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Romantic messages for a girl. Romantic SMS for a girl. Creative Romantic Ideas

Women love romance. Every lady dreams of a pleasant evening by candlelight, on the seashore or in a beautiful restaurant. The more unusual the evening, the more memorable it will be, and positive impressions can endear you. The question of how to arrange a romantic evening for a girl is quite common among men. And this is good, it means that there are still worthy gentlemen who are ready to do anything for the sake of their lady.

Having an evening at home

Contrary to the belief that at home it’s banal, you can create a wonderful evening that your girlfriend or wife will definitely enjoy. First, you should send your significant other to another place for a while, for example, to a store or to mom. There is no need to make a mysterious face, otherwise the woman might guess everything, but it should be a surprise.

Now we are thinking through the concept: what kind of evening it will be, what will be taken as its basis and what the man will treat the lady with. You can arrange a surprise in an oriental style, traditional, or come up with something completely exotic. Just setting the table is a bit banal, although it is acceptable if there is very little time. You can spend a good evening in any conditions, the main thing is desire and a little imagination. Everyone’s financial capabilities are different, but you shouldn’t save too much, although you can come up with something interesting as a budget option.

We decide what we will use as drinks and snacks. Food can be ordered at a restaurant, but if a man knows how to cook on his own, a girl will definitely appreciate it. If you choose an oriental dinner, then a good option would be to order sushi. A girl can get by with pizza without any extra complaints, it will even be somewhat unexpected. It’s easy to cook meat in the oven at home; most men can do it with ease. The restaurant offers light salads. A girl will definitely like fruit with yogurt.

As a dessert, you can order several types of ice cream, complementing it with fruits and nuts. A treat like strawberries and cream would also work. If strawberries seem like a trivial solution, you can replace them with other fruits, such as banana slices. Remember, the food should always be light, even if you are organizing an evening at home, so that you have the energy to dance when you want.

Set the table. If you want to make the evening a little unusual, you can use low tables or even lay out the tablecloth on the floor. The result is a relaxed atmosphere in which it is fun to watch a movie and have conversations. Just make sure you sit comfortably and warmly. You can put soft pillows or a fur blanket on the floor.

How to decorate an apartment for the evening

Candles are a traditional attribute of a romantic dinner, but there are other accessories as well. Now you can order balloons of various shapes, colors and with inscriptions. Traditionally, a romantic date should include flowers. It is not necessary to choose large bouquets. You can put small bouquets of roses or violets on the table. At the height of summer, a bouquet of wildflowers collected with your own hands will add romance.

If you use scented candles, choose a neutral scent so that it does not interfere with the overall perception and does not irritate. Important: everyone perceives fragrances differently, and some people may have allergies, this should be taken into account. You can also scent a room using an aroma lamp and essential oils. For romantic purposes, the aroma of lemon, sage, lavender is suitable, a few drops are enough. It is better not to light sticks - they give off too much of a smell and can be distracting.

Let's have an evening in nature

Want to celebrate an anniversary or the date of your first meeting? There is absolutely no need to stay at home for this. Organize a picnic in nature. This is easy to do in the summer. We collect a basket with snacks and drinks in advance, be sure to take a blanket and head out of town. For romance, we choose the travel time closer to the evening. It will be great if the sky is clear and the couple can admire the stars.

A trip outside the city can be combined with a horseback ride. Nowadays this is a popular entertainment; my wife will probably like this walk. If you don’t want to ride a horse or the girl is afraid, rent a carriage with a couple of horses. Ride through the countryside or on city streets if your area allows it.

In winter, despite the cold, you can also have an evening in nature. Rent a house at a tourist base, just make sure first that there is heating and entertainment. A night spent in a house among snow and nature will definitely remain in your memory. Take care of warm clothes and treats. It is better to choose a recreation center with a restaurant on site or a small cafe where you can taste delicious kebab.

If you have a summer house, you can spend the evening there. The house should first be prepared: decorate the veranda with balloons, flowers, candles, hang bells on the nearest trees. Champagne or good wine is suitable as a drink. You can bring food with you, but it is much more interesting if a man prepares it himself. Even the wife will like such a surprise; she will definitely appreciate the attention and originality.

Unusual solutions for a romantic evening

Do you want to come up with something original? Then let's turn on our imagination. Organize lunch on the roof of your house. Invite her to admire the stars or tell her you want to surprise her. Set the table on the roof. There is absolutely no need to include a lot of dishes, just good wine and a light snack. The evening will be decorated with candles and quiet music. A man who knows how to play the guitar can sing a song declaring his love. A poem of your own composition will also surprise the lady and will definitely be remembered by her.

The most unusual walk will be an evening in a cave. Find out where there are caves in your area that are allowed to be accessed and go there with a friend. Be sure to bring flashlights and don't venture too far.

For those who love to travel, you can arrange an evening on a water transport, and for extreme sports enthusiasts - on a raft. If your budget allows, then go on a hot air balloon flight. You can take good champagne and chocolate with you.

Do nice little things

A romantic evening does not only consist of dinner or active recreation, it should include surprises. This could be cookies with wishes, balloons with the inscriptions “I love”, “marry me” or “thank you for your son” if the evening is intended for the wife. For invitations, you can use love notes, telegrams, a messenger with a bouquet of flowers and a postcard. Small souvenirs, jewelry, original bouquets or fruit baskets, and soft toys are suitable gifts.

A joint dinner should be accompanied by pleasant words; the girl should not be bored. You need to not just spend the evening together, but make it memorable and want to repeat it. If you organize it at home, make sure that no one disturbs you, turn off your phone and do not be distracted by extraneous trifles like the Internet. Remember: you must be completely attracted to the girl and pay attention only to her.

The evening should come from the heart, that is, the man should put into it the desire to please the woman, to surprise, to touch. If you do it without enthusiasm, it is unlikely to be successful. Tune in to romance and positivity, and then everything will be as pleasant as possible, and the memory will remain for a long time.

To turn life into a fairy tale, you need very little - just you and me... Together!

Many people appear and disappear from my life, but only you leave traces in my heart.

I wrote your name in the sand - the wave washed it away. I wrote your name in my heart - it will remain in it forever...

I am sending you 1000 smiles: take one now, and put the other 999 under your pillow and take one out every morning - I want to always see you smiling.

Falling in love with you is the second best thing in this world. And the first one is to meet you...

If the distance from the Earth to the Moon were measured by our love, then they would constantly move away from each other.

You are a wonderful and very dear person to me. I really want you to be happy, and I will be grateful to you if you allow me to take part in this.

Don't say you love me until you're absolutely sure. Because I can do something really stupid, like believe it.

What everyone is looking for in their ideal, I have already found in you.

Just when I'm starting to think things can't get any better, you convince me otherwise! Love you!

The rain is falling, the wind is blowing, the sun is shining... All this is as natural as loving you...

I didn't believe in the expression "soul mate" until I met you...

This night I want to give you a kiss that will sweep through the blocks of a sleepy city and burst into your window, plunge you into a sweet veil of dreams and fantasies, pass through your body in a burning wave and return to my lips with your sweet taste and delicate aroma.

It's not that I can't live without you; The thing is, I don't even want to try it.

We committed the perfect crime: we stole each other's hearts... forever!

Due to the violation of Article 12 of the love code, I condemn you to life imprisonment in my heart. The verdict is final and cannot be appealed.

There are two time periods in which I want to be with you... "Now" and "Always"

I asked a passing breeze to give you a package. I put in it: happiness, good luck, beautiful dreams, fabulous dreams. But there is still a place left there. I placed a gentle kiss there. Wait. She's about to arrive!

I'd like to trade places with you for a day, just so you can know how I feel when I look at you.

Loving you is like breathing... I just can't stop!

No matter how hard you try, the compass needle always faces north. So my heart turns to you..

Love is like a snowflake that melts in the palm of your hand in an instant. Let's make this moment last forever.

We are all angels with one wing. And the only way for us to fly is by hugging and folding our wings. So if you have problems taking off, come to me and I will share my wing with you.

My dear angel, looking at the night sky, I mentally talk about my feelings for you. I so want to be heard by your heart... I kiss the tips of your wings.

What? Love. Where? You and I. When? Forever!

Submit your face to the sun and it will kiss you. Gently, gently. Like me.

I want to say now and forever that I am deeply and passionately in love with you! You are the light of my life and the only star that shines brightly in my personal sky. I love you honey, let's be together forever.

The Internet introduced us to you, Hesitantly, so stupidly, naively, I wrote to you: “Beauty, hello”! And you responded in kind

I will preserve our love forever, And not even a year will be an obstacle, And neither enemies, nor illness, nor misfortune, Will never separate us!

I need you, my joy, Just as the ships of the sea need you. Like a homeless person needs shelter, I need you, my love.

I sent an angel to kiss you goodnight, but he came back and said that an angel does not kiss an angel!

If I could meet God, I would thank him for giving me you.

Thank you for these lips, Thank you for these hands. Thank you, my beloved, for being in the world.

If you are next to me, then the world around is beautiful! You are not only my beloved, you are my closest friend!

You endure all my whims, You present surprises sweetly: Giving birth to a hail of happy tears With bouquets of scarlet roses!

I am happy and unhappy, I love! Fate for all the suffering and bliss For everything, for everything, I humbly thank you For being my god and perfection!

Close your eyes, imagine a star, the one on which I sit. I’ll see you, come up, and hug you tenderly. I’ll whisper quietly in your ear: “Kitten, I love you...”

Every moment on earth is beautiful, And so wonderful is the time I spent with you, There is no more beautiful person in the world.

In your eyes, I'm not afraid to drown. For this look, I'm ready to give anything. During this moment, in those clear eyes I see love, not darkness.

Midnight light, twinkling moon. And the wondrous stars in the sky are charming. Beautiful look, beautiful features. That was our first date.

If a guy likes a girl, then he certainly wants to do such a romantic act that will not only surprise her, but will remain in her memory forever. What could be better than seeing her enthusiastic smile, happy sparkle in her eyes and genuine joy? It is for the sake of such moments that it is worth trying and presenting an unforgettable gift to a girl.

It is not necessary to spend a lot of money. The main thing is desire and a little imagination. And in this article we will look at some unexpected romantic surprises for a girl that will definitely not leave your other half indifferent.


If you draw beautifully, write poetry, sing or play any instrument, then your talent will come in handy. You can create a unique masterpiece for your beloved. A poem about your love for her, her portrait or romantic love songs are a wonderful gift for your beloved that will touch even the most capricious princess.

It is better to present such a gift in a romantic setting and in private. Under no circumstances do this hastily or in company, with a large crowd of people. This is a rather intimate gift that should only connect the two of you.

Culinary masterpiece

When looking for an option to surprise your girlfriend, many guys have no idea that the easiest way is always at hand. In our country, it is customary that a woman always cooks, and many men cannot always cope with ordinary scrambled eggs. Therefore, if you have not previously shone with your culinary skills, then some tasty dish for your girlfriend will definitely be an unexpected, but quite welcome surprise.

When preparing such a gift for a girl, follow these tips:

  • baking is very difficult, and it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to cook something decent without training, so it’s better to focus on meat - men, as a rule, do it very well;
  • ask some woman (sister, mother, friend) for advice - they will definitely tell you several simple but original recipes;
  • Be sure to clean the kitchen after cooking so that the sight of dirty dishes does not spoil the surprise.

Unusual date

There are a huge number of ideas for a romantic date, but there are very few truly worthy ones that can bring back the sharpness of feelings and surprise the girl you love. It takes a lot of effort to come up with something special.

First of all, you need to decide on a place. A great option would be a themed date, for example, in the style of a children's party. Instead of flowers, when you meet, give the girl an armful of balloons. For entertainment, give preference to an amusement park, and go to an ice cream parlor for refreshments. Buy soap bubbles in advance and invite your loved one to blow them off the bridge, and then go for a boat ride. Your girlfriend will definitely not forget such a romantic walk!

Surprise of a sexual nature

The intimate sphere of life also needs variety, so a sexy surprise is a great option to surprise a girl. Here your imagination is your best friend. But before you experiment, find out how your loved one feels about this kind of entertainment, and whether there are any prohibitions for her.

Alternatively, you can use different sex toys, experiment with positions, or offer your loved one role-playing games. When choosing this gift option, focus solely on your imagination and the girl’s preferences. No one can advise you in this kind of matter.

Natural experiences

A girl will certainly appreciate romantic actions, so this is the best way to prove your feelings to her. But the choice of a surprise must be approached with all responsibility. After all, an ordinary banal gift is unlikely to surprise or be remembered.

If it's summer outside, pick up a net, call a couple of friends to help you and go to the nearest park to hunt for butterflies. It's not easy, but very fun and exciting. Catch several winged beauties, place them in a jar, make holes in it and in the morning, while the girl is still sleeping, leave your gift on the nightstand. Your beloved will definitely never forget such a romantic act.

lucky daisy

This gift is very simple, but original. You need to buy a huge chamomile with large petals from a flower shop. And then at home, with a felt-tip pen, write the word “Loves” on each petal. When you give your loved one such a gift, you can say in words: “This is so that you will never again wonder about my feelings for you!” Such romantic gifts will be appreciated by girls with a good sense of humor.

Comic cartoon

A humorous cartoon can be a pleasant and unexpected surprise for a girl. Select a photo of you together and order a cartoon from a cartoonist. It is important to take care of everything in advance if you want to give a gift for some event, because creating a drawing can take a lot of time (several days or even weeks).

Spontaneous trip

An unexpected trip for two is a romantic act that many girls secretly dream of. But to prepare such a surprise, it is not enough to simply purchase a ticket to hot countries. It is important to clarify and resolve the following points:

  1. Will the girl be able to take a vacation while traveling?
  2. Does she have a foreign passport?
  3. Will your parents be against it (if you are not yet married and the girl lives with her parents)?


Jewelry is a popular gift for girls. But to make it truly dear to your heart, you need to worry about its uniqueness. Only then will this decoration always remind you of you and your love.

A good idea is to engrave it on a ring, bracelet or pendant. You can put the date you met or a declaration of love. Such romantic actions will touch your beloved and will not leave you indifferent.

Intriguing gift

As an intriguing gift, you can order flowers delivered with a note: “To a beautiful girl from a secret admirer” and make an appointment for her in the evening in some place, for example, in a park. And then show up to the meeting wearing a T-shirt that says “Secret Admirer.” Such a romantic act will surely be remembered by your beloved for a long time.

Economical ways to surprise a girl

If you don’t have huge funds, it doesn’t matter - there are many ways to surprise your beloved girl with minimal expenses, or even without them at all.

Let's look at some of them:

  1. Perhaps your chosen one told you or you yourself noticed that she does not like some detail about you - bad habits, the way you dress, a haircut, or anything else. We all have shortcomings, but only a few try to deal with them. Try quitting smoking or changing your hairstyle to one that your girlfriend likes better. Changing yourself will not be easy, but the happy and surprised look of your beloved is worth it.
  2. Above was a surprise option in the form of a song of your own performance, if you have talent and a penchant for creativity. But if you learn chords especially for your beloved and play her additionally on the guitar, then such an act will melt even the coldest heart and help win the favor of your beloved.
  3. A video or photo selection is a great option for a romantic gift for your loved one. In the video you can add your lady's favorite song or a composition that is of great importance to both of you. For a photo collection, come up with an original album in which you will not just insert photos, but also add a sweet romantic signature to each of them.
  4. To surprise a girl, give her... a place! Some cozy corner in the city that you like and which she has not seen. Bring her there and tell her why this place is dear to you or what memories are associated with it. If you don’t have such a secluded corner, just find a new beautiful place where you two haven’t been before. This could be an old manor, the roof of a house or a park outside the city.

Money is not a problem

If you are ready to spend money to impress your girlfriend, then here are some more options for romantic unexpected surprises:

  1. Flowers. Only this time 5 white or red roses will not make the right impression. To surprise, you need to choose between quantity and quality. Or buy roses, but there should be at least a hundred of them. Or one unique exotic flower that is not available in flower shops in your city and must be ordered from another country. Girls who like to grow home flowers will especially like this gift.
  2. Wedding ring. It seems that no one will argue that this gift will definitely surprise any girl. But what is extremely important here is your willingness to commit such a responsible act, because after it you will have to marry a happy and surprised girl.
  3. Cultural recreation. Many girls often complain that they don’t go anywhere with their boyfriend. The time has come to change this, because there are a huge number of options for cultural pastime - a philharmonic society, a theater, an art gallery, a museum. And in order to completely impress your beloved, prepare in advance and read reviews and reviews about the upcoming exhibition or performance, and then shine with your knowledge and surprise.
  4. Billboard. Imagine the surprise of your loved one when, on the way to work or school, she sees her photo and congratulations or just a declaration of love on a billboard. You can add a little creativity and instead of a billboard, make a graffiti drawing on a wall or fence. Just keep in mind that quiet, modest girls are unlikely to appreciate such a surprise.
  5. Group photo. Trite? Not at all, if you approach the issue with creativity. To surprise, it’s not enough to just print a photo and put it in a frame. It is better if you order a portrait from the artist based on your photograph. You can also place a photo of them together on a T-shirt, mug or pillow. Such a souvenir will constantly remind the girl of you and your feelings. If you have a lot of photos together, you can make a flip calendar with a new photo on each sheet.
  6. Ride in a hot air balloon. This one will surprise even the most sophisticated and spoiled girl. To make your loved one completely speechless with delight, you can hide a small gift and a bouquet of flowers in the basket in advance. This option for a romantic surprise is perfect if a guy decides to propose marriage. In such conditions, the girl definitely will not refuse.

How to surprise a girl in the morning

Let us immediately note that for a morning surprise you need to get up before the girl. Don't set an alarm that will wake up not only you, but also your sweetheart, otherwise the surprise is doomed to failure. It’s better to start it on your phone, and put the phone itself next to you so that at X-hour you can quickly turn it off. A delicious breakfast and the aroma of fresh flowers are, of course, the best option for a perfect morning. There is no need to prepare boring sandwiches or banal scrambled eggs; it is better to choose some light but healthy salad. Or brew coffee and serve fresh pastries with it. Of course, you may devote more than one day to choosing the recipe and the dish itself, but the surprise must be perfect, and for this you can get confused. If you need ingredients for a dish that you usually don’t have in your refrigerator, it’s better to buy them in advance and leave them with your neighbors. By the way, you can also leave flowers prepared the night before with them. But choose those neighbors with whom you are on good terms and who can get up early in the morning. It should be noted that such a surprise needs to be prepared on a day off, so that the girl can leisurely enjoy breakfast and the atmosphere of such a wonderful morning.

Surprise on the Internet

In the modern age of technology, the Internet has become an integral part of our lives. Therefore, a surprise on the Internet will surprise any modern girl. Create a website for her, post her best photos on it, add a little biography. You can also create a blog for her and give her access to it. If you can, prepare everything yourself; if you are not sure, then contact professional webmasters. They will not only properly organize the entire technical part, but will also help make the blog visually more beautiful and attractive. Who knows, maybe your girlfriend will become popular thanks to this project.

Whatever option for a romantic surprise you choose, the main thing is that it all comes from the heart, then the gift will turn out to be memorable and dear to the heart. When you want to please a loved one, the material side of the issue becomes unimportant. After all, the eyes of your beloved girl sparkling with happiness and joy are truly priceless.

Especially for

Especially for

Between you and me there are hundreds of cities, hundreds of kilometers of roads. But neither life situations nor distances can kill our love. I will wait for you, I will love you wherever you step. After all, a dearer person than you has not existed for me for a long time.

Especially for

One man had a wonderful garden. Everything in that garden was beautiful. But most beautiful of all was the scarlet rose growing on the palace alley. She pleased the eye and surprised everyone who came to admire her with her aroma. My dear, you are like that flower - so sweet that you can’t take your eyes off.

Especially for

It finally happened! Today I woke up next to the most beautiful person on our planet. I send you a million of my tender kisses. Miss you. See you in the evening, my sunshine.

Especially for

Night. Fluffy snow swirls majestically outside, reminding me of my little angel. You appeared in my life so suddenly. Believe me, my girl, I really want to be next to you now, gently whisper compliments in your ear and kiss you.

Especially for

You are my light on a rainy day, the joy of your appearance is all-consuming, when you are nearby, all sorrows fade into the background and the world sparkles with bright colors.

Especially for

How beautiful you are. Trees and flowers whisper about your beauty. The rays of the sun dream of touching your velvety skin. Raindrops dance when they fall on your palms. You are perfection. I love you.

Especially for

You are light for me, you are darkness for me, if you are not there, I will simply go crazy, I will wait for you, I will burn bridges, just be able to understand that there is only you in my heart!

Romantic SMS in prose
Send your loved one romantic, sensual SMS. Romantic SMS in prose on the portal!

Romantic SMS to a girl

Your eyes are two oceans
Bottomless and deep,
You are a wonderful light among the fog,
You are the tenderness of a gentle hand,
You are a ray of sunshine, you are a scarlet dawn,
You are my meaning, my love!

dazzling flower,
Thin, delicate stem,
Nymph, fairy - it's you,
The girl of my dreams!

In your eyes I see the sea
Seagulls frolic in the open space,
And the dawn breaks,
Giving harmony to the soul!

You blind with beauty
You amaze everyone with your kindness,
And I'm glad that I found one,
Magical and unearthly!

Strength, tenderness - it's you,
The embodiment of beauty
Kindness, love, intelligence,
Always be like this!

Amazing, kind,
Inspirational and smart!
Joy, fairy tale and dream,
Muse, you are a fairy from a dream!

The sea languishes tenderly,
A dream is knocking on our hearts,
You are Assol, I am the captain,
The path of love is given to us alone!

Fate promises us happiness,
And Love favors
Fortune lends a hand
And the magic will happen!

A light breeze in your eyes
Thoughts, feelings in heaven,
You are a creation of good
Beauty and magic!

I'm amazed by your beauty
Tenderness, strength and kind soul!
I confess my feelings to you, without hiding,
You are my passion and my Muse!

You are the rainbow light in my destiny,
You are like a ray of sunshine in the darkness!
Charming, kind,
Reasonable and generous in soul!

The sea is gently agitated,
And the whole world admires you:
Talented, unique,
Sincere, kind, beloved!

You are a child of nature, beauty,
The girl from childhood dreams, dreams,
Let Fortune illuminate your path,
And Love preserves and inspires!

You illuminated me with a magic ray,
And she stunned me with a wonderful look,
You inspire love, admiration,
And you give bright moments of happiness!

Romantic SMS to a girl
Your eyes are two oceans, Bottomless and deep, You are a wonderful light among the fog, You are the tenderness of a gentle hand, You are a ray of sunshine, you are a scarlet dawn, You are my meaning, my beloved! dazzling flower,

Romantic texts for SMS to your loved one and those who love

In the section Romantic SMS 32 SMS.

Your name whispers to the music of the rain
The sky drops your name
Only the sky, only the rain understands
How my heart misses without you!

I know that I will miss you more tomorrow. than today, because today I miss you even more than yesterday!

Send SMS There are many places in the world,
Where would I rest my soul;
But there is no point in me looking for them,
When my soul is with you.

Send SMS It's not easy to find in the world
People like you.
You warm everyone around with your smile,
You give so much kindness, attention, warmth.
And I wish that you are always happy.

Send SMS What a pity that you can’t give me the sun, You can’t send a flower over the phone!
All that's left is to write a text message
And leave a ray of warmth in your soul.

Send SMS My love, you are my life.
You are the charm of my days.
I'm living in a dream without you,
With you in reality I melt.
I'm without you, like a day without the sun,
Like an iceberg in the sea I am alone,
Without you I live in doubt
I'm always happy with you!

Send SMS I know that the whole world can hear me now. I know that you will hear me too.
The sage said that true love is like a ghost: everyone talks about it, but few have seen it. True love cannot be seen, it can only be felt with the heart and soul.
I know your love is strong; I know that she is nearby and you feel each other; I know that you are faithful to her. Idolize your Nymph and remember that the one who loves you must be protected.
Another wise man said that love is multifaceted. She has no name, gender or age. It simply exists in the heart of the lover. And it doesn’t matter how you love, the main thing is that you just love.
The third sage said that by giving love, you receive it in return; by denying it, you deprive yourself of strength. Because love, whatever it is, is a gift from Heaven that must be protected.
Take care of love and those who love you. and know - I love you and will love you as long as my soul lives.

Send SMS If God asked me what I want to be, I would answer that I want to be a tear: touch your skin, slide along your cheek and die on your lips!

Send SMS The sparkle of your soul, which once pierced my heart, awakened a volcano of feelings in it, from which grew a fiery flower of ever-burning passion and love for you, (NAME)!

Send SMS I always ask myself: “Where do angels live? In the sky, in the air, or on the ground? But I know one thing for sure: one little angel is now reading this SMS and smiling tenderly!

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Key words: romance, romantic confession to a loved one, wife, husband, lover, romantic SMS to a girl, romantic SMS to a loved one, romantic SMS to a loved one, romantic SMS to a guy

So, you want to do something special for your significant other but have no idea in mind? Whether you want your sign to be creative, budget friendly, quick to implement or classic, we have the answer.

Creative Romantic Ideas

Are you looking for some fun new ways to bring romance into your relationship? Try these creative romantic prompts:

1. Give your beloved a dozen roses, but with an unusual twist. Let it be a bouquet of red roses, and among them - one white. And put a note in it with the following text: “Every bouquet has a special flower, and you are one of them.”

2. Give your significant other a wristwatch with the engraving “You are more valuable to me than time.”

3. Identify the very key incident that connected you. Celebrate this event every year.

4. Practice even and odd days of romance: on even days the romantic is you, on odd days it’s your lover’s turn.

5. After the bubble bath you prepared for your beloved, gently wrap her in a towel after heating it in the dryer.

6. On a piece of paper, write a love letter or poem to your significant other. Glue it onto thin cardboard and cut it into puzzle-shaped pieces, then mail them all to her/him. Or send a puzzle a day.

7. Doesn't your girlfriend/wife deserve the "Best Sweetheart in the World" award? Gift shops are a treasure trove of ideas for this occasion. Just imagine how many romantic possibilities lie hidden in certificates and badges, medals and ribbons, nameplates, certificates and posters. All of them can be inscribed with a name, engraved, inscribed or monogrammed.

Unusual Romantic Ideas

To make a big impression, consider these unusual romance tips:

1. Go to a karaoke bar together and surprise her/him by singing “your” song.

2. Steal her! Blindfold her, drive around the city until she completely loses her bearings. And then, finally, reveal to her the final destination: her favorite cafe or, as an alternative, a romantic hotel.

3. Model an unusual large-format card from a huge cardboard box (for example, the kind you use to pack refrigerators).

4. Does your sweetheart love M&M’s? Fill a large glass jar or vase to the top and give it to her as a gift.

5. Do you dream of adding a little spice to the presentation of a dish you prepared especially for your significant other? Buy a small piece of dry ice. Place it in a bottle of water and place it on a tray. This way you will reproduce marvelous white clouds billowing in waves!

6. Dinner by candlelight - romantic, but ordinary. So there’s another idea: have a candlelit breakfast.

7. Surprise your significant other with a two-week trip to Paris.

8. Every couple has “His” and “Hers” paired towels, but there are also other ideas: “His” and “Hers” paired silk pajamas, motorcycles, T-shirts, small suitcases (keep them always packed), armchairs rocking chairs, Porsches (millionaires need love too), heart tattoos, Christmas tree decorations, tennis rackets, beach towels.

Budget Romance Ideas

Love overflows, but your wallet is almost empty? Try these budget friendly romantic tips:

1. Watching films about love together is a pleasant leisure time.

2. Spend a summer night together making wishes under the shooting stars. Be sure to mark your calendar for the second week of August. Every year, around August 12, the Earth passes through a meteor shower from the direction of the constellation Perseus, as a result of which a stunning spectacle of “star showers” ​​can be observed for two or three nights.

3. Give your significant other a lottery ticket with a little note: “I hit the jackpot by marrying you!”

4. Pick a bouquet of flowers for your sweetheart on the side of the road.

5. Write a note to your significant other, including its text on several postcards, then send her/him one at a time. This will build anticipation for the romantic conclusion in the final card. You can present this last one with your own hand.

6. Don't go to the cinema as usual on Sunday. Call your sweetheart from work on Wednesday and officially ask her out on a date.

7. Call your local radio station and request a love song dedicated to her/him for your significant other. Make sure he/she will be listening to the radio at this moment.

8. Make a personalized certificate for your loved one. You can purchase forms of such certificates at any office supply store. For example, a certificate: “For the patience shown over the years of our life together” - the “Best Wife in the World” award or a ribbon “For hugs and kisses beyond the call of duty.”

Instant Romantic Ideas

If you don't have as much time for love as you'd like, try these low-time, but oh-so-cute romantic ideas:

1. Write “I love you” on the bathroom mirror with a bar of soap.

2. Place a small love note under the windshield wiper of his/her car.

3. From time to time, solemnly kiss her hand. The correct way to do this is to lower your lips to her hand, and not to raise her hand to your lips.

4. Let “your song” play on the tape recorder when your significant other returns from work.

5. When you go out together, sometimes wink at your partner from across the room.

6. On your lover's birthday, send a thank you card to her/his mom.

7. Unplug the TV. And attach a note to its screen with the words: “Better turn me on.”

8. Every time you have a glass of wine, toast each other. Make eye contact. Take turns toasting. Speak them in a whisper.

9. Buy for her the entire “family of products” with the scent of her favorite perfume (body talcum powder, soaps, creams, aromatherapy candles, etc.).

10. While at work, take a moment and call your significant other for no other reason than to say, “I love you.”

Classic Romantic Ideas

Looking for a tried and true way to express your love? Consider these classic romance tips:

1. Scatter rose petals throughout the bedroom.

2. What's more classic than a beautiful gold pendant with your photo inside? Or maybe a photo of you together.

3. Come home with a small, unexpected gift every week.

4. Handwrite a classic, romantic, passionate, heartfelt letter. Most adults haven't written love letters since they were in school. But in vain! Have we really lost our youthful idealism or simply become lazy?

5. When leaving, for example, on a business trip, give your beloved a bouquet of roses; one rose for every day you are absent. Attach a note that says something like this: “These three magnificent flowers symbolize the three days that I will be away from you. They also symbolize the love, joy and laughter that we share with you."

6. Say “I love you” at least three times a day.

7. Guys, surprise her by doing some of the household chores for her. And not something easy, like carrying groceries from the car into the house, but something that requires time and effort. Like cooking for an entire weekend or cleaning the entire house.

8. Ladies, send him a letter sealed with a kiss. Wear your reddest lipstick.

9. Hold hands.

10. Add Valentine's Day plans to your annual romance list early.

Don’t be afraid to express your feelings, appreciate every moment spent next to your loved ones, give them unforgettable emotions that will definitely remain in your heart forever.

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