slow down the aging process. And to restore the skin and moisturize it, you need nutrients that create a feeling of comfort and silky skin. These substances include licorice extract and harpogophytum extract.

Regular use of anti-aging hand cream leaves skin brighter, more elastic and younger looking. As a rule, those over thirty begin to use this cream.

Cream for dry hand skin

A cream for dry skin is responsible for moisturizing it, as this is its main task. Regular use of cream for dry skin makes the skin velvety and soft, removes peeling, cracks and inflammation. A moisturizing and professional hand cream is great for dry skin. Since they contain everything that is necessary for dry skin, its nutrition, restoration and regeneration.

Dry skin needs a cream that contains vitamin F, as it is a polyunsaturated fatty acid. This vitamin is found in large quantities in currant oil. So when choosing a cosmetic product, attention is paid to the presence of this particular component. The oil nourishes and saturates the skin with essential vitamins and replenishes the lack of nutrients.

There are creams for dry skin that contain many herbs. Herbal cocktails in the cream enhance metabolic processes and make the skin moisturized, permanently removing dryness. Even normal skin can become dry due to chapping and irregular care, so do not forget to take care of the beauty of your hands.

Hydrophobic hand cream

Hydrophobic hand cream is designed to protect hands from chemicals (acids, salts, cutting fluids, alkalis, etc.). Hydrophobic cream contains substances that form an effective protective film. It is the film that protects the skin from the penetration of pollutants that can dissolve and contaminate the upper layers of the skin.

The special formula of the cream improves skin resistance and prevents cracking and roughening. Constant use of hydrophobic cream allows you to maintain and preserve the natural protective function of the skin. As a rule, such a cream is simply irreplaceable in many technological processes.

Hydrophobic hand cream must be applied to dry and washed hands before starting work that involves chemicals. A small amount of cream is evenly applied to the skin, paying special attention to the areas between the fingers and nails. But the cream must be handled carefully. So, it is necessary to avoid contact with eyes. After working with chemicals is completed, hands should be washed well with soap and dried with a paper towel.

Hand cream with urea

Hand cream with urea has a silky texture that moisturizes the skin and maintains this effect for a long period of time. There is a misconception that all urea creams have an unpleasant odor, but this is not true. Cream with urea can have any flavor, whatever the manufacturer chooses.

Also, there is an opinion that urea has a negative effect on the skin of the hands. In principle, this is true, especially if you use cosmetics with a high urea content. But most hand creams contain the optimal amount of urea in their composition, which does not cause itching, irritation or an allergic reaction. To protect yourself from the possible dangers of urea cream, you must carefully read the composition of the urea cream. The lower the percentage of urea in the composition, the safer the hand cream.

Olive hand cream

Olive hand cream is an effective moisturizing and softening product that is necessary for caring for any skin type. Olive is a source of beauty and youth. This substance nourishes the skin, restores its protective functions and has excellent moisturizing properties. Olive cream prevents moisture loss in the skin, evens out and smoothes the skin of the hands.

Olive cream has an excellent multivitamin complex, which greatly enhances the beneficial protective properties of the cream. Olive cream also contains creatine and medicinal oils, which promote deep penetration of beneficial substances into the skin. The composition of olive cream is an excellent product that restores skin elasticity, preserves its youth and enhances its protective properties. The cream is suitable for daily use, but before application it is necessary to test for allergens.

Hydrophilic hand cream

Hydrophilic hand cream protects the skin of the hands in contact with water-insoluble and oily materials, that is, it belongs to the category of hand protection creams. Hydrophilic cream contains special substances - emulsifiers, which bind dirt that penetrates the pores of the skin of the hands.

Hydrophilic cream protects the skin from persistent contaminants, creating a special protective film on the skin. This significantly reduces the consumption of cleansers, which means minimizing skin damage that may occur during hand cleaning. Thanks to hydrophilic hand cream, you can completely avoid using special cleaners that contain active chemicals.

The cream is very economical to use, so one tube is enough for many applications. Please note that many manufacturers produce hydrophilic creams with various extracts. That is, you can choose a cream with additional protective functions.

Whitening hand cream

Whitening hand cream is necessary to remove pigment spots from the skin, mask moles and freckles. It is the composition of the whitening cream that makes the procedure for caring, nourishing and restoring the skin of your hands as comfortable and enjoyable as possible, and the effect will last for a long period.

In the modern world, skin problems do not disappear, but rather intensify due to a polluted environment, poor quality of water and food. In order to keep the skin of your hands in excellent condition, a whitening hand cream has been developed. The cream protects hands from skin pigmentation thanks to the active substances in its composition. As a rule, whitening cream is suitable for any skin type and color, as it has a composition that is widely used. Hand cream removes post-traumatic age spots, whitens freckles and corrects skin color. You can use whitening hand cream throughout the day. As a rule, such a cream has a dual effect, for example, moisturizing and whitening or restoring and whitening.

Glycerin hand cream

Glycerin hand cream nourishes the skin and accelerates regeneration processes. Thanks to this, the skin becomes soft, smooth and silky. Glycerin cream has this effect on any skin type, even on hands with chapped or severely damaged skin.

Glycerin is present in any cream, as it is what gives the ingredients their creamy structure. Like any other cream, glycerin contains active substances that effectively nourish the skin. Thus, the cream most often includes olive oil, since it restores the lipid balance in the epidermis and prevents moisture loss.

Glycerin hand cream has a dense texture and smells pleasant. It effectively and quickly makes hands pleasant to the touch and soft, in addition, glycerin perfectly heals wounds. The only drawback of this cream is its slow absorption due to its oily structure. So it is best to use it at night.

Softening hand cream

Softening hand cream actively nourishes the skin and eliminates dryness. This cream is perfect for dry and combination skin. It contains active substances that enhance the softening effect of the cream. So the composition may include extract of plantain, chamomile, St. John's wort or calendula. All these herbal extracts perfectly heal wounds and scratches.

The softening cream penetrates deep into the skin and softens all layers of the epidermis, making the skin soft, smooth and silky. This cream is perfect for chapped skin or hands that have been exposed to cold air without protection. The cream creates a film on your hands that preserves and maintains water balance. Also, the cream also has protective properties, so it can be used at any time.

Proper use of emollient hand cream involves applying a small amount of cream to clean, dry hands and gently massaging the skin until the cream is absorbed. The cream can be used several times a day, you can combine it with other hand skin care products.

Combination hand cream

Combined hand cream is a universal product that has a comprehensive effect on the skin. The combination cream contains the same substances as protective, restorative, nourishing, moisturizing, glycerin, whitening and other types of creams. True, all these active substances are contained in the cream in small quantities.

Apply this cream to dry, clean hands, use a small amount. Particular attention should be paid to the areas between the fingers and near the nails. You can use this universal cream both during the day and at night.

The advantages of the combination cream are obvious; it is great for any skin type, even very sensitive or damaged ones. Due to its properties, the cream is well absorbed into the skin and does not contain silicones.

Hand lifting cream

Hand lifting cream is necessary to rejuvenate the skin, give it elasticity, improve its texture and tone, tighten pores and reduce wrinkles. After using the lifting cream, the skin becomes smooth, radiant, and rejuvenated. The cream improves the condition of any skin type, regardless of age.

Today there are many cosmetic hand creams with a lifting effect. But how to choose the right cream to avoid mistakes and harm the skin? Of course, in search of the ideal product you will have to try many other creams, but this will allow you to find the cream with the best lifting effects. When choosing, pay special attention to the composition of the cream. The cream should contain lifting components and natural plant extracts that carefully care for the skin.

If you have already purchased this cream, then you should not expect an amazing effect immediately after the first application. As a rule, the positive result of rejuvenating the skin of the hands will be clearly visible after a month of regular use of the product. So be patient and take care of your hands.

Hand cream with sea buckthorn

Hand cream with sea buckthorn is great for skin care throughout the day. Sea buckthorn is a natural source of vitamin E and carotines, which moisturize and nourish the skin. Sea buckthorn hand cream promotes the rapid healing of microcracks on the hands and neutralizes the negative effects of the environment and other irritating factors. Thanks to this, the skin becomes smooth, elastic, velvety.

Hand cream with sea buckthorn is perfect as an anti-aging cream, as it perfectly cares for aging skin. Sea buckthorn is well absorbed into the skin and saturates it with all the necessary microelements and vitamins.

You can make your own sea buckthorn hand cream. To do this, just buy any glycerin-based hand cream and add sea buckthorn oil to it. As a result, you will receive an effective moisturizing, protecting and regenerating hand cream.

Unscented hand cream

Unscented hand cream is designed to care for the skin of people who have various allergic reactions to cosmetic odors. Thus, the odorless cream is not inferior in properties to its aromatic colleagues. Generally, unscented creams are formulated to provide deep and effective skin care. The active components that make up the cream heal the skin, restore its structure, regenerate damaged structure, and, if necessary, nourish it.

The basis of the cream is glycerin, it contains almost 40%. It is he who is responsible for effective hydration and protection from damage. Most often, unscented cream is produced for very sensitive skin that requires special care. In addition to glycerin, the cream consists of vegetable and nutritional oils, minerals, vitamins and microelements. This cream is designed to protect skin that is prone to dermatitis or eczema.

Anti-sweating hand cream

Sweaty hands bother many people. Wet palms cause a lot of discomfort. So, it is enough to experience excitement or anxiety, and your hands immediately become covered with specks of sweat. But today there is an optimal solution to this problem - a cream for sweaty hands. But before choosing the right cream, let's look at why our hands sweat.

Excessive sweating of the hands can be caused by several reasons, primarily thyroid disorders, disorders of the central nervous system, or tuberculosis. Another reason for excessive sweating is infectious diseases and puberty. Knowing the cause of excessive sweating, you can eliminate it, but this will take a certain period of time, so for now you will have to purchase an anti-sweating hand cream.

This cream normalizes sweating and is intended for daily use. You need to apply the cream to clean, dry skin before going somewhere. Due to its structure, the cream does not leave a greasy residue, is well absorbed and saturates the skin with everything necessary to maintain its healthy appearance. You can buy a similar cream at a pharmacy, or less often at a cosmetic store.

Almond hand cream

Almond hand cream is a real gift from nature. Almond oil ideally cares for the skin of your hands. A cream based on almond oil smooths out wrinkles, gives the skin firmness, elasticity, and a healthy, fresh look. Almond hand cream is one of the most popular among customers, as it does not cause allergic reactions, gently moisturizes and rejuvenates any skin type.

This cream is recommended for people with sensitive and dry skin. It is good to use cream with almonds for chapped hands, as it accelerates skin regeneration and restores water balance. Almond-based cream is available for day and night use. Almond oil, as the main component of the cream, contains many unsaturated fatty acids, lactic acid and natural antioxidants. All this gives the skin a soothing effect and protects it from drying out.

Hand cream with lanolin

Hand cream with lanolin is simply irreplaceable for aging skin. Lanolin is a natural source of cholesterol that forms the lipid barrier in human skin. Thanks to the cream with lanolin, dryness and roughness disappear from the skin, hands become soft and elastic.

As a rule, lanolin is used in lifting cream and anti-aging cream, both for hands and face. This cosmetic product perfectly cares for the skin and prevents its aging. You can use this cream both during the day and at night. Please note that if you decide to purchase a cream with lanolin, pay special attention to the accompanying components. It is best if the cream contains plant extracts, for example, chamomile extract, tea tree oil or other natural ingredients.

A couple of days of using lanolin cream will give a positive result. The skin of your hands will become soft and moisturized, small wrinkles will be smoothed out, dryness, cracks and peeling will disappear. In addition, the skin will be reliably protected from the negative effects of the environment.

Hypoallergenic hand cream

Hypoallergenic hand cream is great for skin that is irritated. This cream protects your hands from dryness and irritating effects of water, wind or low temperatures. The cream restores the lipid function of the skin and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Typically, a hypoallergenic hand cream has a composition that perfectly cares for the skin and enhances its natural strength.

Let's look at the main properties of a hypoallergenic cream and its effect on the skin of the hands. The cream can be used throughout the day and applied to irritated skin. The cream does not contain preservatives or chemical elements, so it is hypoallergenic.

The cream takes care of the skin of the hands and effectively removes various impurities that penetrate the skin pores. Also, the cream prevents redness and dryness, soothes the skin and moisturizes. Thanks to this, the skin becomes smooth, soft, without wrinkles. Hand cream is great for delicate and sensitive skin.

Hand cream with collagen

Hand cream with collagen is designed specifically to protect and care for delicate and sensitive hand skin, which is affected daily by many negative factors. Collagen, which makes up the main part of the cream, forms a moisture-retaining yet breathable film of collagen on the skin. It is this film that protects the skin of the hands, smoothes it and works as a moisturizing compress with beneficial substances.

Due to the fact that collagen cream contains lipophilic components, the cream has a high penetration rate into the deepest layers of the skin. Penetrating into the skin, collagen stimulates cells to grow, making the skin look rested, rejuvenated and tightened after using the cream.

Hand cream with collagen is perfectly absorbed into the skin and does not leave a greasy residue. It gives your hands a second youth. The cream is recommended to be used at night. To do this, apply a small amount of cream to clean, dry hands and rub it over the skin with massaging movements. Please note that this cream must be stored in a cool place and avoid direct sunlight, and also protect the cream from freezing.

Antibacterial hand cream

Antibacterial hand cream is an excellent skin care product that cleanses your hands from bacteria and germs that penetrate the pores of your skin throughout the day. In addition, the antibacterial cream nourishes the skin, saturates it with all necessary microelements and maintains water balance, thanks to which the skin retains its youth and beauty.

This cream is suitable for any skin type, especially for very sensitive ones. Thanks to its soft formula, the cream perfectly moisturizes the skin and protects against bacteria, creating an invisible protective film on the hands. The anti-bacteria cream contains biologically active sulfur and zinc, which guarantees that wounds and irritations on the hands will heal much faster.

The cream helps the skin develop protective properties that protect delicate hands from germs and bacteria that accompany us everywhere. Like any other cream, this cosmetic product can contain different extracts and nutrients to ensure that the skin receives everything it needs to maintain beauty and youth.

Hand cream for diabetics

Many people suffer from diabetes, both children and adults are susceptible to this disease. The main feature of this disease is that you have to carefully select food, personal hygiene products and cosmetics. Thanks to this, a special hand cream for diabetics appeared.

Cream for diabetics is very important in skin care, as the skin requires nutrients, regular moisturizing, protection and simply care. In addition, people who have been diagnosed with diabetes experience increased skin dryness. Therefore, hand moisturizer is especially popular among diabetics. When purchasing such a cream, special attention must be paid to the packaging, as it should state that the cream is suitable for dehydrated skin.

Today, there are many cosmetic lines that offer hand cream for diabetics. But before you buy this or that cosmetic product, you must consult your doctor. Since hand cream should not cause an increase in glucose and blood sugar by penetrating into the pores of the skin.

Cooling hand cream

Cooling hand cream is another useful new product from the world of cosmetology. This cream contains menthol or eucalyptus, which have a cooling effect. The peculiarity of such hand cosmetics is that it perfectly cares for the skin and gives a pleasant feeling of coolness, stimulating the growth of healthy cells.

The cooling hand cream has a delicate texture that is perfectly absorbed into the skin and does not leave a greasy residue. Menthol, eucalyptus or mint extract, which are included in the cooling cream, relieve muscle tension in the hands, fatigue and protect the skin of the hands from inflammatory processes.

The cream perfectly stimulates the healing of scratches, cuts and wounds, that is, it has a regenerating effect. Regular use of this cream will give your hands beauty and tenderness, since thanks to the cooling effect, blood will circulate well, cells will grow and renew, and the skin will look fresh and healthy.

Hand cream for men

Taking care of the skin of your hands is necessary for everyone, even the stronger sex, that is, men. So, interesting tubes with the inscription “hand cream for men” began to appear on the shelves of cosmetic stores. What is special about men's hand cream, how does it care for hands and most importantly, can women use it?

The main advantage of men's hand cream is its rapid absorption and pleasant aroma. Men, unlike women, will not sit for half an hour and rub cream into the skin of their hands with massaging movements. That is why cosmetologists made sure that the men's cream was quickly and evenly absorbed into the skin, without leaving any traces. Thanks to this, hand care does not take much time, and the skin looks soft and silky.

Like any other hand cream, the cream for men contains various substances beneficial to the skin. Therefore, any man will be able to choose a cream that is ideal for his skin type. As for women's use of men's cream, this is not prohibited, especially if a woman likes subtle aromas of cosmetics with a masculine character.

The best hand cream

The best hand cream is the one that takes good care of the skin of your hands and performs all the functions stated by the manufacturer on the packaging of such a product. In order for the cream to become the best and ideally suited, it is necessary to determine the skin type and indicate the properties that the cream should have.

There are hand creams for dry skin that intensively nourish and moisturize the skin, enriching it with essential microelements. There is also a protective hand cream that protects delicate skin from the negative influences of the environment. There is a cream for oily skin, it normalizes the action of the sebaceous glands and makes the skin normal.

The best hand cream is a cream for combination skin; it is truly a universal product. Since this cream is excellent for any skin type, it takes care of it, nourishes, moisturizes, rejuvenates and accelerates regenerative processes. If you are looking for the best hand cream, then pay special attention to cosmetics with natural ingredients, as this is a guarantee that the cream will not cause an allergic reaction or irritation on already vulnerable skin.

DIY face cream

If you care about your skin, its health and beauty, then you should know how to make face cream with your own sleeves. The first thing you need to know is that any cream must consist of three main ingredients. For example, water emulsifier or glycerin, moisturizing, restoring or nourishing oil, vegetable oils and extracts. Do not forget about the active substances with which the cream becomes a cream. So if we make a moisturizing cream for the face, then after using the active substances it will fight wrinkles, tone the skin and moisturize it.

The density of the cream does not depend on the amount of oils, extracts and other caring substances used. Density and consistency depend on emulsifiers. Namely, depending on the density of the cream, it can be stored either in a jar or in a tube with a dispenser. When working with ingredients, you must wear protective clothing and wear gloves. It is better to use a mixer to mix the ingredients.

DIY face cream has many benefits. But do not forget that some of the components of homemade cosmetics can cause allergies. You should be careful with creams with honey, lemon, and essential oils. Before applying the cream to your face, it must be tested. To do this, apply a little cream to your elbow; if the skin does not turn red or irritate, the cream can be used. The disadvantages of homemade cosmetics include the fact that the shelf life of such cream is very short.

Preparing hand cream

Preparing hand cream does not take much time, and the result is very pleasing. Let's look at how you can prepare the cream at home and what is needed for this. First of all, you will have to visit a couple of specialized stores in order to buy all the necessary ingredients. So, for the cream you will need: emulsifier, essential oils, vitamins (preferably E or A), water, vegetable oils.

What you will be using to prepare hand cream must be treated with spit or any disinfecting solution. It is best to use a glass container. Pour an emulsifier into a container and add oil to it; the resulting solution must be kept in a water bath over low heat, since the oil may lose its beneficial properties due to overheating. After the emulsifier has become liquid, remove everything from the water bath, add water and mix with a mixer until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. At the end we add essential oils, vitamins and other beneficial substances.

When preparing the cream, you must follow safety precautions when working with active ingredients. To ensure that the preparation of the cream does not cause burns or irritation on an unprotected area of ​​the skin.

Natural hand cream

Natural hand cream is an ideal way to care for your hand skin using natural ingredients. The skin on the hands, unlike the skin on the face, ages faster, so it can reveal the real age of its owner. In addition, it is the skin of the hands that is subject to constant exposure and damage, so it requires careful care. Care that will allow the skin to recover from daily irritants and be saturated with all the necessary vitamins and microelements.

Natural hand cream can be bought in specialized stores that sell handmade cosmetics. But you can make your own hand cream from natural ingredients. First you need to determine what type of skin you have and what kind of natural cream you want to prepare. You can prepare a cream for one-time use, or you can make a tube that will keep you for about a month.

As for natural ingredients, these can be various vegetable and essential oils, herbal and berry extracts. Anything that can nourish, moisturize and restore your skin. The best ingredient for natural hand cream is honey. Honey nourishes and protects the skin, making your hands look toned and youthful.

Homemade hand creams

Homemade hand creams are an effective and simple way to care for your hands. The advantage of homemade cream is that you make it yourself, that is, you choose the ingredients that will make up your cream, what properties it will have, and what result you expect to get.

Let's look at the most popular and simple recipe for homemade hand cream that anyone can prepare. For our cream you will need a tube of industrial cream; this will be the basis of our cosmetic product. Industrial creams are not expensive, as a rule, they are sold in iron tubes and are available in every pharmacy, so finding and buying such a base will not be difficult.

Please note that you don't have to choose an unscented cream, take the one you like as it will be the basis of our recipe. To prepare the cream you will need a small glass jar, or preferably two. This will allow you to divide the cream into several portions and use it longer. In addition to the cream and jar, prepare additional components, that is, essential oils, natural plant extracts and more. Combine all ingredients and mix thoroughly, preferably using a mixer. The homemade cream is almost ready, all that remains is to divide it into jars and store it in a cool, dark place.

DIY cream recipes

Making cream with your own hands is not difficult, the main thing is to know the recipe and determine the type of cream. Let's look at a couple of recipes for making cream at home.

DIY hand cream, recipes:

Soothing hand cream

  • 50 gr. Vaseline or glycerin base;
  • A couple of tablespoons of dried chamomile flowers;
  • 200 ml boiling water.

You need to prepare an infusion from chamomile. To do this, pour boiling water over the herb and let it brew for an hour, then strain. Mix all ingredients in a glass container until smooth. After this, the cream can be used. Chamomile soothing cream is perfect for people with delicate and sensitive skin, it will relieve flaking and irritation. Can be used every day, and the shelf life is no more than a week.

Moisturizing hand cream

  • A couple of tablespoons of dry plantain;
  • A teaspoon of honey;
  • 50 gr. butter;
  • 200 ml boiling water.

Take a glass bowl, put honey in it, add butter and melt. Add plantain infusion to the resulting mixture. To obtain an infusion, pour boiling water over the dry herb and let it sit for a day. Mix all ingredients thoroughly until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. The moisturizer is ready. The cream is great for dry skin on hands and cuticles. The cream can be used throughout the day, and its shelf life is no more than two days.

Softening hand cream on egg

  • One teaspoon of honey;
  • One teaspoon of vegetable or olive oil;
  • 50 gr. fatty butter;
  • One chicken yolk.

The chicken yolk must be thoroughly beaten until light foam forms. Then vegetable oil and honey are added to it. The components are mixed well and butter is added to them. The mass is mixed again until a thick paste is obtained. The cream is ready, the shelf life is no more than four days. Suitable for caring for any hand skin.

DIY anti-cellulite cream

Do-it-yourself anti-cellulite cream is an excellent opportunity to take care of your body using natural ingredients that will tidy up problem areas of your figure. Let's look at a recipe for anti-cellulite cream that you can prepare at home.

To prepare the cream we need:

  • Lemon and orange peels;
  • Olive oil;
  • Body cream;
  • Massage Oil;
  • Essential oils;
  • Any plant extracts.

The basis of the anti-cellulite kerma will be a regular cream. Squeeze the cream out of the tube into a glass bowl and add essential or aromatic oils and honey to it. If you want to get rid of not only cellulite, but also remove toxins, then add a couple of drops of sage, ginger or tea tree oil to the cream.

Orange and lemon skins must be passed through a meat grinder until they become fine crumbs, as they will serve as a scrub. Add them to the cream and essential oils and mix. The anti-cellulite cream is almost ready. Mix it well, put it in a cool dark place for a couple of hours and you can use it. The shelf life of such cosmetics is no more than 5 days.

DIY sunscreen

With the arrival of summer, the most popular cosmetics are sunscreen. Let's look at how to make a good, natural sunscreen with your own hands. So, for preparation we need:

  • Choose from sesame oil, almond oil, coconut oil, walnut oil or rice bran oil - no more than 50 grams.
  • Chamomile, St. John's wort or calendula extract - 7-10 drops.
  • Rose or lavender water – 50 grams.
  • Vitamin E oil solution.

Please note that the oils that you can choose from have powerful filters that protect against ultraviolet radiation. Plant extracts have a soothing effect on the skin, and vitamin E protects the skin from aging, dryness and nourishes it.

All ingredients of the future sunscreen must be mixed and mixed thoroughly; for this it is better to take clay or glassware. Pour the resulting cream into a jar or tube with a spray bottle and use it. This natural sunscreen is suitable for any skin type and will be a great find for your whole family on sunny days.

What to do if a child eats hand cream?

Did your baby manage to grab a tube of cream and eat a little while you turned away for a couple of minutes? Don't panic, the baby will be fine. Let's look at what to do if a child ate hand cream.

If you notice that your baby has eaten a lot of cream, be sure to call the doctor, as most likely you will have to come for an examination and even do a gastric lavage. You should not give your child drugs that cause vomiting and try to remove the cream from the body. Because with such actions you will frighten the baby and harm his body.

Be sure to give him water, let him drink, the more, the better. You can also give a couple of tablets of activated carbon, smecta or enterosgel; these drugs will help the stomach cope with the cream. Now watch your child, follow his complaints, if he has a tummy ache, then take him to the doctor. But from now on, keep your cosmetics bag and tubes of creams away from prying children's eyes and playful hands.

1. Botanique Serie - Hand and Nail Express Treatment. Express care cream for hands and nails (75 ml)

Description: An easily absorbed hand and nail cream that provides optimal care and hydration. Shea butter, olive oil, cocoa oil and grape seed oil help quickly restore skin elasticity, strengthen the nail plate, prevent nails from splitting, making them strong and shiny.

My opinion: A gel-like, non-greasy cream with a pleasant sweetish-herbal (not pharmaceutical) scent that remains on your hands after application (in my opinion it smells like coconut). The cream is light, absorbs quickly, but also provides extremely little nourishment; it does not feel nourishing, but rather moisturizing (and even then light). Dryness after washing dishes, for example, can relieve. For about 10 minutes) Doesn’t protect against frost in any way. Nice weak cream. I didn’t notice any effect on the nails promised by the manufacturer. The cream had no effect on the condition of the nails. At all. And I also don’t understand how it can be that such a “thin” and very light cream contains as many oils as stated in the description? The manufacturer clearly embellished it (and the description itself is greatly embellished).
Grade: 4- (generally 3, but I gave it a point for the pleasant smell)
Price: 155 rub. (pharmacies 36.6)

2. Garnier - Restoring hand cream “Intensive care” for very dry and damaged skin (100 ml)

Description: The regenerating cream contains allantoin, known for its healing properties, especially its ability to care for small cracks in the skin. Glycerin protects your hands, and the active protective filter prevents aging of the skin on your hands. With regular use, this hand cream soothes and restores damaged hand skin and restores its softness and tenderness.
Compound:: Aqua/water, glycerin, peg-2 stearate, cetearyl alcohol, oleth-12, stearyl alcohol, Dimethicone, allantoin, disodium edta, ethylhexyl methoxycinnamate, glycyrretinic acid, sodium methyl cocoyl taurat, bht, sodium chloride, imdazolidinyl urea, methylparaben, propylparaben, parfum/fragrance, ci 14700/red 4, alpha-isomethyl ionone, benzyl benzoate, benzyl salicylate, butylphenyl methylpropional, Citronellol, gerani ol, hexyl cinnamal, hydroxyisohexyl3-cyclohexene carboxaldehyde, limonene, linalool.
My opinion: A very thick cream, but not greasy, but rather viscous, similar to wax or silicone in feel, with a chemical smell (I don’t like it, although I wouldn’t call it disgusting). It absorbs for a medium-long time, for its density and thickness, even quickly. But after use it gets dirty for quite a long time - it leaves greasy marks on what you touch. It only protects from frost for the first half hour after application, and even then not for 5. But the feeling of dryness is quickly relieved. However, the cream is from the “as long as I applied it, it worked” series. There is no accumulative effect, it softens the skin for a short time (it lasts for an hour and a half for me) - then again the drought (This is the most nutritious (after other Sheller) budget cream that I have tried. Good for me as a sos-tool during cleaning and washing etc. - and it removes dryness well and it’s not a shame to apply it every 5 minutes, considering the price. But the smell is annoying and the need to wait for complete absorption. Another minus: any contact with water - and its traces disappear from your hands - you have to immediately again. smear.
Grade: 4-.
Price: 160 rub.

3.Dr. Scheller - Hand cream “Protection and restoration” (75 ml)

Description: Cream "Dr. Scheller" protection and restoration, with natural oat extract and panthenol, has a softening effect on the skin of the hands. The cream protects sensitive and damaged skin from harmful environmental influences by forming an invisible protective layer. Regular use of the cream makes the skin of your hands elastic and well-groomed.
My opinion: A cream with a light, barely perceptible, completely non-irritating odor (smells like herbs), quite thick, no less than Garnier. It absorbs for a long time, leaves a protective film on your hands, but not greasy (it doesn’t get dirty, doesn’t leave fingerprints), but... it’s difficult to describe, it feels similar to the “film” from silicone facial bases, but lighter, barely perceptible. Not only does it not bother me, but I also like it. It protects very well from frost, one application lasts me all day, it protects against water, cold, and dust. With constant use, your hands dry out less, the skin actually becomes softer, more elastic, and your nails peel less. In general, the manufacturer’s description here is 100% truthful. I couldn't be happier with this cream - one of the best I've ever used. The only negative is that it is not sold everywhere. I bought it at the pharmacy and haven’t been able to buy another tube for a month now (mine ran out, there was barely enough for a swatch) - it’s not available anywhere (But if I see it, I’ll buy 2 at once. I highly recommend this cream to anyone whose hands are dry and/or cold.
Grade: 5+
Price: 170 rub.

4. Green Pharmacy - Hand and nail cream, regenerating, soothing “Chamomile” (100 ml)

Description: Light cream with chamomile soothes and moisturizes the skin. Chamomile extract has a strong antiseptic effect, relieves irritation, tones and nourishes tired skin. A multivitamin complex consisting of vitamins A, E and F, activates the regeneration process of skin cells, slows down oxidative processes, and prevents the premature appearance of wrinkles. Allantoin regenerates, soothes the epidermis, reduces its tendency to redness. Keratin, vitamins H and group B effectively strengthen the structure of the skin and nail plates, preventing their fragility and delamination. Mild cosmetic glycerin deeply moisturizes and protects the skin. The drug acts quickly and reliably - it is perfectly absorbed and absorbed, penetrating deep into the skin cells.
Compound: Aqua, Mineral Oil, Monoglycerides, Stearic Acid, Glycerin, Cera Alba, Lanolin, Dimethicone, Cetostearyl Alcohol, Camomile Extract, Hamamelis Extract, Panthenol, Thiamine, Arnika Extract, Retinyl Acetate, Tocopheryl Acetate, Biotin, Phenoxyethanol, Methylparaben, Ethylparaben, Propylparaben , Butylparaben, Parfum, Hydrolyzed Keratin, Allantoin, Sodium Hydroxide.
My opinion: oh, well, they lie in the description! (my soul couldn’t stand it)) It’s disgusting, not cream. So... it’s a liquid, very light cream with a disgusting, pungent smell (it doesn’t even smell, and dare I say it, it stinks of something like floor cleaning chemicals). It is absorbed medium-quickly, does not nourish at all and does not even moisturize. Useless cream. There is nothing more to write about him. (I applied it for a swatch and immediately went to wash it with soap - this stench remains permanently on the skin).
Grade: 0. Even -5 for the “smell”.
Price: 41 rub. (pharmacy)

5. Sally Hansen - Miracle Cure for Severely Dry Hands. Cream for very dry hand skin (130 ml)

Description: With regular use, it helps prevent dry skin caused by wind and cold. The cream contains 1% demythicone - a well-known emollient that effectively copes with the problem of excessive dry skin. Quickly absorbed. The result is guaranteed. Dermatologist approved.
My opinion: The cream is not thick, but has a rich texture, the smell is not strong, but I wouldn’t call it aromatic, fortunately it dissipates quickly (I won’t say that it’s unpleasant, I just don’t particularly like it). It is absorbed relatively quickly, but you need to wait so that it does not leave greasy marks on objects. This cream protects well from cold, water, etc. But I wouldn’t call it very nutritious - for me it’s a bit weak. Better than Garnier in terms of care, but not as effective as Dr. Scheller. My mother loves it very much, but her hands are not as dry as mine. She especially appreciates it for its protection from the cold, and here I subscribe too.
Grade: 4+.
Price: about 350 rub.

6. Sally Hansen - 18 Hour Protective Hand Creme. 18-hour protective hand cream (95 ml)

Description: Contains shea butter, vitamins A, E, C and grape seed oil. Hand cream instantly relieves irritation and protects dry, chapped hand skin. It is necessary if you have dry, rough, cracked and irritated hand skin. Or if you expect that your hands will require special care in the near future, and they need invisible “protective gloves” that will protect the skin of your hands for a long time and reliably. The effect of using the cream lasts for 18 hours.
Compound: Aqua, glycerin, cetyl alcohol, isopropyl palmitate, shea butter, octyldodecanol, sorbitan stearate, sodium cetearyl sulfate, butylene glycol, PEG-8 wax, dimethicone, microcrystalline wax, grape seed oil, sandalwood extract, barley extract, tocopherol acetate, retinol palmitate, magnesium ascorbyl phosphate, panthenol, safflower oil, cetearyl alcohol, ceteareth-20, fragrance, disodium EDTA, methylparaben, propylparaben, DMDM ​​hydantoin, diazolidinyl urea, mica, titanium dioxide, triethanolamine, carbomer.
My opinion: This cream is not in the photo and there is no swatch, because... I lost it somewhere in the apartment :) I wrote a review and couldn’t find it) In terms of consistency and smell, it is similar to the previous cream, only a little thinner, lighter, and absorbs faster. But it also feeds worse. 18 hours of protection - obviously not about him - is enough for me for a maximum of an hour. It also does not protect well from the cold due to its lightness. In principle, the cream is not bad, but for me it is weak.
Grade: 4- (for very dry skin and even 3).
Price: about 350 rub.

7. ROC - “Retin-Ox” Creme Hydratante Anti-Age Mains. Moisturizing anti-wrinkle hand cream SPF 15 (50 ml)

Description: Innovation from RoC® - a leader in the field of anti-aging products - Retin-Ox™ Moisturizing anti-wrinkle hand cream. Glycerin and Squalane, which are part of the cream, intensively moisturize the skin. The cream formula contains a unique combination of retinol and a complex of vitamins and minerals that smooth out wrinkles and effectively soften the skin of the hands.
Compound: Retinol, squalane, a complex of minerals and vitamins, glycerin, UV filters (I won’t write the full composition, because it’s not on the tube, and the box was thrown away a long time ago).
My opinion: Watery, not at all thick cream with a faint odor (I can’t describe the aroma, it smells like something “sour” or “pharmacy”). Absorbs almost instantly. Despite its lightness, the cream eliminates dryness very well and provides an immediate feeling of nourishment to the skin without films or grease. It is written that it is moisturizing, but I would say that it also nourishes, and of high quality. My terribly dry hands become soft for a long time, the cream tolerates water well and is not very cold. I am surprised by its effect with such a “liquid” texture and rapid absorption. The most accurate word for it is quality. I won’t say anything about wrinkles (my hands are too early for them), but my mother uses it with pleasure and says that her hands really start to look better with it. I think that for very chapped skin the cream will be weak, but for medium-dry skin it will be perfect. Particularly pleasing is the presence of a sun protection factor SPF 15.
Grade: 5.
Price: 600 rub. (honestly, I don’t remember, I only found it in 1 place online, I’m not sure that there will be so much in the pharmacy).

8. Natura - Nourishing hand and nail cream (75 ml)

Description: Peach oil, wheat germ extract, honey and vitamin E deeply nourish the skin, grape extracts and vitamin F soften and increase the elasticity of the skin on the hands. This comfortable cream will instantly restore skin softness and elasticity and protect throughout the day.
Compound: water, coconut oil, fatty alcohols, petrolatum oil, glyceryl stearate, olive oil, peach oil, glycerin, wheat germ extract, rose hip extract, grape extract, ceteareth-6, ceteareth-23 (-25), vitamins E and F, bee honey , carbomer, methylparaben, propylparaben, fragrance, triethanolamine.
My opinion: Let me clarify right away that “Natura” is Pharmacy 36.6’s own trademark and is positioned as natural. It smells like wheat :) Well, actually, not really wheat, but rather “pharmacy”, but for some reason I associate the smell with wheat) The smell is pungent, quite strong. The consistency of the cream resembles milk - very light and thin. It is absorbed quickly, but for some time the hands “stick” for some reason, a sticky feeling. Impressions about the cream are ambivalent. It seems good, I think it will be good for non-dry skin, but for me it is completely useless - the nutrition is too weak, it rather moisturizes the hands. It’s better not to go out into the cold with it - your hands will immediately freeze. I don’t see any benefit from it either, although I hardly use it - I didn’t like the cream. And it is washed off too quickly with water - it does not protect against drying out by it.
Grade: 3+
Price: 95 rub. (pharmacy chain 36.6)

9. 36.6 - Anti-aging hand cream with goat milk (80 ml)

Description: Intensively nourishes, softens and smoothes the skin of the hands, eliminates the feeling of dryness and tightness. Proteins based on goat milk and collagen moisturize and strengthen the protective properties of the skin, increase firmness and elasticity, and smooth out wrinkles. Strengthens the moisture-holding capacity of the skin.
Compound: water, stearic acid, palmitic acid, cetearyl alcohol, glycerin, petrolatum, ethylhexyl stearate, triethanolamine, soluble collagen, sodium hyaluronate, panthenol, hydrolyzed goat milk proteins, butylated hydroxytoluene, butylated hydroxyanisole, fragrance, methyl paraben, benzyl alcohol, methylchloroisothiazolinone methyl, Isothiazolinone.
My opinion: This is also the own brand of Pharmacy 36.6. Light pleasant sweetish-pharmaceutical scent (I like it). The cream itself is not thick, but you can’t call it milk at all. It is absorbed quite quickly, does not leave a greasy film, I have enough nutrition for several hours if I do not mess around in the water. It doesn’t really protect against the cold (sub-zero temperatures are not for it), but it eliminates the feeling of dryness and tightness very well. I sometimes use it several times a day. Overall I liked the cream; for its price it’s a quality product. I'll probably buy more. For medium-dry or normal skin - an excellent product, IMHO. Not bad for dry skin either, but needs to be reapplied often. I may be overpraising this cream a little, but for its price it is simply amazing.
Grade: 5-
Price: about 50 rub. (pharmacy chain 36.6)

10. Clarins - Age Control Hand Lotion SPF 15. Anti-aging lotion that removes age spots on hands with SPF15 protection (75 ml)

Description: Neutralizes pigment spots, weakens their brightness, reduces their size, protects the skin from the sun and prevents the appearance of new pigment spots. Moisturizes the skin, makes it soft and silky, strengthens nails.
Compound: Aqua, Ethylhexyl Methoxycinnamate, Benzophenone-3, Ethylhexyl Salicylate, Butylene Glycol, Butyl Methoxydibenzoylmethane, Cyclomethicone, Glycerin, Dimethicone, Acrylate/C10-30 Alkyl Acrylate Crosspolymer, Tromethamine, Ethylhexylglycerin, Parfum, Acrylamides Copolymer, anthan Gum, C13-14 Isoparaffin, Paraffinum Liquidum, Disodium Edta, Polysorbate 20, Dimethiconol, Polysorbate 85, Commiphora Myrrha Resin Extract, Saxifraga Sarmentosa Extract, Vitis Vinifera Fruit Extract, Morus Bombycis Root Extract, Scutellaria Baicalensis Root Extract, Phenoxyethanol, Ethylparaben, Methylparaben, Sorbic Acid, Sodium Metabisulf ite, Sodium Sulfite, Bht, Benzyl Salicylate, Butylphenyl Methylpropional, Limonene, Linalool.
My opinion: A very thin lotion, practically odorless (there is a slight, not particularly pleasant smell, I find it difficult to describe, but it is then imperceptible on the hands). It is absorbed almost instantly, leaving no film (or any feeling of anything on your hands at all) and... it begins to dry out your hands mercilessly ((I already have very dry, thin skin, and after this lotion it begins to dry out even more immediately after application, and it’s quite noticeable, it tightens the skin a little. I tried to apply it on top of other hand creams - if the cream underneath is not greasy, it still dries out pigment spots (and I have plenty of them on my hands - I have photosensitive skin) and it doesn’t help at all. per gram. It practically does not protect from the sun. That is, it does not protect at all. I bought it in the summer - the summer has passed - now I don’t know what to do with this mega-economical tube, I didn’t expect this. I tried it - it’s high quality and effective. And here it is for you :(
Grade: 1 (at least it didn’t poison me and the skin didn’t peel off - and thank you for that)
Price: about 1000 rub.

11. Velvet hands - Hand and nail cream “Comprehensive” (80 ml)

1st - 11, 2nd - 12 (12 is thicker)
Description: The cream is designed specifically for comprehensive care of the skin of hands and nails. The cream provides the necessary nutrition and hydration of the skin, a complex of valuable components: milk proteins, vitamins A, E, biotin - helps strengthen nails, nourish and soften the cuticle.
My opinion: Not very sharp, but a disgusting smell of rancid laundry soap, very long-lasting on the hands. The cream itself is like thick milk, but it doesn’t even think about being absorbed quickly - a film remains, which, once absorbed, dries out your hands. There is no talk of any nutrition at all. If you smear your hands with cream and then tinker with the water, your hands will dry out even more than if you had not applied it. With prolonged use, the cuticle noticeably deteriorates - it becomes rough and dry. The cream tightens the skin more than alcohol. I understand - the price is meager. But for this price there are a lot of good creams. And the smell... it is terrible and very persistent.
Grade: 0.
Price: about 40 rub.

12. Velvet Hands - Hand Cream “Night Revitalizing” (80 ml)

Description: Restores skin cells overnight and preserves youth. With silk proteins, provitamin B5 and elastin.
My opinion: It smells like unscented soap, more tolerable than the cream above, but still soap) The consistency is somewhat thicker than the previous cream, it absorbs a little longer. It doesn't dry out your hands, but it doesn't nourish your hands either. I don’t see even slight hydration from it at all. In the first minute of application, it can remove the feeling of dryness, but for that minute and no more (When the skin was very dry, I put it on my feet - here it was more or less tolerable. I saw a lot of laudatory reviews online about the Velvet Hands series of creams, but not I understand why they are praised. They are terrible! Maybe the quality was different before, I don’t know. But these creams don’t justify themselves even for their price.
Grade: 2.
Price: 50 rub.

13. L "Occitane - Hand Cream with shea (karite) butter. Hand cream with shea butter (30 ml)

Description: An excellent emollient cream combining 20% ​​Shea butter, honey and sweet almond extract, with a subtle, attractive aroma of jasmine and ylang-ylang. The melting texture is instantly absorbed, restoring and protecting dry and dehydrated skin. Anti-oxidant vitamin E nourishes and gives your hands freshness and new strength.
Compound: Water, Butyrospermum Parkii (Shea Butter), Glycerin, Dimethicone, Cetearyl Alcohol, Propylene Glycol, PEG 100 Stearate, Glyceryl Stearate, Polyacrylamide, Linum Usitatissimum Seed Extract (Linseed), Honey Extract (Mel), Phenoxyethanol, Cocos Nucifera Oil (Coconut) , Brassica Campestris Sterols (Rapeseed), C13 & 14 Isoparaffin, Ceteareth 33, Alcohol Denat., Chlorphenesin, Parfum (Fragrance), Althaea Officinalis Root Extract, Prunus Amygdalus Dulcis Fruit Extract (Sweet Almond), Laureth 7, Methylparaben, Rosmarinus Officinalis Leaf Extract (Rosemary), Glycine Soja Oil (Soybean), Xanthan Gum, Benzyl Alcohol, Benzyl Benzoate, Citronellol, Hydroxyisohexyl 3 Cyclohexene Carboxaldehyde, Coumarin, Butylphenyl Methylpropional, Linalool, Hexylcinnamal, Alphamethyl Ionone, Limonene
My opinion: I have a small version of the tube, there are even larger sizes. The cream is quite thick, a very pleasant smell (there really is a hint of ylang-ylang somewhere) - floral-woody, not very sharp. The cream is distributed densely over the hands, creating a greasy film, and is absorbed for a very long time. But it also nourishes very well - tightness, dryness, flaking - it removes all this perfectly. I won’t say that it’s economical, but my hands are very dry (in a month the 30 ml tube was gone, despite the fact that I used other creams at the same time). In terms of nutritional properties, for me it can only be compared with Dr. Scheller (which, by the way, protects better from the cold). This cream is also good in cold weather; your hands become less red and sore from the cold. The cuticle also becomes softer, the nails peel less (although this may be a coincidence). I will definitely buy this cream again, because... he has few analogues (only the mentioned Dr. Scheller and Caudalie). But there is a minus - it nourishes while you use it, you can’t expect a long-term effect, and it’s not enough for the whole day; it barely lasts half a day (if you don’t mess around in the water, etc.), although for my hands this is an achievement.
Grade: 5-
Price: 386 rub.

14. Caudalie - Hand and Nail Cream. Exquisite hand and nail cream (75 ml)

There wasn't enough cream to swatch :(
Description: Antioxidant and nourishing care with a charming, delicate and refreshing aroma of sweet orange pulp with soft nuances of almond and delicate rose water. Does not leave a greasy film. Designed for those who want to have an anti-aging nourishing cream for hands and nails.
Compound: Water, Glycerin, Cetearyl Alcohol, Vitis Vinifera (Grape) Seed Oil, Glyceryl Stearate, Butyrospermum Parkii (Shea Butter) Fruit, Tocopheryl Acetate, Persea Gratissima (Avocado) Oil Unsapionfiables, Dimethicone, Sodium Cetearyl Sulfate, Caprylyl Glycol, Acrylates/C10- 30 Alkyl Acrylate Crosspolymer, Palmitoyl Grape Seed Extract, Potassium Sorbate, Fragrance, Sodium Hydroxide, Carbomer, Sodium Carboxymethyl Betaglucan, Tocopherol, Gerianol, Limonene, Linalool.
Review: There-taram! *fanfare* Favorite cream. Divine cream:) There are no words, what a fairy tale this is. Not a thick (medium thickness) cream, glidingly and easily distributed over the hands, with a divine smell - I can clearly hear oranges and almonds in it, while the smell is gentle, “warm”, not citrus-piercing, but enveloping, sweet. The smell alone would make it worth buying this cream. But the aroma is not its only advantage. The cream is absorbed quite quickly, does not leave a greasy film, I calmly use it on the go, without fear of “greasy” things. It perfectly nourishes the hands, not moisturizes, but rather nourishes. And not only the skin of my hands, but also the cuticles, nails and even elbows (I also smear them with it) - everything gets in order. Any degree of discomfort, irritation, dryness, tightness, rough skin - this cream copes with everything. The skin instantly becomes tender, soft, velvety, and you just want to touch your cheeks with your hands. For a long time I could not switch to an unedged manicure - this cream helped - the dry, rough cuticle immediately becomes soft, “adheres” to the nail, as if after a fresh manicure. With this cream, I forgot about hangnails and redness around my nails. And the nails! This is a separate topic. I never believed that hand cream could have a significant effect on the nail plate. It turns out it can. And very significant. I had brittle, peeling nails when I started using this cream - after a week there was an effect, I forgot about my nail problems. The cream has a cumulative effect - with long-term use, even if you stop smearing your hands with it, the effect remains. The skin even visually looks better. With this cream, I also began to sometimes allow myself to go without any polish at all - as soon as you apply it, it gives the “hundred-hour-polished-hour-manicure-done” effect - soft cuticles, shiny nails, soft skin. Excellent cream - I can endlessly sing its praises.
Grade: 10 out of 5.
Price: 640 rub.

19. The Body Shop - Hemp Hand Protector. Protective hand cream “Hemp” (100 ml)

Description: Intensive Hemp Hand Protector cream with a fresh herbal aroma that locks in moisture - ideal for hands that are washed frequently. Do away with rough and dry skin! Hemp seed oil has an unusually high concentration of saturated fatty acids, helping to restore skin's hydration levels - for smoothness and elasticity. Organic wax moisturizes and cares, working as a barrier - “locking in” moisture.
Compound:My opinion: The cream is in a large “iron” tube, there is also a mini version, but I don’t see the point in buying a mini one, because... the difference is only 100 rubles, and the size is absolutely “thumb-sized”. I don't even know how to describe the smell. It is quite pronounced, but not harsh. Not for everyone, but the “horrors” about him are clearly exaggerated. Of course, this is not a Caudalie or L "Occitane scent, but for me personally it’s quite pleasant, I wouldn’t even be afraid of body milk with such a smell) It smells like herbs, a little “pharmacy”, I have a cold now, but even with a cold nose I’m very I can clearly smell this smell, it also stays on my hands for a long time, although it is weaker. It reminds me of the smell of wormwood, only soft (I don’t know what hemp smells like:). very soft and easy. At the moment of application, it feels like paraffin creams or oil - the skin is instantly nourished, all unpleasant sensations disappear. It doesn’t take long for this texture to be absorbed (for me it’s faster than L “Occitane, it’s generally less “oily”, than L "Occitane, but in terms of effectiveness I liked it more - it protects my hands longer and tolerates water better). Then there is no film, the skin is velvety, not greasy at all, no marks on things. So soft, pleasant to touch) I was pleased with the presence of panthenol in the composition . The cream perfectly protects hands from wind and water. I walked with it all day without gloves - my hands felt very comfortable and there was no redness or irritation. Of course, it is more nourishing and protective than Caudalie, but for cuticles and nails, Caudalie, IMHO, is irreplaceable (and the smell, the smell!). I am very pleased with the purchase, now I have been using this cream for a long time. For me, it is a leader compared to L "Occitane (in terms of quality of protection, less fat content and price).
Grade: 5+
Price: 390 rub.

20. The Body Shop - Spiced Vanilla Hand Cream (30 ml)

Description: Give your little hands a treat for the upcoming winter holidays by pampering them with a treat from The Body Shop's Christmas collection! Hand and nail cream with a warm vanilla aroma perfectly moisturizes and softens the skin, making it smooth as silk. Spiced Vanilla Hand Cream contains vanilla extract, as well as marula oil, organic soybean oil, cocoa butter and beeswax.
Compound: My opinion: This cream is from the Christmas collection (a whole series with vanilla was released). As I understand, there are no large tubes, only 30 ml. It really smells like vanilla and is a very rich, thick, but not suffocating smell. The aroma becomes softer on the hands, but lasts a relatively long time, it is sweet (not cloying), very natural vanilla, there is even a slight bitterness of real vanilla. Indeed, a magical scent for New Year's Eve :) The cream itself is nourishing, but not at all greasy, absorbs quite quickly, without leaving a greasy film. The main “trick” of the cream is, of course, the aroma, but also the protective/nutritive properties are excellent. I hope that the same one will come out permanently.
Grade: 5 (I really like the scent)
Price: 190 rub.

Now I’ll tell you a little about the creams I’ve used recently:

15. Doctor Nature - Hand and nail cream (125 ml)

Description: The cream gives you optimal care and protection thanks to its unique combination of Dead Sea minerals and plant extracts. By creating a protective film on the skin of your hands and around the cuticle, the cream provides your hands with maximum long-term hydration and nutrition. Protects the skin of your hands when using various detergents and from harmful environmental influences. Cares for your nails, making them strong and healthy. With constant use, the skin of your hands rejuvenates, becomes smooth and velvety.
My opinion: The cream is quite dense, of medium thickness, but is absorbed relatively quickly for such a texture, does not leave a film on the hands, is almost odorless (very weak, disappears quickly from the hands, smells of something floral). When applied, it quickly relieves the feeling of tightness and dryness. But it is quickly washed off with water; it will not tolerate severe frost. The nutrition is quite average and not suitable for very dry skin. It only nourishes the skin of my hands - it has no effect on my cuticles or nails. For the price it's a very good cream. I won’t buy it again, because it’s a bit weak for my hands, and I haven’t noticed any accumulative effect.
Grade: 4+
Price: 260 rub.

16. Mary Kay - Satin Hands Hand Cream. Hand cream “Velvet Hands” (85 g)

Description: The soft texture cream remains on the hands for a long time, giving a delightful feeling of smoothness. Comfort is guaranteed for many hours, even after repeated hand washing. The cream has been clinically tested for skin irritability and allergenicity.
Review: Light (not milky, but not at all thick) cream, absorbed quite quickly, but the film remains for some time. The smell is light, but “chemical” (I didn’t like it). The nutrition is below average, while I applied it the dryness went away, it was absorbed and my hands felt tight again. Nonsense cream, so to speak. I had a set from this company with gel and scrub. Together they gave a good effect, but the cream separately is complete nonsense.
Grade: 3.
Price: 300 rub.

17. Bark - Restoring hand and nail cream (100 ml)

Description: Nourishes, softens, vitaminizes and actively moisturizes the skin of the hands, restores skin cells after synthetic detergents. Recommended for nail care after removing polish or manicure, for dry and brittle nails. Keratin is the main protein of nails, promotes the strengthening and growth of nails. Yarrow stimulates the processes of tissue regeneration and healing, has an anti-inflammatory effect, actively nourishes skin cells, prevents the appearance of minor damage, and is especially useful for nails, as it is rich in microelements. Nettle has a vitaminizing effect and soothes the skin. Horsetail, containing a large amount of trace elements, especially calcium and silicon, perfectly restores skin cells. Vitamins A and E promote nail growth, preventing brittleness and splitting.
Compound: Yarrow, nettle, horsetail, rosehip oil (sea buckthorn), lipocomp, urea, antioxidant, keratin.
Description: The cream is not thick, even runny, it is absorbed quickly, the smell is chemical, but not sharp. A friend highly recommended this cream to me and praised it as one of the best. I threw it out after a week. He not only did not nourish his hands, but also dried them mercilessly. After application, it felt like I had smeared my hands with some kind of dry silicone, which immediately dried and gave a papery effect. There is nothing more to say about him.
Grade: 1.
Price: 180 rub.

18. Yves Rocher - Arnica Essentiel. Moisturizing daily hand cream (75 ml)

Description: Do you dream of smooth and delicate hands? This lightweight cream instantly hydrates*, softens and protects skin. What is his secret? In Arnica extract - biological agriculture. This plant is known for its softening and restorative effects.
Compound: aqua, petrolatum, urea, cetyl alcohol, sorbitan stearate, Arnica Chamisonis, dimethicone, hydrogenated palm kernel oil, myristyl miristate, Prunus Dulcis, propylene glycol, stearic acid, butylene glycol, ceteareth-2 phosphate, methylparaben, parfum, phenoxyethanol, allantoin, carbomer, tocopheryl acetate, ethylparaben, sorbic acid, propylparaben, sodium hydroxide, butylparaben, tetrasodium edta.
My opinion: The cream is quite thick, but is absorbed quickly, but leaves an unpleasant feeling of “something” on the hands: it doesn’t seem to be a greasy film, but there is a feeling of “dirtyness”. The scents of this company are usually very pleasant (shower gels are already legendary), but (although I don’t know what arnica smells like) this cream has a chemical, heavy smell (I would say oriental, but it smells like chemicals). The effect of it is not nutrition, but hydration, and quite weak. There is no harm, but there is no benefit either. Water and cold are contraindicated for this cream. Several times I noticed that my skin began to itch after using this cream, although this could be a coincidence. A long time ago I had a Yves Rocher hand cream with something made from grape seeds - it was great - rich, nourishing and with a delicate scent. Alas, it has not been released for a long time. But arnica cream didn’t even stand next to the shadow.
Grade: 3.
Price: 170 rub.

Thank you to everyone who has read this for your patience. Dear beauticians, what creams do you like? Which ones charmed you, which ones disappointed you? Let's share our impressions

manager 08:16 What should be the composition of natural hand cream?

The peculiarity of the skin of the hands is that it has practically no sebaceous glands. In addition, this is one of the most open and vulnerable areas of our body. She is constantly exposed to temperature changes, wind, frost, ultraviolet rays, and aggressive household chemicals. All this together creates extremely negative consequences: the skin of the hands dries out and ages quite quickly. Age-related changes in this area occur much faster than on the face. Therefore, you need to take care of your hands very carefully. Care in this case should be not so much intensive as competent. Central attention must be paid to the choice of cream.

What ingredients should be in a good hand cream?

Hand creams, just like face creams, are divided into categories. They are moisturizing, nourishing, anti-aging, daytime, nighttime. When choosing a category, you should take into account the features that the skin of your hands currently has. In addition, you need to remember that there cannot be a gradation between dry and oily skin in this area of ​​the body. The skin type on the hands is divided only into dry, normal and sensitive. Therefore, in the absence of pronounced problems, a universal cream will be the optimal solution when choosing. The priority components of the composition of the product include the following:

  • vitamin C - acts as a powerful stimulator of the production of collagen and elastin necessary for any skin type, giving it firmness and elasticity;
  • vitamin E - activates restoration processes in the epidermis, has protective properties;
  • bisphosphonate complexes - normalize and activate metabolic processes in the skin, renew it and prevent the development of signs of aging;
  • natural oils - form a protective water-repellent film, saturate the skin of the hands with useful substances and microelements, moisturize, and have an antiseptic effect;
  • lanolin - effectively softens and prevents the formation of roughening of the skin of the hands;
  • glycerin - acts as a powerful humectant, forms a softening effect;
  • extracts of medicinal plants - relieve inflammation, have a healing effect, soothe the skin.

Hand cream produced by Repharm

How to apply hand cream

The cream should be applied only to clean skin, so that the layer of bacteria and dust does not become an obstacle to the penetration of the active components of the cream. In the morning, you must use the product no later than half an hour before going outside. Otherwise, even a small temperature difference will create a negative effect: microtraumas and microcracks may form on the skin.

In the evening, the cream should also be applied no later than an hour before bedtime, so that excess product that is not absorbed can be removed with a cosmetic napkin. This is especially true for night hand creams with a thick texture.

To consolidate the effect of the cream and prevent negative consequences, you should make baths or hand masks twice a week, which you can prepare yourself at home.

Hand cream with tea tree oil "Lex" produced by the company "Repharm" is a deep-acting therapeutic and cosmetic product. It is based on a balanced composition of natural substances, including a complex of oils - tea tree, olive, corn, soybean, as well as lanolin, lecithin, glycerin. In addition, among the ingredients of the product is a unique bisphosphonate complex, which regulates metabolic processes in the deep layers of the epidermis. The cream regenerates skin cells, softens it, has an antiseptic effect, heals wounds and microcracks, and relieves fatigue.

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