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Printable happy birthday banner. One-year old: “Birthday” stretchers, stretching with Luntik, stretching with Smeshariki, free download, decorating a room for a birthday, preparing for a child’s birthday. We tie the letters with a bow

I accumulated some from the Internet, but mostly I made banners for myself in the style of minions, safari, Masha and the Bear, cars, with a bear, Smeshariki, princesses, pirates. Photo props. In general, look, maybe you need something. I’ll add it. Safari style stretchers:...

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  • You can download the stretches I did for myself for free.

    You can download two versions of stretch marks:

    OPTION 1. The download archive contains 14 pictures (each letter on a separate page). They need to be printed on an A4 sheet, and holes must be made on top with a hole punch. Next, we “string” the letters onto a beautiful ribbon (or regular thread). We attach the resulting stretch to the wall. You can do this in two or one line.

    OPTION 2. The download archive contains 8 pictures (two letters per sheet). They need to be printed on an A4 sheet, glued the sheets together or glued to a strip of whatman paper.

    In addition, these banners can be used to design wall newspaper headings. To do this, you need to cut out the letters along the contour and stick them on a sheet of wall newspaper.

    Download the "Smeshariki" banner

    Stretch for boys - blue:

    Stretching for girls - pink:

    Download stretcher "Luntik"

    Download the banner "Cars"

    More stretch marks on the page:

    See also:
    » Design of the “Child Development Chart”
    » How to celebrate your baby's first birthday
    » How to make a cake machine
    » Modeling from plasticine with a child
    » Poems for decorating a wall newspaper for a birthday

    Greetings, dear readers. Today I want to start a series of articles about how to prepare for a children's party on your own. In these articles you will learn: how to decorate a house, bring a festive mood, make attributes for a baby’s photo shoot, and much more. And all this will not empty your wallet, and we will look for many decorative elements in attics and grandma’s bins.

    Let's get started!

    I’ll open the series of articles with a master class on how to make a greeting banner “Happy Birthday!”

    What we need:

    1. A sheet of thick cardboard in the desired shade (approximate size 30x60 cm)
    2. Acrylic paints and brush
    3. Satin ribbon 3 m (width 0.5 cm)
    4. Letter stencils
    5. Ruler, scissors, pencil
    6. Hole puncher

    I strongly recommend that you first decide on the colors of the holiday. Select a few basic shades and then select all materials according to your color palette. This way you will achieve a complete picture. All decorative elements will look like a single whole.

    So. We chose a sheet of cardboard in a peach shade. Since our holiday was being prepared for a little princess, the color scheme was chosen: coral, peach, gold. The shape of the flags may be different. I will list the main options below. We chose flags with a triangular cutout.

    Then - the inscription itself. "Happy birthday!" or "Happy Birthday". Here, again, as you like. If you want, you can also add the name of the birthday person, but in this case you may need 1 more sheet of cardboard.

    Having decided on the shape of the flags and the number of letters of our inscription, we proceed to marking. Our ideal option was the following dimensions of the flags: 16x12cm. Once the markings are ready, we begin cutting out the flags. Then, we take a hole punch and make two holes in each flag for the satin ribbon.

    Now we need to decide on the font and size of the letters. We type several options on the computer. We print and attach the letter to the flag, measuring the size of the letter with the cardboard blank. Once the ideal option has been found, you can print all the letters in the chosen font and size.

    There is no need to cut the letters along the contour. Just cut them into squares. We will place the letter in the middle of the workpiece and use a pen to extrude the outline on the cardboard. To do this, simply draw the outline of the letter.

    The boundaries of the letters are outlined. Now all that's left to do is add some color. We use gold acrylic paint. At first it seemed that the shades merged too much, but in daylight or brighter artificial light it looked very beautiful and gentle. After complete drying, we cover the letters with a second layer of paint for a denser coating.

    All we have to do is stretch the satin ribbon and our stretch is ready! We made the inscription in two rows. Here look at the availability of free space on the walls.

    This is how easy it is to make one of the decorative elements for a children's party. It is not expensive either in terms of finances or time.

    And the next article will be about how to make one of the most popular attributes of a children's party or photo shoot today. Do not miss!

    About the author:

    Greetings, my dear readers! My name is Maria. I love coming up with interesting ideas on how ordinary things can be made more “soulful” and memorable. It’s nice to give and receive gifts to which someone has attached a piece of their soul, agree! Such gifts are always remembered for a long time. This is what we will do in our master classes.

    There are many types of special garlands sold in stores, but to make this day truly unique, we suggest making the decorations yourself.

    Here we have collected interesting ideas and master classes that will help you make Happy Birthday garland from paper, fabric or felt!

    As well as ready-made templates and layouts for printing!

    Making a garland with the letters “Happy Birthday” can take 15 minutes, or half an hour, if you don’t rush.

    Download and print the template

    Of course, if you want, you can sit and come up with templates, and then draw them yourself. But to make this task a little easier for you and speed up the process, we have collected interesting and original garlands of “Happy Birthday” templates, you can simply download and print them, and then use it to create holiday garlands.

    Template #1

    Completely finished garland template. You just need to download (click on the red button). Print. And assemble according to the instructions below.

    Template No. 2

    Letters in two colors: soft green and pink. The letters are the entire alphabet - print and collect the necessary words. How to attach it to a thread or bow - described below

    Template No. 3

    Flags and bright rectangles. Choose the one you like. Print on a color printer and Letters can be written in with a marker of any color!

    How to assemble a garland

    Just imagine how many wonderful lettering you can make using these templates! They are suitable for a birthday or any other holiday, or even just to make an unexpected surprise for a loved one.

    1. The point is that there are stencils of all the letters of the alphabet that can be printed and folded into the desired inscription.
    2. And it is not necessary to print the entire alphabet, select only the individual letters you need.
    3. If desired, you can use letter stencils add some decorating elements.
    4. To save ink, the letters are designed in a textured style, and you can also use the printer settings to control ink consumption.

    TIP: which will save you from wasting paper: print one letter, turn the paper over and print another one on the other side.

    How and with what to fasten the letters of the garland

    To make a garland for a birthday, it’s not enough to print stencils, you also need to somehow fasten them and hang them. Let's look at options on how this can be done.

    We attach the letters to one long thread

    For this you will need:

    • ready-made letter templates,
    • thick thread or ribbon,
    • hole punch, scissors.


    • Using a hole punch, make a hole in each letter has 2 holes on top, and then you need to string the letters onto a rope or ribbon.
    • If the thread is thin, fold it several times, sometimes it looks even more interesting.
    • It is important to string the letters in the correct order so as not to redo them later, so it is better to first arrange the letters the way you need them and take them one at a time.

    ATTENTION! You need to tie a knot on each letter so that they do not move out of place and get together.

    TIP: don’t pull the rope too hard and it will sag towards the middle, but if the rope is too tight, it’s a waste of time.

    We tie the letters with a bow

    This method of fastening is suitable if you did not cut out the letters along their contours, but leaving some extra space in reserve, otherwise the bows may partially overlap the letters (you need to look at the situation, if the letters are very large, then everything will be fine).

    You will need:

    • ready-made letter templates,
    • thick thread or ribbon,
    • hole punch and scissors.

    As you can see, all the same materials as in the previous method. Only here we will connect adjacent letters with separate threads.


    1. Do hole punch 2 holes in each template and arrange them in the order in which you will take them.
    2. Take the first one and the second letter and tie them with a bow. To make the process more orderly, you can immediately cut the required number of ribbons of the same length.
    3. When the first two letters are connected, do the same with the second and third and so on until the end. Your garland is ready.

    We fasten the garland with clothespins

    This type of fastening can often be seen lately at various photo-dryings, that is, photography exhibitions. The method is convenient and fast, and also does not require a hole punch, which is an important advantage for those who do not have one.

    Progress: Attach the letters one at a time onto a long rope with clothespins. All!

    How to attach: in all these methods, the last step is to attach the finished garland to the wall. Of course, no one will punch through nails for the sake of a garland, so the ends of the rope can be stretched and tied to any protruding objects (cornice, cabinet handle, pipe, etc.).

    Fastening with tape to the wall

    Another option is to attach it with tape (if this does not damage the surface), and in this case it is better not only at the edges, but in several other places so that the garland does not fall. You can carefully stick pins into the wallpaper and hook the rope onto them.

    Felt garlands “Happy Birthday”

    Here you will have to work harder, but the result will show how much care was put into creating such a garland. We have prepared two master classes that will not leave you indifferent.

    You will need:

    • Colored felt or felt fabric (the quantity depends on the inscription)
    • Self-adhesive paper (or freezer paper, if you find it in our stores)
    • Letter stencils
    • Scissors or utility knife
    • Rope, ribbon or thick thread (on which you will attach the letters)
    • White thread (for sewing layers of fabric)
    • Sewing machine (if you don’t have one, you can do everything by hand)
    • Clothespins


    Step 1:

    • On self-adhesive paper print stencils of the letters needed for the inscription. You choose the size of the letters yourself, depending on how you want the inscription to look and how much space you have for it on the wall.
    • Cut out rectangles with letters, and then to each of them an empty rectangle of paper and fabric of the same size.
    • Fold the rectangles described in the previous paragraph so that the fabric is between the paper, the lines of the letter should be towards the top.
    • When working with self-adhesive paper you just need to stick it on both sides of the fabric, if you find freezer paper, go over the top on both sides with an iron, this will hold the layers together.

    Cut out the letters along the outline. Carefully peel off the paper on both sides. We got these pretty letters:

    STEP 2:

    • Now we will make the letters thicker so that they have a better look and do not curl so much on the rope. To do this, we place the fabric letters on another layer of felt or felt and iron them.
    • We sew a machine or hand stitch along the contours of the letters at a distance of approximately 1-2 mm from the edge. We recommend white thread, as it looks good on all colors of fabric, otherwise you will have to select a separate thread for each letter, and this is just an additional unnecessary waste of time and money.
    • Cut out each letter along the contour. They are already ready, all that remains is to attach them.
    • Hanging a long rope, securing its ends to the wall. Using clothespins, we attach each letter to it in the required order to create the selected inscription.

    Now the garland is ready to delight the birthday boy and surprise the guests!

    "Happy Birthday" poster on fabric

    Probably each of you at least once in your life, at least once in school, drew a congratulatory poster. The manufacturing method proposed in this master class takes this art to a whole new level. Patchwork quilts have long pleased many with their warmth and comfort and you won’t be surprised by them anymore, but a patchwork poster, I’m sure, will be a complete surprise and an original novelty.

    You will need:

    • Scraps of felt or felt fabric (in this case 9 pieces)
    • Scissors or utility knife
    • Letter stencils
    • Adhesive padding (for example, dublerin or non-woven fabric)
    • Ironing iron (or any cotton fabric)
    • Wooden stick
    • Thick thread for fastening


    1. Lay out scraps of felt or felt fabric to form a rectangle. Consider the combination of colors so that everything together looks harmonious and holistic.
    2. Adjust the scraps so that they overlap each other by about 1.5 cm.
    3. Place adhesive tape along the edges of the lower flaps; its width is equal to the width of the fabric overlay, that is, 1.5 cm.
    4. Iron the fabric carefully. We recommend using an ironing iron so as not to spoil the surface of the fabric itself.
    5. You can trim the shape of the poster, giving it the desired dimensions.
    6. The top edge of the poster needs to be processed. To do this, turn it inside out by about 1.5-2 cm, this depends on the thickness of the stick, which you will then insert into the resulting hole. Secure the lapel with hand or machine stitching.
    7. Place printed and cut out stencil letters on top of the fabric poster to create the desired greeting message.
    8. Lightly trace the letters with chalk or a thin piece of soap; they can then be easily erased. You can use a pencil, but then you need to cut off these lines too.
    9. Cut out the letters.

    The last thing to do is to insert a wooden stick into the hole in the top of the poster and tie a thick thread or ribbon along its sides. Hang up the poster and enjoy the holiday spirit!

    Garlands: Fabric marker

    This master class will also have templates, but you no longer need to cut out the letters. Such a garland looks very neat and beautiful, and will certainly please the birthday boy.

    And the most important advantage of fabric garlands is that they can be stored for a long time!

    You will need:

    • fabric, paint or marker,
    • letter templates,
    • scissors, ruler,
    • thick thread, glue.


    • Find or buy fabric in your home that is similar in type to the one shown in the photo. A fabric like burlap works well. It should be light in color with a discreet pattern that will complement the letters and not draw attention away from them onto itself.

    • Cut the fabric into even rectangles. In this case it is 17x12 cm.
    • Select a letter stencil in the style you like and print it out. Then place each letter on a separate piece of fabric and trace.
    • Paint the letter and let it dry. A marker will also work.
    • The color should be contrasting and stand out well against the background of the fabric, not merge, so that the inscription can be read even from afar.

    TIP: As an alternative, you can cut out templates in thin plastic or film, apply them to the fabric and immediately sketch

    • Now you need to attach the letters to the thread, forming a garland. Determine at what distance from each other they should be and glue them on a thick thread. You can also attach each letter with two clothespins.

    "Happy Birthday" Garland Ideas

    Also look at other options for birthday garlands: with glitter, with balloons! Be inspired, and let this day be truly special and unique for you!

    Take a creative approach to decorating the main holiday in the life of every child and adult! A bright and beautiful design will help set the tone for the party and put the guests in a positive mood. happy birthday garland. This festive accessory is made in different lengths, colors and designs, so you can choose the most suitable option for the location of the holiday. The cheerful atmosphere of the holiday begins with the little things, make the holiday special, think about the details.

    Birthday Streamers

    Happy Birthday Stretching will decorate the room and make the holiday unforgettable. With its help you can create a decorative arch, decorate a wall, or hang it from the ceiling. The cheerful atmosphere of the holiday begins with the little things, make the holiday special, think about the details. You can buy a “Happy Birthday” banner of different designs, based on your refined taste and the age of the hero of the occasion. If the decoration suits the occasion, then you are not mistaken.

    This accessory can be used several times. Today, it is not difficult to buy a “Happy Birthday” garland; among the wide variety of holiday accessories offered, you will find an option that is ideal for the occasion.

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