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Shatush for dark ones. Shatush for medium and long hair - add depth and volume to the hairstyle

Today, a large number of different colors have appeared. And if earlier it was possible to add light strands only with the help of highlighting, today technology allows us to change the color in a less gentle way and at the same time get a rather interesting and beautiful transition. In coloring, hairdressers can use shatush, ombre, balayage and others techniques.

What is shatush

Shatush is one of the popular coloring techniques, which consists of lightening with a smooth transition to darker shades. In this case, the dye is applied to strands of different thicknesses, retreating a considerable distance from the roots. Due to the fact that approximately half of the hair length is dyed, the procedure can be repeated approximately once every 3 months.

Most often, curls of medium length or longer are subjected to this coloring. Only an experienced craftsman can make short shatush.

Features of shatush for short hair

Shatush is a technique that allows you to change the shade, but at the same time the color remains more natural. If you have to dye short hair, the result will no longer be the same. The difference will be much more visible. Therefore, if you have short hair and you definitely want this method of changing color, then it is better to turn to a real professional. But just keep in mind that the result will differ from the photographs in which this technique is presented.

Who is it suitable for?

This method of coloring looks most successful on those who have naturally light shades, such as light brown, blond, or brown-haired. For those who have darker colors, one of the varieties of shatush - Californian highlighting - will be great. And of course, it is best suited for long and medium hair.

This technique is also chosen by women who already have gray hair. But it is suitable only for those whose gray hair accounts for no more than 30%.

Shatush will also help add a little volume to your curls if they are naturally thin and not very thick.

Palette of shades for shatush

So, the shades for it may vary. It all depends on the original color:

The following shades are best suited for shatusha light and brown hair:

  • pearl;
  • wheat;
  • beige;
  • ashen;
  • walnut;
  • caramel;
  • golden.

The following shades are suitable for dark hair:

  1. walnut;
  2. wheat;
  3. light brown;
  4. chestnut;
  5. golden;
  6. honey

Shatush for light and dark short hair

For those with dark hair, you can choose shades that are slightly lighter than the original color, about 2-3 tones. Then the result will be more natural.

Blondes can experiment with colors and choose darker tones.

For those who have light brown hair, you can make shatush with both light and dark dyes.

How to do it

Staining using this technique is performed in two ways. You can backcomb it before applying paint, or you can do it without it.

What is necessary:

  • paint – 2-3 packages, depending on the number of shades chosen;
  • toning agent, if necessary;
  • brush for applying paint;
  • comb;
  • gloves.

Hair preparation

You need to prepare your hair for coloring long before this day. In about 2-3 weeks you need to do the following:

  • During the entire preparation period, make masks 2-3 times a week. Nourishing, moisturizing, vitamin, any;
  • Also during this period it is advisable to contact go to the hairdresser and trim split ends;
  • Wash your hair 2 days before staining;
  • On the day of dye application you cannot use various styling products;
  • If the main length needs painting, then first you need to paint the entire length in the base color. You can start shatush after 1-2 weeks.


Let's look at how dyeing is done using this brushed technique:

  1. Comb your curls and highlight a few strands. The width of each of them should be no more than 2-3 cm;
  2. Now you need to comb each of the selected strands;
  3. Once everything is prepared, you can start mixing paint or brightener with an oxidizing agent. If you have thin hair, then you are recommended to use an oxidizing agent of 3%, and if you have thick hair, then you can use 6.9 or 12%;
  4. Next, apply the paint with a special brush to the prepared strands. The paint should be applied a few centimeters away from the roots. You can dye the strands from the middle to the very ends.
  5. Apply the coloring composition carefully. Strands near the face can be lightened more strongly and along the entire length. This method will slightly refresh your complexion;
  6. Now leave the paint for the time indicated on the package, or watch it as it goes. Everything will still depend on the base color and quality of the hair:
  7. After you wash off the paint, you need to apply a tinting agent. In this case, the product must be rubbed well into colored hair;
  8. The toner should remain for about 15 minutes., then it needs to be washed off;
  9. Apply a balm or mask after the toner. But only this time you need to keep these products for about 10 minutes and then rinse off.

The shatush technique without backcombing differs from the previous one in that you are unlikely to be able to perform it at home. This option requires the hand of a master.

What colors are suitable

The shades that suit this or that color are listed above. But if you want to completely change the color, then you need to start from the main color that you get and then select shades for the shatush.

If coloring occurs during the warm season, then keep in mind that the strands closer to the face quickly fade in the sun. The part of the hairstyle at the back of the head practically does not change its color under the influence of the sun.

The paint for the shatush, or rather the brightener, is chosen by the master himself, who will carry out the entire procedure. On your own, you can choose the brand that you have trusted for a long time. But if you have not used a clarifier yet, then first do a sensitivity test. Masters in salons use Estelle, Matrix, L'Oreal and others paints.


Since during the procedure the strands are lightened, which means they become drier, they require special care afterward:

  • Replace your usual shampoo and conditioner with those designed for colored hair;
  • For dry hair, styling products that contain silicone are recommended. They will perfectly protect your curls;
  • Continue making nourishing masks;
  • Try to use a hair dryer and straightener less often for styling;
  • Cover your head in the sun to prevent your hair from drying out even more.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages include:

  1. It is not necessary to maintain coloring every month;
  2. the change in shade is noticeable, but the transition is very smooth;
  3. Suitable for those who do not want to lighten completely due to existing gray hair;
  4. one of the most gentle ways to lighten curls.

The disadvantages include the following:

  1. does not look good on short hairstyles;
  2. not suitable for blondes, or rather not so noticeable.

If you want changes, but do not want to radically change the color, then shatush is an excellent option in this case. But if you still have short hair, then you should pay attention to other dyeing methods.

And due to the fact that some of the hair is bleached, caring for it after this procedure will differ significantly from what you are used to. Therefore, be prepared to change most shampoos and conditioners. But you will undoubtedly like the result of professional coloring and proper care.

Today, when naturalness and naturalness are in fashion, a shatush for light brown hair will be an excellent decoration for your look. This technique managed to conquer fashionistas in a very short time. Today, Hollywood actresses and ordinary girls who want to be in trend flaunt their shatush.

What is a shatush?

This is one of the new techniques that creates the effect of burnt strands. It all looks as if you just returned from some hot countries, especially if your skin is very tanned.

The shatush technique, which goes well with light brown hair, has several significant advantages:

  • Makes the face fresher and younger;
  • Adds volume to strands;
  • Emphasizes the naturalness and depth of the native color;
  • Doesn’t harm your hair too much - when dyeing a light brown base, you can use dyes without ammonia. And the minimal harm that remains after the procedure can be quickly and easily eliminated by a balm and a mask;
  • Does not require frequent corrections, because it does not affect the roots. You can update the shade no more than once every 3-4 months. By the way, from a financial point of view this is also a very profitable solution;
  • Shatush takes much less time than other types of highlighting. For medium-length hair, it will take from 40 to 60 minutes;
  • This technique is available at home, as it does not require any special accessories. True, you will have to enlist outside help;
  • Shatush allows you to grow length and aesthetically cover growing roots;
  • This is also a great option for girls who are treating curls.

Experts say that you can create the shatush effect only on long strands or shoulder-length hair. But many girls take the risk of doing this coloring even on a fairly short length - it turns out well.

What shades suit fair-haired people?

Dyeing shatush on light brown hair depends entirely on the shade you choose. The color should not be too contrasting - fair-haired people are advised to lighten the ends of their hair by a maximum of 2-3 tones. The lighter the hair, the smaller the degree of difference should be.

The following colors look best on light brown strands:

  • Wheat;
  • Amber;
  • Honey;
  • Walnut;
  • Beige;
  • Ashen;
  • Golden;
  • Pearl.

But it is better to refuse outright blonde and cold platinum, because the main principle of shatush remains naturalness.

When choosing the shade of the shatush, pay attention to your color type. For girls with a southern-type appearance, we recommend taking a closer look at golden tones. For those who have very fair skin, it is better to choose an ashy shade, and dye the strands near the face in any light color.

How to prepare your hair for the procedure?

If you decide to make shatush on light or dark brown hair, do not be lazy to prepare it for the dyeing procedure in advance (about 3 weeks in advance).

The preparatory stage includes several steps.

  • Step 1. Take a course of moisturizing masks aimed at improving the structure of the strands.
  • Step 2. Do not wash your hair a few days before the procedure. Firstly, the paint will adhere better. Secondly, the film remaining on the hair will protect it from the negative effects of the dye.
  • Step 3. Also stop using styling products.
  • Step 4. It is better to do the haircut in advance - unevenly colored split ends will give your hairstyle a not very neat look.
  • Step 5. If necessary, even out the hair color by dyeing it in a base tone.
  • Step 6: Take an allergy test.

Types and technology of shatush

Shatush hair coloring can be done in two ways:

  1. Backcombed (classic technique) - involves dividing the hair into many thin strands, on which a backcomb is then created. It is this that allows you to achieve smooth color stretching.
  2. Without backcombing (open technique) - a more gentle method. The master does the shading with a brush, applying a special bleaching agent to the strands. It is prepared individually, taking into account the final result and the client’s hair type.

Shatush at home

To make a shatush on light brown hair, prepare all the necessary materials:

  • Paint for tinting;
  • Clarifier;
  • Comb;
  • Thin comb;
  • Towel.

Shatush is performed as follows:

  1. Separate the lower part of your hair with a horizontal parting.
  2. Secure the remaining hair with a clip so that it does not interfere.
  3. In a chaotic manner, select several thin strands (1.5-2 cm).
  4. Comb them well. It is extremely difficult to make a shatush yourself without backcombing!
  5. Apply the lightening composition to them in short strokes, stepping back a few centimeters from the roots. It depends on the length. On medium hair – at least 5 cm.
  6. Repeat the procedure with the remaining hair.
  7. Wait 10 to 40 minutes. The exposure time of the composition directly depends on the effect you want to achieve. If you need to greatly lighten the ends, keep the mixture on longer. If you prefer more natural shades, 10 minutes is enough. To see the result, soak a cotton sponge in water and remove the dye from the strand. If necessary, extend the staining time.
  8. Rinse off the coloring composition.
  9. Tint your hair to the chosen shade (not necessary, you can just lighten it). This procedure is supported by the fact that subsequent processing of the strands closes the scales that opened after lightening and makes the hair smooth and soft to the touch.
  10. Wait 10-15 minutes.
  11. Wash your hair with shampoo for colored hair and conditioner.

Important! Some hairdressers wrap strands in foil, others don't. You decide!

How to care for your hair after dyeing?

Caring for colored strands involves standard procedures:

  • To wash, use special products for damaged or colored hair;
  • Regularly lubricate colored ends with masks and natural oils;
  • Don't forget to trim off split ends.

Any representative of the fair sex wants to be beautiful and attractive. Hair in this sense is far from in last place. Often, when a woman wants to change something in her appearance, the first thing she does is change her hairstyle.

Star curls result
medium length before and after

Today's material will be useful to owners of dark hair, since we will talk about dyeing shatush on black hair.

Description of the technique

Probably, each of us has tried to dye our hair at least once. Most often, the choice of paint falls on natural colors, but some original people have tried bright shades: pink, blue, green, etc.

But few people have heard about staining shatush, so the question arises: “What is it?”

Shatush is a special way of coloring hair, which includes elements from other techniques, for example, ombre, balayage and highlighting. However, unlike the others, using the shatush method on black or any other hair, the natural effect of sun-bleached strands is achieved, the result can be seen in the photo.

Achieving this effect requires the use of two close shades, creating the impression of beautiful strands with tints of color.

Real effect

For fair-haired beauties, the coloring procedure is not accompanied by prohibitions. Whatever shade they choose, be it fiery red or jet black, it will cover the strands perfectly and will last a long time.

Owners of dark curls experience certain difficulties in coloring, since their natural shade is rich and difficult to “beat” with a dye of a different color. Probably, having learned about this procedure, you asked yourself: “Is it possible to do shatush on black hair?”

We hasten to please you - yes, it is possible. However, there are features and subtleties; you need to familiarize yourself with the rules of acceptance before staining.

  1. First of all, you need to choose the right lightener; only with it is it possible to lighten the strands and subsequently fill them with the necessary paint pigments.
  2. We also advise you to take the choice of shade seriously. It depends on the desired result. If you want your curls to look lighter and more natural, or want to refresh your look with coloring, then give preference to light shades that contrast with the color of the main body of your hair. Looks good in shades of silver, chocolate, copper, caramel. Moreover, these colors can work wonders, making a woman visually 5 years younger.
  3. Lovers of brighter, extravagant images also have something to please. They should consider coloring options in red, burgundy, red, and pink. In combination with initially dark hair, this image looks very unusual and memorable.

It must be added that the factor of previous staining is important. If you dye shatush on black dyed hair, you can sometimes get unexpected shades.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages include:

  • change the image without changing the main color of the hair;
  • quick effect;
  • a recent fashionable trend;
  • Smooth color transitions create an elegant, sophisticated look.

The disadvantages of coloring are as follows:

  • loss of effect on growing curls;
  • the need to tint growing hairs;
  • the likelihood of spoiling the ends if painting is done incorrectly;
  • a sudden transition from one color to another can erase the desired effect.

Execution in steps

You don’t have to go to an expensive salon, because you can achieve the same result at home. We will help you master the technique to color your hair yourself.

You will need:

  • bowl (not made of metal);
  • brush;
  • clamps;
  • plastic gloves;
  • comb;
  • clarifier;
  • coloring composition;
  • cape or towel.

Now that everything is ready, you can refer to the step-by-step instructions with photos:

  1. Dirty hair should be dyed 3-4 days after washing, so the dye will adhere better. Lightly moisten the curls with warm water.
  2. Divide into several parts and secure with hairpins.
  3. We read the instructions for the clarifier and mix the powder and liquid according to the recommendations.
  4. We apply the finished composition to the hair and wait the prescribed amount of time.
  5. After expiration, rinse the composition from the strands, blot and dry naturally.
  6. We put on a cape, squeeze the paint into a bowl, and spread it evenly over the hair with a brush.
  7. After waiting the right time, wash off with warm water without using shampoo.
  8. Dry and lay.

Regardless of whether you did the shatush on a bob or on long curls, you need to take care to preserve the color. We recommend using special care products for colored hair: balms, masks, shampoos.

Hidden cons

A beautiful woman is distinguished by her ability to hide her shortcomings, turning them into advantages. Knowing how to correctly present yourself, you can always remain well-groomed and attractive.

Dyeing your hair can be not only a way to change your image, but also an opportunity to hide some minor flaws in your appearance.

Let's see in what situations this type of coloring can help:

  • If you have too thin hair, shatush is a good option. A smooth transition from dark to light color gives volume to the hair. The pomp of the hairstyle is ensured by the absence of a clear boundary between shades;
  • With age, gray hair may appear, coloring shatush effectively masks the first signs, see the photos “before” and “after” coloring;
  • For those who dream of long curls, but have not yet had time to grow them, this type of coloring can also help.

Able to create a visual lengthening effect thanks to the light shade at the tips.

“Shatush is an effective dyeing technique using color stretching with the obligatory backcombing of the hair”

Naturalness in makeup and hair coloring is the number one modern trend. The beauty of the shatush dyeing technique fully meets all fashionable requirements. The effect of sun-bleached hair is achieved by a smooth transition from dark roots to light strands along the entire remaining length of the hair.

1 The difference between shatush and highlighting, ombre, balayage techniques

It is difficult for a layman to appreciate the difference between these similar techniques. All of them are used to give a natural, as natural as possible hair tone with a beautiful sunburn effect. In each of them, the end result is a contrast of dark roots and light ends.

  • The elegance of shatush and its difference from the traditional one highlighting, including Californian highlighting, is the technology of stretching the paint that the hairdresser uses.
  • From dyeing method ombre Shatush is distinguished by its chaos and lack of noticeable gradation.
  • Balayage- this is the golden mean between the two previous techniques: there are also contrasting ends of the hair, but the coloring will be done vertically, and the lower part stands out more dramatically.

2 Blondes, brunettes, brown-haired women - who should choose the shatush?

Before moving on to the basic hair shades, let me touch on an important point - hair length. There is one indispensable condition: in order for the shatush to demonstrate all its beauty and charm, it must be worn on long or medium-length hair. On short ones, there will simply be no room for him to disperse, and the result may very much upset you - you will end up with neither two nor one and a half. For those who like haircuts such as bob, lob or bob, it is better not to risk a full-fledged shatush. But there are secrets for short hair- about them a little below.

  • Another limitation, quite unexpected, but true, is bright red hair shade. On them, the shatush will look, if not indistinct, then simply inappropriate. And repainting such an amazing color is almost blasphemy. But if you really want to, you will have to resort to tinting both the roots and ends - however, this process is complex, and you should not do it yourself at home, the experience may be unsuccessful.
  • You have the best luck with shatush brunettes And brown-haired women. It will not be difficult for the hairdresser and you to choose from the mass of shades the one that suits and pleases you. Lightened curls can rejuvenate and soften the look - a definite plus.
  • To the owners fair-haired And dark blond Hair, too, should not be ignored - the gentle contrast will give your curls and you expressiveness and brightness.
  • Golden blondes It is recommended to abandon the shatush and turn your attention to a technique with similar results - California highlighting. Or, as in the case of red-haired girls, do toning.
  • For blondes An experienced master will advise you to go through the coloring step by step: on top of the roots, make the natural or already colored color darker, and lighten the remaining strands. In total, for blondes using the shatush technique, no more than two shades should be used.

3 Why should you choose coloring of shatush?

First of all, because of its versatility: coloring for any age, type and, with a few exceptions, hair color. One "but". This dyeing method is not so easy to do at home. Even if you have all the techniques, step-by-step instructions and a video tutorial on hand, it is better to turn to a master of his craft to look like a luxury model.

Otherwise, the technology has no disadvantages, and it’s time to move on to the advantages.

  • Saving time and money. The process of lightening the strands will be simple, quick and long-lasting. You will leave the hairdresser in a maximum of 2 hours, and you don’t have to rush back there to refresh your shade. On average, having paid once for painting, a repeat visit can be postponed for 3-4 months.
  • Gentle on hair. Due to the fact that the technique, as a rule, does not involve applying dye or powder directly to the hair roots, their hair follicles do not suffer, and the hair remains healthy and shiny. For those who have thin or curly hair, this is the best option.
  • Extra shine and volume. The effect is visual, but extremely necessary to give thin hair volume, and faded hair - liveliness and brightness.
  • Beautiful hairstyle with a minimum of effort. Shatush dyeing looks great on both straight and slightly curled hair. Even the classic ponytail will sparkle in a new way.
  • How about gray hair? If you no longer want to completely dye your gray hair every month, play up its gray color with darker shades of platinum or other suitable tones, depending on the tone of your face - gray hair will simply get lost against the backdrop of shiny multi-colored strands.
  • Overgrown roots are no longer a vice. With professionally bleached strands below the roots, you no longer need to make an appointment at the hairdresser after every paycheck. And worry about your “imperfection”.
  • Hiding flaws and emphasizing advantages. Dark strands framing the face at eye level emphasize their depth and make them more expressive. Longer blonde strands have a rejuvenating effect. And the playful mixture of shades distracts from such skin imperfections as unevenness, wrinkles, double chin or minor redness.

“For successful coloring of shatush, avoid strong contrast between the color of the roots and ends of the hair.”


For brown-haired women, the following shades are suitable for lightening strands: coffee-milk, dark beige, hazelnut color. Red tones - titian, amber, shades of honey and bronze - are magnificent, but they should be chosen by those who can boast of a good complexion and clear, fair skin (autumn color type).

Coffee and chocolate tones, shades of eggplant and ripe cherry are suitable for brunettes. Experiment with cold - platinum, dark ash - shades (winter color type).


The closer to the natural hair color, the better - ash and wheat tones on lightened areas of the hair will allow you to achieve that very coveted effect of burnt hair. At the same time, naturally somewhat dull ash-blond hair will be refreshed.

6 Dyeing shatush on blond hair

Platinum blonde and pearl shade are the choice of fair-haired ladies. You can’t do without milky-pearl, wheat and golden shades.

7 Shatush dyeing for short hair

A full-fledged shatush for short hair is difficult to achieve due to lack of length, but it is possible. To do this, it is enough to lighten the strands framing the face or emphasize the bangs.


If you decide to paint yourself or with the help of a friend at home, choose a backcombing technique. Purchase dye or powder and then tint with ammonia-free paint. A few weeks before dyeing, try to give your hair extra attention and care: strengthening masks, washes with keratin, and do not wash your hair for 3-4 days to protect your hair and improve coloring.

  1. Dilute the dye according to the instructions.
  2. Divide the hair strands into four parts - at the temples, on the crown and back of the head, secure with hairpins or clips.
  3. Now select 2 centimeter strands from each bunch. Step back from the roots - approximately 7-10 centimeters - and from this distance to the ends, comb your hair with a comb.
  4. The dye (or powder) should be applied to the combed area of ​​the hair using sharp strokes. Then they need to be shaded with a brush or gloved fingers.
  5. Leave the dye on your hair for the period specified in the instructions, but try to take a closer look at the degree of lightening yourself.
  6. If you've been working with powder, it's time to start tinting.
  7. After time has passed, rinse the dye from your hair, wash it with shampoo and soften your hair with conditioner.

9 Shatush: Before and After photos

10 Shatush - hair coloring at home - video

11 Shatush - video lessons

Recently, among the fairer sex, a fashion trend has emerged - the appearance should be as natural as possible and not attract undue attention - tons of makeup on the face, defiant and clearly visible to the naked eye, hair color. In this article we will talk about the Shatush hair coloring technique for red hair and all the subtleties of its implementation.

What's happened

What shades and colors are suitable

In order to make Shatush for red or red hair, the first thing you will need to decide on is the color. An excellent solution would be a bright combination of honey and caramel shades, Golden tones also look great, combined with bright red, for girls with peachy skin tones.

Advice. If you are making Shatush for the first time, it is best to use standard bright gold and red tones.

Types and technique of coloring

The main types of Shatush coloring, which are suitable for red and red hair, are: classic coloring with combing and more complex - without combing.

For that to make a classic Shatush with fleece, you will need the following:

  1. Divide all the hair into small strands, it is important that they are thin and practically indistinguishable from one another. Then each of them needs to be combed.
  2. Step back a few centimeters from the roots and apply a lightening ingredient to the surface. The paint should be stretched from top to bottom, thereby making a smooth and imperceptible transition. For a more pronounced color, you need to do less backcombing so that the paint spreads better and colors most of the strands.
  3. After you have applied the paint, you must wait for a certain time, which is indicated on the package, and then rinse off.
  4. The final stage is tinting, which gives a more saturated color. The toning agent is applied to the hair and washed off after the specified time. In some cases, this point can be avoided, it all depends on your wishes and how satisfied you are with the original color.

In order to make Shatush without backcombing, it is recommended to contact a specialist, due to the fact that the paint is applied to smaller strands and requires care.

This way you can provide a less noticeable transition and create a distinct tonality.

Features of care after coloring After dyeing, you need to take care of your hair. For this you need to purchase hair care products - special shampoos, balms, masks.

Various masks that are made on a kefir and oil basis are considered a good way to maintain color.

You can find out more about how to restore your hair after dyeing on our website.

This method of hair coloring is used by many show business stars, simply successful women and girls, and you can easily become one of them. Looking through the photos, you can see that Shatush looks attractive and interesting on red and red hair - make your dreams come true and enjoy new looks.

Useful videos

Fashionable coloring techniques.

Dyeing shatush for light brown hair.

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