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Beautiful flower template for cutting. Protruding flowers. Flower templates for printing, for appliques, for decoration, for large flowers, volumetric flowers made of paper, patterns, templates. Flower templates for paper cutting

From birth and throughout one’s life, a person is surrounded by flowers. Wherever a person is and wherever he goes, one can find living garden, field, forest, and indoor flowers everywhere. Artificial or painted ones can also be found everywhere. Floral patterns are widely used in painting walls, dishes, fabrics for clothing and furniture.

Floral stencils are widely used when decorating stained glass windows, gifts, cards. With their help, you can create a beautiful and unique design for the ceiling and furniture in your apartment, and a children's room, decorated with floral patterns, will be especially attractive and cozy and will delight your child.


They can be printed and cut out. The use of such stencils has become very popular and is often used in children's art, in design projects and among the decorations of various advertising posters and children's books. They can be complex or simple:

  • Difficult called because the paint used to create the design is of different shades and colors.
  • When using one shade in a drawing, it is called simple.

You can do it yourself, you need to find a suitable drawing, copy it onto tracing paper or carbon paper onto a sheet of fairly thick paper, carefully cut it out and use it where you need it. Applique is often used in children's creativity, and in order to get a beautiful flower or chamomile petal, you need to prepare different flowers in advance, which will help you draw even and neat designs.

Stencils for downloading and printing

The easiest way is to buy ready-made templates in a specialized store, but you can make them yourself. Choose any design you like, print it and transfer it to thicker paper.

Then cut out the stencil with scissors, blade or stationery knife. You can use your own stencils in the same way as ready-made ones in the design of surfaces, ceilings and other types of artistic work.

Stencil of large flowers

Chamomile stencil

Tulips stencil

Rose stencil

Decorative flower stencil for wallpaper

Large flower stencil

Lily flower stencil

Bell stencil

Stencil of a flower with leaves

Rose stencil

Tulips stencil

Peony stencil

How to use

Using templates you can apply a pattern to any surface to decorate the room. Choose the flower option you like in a specialized magazine or on the website, print, cut, apply and paint over it. Flowers look very effective against a dark background. With their help you can decorate the interior of any room.

If you want to decorate the plain clothes in your wardrobe, then flower stamps will come to your rescue. To do this, download the desired image, print it, cut it out and apply it to the fabric with special fabric paint. Or you can cut out petals from fabric or leather using prepared blanks and stick or sew them on clothes.

Lace of painted flowers looks very beautiful on plain wallpaper, as well as on the glass of a window or mirror.

To do this, attach it to the glass, outline and paint over it with gouache or watercolors. The glass of an interior door can be turned into a masterpiece of art, using various stamps and multi-colored paints to create a picture or a real stained glass window.

Stencils of different colors

They become indispensable assistants in kindergartens and schools, where with their help children create bright and cheerful appliqué. Flower stamps help children learn to draw and develop artistic taste, because the choice of color for a rose, chamomile or other flower depends entirely on the child himself and his inner worldview. Educators and teachers practically do not participate in the process of creating a drawing, but only set the topic.

Creeper flowers stencil

Flower and butterfly wallpaper stencil


Yes several ways to create templates for creativity, decoration or use in interior design:

  • The simplest technique for making a flower stamp is to apply the image to thick paper and carefully cut it out with scissors or a stationery knife;
  • creating using the technique of cutting out snowflakes, when a sheet of paper is folded several times and the desired outline is cut with scissors;
  • three-dimensional patterns can be obtained by cutting a circle of paper in a spiral and folding it into a suitable shape, or by cutting out petals along one edge of a strip of paper and collecting them into a flower.

Floral ornament in interior design

There are many ways to create a unique interior of your home, and a stenciled image of flowers will decorate any wall. Moreover, you can do all the work yourself, using ready-made options or making your own from the drawings you like.

A picture of roses, poppies, tulips, daisies or other plants will look very beautiful, and butterflies that complement the image will help give airiness and lightness to the whole room.

Wallpaper with large and colorful patterns looks very fresh and juicy.

Based on the method of applying the pattern, stencils are divided into direct and reverse. A straight template is a designed pattern on a sheet of paper, which is applied to the surface and painted over with paint inside the cut-out shape.

The reverse pattern is easier to use. cut flower applied to the selected surface, fix, the space around is painted over and left until completely dry. Then the cardboard is removed and the result is a clear drawing.

Using the finished template, you can create a three-dimensional pattern; to do this, attach it to a vertical surface and apply plaster or plaster according to the template, wait until it dries a little and remove the stencil. You can paint it with multi-colored paints, but a plain pattern also looks good.

A beautiful image will transform the interior of your apartment, making it original and unique, in tune with your inner world and taste.

Flower stencils are always in demand when decorating various crafts. Take a look at this selection to reduce your time searching for the necessary decor. In this article you will find the most popular flower templates that you can easily draw or simply download and print.

We offer you beautiful stencils of the most common flowers: roses, lilies, daisies, tulips, poppies, asters, sunflowers, etc. Also in the selection you will find very unusual patterns: fairy-tale flowers and mandala flowers with fancy curves. However, we tried to avoid too small details, since cutting them out is always inconvenient.

Some stencils will be useful for scrapbooking or designing postcards, others will be excellent appliqués for decorating clothes or the basis for embroidery, and others will be suitable for decorating a wide variety of interior items. We offer you templates with large petals that do not require complicated cutting - these stencils are suitable even for children's crafts. We also selected pictures with fancy curves and more complex details that will appeal to even the most experienced craftsmen.

Any image can be reduced or enlarged and then printed. The simplest samples can simply be taken as a guide and copied from the screen.

Flowers, one of the marvelous creations of nature, are appropriate at different moments in life, including when creating various kinds of decor or crafts (such as vytynanka (vytynanka from Ukrainian - to cut). Stencils and templates will help you create simple and complex cute and useful crafts. The benefits of paper cutting for a child are undeniable.

Flower stencil for cutting, how to make a stencil from a printed vytynanka template

A stencil (a dense material (wallpaper, plastic, etc.) with slots that form one or another pattern. You can simply trace the corners of the sheet with a simple pencil. This is a simple process, but it requires care and patience.

To transfer a pattern to the surface, first, you need to stock up:

1. Whatman paper or a piece of wallpaper;
2. scissors or a stationery knife;
3. pencil, eraser, ruler and marker;


1. click on the picture you like;
2. choose a suitable template for flower protrusions;
3. download the template for yourself and print it (it can be roses, poppies, daisies, etc.);
4. cut with scissors or a knife;
5. Apply the stencil to fabric or paper and fill it with paint, aerosol or even putty, and enjoy the beautiful result.

Next, decide on the size of the drawing. Outline the area on the sheet, without going beyond these limits. Decide on the size of the stencil - make it so that it is 5-10 cm larger than the area of ​​the drawing, then it will be convenient to work with this form.

Then draw a grid, dividing the internal area of ​​​​the future drawing into equal intervals. In this case, the pattern will be symmetrical and proportional, and this is the main task of the protrusion.

Decide on the direction of the pattern - the sinusoid drawn from the lower left corner will become a guideline along which you will then apply the pattern.

BY THE WAY: If you are not an artist, and for the first time you decide to make flowers, take templates with simpler shapes. Having cut them out of thick paper, apply them to the base and trace them with a pencil. To prevent the stencil from breaking and to make it more convenient to cut out the details, try to place the flowers randomly and not very close to each other.

If you have done everything as planned, use a contrast marker to outline each line that needs to be cut. And then you can easily navigate the cutting process. And then cut out the design along these lines with a stationery knife.

REMEMBER: Start with the larger pieces and the top. And if you have to work with a large stencil, put something under the base.

If all the parts are cut out, start using a stencil, securing it with masking tape, for example.

Important Tips

  • The stencil is soft and will most likely be disposable. Although, if you use spray paint, it can serve you more than once. But hard stencils, say, made of cardboard, wallpaper, X-ray film, etc., last longer.
  • The paint will not flow under the paper if, when painting the surface with the template, you use a foam sponge or roller and do not allow any excess.

How to make voluminous paper flowers from a printed template, step by step

Firstly, you can create different flowers. Yes, a rose may seem difficult to work with. But it only seems!

To make a voluminous paper rose, stock up on:

1. thick cardboard
2. corrugated paper
3. with a simple pencil,
4. scissors,
5. thick wire,
6. green floral ribbon,
7. adhesive tape,
8. glue.

Step-by-step production of one flower

Step 1. Print the selected template and apply it to thick cardboard.

Step 2. Cut out petals from paper in the form of a heart (there should be 15 of them) and in the form of drops (5 pieces).

Step 3. In order for the petals to take shape, the hearts must be slightly stretched to the sides, and the drops must be twisted with a pencil.

Step 4. Wrap 2 pieces of wire with floral tape; these are the future stems.
Step 5. Glue a piece of corrugated paper to them like a core.
Step 6. To create a bud, you need to glue the drops and hearts with adhesive tape.

Step 7. After cutting out a sepal from green crepe paper, secure it at the base of the flower with adhesive tape.

Step 7. All that remains is to cut out the leaves and attach them to the stem.

Useful video

Templates for large flowers

These paper flowers will decorate your interior, decor and can be a good gift.

Template options

Flowers from A4 paper templates

Indeed, you can create simple or complex stencils and templates from an ordinary sheet of paper. And then create real compositions.

Template options

Leaf templates for vytynanka flowers

These can be leaves of a variety of colors - roses, chrysanthemums, daisies and many others.

Template options

Basket with flowers 2nd grade vytynanka templates

In the second grade, children can easily build baskets with flowers using a vytynanka pattern. There are as many options as there are basket shapes, colors, and designs.

Template options

Wall color patterns

Create a fairy tale of gorgeous flowers with your child using flower templates for the wall. These can be either compositions, or just flowers, accompanied by some kind of inscription. But first, decide on the material from which the template will be made, how to mount it on the wall, will it be a standard template or an adhesive, textured one, etc.

The stencil is applied not only to a clean wall. You can “revive” plain wallpaper by applying it using stencils and templates. It is enough to put them on the wall, outline them and paint them inside the outline.

Template options

Autumn flower patterns

In autumn the leaves are very beautiful. Transferred to the walls in this or another way, they will create a special atmosphere.

Template options

Corrugated Flower Patterns

Imagination and patience will allow you to create real works of art with your child, giving ordinary things an unusual appearance.

Template options

Useful video corrugated flowers

Patterns of different colors of vytynanka

Exploring the world in this way, children will get acquainted with the types of flowers, and with the methods of making flowers, etc. Flowers can be not only from the store, from which it is customary to collect bouquets, but also from the field.

Template options

Flower vase template

Vases come in different shapes. They can be “painted” with a knife. In a word, to create a product no less beautiful than the flowers for which the vases are made.

Template options

Templates for volumetric flowers

Combine business with pleasure with your child by creating this type of paper flowers. And together you will decorate the interior, furniture, ready-made accessories, gift wrapping or postcards. Here are several options for making such flowers.

To do this you need to stock up:

1. materials (plain, colored or corrugated paper, whatman paper, etc.), from which soft ones will be used for small parts, and dense ones - for large ones;
2. high-quality scissors;
3. glue (universal, silicone, PVA - the thicker the paper, the more firmly it must be fixed);
4. diagrams and templates;
5. material for frames (wire).

Volumetric flowers can be made of corrugated paper, on the wall, in the form of postcards with volumetric flowers inside, etc.

Template options

Volume flowers video

These flowers, designed by you, will become an original interior decor or a pleasant gift for any occasion.

Pull-out templates for appliques

With your own hands, under your guidance, a child can create delicate and delicate works as gifts dedicated to a variety of events. By cutting out flowers or patterns from them, you can add volume with the back of the scissors. Then, having secured the work on colored paper, secure the sheets at a distance from each other. Here's what you can do.

Template options

By creating flower protrusions with your child, and this is beneficial to do at any time of the year, especially in cold weather, you will receive double benefits. First, bring joy into your home. After all, even if they are not alive, they are very beautiful and, by the way, more durable than their real counterparts. Secondly, keep your child busy with useful work, during which he will explore the world, develop, and bring joy to others.

Have a good and bright day everyone! Very soon, in a month, the first flowers will appear, I suggest not to wait for this and make your own flowers from paper. After all, you can give such lovely gifts of nature without a reason, but if you need a reason, then don’t forget to congratulate your mothers and grandmothers on March 8 or Happy Mother’s Day, because it is on these days that such crafts are always given.

Let them be paper, but they can be presented so cool and superbly that they will look even better than alive, and even more so they can stand on a table or shelf for a single year. And this certainly makes me happy. Take a look at this picture, do you like it? If yes, then I showed you step by step how you can do this.

In my opinion, today’s theme will always be popular, because this is the most beautiful and delicate souvenir that you can give for any occasion. So, I suggest you hang out with me for a while))).

Souvenirs that carry something unusual look unrealistically beautiful and original. I suggest starting with the seemingly simplest option, but just look at who. This is a daisy, but not simple and not fabulous, but with wishes, how nice it would be to give one, don’t you think?

Moreover, you can download ready-made templates directly from this site and print them on a printer. This is a very cool souvenir that will hook anyone. You can give it for any occasion, such as a birthday or Teacher's Day.

We will need:

  • office sheets of different colors - 5 pcs.
  • glue stick
  • double sided tape
  • rhinestones
  • templates
  • satin ribbon
  • scissors

Stages of work:

1. Start by deciding on the shape of the flower. I suggest taking this seven-flowered flower. Print the blanks on the printer. The first template will be like in this picture, I will send all the rest to you by email, just write your comment below (there are 10 in total), or you can come up with your own words or messages.

2. Here they are handsome, now take scissors, or you can use a stationery knife and cut along the contour.

3. These are the cute and funny preparations you will get.

4. Cut out a circle of cardboard with a diameter of 5 cm and place the first flower and a satin ribbon and drop glue into the middle or smear it if you are using a pencil. So gradually glue everything.

5. Now all that remains is to decorate the middle beautifully. To do this, take a square, approximately 3.5x3.5 cm. Bend it like this.

6. Then make a triangle as if you were making a frog.

7. Fold the ends forward.

8. These are the butterflies you will get.

9. Which all that remains is to connect, glue to each other, and cover the middle with something interesting, for example, a bead or rhinestones. The result is a very original and unique craft, the person for whom you made it will definitely like it.

The most common and easy, especially for children, is the figure-of-eight flower using a hole punch and buttons.

Undoubtedly, the king of all flowers are roses, how to make them, to be honest, there are a great many options. I will write about this in more detail someday. Now take this masterpiece as a basis.

Or here’s a sample, you need to draw 5 flowers from largest to smallest, and then arrange this thing in a vase.

I know many of you will be looking for roses, because these are the flowers that are customary to give in most cases. Well, here's your first briefing. Take corrugated paper and make petals out of it. First, cut out the strip, then fold it like an accordion and round the edges. After this, you should twist it onto a stem, which could be a stick or something similar.

Also decorate the stick with green corrugated paper.

You can make such a wonderful creation from plain paper, but it is better to use crepe paper or corrugated paper. Draw the spiral yourself in a circle, cut it with a knife, and then wind it onto a pencil or crochet hook.

Or use this usual scheme, you can do this in 5 minutes.

Their work steps are absolutely simple. Remember how you made bookmarks in childhood, the system is approximately the same))).

The flowers themselves can also be twisted to make them look more interesting, as if they had truly bloomed.

In general, quite a lot of models can be composed and made from paper, the main thing is depending on the shape of the petal.

Notice these features yourself and you can make daisies, chrysanthemums, dahlias, and even carnations, take a look at the following pictures. You can see petal templates for cutting out.

Or do you prefer lilies with peonies?

What kind of flower is this? Did you guess it?

You can make such a charmer in the form of a brooch).

Snowdrops, as we know, are the first to please us. Moreover, you can make the flowers themselves from pumpkin seeds.

And of course, I couldn’t pass by foamiran, use this material too.

Dandelions follow them. Make them from regular napkins using a stapler.

This bright option would also be an excellent solution to surprise everyone.

They remind me of asters.

This view completely captivated me, I fell in love with it at first sight. It really looks like a living or real dahlia.

You can make primrose. You will need squares from which you need to make figures that look like triangles.

Also roll the other side to form a triangle and a petal for the future bud. Then glue them together. Make the stem and leaves.

The next option looks great, as if it were real.

Making crafts from A4 sheet

Not so often, but you still have to make such products from ordinary large sheets. Of course, you can use such luxurious crafts anywhere; they look especially good if you decorate walls or a hall with them, that is, use them in the interior of premises.

Each leaf is a large petal that you will have to paint in the desired color.

Larger flower options can also be made in the form of a rose. Initially, you will need to use a template.

And then follow all the steps presented step by step.

Video on how to make paper flowers quickly and easily

You won’t believe it, but you can quite simply and in a matter of minutes twist a gorgeous bouquet, watch this video and you will also learn this interesting activity:

Master class on folding paper tulips

At some point in our childhood, we all folded different figures and used origami. I remember during labor lessons I really liked this activity. The tulip is usually done using this technique. It turns out voluminous and looks like the original.

You can also make an open type bud.

Or take another idea from corrugated paper as a basis and hide a candy in a bud. No one will refuse such a gift, that's for sure!

And here’s another great idea with disposable spoons. This gift can be given for a birthday or even a wedding.

Stages of work:

1. Prepare everything you need for work, all components are shown in this picture.

2. Cut scarlet rectangles from corrugated paper and then wrap the spoon in this material, as if slightly twisting it on a stick.

3. What does it look like? Of course, for the petals.

4. Mask the stick with green paper, while stacking the spoons towards each other (4 pieces) to form a stem and a bud. Then cut the leaves into a specific shape.

5. Place the craft in a pot or cup. You can tie a bow or some other pattern.

Step-by-step instructions for beginners on how to make a flower for mom

Now let's learn how to make the simplest option, because for some the previous ones will seem very complicated, then this present will come to your aid.

We will need:

  • square paper - 2 sheets

Stages of work:

1. Take a sheet of paper and fold it in half to form a triangle. Then again.

Then draw semicircular lines like you see in this illustration. Cut out according to the sample and follow further instructions.

2. Unfold, open the workpiece and glue a couple of strips to the middle.

This option is suitable for the youngest, for example preschoolers.

But with schoolchildren you can do something even more difficult. The meaning is the same, just bend the petals and glue them differently.

You can also make a red poppy or take a different color, but for this work you will need more wire.

I am very much in love with asters, do you love them?

Want to know how these can be made?

We will need:

  • old magazine
  • scissors
  • kebab sticks

1. Take the magazine apart into pages, fold each page in half, then again and again.

2. Take scissors and cut with grass. To make a fringe.

3. Afterwards, wrap this beauty on a stick.

4. After this, fluff the product. Cover the stick with green paper.

Something similar can be done to a teacher or, for example, an aunt or grandmother.

1. You will also need napkins and corrugated paper, plus you will also need a disposable glass or a jar of sour cream.

2. Since the flowers will be large, you can make them smaller, take a napkin and fold it in half, then in half again, and again. Secure the middle with thread or a stapler.

Cut the petals with scissors and give them shape.

3. Now prepare a glass, cover it with corrugated paper, push crumpled newspaper or unnecessary paper inside, also cover it with corrugation and let it out as if it were grass.

4. There should be 10-12 pieces, it all depends on your abilities.

5. Using glue, attach the resulting flowers to the base. Quite modest, but at the same time bright and stylish, such a gift will please anyone, especially women or girls.

Learning to make voluminous flowers

What kind of crafts are not made of these days? They even adapted egg molds for this work. It’s a shock to me how and when it could have occurred to anyone, but it came and conquered everyone. At first it looks unattractive, but then it turns out amazing masterpieces.

The sample is painted with paint and placed on a wire or stick.

A wonderful souvenir, as they say, made from improvised means, and how beautiful and funny it looks.

You will agree that with such voluminous flowers you can quite easily and quickly decorate any interior of a room or hall, making it irresistible and unforgettable.

You can also use this chic flower garland.

After this, put each workpiece on a fishing line or thread.

You can also make unforgettable creations from paper bags.

Using the origami technique, you can fold and then glue the parts.

And the coolest volumetric look, which I really liked and I advise everyone to do it, is this one:

Do you like calla lilies? Then take note of this master class.

You can even make a masterpiece out of ordinary newspapers.

By the way, you can even make Pansies with your children.

Interesting gift idea Roses with sweets

I once showed you how you can make roses and hide candy in them, remember? Look how gorgeous the bouquet turned out, and we presented it for Valentine’s Day, if you forgot, I’ll remind you.

I also give you this diagram to help you.

You can easily jump in and follow the step-by-step instructions.

Or use this video, you can’t do without roses:

That's all for me, I wish you inspiration and great work. Come visit me more often, join my group in contact, write your reviews and comments. Good luck and see you again! Bye!

Sincerely, Ekaterina Mantsurova

Paper flowers can be used for interior decoration, decor, and even as a gift! Let's try to learn how to make voluminous paper flowers with our own hands, look at examples and photos of beautiful finished works, and also watch a master class for beginners.

Simple products

The easiest way to make flowers is from colored paper - it can be corrugated or ordinary, and if you plan to make strictly decorative flowers, you can take paper with a mother-of-pearl or metallic effect. You shouldn’t make a tulip or a rose as your first experiment - try something very, very simple first.

Decorative crafts

In order to make simple and spectacular flowers you will need:
  • double-sided colored paper (corrugated paper is also suitable);
  • thin wire;
  • sharp scissors and a pencil for marking.
It is better to take colored paper of several shades, so your flowers will look impressive and attractive - for example, it can be shades of yellow or several tones of red. Don't try to mix cool and warm colors if you doubt your taste.

For beginners, the easiest way to do this is to fold colored paper several times so that you get a stack of squares approximately 6*6. Then mark the shape of the future buds on the top square with a pencil - it can be a smooth rounded figure, regular circles, or whatever your imagination suggests.

Then, with scissors, you need to carefully cut the stack according to the shape of the marked sepal and disassemble it into components - for each flower you will need three to five blanks. The wire needs to be cut into pieces of approximately 15-25 centimeters, twisted on one side so that a decorative center is formed, then the previously obtained “petals” are put on each wire, after which a stand is made at the bottom of the wire (a stable ring is twisted).

With such crafts you can decorate a table for a holiday, or use them for a photo shoot or interior decor, or you can simply attach them to the wall in the nursery or in the hall near the mirror - a good mood is guaranteed.

Or this simple option:

From what is at hand

Old magazines or newspapers are used to make these products. This way you can make large flowers out of paper - the technique is simple, and paper crafts turn out to be quite impressive.

What you will need:

  • unnecessary magazines (absolutely any);
  • green adhesive tape;
  • sharp scissors;
  • large barbecue skewers;
  • paper glue or regular hot melt glue.
How to make voluminous paper flowers easily and quickly? I'll tell you step by step.
By the way, these recommendations can also be used for beginners - they are done quite easily. If you want to make these flowers with children, then make sure that they have safety scissors, or cut the fringe yourself.

Decorative flower garlands

Want to make chic garlands? Use giant paper flowers for them. By the way, making paper flowers for garlands with your own hands is very simple - you only need beautiful, spectacular paper and a little skill. No flower templates for cutting out or diagrams are required; the main task of such large products is to look bright, unusual and attractive; large paper flowers do not have to be realistic.

What you will need:

  • scissors;
  • corrugated paper of two or three colors (it is better to take bright and light);
  • thread or fishing line;
  • stapler or glue.
You need to cut rectangles out of corrugated paper and put them in a stack of five. If you want to get flowers of the same color, then fold them by color. And if you want to make original flowers from paper, then put several shades in one pile - pink, white, light red and yellow will look chic.

You can choose the size of the rectangles yourself; you just need to remember that the flowers will be the same diameter as the rectangle on the narrow side.

Each pile is assembled into an accordion (look at the photo on how to make flowers from such accordions, if it is not too clear from the description).

Each accordion of five sheets of paper must be fastened in the center with a stapler or glued with a paper ring. It is best to round the edges of the accordion - cut out something like a petal.

Now each blank needs to be turned into a bud - straighten the buds from the accordions you made. The accordions need to be straightened in different directions, and you will see how you can create beautiful paper flowers in just a few seconds.

Then cut the required length of fishing line or thread, and string the buds - your garland is ready.

Another garland option:

Bouquets for decoration

Do you want to make a bouquet of flowers from paper? See photo:

Do you want to learn how to make a tulip? Watch the video and step-by-step photos below on how to make tulips in different ways.

Useful information and several step-by-step master classes

At the very end of the article, download patterns and color templates for cutting. By the way, if you want to make origami out of paper, it is best to use special double-sided paper.

Watch a detailed master class on how to make flowers and plants out of paper using the origami technique - it is not only interesting, but also quite difficult, so don’t expect perfectly made flowers right away, you will have to try a little to make paper flowers with your own hands.

Also, flower stencils will be useful to you if you make large paper flowers of complex shapes - the same tulip or rose is more convenient to assemble from a special shape of petals.

Try making large paper ones - just collect a huge rosebud according to this master class (see photo below on how to make flowers lush and beautiful).

Here are templates of large flowers for cutting out of paper:

And here are the step-by-step photos:

How to make flowers for children? Try to minimize any risks - for example, do not let children work with adult scissors, prepare the wire in advance and make sure that children are disciplined.

Learn how to make paper flowers with your own hands using coffee filters or napkins - a thin and fragile napkin looks almost like a real petal, you just need to give it a shape and collect the bud.

This video shows how to make a paper flower for beginners.

A few inspiring photos - see how beautifully you can decorate your holiday with camellias or roses.

Try making voluminous paper flowers with your own hands using cardboard or thick paper - even a child can handle this technique.

Another option for a simple flower:

Leaf templates:

Learn how to make flowers out of paper, a master class on the technique of soaking paper - such products look almost like the real thing!

Now you know several ways to make spectacular and expressive flowers from colored or even regular glossy paper, which means you can easily put together a chic bouquet, make accessories for a photo shoot, or even just decorate a room for a party.

Use the diagrams to make a tulip or other flowers - you need to print them out, cut them out, and then trace them like a pattern.

Templates of leaves and petals for different flowers:

If you want to show your imagination, then try tinting the finished products with a thin brush using the watercolor technique - with veins, the flowers will look even more elegant and interesting.

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Modern children receive sneakers or boots with Velcro for their use, without...
Children's makeup for Halloween The process of creating makeup Skeleton for a guy for Halloween
Makeup plays a huge role for a person when celebrating Halloween. He's the one...
Which oil is most effective and beneficial for eyelash growth, oil in the pharmacy for eyelashes
Probably every woman in the world knows that one of the main secrets of the mysterious and...