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Gray-blue eyes hair color. What hair color suits light eyes? (photo)

Do you have thoughts about changes in your appearance?

Do you ever have moments when you want to do something like that, for example, change your life, image, hair color or hairstyle?

Perhaps you are the type of woman who thinks about hair color for blue-gray eyes or wonders what hair color suits gray eyes?

There are moments when a lady allows herself to mentally try on a different image, because women are dreamy and emotional people!

And if it is very difficult to radically change a change in your place of residence or vacation, area of ​​activity, or wardrobe in a short time, then changing your hair color is easy!

The choice of a suitable hair dye color, of course, is determined by taking into account the natural appearance of each woman. There are, of course, those who take risks and turn their lives upside down, parting even with their favorite dresses, for the sake of updating their image, not paying attention to any advice and recommendations. Nothing wrong with that. Through trial and error, we often find answers to the main “image” questions.

Basics and definition of color types

All people on the planet can be figuratively divided into four color groups. It is your natural appearance that determines what may suit you - hair color, makeup, clothing.

To do this, just pick up your hair, open your face and pay attention to the color of your skin, lips, hair, eyebrows, and eyes. If you have pieces of colored paper or fabric available, then simply applying them to the base of your face and observing the complete image, you can determine whether you belong to a particular color type and understand which color is preferable to you.

Autumn, winter, spring, summer - this is how the main color types are distributed, helping to determine the appropriate range for each woman.

In order to decide on a hair color that will go perfectly with your appearance, let's consider some features.


This is the type of appearance that can be identified if you have light blue and light gray, blue, blue-gray, amber, amber-green or green eyes. The hair is the color of wheat, delicate gold, light honey. These women have light peach-colored skin with a slight blush.


Eye color is often gray, gray-blue, gray with green. Hair, most often, is of all shades of light brown, with an ashy tint. Light skin tones, including those with a slight gray tint. The skin takes a tan well.


Eyes are green, amber, light gray, light brown. The skin has a pink tint and is almost transparent. Often covered with freckles. Doesn't tan well - turns red. Hair from honey color to bright red.


Eyes are bright gray, gray with splashes of blue, blue, dark brown, black, blue. Skin color is peach or with a yellowish tint. It can also be very light, almost white, but without pink. Not afraid of sunburn. Hair ranges from chestnut, dark brown to blue-black.

Metamorphoses of image: the “correct” hair colors for gray eyes

Taking into account the information about the color features of appearance, we conclude that those with gray irises are the most common category. It's safe to say that these women were lucky. After all, gray is a neutral color. For gray eyes, there is no hair color that is not suitable, the main thing is to take into account other features of appearance.

What hair color suits gray eyes

You and I can decide on the hair color for gray eyes by looking at your skin color.

Is your skin a soft peach color? Is she slightly touched by a blush? Is your natural eyebrow color light brown or light brown with a slight olive tint? Of course, your hair colors are: golden yellow, wheat, light blond, light honey, the color of the most delicate ocher. Add a delicate peach gloss or gloss to your lips, and you are ready to conquer the world with your beauty, as you belong to the gentle “spring” type.

Ladies with gray irises and a slight olive-gray skin tone are typical “summer” beauties. Their hair ranges from ash blonde to rich ash brown.

Bright colors of autumn on your hair, such as red, active gold, burgundy with a honey tint, brown with gold splashes, if you are the owner of light pinkish skin and gray eyes, will perfectly express your rare beauty.

What hair color suits gray eyes for the “winter” type? Again, pay attention to skin tone. Ladies of this type can afford rich brown, black-brown hair. Express your beauty with bright colors in clothes and makeup.

Hair color for blue-gray eyes in the “spring”, “summer”, “autumn”, “winter” types

A very gentle combination of all shades of light brown hair for gray-blue eyes will perfectly emphasize the “warm” individuality of your appearance. Remember that “spring” women are always associated with the light and fresh colors of spring. The obligatory presence of wheat-brown shades will always be advantageous. A spring lady can do without makeup. And if you use it, then again, without “flashy” colors.

For gray-blue eyes, the hair color of an autumn woman’s curls, on the contrary, can be bright and contrasting. Red hair will enhance the softness of blue in the shade of your iris, because these colors are in opposition on the chromatic circle, which indicates their excellent combination and stunning correct accent.

“Summer” girls with blue-gray beauty will look luxurious with hair of an ash-blond shade, brown with a grayish tint. These beauties need to feel the presence of a slight “haze” in their curls in order to be in harmony with their appearance.

Types “summer”, “winter”: gray eyes, fair skin, hair color and accents

I would like to highlight two color types of women who can boast not only the beauty of gray eyes, fair skin, hair color, but also the natural ability to transform. The appearance of the “summer” and “winter” ladies is quite “cold”. It's all about skin color, which is most often characteristic of these types. The combination of fair skin and gray eyes dictates its own characteristics of hair color.

Basic hair colors. Gray eyes, fair skin

Ladies of the “winter” color type with fair skin and gray eyes, of course, can choose hair shades from chocolate to anthracite. This is the type of female appearance that can afford more saturated colors. The contrast of light skin, gray eyes, and hair color will definitely be noticed by your family and friends. Add bright cool colors to your clothes, rich red lipstick and these accents will make you stand out from the crowd.

Owners of the “summer” color type, with gray eyes and fair skin, should carefully select the color palette. These ladies will emphasize their individuality with colors that contain “dusty” shades, and in clothes and makeup the influence of cool pink, crimson, and purple is increased.

The main conclusion from the review of the color palette for changing your image is very simple: if you are a beauty of a natural summer color type, then by changing your hair color to brighter and more saturated colors, you can become a “winter”. And the “spring” girl, adding expression and fire to her curls, becomes a burning “autumn”.

Don't be afraid to experiment with your image. Rest assured that if you correctly identified your natural type and took the risk of changing your hair color, you will succeed!

Blue-eyed girls have an interesting and attractive appearance. With the right combination of hair color and blue eyes, you can achieve a stunningly beautiful effect. So, there are several variations of blue eyes in nature.

  • A pure blue iris is also called a celestial iris.
  • Chameleon eyes are characterized, in addition to the basic blue, by the presence of gray or green notes.
  • An icy beautiful look is inherent in icy blue eyes.
  • Sometimes blue eyes have noticeable grey, brown or blue flecks.

Choosing hair color for blue-eyed people

In summer and winter color types of appearance, a cool range of colors and shades predominates.

blonde Rachel McAdams Rachel McAdams has light brown hair Rachel McAdams has dark short hair


Not all girls with blue eyes and summer type of appearance are the same. If the look can be characterized as “light summer”, then the whole range of cool shades is appropriate on the hair. Blonde has many variations, any of them is equally good here: ashy, color with a pearly tint, natural light brown color.

Be careful with light colors if you have pale skin. Hair that is too light can cause a decrease in contrast in appearance, which visually makes the face look dull. Proper makeup can help this situation. The necessary contrast with blonde hair can be provided by a natural tan or appropriate toning products.

By giving preference to one of the blonde options, from a light or dark range, you can effectively highlight the brightness of your eyes. The darker a girl's natural skin tone and hair color, the more brightly her blue eyes will shine. Professional ombre dyeing is ideal for this type of appearance. In this case, the simultaneous presence of dark and light variations of cold colors will add the necessary contrast to the appearance, while the light color will be preserved.

If you have a summer type of appearance, including its dark variations, you should not give preference to hair dyes that are close to eggplant, mahogany or rust color. If you paint yourself in these colors, the beautiful light skin tone will be destroyed, any imperfections and redness will be emphasized, the presence of a tan will turn into an unnatural and unattractive flaw.

Black hair color for blue eyes of girls with summer types of appearance is also not a good choice. There is a huge risk of turning your skin gray. In many cases the face looks sickly and old.

There are blue eyes that change in different lighting. They do not always look blue; the iris becomes either turquoise or gray. In this case, one of the caramel color variations is perfect. The eyes will be bright and lively.

Girls with this type of appearance often try to remove the natural ash color of their hair, mistakenly considering it inappropriate and pale. But you can add shine to your hair by doing it much simpler - by doing highlights with the addition of light brown shades.

Many shades of red are suitable for girls with a summer appearance. If the color is chosen correctly, the overall picture will look bright and harmonious, against the background of porcelain skin and blue or gray-blue eyes.


A cool winter type of appearance requires hair shades from a neutral or ash range. This approach to coloring will provide this contrasting type of appearance with the necessary brightness and shine of the hair.

If you add dark hair color to the white skin and beautiful blue eyes of a winter girl, then the effect of aging is eliminated. The winter type of appearance looks natural and interesting with dark hair color. Blue-black color is appropriate.

Warm hair dyes in eggplant, red, and red tones are contraindicated. Girls with a winter appearance are endowed with an attractive natural hair shade. It should not be changed radically; if desired, the hair can be transformed by applying coloring in accordance with the tone. If adding saturation to your hair color is not enough, then you can try changing the palette a little by using paints with blue, purple or turquoise shades. It is not necessary to dye the entire mass of hair; to highlight blue-gray eyes, you can effectively process only a strand near the face.

For dark winter hair, the ombre dyeing technique with light strands is perfect.

blonde Stephanie Pratt Megan Fox has dark chocolate hair blonde Amy Smart Nadia Bjorlin with brown-chocolate hair color Blake Lively has light brown hair Dannii Minogue has dark short hair

Hair of a blue-eyed girl

In the appearance of girls with autumn and spring types, there are predominantly warm colors.


The warm autumn skin tone itself hints at the appropriateness of copper hair dye variations. The palette of autumn leaves will effectively highlight the freckles on your face. If you arrange a suitable hair color background for blue eyes, the iris will add shine. This is especially true for chameleons' eyes.

Gray-blue eyes harmoniously coexist with expressive fiery red. Blue-eyed girls with autumn appearance naturally have sufficient saturation of hair color. To add depth and brightness to the color, select paint of the same tone. In this case, it is worth abandoning the ashen paint, so as not to impart unwanted dullness and pallor to the skin of the face.

Ginger, rust or honey colors are perfect for this type of appearance.

Christina Hendricks has copper hair color Rosie Huntington's light brown hair color Taylor Swift has brown hair


It is believed that for the spring type of appearance it is most difficult to accurately select the appropriate hair coloring option. In many cases, light shades are suitable for blue-eyed people.

It is worth noting a good option - golden blonde, which can brighten skin with invisible freckles and properly shade the eyes.

It is better not to consider ashen shades that belong to the cold range. This coloring option is unsuccessful, as it adds gray to the skin. Dark colors are also not needed, as they give an undesirable age effect.

Let's name a number of other suitable color options for spring: light brown golden and noble golden brown. In many cases, caramel looks good. The color of a golden walnut or the color of honey is also suitable for spring appearance.

Nikki Hilton has light brown hair color Nikki Hilton with ash blonde hair

Girls with a spring color type of appearance should choose hair color for blue eyes so that the skin tone looks harmonious and the eyes stand out beautifully. They are encouraged to try California highlighting or the whitewash technique.

Blue eyes are a “happy gift” and a bright addition to your appearance, provided that you choose the right one hair shade. And for this it is important to know your color type and contrast of appearance.

Blue eye color has shades: pure blue("heavenly"), "chameleon"(green or blue-gray), ice blue, blue with gray, blue or brown areas.

Appearance color type

By color type you can find out the contrast of the face, what its type is (warm or cold), skin and hair shades.

Skin tone, hair tone, eye color are taken into account. There are 4 types: summer and winter(cold), autumn and spring(warm).


The most common type in our country and among the Slavs. There are many “summer” women among residents of Scandinavia and northerners.

The vast majority of blondes with blue eyes are from here.

Hair tone - from light blond - to brown-haired, but the main thing is an ashy shade, light skin of a cool tone (may have a porcelain or light pink tint).

Eye color: grey-blue, icy, heavenly.

The type of appearance is low-contrast, but the darker the hair, the higher the contrast. A girl, growing up, can switch from “light summer” to “contrast”, especially if she has “porcelain” skin, bright lips and dark eyebrows.


Less common type. Hair tone – dark, without “gold”, dark eyebrows and eyelashes.

Cool skin tone (bluish, pinkish), which can be very light or dark.

Among winter women, brunettes with brown eyes are more common, blue eyes are very rare. The appearance of “winter” is characterized by high contrast.


Bright, not very common type. A lot of “warm”, golden.

“Gold in hair” (from light to dark red), warm skin tone (from soft peach to bronze), generous freckles are common.

The eyes are brown, greenish-brown. But red-haired girls with pure blue eyes are almost never found, although gray-blue, blue with an amber or greenish rim are possible.

The contrast of “autumn” depends on the tone of the skin and hair; it can be quite high or medium.


A rare type, it resembles “summer”, but there is no need to confuse them, since “spring” is a warm type.

Same as "summer" blonde hair, but with a delicate golden tint, the same light skin, but its shade (like small freckles) is golden, creamy.

“Spring” women, as a rule, have light eyes (including blue) and a low-contrast appearance.

Almost always a dark (especially black) color is a bad choice for a “spring” woman.

Determining your color type

To do this, you need to look at your face in the mirror.

The face must be clean, without makeup, and viewed in daylight.

Landmarks – skin and lip shade, blush, eye color, the presence and color of freckles, the shade of a summer tan (remember your trips to the beach!), hair (at the roots).

  • The presence of a “mouse” (gray) tint in the hair, on the eyebrows, light eyes (gray-blue or gray-green), pink tint to the lips. You are "summer".
  • “Gold” in hair and freckles, “warm” skin tone and lips, amber or greenish eyes. Are you “autumn” or a more faded “spring”.

Now try to check your result using colored scraps. It is enough to take several warm and cold shades of red (for example, pink, scarlet, coral, berry).

By applying them to your face, you will understand which colors decorate you and which ones “kill” you - the skin takes on an earthy color or an inappropriate golden blush appears.

For example, "summer" Pink and berry shades suit the type, but neither burgundy nor coral suits. Spring“loves” soft green and mint, but "winter" they don't work at all!

Now that we have figured out our type and contrast, we can choose our hair color.

But, in addition to the impression, we must not forget about simple truths. Hair color should:

  • match the appearance and character of the owner;
  • It is beneficial to emphasize the color of the skin and eyes;
  • to make you young, not old;
  • be such that you don’t need to put on a lot of makeup (that is, be closer to natural).

Hair color for a blue-eyed summer woman

On a woman of the “light summer” type, any cool light shades hair will look natural and harmonious. Suitable for her natural light brown, ash, and pearl shades of blonde(see the photo below for examples of suitable shades).

If the skin is pale, then the lighter the selected color, the lower the contrast will be This means that the skin will “fade” and brighter makeup will be required.

You can increase the contrast of the blonde if your face tans or becomes tanned using foundations with a tanning effect.

Choosing hair shade from light to dark blond, you can achieve the effect of bright blue eyes or bright gray eyes. The darker the hair and skin, the higher the contrast will be, which means the eyes will be brighter.

This type of dyeing method is perfect. The combination of light and dark cool shades will add contrast, but at the same time allow you to maintain a light color.

But “summer,” even a dark one, does not need to get carried away with shades of mahogany, rust and eggplant.

They “kill” the light skin tone, emphasize any redness on it, and make the tan unnatural and ugly.

Black color also harms the “summer”, an unpleasant contrast “black hair - gray skin” appears. In addition, dark shades can age the face, making it look sallow.

If your eyes are changeable, becoming gray, blue, or turquoise, you can choose caramel shades– they will brighten the color of your eyes and help them “play.”

Women of this type often try to get rid of their natural ashy shade, considering it faded and “uninteresting.”

But it’s enough to add light brown shades (for example, with) to get the effect of iridescent hair!

Red shades are also suitable for “summer” and look very bright, combining perfectly with delicate porcelain skin and blue or gray-blue eyes.

Hair color for winter type

Suitable for cold winter neutral and ashy shades, which will make the contrasting “winter” even brighter and make the hair shimmer.

Combination dark hair, white skin and blue eyes- very sophisticated, while dark shades of hair do not age, but look natural on the “winter” type. It will also suit him blue-black color.

The only thing to avoid is warm reddish, red and eggplant shades - they will look ugly.

“Winter” is the type whose hair has a beautiful natural shade; it can be made “richer” by choosing tone-on-tone dye.

Also in winter you can play with fashionable colors: purple, turquoise, blue. One spectacular strand made with the help is enough to make gray-blue eyes bright.

If the summer type needed to add contrast with dark strands, then the “winter” type, on the contrary, can try to add some light strands.

Autumn woman with blue eyes

A warm skin tone dictates the obvious: autumn is coming. shades of copper and autumn foliage, which will “echo” freckles. In this “frame” blue eyes (especially “chameleons”) will sparkle!

Gray-blue eyes will also benefit from being paired with bright, fiery red strands.

Blue-eyed “autumn” is naturally endowed with rich hair color. It can be made deeper by choosing a tone-on-tone color.

You should not choose ashy shades, they will make your complexion dull and pale.

It is for this type that fashionable shades have been created: honey, ginger and chocolate, as well as rust.

Hair color for a “spring” woman

The appearance of “spring” is the most capricious, it is very difficult to please her, without destroying the fragile beauty of this type. But there are interesting and fashionable options here too!

Most girls with blue eyes look better with light shades of hair. Read about

In this article we will look at hair color options that will best match blue eyes.

Hair is the pride and beauty of any girl. This is why we all love to change something in our image and try new things. Today, there are a huge number of options that you can use to improve or completely change your appearance. According to experts, a successful image largely depends on whether the hair color matches the eye color.

What hair color to choose for girls and women with blue eyes: stylist's advice, photo

Blue eyes are the dream of many girls, however, not everyone gets such a gift. In fact, blue-eyed girls, just like young ladies with other eye shades, can experiment with hair color, choosing what they like. But, despite this, there are some well-established images of the fair sex who have blue eyes.

  • It is important to note the fact that the color of the curls must be chosen, paying attention not only to the color of the eyes, but also to the color type of your skin. So first let's clear this up. There are 4 color types:

Now that you know the characteristics of each color type, you can determine your own and, based on this knowledge, choose a hair color that suits your eyes and skin. Generally speaking, girls with blue eyes should give preference to the following hair dye colors:

  • Blonde
  • Black with blue, burgundy, purple tints
  • Light brown
  • Red with golden tones
  • Blue
  • Red
  • Dark green
  • Bright orange

What shade of blonde is suitable for dyeing hair for blue-eyed girls and women: tips, photos

Blondes with heavenly eyes have long been considered the standard of beauty and attractiveness, however, not all shades of blonde suit blue eyes.

The most suitable and fashionable types of blonde in this case would be:

  • Gold. This color gives the owner’s curls a natural and natural look. This shade is best suited for ladies with dark and bronze skin. If you have light or pale skin, then it is better to refrain from using such paint.

  • Sand. This color has a certain golden shine that highlights blue eyes well. This color looks most flattering on girls with golden or slightly tanned skin.

  • Cold platinum. This shade does not have golden or red nuances; it is distinguished by a soft platinum shimmer. This color is ideal for owners of blue, green eyes. Platinum blonde looks very beautiful on not very long hair.
  • Light platinum. Working with this color is quite difficult, and transforming into this color is very risky, since platinum blonde is a very bright shade of blonde. However, this shade is perfect for slightly dark-skinned girls with bright blue eyes.

  • Pearl. This shade suits the natural color of the skin, which has a slight blush. At the same time, the shade looks much better with pale blue eyes or gray-blue.

Blonde, that is, light hair color, is considered very attractive, however, changing your image in this way is a risky business. Therefore, we recommend dyeing your curls in this color and its shades in the salon.

Which shade of red is suitable for hair coloring for blue-eyed girls and women: tips, photos

In nature, ladies with this color of curls and eyes are very rare, however, this image is quite attractive a large number of young ladies. The image of a red-haired, blue-eyed woman is popular because this combination of colors gives its owner incredible sexuality and attractiveness.

So, the following shades of red are perfect for women with heavenly eyes:

  • Fiery red. These shades are quite “bold”, but they highlight the eye color very well. At the same time, the overall image of the woman becomes bright and noticeable.

  • If you have red hair, however, you do not have enough brightness in it, then dye your curls with dye, the tone of which matches the tone of your curls.
  • Rusty. This coloring option is also possible if you are the lucky owner of blue eyes. However, you should avoid such experiments if the skin of your face is too pale, since against the background of such hair it will be even paler.

  • For girls with porcelain-colored skin, almost all shades of red are suitable.
  • Red-red. The color goes well with marbled skin and bright, heavenly eyes. Girls with pale skin types should not use this color.
  • Golden red. This color creates a princess look and looks good with deep blue eyes.

  • Carrot red. This is exactly the color option that ladies with porcelain skin and light cornflower blue eyes should give preference to.

When choosing a red color for your curls, you must understand that you are dooming yourself to the constant attention of strangers. If you miss exactly this, as well as bright colors in life, then the red color and its shades are just your option.

What shade of light brown is suitable for dyeing hair for blue-eyed girls and women: tips, photos

This hair color is the most common in nature; moreover, many women choose it to dye their curls. The thing is that this color and its many shades make curls natural and natural, and now, as you know, it is quite fashionable.

It is important to note the fact that there are a huge number of shades of light brown. The following shades suit blue-eyed girls:

  • Light. This shade is considered the lightest of all that belong to light brown hair color. Light brown goes well with light blue eyes, as well as with light and pale skin.
  • Gold. This shade is very warm and suits almost all women, regardless of eye and skin color. Thanks to the combination of light brown color and golden tint, the curls become incredibly vibrant and beautiful.

  • Ashen. This shade of light brown is very capricious. It is better to choose it for ladies without blemishes on the skin, those who have fair skin, without signs of dark skin and tanning. This color goes well with gray-blue eyes, as well as pale shades of blue.

  • Copper. Copper is suitable for young ladies who want to make their curls brighter, but at the same time do not yet dare to dye them a fiery red color. It is generally accepted that this particular shade of light brown goes perfectly with freckles, blue eyes and fair skin.
  • Wheat. This color is very popular because it is as close to natural as possible. It looks good with both bright sky eyes and pale shades of blue.

What shade of chestnut color is suitable for dyeing hair for blue-eyed girls and women: tips, photos

For some reason, chestnut color is unfairly relegated to the background, giving preference to black and blond. However, in fact, the right shade of chestnut will give you seductiveness and charm.

If you are lucky and have blue eyes, then it is better to give preference to these shades of chestnut:

  • Chocolate. This shade is very rich and warm, it goes well with dark and slightly tanned skin. At the same time, girls with pale skin types should better refrain from this color. Chocolate goes well with cool blue eye color.
  • Caramel. This shade has notes of red and caramel and looks good even on pale skin. It suits girls who have bright blue eyes quite well.
  • Walnut. This shade belongs to light chestnut. It favorably emphasizes the image of a gentle and feminine nature. Suitable for both dark-skinned and pale-faced young ladies with cornflower blue eyes of different shades.

  • Dark chestnut. This shade is considered cool and goes well with any shades of sky and blue eyes. Moreover, it suits girls with dark skin best.

  • Hot chocolate. This color is considered to be the most successful for women with blue eyes.

Which shade of black is suitable for dyeing hair for blue-eyed girls and women: tips, photos

Black color has long been considered one of the most attractive and elegant. This is what explains our women’s love for this color.

It would seem that black is black, however, the cosmetics market never tires of delighting us with various shades of this chic color. By the way, it is generally accepted that blue-eyed women should never paint themselves black, however, fashionable and stylish images that are created in practice prove the opposite to us.

The following shades of black are perfect for blue-eyed ladies:

  • Natural black. This color is really very close to natural, the only thing is that it is slightly brighter than natural black. This color suits women with dark skin and bright blue eyes well. Pale-faced girls and girls with freckles are not recommended to dye their hair this color.
  • Blue-black. This shade is considered quite bold, since in the sun the curls shimmer blue. Despite this, with the help of blue-black you can create an incredibly original image. Dark skin or blush skin and blue eyes complement this look perfectly.

  • Black and red. This color combination looks good with gray-blue and not very bright blue eyes. In this case, the skin may be pale. The color itself is quite dark, however, with hints of red and red.
  • Black chocolate. This shade is not a bright black. It is a mixture of black and brown colors. Due to this combination, the color is deep and suitable for girls with both bright blue and gray-blue eyes.
  • Black Tulip. This shade of black is considered incredibly fashionable and beautiful. The curls themselves look black, but in the sun they play with purple and burgundy shades. This color is not suitable for ladies with very white skin, however, it goes well with all shades of heavenly eyes.

Which shade of red hair color is suitable for dyeing blue-eyed girls and women: tips, photos

Truly brave girls who are not afraid of criticism can dye their hair this “flashy” color. This color of curls will definitely attract the attention of everyone around you, so if you give preference to red, be prepared for this. The red color and its shades are selected not so much taking into account the color of the eyes, but taking into account whether this color suits a person in principle or not.

So, blue-eyed ladies can please themselves with these shades of red:

  • Red tree. This color is distinguished by red and chocolate shades. Despite the brightness, hair dyed this color does not stand out too much. This is an ideal option for those who love rich colors but don't want to stand out too much. The color of mahogany goes well with tanned skin and light, heavenly eyes.
  • Dark red. The shade is close to burgundy and is well suited for women with pale skin, as well as with eyes of a cold, deep and heavenly color.

  • Copper red. This shade reminds us very much of red. Therefore, it is worth taking this feature into account. This shade favorably emphasizes pale faces with freckles and bright blue eyes.
  • Fiery red. This color is not suitable for every woman and girl, since it is the reddest of all red colors. Curls dyed fiery red will undoubtedly attract the attention of others to your person. With this color you can create a very sexy look. This shade is suitable for people with bronze skin. Eye color can be absolutely any.

What hair color is suitable for dark-skinned, blue-eyed girls and women: tips, photos

Darkness always gives the image a certain attractiveness. However, dark-skinned girls become even more attractive when they dye their locks in the right colors, taking into account the color of their eyes.

The following hair colors are perfect for dark-skinned, blue-eyed women:

  • Chestnut. The color goes very well with dark skin, and bright blue eyes in this case perfectly complement the image.

  • Natural black. This color will not be too bright and catchy, however, it will moderately highlight the color of your eyes. Dark shades of hair always look very good with tanned and dark skin. In this case, eye color can vary from gray-blue to sky blue.
  • Dark blond. This color is almost universal and therefore it is also suitable for blue-eyed, dark-skinned young ladies.

  • Eggplant. Not every girl will choose this color for herself. However, it is not necessary to give preference to bright purple; you can take a dark color that will only play with purple highlights in the sun. This color is ideal for dark-skinned and dark-skinned people. In this case, blue eyes will look very bright.

  • Burgundy. Another interesting color for blue-eyed ladies. This color looks very flattering with sky blue and gray-blue eyes. This combination is best suited for short hair.

  • Light brown. This color itself is very suitable for light blue eyes, and in combination with tanned skin the image will be simply incredibly beautiful.
  • Wheat. Wheat-colored curls look incredibly impressive in combination with bright blue and dark blue eyes. Moreover, this color can be chosen not only by dark-skinned women, but also by those who have pale skin with blush.

What hair color is suitable for white-skinned, blue-eyed girls and women: tips, photos

Many people think that choosing the right hair color for a white-skinned girl is much more difficult than for a dark-skinned one. However, in reality everything is not quite like that. Indeed, it is somewhat more difficult for owners of white and pale skin to choose the appropriate color of curls, however, believe me, there is plenty to choose from.

  • Blue-black. Many people are afraid of this color, consider it too bright and youthful, so they do not dare to choose it for themselves. But this is very in vain. This particular shade of black looks great with white skin and blue eyes.
  • Carrot red. This color is good for beauties who are the happy owners of blue eyes and freckles. A relatively bright color will change your appearance and add more color to it.

  • Chocolate. This shade of brown suits ladies with fair skin and light gray eyes very well.

  • Ash black. This shade is also called graphite. Ash black is ideal for fair-skinned women with gray, blue eyes.
  • Ebony. This shade is considered universal. So if you want to experiment with dark colors, but can’t decide what exactly you need, feel free to go for ebony. Believe me, the result will please you.
  • Pearl blonde. This color looks quite good with fair skin. It best accentuates light blue and gray-blue eyes.
  • Wheat blonde. This shade can also be used by women who cannot boast of dark skin. At the same time, this color will create contrast and highlight your eyes.

What hair color is suitable for girls and women with light blue eyes: tips, photos

We often do not pay attention to the fact that each eye color has its own shades. But in vain. There is actually a big difference between light blue, dark blue, gray blue and blue. We most often call all these shades simply blue.

At the same time, experts say that the desired hair color depends on the shade of the eyes.

For young ladies with light blue eyes, the following hair colors are suitable:

  • Golden blonde. This color can be considered the most suitable for those girls who have light blue eyes. Golden blonde creates a very harmonious and natural image for such women.

  • Golden nut. This color will also be appropriate in combination with light eyes, and not necessarily blue. Golden notes will add more brightness and richness to the look.

  • Light brown. This natural color, as previously mentioned, suits almost all people, regardless of their skin type and eye color. However, in combination with light blue eyes, this shade creates a very gentle and romantic image.
  • Honey. The advantage of this color is that it suits women of all ages, while visually rejuvenating it.
  • Light brown. If you prefer darker tones, use this shade. Light brown will highlight your look and highlight your eyes, making them a little brighter.

Very important: owners of very light blue eyes are not recommended to experiment with gray, ashy and too dark tones. Often, such experiments add a couple of extra years to women. Painting in these colors is appropriate when this particular look suits you.

What hair color is suitable for girls and women with dark blue eyes: tips, photos

Dark blue eyes are much more expressive than light ones. Therefore, as a rule, it is the eyes that emphasize the hair color, and not vice versa. We can say that dark blue eyes are somewhere on the verge of blue. The following hair colors are perfect for these eyes:

  • Caramel. This color will look most flattering on those with dark skin. Combined with dark blue eyes, we get an incredibly attractive appearance.
  • Chestnut. This color is almost universal and is suitable for many women. This color looks ideal with fair skin and dark eyes.

  • Dark blond. This natural color perfectly brings out the depth of dark blue eyes. This color is recommended for women whose skin has a bronze color.

  • Blue-black. This color goes very well with dark eyes, and dark blues are no exception. For those who are afraid to experiment with this color, this color only gives a shade of blue, but is not blue in principle.
  • Black. The black color highlights dark blue eyes very well. It is generally accepted that black color is suitable only for dark eyes, however, in practice we can see that light blue eyes also go well with this color.
  • Blonde. Blondes, with pronounced dark, almost blue eyes, are, in the minds of many people, the most beautiful women. Indeed, blonde and dark blue color combine very well, creating the desired contrast.

What hair color is suitable for blue-eyed girls and women for short hair: tips, photos

The haircut and length also plays a big role when choosing a color for dyeing. For some reason, many women mistakenly think that for an original and beautiful look you only need to choose the right hair color, but as professionals say and as practice shows, this is not entirely true.

For blue-eyed ladies who wear short hair, it is appropriate to choose the following curl colors:

  • Black. This color looks very beautiful on short hair. Moreover, this can be not only a bob, but also the so-called “boy” haircut.
  • Blonde. Blue-eyed ladies with blonde hair look incredibly elegant and sexy.

  • Ashy with different shades. Ash and gray colors combine very beautifully with blue eyes and short hair. Here you can play with shades, adding a little more light or dark tones. Such procedures should only be carried out in a beauty salon, since working with this color is quite difficult, but it is very easy to ruin your curls with it.

  • Copper. This color looks great on short hair paired with bright blue eyes. At the same time, short hair will look very advantageous in this color if you give it a little curl or just give it a little volume.
  • Light brown. This color is good to choose for ladies who have blue eyes and a haircut with asymmetrical bangs. It looks quite profitable and luxurious.
  • Red color and its bright shades. Either teenagers or brave and confident women can afford this look. The bright red color goes very well with light blue eyes. At the same time, such a combination will look beautiful if you make a haircut called “twiggy”. The bangs are left long enough, the temples are shaved, and the hair can be styled either asymmetrically or straight if desired.

What hair color is suitable for blue-eyed girls and women for long hair: tips, photos

Long hair has always been very popular. Long, well-groomed curls are still associated with luxury and wealth.

It should be noted that long curls do not look advantageous in all colors. For blue-eyed women with long hair, the following colors are suitable:

  • Light brown. Women and girls with long brown hair look very beautiful and attractive. Hair in this color looks very natural and natural, sometimes it is very difficult to distinguish it from your curls, especially if you try and choose the most suitable shade.
  • Cold black. This color very beautifully emphasizes the blue of the eyes and makes the curls visually even more voluminous and long. Long hair dyed this color can be worn loose or tied up in a high ponytail. Both options will make your look perfect.

  • Cool platinum blonde. Young ladies with long hair and light blue eyes can experiment with this color. Most often the result is positive.
  • Light purple. This color is suitable for people who are not afraid to stand out in the crowd. Long, slightly curled purple hair along with blue eyes will create an incredibly gentle image of a certain princess.
  • Golden. This color, especially if your hair is curly, is just perfect for a fairy-tale look. This combination will not leave anyone indifferent.

  • Light platinum. This shade is most often chosen by young ladies who cannot imagine themselves in any other image other than blonde. In fact, this combination of hair color and length with eye color can truly be considered ideal. However, you must understand that hair dyed this color requires constant and careful care, and in the salon, not at home.

Unusual hair color for blue eyes: ideas, photos

The cosmetics market today pleases us with a huge palette of hair dye colors. In addition to the black, red, red and white colors that are familiar to all of us, now you can find absolutely any other, seemingly simply unrealistic color for curls.

Blue-eyed ladies can experiment by choosing the following colors:

  • Dark green. Of course, deciding to make such changes in appearance is extremely difficult. However, there are many examples that this color really suits girls with blue eyes. By the way, it is not at all necessary to dye the entire length of your hair this color, especially if the curls are long. Color your hair in an ombre style. The combination of black and dark green will give you a completely original look.

  • Blue. This color is suitable for women whose eyes are not just blue, but dark blue or even blue. This combination creates a rather delicate image. The color looks best on short hair, but it also looks incredibly impressive on long hair.

  • Orange. This color can be tried by those who are dyed bright red. The difference will, of course, be noticeable, however, this color will add even more color to your appearance. The only thing is that those who have freckles, especially in large quantities, should not experiment with this color.

  • Black and white ombre. This type of coloring is quite popular. The thing is that both black and blond are great for girls with blue eyes. Therefore, such an original combination of all these colors looks simply magical.

If you decide to experiment with unusual colors for your curls, take this process very seriously, since during such manipulations your curls will suffer greatly. At home, it is almost impossible to successfully and correctly dye your hair in similar colors and techniques, so it is better to visit a salon or hairdresser.

As you can see, there are a huge number of ideas that can be brought to life. All of them are quite interesting and original. Choose what you like and enjoy your new look.

Video: Hair color for blue eyes

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