Sport. Health. Nutrition. Gym. For style

Scenario of the matinee "May 9". Scenario of the matinee dedicated to the celebration of Victory Day Scenario of the matinee on May 9 in the garden

Target: the formation of patriotic feelings based on enriching knowledge about the Great Patriotic War, cultivating interest and a sense of pride in the past of our country.

Objectives of educational activities:

To expand children's knowledge about the Great Patriotic War, to continue to acquaint preschoolers with the life of a long-suffering people.

Foster reverent respect for the heroic past of your people,

feat of the Russian people, warrior-liberator, warrior-defender.

Foster a sense of patriotism

- Improve children's speech, enrich their vocabulary through songs, poems, monologues about war.

Develop the ability to perceive literary works,

Preliminary work:

Conversations with children about the war, about Great Victory Day,

Learning poems about war,

Examination of albums, photographs, illustrations about the Great Patriotic War, the “Motherland Calls” poster, the monument to the “Unknown Soldier”, the monument to the “Victorious Soldier”.

Vocabulary work: Great Patriotic War, Fatherland, bloody war, heroes, feat, obelisk, eternal flame, monument, Nazi Germany, Hitler, trenches, treacherously, train, Red Army soldier, front, mortars, weapons, medicines.

Exhibition of children's drawings about the war and the celebration of Victory Day.

Listening to and learning songs from the war years: “Holy War” - music. A. Alexandrova, “Victory Day” - music. D. Tukhmanova, “Distant fires are burning” music. B. Mokrousova, as well as “Mother’s Fate” - music. A. Stikhareva,

“And the sunsets are scarlet” muses. V. Ososhnika. “Big round dance” - lyrics by E. Zhigalkin, music by A, Hait. Learning dances.

Progress of the matinee:

Children enter the hall to the song “Victory Day”

Educator: Dear guys! ON MAY 9 our country will celebrate the Great Holiday - the 70th anniversary of the Victory Day. 70 years separate us from that first Victory Day. Yes, guys, 70 years have passed since the Great Patriotic War ended. But every year, again and again, on the eve of May 9, we remember those who defended our Motherland; people will never forget this day. For the fact that you and I live and rejoice, we owe it to our great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers, who did not spare their lives in the war, in fierce battles and battles. The Great Patriotic War is the bloodiest war in human history. The war claimed many lives. The peoples of the world paid a huge price for the victory over fascism.

Many years have passed since the war ended. Time has leveled the trenches, ears of grain are growing on the fields of past battles, cities and villages destroyed by the Nazis have been rebuilt. Traces of the war are disappearing from the face of the Earth, but its echo still does not subside in people's souls.

We have no right to forget the horrors of that war, so that it does not happen again! We have no right to forget those soldiers who died so that we could live now.

We must remember everything. To forget the past means to betray the memory of the people who died for PEACE on our land.

So let's turn over some pages of the Great Patriotic War and remember how it was...

Let's imagine with you a time of peace before the war. Our country grew stronger and developed. Plants and factories were built. Children went to kindergartens and schools. Life was peaceful. The last peaceful day of 1941 was Saturday. After an ordinary week of work, millions of Soviet people went on vacation. Only the factories continued to breathe heat, the chimneys of non-stop working enterprises continued to breathe, freight and passenger trains rushed along the railways...
The silence of the warm summer night that had fallen in many cities and villages was broken by the happy voices of young people who were celebrating their graduation from school, their entry into adulthood...

June... The sunset was approaching evening,

And the sea overflowed during the white night,

And there was loud laughter from the guys,

Those who do not know, those who do not know grief.

June... We didn’t know then

Walking from school evenings,

That tomorrow will be the first day of the war,

And it will end only in 1945 in May.

Re-enactment of the beginning of the war (performed by children).

To the song “Distant fires are burning” by music. B. Mokrousova

Children walk in pairs around the hall, depicting peacetime (small dance). And suddenly the terrible news came from the loudspeaker that Nazi Germany had attacked our country (voice of Yu. Levitan). The girls cling to the boys with fear. Having listened to the message to the end, to the song “Holy War,” the boys put on military uniforms, the girls at this time take scarlet scarves in their hands and the children again line up in pairs.

1st boy

Don't cry, little sister,

Mom don't cry

I will return victorious

To our native land.

2nd boy

We have tanks, we have machine guns!

We have guns and planes!

We will fearlessly destroy our enemies,

To liberate the Fatherland!

Children perform a dance to the song “And Scarlet Sunsets”

Oh, war, what have you done, vile:
Our yards have become quiet,
Our boys raised their heads
They have matured for the time being.
They barely loomed on the threshold
And they left - for the soldier the soldier...
Goodbye boys!
Try to go back!
No, don't hide, be tall
Spare no bullets or grenades,
And don’t spare yourself... But still
Try to go back!

(The girls wave their handkerchiefs as they see off the boys to war, after which the children take their seats in the hall)

Educator: On June 22, 1941, at 3:15 a.m., when all the cities and villages were asleep, the enemy unexpectedly and treacherously attacked our Motherland. The war has begun. German planes bombed cities, airfields, railway stations, they bombed hospitals where sick people were treated: adults and children. Bombs fell on residential buildings, kindergartens and schools. It was Hitler who gave the order to his troops to seize our country and turn people into slaves. They fired their guns at quiet villages. The fields were set on fire. The enemies did not know where the adults were, where the children were - they killed everyone on their way. And they trampled and trampled our native land. Everyone, both old and young, stood up to defend our Motherland. Your great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers went to war, even teenagers rushed to the front and each defended their Fatherland. Every day, trains carried Red Army soldiers to the front. Relatives and friends saw them off with tears in their eyes, but with faith in victory. . And they called this war the Great Patriotic War.

The Great Patriotic War lasted four and a half years. Our soldiers fought bravely in battles. Those who remained in the rear worked in factories and factories, making weapons: tanks, machine guns, airplanes, mortars and cannons. Military echelons carried weapons, medicines and clothing, and food for the soldiers to the front. Finally the enemy was broken! Our people defeated fascism and saved the peoples of the whole world from it. Victory came in the spring of May 9, 1945. The first Victory Parade took place in Moscow on Red Square. On this day, May 9, 1945, all people rejoiced. They went out into the streets, hugged and kissed. Complete strangers, but so dear and close to each other, they experienced so many terrible days together. And now they were united by one thing: the joy of Victory, the joy of peace, the joy of a cloudless sky.

Re-enactment of Victory Day. Message from Yu. Levitan about the end of the war.To the song “Victory Day” the girls meet the boys from the war and read poetry.

1 child

Ninth of May: Victory, hurray!
Both adults know everything, and children,
That on this day our glorious heroes
We defeated the enemy, saved you and me!


That they gave the WORLD,
Then - in forty-five!!!

3 child
You are blood and sweat
You were young
Now they are grandfathers.

4 child
We will never forget!!!
May the sun be PEACEFUL
Shines for all people!!!


You are our pride, you are our glory,
You are the honor and conscience of your state.
We went through the hell and won!
The country has been restored from the ashes!

And only the earth and the sky know
At what price was the victory taken...

(After the skit, the children take their seats in the hall)

Educator: But Victory is not only joy, but also sorrow. People rejoiced at the Great Victory and mourned the losses of loved ones. It was estimated that out of every hundred who fought, only three survived.

The days of the coming spring are no longer given to them.
Please stand up for a minute
In memory of all those who did not come from the war.

In the hall, everyone stands up and honors the memory of the victims. The teacher lights a candle and reads a poem to the accompaniment of quiet music.


Through all the battles and troubles,
Without knowing sleep and silence,
You boldly walked the path of Victory
For the honor of my native country.
In the name of reason and light
You protected me from black forces
Not only the homeland of the Soviets -
You protected the entire planet.
You were driven by holy rage
To Victory, into the fiery distance...
The victory was hard for us:
It contains our joy and sorrow;
It contains a strong alloy of fire and steel,
Our Russian spirit and hot ardor...
She was forged in battle, in labor,
It was forged front and rear.

And grandchildren, and fathers, and grandfathers
Forged the world...
And the time has come...
And in our park in honor of the Victory
Our soldier stood on the pedestal.
The soldier is standing. And the birds are loud
They sing about him not far away...

The soldier stands and watches vigilantly,

The sword in his hand will not tremble.
The soldier stands in a conspicuous place
Like a faithful guard
to the fear of enemies...
And the people of the world
people of honor
They lay flowers at his feet.
(After reading the poem everyone sits down.)

Dramatization for the song “Mother’s Fate” (performed by children: 9 boys and a girl). After the performance, the children take their places in the hall.


The evening hour is coming,

Mothers don't close their eyes

And they look at the guys with love.

The call of mothers is heard everywhere:

Our life is the happiness of children!

Look at our guys:

Silence - the children are sleeping, the children are sleeping.

Born to live

Let them not know the war!

We believe that reason and peace will win!

Silence - the children are sleeping, the children are sleeping.

Child: Everyone needs peace and friendship,

Peace is more important than anything in the world,

On a land where there is no war,

The children sleep peacefully at night.

Where the guns don't thunder,

The sun is shining brightly in the sky.

We need peace for all the guys.

We need peace on the entire planet!


Guys, let's spite the weather

Let's embrace the planet with our round dance,

Let's scatter clouds and smoke over it,

We won’t let anyone offend her.

(children stand up and join hands, in the center the child holds a globe)

1st child: - With our work we will make our Motherland stronger and more beautiful!

2nd child: - We will defeat all diseases!

3rd child: - We will build modern houses, factories, factories!

4th child: - We will learn to operate the most modern equipment!

5th child: - We will make our Motherland the richest and happiest

Child: Let's save the planet

There is nothing like it in the entire universe.

All alone in the whole universe,

What will she do without us?

Child: Let's be friends with each other.

Like a bird with the sky, like the wind with a meadow,

Like a sail with the sea, grass with the rains,

How the sun is friends with all of us!

Children (singing):

song “Big Round Dance” - lyrics by E. Zhigalkin, music by A, Hait.


Today is a great day - Victory Day!
And on a glorious day I want to wish
Have a happy, peaceful, long life,
And you will never know cruel wars!
May happiness reign on the planet,
And grief will bypass everyone.
Only the gentle sun shines on us all
May the sky be peaceful above our heads!
I congratulate you all! Good health to you!
Long Live the Victory!
Hooray! Hooray! Hurray! (all together)

The proposed scenario is the scenario of one of the many lessons dedicated to Victory Day, held in the Kolobok group from 2009 to 2013.

The material reflects both the direction “Acquaintance with the phenomena of public life” and “Formation of knowledge about the history of the state.”

We believe that the relevance of the problem of patriotic education of the younger generation is beyond doubt and therefore does not require additional justification. As for the novelty of the approach to this problem, we believe that an excessive desire for innovation for the sake of innovation itself does more harm than good.

In our work, we widely use the experience accumulated by teachers of older generations. We also closely follow the latest developments of leading teachers of our time and apply these developments in our daily work, adapting it to our conditions and capabilities.

In this regard, we take this opportunity to express our deep gratitude to our colleagues: Z. Ya. Root, M. Eremeeva, E. Gomonova, N. V. Burtseva - teachers of preschool institutions, whose experience inspires us and often serves as the basis for our events.

We consider the cultivation of patriotic feelings in children to be one of the difficult tasks of moral education. It includes nurturing love for loved ones, for kindergarten, for one’s hometown and home country.

The most difficult task for us seems to be cultivating love for one’s native city and native country. In this regard, many questions arise. How do patriotic feelings manifest themselves in preschool children? How can a preschooler express these feelings? What should a teacher strive for?

After all, a preschooler perceives the reality around him emotionally, therefore, patriotic feelings for his native people, for his native country are manifested in a feeling of admiration for his people, the history and achievements of his country. It is these feelings that need to be evoked in the process of introducing children to their country.

Such feelings cannot arise after several, even very successful sessions. This is the result of long-term, systematic and targeted influence on the child.

Of course, patriotic education cannot be achieved through one matinee a year. Introducing preschoolers to the history of their native country is a long and complex process. It cannot happen from case to case. A positive result can only be achieved through systematic work, and this work is carried out not only in class, but should also take place outside of class. We bring complex topics to class that require explanation and interpretation.

We distributed all the work on instilling in children a feeling of love for their native country on a weekly basis. We use various forms of work to introduce children to the phenomena of social life, familiarize themselves with the traditions and culture of their people, form knowledge about humanity, form ideas about family, relatives, clan and ancestry, as well as form knowledge about the history of their native country.

Depending on the goal, this could be: a targeted walk, conversation, didactic games, reading fiction, etc.

We conduct classes once or twice a month, depending on the age group. The knowledge gained in the classroom is consolidated in various forms of work outside of the classroom. And throughout the year, the teacher and music director return several times to what the children learned earlier.

Some topics are repeated in each group, but with a certain complication. If in the middle group a final event can be devoted to a theme, for example, Victory Day, then in the senior group it can already be entertainment followed by a thematic excursion to memorable places in their hometown, and next year, already in the preparatory group, it will be a grand matinee with an invitation to veterans and a multimedia presentation.

Festive matinees are a very important link in this chain of events.

These are, for example, matinees dedicated to such topics as “Defender of the Fatherland Day”, “April 12 - Cosmonautics Day”, “May 9 - Victory Day”.

Each lesson is conducted using visual material.

We try to include a multimedia presentation in every matinee. After all, a patriotic song or poem accompanied by a video evokes a very strong emotional response in children. Seeing how great, beautiful and diverse our country is, they learn to love it and feel proud of their compatriots. The teacher and music director select the material based on the capabilities we have, as well as on the age characteristics of the children.

In almost every lesson, children learn new words that were previously unknown to them. We believe that children should not strive to remember them all at once. But it is advisable to repeat each new word with the children in chorus, so that each child pronounces this new word, which helps expand the children’s vocabulary.

The phonogram of the song “Native Song” plays,

music Yu. Chichkova, lyrics. K. Ibryaeva.

Children enter the hall, sit on chairs, and the music stops.


Our country Russia is big and beautiful. For every person, it begins with the parental home. No matter what corner of it you were born in, you can proudly say: “This is my Motherland!”

The song “Where the Motherland Begins” sounds softly

music V. Fable words by M. Matusovsky.

(Against the background of music)

Our Russia is a very Godly country.

It is rich in wide beautiful rivers.

It is rich in cities and villages: small and large, noisy and quiet; old and new...

It is rich in minerals - gold and silver, precious stones, oil, and gas are stored in its depths.

It is rich in forests, fields, meadows...

But its most important wealth is its people, our compatriots. Each of them glorifies their homeland in their own way. Builders build houses, scientists make discoveries glorifying her name, composers write songs about her, poets dedicate their poems to her. Listen to one of them.


Russia - like a word from a song

Birch young foliage.

Surrounded by forests, fields and rivers

Expanse, Russian soul!

I love you, my Russia

For the clear light of your eyes,

(S. Vasiliev)

The song “I look into the blue lakes” sounds

music L. Afanasyeva, lyrics. I. Shaferana

Girls in elegant Russian costumes perform

Dance with handkerchiefs

The children take their seats.

Music A. Alexandrova,sl.V. Lebedeva-Kumacha

At this time, the boys put on caps.


More than seventy years ago, a mortal danger loomed over our Motherland. Nazi Germany decided to seize other people's lands, other people's wealth. She managed to conquer many countries, and her turn came to our country.

This is how it was...

1 Child:

The Nazis attacked us

There are no numbers for enemy tanks

Brest Fortress fighting

Under a hail of cast lead.

2 Child:

Sevastopol is burning with fire

St. Andrew's flag spread out.

And protects with his chest

Odessa native sailor.

3 Child:

Panfilov defending Moscow,

In the ring on the Neva Leningrad,

But tired people whisper;

"Not a step, not a step back"

4 Child:

We are going to fight for every city,

Fight for the street, for the house,

People help the dandy.

Honest, valiant work

5 Child

The men went into a hot battle,

Women began to work at the machine

For more mines, shells

It hit right at the enemy.

Multimedia equipment turns on.

Children are invited to watch a photo presentation about the war

accompanied by the song “At a Nameless Height”, music V. Basner, lyrics. M. Matusovsky ,

The presentation lasts 3 minutes.

6 Child:

There were battles with an interesting enemy

Moving East

Evenings at the dugout

Wile away the evening

Those who carry a gun in the morning,

I was in battle with a machine gun.

And the soldiers are on vacation

They sing a quiet song.

The phonogram of the song “In the Dugout” plays

music by K. Listov, lyrics. A. Surkova

The children sing along. (1 verse)


The war scattered young guys - some to become telephone operators, some to become scouts, some to become artillerymen.

Several children dramatize S. Mikhalkov’s poem “We are warriors too.”

Children are distributed throughout the hall, put on costume elements, and take the necessary attributes.

(the child sits on a chair, pretending to be a signalman, with headphones on his head, and a microphone or telephone in his hands).

Hello, Jupiter? I am Diamond

I can hardly hear you at all

We occupied the village with a fight.

And how are you? Hello! Hello!

Nurse (bandages a wounded man sitting on a chair, he groans).

Why are you roaring like a bear?

It's just a matter of patience!

And your wound is so light,

That it will heal for sure.

Sailor (looks at the sky through binoculars).

There's an airplane on the horizon.

On course - full speed ahead!

Get ready for battle, crew!

Set aside - our fighter.

Two pilots (look at the map in the open tablet).

1st pilot.

The infantry is here, and the tanks are here,

The flight to the target is seven minutes.

2nd pilot.

The combat order is clear.

The enemy will not leave us.

Machine gunner.

So I climbed into the attic.

Perhaps the enemy is hiding here?

We clean the house behind the houses.


We will find the enemy everywhere.


There was also a profession during the war - a driver. And she was no less important than a pilot or tanker.

The next dance is dedicated to the front-line drivers.

The song “Song of the Front-line Driver” is playing, music B. Mokrousova, lyrics. B. Laskina.

Boys perform

Dance of front-line drivers


For someone to carry flowers in their hands,

You carried machine guns in your hands

Soldiers are not born for war,

And so that there is no war.

Guys, today our guest is a veteran of the Great Patriotic War, Maria Petrovna Sidorova.

Let's greet our dear veteran Maria Petrovna.

As a very young girl, she volunteered for the front. Maria Petrovna, could you tell the guys a little about how you defended our Motherland.

A short story from a veteran.


On behalf of the entire team and all the children, he congratulates the veteran on the holiday and says words of gratitude.


Maria Petrovna, as a sign of our gratitude we give you these flowers.

Music plays, children give flowers.

Children sing the song “When Veterans Go to the Parade” music and lyrics Root.


Let's remember everyone by name

Let us remember with our grief

This is necessary - not for the dead

This is necessary - alive.

Through centuries, through years - remember

About those who will never come again - remember!

Do not Cry. Hold back your moans in your throat,

Bitter moans.

Be worthy of the memory of the fallen,

Eternally worthy.

With bread and song, dream and poetry,

Spacious living.

Every second, every breath

Be worthy!

People, as long as hearts are knocking -

At what cost did you win happiness?

Please remember!

7 Child:

Get up early this morning

Go out into the city and take a look.

How veterans walk

With orders on his chest.

8 Child:

Thank you dear, dear

What protected us then

And those who defended Russia

At the price of military labor.


The victory came at a high cost to our people.

Millions of fighters remained in the ground forever.

Let us bow our heads and take a moment of silence to honor the blessed memory of our heroes.

I ask everyone to stand up.

The soundtrack "Metronome" plays.

A minute of silence.

9 Child:

Let's not forget those heroes.

What lies in the damp ground,

Giving my life on the battlefield

For the people, for you and me...

10 Child:

Glory to our generals,

Glory to our admiral

And to the ordinary soldiers -

On foot, swimming, horseback,

Tired, seasoned!

Glory to the fallen and the living

Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Sound the song "Victory Day"

music D Tukhmanova, words V. Kharitonova.

Children perform a formation march with balloons and flowers.

The holiday is over.

musical director,

Sokolova Irina Ivanovna,

teacher of MKDOU "CRR - kindergarten No. 5 "Dolphin",

Semiluki, Voronezh region, Russia

How to conduct a Victory Day matinee in kindergarten as solemnly as possible? This festive scenario for May 9 will help every teacher organize an interesting event that will definitely not leave any child indifferent.

Name of the holiday: “We must remember and honor...”

Leading. On this holiday, a Museum of the Memory of the War Years opens in our garden, where you can see illustrations, military records and books, they were preserved in the families of our children. There are also a lot of interesting things there: caps, photographs, tablets, etc.

The museum can be visited not only by children, but also by their parents. It will have a cinema hall where you can watch various films and slides about the War. It will also be interesting to listen to the tour guide speak. After visiting the museum, you can attend a matinee dedicated to May 9th.

Beautifully dressed children holding flowers and ribbons in their hands enter the hall.

Leading. Today we celebrate an outstanding date. Veterans of the Great Patriotic War have come to us, let's meet them (the greeting of veterans begins).

May 9 is Victory Day, the path to which was difficult. Let's respect our guests with a low bow, saluting them for more than fulfilling their duty to the Fatherland. Let us also remember those who were unable to return from the war.

Pupil. Glory to our defenders!

Children: Glory! Glory! Glory!

The song “Victory Day” begins to play (words by V. Kharitonov, music by D. Tukhmanov). After turning on the recording, the children line up in 3 circles. In the first circle, kindergarten students hold ribbons, in the second - flowers, in the third - fireworks.

During the first verse, the children move in counter motion in all circles. Pupils with ribbons raise them above their heads and lower them. Children from the other two circles do the same. Everyone sings the chorus.

During the second verse, the children line up, facing the audience. Those holding ribbons walk into the hall with their hands raised, followed by children with flowers and fireworks.

While playing the chorus, all actions are repeated. On the third verse, the children move freely around the audience.

1st student:

Victory! Victory! Victory!

The news spreads across the country,

The end of trials and tribulations

The end of a long war.

2nd student:

Victory won with blood -

You are dearer to my heart a hundred times.

You were with us in the Moscow region,

Do you remember the Caucasus, Leningrad.


You walked with us in columns,

She led us into a decisive battle.

Today on our banners

You have eclipsed the sun.

Leading. Peace and victory are two words that are inseparable.

1st student:

We need peace: you and me,

And to all the children in the world.

And the dawn should be peaceful,

Which we will meet tomorrow.

2nd student:

We need peace, grass in dew,

Smiling childhood;

We need peace, a beautiful world,


3rd student:

We need to run, jump, sing

And talk to each other.

4th student:

Talk about anything -

About games and fun,

About motorcycles, about cinema

And about the brave cowboys.

5th student:

Who was bothered by this world -

With flowers on the edge?

6th student:

Who in this world, wonderful world,

Aimed the cannon?

7th and 8th pupil:

I'll be happy.

I'll be happy.

When all bullets and shells disappear on Earth.

Children sing the song “About Peace”.

Leading. 73 years ago our glorious grandfathers defended peace on Earth. We know very well the value of this peace and peaceful life. What does it take for everyone to live happily in the World?

Children. World.

Leading. What do you think the world is?

Children take turns:

The world is a cloudless morning;

Peace is when you are full of worries;

The world is blossoming gardens and wide fields;

The world is the open doors of kindergartens and schools;

Peace is when thunder is heard instead of the roar of guns;

Peace is when the whole family is together.

Peace is life!

Children perform the composition “Let there always be sunshine.” The lights in the hall go out.

Leading. We all survived a difficult and very terrible war, emerging from it as winners. Everyone fought – from the smallest to the oldest. Women and children worked in the rear: they supplied shells, mended clothes, treated the crippled. The slogan of those years was the words “Everything for the front.”

While the teacher is talking, a slide show is going on behind him.

Fierce battles took place in the forests, in the sky, on the seas and on land, in swamps and rivers. Many never returned from the war, but we will always keep their memory in our hearts (at this moment the “Tomb of the Unknown Soldier” slide is shown). They are forever in our memory. Let's honor them with a minute of silence.

1st student:

The whole globe is underfoot,

I live, I breathe, I sing.

But in memory it is always with me

Killed in battle.

2nd student:

I know what I owe them.

And let not only verse,

My life will be worthy

Their soldier's death.

In the hall, everyone begins to sing the song “Eternal Flame” (words by D. Chibisov, music by A. Filippenko - 1976).

The teacher-presenter gives the floor to one of the veterans, who tells the children and everyone present his military story. The children begin to ask him questions. For example: “How did you celebrate Victory Day? What feelings filled you? What did you think about when you heard “Victory?”, etc.

Then the kindergarten students perform the composition “Heirs of Victory” (words by V. Shumilin, music by E. Zaritskaya), after which they give the prepared flowers to the veterans.

Educator. Our great and glorious warriors fought bravely on the fronts of the war. Let's watch the video “We are the military” by S. Mikhalkov, it will tell you about what our grandfathers had to face.

Children come out in clothes with elements of military paraphernalia.

Signalman (with a walkie-talkie in his hands):

Hello, hello, Jupiter, I am Diamond.

I can hardly hear you at all.

We occupied the village with a fight,

How are you, hello, hello?

Sailor (with binoculars):

There's an airplane on the horizon.

Full speed ahead, forward!

Get ready for battle, crew,

Leave us alone, our fighter.

Machine gunner:

So I climbed into the attic.

Perhaps there is an enemy lurking here.

We clean the house behind the house,

We will find the enemy everywhere.

Pilot (with map):

The infantry is here, and the tanks are here.

Seven minutes left to fly.

The combat order is clear.


The enemy will not leave us.

Infantryman (with order):

I'm a young infantryman.

He fought with a fascist near Moscow.

More than once I went on reconnaissance missions,

The colonel awarded me.

Leading. Only the bravest and strongest, most skillful and dexterous military men were able to withstand this confrontation.

The turn of the games “The Most Accurate Shooter” and “Tug of War” comes.


Who is the stronger guy?

Well, let's take the rope!

The one who will pull

He will become the strongest.

4 envelopes are shown, it is explained that these are reports, and they need to be urgently delivered to headquarters (the table where the veterans sat down). The attraction “Walk through the swamp and deliver reports” is held.

One of the veterans reads the riddle:

A turtle crawls, a steel shirt,

The enemy is in the ravine, and she is where the enemy is.

Knows neither grief nor fear.

What kind of turtle is this?


The composition “Three Tankers” is playing (words by B. Laskin, music by D. and D. Pokrassov). Dressed in helmets, three boys come onto the stage with steering wheels in their hands and circle the hall.

The teacher opens the second envelope and reads:

Like unprecedented wonderful flowers,

Umbrellas flew from heavenly heights.


Leading. And here are our paratroopers.

Small toy parachutes take off. The girls come out and start dancing with the boys.

The third envelope opens:

Iron fish swims underwater

The enemy is threatened with fire and disaster.

The iron fish dives to the bottom.

She protects her native seas.


Child in a cap:

The sailors are marching in formation, the anchors are sparkling.

And we, in our sailor suits, dream of the seas.

Children dance “Apple”, the teacher opens the last envelope:

During the war, warriors composed many proverbs and sayings. Do you know them?

Guys (one by one):

A skilled fighter, well done everywhere.

Good in formation - strong in battle.

A soldier's job is to fight bravely and skillfully.

The Russian soldier knows no barriers.

The girl is red with braids, and the soldier with orders.

Gain intelligence in learning, courage in battle.

Stand for each other and you will win the battle.

Educator. During the war, composers and poets came up with many wonderful songs that soldiers loved to perform during their rest between battles. They remembered home, family.

Children, together with their teachers, begin to sing familiar songs.

Girl in Russian folk costume:

I sing Russian songs, even if I’m not Ruslanova.

Performs the song “I went up the hill.” Children dance in a round dance to the Russian folk melody “And I’m in the Meadow.”

The teacher brings a large globe onto the stage. Look how small the globe is, and there is a place on it for absolutely everyone: animals and fields, people, fish, waters, forests. We must take care of our Earth, our father's home. Therefore, we must live in peace.

1st student:

Let's save the planet

There is nothing like it in the entire universe.

All alone in the whole universe,

What will she do without us?

2nd student:

Let's be friends with each other.

Like a bird with the sky, like the wind with a meadow,

Like a sail with the sea, grass with the rains,

How the sun is friends with all of us!


May there always be sunshine.

May there always be heaven.

May there always be a mother.

May it always be me!

Scenario of the holiday dedicated to the 69th ANNIVERSARY of the Great Victory.

Popova Anna Sergeevna,

music director

MADOU "Kindergarten No. 88" Tyumen

Goal: to form in children of senior preschool age patriotic feelings and respect for the defenders of the Motherland on the basis of specific historical facts; vivid impressions that evoke emotional experiences through the musical and literary heritage of the Great Patriotic War.


Continue to introduce children to the concepts: “Great Patriotic War,” “War Veteran,” “War Participant,” Hero of the Great Patriotic War.” Deepen children’s knowledge of the history of their native country.


Develop the child’s intellectual abilities, attention, curiosity.

Develop the communicative function of speech.

To deepen the knowledge of older preschool children about the army, symbols, military ranks, and military awards.


To instill in children pride in their country, to honor the memory of soldiers who died for the freedom of the Fatherland.

To instill in children a desire to receive vivid impressions from works of the literary and musical heritage of the Great Patriotic War.

Musical material:

Song: “Victory Day”, music. D. Tukhmanova, words of V. V. Kharitonov.

March: “Slovyanka’s Farewell” music. V. Agapkina.

Song: “Eternal Flame” music. A. Filipenko, lyrics. A. Sverdlova.

"Song of Peace" music. A. Filipenko, lyrics. T. Volgina.

Song "Cranes" music. Ya. Frenkel, lyrics. R. Gazmatova.

"Metronome" - Minute of Silence

Song: “Don’t forget, terrible years” by muses. A Pakhmutova, lyrics M. Lvov.

"Heirs of Victory" music.

Progress of the holiday.

Presenter: Dear children, dear guests! Congratulations

The Great Patriotic War. The path to Victory was difficult and heroic.

Presenter: Today is Victory Day,

Happy, bright spring day.

All the streets are dressed in flowers,

And sonorous songs are heard.

Child: It was the Great Victory Day

Many years ago.

Grandfathers remember Victory Day,

Each of the guys knows.

Child: We are talking about the first day of victory

We love to listen to our story,

How our grandfathers fought

For the whole world and for all of us.

Presenter: We celebrate Victory Day! We celebrate liberation

Our Motherland from the fascist invaders. But this Victory was not easy. Many did not return home because they died heroically fighting for their homeland. They are alive in our hearts.

In memory of them, the “Eternal Flame” was lit and will always burn.

Child: Get up early this morning,

Go out into the city and have a look.

How veterans walk

With orders on his chest.

Child: For our native country, people

They gave their lives.

We will never forget

Those who fell in valiant battle.

Child: The fire is burning near the obelisk,

The birches stand in silence.

And we bowed low, low,

An unknown soldier is sleeping here. (Song “Eternal Flame”)

Presenter: With pain in our souls, we mourn for those who did not return from the battlefield.

We will honor their memory with a minute of silence, and everyone will thank them in their hearts for the happy world in which we live.

Let us stand and bow our heads to their memory.

(MINUTES OF SILENCE.) They sit down on the chairs.

Presenter: People will never forget this day. For what we are now

together we rejoice, rejoice, laugh, dance, we are obliged

our grandparents, who defended the world in fierce battles. So let us gratefully cherish this world, in which

we are living.

Child: Thank you soldiers

For life, for childhood and spring.

For silence, for a peaceful home

For the world in which we live.

Child: We need a colorful world

And we will all be happy.

When they disappear on earth,

All bullets and shells.

Child: Sailors, artillerymen,

Border guards, signalmen,

To everyone who protects our world

And guards the borders

For great things


(song about Peace.)

Ved: Our soldiers were distinguished not only by their heroism and ingenuity, but also by their daring and cheerful character. And how did their great-grandchildren grow up? Now we'll see.

Attraction games are held.

Forward to the flag: Two teams: Task: run between the pins while playing the ball, pass the ball to the next one, the last one

raises the flag. (The first team to raise the flag wins.)

And what fearless nurses they were, they carried the wounded straight from the battlefield as bullets whistled overhead.

and now the girls will show their ability to overcome difficulties.

- “Helping the wounded” Task: bandage the wounded and move from point “A” to point “B”

Attraction for attention: Three flags: 1 - green, marching.

2- blue, standing still. 3 - red, shout Hurray!

Child: The war ended in victory, those years are behind us.

Many people have medals and orders on their chests.

Child: Pigeons fly higher, on a May morning at dawn.

They take off into the blue, wishing everyone happiness and peace on earth.

Child: Glory! Glory to the veterans, glory to the dear Army.

Fly a three-digit flag over your native Fatherland.

Child: Let the Victory fireworks thunder! The world is warmed by this light.

Congratulations to our grandfathers, a huge greeting to them!

Presenter: Glory to Victory Day! Glory! Glory!

All: Glory!

Presenter: Glory to veterans! Glory! Glory!

All: Glory!

Presenter: Happiness, peace on earth,

All: Glory! Glory! Glory!

Song "Heirs of Victory"

We invite preschool teachers of the Tyumen region, Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug-Yugra to publish their teaching material:
- Pedagogical experience, original programs, teaching aids, presentations for classes, electronic games;
- Personally developed notes and scenarios of educational activities, projects, master classes (including videos), forms of work with families and teachers.

Why is it profitable to publish with us?

Children line up in pairs on both sides of the hall. There are teachers with them (1 on one side, the other on the other side).

Girls in dark skirts, white blouses, boys in trousers or shorts, white shirts. Veterans are sitting in the hall.

Music from the film is playing. "Officers". "From the heroes of bygone times."

Children calmly enter the hall in pairs and are distributed around the hall, near their chairs.

Presenter 1:

Guys, today is not an easy day,

Today is a special day

We invited veterans to the kindergarten.

These are the most honorable people in our country.

These are the people who won the war.

Presenter 2:

Only thanks to these people

We live in a world

Today our guest is: ………

Our dear veterans, we congratulate you on this holiday with all our hearts.

You are our pride and all our respect, all our gratitude goes to you.

Guys, please welcome and congratulate our dear guests.

(music “Victory Day”)

(children come up and say “Hello!” Congratulations on the holiday.


1. There is one holiday - the most important one

Spring brings it to us!

Victory Day - solemn, glorious

The whole country is celebrating!

2. What is Victory Day -

It's the morning parade

Tanks and missiles are coming,

A line of soldiers is marching.

3. What is Victory Day -

These are festive fireworks

Fireworks fly into the sky

Torn here and there.

4. What is Victory Day-

These are songs at the table

These are speeches and conversations

This is my grandfather's album.

5. What is Victory Day-

These are the smells of spring,

What is Victory Day -

This means no war!

(Song “Victory”).

Presenter 1:

Gray-haired veterans are coming

There are medals, stars, orders on their chests!

The wounds remind them of the military days,

About the Victory Days - the coming spring.

Presenter 2: Our heroes, we will always remember you

those who left and those who survived!

Your descendants, children, great-grandchildren and grandchildren bow to you to the ground.

(All children kneel, bowing their heads and putting their hand to their heart, and sit on the chairs).

Presenter 1:

Guys, of course, your relatives told you about this terrible war. Every family has memories of those distant, difficult times.

Today you brought photographs of those who fought, who remember how it was. Tell me what you know. ( Find out in advance who is ready).

(Children's stories).

Presenter 2:

Our dear veterans. We don’t want to disturb your memory, but if you yourself want to tell the children something, we will listen to you with great gratitude.

(find out in advance)

(Veterans' stories).

Presenter 1:

War is grief, it is destruction.

The Nazis destroyed cities, villages, schools

They killed people, old people, children.

Many did not return from that war,

They died defending their homeland.

Presenter 2:

And we will remember too

There is a custom - to stand up and stand quietly.

Think with gratitude about those who have preserved the world.

(Metronome beats) Minute of silence.

(4 girls leave to change clothes, take off their blouses and skirts, remain in gymnastic leotards and white and pink skirts, white tights and white Czech shoes). While they are changing clothes, the boys say the words:

Presenter 1:

The long-awaited peace has arrived!

The task of every person is to save the world!

How to do this guys?

Children: be kind, sympathetic, wish you people happiness.

The boys come out.

6. We need peace

Grass in dew

Smiling childhood.

7. We need peace

A wonderful world, received as an inheritance.

(children move the chairs to the side walls, 4 boys take the cloth)

Dance "How beautiful this world is."

Presenter 2:

We are proud of our heroes and address veterans with great respect.

“Thank you for your feat!

Children, your great-grandparents will remain in your hearts, in your memory. As long as you remember, they will always be with you.

Song "Great Grandfather"

(Irina, Christina, Yana)

(Children stand near the chairs, the presenters hand out flags).

8. So that there will always be mom and dad,

So that there is enough sun for everyone,

We are for a peaceful, kind sky

So that the troubles go away completely.

“Sun circle” is an exercise with rebuilding. At the end of the exercise, the children leave the hall through the door from the kitchen side, facing the veterans and waving their flags.

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