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An event dedicated to Mother's Day was held at the library. Report on events dedicated to Mother's Day in the municipal educational institution "Sosh" s.p. Shordakovo. Evening meeting at the Shavsky library

Mother's Day is one of the most touching holidays, because from childhood until our last days we all carry in our souls the only and unique image - the image of our mother, who will understand everything, forgive, always regret and will selflessly love no matter what. . The happiness and beauty of motherhood have been sung by the best artists and poets throughout the centuries. And it is no coincidence that the degree of culture and well-being of society can be determined by how revered a woman raising children is in the state. Happy children grow up in a friendly family and under the care of a happy mother.

We sincerely congratulate dear mothers on their holiday.

Let your endless concerns, patience, love and devotion resonate in the souls of children with light and goodness!

Celebrating Mother's Day has already become a good tradition in the libraries of the Orichevsky district. And this year, 33 events were held as part of the holiday, 607 people took part in them, including 35 people from the families of trustees.

The family is the first social institution where a child learns about the world and himself in this world. It is the family that must give the child the first moral guidelines, skills of hard work and integrity. And libraries are active assistants and allies of parents in raising their children.

In the Central House of Children's Hospital The holiday “The Most Beautiful of Women” was held with children of 1st and 4th grades and their parents, 79 people took part. The purpose of the event was to show the high purpose of a woman - a mother and to organize a joint celebration of Mother's Day. For the celebration, an exhibition of drawings “All About You Alone” and a book exhibition of the same name were organized. An electronic presentation with photographs and songs about mothers was also used.

Mom is the most understandable word on earth. It sounds equally gentle in all languages ​​of the world. Mom is the kindest and most sensitive, she will never remain indifferent to your problems. At this holiday, children read poems about mothers and sang ditties for them. And all the participants of the holiday liked the humorous skit “Three Mothers” and the outdoor games: “Mommy”, “Recognize the child by the palm of your hand”, “Mother’s helpers”. Children and parents celebrated Mother's Day in a fun and interesting way.

A literary and musical evening “Dedicated to my dear, beloved, only, ...” was held with the trustee families. Invitations were sent out in advance. G. Yu. Bronnikova worked actively with each family. And at the appointed hour our meeting took place. The event was attended by 3 families and children from adopted families (7 people). In a warm, sincere atmosphere with tea drinking, words were spoken about the most beloved and only person in the world - mother. Simple competitions and quizzes helped this or that family learn even more about each other and brought each other together. A total of 19 people were present.

November 21, 2015 V Peat SBF A festive evening “My Dear Mommy” was held for guardians and adopted children. The librarian told about the holiday, then there was a tea party. There were 12 people present, 8 of them trustees.

The literary evening “The Holy Word is Mother” was held with veterans of the “Torfyanochka” club, they read poems about mother, sang songs, participated in various competitions, 10 people were present.

IN Adyshevskaya SBF A literary and musical hour “The Warmth of Your Hands” was held, 8 people were present. The meeting took place within the framework of the “Good Meetings” club (2 people from the families of trustees).

Levinskaya GBF Together with the administration, the council of veterans and youth, and the art school, on November 27, we held a holiday dedicated to Mother’s Day, “A Holy Office on Earth,” 50 people were present. The library's task is to prepare the script and child readers, and present invitation cards. The event was held at the art school. Mothers of large families with three or more children, as well as families with adopted children, were invited to attend. Unfortunately, there were no guardians at the event, although the hall was packed.

Pishchalskaya SBF held a matinee “To the only mother in the world”, 26 people were present (one trustee was a grandmother). The matinee is dedicated to the dearest and most beloved person - mother. They sang, danced, read poems for mothers, and made small gifts with their own hands.

November 26 in Lugobolotnaya SBF a multimedia hour “Let's Praise the Woman - Mother” was held, 20 people were present. On the last Sunday, November 28, we celebrate a fairly young holiday for our country, but a very dear holiday for mothers - Mother's Day. A mother's love is as natural as lilac blossoms, like the first spring rain. The sun warms the earth and all living things, and her love warms the baby’s life. But most importantly, the mother introduces the child to her homeland. She puts into his mouth his native language, which has absorbed the wealth of mind, thoughts and feelings of generations. She fills his life with spiritual strength, helping him to comprehend eternal values. This is what the conversation was about, songs were sung, while watching presentations dedicated to a woman with a child in her arms.

On November 28, the Meadow Swamp Library took part in a concert dedicated to Mother’s Day with a performance of the sketch “Three Mothers.”

The conversation “A Word about Mother” was held in Istobensky SBF, 13 people were present.

Corchik SBF I spent a literary hour “The Sun in the House” with kindergarten children and the senior group. For the event, the children read books by A. Barto, I. Tokmakova, E. Blaginina and others. Almost every child has memorized a poem about his mother. At the end of the event, the children gave small gifts to their mothers: they drew their favorite flowers. The lesson was held as part of the Teremok club. There were 19 people present.

A creative workshop “Making a card for Mother's Day” was held. The children made homemade gifts for their mothers. The event was held as part of the Skillful Hands club, 15 people attended.

We took part in the children's matinee in the kindergarten “Moms are all important.”

The matinee was held in the form of a competition between 3 teams of mothers and children. Each team consisted of 6 pairs. As a result of many competitions, friendship won. 40 people attended the event.

A literary and musical hour “Russian woman is a hardworking mother” and a club session “Between Us Women” took place. There were 16 people present.

The book exhibition “Mom’s Hands Know No Boredom” was organized.

Section 1 of the exhibition: “Let’s talk about mom.” Here are books and poems dedicated to mom.

Section 2: Folk art, fashionable and miscellaneous. The section contains books about several types of needlework and creativity: knitting, sewing, various handicraft techniques.

Section 3: “Mom’s hands do not know boredom.” Exhibition of products from members of the “Comfort” club.

All families and trustees of the Korshik settlement took an active part in the events dedicated to Mother's Day for 12 people.

In Pustoshenskaya SBF an evening of relaxation took place “And my grandparents and I are inseparable friends”, 32 people (2 trustees) were present.

Suvodskaya SBF held a Mother's Day holiday, 30 people (2 trustees) were present.

Usovskaya SBF together with the school and the House of Culture took part in a concert dedicated to Mother’s Day. The librarian held a quiz “Friendly Family”. 12 people attended the event.

Strizhevskaya GBF As part of the class of the “Boat of Childhood” club, a literary-themed festival “Mom is the main word in every family” was held. 15 people took part; families of caregivers were not among them. The children invited their mothers and grandmothers to the holiday, for whom they spent an evening in the form of the popular TV shows “Live Healthy,” “Let Them Talk,” “Jumble,” “Crazy Hands,” and “Relish.” During the evening, children and mothers performed for each other and together made a wonderful “Angel” from napkins. The holiday ended with a friendly tea party.

SBF Zeleny village designed the exhibition “The Dearest Person”, together with the cultural center held an evening of relaxation “Let your heart touch your heart”, 15 people were present. The celebration was attended by the Head of the Shalegovsky rural settlement N.L. Vorozhtsov.

Bystritskaya SBF As part of the “Sudarushka” club class, a literary and musical evening “The never-fading light of mother’s love” was held, 12 people were present.

In Monastyrschinskaya SBF An evening of relaxation “We praise the mother” was held, 8 people were present.

Garskaya SBF organized an evening of relaxation “Let your heart touch your heart” as part of the “Sails of Hope” club lesson, veterans sang songs about mothers, guessed a quiz, participated in competitions, 32 people were present.

I held a literary and musical hour “Being a mother, there is no more enviable fate” in the gerontological department of the village of Zengino, 22 people were present. At the event, poems and songs about mothers were sung, and a presentation about mothers was watched.

At the literary hour “Mother’s Heart,” 15 students from grades 4 to 9 performed for veterans, and 10 children from a kindergarten performed the play “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats.”

In Shalegovskaya SBF A literary and musical hour “My beloved loved one” was held, 12 people were present.

There was a presentation for children “The most beautiful of women”, 6 people were present.

In Kuchelapovskaya SBF An exhibition of family products “A good family will add skill” was held for students in grades 1 - 9.

The “At the Samovar” gatherings were held as part of the “Home Hearth” club session with the “Family Yummy” competition; 15 people were present. Each family's signature dishes were presented at the competition: pastries, salads, pickles.

November 28 at Mirny GBF A literary-themed evening “Holy Mothers of Russia” was held as part of the “Communication” women’s club. An electronic presentation has been created for the event. The librarians spoke about the difficult fate of Russian mothers who lived in different periods, but they were united by one thing - holy maternal love. There was a story about Vera Nikolaevna Panaeva, the mother of three sons - hussar officers who died on the fronts of World War I, about the peasant woman Praskovya Eremeevna Volodichkina and her nine sons, who gave their lives for the victory of their people in the Great Patriotic War. About Epistinia Fedorovna Stepanova and her eleven sons who did not return from the war and about other mothers. There were songs and poems about mom: such as “Song about Mom” performed by Svetlana Lazareva, “Song about Mom” performed by Maya Kristalinskaya, “Ballad about Mother” performed by Sofia Rotaru and others. Everything was very touching, many had tears in their eyes.

In the second part of the evening, Natalya Gennadievna Petrova was a guest. She held a master class on hand care, spoke about tianDe products, and sang a song with everyone.

The third part was an evening of relaxation over a cup of tea, where each participant in the event spoke briefly about her mother, read poems, and sang songs about her mother. Our famous harmonica player Zinaida Shubina was present at the evening, who performed a beautiful song about her mother of her own composition.

The event took place in the reading room of the library from 15 to 20 hours, 16 people were present, everyone really liked it, because... In the morning they brought a note about the event.

OCRB named after. L. Ishutinova an hour of kindness was held “Thank you to the woman whose name is Mother!” with students of KOGOBU secondary school, which was attended by 19 people. The guys learned about the history of the holiday, which was established by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation B.N. Yeltsin. For each of us, mother is the main person. Becoming a mother, a woman discovers kindness, caring, and love in herself. Mother's love and affection are something that no amount of money can buy. On this day, in many countries they show respect and respect to mothers, congratulate them, and give gifts. In conclusion, the guys watched the video “Moms”.

On November 26, 2015, a literary and musical hour “Thanks to the woman whose name is mother” was held for the participants of the “Craftswoman” club at KOGU KTSSON. The hour was dedicated to Mother's Day, which in 2015 is celebrated on November 29. There were 9 people present.

Since ancient times, the appearance of a mother has been endowed with the brightest features; this is reflected in folk tales, oral poetry, and proverbs. But in printed literature, the image of the mother remained in the shadows for a long time.

The theme was truly deep and strong and sounded only in democratic poetry. And here it is necessary, first of all, to name the name of the great Russian poet Nikolai Alekseevich Nekrasov, who created a surprisingly integral and capacious type of peasant woman - mother; Sergei Yesenin and others.

The image of the mother has always carried the features of drama. And it began to look even more tragic against the backdrop of the last war. Who suffered more than a mother at this time? Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya’s book “The Tale of Zoya and Shura,” “Mother of Man” by Vitaly Zakrutkin and others is about this.

The songs were played: “Mama” recorded by O. Gazmanov, “My dear mother” in Spanish. S. Mikhailova.

The event ended with the poem “Mama” by E. Shevnina:

Some people believe in magic out of nowhere,

In a moment of luck and magic manna.

Only I know only one miracle -

My mother lives on the big earth.

In the hour of fun and when I'm sad,

And behind the little things there seems to be drama.

Irritated, sick - any

My mother is always waiting for me.

The rain beats on the window frame,

And bad omens come true.

We will cry, and my mother will sigh:

“Everything happened! We’ll endure this too!”

In the reading room there was an exhibition “If only my mother lived...”.

We dedicated this holiday to the kindest, most sensitive, most gentle, caring, hardworking and of course the most beautiful - mothers.

ON THE. Sapegina, deputy children's director,

G.G. Varankina, deputy director of methodological work

MKUK "Orichevskaya regional central hospital"

In one of the cold autumn months - November - a wonderful, warm, bright holiday is celebrated - Mother's Day.

Mother. Mommy... How much warmth is hidden in this magical word, which we use to call the person closest, dearest and only. Mother's love warms us until old age. Mom teaches us to be wise, gives advice, takes care of us. Mother's love inspires, gives strength to the weak, the doubting, and inspires us to heroism.

A series of events held in area libraries was dedicated to this holiday. The literary and poetic evening “The Eternal Flame of Mother’s Love” was held by employees of the central inter-settlement library for participants in the Chaplyginsky district organization of the All-Russian Society of Disabled People in the city House of Culture. The hosts of the evening spoke the kindest, most tender words about our mothers, sincere, tender poems were sung, glorifying the most beloved women on earth - our mothers.

The people always highly revered the Mother. Since ancient times, her appearance has been endowed with the brightest features: she is the keeper of the family hearth, a faithful wife, a protector of children, and any conversation about mothers sooner or later returns to the children. And this is not surprising, because children are the main thing in a mother’s life; a mother always prays for her children. A mother's prayer is a great benefit in saving the soul of her child. The librarians soulfully read poems about the power of maternal prayer, and the poem by the Orthodox poet and writer V. Krupin “Mother’s Prayer” brought genuine tears to the eyes of many women. There was applause in the hall after each poem read, because nothing warms the soul like kind, affectionate words.

Employees of the central inter-settlement library congratulated the participants of the Golden Age club association on Mother's Day. At the festive table, over a cup of fragrant tea, those gathered talked about the most beloved, the only person on earth, mother. The librarians prepared an interesting, comic entertainment program, which included competitions, for example, “The most - the most” in which women learned the features of their appearance and character by tearing off the petals of a sunny flower - daisy. Everyone enjoyed the “Guess the name of the dish” competition, where the ingredients of recipes were listed and they had to guess what dish it was. This competition was not only fun, but many participants of the event shared secrets in preparing their favorite dishes.

A pleasant gift for the guests was the performance of the folk song ensemble “Ranenburg Springs”, which delighted everyone with their soulful songs.

Wonderful touching songs about mothers performed by children were heard at the evening “The most beloved, the dearest!”, which took place in the village. Bukhovoe. Mothers heard many kind words addressed to them. In turn, the mothers did their best and pampered the children with various homemade delicacies.

The holiday was a success! Despite the cold weather, everyone took away a piece of warmth in their souls.

At each evening dedicated to Mother's Day, interesting colorful book exhibitions were decorated, which did not go unnoticed.

Mother's Day in Libraries

Yes, indeed, for each of us, be it a small child or an already graying adult, mother is the dearest, dearest person in the world, because for mother we are always children. But, as you know, mothers are not born, mothers are made. Once upon a time, our mothers were cheerful girls who loved to sing, dance, and play different games. Librarians invited all mothers who gathered at the District Children's Library to remember their childhood.

The mothers were congratulated by the guys from the book theater “Fidgets”, Seryozha Kozlov and Misha Gorodetsky read poems about their mother, and “Ode to a Woman” was performed by Maxim Gustomyasov.

The children tried to make this day unforgettable and prepared according to all the rules to congratulate their mothers. They wrote kind words on daisies, and made a magical flower out of paper that opens in water. Together with their mothers, they solved riddles and puzzles and played games of wits.

The event ended with tea in a warm, friendly atmosphere.

On this day, the “Congratulations on Mother’s Day” event was held in front of the regional children’s library, which was organized by employees of the Nadezhda SRC with the support of the Kursk District Youth Center. The boys presented cards to women and a reminder to passers-by “Don’t forget to congratulate your mother!”, with poems for mothers written on the back. Celebration “Warmed by Mother’s Smile!” It turned out very warm and light.

The librarian of the Kirov Library-branch No. 4, L.N. Zargarova, with the involvement of the club and school, held events dedicated to Mother’s Day. On October 25, an exhibition of children's works dedicated to their mothers, “My Beloved Mommy,” was organized. The participants were children in grades 1 - 3. The children invited their mothers to the exhibition. Each mother found her portrait and took it as a souvenir. Older schoolchildren made small hearts out of paper with congratulations for their mothers. Then we combined them into one huge mother’s heart to decorate the “It All Starts with Mom” matinee.

On November 28, the children prepared a concert at school: they read poems, sang songs, showed skits, danced merrily, especially wonderful ditties performed by 4th grade students. Mothers took part in competitions: modeling costumes for children from scarves, bows, plastic bags; games “Venicoball”, “Recognize your child by his voice” and others. Akhmad Bartikhanov’s mother very expressively read the poem “The boy chose a rose...”, and Svetlana Pak’s mother sang the song “Talk to me, mom.” The matinee ended with tea. The children treated their mothers to baked goods, which they had prepared themselves the day before the holiday.

On November 29, a festive concert was held in the recreation center “We will forever glorify that woman whose name is Mother!” Schoolchildren of grades 8 and 9, the art group “Khutoryanochka”, and children from the dance club took part in it. With tears in their eyes, the guests listened to the ancient mountain legend about the heart of a mother performed by Timur Kvelashvili. The song “Orenburg Down Shawl” was performed with great feeling by Vera Ivanovna Zgiblova, and all the spectators also enjoyed the fiery dance “Gypsy Girl” performed by students in grades 7 and 8. At the end of the event, all mothers were given balloons with hearts.

Librarian of Sernovodsk branch No. 21 Kurtseva S.D. with schoolchildren of grades 2, 4, 6, she prepared a theatrical play program “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”; for students in grades 5-8, students in grade 9 and their parents, she held a literary and musical composition “A Word about MOM.”

The Russian Library - Branch No. 7 hosted a holiday “With Love about Mom” for readers aged 50 years and older. Artists of the puppet theater "Magicians" performed the puppet show "Oh, these grandmothers!" At the Kolosok Children's Preschool Institution, along with a puppet show, they held a competition and game program called "Mother's Helpers."

In the village of Uvarovskoye, librarian Ermalaeva N.S. and director of the cultural center Dronova O.N. celebrated the holiday “Dear Mom, how I love you!” for village residents. Head of Administration of the Russian Village Council MO Tsikishev N.V. allocated funds to organize a tea party.

An exhibition of crafts and favorite toys of children readers “There is a holy word - MOTHER!” was prepared at the Rostovanov Library-Branch No. 18. At this unusual exhibition, in addition to crafts, books and poems about mothers and motherhood were presented.

A slide conversation “We will together glorify that woman whose name is mother” was held at the Stoderevsky library-branch No. 25. Library users watched the presentation “The Image of the Mother in Russian Icons”, because interest in ancient Russian painting is very great. In the Orthodox calendar there are about one hundred and twenty names of icons, the days of which are celebrated by the church. Love and veneration of the Mother of God in Rus' inseparably merged with her icons. Icon painters managed to embody in their works the image of the Mother of God preserved in legends; by means of painting, they were able to convey in it the best that the feminine principle carries within itself.

At Agabatyr Library-branch No. 5, 2nd grade students prepared a literary and musical composition “An Image Carefully Preserved.” Mothers and grandmothers were touched by the wonderful poems and songs dedicated to them.

At the Privolnensky library-branch No. 6, a meeting of the “Housewife” club was held under the title “The word MOTHER, born of love.”

Head of the Novoderevensky branch Slyusareva N.V. On the eve of Mother's Day, I held a creative hour “Gift for Mom”, where children prepared drawings and crafts from plasticine, in which they expressed their tenderness, care and attention to their mothers. She organized a poetry competition “With Love for Mom” among schoolchildren in grades 1-7. The children touchingly and lovingly read poems about their mother, and spoke with special warmth about the people closest to them - their mothers, grandmothers, thanks to whom they exist and live! On November 29, a meeting of the “Let’s Talk Heart to Heart” club was held under the title “The Light of Mother’s Love.” Club participants, pensioners and elderly people, read poems by R. Gamzatov, S. Yesenin, N. Khmelev. They sang heartfelt songs about mothers. Participated in comic competitions. Women - mothers received a lot of joy and positivity from the holiday.

For this wonderful and exciting holiday, the Novotalitsa Central Library hosted a literary and musical evening “The world is beautiful with a mother’s love.” Library staff congratulated the guests on Mother's Day and talked about this holiday, about the amazing facts of motherhood, and recalled aphorisms and quotes from Russian and foreign writers about mothers.

In the year of cinema, library staff made a touching video selection of interesting feature films about mothers, about maternal care and the difficulties of her work. Unlike other professions, mothers do not stop working 24 hours a day. For which we thank them very much! A musical film - the fairy tale "Mama" by E. Boston, "Once Upon a Time 20 Years Later" directed by Yu. Egorov, the film almanac "Moms" of 8 film stories told by different directors, in each of which there are 8 stories with eight different mothers - all these films make us to look at relationships with our beloved mothers with different eyes.

The exhibition of new books “For the One Who Gives Life and Warmth!” did not go unnoticed by readers, where books about health, nutrition and various women’s hobbies were presented. And the guys from the “Youth Format” club of the Novotalitsa Central Library had an idea to hold a congratulatory event - make a video for all the mothers and grandmothers of the “Persona” reading club. The children chose Marina Andreeva-Doglyadnaya’s poem “Do Mothers Sleep?” as the basis for the congratulatory event. The guys wrote down this verse for several days and were pleased with their work. Everyone liked the video and caused a lot of good and exciting impressions.

On this heartfelt holiday, it is customary to talk about the most dear and beloved person - mother. Employees of the Golden Key children's library held an unusual event for preschoolers from kindergarten No. 1 - an environmental hour “All kinds of mothers are needed, all kinds of mothers are important!” The event consisted of two parts. First, the kids lovingly talked about their mothers, how they help them and take care of them, and how they would congratulate them. Poems and songs were sung in the hall. The children watched the video “About Moms” with great interest. Then young readers were asked to talk about how Animal Moms take care of their babies.

From an educational conversation with a librarian, preschoolers learned how some animal mothers: orangutan, lioness, she-wolf, dragonfly, octopus, heron take care of their families. During the event, the children played and solved riddles. At the end of the meeting, the children discussed the question: are animal mothers as good as ours or not. After the discussion, everyone watched the cartoon “Octopuses” based on the poem by E. Uspensky, The Multi-Colored Family.

Employees of the Podvyaznovskaya rural library and participants of the puppet theater “Kurolesye” visited the kindergarten with the event “It’s warm in the sun, good in mother’s presence.” A game entertainment program “What kind of holiday is this – Mother’s Day?” was prepared for the children. The guys, together with the presenter, answered questions, listened to poems about their mother, and sang songs. A holiday gift for the children was a performance by the Kurolesye Theater with the play “Magic Sour Cream.” The program featured songs about mother “Mom”, “Far from Mom”, “Mom and Me”.

In the Mikhalevskaya rural library, a literary hour “My Dear Man” was held for students in grades 1-2, during which poems about mother were sung. The children willingly participated in the “My Mother” quiz, in the word game “A Good Word about Mom,” and drew Mom’s sun. Young readers of the Bogorodsk Rural Library created a congratulatory exhibition “Mom, I wish you...”. Mothers and grandmothers gratefully read congratulations from their loved ones.

A meeting of the club of young travelers “Around the World” was held at the Kolyanovskaya rural library, timed to coincide with the celebration of Mother’s Day. The children virtually visited other continents, learned how the word “mother” sounds in different languages ​​of the world and about the traditions of celebrating this day among different nations. The most interesting fact that amazed everyone is that residents of one Turkish city celebrate Mother's Day 52 times a year, every Friday. At the end of the event, the club participants concluded that different countries adhere to different traditions of celebrating Mother’s Day, have different dates for the holiday, but everyone has the same intentions - to pay tribute to the mother. The reading club “Handicraft” of the Chernorechensk Rural Library hosted a master class “A Gift for Mommy” for the holiday. The library hosted a book exhibition “Mother’s Day” and an exhibition of drawings “Portrait of a Beloved Mother.” Participants of the “Young Theater Goer” club of the Balakhonki Rural Library answered the questions of the test “What kind of mother will you be for your child?”, shared recipes for baking a pie to please mothers on their holiday, and got acquainted with the photo exhibition “The best mothers in the world live in Balakhonki.” After the event, the guys distributed invitations to residents to a festive mini-performance with their participation “Vasya-Cornflower”.

I would like to believe that every mother received a bouquet of congratulations, wishes and kind words on this day!

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