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Printable wedding invitation cards. We create an online wedding invitation yourself. Vintage wedding invitation

Making a wedding invitation was really easy! The wedding invitation designer is convenient and you don’t need to think about what text to write for the wedding invitation. Some templates include space for a photo of the couple, which makes for an original wedding invitation.

Alexey and Olga

We wanted to make an electronic invitation for a wedding, since some of the guests were from different cities. Using the Just Invite online invitation designer, we were able to create a wedding invitation and make a website for the wedding really, really quickly! Our own wedding invitation website pleasantly surprised our guests!

Ekaterina and Maxim

Preparing a wedding takes a lot of time and effort. Using the service, we were able to choose an original wedding invitation and buy a wedding invitation quite simply! Our guests were delighted with the electronic wedding invitation. We recommend it to everyone!

Sergey and Marina

We are very glad that a convenient service has appeared where you can buy a wedding invitation, the template of which already includes the text of the wedding invitation. This is where we made our official wedding website – it’s absolutely cool! We'll come back to you for your birthday invitation!

Andrey and Anna

The online wedding invitation designer really pleased us. We chose a wedding invitation with a photo. Before the wedding, I made an invitation to the bachelorette party, and Andrey made an invitation to the bachelor party, and it’s all in one place! It turned out really comfortable and modern!

Anna and Matvey

For a limited time, creating a wedding invitation online and inviting your friends to your wedding couldn't be easier! The original text of the wedding invitation has already been thought out for us in this service, and the wedding invitation card itself delighted our guests. We recommend!

Mikhail and Anastasia

From the creative templates, we chose a wedding invitation with a photo, which made it completely individual. It was a pleasure for us to create an online wedding invitation and our own wedding landing page using the wedding invitation designer. We recommend purchasing wedding invitations here!

Electronic invitations for an upcoming wedding are gaining more and more popularity among newlyweds as they are convenient, modern and creative. The most important advantage is the confidence that the addressee will definitely receive your letter, anywhere in the world. On the website for newlyweds you will find a lot of useful information on how to stylishly issue electronic wedding invitations in order to invite your loved ones to the celebration in an unusual way.

Invitation in electronic form: how to issue

Electronic invitations for wedding guests can be issued in several ways, depending on the availability of time and skills. The easiest way is to seek help from a professional who can help you create the design you want. How can you creatively and unusually design modern wedding invitations?

Important little things: before a celebration, newlyweds always have a lot of troubles: they need to think through the decor of the hall, draw up a plan for the wedding and seating of the guests, and deal with banquet issues. Start preparing invitations at least 2-3 months before the wedding so that you have time to send them to your loved ones a month before the celebration. Remember that not all of your guests may be modern enough and may simply not notice your letter. Don’t be lazy to call your relatives of the older generation and additionally invite them to the holiday in words, and then ask if they received your invitation by mail.

How to make electronic invitations yourself

If you are a creative and creative couple, you can make wedding invitations electronically yourself with just a little imagination. The portal for the bride and groom will tell you how to make stylish invitations with your own hands:

  • Chalk drawings. If you are good at drawing, you can use this idea to make your own electronic invitations for your wedding. To do this, you will need a black chalk board, multi-colored crayons and a photo or video camera. You will have to draw a lot of pictures and the words of the invitation, as well as the date, place and time. If you only have a camera, you can capture each drawing as a separate photo and then group them into a quick slideshow. Also, pictures can replace one another on a video camera, but the speed will have to be greatly increased, and cheerful music will also be added. In the selection of drawings, give free rein to your imagination: it can be your story, a set of wedding attributes, or simply alternating the words of the invitation with beautiful wedding pictures, such as hearts, doves, rings and much more.
  • Sweets invitation. Fun invitations can be made using just a camera and a mountain of sweets. Gather a group of friends to quickly film your funny video. From sweet candies, marshmallows and marmalade, lay out the words of invitation on the table, which can be alternated with images of hearts and rings, as well as funny photos of the newlyweds feeding each other goodies. Your guests will definitely appreciate such a sweet invitation in electronic form!
  • Invitation song. Creative newlyweds who have good rhymes can write down a stylish invitation in the form of a song. Guests will be especially pleased by such attention, because preparing such an invitation requires a lot of creativity, time and enthusiasm. Don't be lazy to show your creative side if you want to do something special.

Important to remember: Today, weddings and social networks are inextricably linked, because this is where it is easiest to find most friends and family. Your invitations can be sent via messages on VKontakte, Facebook or even Instagram. This way you will be sure that your message is read. If you send an invitation by email, be sure to write in the letter that you are waiting for a response from the recipient that he received your message. Send the letter in advance so that the guest has time to think about whether he can come. Before the wedding, be sure to personally call each guest and find out whether to expect him to attend the celebration, because there is always a chance that your invitation could have been lost, and your loved ones will be only too glad to hear from you on the phone.

    XXI century It is considered the age of information technology, and almost all people separated by long distances communicate with their loved ones via the Internet. Therefore, wedding invitations are increasingly being made electronically, using the World Wide Web.

    Thanks to the capabilities of the network, postcards reach the recipient almost instantly, which allows him to prepare for the trip in advance, something that even the fastest express delivery cannot provide. The only drawback of such an invitation is that some people do not use the Internet or go there very rarely. For such guests, you will have to send a traditional wedding card.

    A web wedding invitation allows for much more creativity than a traditional paper card. Indeed, in the classic version, you can either buy ready-made invitations, or make them yourself from scrap materials, or make them online and print them out. These methods require time and money, which, with rich decoration, reduces the wedding budget.

    A virtual invitation can be made on any background, with any decoration and at almost no cost. And time will only be needed to create 1 base - multiplying it will not be difficult.

    There are 2 methods that are used today - an electronic card and.


    There are several types of postcards that you can create yourself and send to your mailbox or social media page.

    Types of invitations:

    1. A static e-card created from scattered images with your own hands.
    2. An electronic invitation made with your own hand from selected photographs.
    3. Presentation with selected images and information.
    4. Ready-made templates (sketches, stencils) downloaded for the invitation, into which important data is included.

    It doesn’t matter what type of invitation is chosen - it is necessary that it contains certain information:

    • names of the bride and groom;
    • date and time of the event;
    • venue with address;
    • guest's first and last name;
    • invitation text;
    • uniform (if the wedding is held in a certain style).

    An e-card can be sent via email or social media, making it a universal way to invite someone to a wedding. And you can be absolutely sure that it reached the addressee.

    Video invitation

    Video card, suitable for those who want to make unusual and cool invitations.

    The complexity and quality of the video depends on the idea, as well as the skills of the newlyweds in working with image editors.

    If the newlyweds do not know how to use special programs, but want to make just such an invitation, then they turn to professionals.

    Types of video invitations:

    1. Self-selected music and photographs of the newlyweds, grouped into a video file. These can be either memorable photos demonstrating the tender feelings of the bride and groom, or professional photography.
    2. Traditional images (ornaments) or video clips associated with a wedding: rings, bouquets, formal dresses, flying doves or swimming swans. If the holiday is held in a certain style, then pictures are added that characterize it.
    3. Amateur video shooting of newlyweds most often takes place using a phone in nature - on a sunny, so to speak, watercolor day. This invitation is created in an emphatically simple and friendly style, where the bride and groom personally pronounce the text. It is imperative that they demonstrate the joy and warm feelings that arise from the thought that the guest will share the holiday with them.
    4. Professional video shooting with or without editing, when newlyweds order invitations from specialists. Most often, the plot is thought out and the roles are written, so it can take a lot of time to get successful shots.

    Unlike static postcards and those that have become fashionable, the video does not say to whom the invitation was sent - otherwise the time spent will increase significantly.

    This is inevitable: the newlyweds’ video message is always filmed continuously, and for each guest the entire text will have to be spoken.

    If the video is ordered from professionals, then you will need to pay much more money for editing and preparing individual shots.

    How to make an electronic wedding invitation on your computer using a template using a free designer

    There are special online designers that contain ready-made templates, backgrounds and fonts.

    This is the easiest method to create an invitation, but the selection of backgrounds on these sites is often limited. If a more complex design is needed, or there is no specific style, you will have to resort to using conventional programs: in these cases, they work in Photoshop and download templates in psd format.

    There are two types of free constructors. The first is with static templates, where you can’t change anything, but only enter information.

    The second is with dynamic content, where each element is manually selected from suggested or downloaded images and fonts.

    When choosing the first method, you can use any website, or Photoshop with a downloaded template:

    1. The first step is to determine the style of the wedding and look for a suitable template.
    2. It is downloaded and opened through Photoshop. If you don't have a program, you can find a free psd editor. But the easiest way is to choose a website with a designer, although the template base for such resources is limited.
    3. After this, enter the names of the newlyweds and the recipients of the invitation.
    4. It is necessary to write the date and time of the celebration.
    5. The address where the ceremony or banquet will be held if the newlyweds choose simple registration without guests.
    6. Clothing style if the wedding is planned with an unusual design.
    7. The short text of the invitation can be chosen in the form of a short quatrain. The recommended length is from 100 to 200 characters.
    8. Save the finished card.
    9. Check the image - often sites place their links on them. If such a mention exists, it must be removed.
    10. Send invitations to recipients.

    When the bride and groom are confident in their sense of style and want to create unique invitations, but do not know how to use editors, then they choose more complex versions of the designers.

    Creating an invitation in a complex constructor:

    1. First, a background image is selected; often sites have their own database of the most common backgrounds. Or you can simply upload a drawing you like.
    2. Afterwards, text blocks are inserted with the invitation, address, time, names of the newlyweds and guest, as well as other relevant information. It is recommended to make them separately so that you can move them around the sheet, choosing the most successful location.
    3. Choose a font: it can be either common for the entire invitation or different for each block. It is not recommended to use more than 2-3 fonts, otherwise the letter will look clumsy.
    4. Add decorative elements if appropriate.
    5. Save the invitation as a picture.
    6. Send postcards to email addresses.

    For people who do not use the World Wide Web, invitations can be created in the same way.

    But after saving, they need to be printed, and if there is no special equipment that works with thin cardboard, they contact a photo studio, and then the postcards are sent out by mail.

    Where to get beautiful pictures, drawings, patterns, frames for invitations

    If the bride and groom know what they want their invitations to look like, and what images, drawings and patterns are needed for this, then they find it all on the Internet, or use personal photographs.

    But if a clear design is not thought out, or the newlyweds do not have the skills to work with image editors, they simply enter “wedding invitation templates” into the search bar.

    There are a lot of different postcards posted online that are already prepared for the celebration; you just need to enter your details.

    How to choose a background and font

    The background is selected depending on the style in which the wedding will be held. So, for a classic celebration, a white, cream or pinkish base with an image of a pair of swans, rings or hearts on it is suitable.

    But such a card would be inappropriate for a holiday designed like a pirate party. Therefore, in order to choose the right color and design for the background of the invitation, you need to know exactly what the setting and theme will be. The font most often chosen is pretentious, the color depends on the background: black for light, white for dark, sometimes shades 3-5 tones darker than the base are used.

    At a classic or vintage wedding, the letters on the invitations are always with curls, generously decorated with various elements.

    If the holiday is held in a modern style, then choose practical fonts with minimal decorative embellishments.

    This video shows an example of a wedding invitation:

    An electronic wedding invitation not only saves money, but also prevents guests from complaining that the card was delayed in transit, causing the celebration to be ignored. In addition, with the proper imagination, this method provides more opportunities for creativity and demonstrates a personal approach to the design of the celebration.

    Style becomes a logical step once you have decided on the concept. We all want our wedding to befashionable, stylish, and looked expensive , but therein lies the main ambush. suggests that many couples believe thatchoosing gold , they thereby dobet on the expensive look invitations, and this is the deepest misconception. Don't repeat the mistakes of others and remember thatthe simpler and a more minimalistic invitation,the more stylish and expensive it will seem.Stylish design and high quality paper - this is the key to success.

    Paper selection - a very important point. Vera Sokolova( ) notes that the solution depends on the printing method (digital printing, letterpress, embossing or silk-screen printing) and it is very good to keep this in mind at the design stage. The cost of paper also plays an important role. Usually,embossed papers, velvet papers or uneven in color,are more expensive . You can also pay attention tohandmade paper - it is cast specifically for your kit,the desired size, color, texture and thickness . This paper is mainly used for relief printing.

    She shared with us one very interesting project - a star project - for which special technologies were used:flickering particles on the envelope liner,silver stamping for milky way on map , and silk-screen printing for printing in white on dark paper.

    And for another project the studio usedhand-molded paper, splashes of ink and designer calligraphy . The most important thing was the colors - contrary to generally accepted norms, shades of gray were used here, and the project was called"Grey is our happy color."

    Please also pay attention toultra-soft paper , because invitations must also be deliveredpleasant tactile sensations . So, both textured and soft papers are great options - it's just a matter of figuring out which one works best for your concept.

    Invitations size may also be different. It directly depends on the theme of your wedding, that is, again on the concept. Of course, the size depends on the amount of information that needs to be placed.The less standard the shape, the higher the price . If you have a limited budget, it is better to use ready-made die-cut forms that printing houses have just for such cases.

    She told us about the projectinvitations in the form of tickets : It was also an envelope with additional information, and the style was tropical. Nastya also advises taking a closer look at the envelopesfrom tracing paper - they look verygentle, unusual and stylish .

    Step Three: Information and Font

    What should be included in the invitation? Do not forget about the purpose of this element - this is an informative card from which guests will learnwho, where and when will the wedding take place? . These three points are basic, without which the invitation will not be able to fulfill its purpose. also advises adding information about d press code so that guests can support the style of the wedding.

    Address style It can be formal, personal, comic, and so on, it all depends on your imagination and the format of the celebration. You can also add an invitationBrief important information: rsvp (confirmation of presence), wishes for gifts. If there is a lot of additional information, it is better not to overload the invitation andput text on hotel cards . Therefore, it is best to think through the text and information before the studio starts making the design.

    It's so easy for newlyweds to get lost in the variety of wedding invitation options available. But don’t rush, you should take the choice of suitable invitations seriously. You must communicate your happiness and main event beautifully. Electronic wedding invitations, which are sent via email or social networks, will help you with this.

    The popularity of online wedding invitations is constantly increasing. There is nothing surprising. Time does not stand still, technology is developing at an incredible pace, which means that we must comply with all modern trends.

    Of course, no one cancels the right to choose traditional invitation cards, which you can make yourself, order from an agency or from a hand-made master, or simply buy in a store. However, by choosing to invite your wedding online, you make your life much easier.

    The wedding portal will help you find out what determines the relevance of electronic invitations.

    What is meant by online wedding invitations?

    An online invitation is a special ready-made electronic template. A number of similar wedding invitations can be found on specialized websites.

    E-cards are usually presented in Photoshop format. This allows you to edit them and enter the necessary information. Many template cards are available completely free of charge.

    Advantages of online invitations

    There are many benefits to using invitations sent over the Internet. If you are planning a wedding soon and are considering online wedding invitations to invite guests, then the following information will be very useful for you.

    • Electronic invitations are created for newlyweds who value their time and a creative approach to organizing a wedding.
    • Electronic invitation cards are practical. They can be easily sent to an unlimited number of people. This is especially true and useful if some of your friends or relatives live in another country.
    • Online invitations can be sent not only by email, but also on social networks. Special applications for smartphones and tablets are also available.
    • The high resolution of electronic invitations allows you to print them on a printer and send them out like traditional cards.
    • E-cards are available in a variety of styles and variations.
    • If you cannot choose the one you need among the proposed templates, then you can offer your original version of the postcard. However, this will require you to have certain skills in working with a photo editor. If desired, a wedding invitation can be turned into a luxurious presentation with musical accompaniment, pictures, and poetic text.
    • Originality and uniqueness of wedding invitations.
    • Personalizing online invitations highlights your taste and reflects your personality.
    • Online invitations are economical and accessible. They won't require a lot of money from your wedding budget.

    Disadvantages of Electronic Invitations

    The portal considers the following points to be the main disadvantages of innovative online invitations:

    • Unfortunately, not all guests will welcome an email notification of a big event. For many people, it is much more pleasant to receive a paper invitation.
    • Electronic invitations are not suitable for sending to elderly guests. Very few older people know how to use a computer, and especially not everyone has an email account. Therefore, as a sign of respect, you should prepare a hard copy of the invitation cards and send them out in envelopes.
    • An electronic invitation cannot be saved like a beautiful card.
    • Not all electronic companies offer quality services.
    • Trying to quickly deal with the issue of sending invitations to guests, you risk that your email will be lost. First of all, this may be due to interruptions in the Internet. In addition, one of your guests receives a huge number of email newsletters every day, which means your invitation letter will be unnoticed and deleted.

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